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Author Topic: [1shots] #12 "Have Your Cake and Eat It"  (Read 37560 times)

Offline strawb3rrykream

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Re: ・・・[1shots] #4 "Somethings can't happen. Somethings Can."
« Reply #40 on: May 18, 2009, 01:06:10 AM »
Poor Koha, if Sayu even gets annoyed with her sometimes... XD Whoa, Sayu feels like THAT towards Koha, who is 14?! :w00t: Aww, Ayaya came to steal her Mikitty back~ :heart: Wow, so Miki's actually a good senpai and is willing to help Koha confess her undying rabu-rabu to Sayu? :lol: I bet she's doing it so Sayu can deal with her instead. :P J/K that's not nice of me to say. Anyway, Koha just let it out, didn't she? :D

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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Re: ・・・[1shots] #4 "Somethings can't happen. Somethings Can."
« Reply #41 on: May 18, 2009, 02:35:47 AM »
Awww, that's cute.  Helpful Miki's a rare occurrence. xD And there was even some KameMame~ :wub: Poor Aichan, though...

Offline JFC

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Re: ・・・[1shots] #4 "Somethings can't happen. Somethings Can."
« Reply #42 on: May 18, 2009, 04:12:28 AM »
Sunnovabitch! :o

So Koharu was pestering Miki for advice on how to confess to Sayu, eh? Nice one. :)

Betcha Sayu never saw this one coming. :lol:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Kuji

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Re: ・・・[1shots] #4 "Somethings can't happen. Somethings Can."
« Reply #43 on: May 19, 2009, 02:22:10 PM »
@strawb3rrykream: Yeah, Koharu's 14 because I thought making her younger would also make it harder for Sayu to accept. Their age difference isn't mega huge but it seems more significant when you're younger.

@ShikyoxYaiba: Helpful Miki IS rare but I believe in her existence. She's more real than Santa at least. ;D I dunno about KameMame... maybe they're just friends. =x

@JFC: After watching the ep of Morning Days with Sayu, Koharu and Aika and some other clips, I wanted this pairing. XD But yeah, Sayu'd be hella surprised. Miki's advice is good because both Aya and Sayu like to be told they're cute probably. :lol:
« Last Edit: May 19, 2009, 10:41:57 PM by Kuji »

Offline ringo-hime

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Re: ・・・[1shots] #4 "Somethings can't happen. Somethings Can."
« Reply #44 on: May 19, 2009, 06:29:25 PM »
wow i love your one-shots~  :P

TakGaki was osamly  :wub::w00t:
Koha and Sayu part was... hilarious.  XD

And the Saki Miya was cracka-licious.  :lol:

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Re: ・・・[1shots] #4 "Somethings can't happen. Somethings Can."
« Reply #45 on: May 24, 2009, 09:22:21 AM »
SO CUTE!! I like how you narrated the two girl's POV nicely done~  :twothumbs

So... what's Sayu's answer? :lol:

Offline Kuji

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Re: ・・・[1shots] #5 "Taken" (Kids fic)
« Reply #46 on: May 31, 2009, 12:08:23 PM »
@ringo-hime: Thanks for the kind words. TakaGaki is my OTP♥ I'm glad you enjoyed the stories, I hope you enjoy the next one too. ^^

@stefy: Ari~ I find narration a lot easier to write than dialogue, that's why I usually narrate lots and use minimal dialogue. As for Sayu's answer... well, lets just say after reading Glass Slipper, I really like Sayu x Koha.

This next story is something of a companion piece to my first Kids one-shot that's posted on the first page but follows Airi. :3

by Kuji 「9時」

Ask anyone who knew her and they’d tell you. Yes, they would definitely tell you, tell you one thing: Yajima Maimi might’ve been the densest person ever born. Her cool outward appearance utterly belied her total obliviousness to the intentions of the people around her. For instance, she didn’t notice Erika’s tentative advances, the motivation behind Nakky’s adoration and even Kanna’s bold declarations which while they did cause some embarrassment, did nothing to scale beyond the wall of friendship to something more. Airi had made a fair number of attempts of her own but to no avail because as has already been stated – Yajima Maimi was thick. Airi could only sigh. Somehow that just made the tall leader all the more endearing. Chisato had already called them all hopeless and washed her hands of the matter. In Airi’s opinion the other girl had no room to talk since the only reason she wasn’t in the same boat was probably because she was busy mooning over Maimai and though she hated to admit it, the younger girl was making better progress than the rest of them. Brat.

It was pretty discouraging that the two youngest of their group were outdoing all the rest of them. Currently, the two of them were huddled together by the wall and giggling over something or other. They were probably up to some sort of mischief again but Airi had more important things to worry about than them sabotaging somebody’s lunch – like how today’s joint practice with Berryz Koubou meant that there were even more people vying for Maimi’s attention.

As usual, Maimi and the Berryz’s captain were taking the opportunity to catch up with each other. If there was one person from the other group that Airi had to say got on best with Maimi, it was Shimizu Saki. This came as a surprise to some because the two were about as different as night and day. Saki was a reliable person and she actually acted like a leader (even though she was called the ‘captain’). The down to earth captain and the airhead leader they didn’t have much in common besides leading Berryz and C-ute. The obvious height difference between the two only added to that, but there they were, joint at the hip and Maimi’s arm slung over Saki’s shoulders. Now Airi respected the Berryz Koubou captain a lot but at that moment, she really wanted to march over there and explain to them the concept of personal space – in other words, tell Saki to back off from her leader because there was enough competition already without a member of another group getting into the mix.

It was fortunate that before Airi could shatter her image with a display of unbecoming possessiveness, that someone… beat her to the punch. From seemingly out of nowhere (as Airi had not been paying enough attention to anything besides Maimi and Saki to have noticed the silent lurker), Miyabi shot out and pretty much abducted the short captain after a short exchange of words, leaving behind a somewhat confused looking Maimi who waved after the departing Saki.

Silently sending her thanks to her impulsive Buono! group mate, Airi quickly made her way over to the taller girl before someone else could and her opportunity vanished. She pounced from behind to rest her head on Maimi’s shoulder – as was quickly becoming her habit. Ah, the perfect resting spot, she thought and her face quickly took on a particularly satisfied look. From the corner of her eye, she could see Nakky looking disappointed before recovering enough to stick her tongue out in Airi’s direction. Of course, she had to send her own raspberry back.

“Airi, what are you doing?”

Although Airi had planned to come wipe the confusion from Maimi’s face, it seemed that she had only succeeded in prolonging the look. A confused Maimi was still cute though, she decided.

“I came over to see why you were just standing here with a weird look on your face.” To emphasize her statement, she poked Maimi on the cheek while still not moving from her spot.

“I think… Miyabi is mad at me for some reason.” Maimi frowned as she said this. “She was kind of scary just now…”

Airi hugged Maimi around the waist in what she hoped seemed like a reassuring manner. Miyabi, you’re the best! Though she didn’t know the reasoning behind the other girl’s behaviour, somehow it felt like Miyabi was helping her. She’d have to remember to thank her group mate the next time she saw her.

“Why would Miyabi be mad at you?”

“I really don’t know but she dragged Saki away really fast.”

Maimi had a worried expression on her face. She was the type of person that really cared about her friends and it upset her to think that one of them could be angry with her. Gently removing Airi’s arms from around her waist, she pulled away carefully so as to not jar the head that until then had still been resting on her shoulder.

“I’m going to go after them.”

“Wait! I’m going with you!” This was not exactly how Airi had been hoping things would go with her chasing Maimi who was chasing after Saki and Miyabi. Curse Miyabi, couldn’t she have made less of a scene?

The sound of a rather indignant ‘Hey!’ – clearly in Miyabi’s voice, had them heading in what was probably the right direction down one of the various corridors of the building. Finally, they caught sight of the two Berryz members and froze at the scene that was taking place before them. Miyabi had the shorter girl pressed against the wall of the dead end.

“I’m hotter.” They barely heard Miyabi muttering before subsequently crushing her mouth against the Saki’s while her fingers tangled themselves with her senior’s and pinned the girl’s hands to the wall behind her.

“Oh my god!” Airi blurted in surprise, unable to stop herself. Maimi clapped her hand over her mouth in an attempt to muffle it but it was too little too late and Miyabi pulled away from Saki to glare at whoever had interrupted them. On recognizing who it was though, her eyes widened in surprise.

“Maimi? … and Airi? What are you guys doing here?” Miyabi had resumed feeling annoyed it seemed and Saki appeared bent on vanishing either into the wall or Miyabi’s back, seeing how she was sandwiched between the two and doing her best to remain hidden. Airi resisted telling her the obvious fact that they knew she was there.

“You seemed like you might’ve been angry when you left earlier. I just wanted to make sure I didn’t do something to make you mad… but I guess maybe I did now?” Maimi laughed a little nervously and wished Saki would stop hiding and come out to talk her girlfriend down.

“Ah.” For some reason, Miyabi’s face changed from annoyed to sheepish and she turned around to look at Saki who just gave her a prod and an encouraging nod.

“Actually… I’m sorry about earlier. I thought…” She trailed off before mumbling the end of her sentence, “I thought… youwerehittingonSaki.”

“What? Wait... No! …No offence.” The last part was directed at Saki.

“None taken,” Came the amused reply.

“I wouldn’t try to steal someone’s girlfriend. Taken is not my type.”

“Yeah… Saki cleared things up earlier so—“

“Clearly.” Airi butted in cheekily, now that her mind had pieced itself back together after her earlier shock.

Miyabi gave her the stink-eye and then glanced at her watch.

“There’s only ten minutes break left and no offence but I have better things to be doing than giving you guys a show. Don’t you two have some place to be?”

Airi was about to open her mouth again but this time, Maimi’s hand was fast enough to prevent her from letting out any smart remarks.

“Yes, we do, don’t we, Airi?” For once, Maimi was showing remarkable perception and grasp of the situation. “We’ll leave you two to… uh… you know. Do whatever.”

That said, she pulled took Airi with her to leave Miyabi and Saki alone. Once they were far enough away to not be heard by the pair, Maimi burst out laughing.

“Ahaha… So that was why Miyabi was acting so off before. Saki sure has her hands full with that one.”

“Yeah…” Pondering over what just happened, it made Airi wonder how it was that she became the one speaking senselessly while Maimi became the perceptive one and how much longer this could last. Figuring that she should take advantage of it while she could, she stopped Maimi who was still pulling her along by the hand.

“Hey… you know what you said earlier about your type?”

Maimi nodded.

“I’m not taken.” Airi said meaningfully.

“Why Airi, I don’t know if this is just Miyabi infecting me with her paranoia but… are you hitting on me?” The teasing sparkle in her eyes however told Airi that Maimi finally got it. And it was about time.

Phew, I had a bit of a tough time with this one and bugged the heck out of Panick on MSN while trying to finish it. XD But YAY MAIRI~~ I really need to practice writing more dialogue otherwise the characters in my stories are going to be mutes forever.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2009, 01:00:12 PM by Kuji »

Offline panickofpain

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Re: ・・・[1shots] #5 "Taken" (Kids fic)
« Reply #47 on: May 31, 2009, 12:25:07 PM »
LOL~!!   XD  XD
It's fun talking to you in msn~ :twothumbs
Finally finished it huh!!  XD
Maimi is soo dense~
More ShimiJima~ :P
Love that Miya/Saki bit~ I didn't get to read that on the preview~ :lol:

Hmm... I decided.. uhm, I think it is better to be late than do it fast~  XD

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: ・・・[1shots] #5 "Taken" (Kids fic)
« Reply #48 on: May 31, 2009, 02:43:45 PM »
lol that was so~ cute~! X333
we're the complete opposite for writig XD i suck at descriptions so i alwalys make the characters talk XDD
keep it up though~
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

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Re: ・・・[1shots] #5 "Taken" (Kids fic)
« Reply #49 on: May 31, 2009, 04:05:53 PM »
yay Maimi/Airi! one of my favorite pairings!  :D It was so cute. I like how you opened everything. Man I'm HORRIBLE at narrative form. It's very hard to write too. I tend to put at some points good enough detail and next there isn't enough so I try to cover it with having the characters speak. lol so you being able to do that is very good. That's talent. =)

Offline rokun

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Re: ・・・[1shots] #5 "Taken" (Kids fic)
« Reply #50 on: June 10, 2009, 05:34:38 AM »
I know it's been a few days (I've been busy >.>; ), but that was a very nice story, Kuji! ^_^ I hope you write more kids st(fl)uff!!! :lol: As Maimi_Yajima keeps telling me, we don't see enough Airi/Maimi around here. ;) Everything else was cute too!

And btw, you guys should totally contact me on MSN. :lol: I don't have enough pure kids fans to talk with there. :oops:

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Re: [1shots] #6 "A Circle is Forever"
« Reply #51 on: June 23, 2009, 10:52:23 AM »
@Panick: I keep making you preview the fics I write so I hope that doesn't spoil them for you. ^^;

@kawaii beam!: Maybe we need to mix and match our skill set. XD

@writerjunkie: As you know, I prefer reading to writing... I'm glad you liked it though. I like when you write narrative though. :3

@rokun: I have more kids fic ideas bouncing in my head but writing them out is... surprisinly hard. I don't know how all you other writers do it so well. I want to talk more about the kids too. XD

This fic is a continuation of Ai's time-travelling so reading the first two helps~

A Circle is Forever
by Kuji

This was… not the lab and Ai was beginning to think that  perhaps a little more testing hadn’t been such a bad idea after all. She seemed  to have been taken to a shopping district, though precisely where the location  of this shopping district was escaped her. It certainly was not one that she frequented  since she did not recognize it. She glanced at the bracelets, the metal dulled  as the lights showed none of their flickering activity. Well, she could take a  taxi back to the lab. At least she was still in Japan, thank goodness for small  favours.

“Ai-chan? Ai-chan, it’s you right?” A rather startled voice  asked before grabbing hold of her arm. It was followed by a sharp breath and an  apology. “Oh no wait, I’m sorry… you just look a lot like someone I know but  you couldn’t be…”

“Mama, I’m hungry!” The little boy by the person’s side  whined. Ai’s voice got caught in her throat as she quickly recognized the woman  before her.

“We’ll get something soon, okay Junta?” The little boy  looked like he was about to protest, a pout already forming but Risa quickly put  a stop to it in a way that bespoke of motherly experience.

“I’ll take you to Mr. Donut and we can get you a chocolate ring.”  With the promise of chocolate secured through a quick pinkie swear, the boy  nodded cheerfully and hugged his mother’s leg compliantly while waiting. Ai  couldn’t help noticing that for a mother of two, Risa was still extremely  attractive. The former Momusu leader couldn’t stop herself from staring at the  curves that she had always thought suited Risa well.

“Anyway, I apologize. You just really look like—“

“It’s okay.” Ai quickly pulled out of her almost trance and reassured  her, knowing where Risa was going with this but she couldn’t possibly tell her  that she was in fact not making a  mistake and Ai really was the person Risa thought she was… only almost about a  decade older – if the age of the boy still attached to the other woman’s leg  was any indication. Evidently she hadn’t  returned to her own time. The stupid machine was years off! Now she was faced  with an image she hated. Risa and one of the reasons for their distance.

Junta. Even at such a young age, Ai could see his father in  his face. There was very little of Risa in it, only his soft brown eyes made  her think of his mother. However, that little resemblance was enough to make it  hard for Ai to be indifferent to the child. What she’d wanted to do would mean  that he and his sister would never exist or cease to exist, could she really  take away Risa’s children from her… even if she would never know? It was  obvious that Risa was a devoted mother. She loved her children even if her  first hadn’t been planned.

Ai considered the day when Risa had told her that she might  be pregnant to be the beginning of the end of her world. Not convinced by the  plastic sticks the pharmacies sold as pregnancy tests, the then leader  accompanied her friend to the doctor and waited anxiously with her for the  results – which were positive. Her worst nightmare. She had promised Risa that  she would still support her as her friend but she knew things were over. There  was no way Risa would remain in Morning Musume and that man had won, he’d sunk  a hook into Risa that Ai had no way to remove.

She’d been against it from the beginning – the relationship  between Risa and Amenashi Yamato. The two had met when Risa’s then Korean tutor  had to quit and she had recommended Amenashi, a half-Korean university student,  as her replacement. On meeting the guy the first time, Ai already had a bad feeling  about him. The way he looked at Risa was too warm and too attentive. He sat too  close and spoke too softly so Risa had to lean in to hear him. Ai despised him  and trusted him about as far as she could throw him, so when Risa finally  admitted to her leader that the tutor had indeed asked her out, Ai had been  livid. She cited UFA  rules, former scandals and the reputation of Morning Musume as reasons why Risa  shouldn’t go through with it.

Risa had gone along with her demands and she and Amenashi  remained only friends but Ai could sense the threat and she was then aware that  it was inevitable that in the future, someone would take Risa from her and  someone else would be the person closest and most important to her best friend.  She found herself not satisfied with Risa’s promise and her assertions that  magazines would make something up even if nothing was happening so Risa should  just get a female tutor again caused them some friction. It was from then that  she started distancing herself, probably an unconscious effort to curb the  dependency she realized she had on her fellow gokkie. Of course this only gave  Risa more time to spend with her Korean buddy and apparently one night the two  had too much to drink and it happened…

Ai didn’t believe it. She couldn’t, she was convinced that  it was all an evil plan by the man to take Risa away – away from Morning Musume  and her. Even after they had received the news from the doctor, Ai had briefly  imagined a future of her, Risa and the baby but it wasn’t to be. He proposed,  Risa accepted and Niigaki-papa and mama welcomed their new son-in-law. It was  too much for Ai to stand and so she threw herself into her work and then went  solo when Risa used her status as a former musume to contact her through her  work and the other members. Yes, she threw away their friendship because she  couldn’t stand that that was all it could be.

“Of course she wouldn’t be in Yokohoma. I guess I’ve just  been missing her.”

Risa’s voice broke Ai out of her remembrance and she hoped  that her spacing out hadn’t been noticed. A long time ago, though more recent,  relative to the time she was in now, Risa often jokingly complained about Ai’s  spacing out and not paying attention to someone speaking to her. Would such a  thing give her away? She worried about what would happen if Risa realized who  she was… but at the same time a small part of her wished it would happen. It would give her an excuse to come clean. Give her a chance to just grab the  woman in front of her and just confess to her everything. That she loved her, wanted her, missed her, craved her...

“You should get going,” Instead she forced a smile, “or all  the donuts will be gone.” A forced joke.

“Mama!” A horrified voice exclaimed, not getting the joke.  Little hands wrinkled Risa’s pants in a panic, wanting to drag the woman away  even though the child probably had no clue which direction the right one was to  pull his mother in for his beloved ring of dough.

The woman that little girl on the beach had become laughed, “Okay,  okay…” Leading the little boy by the hand, she waved her farewell to Ai, the  stranger she’d bumped into. Ai waved back.

“I miss you too.” She murmured to the retreating backs of  parent and child.

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Re: [1shots] #6 "A Circle is Forever"
« Reply #52 on: June 23, 2009, 01:43:25 PM »
that was good  :k-sad:

I hate Amenashi!  :farofflook:  but I can't hate Junta  :farofflook:  why Risa, why?!  :farofflook:  why Kuji, why?  :farofflook: 

poor Ai chan~  :fainted:  having to give up like that at the end....

the heaviness of it all makes me all :on speedy:

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Re: [1shots] #6 "A Circle is Forever"
« Reply #53 on: June 23, 2009, 04:40:19 PM »
DANG! that thing sucks! first it takes her to early and now to far back! >.< poor ai-chan >.<
and if only risaknew that she was right >.< mou~! i hate that dude >.<

ubber good kuji X3
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Re: [1shots] #6 "A Circle is Forever"
« Reply #54 on: June 23, 2009, 04:59:45 PM »
POOR AI-CHAN!!!!! :cry: :cry:

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Re: [1shots] #6 "A Circle is Forever"
« Reply #55 on: June 24, 2009, 02:36:33 AM »
A Circle is Forever

:cry: :cry: :cry:

Just to play devil's advocate, I'd like to believe that Amenashi had no ill-will nor any plans to get Risa out of MM at the time.  Add the fact that they spent a fair bit of time together during their lessons, and it's not surprising that they might have began to feel an attraction between them.  Risa is, after all, awfully hard to resist when she's being all cute and what not.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: [1shots] #6 "A Circle is Forever"
« Reply #56 on: June 26, 2009, 05:22:08 PM »
Ah, so Ai-chan went forward but not completely back to her time yet. I can be cold-hearted but I can't hate a little kid, especially Gaki's little kid. :lol: Never expected Gaki to leave that way and poor poor poor Ai-chan!!!! :cry: She should have confessed, maybe none of this would have happened.
Kuji, I'm hooked! :grin:

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Re: [1shots] #7 "Set in Stone"
« Reply #57 on: June 28, 2009, 11:53:11 AM »
@Sukoshi: I can't answer for Risa but my answer would just be that the story wrote itself that way. I have very little control. ^^;

@kawaii beam: lol, when you said it sucked... I thought you meant the story at first. :sweatdrop: But yeah, Ai really should have tested that thing more first.

@Hotaru: Indeed. I felt bad for her too!

@JFC: A level headed assessment indeed, JFC. After all, you only learnt of Amenashi through Ai's telling and she's obviously biased - that isn't to say she isn't right though but I guess that will remain a mystery.

@strawb3rrykream: Yeah, kids are so gosh darn annoyingly hard to hate, aren't they? Boo to them. XD

Anyway, here it is, what I think is the last story to this series. Hope it doesn't disappoint. ^^

Set in Stone
by Kuji

In my grandparents house in Okinawa,  which I still visit even though my grandparents passed away when Junta was  four, there’s a picture that my grandmother took of me when I was a child. She  said it showed my character. In it, I’m in the process of frantically bowing to  a woman. In the photo that woman is Ai-chan. Maybe you think I’m crazy since it  certainly sounds that way. After all how could I have met an adult Ai when I  was eight years old when in reality she is only two years older than I am –  that’s impossible. But I’m not crazy and it is  possible because you see, Ai has vanished. She disappeared three months ago. I  found out a week after it happened when her mother called me, quite distraught  over her missing daughter. Even though she knew we hadn’t been in contact for a  very long time her avenues in the search were becoming exhausted. Apparently Ai  doesn’t have many friends and none of the others knew where she might have  vanished to.

That evening when Yamato came home, I was almost completely  packed for my trip – I was going to Tokyo  and I would stay there until I found my best friend. Best friend, I really do  think that she is still that to me even though we never talk or see each other.  The friends I have now, these other wives and other mothers… they’ll never be  as special as the friends I made in Morning Musume and none of them could ever  replace Ai. Yamato didn’t want me to go and tried to talk me out of it. ‘What can you do? You haven’t seen her in  years’, is what he said to me and he had a point but I couldn’t do nothing.  Then he told me to stay home, Yokohama and Tokyo weren’t that far  apart after all, I could still search for Ai from there but I couldn’t do that.  Staying at home meant too many distractions, too many obligations that would  eat into the time I could spend looking for Ai and I had to find her. I knew  that I was being neither a good wife nor a good mother in that moment but I had  never been rational when it came to Ai. Yamato asked if I was choosing Ai over  my family. I told him I wasn’t but I was. I think he knew that too but he still  let me go, only asking that I come back.

Ai had always been a sensitive topic for us. He said he’d  sensed from the beginning that she didn’t like him and I’d always told him that  she’d warm up to him eventually but of course that never happened. When I had  rejected him initially all those years ago, he’d immediately asked me if it was  because of Ai. There were other reasons too though, Morning Musume and my  career didn’t allow me to have a boyfriend but if I were honest, I would have  to admit that the main reason was because of Ai. Since I met her, she  fascinated me and held my attention more than anyone I had ever met before. The  accent she was always so self-conscious about was endearing, she was endlessly  talented with both dancing and singing and I was completely awestruck by her. My  dream since I childhood was to become part of Morning Musume but I found my  dream evolving into being in Morning Musume with this person. Then for nine  years, I lived that dream until my graduation. Married and with child at age twenty-one.  That was never a dream of mine and when I sleep now, what I see is always the  past. Yamato, Sayaka, Junta… forgive me for not treasuring you as much as I  should.

Staying at a hotel in Tokyo  now reminds me of when I was always going from hotel to hotel. It’s nostalgic but  right now I can’t just run across the hall and see the friendly face of a group  mate anymore. Another thing that’s different is that I no longer have to hide my  face when I go out into the streets. I haven’t been an idol or in the spotlight  in so long that even on the rare occasion someone recognizes me, it’s easy  enough to convince them that they’ve only made a mistake.

Before Ai went missing, she’d been pouring a considerable  amount of capital into the R&D department of Fujiwara Technologies. The  police had already investigated the place of course but it didn’t seem that  they got much from it except that the name of the employee who had spoken to Ai  last and he’d checked out as having had nothing to do with her disappearance. The  security cameras caught her leaving the building with a metal case bearing the  company logo and her car was found at home so it seemed as though she had made  it home that night but after that it seemed like Ai had vanished into thin air.  I got permission from Ai’s parents to speak with the attorney who has been  handling her business since she went missing. With the right papers drawn up, I  was allowed access to Ai’s possessions, including papers that let me know about  a side project she had been investing in. As unbelievable as it sounds, she had  been paying that company to make a time machine.

Of course, a normal person would not be able to accept that  someone went missing because they went time-travelling. That sounded like  something out of the movies but Ai had all sorts of research results and  documents all on this machine that they were supposedly making.  She had papers explaining how to use it and  theories on the effects and physics of time travel. Books, fiction and not on  the subject, filled the shelves of her home. Then, when I remembered that  encounter when Junta was four years old… I started to believe it was possible.

After that, I started recalling more of these incidents  which I had brushed off before. I had my parents send me my albums from when I  was a child and I saw it, something I had somehow missed all this time. It was Ai-chan…  as she should look now and sometimes older… at various stages of my life. There  but always in the background. I had found her, in a way but I couldn’t get to  her. She was even further beyond me than she was before. Does she even still  exist in this time?

Today, I’m returning to Yokohama. If these photos tell me anything,  it’s that Ai-chan is always and always has been with me.

Ai-chan… I hope we meet again one day. If we do, I’ll surely  tell you the truth – that I’ve always loved you.


p a r a d o x

The diary was closed with a snap.

“That’s a joke right?” Risa asked, after having read the  entry, “It’s sort of creepy and that actually looks like my handwriting!”

“Wait, you didn’t send this to me?” Ai asked incredulously.


“So um… about just now…” The leader was fidgeting now. She  had been so elated by the last line that very little else mattered to her,  including the rest of the diary’s entry. It had arrived that morning on her  doorstep, with that particular page marked and the last line highlighted as  though somebody thought that she was incredibly dense and needed to see that  line urgently.

“You mean when you um… kissed me?”


Risa smiled and took Ai’s hand in her own.

“I’m not letting you take that back.” Risa leaned in to  return the favour but Ai stopped her at the last minute.

“But wait… who’s Yamato?”

Paradox wasn't in the original plan but who can resist a bit of happiness even if it breaks the rules of time-travel, right? For the purists though, you can pretend Paradox never existed. ;D

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Re: [1shots] #7 "Set in Stone"
« Reply #58 on: June 29, 2009, 02:50:24 AM »
Set in Stone
So this thing's still going, right? Aichan's still leaping (for lack of a better term/reference) from time to time, trying to find the specific one she's looking for to "correct that mistake" that she felt she made?


p a r a d o x
At least it's nice to know that in at least one of the possible timelines that this is happening in, Aichan succeeded. :)

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: [1shots] #7 "Set in Stone"
« Reply #59 on: June 29, 2009, 03:48:26 AM »
Set In Stone
Holy shit!!! :w00t: That day on the beach~~~ :wub: It's weird how that happened but I'm elated that Gaki still loves Ai-chan!!! I feel kinda bad for Yamato and her kids but Gaki can't just ignore someone that's been on her mind since she joined Morning Musume. That's pretty creepy though, all the pictures of Gaki with Ai-chan in the background. :lol:

AWWW, RABU-RABU!!!! :heart:

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