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Author Topic: [1shots] #12 "Have Your Cake and Eat It"  (Read 37564 times)

Offline Sukoshi

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Re: ・・・[1shots] "Going Back" (TakaGaki)
« Reply #20 on: April 13, 2009, 01:37:50 PM »
wah so Risa has not one but two kids in this story?  I'm not sure if I'm more surprised about that or the fact that Ai chan and Risa are like 40 in this story XD  I'm gonna guess that Ai chan didn't get the letter in time...else I can't see her taking away Risa's children knowing they mean so much to her....well unless she's evil in this story XD

This has my interest so I hope you do one or two more chapters on the story.  :D

Offline stefy

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Re: ・・・[1shots] "Going Back" (TakaGaki)
« Reply #21 on: April 13, 2009, 07:58:02 PM »
Whoaa... kuji-san you have officially reignited my reading mood! awesome fics!

The kid's fic was too adorable <3

And for the TakaGaki fic, I too first thought Ai was making a T*** ******* .. well hope to read moreee so we'd know what's Ai's plans~

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: ・・・[1shots] "Going Back" (TakaGaki)
« Reply #22 on: April 13, 2009, 10:37:10 PM »
I admit it. I'm too dumb to understand what's going on. So I'm gonna just throw all and any of my wild ideas out. Is it a teleportation machine? A cloning device? A vending machine? Vacuum Cleaner? Oops, wrong train of thought there. Gome :P

Ah HA!!! *light bulb appears* It's a mame making machine that churns out cute and smexy little green beans!! Okay okay, I should shut up now. I'll just hide away in some dark corner and wait for an update *embarassed*
« Last Edit: April 13, 2009, 10:39:13 PM by lil_hamz »

Offline strawb3rrykream

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Re: ・・・[1shots] "Going Back" (TakaGaki)
« Reply #23 on: April 14, 2009, 03:32:55 PM »
Wow, Kuji, that was :twothumbs Mommy Gaki~~~~~ :wub: And her kids aren't young either. I definitely would never have guessed Gaki would be pulling a Mari/Miki-sama but hey, it turned out ok. Hmm, as far as I can see, I'd have to agree with everyone else's guess as to what Ai-chan is building.
Keep it up!! :D

Offline Haruka

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Re: ・・・[1shots] "Going Back" (TakaGaki)
« Reply #24 on: April 14, 2009, 04:15:35 PM »
I'm freaking out but In a good way xD

Cause I like a lot this fic *o*

God!! She knows she's HOT!

Offline Kuji

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Re: ・・・[1shots] "Going Back" (TakaGaki)
« Reply #25 on: April 15, 2009, 11:46:54 AM »
@Estrea: Yeah, things can get messy when it comes to paradoxes and time loops, not to mention parallel universes. If you take into account the self consistency principle, what Ai-chan is doing is pretty useless - but I'm sure she knows what's she's doing better than I do somehow (I hope). XD

@Sukoshi: Yeah, she does because with Risa I think she'd enjoy raising kids and at least your children can always be loved unconditionally and without reservation while there are some loves that just can't be shown as easily. D: As for Ai, I wouldn't call her evil but...

@stefy: Thanks so much for reading, I've been thinking a lot about this TakaGaki but the subject matter really does make it hard after all. :sweatdrop:

@lil_hamz: Ahahaha... I actually really like the mame-making machine idea.

@strawb3rrykream: Yeah, her kids are quite big but I wanted to write a more mature and reflective Gaki-san for this. It's just weird because I'm older than her so... in this timeline I'd be... even older. :shocked (just realized this)

@Haruka: I'm happy it was in a good way. The next story is floating about in my headspace so I'll try get it down soon. :3

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: ・・・[1shots] "Going Back" (TakaGaki)
« Reply #26 on: April 16, 2009, 04:04:05 AM »
dang! so ai's making something for risa?? XD
lol i like your way of writing,and your avie/sigg X3 nice~!
cant wait to read the next one X3
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

Offline Kuji

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Re: ・・・[1shots] "Going Back" (TakaGaki)
« Reply #27 on: April 16, 2009, 05:24:28 AM »
@kawaii beam: Well, she more like paid for it to be made but same thing, right? :D Also thanks! I just like to mess in Photoshop from time to time and as it happens... I just got the next story done. :3

A “Going Back” universe story
By Kuji 「9時」

Something went wrong. Where on earth was she? Looking around, all she could see were trees, shrubs and dirt. In her tailored suit jacket, striped business skirt and heels, she was undoubtedly out of place in this apparent wilderness. The splashing of what sounded like waves could be heard nearby. The ocean? Figuring that the best way to get back to civilization would be to head for the sea and then follow the coastline until she reached some sort of seaside settlement, she divested herself of two of what appeared to be gaudy thick silver bracelets that were decorated with the occasional flashing lights and packed them carefully into a carrying case with foam moulds to ensure their safety. Checking the readout on the small display built into the case, Ai frowned before closing it and clicking the locks in place. Precious cargo secured, she started following the rushing sounds of water, making slow progress so as not to trip in her inappropriate footwear.

As it turned out, she had only been a little ways away from a well trodden footpath and following that made her journey much easier. It also reassured her that there had to be people nearby. Ai gasped when she reached the beach. Unable to resist, Ai took off her shoes and left the shade of the trees behind to walk on the warm sand and enjoy the feeling of cool water lapping at her feet. It had been so long since she’d seen a view as beautiful and easily gave the days she spent in Hawaii a run for its money. The sun had risen to almost its peak in the sky and the glittering reflections on the water were almost blinding. The water was so clear you could even make out the small fish darting about the shallow shore. If Ai were to guess, the time had to be either late morning or early afternoon. A child’s laugh coming from the distance indicated that she was no longer alone and the small figure running along the beach slowly grew in her vision as the stretch of sand between them was shortened.

“’Baa-chan! You’re slow! Slow! Faster, let’s go!” The little girl yelled with one hand on her straw sunhat while the other waved a small, red plastic shovel at an older lady in the distance who was moving at her own steady pace despite the urgings of her younger companion.

Ai’s couldn’t believe her eyes which had widened soon after the child had voiced her impatience. Even without the trademark pig-tails of her youth, there was no mistaking the high energy that accompanied the high forehead and the much younger but still recognizable features of… R-Risa? It was her, down to the mole on her nose but it couldn’t be. This girl in front of her couldn’t have been more than eight years old.

Having turned around to further encourage her grandmother to catch up, the small girl didn’t notice Ai until she had run backwards into her, colliding with a surprised ‘ACK!’. Catching her out of instinct, Ai got a much better look at the child’s look of panic before she hopped back and bowed so frantically that her hat fell from her head.

“I’m really sorry! Did I hurt you? I didn’t see you there. Are you alright, oba-san? Really, I’m really sorry! Really, really, really!”

Ai couldn’t help it and laughed at the fact that the reaction queen apparently started young. This is definitely Risa. …Wait, ‘OBA-SAN’?”

That immediately brought reality crashing back down around the former leader. Something had definitely gone wrong, this was too far back. Not to mention she had never meant to come in contact with Risa, much less an eight year old version of her… even though she had to admit, being able to see her at this age was priceless. Omame was too cute! Then again it was also really strange seeing the woman she was in love with as a child. She still loved her but instead of wanting to do various… censorship necessary things with her, she just wanted to hug the stuffing out of the adorable kid.

“I’m fine.” She did her best to smile, so close and yet so far, while picking up the hat that had fallen during the young girl’s apology and holding it out to her. “You dropped your hat.”

The child flashed directed a huge smile at her and happily plopped that hat back on her head, “Arigatou!” Ai didn’t know why but she sort of wanted to cry. You’re happy, right? I thought I wanted to change things for you but I was just doing it for myself, wasn’t I? The only thing that saddened you was me pulling away. I didn’t need come back to fix that.

“You’re welcome.” That was all Ai could say as the girl who would grow up to be the woman she loved was called back by her grandmother and ran off to enjoy the rest of her Okinawan summer.


This was either going to be really, really long or really, really short. Since my stamina when it comes to writing is pretty awful I opted for the latter. A bit sad though that I had this conversation in my head about Risa saying Ai was dressed really weird for the beach and them hanging out for a little while but I didn't get to write it. Anyway, it's probably better that Ai didn't spend too much time with chibi-Risa and risk destroying the timeline or whatever. XD
« Last Edit: April 16, 2009, 05:39:27 AM by Kuji »

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Re: ・・・[1shots] #3 "When We First Met" (TakaGaki)
« Reply #28 on: April 16, 2009, 05:31:47 AM »
awwwww ~~~~~~~ Gaki is so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee ~~~~~~~~~~~

back too far lol XD

Offline panickofpain

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Re: ・・・[1shots] #3 "When We First Met" (TakaGaki)
« Reply #29 on: April 16, 2009, 08:07:29 AM »
Gaki's soo cute! ^_^
sooo, Ai did really made a time machine... O_O *I want one too!*
but playing with the timeline results in disaster...

Offline YumePouk

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Re: ・・・[1shots] #3 "When We First Met" (TakaGaki)
« Reply #30 on: April 16, 2009, 09:11:23 AM »
 :heart: :heart:
I like the TakaGaki fic
So kawaii child Risa :wub: :wub:
A time machine.... so great.

Like I didn't hear it, like I couldn't hear it.... I shouldn't have heard your love in the first place

Offline strawb3rrykream

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Re: ・・・[1shots] #3 "When We First Met" (TakaGaki)
« Reply #31 on: April 16, 2009, 03:35:11 PM »
AWWWWW~~~ :wub: Baby Mame-chan~ :heart: Damn, I can just picture the cuteness. Wait, why is Ai-chan going back in time if she doesn't intend to come in contact with her? I know if she does, it'll mess up the future and stuff. So is she going back just to relive the "glory days"? :lol:

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Re: ・・・[1shots] #3 "When We First Met" (TakaGaki)
« Reply #32 on: April 16, 2009, 05:57:17 PM »
A “Going Back” universe story


Widdle kiddie Risa!  :wriggly:

This is definitely Risa. …Wait, ‘OBA-SAN’?”
Aichan = :stunned:


JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline stefy

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Re: ・・・[1shots] #3 "When We First Met" (TakaGaki)
« Reply #33 on: April 16, 2009, 08:56:53 PM »
woo hoo! time machine! GIMMIE! But.. tweak it a little so I can go back to not watching my kid-self but actually being a kid again!

Lol, now I know why your fics are short. - but I like short fics, easier for me to read em XDD -

Awww chibi-Risa soooo cute! And good for Ai! She realized tt changing the past might, probably, possibly... not do much good for her. I'm guessing she'll go back to current time to win her Risa back? Hopefully that would be an attainable task for Ai, considering Risa's supposedly married in 'present time'.

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: ・・・[1shots] #3 "When We First Met" (TakaGaki)
« Reply #34 on: April 16, 2009, 11:11:32 PM »
lol chibi-risa~! X3 so cute!! XD loved how ai could relise it was her and how she called ai oba-san XDD
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

Offline Haruka

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Re: ・・・[1shots] #3 "When We First Met" (TakaGaki)
« Reply #35 on: April 17, 2009, 02:42:30 AM »
I guess it's gonna be more complicated cause o_O

If you considerated Ai's gonna be in a past time where she was there too so there are gonna be 2 Ai chan's o_O

And it will be a very confusing Risa if she seen the two of them xD

For other side, if she modificated the past that means Risa will made disappears her children o_O and mmm... maybe I'm just thinking too much xD

Someone KICK ME xD
« Last Edit: April 17, 2009, 02:44:34 AM by Haruka »

God!! She knows she's HOT!

Offline Kuji

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Re: ・・・[1shots] #3 "When We First Met" (TakaGaki)
« Reply #36 on: April 20, 2009, 06:55:30 PM »
@kosu: Going too far back is probably due to the theory that if you were to try go back in time to change things, things would automatically "go wrong" to prevent you from doing so... and yes, Gaki is adorable. J'adoooore.

@Panick: Yup, she really did but she still wasn't able to fix things with Ai. I wonder if you'd still want one if you couldn't change anything.  :sweatdrop:

@YumePouk: TakaGaki is THE OTP. Even though I've been swayed by some H!PKids pairings lately.

@strawb3rrykream: She never intended to come in contact with Risa because the easiest way to change things would have been to change her own actions and not Risa's. Of course, doing so would have caused a paradox in which she never needed to go back and change things in the first place. ;D Ai was probably going with the parallel universe theory or the theory that the original timeline will be overwritten by this altered one (so she herself will be overwritten and disappear).

@JFC: Haha, good job guessing! I'm sorry I can't offer you a prize. XD The 'Oba-san' comment is sort of a reference to Sayumi telling us that they all call Ai-chan that even though they don't really believe it, just because she's the eldest.

@stefy: I often wish I could go relive my kid years too! With Ai, who knows... it might have just been a momentary lapse of resolve. She might banish her conscience again and give it another go. >_>

@kawaii beam: Ai could recognize her Mame even if she were in hidden in a pile with a million other beans beings. /lame pun

@Haruka: This Risa wouldn't realize that young Ai and future Ai are the same person though, since one is in her forties and the other not even in her teens. Not to mention at this point she hasn't met the Ai of her timeline yet. That's the beauty of time travel. :3 As for the kids... well, let's just say there's a reason why Ai never wanted to meet them. I'm glad someone noticed this possible consequence. :thumbsup
« Last Edit: April 20, 2009, 06:59:33 PM by Kuji »

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Re: ・・・[1shots] #3 "When We First Met" (TakaGaki)
« Reply #37 on: April 21, 2009, 12:25:56 AM »
Ohhhh, I see. XD I didn't even think about that. I mean, I figured she'd change her own actions but she'd probably have to come in contact with Gaki at one time or another. But now I get it. :P
« Last Edit: April 21, 2009, 12:28:19 AM by strawb3rrykream »

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Re: ・・・[1shots] #3 "When We First Met" (TakaGaki)
« Reply #38 on: April 21, 2009, 10:32:45 PM »
Mmmm... now I see...

Well it will be interesting how things going on from now =3

God!! She knows she's HOT!

Offline Kuji

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Re: ・・・[1shots] #3 "When We First Met" (TakaGaki)
« Reply #39 on: May 17, 2009, 09:33:55 PM »
@strawb3rrykream: Glad it somehow makes sense even though parts confuse me too. heh. :sweatdrop:

@Haruka: I have no clue how things go. Blame this on Quantum Leap never giving me a proper ending, now I can't think of one either. >_>;

This next story is a 2-in-1 sort of deal. Enjoy!

By Kuji

As the infinitely cuter, older and wiser mentor, there was no way that Michishige Sayumi could fall for her mentee Kusumi Koharu. Besides being only fourteen years old, the other girl was the definition of hyperactive and the epitome of block-headedness. Never mind the fact that she followed her around like a puppy until something shiny attracted her attention but then latched onto her like a limpet again if something even remotely frightening happened – as if Sayumi would be able to protect her – more like Koharu was only preventing her from being able to latch onto her Eric. Speaking of whom, that was another reason why she could not possibly be falling for her mentee. She had Eri after all. Well, maybe not exactly…

The self-proclaimed ‘Ichiban kawaii’ glanced over to where Eri was busy chatting with Gaki-san. The two of them were often attached to the hip these days and when ideas for new segments came up, their names were often put together, much to the bunny girl’s consternation. The graduation of Konno and upcoming graduation of Makoto didn’t help. As Sayumi pulled her eyes away from the chummy two-some, her eyes met another observer of the two. Ai gave her a nod as though to acknowledge her own displeasure at the closeness of the KameMame pair. Sayumi guessed that it couldn’t be a good feeling to have had one member of your generation graduate, another with plans to and then to see the remaining one spend all her time with someone else. She was glad that she still had Eri and Reina with her… and Mikitty too, she supposed.


It was the aforementioned limpet. She did have her good points though and she really did try hard. It was hard not to be carried along by Koharu’s excitement and become excited yourself. So despite never having had any intention of liking the girl, Sayumi found herself doing just that. Sayumi never had a younger sibling before but she decided that the affection she felt for the younger girl had to be the same affection an older sister felt towards a younger. However there were things that you weren’t ever supposed to imagine or dream doing with a younger sister. When one night, Sayu woke up crushing her pillow against her chest and with vivid images of Koharu’s approaching face and lips flashing through her head, she knew something was amiss.

“What is it Koharu-chan?”

Since the day’s practice was over, they were free to go home or off to whatever individual obligations they may have had for the rest of the day. Radio shows and the like. Normally, right after practice Koharu would be trailing her personal idol, Miki, until the older girl chased her away. Sayumi glanced at her watch – it was a bit too early. Even with Miki’s short fuse, she was usually able to stand Koharu for longer than that.

“Did Matsuura-san drop by?”  Was what Sayumi inquired. That was immediately the first thing that came to mind when it came to things that would distract Miki because despite her outer demeanour, Miki was a pretty good sempai and usually willing to spend some time with the younger members. Younger members that could only sing her praises, especially. Koharu looked surprised by the question which seemed to have come out of nowhere but nodded.

Sayumi let out a sigh. Of course Koharu would only come to her because her first choice was busy.

“So what do you want?”


Koharu took a deep breath. It wasn’t a secret that she admired Miki but what most people didn’t realize was that the last thing she could ever feel for the older girl was a crush. Rather than wanting to be with Miki, she’d wanted to like Miki. To be brimming with confidence and able to say exactly what was on her mind. Lately, she’d been pestering Fujimoto-san – or Mikitty as she called her in her head… and only in her head, for advice but although she hadn’t been able to get one last pep-talk today since Matsuura-san had shown up unexpectedly to steal her best friend away, the young girl decided that that day was the day. The day she’d tell Michishige-san how she felt and hopefully, it was the day she could start calling her Sayu – not just in her head but for real.

Deciding that doing this out there in the open for everyone to see wasn’t a good idea, she suggested that they take it to the dressing room. Though she’d been trying to keep calm and act cool, like she’d been advised to be by Miki, Koharu couldn’t help her nerves and ended up dragging Sayumi to the dressing room at a jittery pace. Since Sayumi wasn’t exactly the most athletic person and speed certainly wasn’t her forte, Koharu could hear cursing as the older girl very nearly tripped several times. She told herself to slow down but her legs wouldn’t listen. Stupid legs.

By the time they’d reached their destination, her mentor had a face that Koharu recognized from having received it many times before – the look said, I’m extremely annoyed but I’m trying very hard not to show it. It sort of made Koharu want to burst out laughing and she couldn’t help the wide smile that broke out on her face anyway while she looked back at the older girl. Anyone else would have probably exploded in her face already, Sayumi was the only one who ever showed her this much patience… even if she was bad at hiding that she was annoyed while doing so. She tried to remember some of the advice she’d received from Miki before.

“If there’s one thing I’ve learnt from Aya it is that appealing to a girl’s vanity is one of the best ways to go. Sayumi seems like that type too.”

“I think you’re really cute, Michishige-san!” She blurted out but when she saw Sayumi’s confused (but still somewhat pleased) face she knew she had to clarify.

“I like cute girls! So… so…” So I really like you but not only because you’re cute but because you’re kind and smart and patient and really look after others… The older girl didn’t look any more enlightened than she had a moment ago and Koharu started to panic. What other advice had she been given?

“Some girls are really dense though, so you really have to get into their face about it. Subtlety is so overrated.” A Fujimoto eye-roll had accompanied the last statement.

“I love you, please go out with me!” She practically yelled into her senior’s face.

“My shock.”


Sorry the ending got a little crackified - I can't write Koharu well. Actually I got to about the half-way point of this story and just wanted to quit because I didn't know how to get it out so I just typed for the hell of it and that's the mess that ended up splashed onto the page. =x Maybe I'll change it later. Ah, for those who were expecting more TakaGaki and are disappointed... OPV?
« Last Edit: May 18, 2009, 05:02:24 AM by Kuji »

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