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Author Topic: [1shots] #12 "Have Your Cake and Eat It"  (Read 37575 times)

Offline Kuji

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[1shots] #12 "Have Your Cake and Eat It"
« on: April 10, 2009, 04:11:55 AM »
Fics found in this thread:

- Heard First-Hand (Kids fic)
- Going Back

- When We First Met (Going Back Universe, Story 2)
- Somethings Can't Happen / Somethings Can

- Taken (Kids fic)
- A Circle is Forever (Going Back Universe, Story 3)
- Set in Stone / P a r a d o x (Going Back Universe, Story 4)

- What You Don't See in the DVD Extras
- Let Sleeping Cats Lie

- Sayu's Prince
- Can't Go Back

Fics @AO3 account
- Have Your Cake and Eat It

Heard First-hand
by Kuji 「9時」

Miyabi glanced over irritably at where Maimi and Saki were huddled together laughing in their leader-ly fashion with the taller girl’s arm slung over her captain’s shoulders. It always seemed to happen that whenever the former H!P Kids got together that the two would somehow naturally gravitate towards one another. The observing girl rationalized this as the result of their common bond as former ZYX members and the heads of their respective groups – not because Yajima Maimi was anything really special.  High-King too… what is up with them always being put together! She frowned further when another burst of giggles came from the two. Just what was so damn funny? Finding herself unconsciously drifting closer towards the two, Miyabi’s ears strained to pick up the conversation. Since Saki had her back to her Berryz group mate the only part of her voice that really carried were the emphatic ‘un’s that went along with her bobbing head. Maimi’s words however, could just barely be made out…

”…So it’s a date then?”

What? Forgetting all tact and the fact that she was supposedly secretly eavesdropping, Miyabi sucked in a harsh breath and marched right over to the two with a glare focused on the taller of the pair.

”Excuse me,” she addressed the C-ute leader with exaggerated formality. “I just need to talk to the captain for a minute – Berryz business.”

With that she dragged the tiny leader away, ignoring the hurried ‘later Maimi!’ and cute waving Saki engaged in while being pulled backwards. Miyabi was half tempted to walk the older girl into a pole for that. Stop staring at Maimi and watch where you’re going! After finally putting enough distance between them and the C-ute leader, Miyabi realized she had no idea where she was going and she’d just been seen basically abducting Saki in a room full of people including the other Berryz who were probably wondering about why they were not being included in this very urgent Berryz talk.

“So what was it you wanted to talk about, Miya-chan?” Her leader asked in a somewhat puzzled voice, finally Captain was paying attention to her though the focus of her attention wasn’t where she wanted it to be.

Miyabi waved it off.

“Besides that, what was that about a date with Maimi?” She demanded. At this point, they’d stopped at an out of the way corridor some metres away from the dance room they had previously been taking a break from practice in and Miyabi faced the shorter girl with her hands on her hips.

“Heh? A date with Maimi?” Saki repeated as if she didn’t understand the question which only further aggravated Miyabi, even if she thought the perplexed scrunched-up brow made the other girl look adorable.

”Yes! The date she just asked you on!”

”Wait. My date with Maimi?” Why did Saki sound so surprised? Or was she just surprised that Miyabi overheard?

“That’s what I said!” Miyabi was about ready to explode. “My girlfriend is not going on a date with that Yossi wannabe. Just because nobody knows about us doesn’t mean—“

Saki interrupted her rant then, “But she does know.”

“What?” Why that little… well, not-so-little home wrecker… Miyabi was at a loss for words and left sputtering rather incoherently. “That’s just… isn’t that…? Well that… Wait, that’s worse isn’t it? It is! Right? Right!?”

To her surprise Saki started laughing. What was this? It was decided, she was going to kill Maimi for hitting on her girlfriend when she knew that her girlfriend was actually hers.

“Are you jealous?” The smaller girl’s voice was filled with mirth and her eyes which were filled to the brim with fond amusement, gave no hint that she was about to be given a serious break-up talk. The teasing quality of her voice instantly put Miyabi on alert. Something wasn’t right here…

“…No?” It was perfectly natural to react when someone was asking your girlfriend on a date.

“You are!” Saki grinned and poked the taller girl’s cheeks that had started going slightly pink. She hugged her before adding more softly, “You are adorable.”

“I am not! ….Jealous I mean. I guess I am adorable though… And you still haven’t answered me about that date!” Miyabi felt herself start to melt into the hug despite trying to remain focused on the very important issue of what was going with her girlfriend and the other leader.

“Baaaka. Maimi wasn’t asking me on a date. I told you, she knows about us. That’s because she just found out and she was asking if our date today was a date date.”

"Oh," Miyabi had the good grace to look ashamed. Apparently information learnt from eavesdropping on your girlfriend wasn’t too dependable. Still, you couldn’t blame her for trying to protect what was hers. Taking Saki’s hand in hers, she did her best trying to express her repentance. “...I’m sorry I doubted you… and I guess I owe Maimi an apology too.”

“It’s okay, I’m sure she’d forgive you. Besides, why would I want to go out with Maimi when I’ve already got you?” With a quick peck to Miyabi’s cheek, Saki gave her at tug through their still intertwined hands in the direction of the practice room. “But you know, now that you mention it… Maimi is pretty hot, isn’t she?”



Well, I hope someone out there enjoyed that! This is my first ever H!P story (though it's only a one-shot) and actually part of the reason for me writing this is because I wanted to give something back to the authors here who have written great stories for me to read. You guys rock! Um... I was too lazy to check this after I finished so please forgive some errors that may have slipped in? I'll probably go through this again later. :sweatdrop:
« Last Edit: June 25, 2013, 07:47:27 PM by Kuji »

Offline KonaKaga

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Re: ・・・[1shot] "Heard First-hand" (Kids fic)
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2009, 04:41:18 AM »
Aww, this is so cute! :wub:
I love how Miyabi got all jealous from such a simple misunderstanding XD Of course, Captain would never cheat on her no matter how hot Maimi is... :P

Credit to Clamy-san!
Visit my blog!

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Re: ・・・[1shot] "Heard First-hand" (Kids fic)
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2009, 05:28:16 AM »
just had to comment, this story was way too cute
loved it

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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Re: ・・・[1shot] "Heard First-hand" (Kids fic)
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2009, 06:09:04 AM »
I feel like a little puddle of goo now. :D That was terribly cute. <3 Jealous Miya = :lol:

Offline Estrea

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Re: ・・・[1shot] "Heard First-hand" (Kids fic)
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2009, 09:06:18 AM »
I approve of this fic. Haha. Miya/Saki FTW!

That and the writing makes me swim in glee. Sing. Swim. SINK!

Clearly, I still haven't gotten enough sleep in general. :D Do write moar. :D


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline rokun

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Re: ・・・[1shot] "Heard First-hand" (Kids fic)
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2009, 09:19:59 AM »
Aww jealous Miya. :wub: I'm with Essy, it was very well-written and witty! You should really write more! And I definitely don't mind your subject matter. ;) Still, I don't know what to think of all the MiyaSaki lately... lol. Ah, if nothing else, more Berryz :heart: is always a good thing. ^___^

It's so cute how Maimi is so "girlfriend-like" (in the non-romantic sense) to Saki in regards to her dating. XD

Ooh... I just really noticed... you referred to Saki as that instead of "Captain". It's nice to see more of that too. :)

Offline writerjunkie

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Re: ・・・[1shot] "Heard First-hand" (Kids fic)
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2009, 02:20:37 PM »
lol this is cute you did a great job. This is a one-shot or are you going to continue it? I would like to see more fics from you keep it up. =) Miyabi jealous is cute but it's a good thing Saki cleared it all up.

Offline panickofpain

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Re: ・・・[1shot] "Heard First-hand" (Kids fic)
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2009, 03:11:16 PM »
KUJI!!!! ^_^
you finally wrote a story!  :w00t:
You did great! XD
Enjoyed it very much!  :heart:
Keep it up!  :heart:

Offline Kuji

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Re: ・・・[1shot] "Heard First-hand" (Kids fic)
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2009, 05:30:15 PM »
Thank you for all the positive responses, since before this the only HP I ever wrote for is the HP that is Harry Potter. I've haven't been part of this fandom for long so there's lots for me to catch up on.

As for the fact that this is a Miya x Saki fic... I can't say that Rokun isn't largely responsible for me falling for this couple. XD After reading Berry Beautiful it's slowly been taking over my mind. Then I watched the 2006 Sports Fest Solo DVDs and noticed that most of the time Saki's  with either Miyabi or Maimi and that's when the idea for this fic took hold.

I mean really...

I dedicate my first .gif to Miya x Saki. 8D

:O And Estrea approves my fic! After this:
Quote from: Estrea
...which goes to show how little I read around here. Hee. No offense to anyone.
I'm ridiculously happy that this was found worthy. :bow:

This is a one-shot but who knows... this couple is in serious contention with Takagaki as my top couple so I might write more because Takagaki have way more fic about them.

PANICK!!! Heh, my fellow Berryz fic newbie. Thanks for the nice comment. YOU keep it up! ;D
« Last Edit: April 10, 2009, 05:33:26 PM by Kuji »

Offline panickofpain

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Re: ・・・[1shot] "Heard First-hand" (Kids fic)
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2009, 05:41:21 PM »
^ lol.. Berry Beautiful is also the one that inspired me to make fics..  XD
let's do our best!  :twothumbs
right now... I think I got mind-block again...  :-\
I just hope it goes away... now...
But really love your one-shot! ^_^
SakixMiya  :heart: :heart:

Offline ziggurat

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Re: ・・・[1shot] "Heard First-hand" (Kids fic)
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2009, 05:19:18 AM »
Thanks for this short but nice one-shot :kneelbow: I'm not complaining though :lol:

Jab <3 marimari <3 ChrNo~ your spirit shall live forever.. T_T ||

Offline Kuji

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Re: ・・・[1shot] "Heard First-hand" (Kids fic)
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2009, 07:39:01 AM »
@Panick: I saw that you posted a new chapter though so hooray, I guess your block vanished. :3 Yeah, let's do our best. I'm working on a new story... it was going to be a one-shot but somehow... it keeps growing. >_< It's not Saki x Miya though (Takagaki actually)...  :-X

@ziggurat: You're welcome, I'm just glad that people liked it. I get quite nervous when I start writing in new fandoms since I don't know if how I perceive the characters is how other people see them.

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: ・・・[1shot] "Heard First-hand" (Kids fic)
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2009, 07:46:49 AM »
EHHHHH I didn't know Maimi and Captain were close. I really need to keep up more with the kids news. Miyabi being jealous is always a fun read. Good job on this one and looking forward to seeing more of your works :)

Offline Kuji

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Re: ・・・[1shot] "Heard First-hand" (Kids fic)
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2009, 12:37:19 AM »
@lil_hamz: I think Maimi x Saki might just be a delusion in my head but they do tend to be put in the same sub-groups, minus their main ones.

In Kuji's head:
= = *writes MiyaSakiMaimi*

Anyway the following is my first love, TAKAGAKI!


Dear Ai-chan,

How are you these days? Even after all these years, it feels strange to go so long without seeing each. Oh, maybe that’s just my feelings since you must be really busy with work. I’ve been following your latest drama on TV, it’s really addicting. I don’t suppose you can give me some hints on what’s going to happen between you and Matsumoto-san’s character can you? Probably not, right?

Lately, since Sayaka-chan’s been studying for her university exams and Junta has finally reached that stage when boys really don’t want to be around their mamas anymore, I’ve had quite a lot more time to reminisce. Though I didn’t expect to have to leave Morning Musume the way I did and I never thought Yamato was the person I’d spend the rest of my life with, I’ve come to realize that I live a really fortunate life.

Though she wasn’t planned, I wouldn’t trade Sayaka being born for anything in the world. Yamato could have abandoned me but instead he proposed. Please forgive me for being greedy but though I have a lot of happiness, I still feel like there is something missing. When I first received the results back from the doctor, didn’t you say you’d still be there for me? Somehow, despite that promise we haven’t spoken since. I really miss my best friend. So please, if you would write or call one day, maybe you could tell me what I did wrong to lose you.



Ai couldn’t believe it. After years of investment, pouring all her earning from various businesses she’d ventured into since leaving Hello! Project into this one experiment, it had been accomplished. She could finally get back what she had foolishly let go of and lost all those years ago.

“Takahashi-san, did you hear what I said? Though the trial was successful, it was only a very short length of time and with an inanimate object at that. We need to move onto animal testing but we’ll need to get approval from plenty of authorities before we can move on.”

The idol-slash-businesswoman shook her head, “It’ll take too long and what does it matter if we lose a rat or a chimp. I’ll buy a new one. Just start the live subject testing immediately.”

Besides, her reasons for this research weren’t anything like the selfless betterment of humankind or anything like that which were all the approval committees ever wanted to hear about. She didn’t have the kind of resources that would be required to bribe them into approval either so she doubted the project would have been allowed to continue if she had to be seeking permission. In fact, if Ai could skip have skipped this testing all together she would but though she was impatient she wasn’t that foolhardy. After all, even though no one knew it yet, even the top scientists she had working on the machine were being kept in the dark, she was the one who was going to be using it in the end.

“But Takahashi-san—“

Of course they couldn’t just listen to her could they? That was the problem with scientists, they think too much and there isn’t enough action.

“Look here, while I know I may not be the only investor in this project, I hope you remember that I am by far the largest individual contributor to your research funds and also responsible for finding and persuading many of the other investors that this is a worthwhile project.” The message here was clear. Ai was in charge. Despite the fact that through her celebrity and consequent management of her earnings that she had made not a little bit of a fortune, this had been a project that she could not fund on her own. Her power did not only lie in her impressive bank balance though but also in her web of other similarly asset-endowed contacts.

“I… understand Takahashi-san. I’ll start the preparations for the tests.” The scientist gave up because a man like him could not stand up to a force like Takahashi Ai period.

(1 week later)

“This is a full report, Takahashi-san. Details for each of the tests are detailed in this file and we believe them to be complete successes although we still have them in observations for long term side-effects.”

Ai nodded in understanding and looking as pleased as the scientist had ever seen her though that wasn’t saying much as she seemed to be in a perpetual state of moodiness. The only times he’d seen her smile was on television.

“Very good, I expect complete details of operational procedures have been included as well?” Surely as she flipped through the pages as she was doing now, she would see that they were. The man was obliged to answer anyway.

”Yes, Takahashi-san… ano… so will that be all for today?”

“Hm? Yes, you may go.”

As the man scurried off from whence he came or more likely – considering it was almost midnight – home, Ai taking only a moment to make sure she had her key-card around her neck, her made her way towards the labs several floors down from the administration levels. As she rode her way down on the lift, numerous doubts clouded her mind. Was it right to do this? How many things could go wrong if she failed to do things correctly and what were the consequences? However, in the end when the bell chimed to indicate they’d reached the basement floors, she was resolute once more.

“I’m going to get you back, Risa.”


There's a lot of backstory to this one that isn't explained within the one-shot such as when Risa's letter was written and what time the "present" is. The experiment is also pretty vague but that was the idea. I'm sure readers will interpret a lot of this in different ways since my own interpretation of what was happening also changed quite a bit while I was writing it. XD I might do some other one-shots set in this same universe actually since I have ideas for it.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2009, 02:08:10 AM by Kuji »

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Re: ・・・[1shot] "Going Back" (TakaGaki)
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2009, 01:04:32 AM »
Risa's a mom?!?

AICHAN'S [bgcolor=black]BUILDING A TIME MACHINE?!??!?!?[/bgcolor]

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline panickofpain

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Re: ・・・[1shot] "Going Back" (TakaGaki)
« Reply #15 on: April 13, 2009, 01:44:29 AM »
Kuji!!! *maybe I'll start all of my replies to you with this, screaming your name..  XD *

It's okay if its not Saki x Miya.. ^_^
I don't only read fics about them.. but they are the only fics I get addicted to..  :lol:

anyway... woah.. TakaGaki!  :heart:

[bgcolor=black]So, Risa died? Ai's trying to resurrect her, using science as back-up? O_O[/bgcolor]


yeah, the block went away and I was able to do 2 chapters.. ^_^ I'm posting the new one now..

Offline Haruka

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Re: ・・・[1shots] "Going Back" (TakaGaki)
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2009, 04:04:01 AM »
you are freaking me on!! xDDDDDDDDD

I like it =D

God!! She knows she's HOT!

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Re: ・・・[1shots] "Going Back" (TakaGaki)
« Reply #17 on: April 13, 2009, 04:39:11 AM »
WHAT !! the "Mikitty Path"!?  that is not the Gaki I know ... maybe Koharu, but definitely not Gaki .... [bgcolor=black]LOL[/bgcolor]

now I know what Aichan is trying to do ... [bgcolor=black]kill that SOB before he "trick" Gaki[/bgcolor] ... I'm with you Aichan XD


In Kuji's head:
= = *writes MiyaSakiMaimi*
lol ..... if I'm Miya, I'll think that too ~ something suspicious between those two XD

Offline Kuji

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Re: ・・・[1shots] "Going Back" (TakaGaki)
« Reply #18 on: April 13, 2009, 07:38:25 AM »
@JFC: What can I say? When I was a kid, the Sci-fi channel showed a lot of 'Quantum Leap' reruns. Damn, I loved that show. I think Risa'd make a good mom, it'd just be better if Ai were the papa. XD

@Panick: PANICK!!! I'll return the yelling in kind. Haha, I can't say if Risa died or not but Ai definitely feels that she's lost her and can never get her back under present circumstances.

@Haruka: Haha... my characterization of Ai is that she can be an extreme person when conditions call for it... and losing Gaki called for it. Don't be freaked, it's her way of showing her LOVE. :D

@kosu: Well, who knows what the circumstances were that made Gaki act so recklessly, right? ;D I can definitely see her going the mommy path *cough*with Ai-chan*cough*. Haha... I've deluded myself in believing in MaimiSakiMiya now I think... though sometimes Chinami wants in too. :shocked
« Last Edit: April 13, 2009, 07:40:59 AM by Kuji »

Offline Estrea

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Re: ・・・[1shots] "Going Back" (TakaGaki)
« Reply #19 on: April 13, 2009, 07:49:09 AM »
Hey I like this! Risa as a mom I could definitely see. She just has this motherly thing going on with her already, not too hard to see her taking the next step. :P

Yeah I agree with that blacked out section of JFC's. That was the first thought I had. But the problem with messing around with metaphysics and space-time fabric is the possibility of creating a time loop...unless you subscribe to the other theory that would mean that it simply creates an alternate timeline while erasing yourself from your present one. Unless, of course, it is not about that...but the way the scientist was talking about it, unless she's going into space or something, I think JFC's theory is valid. XD

Can't wait to see more. :3 Keep it up.


Currently writing:
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- Everything Else. Too many to list.

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