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Author Topic: Assassins Creed  (Read 65493 times)

Offline Tuffty

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Assassins Creed
« on: April 10, 2009, 09:02:56 PM »
It may have had stupid AI, boring repetitive side quests, a Middle Eastern protaganist who sounded like he came straight from Canada, and it ended up being more popular because the producer was a cutie who got lots of exposure, but I still enjoyed Assassin's Creed. It did have huge sprawling cities which were just really pretty to look at and especially do parkour tricks in and I was one who happened to like the story, even with the sci-fi elements. Reading online and trying to piece together the clues left after the game was finished, you could tell a lot of thought was put into the franchise as a whole and how real historical events, locales and conspiracy theories can connect together with the game's own setting. Plus, I'm a sucker for anything that comes out of the Holy Crusades. XD

For fans like me then, it's good news to see the first teaser trailer to Assassins Creed 2 where it's almost a dead cert that it takes place in Italy during the time of the Renaissance (including bat wings?! :o) If that wasn't enough, according to Game Informer it seems like the game could have great promise with these new features:

- Day and Night Cycle
- Swimming
- More weapons, axe, hammer, mace, spear, 2 different sword types, a spear axe thing, and 2 smaller blades
- Game will feature a new notoriety system that governs how enemy soldiers and people will treat you.
- You can disarm enemies and use their own weapons against them this time.
- Each weapon has a special move.
- 16 unique mission types.
- If you get beat up to much you will need to see a doctor to regain full strength.
- New enemy types with unique attitudes and weaknesses are present in the game. Archers are mentioned, as well as elite enemies, dagger wielders, "Brutish" armored troops with heavy armor and 2 handed swords and axes, and an intelligent halberd enemy will probe hiding places with their weapons if they think you're near by.
- While hiding in a hay bail you can assassinate people this time, but it may expose your position.
- Da Vincis workshop is in the game
- Locations include Saint Marks Basilica, The Grand Canal, The Little Canal, and the Rialto bridge.
- The game opens in 1476, Altair is from 1191
- You will see the countryside of Tuscany
- The "Auditore" family is mentioned
- The main characters name is Ezio Auditore de Firenze
- He is a nobleman of Florence
- Big characters are in the game including Machiavelli, Caterina Sofrza, and Lorenzo de Medici
- The Lorendo de Medici assassination is in the game.
- No more eavesdropping or pick pocketing missions.
- Hidden objects (like flags in the first one) are there to uncover but this time if you track them down you will get in-game bonuses that make it worth your time.
- Items include, flags, statues, and gold coins and more that isnt mentioned.

Now there's obviously no mention there of improved AI or the like, but seeing as it was a main criticism of the first game, I'll expect the developers are already at work on it. Personally, I'd want a few more indoor locations and proper stealth mechanics rather than just hope you don't get seen. You know, actually crouching behind low objects or hugging walls. One of my fantasies when I thought of AC was to kill an Assassination target inside a tower. But because it was free roaming and it's climb anywhere mechanics, I'd actually scale the tower from the bottom to the top and work my way inside from there. Imagine, walking through the tower, with proper stealth mechanics ala Splinter Cell or Metal Gear. rather than just pray you don't get seen. Sunlight streaming in through the stained glass windows. Sneaking down a spiral staircase. All before making the decisive kill inside the target's personal chambers.

Well one can hope AC2 will be like that anyway...

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Re: Assassins Creed
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2009, 09:12:00 PM »
I have never played Assassins Creed but I'm kinda curious about it because of this:
Kristen Bell to Feature in Assassin's Creed

Kristen Bell will play a key character in Assassin’s Creed, whose mysterious role is an important part of the game’s intricate storyline.

“It was crucial to find an actress who could convey the emotional range and talent needed to play this key character in the Assassin’s universe,” said Jade Raymond, producer for Assassin’s Creed. “Kristen Bell is a remarkable actress who was able to bring her character to life in a dynamic way that I don’t think anyone else could have done properly. Her professionalism and dynamic personality were a perfect fit for this project.”

“I was a big video gamer growing up, so working on Assassin’s Creed is my chance to be a part of video game history,” said Kristen Bell. “It’s something completely different than what I’ve done before, so it’s cool I get to branch out and try another entertainment medium. I was attracted to this project because of the intelligent storyline and the character I play. Plus I admire the artistry of the graphics of video games. I look forward to seeing what my character will look like and I can’t wait to play the game and see if I can beat it!”

Assassin's Creed: Kristen Bell Wants a Sequel
Kristen Bell > Lara Croft and all them other video game bitches XD

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Re: Assassins Creed
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2009, 05:54:51 PM »
That was Kirsten Bell in the game?!   I would have never guessed..

and props to her for also wanting a sequel. The ending of the first one killed me.
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Re: Assassins Creed
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2009, 07:08:36 PM »
Yes! All those things sound awesome Tuff, I can't wait. I absolutely loved the first Assassin's Creed. It sure was repetitive, and being in the real world was really slow, but when your jumping from building to building, pushing people out of the way, massacring 100s of soldiers, and finding the best route of attack to assassinate the target in the coolest way possible, it more than made up for the repetitiveness in fun factor. Looking forward to #2 and how it plays out!

Aren't the cities in the first game supposed to be very similar to how the cities are/were in real life?

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Re: Assassins Creed
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2009, 08:22:13 PM »
This isn't a warez forum mato_kun, don't post any more link or you'll get banned~

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Re: Assassins Creed
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2009, 09:28:17 PM »
This isn't a warez forum mato_kun, don't post any more link or you'll get banned~

owh im sorry i will not did it again~ :O
guys ~ i just create my new website ~ please visit us @ . lol dont worry i always be here too~

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Re: Assassins Creed
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2009, 07:43:53 AM »
i just got Assassins creed for PC, just because AC2 looks very good and I want to play the original first XD

Gaki-san 大好き!

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Re: Assassins Creed
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2009, 12:46:43 PM »
Assassin's Creed II Preview

Sounding really good, I was hoping for some linear moments as described above. Good to hear that these self-contained side missions feel 'Prince Of Persia-esque'. More user-friendly, more weapons, more inventive ways of assassination, more side-missions, more everything! I think I will be getting this no problem.

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Re: Assassins Creed
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2009, 02:25:50 PM »
Cross posting from Kristen Bell's thread:

Good news for us gamers. Kristen's reprising her role as Lucy in Assassin's Creed II.

Yum :drool:

"Being a part of the first Assassin's Creed video game was an amazing experience. Video games is such a creative entertainment medium, and to be able to see and play myself as a video game character was surreal. As an actress, it's both challenging and rewarding to play a complex character with this great mysterious background. I'm very happy to be Lucy once more, and I look forward to fans discovering more about her - they will be pleasantly surprised."

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Re: Assassins Creed
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2009, 05:50:29 PM »
I am little skeptical about AC2. Don't get me wrong, I loved the first, the scenarios , character movement , the settings and all but it felt like they had the potential to make an amazing game but even though it was good it felt so repetitive.

On the begging you don't mind because the game is so good, but as it goes it just keeps getting worse (in repetition and redundancy) so the only thing you could care for are the main assassination which are still awesome.

My point, just hope they give in AC2 a way to play through without getting kind of bored. I'm not asking for GTA variety (which would be awesome) but some at least.

I'm happy that in an interview the director of the game addressed these issues I mentioned (which most people complained) and he said he'll improve it, so I just hope for the best, but I'll wait for a few reviews before cashing in my money on this game.


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Re: Assassins Creed
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2009, 12:12:29 AM »
I have AC but only played it once.  I'll go back after I finish Ninja Gaiden 2 & Batman.

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Re: Assassins Creed
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2009, 12:32:11 AM »
Saw the content for AC2 Limited Edition, $90 CAD

Assassin Creed 2 game CD
Ezio collectable statue (8.5 inches tall)
Exclusive in-game map
The Art of Assassins Creed 2 hard-covered art book
Additional Bonus Disc includes: Behind the scenes of Assassins Creed 2
Assassins Creed 2 Soundtrack

Looks worth the money to buy if you are a big fan of AC (compare the price you need to pay for COD:MW2 Prestige Edition, or DJ Hero Renegade Edition) (the only Limited Edition I may consider is NBA2K10 because the "locker"+ Kobe figure and poster worth the $110 CAD)
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Offline Tuffty

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Re: Assassins Creed
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2009, 03:17:19 PM »
That collector's edition looks like great value for money. Wonder if the same will be offered to the UK? I heard how the special edition of Batman:Arkham Asylum was really nice in the US, but the UK got a sub-par edition of it for the same price. Like this ugly design for the box and a flimsy diary or something. Though if I'm honest, I don't like AC so much that I would be willing to pay more for a behind the scenes disc and in-game map.

I don't know why I think this, but I don't consider AC2 will be such an essential game for me. Don't get me wrong, there's 3 games I really want during the holiday season and AC2 is one of them. But maybe it's because my playthrough of AC1 has warped my perspective that when I look at videos of AC2 it seems like not that much has changed. I just have this feeling that something will prevent it being perfect. If AC1 for me was an 8, I think this get a 9 but no more. Having said that, I could be completely wrong and the game is such an improvement in every way that it will get a 10. Here's hoping.

With this trailer though, things are looking promising:

TGS Trailer

Best improvement for me? The protaganist has an Italian dialect, Altair sounded like he was from Vancouver XD

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Re: Assassins Creed
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2009, 03:45:14 PM »
Yuna has it exactly right that the first game was too damn repetitive. I liked what I was playing up until the day I did a marathon AC gaming session, and you realize there are approximately four mini-games replayed over...and over...and over...and over, and they don't vary in execution at all. By the time I got to the endgame I just wanted the game to finally end so I could go onto something better (in that case, I had Mass Effect waiting for me, which has its own problems with repetition, but not as bad as AC).

As much as I try, I can't get excited about AC2.

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Re: Assassins Creed
« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2009, 05:42:58 PM »
I always become so mesmerized by that trailer. I finally sent my 360 to be repaired, so I'll definitely be ready for that game
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Re: Assassins Creed
« Reply #16 on: October 13, 2009, 01:40:08 AM »

Offline Tuffty

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Re: Assassins Creed
« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2009, 08:49:27 PM »
^ Almost looks painful XD

Eurogamer have a latest preview of the game

Here's a sequel that takes precisely zero time to prove it's not simply a repeat of its forerunner. Remember all those super-long, super-serious conversations between unsmiling men? From the very off, Assassin's Creed II features gags, flirting and urgency. Even Desmond, the glowering buzzcut bloke whose ancestors' memories the Assassin's Creed games document, gets to grin, joke and make eyes at a lady. What, what, what? Light-heartedness in my gritty historical stealth game?

It's an immediate improvement. It's also makes AC2 fresh enough that most of the backlash against the first game is washed away.

Great preview. Should probably note there's a little spoiler when talking about the Animus and Desmond, but nothing that spoils the plot.

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Re: Assassins Creed
« Reply #18 on: November 05, 2009, 11:24:02 AM »

Offline Retro Bubble

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Re: Assassins Creed
« Reply #19 on: November 15, 2009, 05:28:43 PM »
I seriously cannot wait for this game. I've already seen a number of gameplay videos (including the ones from people who received their copies early -- DAMN THEM!!!), and I must say, the team behind Assassin's Creed 2 really seems to have kept to their word and made tons of improvement; correcting most, if not, all the flaws of the game's predecessor. From what I've seen so far, there's no more repetitive gameplay, and they added a whole lot of new features (like owning your own villa to store portraits, armors, weaponry; as well as your own town you can invest upon to transform from rugged and poor, to prosperous and rich.)

God, it's too good to be true! :lol:

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« Last Edit: November 16, 2009, 03:21:27 AM by Retro Bubble »

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