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Author Topic: Writerjunkie's one-shot(UPDATE 1/2) Delusion  (Read 32369 times)

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Writerjunkie's one-shot(UPDATE 1/2) Delusion
« on: April 05, 2009, 12:10:05 AM »
Title: My Everything

Notes: I have the love scene into detail but I want to make sure it's all set and ready to show everyone. Once it is just ask for it and I will email it to you. =)

“Ai, we have to talk about this!”

I rest my head against the bathroom door and sigh. I’ve screwed up big time. I never meant for this to happen. It’s all a big mistake. What will happen between us? What if everyone finds out and Tsunku-san hears about it? It would be the end of my career. I don’t want to leave Morning Musume! I like it. Then there will be a huge uproar and I’ll be all over the papers. It’ll be a disgrace. Things aren’t looking good. Everything is going terribly wrong. I close my eyes tight and focus on my breathing to try and get rid of these frightening thoughts. Everything is going to change now. Risa bangs on the door again, rapidly. I open my eyes and step back. I really don’t want to talk right now. I want to run and hide never to be heard of again.

“Go away! It’s bad enough as it is, Risa.”

“Ai, if we don’t talk it’ll get worse.” The knocking stops.

“There’s nothing to talk about! We were drunk it’s nothing but a mistake.”

There’s a sudden long pause. I’m such an idiot! Can’t I learn to think? I unlock the door and step out. Risa stands in the middle of the room silent. I have to say something, but what? There’s no way I can make things right now.

“Risa, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to,”

“Don’t say anything, Ai.” She snaps

Her eyes shine with disappointment and sorrow. I lick my lips, nervously and look to my feet. What else should I say? This silence is unbearable.

“Risa, if we continue this something bad is bound to happen. My career is really important to me you know?” I take a deep breath and sigh. “And I…I hope we can remain friends.”

I know this is the last thing she wants to hear and I have no idea why I said it. Its just instincts I suppose. She doesn’t say a word. Instead, she cries. Her face is stained with tears. Her shoulders sink and her body shakes. I can’t help, but feel guilty seeing her like this. I can’t lose her as a friend! We’ve been through so much together. I can’t let our friendship end. It’s just as important to me as my career. I walk over to try and give her some comfort. I don’t touch her though. I’m afraid she might snap if I do.

“Gaki-san, please try to,”

“Get out.” She says, in the faintest voice. My eyes open wide in shock. I’ve never seen her this cruel.

“I’m sorry I,”

“I said get out!”

She starts hitting my chest and pushing me. I have no choice but to leave. I make a dash for the door and go into the hotel lobby. It’s a good thing I got dressed in the bathroom first or else I would be in the hallway naked for everyone to see. Who does she think she is any way? She can’t kick me out of my own room! But it’s just happened and here I am. I shouldn’t be mad at her though. She’s hurt and it’s all because of me. And I’m not sure on how to deal with both this and our disappearing friendship- a friendship that’s lasted for eight years. There’s so much at stake right now and I just might lose everything. Why did I have to be so drunk last night? I can’t remember a thing. I remember buying a few drinks with Risa and we went to my room after, but that’s all I can remember. My mind goes blank after. Then the next day; BAM I wake up naked with Risa in my bed also naked. I just can’t seem to wrap my mind around that still- some morning to wake up to. It just might get worse further into the day. I walk down the hall in pain. My body is so sore. It’s covered in scratch marks and hickeys. Marks Risa left behind. My body shivers at the thought of her hands touching me and caressing me. I managed to cover the hickeys on my neck with make-up thankfully. I could use some rest though. I’m all worn out, but where do I go? I got thrown out of my own room. I continue to wander down the hall with no idea on where to go. And on top of that, I keep picturing Risa kissing me in places where the hickeys are left behind. Ah stop that!

“Hi Ai-chan-whoa! What the hell happened to you?” Reina asked

I jump then blush and look down embarrassed. Don’t ask me questions!

“It’s kind of hard to explain.”

“Are you ok?”

“I’m fine, just really tired.”

Please don’t ask any more questions. I’m in no mood to talk or answer them. I have too much crap going on right now. Between Risa and my own ever-growing questions about what’s going on is making my head about to explode.

“I can tell. Your bags have bags and your hair looks like it got in a fight with the hairdryer and it won.” She frowns “Maybe you should do back to bed.”

“I can’t. I kind of got kicked out.”

Don’t ask about that either! Her face scrunches up in confusion then she sighs and shakes her head.

“Whatever, I won’t ask. Look, if you need a place to sleep you can use my room. We got a whole week off so I’ll mostly be at Eri’s place with her and Sayu.” She hands me the keys

“Thanks.” I take them and head to her room

When I get inside I slap my forehead. We have a whole week off?! That means there’s no way I can avoid Risa. The girls will want to go out with us. If I say no they’ll ask questions. Ah! I’ll worry about that tomorrow. I really need to sleep. I flop down on to Reina’s bed and sigh. I almost instantly go to sleep. I’ll worry about everything tomorrow.


Who ever knew a whole week could move so slowly! It’s torture! I was able to stay away from Risa for two days, but the third day everyone is catching on. Since we’re best friends we’re around each other a lot so they’re use to us together talking and laughing. And things got even fishier to the girls when Risa denied Eri’s offer to come have dinner at her house later on tonight with Reina and her. Risa stays in her room almost all day and when she leaves, she has on this expression as if she’s broken. My stomach turns and twists every time I see it because I know it’s there from me. I don’t do anything though. I just hide and ignore the fact that she’s hurt. I roll on to my side and glance at my alarm clock. It’s only seven and I’m already in bed. I can’t sleep. Her scent is everywhere. My whole bed smells like her. It’s a sweet and soft fragrance, but it brings such torment to me. It haunts me and taunts me. I close my eyes tight to try and sleep again. My head floods with a vision the second my eyes close.


I run my hand up Risa’s stomach daintily, while my other hand travels down her stomach slowly with only one destination in mind. She pants calling out my name in pleasure, begging for more. For me to touch her in places I shouldn’t. And I obey. I explore her body and trail my tongue down pass her belly button to meet up where my hand is.

I open my eyes and look around me. I run a shaky hand through my hair and exhale. I lift up my shirt and trace a finger over the red marks on my skin. I can’t ignore her. She’s everywhere. She’s captured me and won’t let me go. She won’t let me forget. I can’t sleep. I have this strange feeling inside of me. This is sort of…a good feeling? It’s like I’m flying or overwhelmed with joy. I shouldn’t have such feeling in a situation like this. I don’t understand what’s going on with me. The pit of my stomach burns because of it, but not in a painful way. It’s pleasant and warm. I put a hand over my stomach to try and control it. I sigh and close my eyes. With my eyes closed I can feel the sensation more clearly. I close my eyes tighter as if that will make it go away. It just makes the feeling stronger. Dark images start to form. It’s faint and it’s blurry at first, but it gradually changes. It becomes more detailed and distinct. I see a form of a person. Then I can see a face, her smiling face. I can see her innocent eyes shining directly at me. My heart starts to race and I can feel myself sweat. I have this strong urge to…kiss her. I want to make her mine. I open my eyes, panicked and look around me. It’s all in my head. Risa isn’t here. It’s just a stupid dream. But I’m awake. Was I daydreaming about her? I don’t know if I should be happy about that or angry. I run a tired hand down my face. I shouldn’t be thinking about her. She’s my best friend. I turn to the ceiling to face another sleepless night. I don’t know when I’ll be able to rest.


Another two days of ducking and dodging. And I still can’t sleep. Everyone is worrying. They won’t stop nagging me with questions. Risa and I still haven’t talked and I’ve lost my urge to get completely drunk again. It looks like another night of mopping, but first I need a shower. I smell really bad like beer and smoke from the bar. I walk into the hotel and down the hall. I head to my room, but not without bumping into Risa. Oh just my night. We stare at each other for a while. The tension is thick and nerve wrecking. I know we should talk, but I really don’t want to. I want to avoid it for the rest of my life, but Risa will never let that happen.

“Ai, we have to,”

“Talk?” I finish for her

She’s silent again and I’m not sure how long this will be. I turn to my door and unlock it. I’ll do what I have been doing for days…ignore it. I can’t face it yet. I never can. I don’t want to remember the night we spent together drunk.

“I have nothing to say.” I say this so coldly it even surprises me. There’s no backing down now though. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

But I do! Ai-chan, I can’t pretend! I can’t forget what we did.”

I spin around and glare at her. I told her I don’t want to talk. That doesn’t mean she can scream what she wants to say about our night into the hall for others to hear. What’s wrong with her? She steps up to me and grabs my arm. I shrug it off and push her. She nearly falls. Can’t she understand?!

“I said I don’t want to.”

Her eyes flood with water and I go back to my door to open it. Everything inside of me feels like it’s torn up and burning. It’s like someone stabbed me.

“Go away Risa.”

I step inside and close the door, but something stops me. I go to see what it is. Risa has her foot in the doorway. Her face is still wet with tears. I feel myself become really angry and I open the door then grab her by the collar of her shirt. I yank her inside and close the door. I bang her into a wall while keeping my hold strong.

“What’s wrong with you?! Can’t you learn to leave me alone?! Whatever happened that night is pointless. It meant NOTHING. Do you hear me?! Nothing!” I shake her a few times to get a reply. She cries harder.

“You’re wrong!”

That isn’t the answer I want. She isn’t helping.

“It meant EVERYTHING to me.”

My grip loosens. I feel all these unsettling feelings awaken inside of me. She puts both hands over the hands clutching her shirt. My fingers start to shake at the touch of her soft skin against me. I let out a small breath. I feel my face soften to a scared expression.

“I’m in love with you.”

I let her go like I was just shocked by ten thousands bolts of lightening. I jog to my room. I can hear her running after me. Why won’t she leave me alone? This will do nothing. She has to drop it. Forget like I did. But did I really forget? Or I believe that I did. Am I tricking myself? I’m not in denial! I’m not. I’m very sure of myself in this situation!

“You don’t know what you’re saying.” I face the window to try and ignore her. “Two girls can never love each other.”

“I’m not a child anymore Ai! I know what I feel and I love,”

I turn around. “Don’t say it! Don’t EVER say that.” I sigh to try and calm down a little. “Do you have any idea how wrong this is?”

I go over and grab her shoulders. She flinches. “You’re my best friend. If this goes more than…whatever we have it’ll be the end of our career!”

She’s crying endlessly. I feel a single tear trickle down my face. I don’t know why I’m crying, but I am and I can’t stop it. I feel her body quiver, but the look in her eyes is unreadable. I stare at her to try and figure out what she has planned. And it happens all too fast. Her lips go against mine and we kiss, heatedly. My mouth opens and she takes full advantage to slip her tongue inside. It doesn’t surprise me. I thrust my tongue into her mouth and shift my hands to her waist. She taste like honey. This feels all too familiar. She moans and parts for air. I exhale slowly. I kiss her one last time and walk her to the bed. We fall back gently and I move so that I’m laying on my side next to her. I gaze into her eyes and wipe away her tear. I stopped thinking the second she kissed me. I let my emotions take over. I pour everything I feel into our kisses and simple touches. Maybe I am tricking myself after all.


I fall back into my bed covered in my own sweat. Risa kisses my temple. I’m too weak to move. My body is limp. She joins me on the bed. She pulls the sheets up to us and cuddles against me. She gives a quick peck on my cheek.

“I love you Ai-chan.”

I look at her and smile. She can say that whenever wants. It just feels right to hear her say this. It makes me quake with joy. My tired arms wrap around her waist, firmly. She buries her face into my neck.

“I love you too.” I feel her smile into me. We lay in silence as I wait to get some of my energy back. I can barely talk. I take a deep breath before talking again.

“So…does this mean we’re dating now?”

She laughs and nods. I can accept that. Forget about how it’s forbidden. I’ll have to take the risk of getting caught. I can deal with the consequences later, because she’s worth it. She’s worth everything.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2011, 04:53:41 AM by writerjunkie »

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Re: My Everything [one-shot] (takagaki)
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2009, 12:59:45 AM »
TakaGaki! Man, you're just cranking out these awesome one shots.

What's this? A perv exists? I hereby request said scene. :D

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Re: My Everything [one-shot] (takagaki)
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2009, 01:07:23 AM »
lol yep I'm feeling a bit creative. I'm glad you like my one-shots. They seem to be the only thing I'm good at writing. My chapter fics are ok, but my one-shots are my strong point it seems. I really love your work too! So I'm so glad to have a comment by you for one of my one-shots. Thank you.  :kneelbow: And I'm done with the perv scene so I shall send it to you. lol =)

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Re: My Everything [one-shot] (takagaki)
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2009, 01:09:50 AM »
You know you gotta hook me up with that perv, Junkie~ XD

My heart was breaking and singing with joy all throughout this story. :D So glad Ai-chan came to her senses and realized how real her feelings are!!!

EDIT: Perv was yum. :D
« Last Edit: April 05, 2009, 01:29:32 AM by strawb3rrykream »

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Re: My Everything [one-shot] (takagaki)
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2009, 01:23:50 AM »
lol yep I'm feeling a bit creative. I'm glad you like my one-shots. They seem to be the only thing I'm good at writing. My chapter fics are ok, but my one-shots are my strong point it seems.

I think your chapter fics are equally good! More TanaKame in the near future? :halo:

I really love your work too! So I'm so glad to have a comment by you for one of my one-shots. Thank you.

Lol, I think you might have me confused with someone else. I'm actually not a writer. XD Though I wish I had, I have no such skill. D: I leave the writing to people like you and other authors. :P (So I'm not responsible for symptoms like these--> :bleed eyes:)

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Re: My Everything [one-shot] (takagaki)
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2009, 01:30:41 AM »
lmfao I think I did get you confused. hehe sorry. *blushes* Don't I feel stupid now? =P

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Re: My Everything [one-shot] (takagaki)
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2009, 01:33:37 AM »
WOW writerjunkie.
Just WOW.

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Re: My Everything [one-shot] (takagaki)
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2009, 01:46:11 AM »
wow ..... one of the best fic I ever read XD (no joke)

requesting the "extra" ...  :kneelbow:

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Re: My Everything [one-shot] (takagaki)
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2009, 07:12:28 AM »
No use trying to resist it. Aichan CANNOT deny da raburabu!!! :rockon:

Perv please. ^_^

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: My Everything [one-shot] (takagaki)
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2009, 07:13:11 AM »
Loving this! :heart: :inlove:

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Re: My Everything [one-shot] (takagaki)
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2009, 07:30:41 AM »
This is my favorite one shot of the month :D ... and the month is just beginning  :lol:
A very good work in the characters ...!
I love Takagaki stories

^Requesting the pervy scene onegaiii!!!!  :kneelbow:

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Re: My Everything [one-shot] (takagaki)
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2009, 08:29:05 AM »
matte matte matte kudasai!  :on redcard: :on redcard: :on redcard:

ne, is this only a one-shot??? hmp! :smoke: tis really a good story, i mean it!  :luvluv2: all the drama thingy! haha.....and there it is again, the cool ai-chan!  :luvluv1:

ne, how about making a story where ai-chan's the one chasing over risa....haha :wahaha:

more stories. author-san!  :kneelbow:

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Re: My Everything [one-shot] (takagaki)
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2009, 05:34:54 PM »
that seems like an interesting idea ayase. I might do that once I write out this one-shot I'm working on right now. And again thanks everyone. please look forward to my other fics in the future. =)

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Re: My Everything [one-shot] (takagaki)
« Reply #13 on: April 05, 2009, 07:22:26 PM »
Awesome TakaGaki one shot. I haven't seen enough good fics with this pairing, so this was a joy to read :D

Any chance I could have the perv?

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Re: My Everything [one-shot] (takagaki)
« Reply #14 on: April 05, 2009, 10:41:59 PM »
wow that was amazing I was like  :luvluv1: looking forward to more of your fics.
(could i request the perv too)

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Re: My Everything [one-shot] (takagaki)
« Reply #15 on: April 05, 2009, 10:56:58 PM »

Like ALWAYS my dear Junkie =)

You made an excellente fic   m (_ _) m

My respect to you... *o*

P.S: I want the "love scene" part xD

God!! She knows she's HOT!

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Re: My Everything [one-shot] (takagaki)
« Reply #16 on: April 06, 2009, 12:39:47 AM »
amazing fic, the way you describe ai's conflict is amazing
good work!
looking forward to reading more of your works (:

.. and could i request the additional scene? XD

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Re: My Everything [one-shot] (takagaki)
« Reply #17 on: April 06, 2009, 02:17:01 AM »
 :shocked awesome one-shot!!!

 :kneelbow: request extra please~

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Re: My Everything [one-shot] (takagaki)
« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2009, 08:45:09 AM »
It will be a good Idea xD

It's always people who's behing Ai-chan o_O

But Ai chan have things easy xD no fair =3

I want a TakaGaki where Ai chan is looking over Risa and Risa made it difficult xD

God!! She knows she's HOT!

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Re: My Everything [one-shot] (takagaki)
« Reply #19 on: April 07, 2009, 02:33:17 AM »
Title: One Step At A Time

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” I blush as I see Sayu grinning at me from my bed. “I love you too.” She snickers

I hang up the phone and pout at my smirking friend. That makes her smile even bigger. My face is flushed. I can feel how hot it is.

“Aren’t you and Gaki-san in loveee?”

I blush more and take a seat next to her. I lightly smack her arm then grab a piece of chocolate sitting on the bed in front of me.

“Stop it.” I whine

She rolls over on her side with her head resting on her hand. She has on this mischievous smirk. I don’t like that look. She scoots closer to me and I try to ignore her by staring at the flickering TV. It isn’t turning out so well. I can still feel her eyes on me as if she’s trying to burn a hole through me or move me with her mind. I grab the remote and turn the volume up. I cough and focus to the small lit up screen. Sayu nudges me, but I don’t move. She does it again. Eventually she gets tired of it and snatches the remote then shuts the TV off. I can’t win.

“What is it Sayu?”

She goes shy. She presses her pointer fingers together and pouts.

“Did you and Risa…do it?”

I fall forward off the bed in surprise at such a question. That was unexpected! I crawl back to the bed and peek over the edge.

“Are you ok? I didn’t mean to startle you. I’m just…curious. You’re around her a lot and we barely hang out anymore. So you have to have done it already like a hundred times!”

That is true. We’re having this sleep over to make up for lost time. I’ve been so busy with Risa for weeks that Sayu felt left out. So I took some of my time and spent it with Sayu for a change, but during that time I was with Risa, we haven’t done anything like that. I know Sayu’s my best friend and all but I don’t really want to talk about things like that with her. I nod and make my way back to the bed. I scratch the back of my head nervously and giggle.

“Sayu why are you asking me such a question?”

I’m blushing again.

“Oh come on. It’ll just be between us. I’m your best frienddd. It’s supposed to be a girls night out with just the two of us isn’t it?” She coaxes

“Ah…I don’t know Sayu. I think stuff like this should be kept between Gaki-san and I.”

I’m starting to feel uncomfortable.

“Come onnnn. Eririn!”

I shake my head. I’m not giving in this time. She sighs and sits up. She’s given up? I hope.

“Fine.” She grumbles

I sigh relieved

“Did you two make out?”

My eyes open wide. She laughs then grabs my arm and starts shaking me. She won’t give up will she?

“Eri, you had to have kissed her by now! You’ve been together for two months!”

“Ack…Sayu, stop it!”

She lets me go and I try to get my head straight from all the shaking. I sigh.

“Even Koharu and I done it countless times. This one time when we were in my dressing room after the concert we…”

“I don’t need to know!”

I’m getting horrible images just from thinking about what they possibly could be doing together in that room. I shiver. Out nasty thoughts! Sayu laughs.

“A kiss is a kiss. There’s nothing to hide about it, Eri.”

I fold my arms and shake my head. I’m not telling her this either. Nope. She can’t make me.

“I don’t kiss and tell.”

The room is silent, but Sayu’s dark eyes are still on me. I’m scared of what else she has to ask me. I don’t need things to become TOO personal. I gulp. Sometimes Sayu scares me. She has a dark side I never want to see. She places a finger under her chin as she thinks. Then quickly points a finger at me.

“You never been kissed have you?!” she declares

My mouth opens and I stare at her. I’ve been caught red handed. I close my mouth and look away. I feel like an idiot. I must seem so weird right now. From the way Sayu talks about kissing she must be a pro in that aspect. Her laughter brings me from my daydream. I frown.

“It isn’t funny!”

She doesn’t stop. She laughs at me for a minute then starts to calm down. She pats my shoulder.

“I’m sorry Eri. I didn’t mean to make fun of you.” She apologizes “So I’m guessing since you haven’t even kissed. You didn’t have sex either? What’s next…you haven’t held her hand yet.”

“We’ve held hands just never…kissed. Not even on the cheek!”

“Geez, talk about slow. I know you want to take your time and all Eri, but speed it up a little!”

“Well I…I’m waiting for the right time! I’m just…really shy.” I weakly explain

“This is too much Eri. It’s ok you know. I’m sure Risa wants you to do all these things with her.”

She’s right. I’m making a big deal out of nothing. I frown. Sayu rubs my back to try and cheer me up.

“Have you and Koharu have sex already?” I casually ask

It’s Sayu’s turn to be thrown off guard. She laughs nervously and blushes.

“No, she isn’t ready. Out of all the things we did she wants to take her time.”

I can understand that. I’m like that right now with Gaki-san.

“You and Koharu seem happy together. Do you love her?”

Sayu’s face goes red and she has on a large smile. I smile too, seeing how shy she seems at the mention of her girlfriend. She looks at me and nods.

“I do. I love her.” She easily replies, “She may do strange things, but I learned to like them. She’s…perfect.”

I embrace her into a strong hug. “I’m happy for you Sayu. I feel the same way about Risa. Except she doesn’t do strange things.” I chuckle

“Yeah that’s more like you. Whatever you do don’t try to convince her to have sex in a closet though. It’s just TOO weird.”

“Hey I wouldn’t do that!”

She starts laughing at me again. I have on this small smile and nudge her playfully. We back lay onto the bed. Sayu turns the TV back on and flicks through the channels. She finds a drama that’s showing and we start to watch it. I’m glad we’re done with all the questions about our relationships. But maybe I should take Sayu’s advice into consideration. Tomorrow…I’ll kiss Gaki-san!


“That’s a wrap everyone.” Our dance choreographer announces

Everyone walks to the side and gather their belongings. I sigh. I’m so tired! Dance rehearsal was intense. I can barely feel my legs and arms. I pull out my water in my gym bag and take a large gulp of water.

“Kame, are you ready to go?”

I turn around and see Risa, standing next to the door waiting for me.

“I’m coming.”

I throw my water into the bag and close it. I rush over to Risa’s side. She smiles at me and we walk out the door together. Now’s my chance! I shift my bag to my right arm and reach out for her hand. I put her wrist into a firm lock. She looks at me and I feel nervous again.

“I um…er…”

I don’t know how to start this. I’ll just go for it. I lean in to finally kiss her. She isn’t against it. So that’s a good sign.


I pull back quickly in a panic. Why now?! We turn around. It’s Ai. At least it’s her who finds us.

“I need to go over a few things with you.” She says

Can’t she talk about them later?! I feel the strong urge to frown, but I know that Risa has to do her responsibilities as sub-leader. I’ll never be able to kiss her.

“I’ll be right there.” Risa agrees, she notices my pout and pats the top of my head “I’ll see you soon, ok?”

I nod. She smiles and walks back to the rehearsal room. I’ll have to think of another plan. I walk down the hall. Maybe Sayu can help me.
Today’s the day! I shall kiss Gaki-san! Or intend to and maybe I shouldn’t be announcing it that way. It’s no big deal. But this whole week we’ve been busy with recording and filming our PVs. I couldn’t be around her any longer than a minute. But today…it’s different. It’ll change. Today we get to go out with our friends and we’re all going to a restaurant. What is it like a…triple date instead of a double date? That’s new. But it means since everyone will be couple-y I can be too with Gaki-san.

“Eri are you ready? I don’t want to be at the restaurant too late.” Risa ask

I look myself over in the bathroom mirror. I add on some lip-gloss and eyeliner. I brush my hair down with my hand a few times. I think I’m set.


“I’m done.”

I exit the bathroom and join her at the door.

“Everyone’s already at the restaurant. Come on let’s hurry.” She says

I can’t wait! I’m excited. Nothing can go wrong.


“There you two are! Reina was getting restless. I think Ai has her under control now.” Sayu says, and then leads u inside the restaurant.

We walk to the back through a hallway and to some booth. There’s a thick red velvet curtain covering the entrance.

“Hey guys they’re here. You both better not be making out!” Sayu warns, before opening the curtain.

I look around to see if any one heard her. It’s a good thing we’re alone. I go inside and sit next to Risa.

“Where’s Koharu?” Sayu questions

“Bathroom.” Ai replies

“Finally you two are here! Can we order already?” Reina complains

Koharu comes back and sits next to Sayu. A waiter comes shortly and hands us menus. When I pick my choice of food and wait for our meals to arrive I plan everything in my head to get my first kiss from Risa. I’ve decided to wait until we’re alone, but since no one is all going to leave at once I’ll have to wait when we leave. I’m not sure if I can wait that long though! I sit impatiently in my seat and kick my legs.

“Kame, the food will be here soon. Just wait a little longer.” Risa says

It’s not the food that I’m impatient for, but she doesn’t have to know that. Our waiter comes back with our food and I sit up eager to eat. I quickly grab my plate and dig in.

“Eri wait it’s,”


“I tried to tell you it’s hot.”

I drop my chopsticks and cover my mouth. I burned my tongue. That really hurt. Risa laughs and takes my chopsticks then picks up a piece of meat and blows on it. She points the chopsticks at me and I open my mouth. I smile and happily munch on my meal. I lay my head on her shoulder.

“Remember to blow on it first and be more careful.”

I nod then go back to happily eating.


We stay at the restaurant for hours. We finally leave close to twelve. I go to the bathroom to wash my hands before leaving. I use the toilet first. When I get out I see Risa standing in front of the mirror checking her hair and make-up. I go over and turn on the faucet. Then press the dispenser for soap. It takes me a good three minutes to remember my plan. Why am I so slow?!

“I’ll meet you outside, Kame.” Risa tells me, before leaving

“Gaki-san wait!” I beg

I quickly rinse off the soap and rush over to stop her. She looks at me, curiously. I stand still, suddenly nervous. Things sounded a lot easier in my head. I should really think things through next time.

“Um…Risa I…”

How should I put this? I scratch my head.

“Eri, what’s wrong?”

“Risa, can I…”

Someone bursts through the bathroom door and it hits me, sending me falling forward. I automatically reach out to grab Risa. She comes forward to break my fall. This feels like it’s some type of anime. It’s a little weird. The next thing I know, I fall into Risa’s arms and our lips touch. My eyes open wide in total surprise. Risa has her arms around my waist, comfortably.

“Oh sorry Eri.” I hear Sayu say

Well I did want her to help me. Just not this way! The door opens and she leaves. I’m still in shock. I’m over that in a second and I jump back a good two feet in the air. My fingers rest to my lips where we just kissed. I didn’t want our first kiss to be like this! I wanted it to be romantic and…expected. Not by an accident.

“That wasn’t supposed to happen! This is all wrong.” I shout

I start to pace and tear from frustration.

“Eri what are you talking about?”

I ignore Risa and walk back and forth, mumbling to myself. Now our first kiss is ruined! Two hands grab on to my arms and spin me around. Risa looks at me concerned.

“Why are you upset?”

I sniffle. “You’ll think it’s stupid.”

She gives me an assuring smile. “Try me.”

“I…I wanted our first kiss to be special. And now…”

Risa caringly wipes my tears and holds my hands.

“That’s all?”


“You don’t have to worry Eri. We can try again.”


“But it already happened. We can’t get another first kiss.”

“You’re right, but let’s make the one now not count.”

“You would do that for me?”

“Of course.”

I wipe the last of my tears and sniffle again. She’s so kind to me. She knows just how to make me feel better. I smile. I link our hands back together and Risa steps forward. I move up to her and meet her lips with mine. This one isn’t so much of a surprise. It’s tender. I close my eyes. It feels like I’m in heaven. The kiss is over and I rest into her arms to let this sink in. I have the hugest smile on. I rest my head on her chest.

“I love you Gaki-san.”

She giggles and strokes the back of my head.

“Met too Kame.”

We stand there for a while in each other’s arms. I did it. I made it to the first step. I don’t want to rush to the next one though. Not for a while that is. I pick up my head and look at her.

“Gaki-san, can we have sex later? MUCH later.”

She gives me a strange look. I laugh. She doesn’t know about the talk Sayu and I had days before. I shake my head.

“It’s nothing.”

She puts a hand on my face to catch my attention. I start to get lost in her soft brown colored eyes.

“I can wait. We’ll go one step at a time.” She promises

I plant a kiss on her cheek.

“Thank you.”

This night went better than I thought.

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