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Author Topic: The Fanfic Rant Hole  (Read 53478 times)

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Re: The Fanfic Rant Hole
« Reply #80 on: March 16, 2011, 06:57:08 PM »
I've got it bad for her. And I'm getting drunk right now because I'm not quite depressed. The alcohol keeps me calm.

Also, I can't seem to write anything recently. Too much on edge. Let's see if I can do something about it while buzzed on alcohol. Should be interesting to write crackfic while buzzed. XDDDD


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Re: The Fanfic Rant Hole
« Reply #81 on: March 17, 2011, 05:25:27 AM »
For me, I can never write drunk/buzzed/whatever. I could probably bang my head against the keyboard sober and come out with something more coherent. :lol:

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Re: The Fanfic Rant Hole
« Reply #82 on: March 17, 2011, 07:24:06 AM »
You may not want to know how much stuff I wrote whilst drunk. There may have been a comment or three, even.

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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Re: The Fanfic Rant Hole
« Reply #83 on: May 24, 2011, 07:07:21 AM »
Don't drink so can't say too much about it but somehow with the crazy schedule between parents and work, something f'd up is always up for grabs, no inspiration but I need to write more weird stuff out of my comfort zone  :rofl:
Random Thought:


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Re: The Fanfic Rant Hole
« Reply #84 on: June 12, 2011, 06:01:16 PM »
Alright, different rant this time, not emo. XD

Kind of wanted to rant about Reina's character in fics. It's partially inspired by grac's comment on MSF, where she observed that the convenient route that most writers pigeonhole her into (sadly, including myself sometimes) that staple tsundere character. It's easy to make her that tsundere character because she seems to have invented it herself. XD Besides, it has great comic value even if she isn't the main character.

To be completely honest, I don't read quite as many H!P fics as some of the veteran readers around probably have, mostly because I'm picky and lazy. I get an instinctive sensation of horror when encountering fic I simply cannot read. It's not that I don't want's like a mental block that sends me (figuratively) running away screaming. While possibly pulling out my hair. XD I might be exaggerating on those, but I definitely do get mental screeches of agony when confronted with material that offends my sensibility.

But I digress. Anyway, since I tend to read rokun's work quite frequently, I haven't really found much fault with his portrayal of Reina, since he does give a lot of thought to his favourite MM girl. XD So I'll have to just take grac's word at face value. Which does make sense since when I first wrote Reina in AA, she was the tsundere character. Who had epically bad luck with turtles. And a bad temper. XD Fun times...

There's no doubt that she does have tsundere characteristics. With her aloof nature (not really hanging out with other members outside of work etc), she can easily come off as standoffish, which translates to ficdom's convenient exaggeration of the "tsun" side. Fanfic's all about exaggeration, and certain qualities are just easier (and more fun) to exaggerate. I mean, just look at Sayu's narcissism. I'm pretty sure she's not really that bad IRL, and most fans probably know it too, but it's fun to play it up in fic.

I've been...accused...of being a tad too realistic with my fics. Thanks for telling me Kuji... But I find that I want my characters to be very much believable, so that the readers can forge an emotional connection with them and what they experience. I will also take this opportunity to apologize to everyone for the excessive amounts of sorrow/misery/angst/tragedy that tend to occur in my fics. Doesn't help that I'm a pessimist and tend to take a dour approach to the concept of happy endings. I'm trying very hard to change that, really. I just need to learn to be more optimistic. ^^;

Ok, but yeah, back to Reina. I didn't realize it until recently, and grac definitely helped with her insightful comments, that I do really enjoy writing Reina. She's probably my favourite character to write because she's so complex (Ha, surprised you guys didn't I? everyone would probably have said that Ai was my favourite). My next favourite is probably Sayu, since she's also incredibly complex (if done right). I still want to write a Sayu-as-villain story someday. Maybe that Sherlock Holmes-inspired fic. But that's for another time.

Surprising, isn't it? I would have rounded up with Eri to collect the full set of Rokkies as favourite characters (I never think of Miki as a Rokkie...she's like only nominally one, I tend to associate her with 4th gen if anything else). But for some reason Eri always frightens me. She can be incredibly simple to write...or very very difficult, given my tendency to over-analyse everyone. She's unpredictable, which makes her a good wildcard in any writer's repertoire, and she's funny and crazy to boot, if you want her in crack-y situations. But for some reason Eri unnerves me as a character in a way that none of the Gorokkies have. Don't ask me why. I tend to chalk it up to paranoia and maybe a bit of instinct.

Side note about Ai: She's my favourite MM girl no doubt, but she's such a pain to write that I want to go hit my head against the nearest hard surface repeatedly whenever I'm obliged to think like her. I'm still trying to grope around for the right fit for her personality, since most of my fics are AU and so will affect her differently. I have a core idea of what she's like, but trying to juggle things around to make sure that she makes sense while still appearing credibly herself as a character is challenging to say the least. I admit to idealizing some parts of her at times, but hey, fanfic! I try my best to make sure people really get to know her. The best part about this whole gig is that I seem to be eerily accurate about certain parts of her personality. I mean, I invented emo!Ai before she confirmed it herself on Bijo Houdan (all those years back!). It makes me feel somewhat justified (and has me patting myself on my own back for it, and I don't even have to wrench an arm since mine is long enough!).

Ahem. Back on topic. Reina fascinates me because she's always strikes me as a very proud character. This image is doubly reinforced when I finally got round to watching the Rokkies audition (yeah, I never did watch that, so sue me). She has a great deal of pride, but she will lay it aside if given sufficient motivation. I would say her ambition is even greater than her pride. She seems like the type who would sacrifice almost anything to succeed in her goals. I mean, she even entered the 5th gen auditions despite not making the age cutoff (might have gotten in too, if she hadn't been disqualified, methinks).

But yeah. Pride, ambition. Even when she lays her pride aside to learn, she doesn't grovel. She's not the type. I like her better for that. I always did like the proud ones. XD Sure, most of them get stuck into the "arrogant" category, which I suppose is a fair assessment. But Reina comes by her arrogance honestly. She works hard to maintain an air of superiority. I've always been particularly struck by a couple of comments she has made on both video and her blog, about how she hates to have people see her working hard at something. She doesn't mind letting them know that she did in fact work on something, but she rather not be observed while doing it, I think. It's part of that pride, you know, doing the unglamorous work behind the scenes so she can do stuff well out in public. Maybe it's part of idol training, I wouldn't know. Though given how Japanese TV (or TV in general, really) seems to love embarrassing their celebrities, perhaps not.

Another thing about Reina is how concerned she is about appearance. It could be chalked up to vanity, but I'm not merely talking about physical appearance. She's image-conscious, and very self-aware ---> other members have spoken about that, particularly Sayu and Ai. She knows what she wants, and who she is, very clearly. Sure, she's kinda dumb in that she's not book-smart, but I think academics was never an interest for her. She's not stupid, she just has different priorities. I figure that if Reina had been genuinely interested in school she'd have done pretty well for herself (and never become a celebrity, which would not lead to me micro-analysing her down to her warts...if she has any). Still, the average fan has to concede that she's fairly street smart, even if lacking in practical knowledge about the world. We'll forgive her for thinking that Europe was a country. XD Or that Paris and France are separate countries. XD

So the Reina I have described here is proud, ambitious, self-aware, and more than a little driven. That's a lot more than a simple tsundere description can encapsulate, but it does work as a simplified explanation. After all, she is standoffish because of her pride, and because of her kitten image, the "dere dere" side immediately leaps to mind. I have to admit, a smiling Reina (not that practised stage smile, the smile that Sayu occasionally manages to sneak a shot of sometimes) is like, the most adorable thing ever. It just makes you want to cuddle her. XD Sayu regretfully notes that Reina only ever shows that smile off backstage, when they're with the other members. She even discusses it with Eripon (I think it was Eripon) on her radio show (or was it Kanon? I dunno, one of the Kyukkies), and it led to them concluding that Reina needs to smile like that more often.

Which leads me to another conclusion (which Reina herself often implies in her blog posts): Being an idol is just a job for her. I'm not entirely sure why she wanted to become part of Morning Musume to begin with, but judging from bits and pieces of info from over the years, she 1) wanted to be famous, 2) get close to other famous people, 3) liked being in the limelight and 4) liked to perform. I guess over 9 years in the industry has tempered her considerably, because she simply treats this as a job...and the other girls are simply colleagues. This is true, because you don't see her hanging out with them after work. I mean, she even admits that she has never gone out privately for a meal with Sayu during one concert (or was it a show), which led to a host asking if they're actually friends despite being in the same generation. Ok, if I think about this too much I might actually write a story about this. XD Now you know why I have a seemingly inexhaustible amount of ideas. It comes from thinking too much about the characters of the girls. XD

It might be a rash statement to make, but I advance the theory that Reina doesn't really love Morning Musume as much as, say, Gaki or Sayu. Or even Fukuchan (who is probably THE H!P wota in the group now XD). Reina was never a wota, and never will be. Maybe she does genuinely like them (she admired Maki back in the day). She wanted to be in the group after all. But we have to remember that at the time of her auditioning, Momusu was THE female idol group. If Reina had been asked to choose which group to audition to right now, I think mini-Reina from back then would have gone to AKB. Or maybe not, because AKB is fricking huge and it's hard to stand out of so many girls unless you took some pretty extreme steps to define yourself with a unique character. But Reina was ambitious, and probably still is, and would definitely choose the option that would allow her to stand out best and become popular.

That's not to say that Reina doesn't love the group now. But I can't really tell. There are some parts of her I can never read accurately, so I'm relying on logic and some guesswork. I mean, if you come right down to it, Ai's first choice was Takarazuka, and she was devastated at being too short to ever become an otokoyaku, so if you want to be technical about it, Momusu was her second choice. XD I do sincerely believe that Ai grew to love the group, or more likely, the members that formed the group. She probably views the group as her responsibility, which is why she takes being leader so seriously, even though, well, she doesn't really have to be so serious about it. I mean, both Yossi and Iida were kinda laidback about things, though they did handle everything competently, more or less. Ai is all SRS BIZNESS about it. But that's just the way she is. She takes everything seriously. XD

Of course, this is probably why I tend to not write any of the girls in a real-timeline based fic. Except for one shots, since I can get away with those. XD Reina is too difficult to pair with anyone but a guy if you stuck to the facts. She's like, the very definition of a straight girl (with the occasional exception, which is fun to dissect whenever it happens). XD Since we stalwarts here in JPHiP love our yuri, that's obviously a no-no for the general audience. It's not impossible to pair her with another girl in a real-world-type fic, but it would be a lot more challenging (or you could just maul her character, why not, most people do that anyway).

I took the chicken way out: I put her in a different world, with different backgrounds that would facilitate her to be more receptive to the idea. And well, the writers here in JPHiP have a tendency to follow the Everyone is Gay/Lesbian (I'll be nice and not link to tvtropes, unlike a certain crack dealer...) trope, even myself (or especially myself, but I'm trying hard to make it believable in context).

But well. Reina is never easy to write, but then again, no one is easy to write in my opinion. XD I love how I over-complicate everything and everyone. Which leads to the heavy degree of realism (even in my crack!) in my stories. Ironically I find (exaggerated) Sayu the most fun and relaxing to write. I mean, in MSF, all I have to do is let myself be as narcissistic and offhandedly bitchy in every little way possible and voila! I'm probably mauling Sayu a great deal, but hey, it's all in the name of good fun. Plus she has complexities that don't show immediately. Yes, even there. Did anyone notice?

I could go on forever, but I suppose I must stop somewhere. XD If anyone is interested to hear me rant further, you are welcome to request specific people for me to rant about. XD I'm curious to know what you guys think of my interpretations though, and what else you have observed. I'm open to new ideas, because I'm still formulating my opinion (and revising them whenever something else pops up). That's part of the fun of studying real people. You learn new things all the time, because they don't stay static. XD

And off to bed because I have work in the morning. All this ranting about Reina has given me more to apply...


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Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: The Fanfic Rant Hole
« Reply #85 on: June 12, 2011, 06:11:31 PM »
Good lord! ....Feel better now? XD

Offline Estrea

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Re: The Fanfic Rant Hole
« Reply #86 on: June 12, 2011, 06:13:49 PM »
Actually, I do. XD I was bored and there wasn't anyone to talk to. And I needed some time to consider the next chapter of MSF, which has a few interesting things that need to be thought through carefully. Writing in Reina's POV isn't always easy. It doesn't come naturally to me, so I have to put myself in the right frame of mind.

And yes, next chapter of MSF is Reina POV. Not much of a spoiler, since I'm not telling you what it's about. :P


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Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: The Fanfic Rant Hole
« Reply #87 on: June 12, 2011, 07:39:46 PM »
Hmmm, there will be thoughts of Ai in it! :lol:

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Re: The Fanfic Rant Hole
« Reply #88 on: June 13, 2011, 01:08:26 AM »
I feel frustrated sometimes because while I do get what my characters are about, they are pretty damn stubborn and like to do whatever the hell they want. XD Which kinds of screws with my best laid plans. I mean, MSF took a completely different route from how I imagined it to go, because SOMEONE decided to be spontaneous. But well, it seems to work out well in that direction so I just follow along.

EDIT: Also to add that while I know how a character is THIS or maybe THAT, showing it in narrative is more difficult than it looks. Mostly because I don't like to resort to people commenting directly that a person is "SOMETHING", which is kind of lazy to me because that's just the author directly telling the audience what to think. I tend to take the roundabout way and let every character be entitled to their opinion....which may or may not be correct...and then letting the readers be the judge themselves. XD Sometimes it works, sometimes it has an entirely different effect from what I expected, which is why I like knowing what people think after I write something. It helps me gauge whether I hit my target or not. XD

Lol I must also apologize for the WALLS OF TEXT. I think too hard and write too much. :P

Also, rndy, that isn't even a guess. It's a given. :P No cookie for you!
« Last Edit: June 13, 2011, 01:38:34 AM by Estrea »


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Re: The Fanfic Rant Hole
« Reply #89 on: June 13, 2011, 02:34:41 AM »
essy i actually dont mind your walla of text XD your ways of thinking....eventhough you think its quite complex i wish i could be as descriptive like that XD i mean i over think alot but i can never form the words right...hence why my comments to fics and oneshots are always lame. bad and short ^^; anywho since you talked about requests for cheracter/ppl analisis....yes i just spelt that /said that wrong XD i shall request for gaki~ :3 eventhough you dont like her so much XD plus what you said about being able to read like certian stuff, but at the same time it makes me sad....since you've never commented mine XD oh well i hope one day i can make something to hook you in lol
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Re: The Fanfic Rant Hole
« Reply #90 on: June 13, 2011, 04:27:40 AM »
Aww waiwai, don't be sad. ^^; I'm just too lazy to go read. Besides, not many people write the kind of stories I like. The only stories I follow currently are rokun's and grac's...and maybe one or two more that I don't remember because they don't update often. XD

I'll do Gaki's analysis when I get home. XD And when I'm free of course. ^^; A bit busy this couple of days, because I'm moving (again!).


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Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: The Fanfic Rant Hole
« Reply #91 on: June 13, 2011, 06:40:42 AM »
Well, it's not really an analysis, but I wanna hear about Emo!Ai on Bijo Houdan. That show would have been awesome subbed since it was so deep. :farofflook: I never bothered to dl the lot of them since my understanding of Japanese isn't that complex. And probably never will be... :sweatdrop:

I love your walls of text Essy. :wub: :wub:

Also, you made me sweatdrop for reals with your "Everybody is Gay" comment, since I tend to do that a lot. I tried so hard for B&B to have only one couple and not even a single hint of romance, but it kind of ran away with me and now....I (hate it >.<) am totally blocked.

I also think I have a tendency to abuse fiction for my own evil pervy purposes. I can't help it, though every thing turns out like crap later. I really wish I couldn't see sex in every situation...

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Re: The Fanfic Rant Hole
« Reply #92 on: June 13, 2011, 07:51:41 AM »
^Again, I have to get home in order to rewatch the damn thing. XD I remember bits and pieces, but not enough to give a good summary. So you'll have to let me rewatch in order to refresh my memory. XD

I've written friendship fic, but those are mostly one shot. My mini Duelist saga can tentatively be considered to have no romance, but it's a tossup over there. I find it easy to write story without romance, if I really want to. I specialize in huge plots and character interaction (which doesn't even have to be romantic!). I guess my inner perv is satisfied by pestering rokun to write everything :D Outsourcing is a wonderful thing! :lol:

Also, on the Everybody is Gay phenomenon, I try to avoid it by having a couple of straight people around to balance things. In MSF the token straight characters are tentatively Konkon and Mako. Gaki is married to her job (for now...). And Riho is too young to know anything better (except to avoid pedo!Sayu, which she has been doing XD).
« Last Edit: June 13, 2011, 07:59:26 AM by Estrea »


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Re: The Fanfic Rant Hole
« Reply #93 on: June 13, 2011, 03:18:37 PM »
I decided to do the Bijo Houdan first. :D Well, I'm an Ai fan, so it was to be expected!

Ai: Is there something you really like about yourself? (or, do you like yourself?)

(Ai commentary: Something like a feeling of confidence? As for myself I never seem to have any confidence in myself, so I thought I'd ask)

Osokawa: This is the first time in my life someone has asked me this. I have never thought about this but...I do like myself. Don't you like yourself?

Ai: I hated the me who just joined (Momusu) the most. When I first joined, I couldn't do anything right, and it was the first time I took a step back and saw myself in a different light, and I suddenly hated what I saw. Even though I've come this far in 8 years and have improved in some ways, I am still unable to accept myself. I still have too much I dislike about myself. I'm quite bad at expressing myself with words, and sometimes I get so frustrated that the tears just come. Even so I tried to hard to get the words out, only the tears would come.

Osokawa: Tears of frustration were very common?

Ai: Even though I know sometimes there were times I just shouldn't cry, I still did. When I first joined with 5th gen, all the senpai had very strong characters and us 5th gen ended up huddling together and crying together. It was like no matter what we did, we couldn't get it right. And we were just so sad and frustrated....even now.

Osokawa: Even now? Oh you mean you still have a lot to learn.

Summary of Osokawa comments for this section: Thinks Ai cries out of frustration so often because she tries so hard and when things don't work out the way she wants, that's why she's so frustrated, and perhaps her aspirations are too high. Says that Aichan should accept what she is already able to do, and not focus on what she is still unable to achieve. She wants to praise this Aichan who keeps on trying so hard.

~*~*~ Discussion about marriage ~*~*~

Ai: About you think it's something that we all have to go through? When I was around 13/14, we used to talk among our friends about when we would get married, and we sort of decided that maybe around 23? But I'm 23 now and I still have so much I want to do that I can't even really think about or even imagine it.

Osokawa: Maybe you can't think of it now, but what about the future?

Ai: I think that maybe I might get end up getting married someday, but I don't have any aspirations towards marriage...... *LONG AWKWARD SILENCE*

Osokawa: I think you should get married. (Me: SHUDDAP. XD)

~*~*~ Aichan talks about her family/parents ~*~*~

Ai: My parents are of the same age, and maybe because of that, they fight a lot.

Osokawa: Like friends?

Ai: Yeah, but my dad's always the stronger one.

Osokawa: Well obviously!

Ai: So when I look at my mother, I feel sorry for my mother. And I end up thinking that I want to be the stronger person (even after I get married).

(and then Osokawa preaches to her about being more like a traditional wife. :<)

~*~*~ Ai on being leader ~*~*~

Ai: Well, I'm the leader (of Momusu), but I don't really have a vision of how a leader should be like. Is there some kind of image a leader should project? I've been leader for 2 years, but I've always been worried about it. I keep on watching the previous leaders and trying to learn what to do, or what not to do. I keep thinking how I'm not like a leader at all, with no leadership skills, and I really have to shape up to become a better leader. But I feel like I'm not dependable at all, and I feel like I'm relying on everyone else instead. The other members are always going on about how "aw, there Aichan goes again". I'm always messing up at critical points, but the others always step in to help me out when I need it...instead of being dependable, I'm depending on them instead.

Osokawa: But aren't you quite the fine leader as you are now?

Ai: But I thought that wasn't how it was supposed to be.

Osokawa: But not everyone can't be the same type of leader. You should be a leader the way you are, and not by copying others. There's no need to hold yourself back or become anything other than yourself, and I think a group of girls would prefer your kind of gentle leadership, and would follow you wherever you go. (Me: This is true!)

~*~*~ On dreams! ~*~*~

Ai: Have you achieved your dreams?

Osokawa: My childhood dream was never accomplished, but I've achieved most of the rest (she wanted to go into space as a kid XD). What about you? Do you have any dreams now?

Ai: I want to go abroad to study. Originally I wanted to be in Takarazuka, because I wanted to be on that beautiful stage, to wear those beautiful clothes, and sing those songs, but when I saw the Momusu auditions I ended up going for that. I still really love Takarazuka, and not just that, musicals in general, and I kept on loving those things, then suddenly I got to do a collaboration with Takarazuka as part of Morning Musume, it seems to have even surpassed my own initial dreams. I was able to do all the things I wanted, that it felt like it was too good to be true.

Osokawa: So since you've gotten this far, what's the next step?

Ai: Next step...Broadway? But that's a really big dream isn't it? But I really want to work towards that stage someday.

~*~ skipskipskipskip ~*~*~ XD

Osokawa has a long speech about treasuring the sanctity of life and how humanity, how life, is connected, and that we should treasure ourselves in order to be able to treasure the people around us. That to do anything less than that is to be too selfish, if we can only focus on how depressed we are, or only on our own pain.

(I'm just skimming and picking out the important parts XD)

People are here on earth to be happy. We should be happy merely that we are born, and we are alive. That we should build our own happiness with our own hands.

Humans can't live alone, so we need to help each other out. That to be able to help each other out is one of the greater happiness in the world.

Osokawa tells Aichan to be more positive and be grateful for the things she has, and the people she has around her. And that to work hard and be the best leader of Morning Musume she can be, and to not let down the responsibility given to her.

Osokawa thoughts on Ai: She's a very pure, innocent sort of person. Very honest about her desires. I look forward to how she continues to develop.

Ai's thoughts: That there is worth in simply being alive. That even though everyone has their own complexes/insecurities, if we take a step back and look at things, we realize how small our worries are in comparison. I'll try to remember that in the future.


Ai isn't so much emo as she simply takes everything too seriously, and is too hard on herself. She sets unrealistic expectations and beats herself up when she falls short, focusing what she failed to achieve rather than what she did manage to achieve. That's why she doesn't like herself, that's why she doesn't have any confidence. She's too critical of herself and the things she has yet to be able to do, to be truly content.

I think now though, she might have adjusted to that. She's stubborn as hell still, so it might still bother her how she has to rely on everyone and isn't a dependable leader (or so she thinks XD). What she doesn't realise is how she is, in fact, relied on, except that she doesn't see it, only seeing when the other members step in to help her when she fumbles her lines or stuff like that. But she seems to have mellowed a great deal, so she isn't quite as stiff and serious-faced about the whole leadership business, even though she constantly worries about everyone. It's kind of obvious. Morning Musume has given her more than she ever imagined, and she does love the group, which is why she is so hard on herself for not living up to the legacy passed down to her.

The part with the marriage discussion amused me. Especially when Ai's conclusion after seeing her mother on the losing side during arguments with her dad is to conclude that she would rather be the stronger one in marriage (interesting, wouldn't you think?). As a fanfic writer it presents such wonderful opportunities. The fact that she cant seem to form any kind of image or vision of what marriage is supposed to be like is interesting. I mean, it's not like she doesn't have a family herself, but it's clear she doesn't subscribe to the typical subservient wife with dominant husband model. :D In yuri goggle world, she just set herself up perfectly to be gay. Seriously lol.

But yeah. This Bijo Houdan episode validated all my emo portrayals of Ai. I'm not sure how I picked it up, but I became a full-time Ai fan somewhere in 2007 when she became leader, and I've always been watching her very closely.She always struck me as incredibly self possessed, yet nervous and awkward, with high standards for herself. This, coupled with being incredibly self-critical, made her easily frustrated and thus open to being depressed about how she just isn't good enough. Then Ai comes along and repeats everything I've already laid out in various one shots. I'm not sure if I should be happy or sad to be correct in this case. It's hard to live like that. She makes life unnecessarily difficult for herself. I feel for her. ;_;

But yeah. XD I understand her pain. Because I'm also too hard on myself and while I don't cry very often, I feel frustrated and angry a lot, and sometimes hurt myself to express that frustration. I felt a kindred soul in her, and I guess that's the real reason why she's my favourite, not just because she sings and dances so well. :) How many people can truly strike that chord with me? And have me care? She does, I do, and that is why I continue to write about her.

It's why I don't think anyone can really surpass her in my sight, unless they can connect to me on an entirely different level...


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- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

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- Everything Else. Too many to list.

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Re: The Fanfic Rant Hole
« Reply #94 on: June 13, 2011, 05:33:33 PM »
I srsly  :heart: you, Essy. Not only do you give me a great translation, but also a thoughtful bit of your own insight at the end.

Now I'm really looking forward to your thoughts on Gaki!

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Re: The Fanfic Rant Hole
« Reply #95 on: June 19, 2011, 10:55:33 AM »
Alright, different rant this time, not emo. XD

Kind of wanted to rant about Reina's character in fics. It's partially inspired by grac's comment on MSF, where she observed that the convenient route that most writers pigeonhole her into (sadly, including myself sometimes) that staple tsundere character. It's easy to make her that tsundere character because she seems to have invented it herself. XD Besides, it has great comic value even if she isn't the main character.

To be completely honest, I don't read quite as many H!P fics as some of the veteran readers around probably have, mostly because I'm picky and lazy. I get an instinctive sensation of horror when encountering fic I simply cannot read. It's not that I don't want's like a mental block that sends me (figuratively) running away screaming. While possibly pulling out my hair. XD I might be exaggerating on those, but I definitely do get mental screeches of agony when confronted with material that offends my sensibility.

But I digress. Anyway, since I tend to read rokun's work quite frequently, I haven't really found much fault with his portrayal of Reina, since he does give a lot of thought to his favourite MM girl. XD So I'll have to just take grac's word at face value. Which does make sense since when I first wrote Reina in AA, she was the tsundere character. Who had epically bad luck with turtles. And a bad temper. XD Fun times...

There's no doubt that she does have tsundere characteristics. With her aloof nature (not really hanging out with other members outside of work etc), she can easily come off as standoffish, which translates to ficdom's convenient exaggeration of the "tsun" side. Fanfic's all about exaggeration, and certain qualities are just easier (and more fun) to exaggerate. I mean, just look at Sayu's narcissism. I'm pretty sure she's not really that bad IRL, and most fans probably know it too, but it's fun to play it up in fic.

I've been...accused...of being a tad too realistic with my fics. Thanks for telling me Kuji... But I find that I want my characters to be very much believable, so that the readers can forge an emotional connection with them and what they experience. I will also take this opportunity to apologize to everyone for the excessive amounts of sorrow/misery/angst/tragedy that tend to occur in my fics. Doesn't help that I'm a pessimist and tend to take a dour approach to the concept of happy endings. I'm trying very hard to change that, really. I just need to learn to be more optimistic. ^^;

Ok, but yeah, back to Reina. I didn't realize it until recently, and grac definitely helped with her insightful comments, that I do really enjoy writing Reina. She's probably my favourite character to write because she's so complex (Ha, surprised you guys didn't I? everyone would probably have said that Ai was my favourite). My next favourite is probably Sayu, since she's also incredibly complex (if done right). I still want to write a Sayu-as-villain story someday. Maybe that Sherlock Holmes-inspired fic. But that's for another time.

Surprising, isn't it? I would have rounded up with Eri to collect the full set of Rokkies as favourite characters (I never think of Miki as a Rokkie...she's like only nominally one, I tend to associate her with 4th gen if anything else). But for some reason Eri always frightens me. She can be incredibly simple to write...or very very difficult, given my tendency to over-analyse everyone. She's unpredictable, which makes her a good wildcard in any writer's repertoire, and she's funny and crazy to boot, if you want her in crack-y situations. But for some reason Eri unnerves me as a character in a way that none of the Gorokkies have. Don't ask me why. I tend to chalk it up to paranoia and maybe a bit of instinct.

Side note about Ai: She's my favourite MM girl no doubt, but she's such a pain to write that I want to go hit my head against the nearest hard surface repeatedly whenever I'm obliged to think like her. I'm still trying to grope around for the right fit for her personality, since most of my fics are AU and so will affect her differently. I have a core idea of what she's like, but trying to juggle things around to make sure that she makes sense while still appearing credibly herself as a character is challenging to say the least. I admit to idealizing some parts of her at times, but hey, fanfic! I try my best to make sure people really get to know her. The best part about this whole gig is that I seem to be eerily accurate about certain parts of her personality. I mean, I invented emo!Ai before she confirmed it herself on Bijo Houdan (all those years back!). It makes me feel somewhat justified (and has me patting myself on my own back for it, and I don't even have to wrench an arm since mine is long enough!).

Ahem. Back on topic. Reina fascinates me because she's always strikes me as a very proud character. This image is doubly reinforced when I finally got round to watching the Rokkies audition (yeah, I never did watch that, so sue me). She has a great deal of pride, but she will lay it aside if given sufficient motivation. I would say her ambition is even greater than her pride. She seems like the type who would sacrifice almost anything to succeed in her goals. I mean, she even entered the 5th gen auditions despite not making the age cutoff (might have gotten in too, if she hadn't been disqualified, methinks).

But yeah. Pride, ambition. Even when she lays her pride aside to learn, she doesn't grovel. She's not the type. I like her better for that. I always did like the proud ones. XD Sure, most of them get stuck into the "arrogant" category, which I suppose is a fair assessment. But Reina comes by her arrogance honestly. She works hard to maintain an air of superiority. I've always been particularly struck by a couple of comments she has made on both video and her blog, about how she hates to have people see her working hard at something. She doesn't mind letting them know that she did in fact work on something, but she rather not be observed while doing it, I think. It's part of that pride, you know, doing the unglamorous work behind the scenes so she can do stuff well out in public. Maybe it's part of idol training, I wouldn't know. Though given how Japanese TV (or TV in general, really) seems to love embarrassing their celebrities, perhaps not.

Another thing about Reina is how concerned she is about appearance. It could be chalked up to vanity, but I'm not merely talking about physical appearance. She's image-conscious, and very self-aware ---> other members have spoken about that, particularly Sayu and Ai. She knows what she wants, and who she is, very clearly. Sure, she's kinda dumb in that she's not book-smart, but I think academics was never an interest for her. She's not stupid, she just has different priorities. I figure that if Reina had been genuinely interested in school she'd have done pretty well for herself (and never become a celebrity, which would not lead to me micro-analysing her down to her warts...if she has any). Still, the average fan has to concede that she's fairly street smart, even if lacking in practical knowledge about the world. We'll forgive her for thinking that Europe was a country. XD Or that Paris and France are separate countries. XD

So the Reina I have described here is proud, ambitious, self-aware, and more than a little driven. That's a lot more than a simple tsundere description can encapsulate, but it does work as a simplified explanation. After all, she is standoffish because of her pride, and because of her kitten image, the "dere dere" side immediately leaps to mind. I have to admit, a smiling Reina (not that practised stage smile, the smile that Sayu occasionally manages to sneak a shot of sometimes) is like, the most adorable thing ever. It just makes you want to cuddle her. XD Sayu regretfully notes that Reina only ever shows that smile off backstage, when they're with the other members. She even discusses it with Eripon (I think it was Eripon) on her radio show (or was it Kanon? I dunno, one of the Kyukkies), and it led to them concluding that Reina needs to smile like that more often.

Which leads me to another conclusion (which Reina herself often implies in her blog posts): Being an idol is just a job for her. I'm not entirely sure why she wanted to become part of Morning Musume to begin with, but judging from bits and pieces of info from over the years, she 1) wanted to be famous, 2) get close to other famous people, 3) liked being in the limelight and 4) liked to perform. I guess over 9 years in the industry has tempered her considerably, because she simply treats this as a job...and the other girls are simply colleagues. This is true, because you don't see her hanging out with them after work. I mean, she even admits that she has never gone out privately for a meal with Sayu during one concert (or was it a show), which led to a host asking if they're actually friends despite being in the same generation. Ok, if I think about this too much I might actually write a story about this. XD Now you know why I have a seemingly inexhaustible amount of ideas. It comes from thinking too much about the characters of the girls. XD

It might be a rash statement to make, but I advance the theory that Reina doesn't really love Morning Musume as much as, say, Gaki or Sayu. Or even Fukuchan (who is probably THE H!P wota in the group now XD). Reina was never a wota, and never will be. Maybe she does genuinely like them (she admired Maki back in the day). She wanted to be in the group after all. But we have to remember that at the time of her auditioning, Momusu was THE female idol group. If Reina had been asked to choose which group to audition to right now, I think mini-Reina from back then would have gone to AKB. Or maybe not, because AKB is fricking huge and it's hard to stand out of so many girls unless you took some pretty extreme steps to define yourself with a unique character. But Reina was ambitious, and probably still is, and would definitely choose the option that would allow her to stand out best and become popular.

That's not to say that Reina doesn't love the group now. But I can't really tell. There are some parts of her I can never read accurately, so I'm relying on logic and some guesswork. I mean, if you come right down to it, Ai's first choice was Takarazuka, and she was devastated at being too short to ever become an otokoyaku, so if you want to be technical about it, Momusu was her second choice. XD I do sincerely believe that Ai grew to love the group, or more likely, the members that formed the group. She probably views the group as her responsibility, which is why she takes being leader so seriously, even though, well, she doesn't really have to be so serious about it. I mean, both Yossi and Iida were kinda laidback about things, though they did handle everything competently, more or less. Ai is all SRS BIZNESS about it. But that's just the way she is. She takes everything seriously. XD

Of course, this is probably why I tend to not write any of the girls in a real-timeline based fic. Except for one shots, since I can get away with those. XD Reina is too difficult to pair with anyone but a guy if you stuck to the facts. She's like, the very definition of a straight girl (with the occasional exception, which is fun to dissect whenever it happens). XD Since we stalwarts here in JPHiP love our yuri, that's obviously a no-no for the general audience. It's not impossible to pair her with another girl in a real-world-type fic, but it would be a lot more challenging (or you could just maul her character, why not, most people do that anyway).

I took the chicken way out: I put her in a different world, with different backgrounds that would facilitate her to be more receptive to the idea. And well, the writers here in JPHiP have a tendency to follow the Everyone is Gay/Lesbian (I'll be nice and not link to tvtropes, unlike a certain crack dealer...) trope, even myself (or especially myself, but I'm trying hard to make it believable in context).

But well. Reina is never easy to write, but then again, no one is easy to write in my opinion. XD I love how I over-complicate everything and everyone. Which leads to the heavy degree of realism (even in my crack!) in my stories. Ironically I find (exaggerated) Sayu the most fun and relaxing to write. I mean, in MSF, all I have to do is let myself be as narcissistic and offhandedly bitchy in every little way possible and voila! I'm probably mauling Sayu a great deal, but hey, it's all in the name of good fun. Plus she has complexities that don't show immediately. Yes, even there. Did anyone notice?

I could go on forever, but I suppose I must stop somewhere. XD If anyone is interested to hear me rant further, you are welcome to request specific people for me to rant about. XD I'm curious to know what you guys think of my interpretations though, and what else you have observed. I'm open to new ideas, because I'm still formulating my opinion (and revising them whenever something else pops up). That's part of the fun of studying real people. You learn new things all the time, because they don't stay static. XD

And off to bed because I have work in the morning. All this ranting about Reina has given me more to apply...

Phew. Wow. I did enjoy this, as Reina is one of my favourite members, and when you have anything to write about Reina (and rokun~) it's always a must-read for me :D

I rarely visit this part of the fanfic forum, so only I came across this today, but hey. I was only a week or so behind XD

I agree with many of the points you have made about Reina in your eloquent analysis :D
Though, I think the tsundere character came more from the gap of character, that you point out, Reina often portrays rather than her own invention, a lapse between her proud, haughty(?) image and her soft, pet-like image she often plays on. It is such a strong contrast, that it is now established as a characteristic that has become a description of Reina as a character, IMO. Plus, how she is supposedly warm-hearted and very caring that betrays her cold exterior XD

I always wished Reina could be a bit more relaxed and be more at ease. Mainly because I used to get so sick of reading how she is the odd one out in the group, how she doesn't seem to mix in as well etc.

I guess it could be a good quality, to be so proud and sure of oneself. I remember Aichan talking about this quality of Reina as a point she is envious of, of how Reina could be so sure of herself and how she is could be very straightforward about it.

Speaking of Aichan, this could just be my own observations, but Aichan seems to have a nullifying effect on Reina. I just find Reina to be a bit different when she is around Aichan (I know I made this comment in your fics before) which is very endearing. And that Reina has pride in their partnership(?) as the two main frontgirls. Reina seems to be feeling the pressure of the gap left behind from Aichan's graduation, and she is very disappointed in losing Aichan as someone she was able to trust in the group (from the hotexpress interview Aichan, Sayu and Riho did; apparently Reina quietly bemoaned Aichan's graduation when Aichan wasn't around, which led Sayu to think this is probably how Reina honestly feels).

I do think Reina is smart, or at least is quick-minded. It does make me cringe when she openly exposes her lack of general knowledge ^^; but as you say, she never seemed to have been interested in school. Again, here is an example of how sure Reina is of herself, that she didn't feel the need to continue her education beyond what was compulsory once she graduated from junior high school. From what I observed over the years, if Reina put her mind to do something she would do it well. She is the quickest to learn their dance moves for a new single (doesn't necessarily mean she is the best dancer ^^; ), she has a fair talent in drawing and illustrations (the other members felt their portraits would be safe if it was in the hands of Reina XD), her stab at voice acting wasn't all that bad, and of course, she is vocally talented. I always wanted to see songs written by members themselves, just as a measurement of the extent of their musical talents, particularly Aichan and Reina. It would be interesting to see what kind of music would be produced if songs were written by them, or just to see how capable they could be.

Though, I slightly disagree with the paragraph of how she simply views MM as a job. Sure, I would agree she probably doesn't love the group like Gaki or Sayu does, but like Aichan I feel she has developed a sense of responsibility of what it means to belong to Morning Musume, and being part of its history. Reina is very proud of her fellow Rokkies, and while she may not maintain the closest ties to Sayu and Eri, she places huge significance on the three of them together being the 6th generation of Morning Musume from their audition, and treasures their bond of having gone through the highs and lows together right from the beginning.

This could just be me, but I always found Aichan and Reina to be so similar yet so different, which is what made me pay attention to this pairing in the first place. They were both touted as the ace of their respective generations, they both seem to hold an air of aloofness, they are both very serious when it comes to work and especially music....but they are so different in how Reina is so feisty while Aichan is more reserved, and their interests couldn't be more distinct from each other (in terms of fashion, music and so on).

I guess I should stop now, I'm losing track of what I'm saying :lol:
I almost feel like I shouldn't be posting here because I'm not a fic writer ^^;
« Last Edit: June 19, 2011, 11:12:04 AM by aussie »

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Re: The Fanfic Rant Hole
« Reply #96 on: June 19, 2011, 12:54:50 PM »
Don't worry aussie, your input is always appreciated! As a fan and a reader, I'm sure you've picked up enough impressions to form an opinion too! We all have a right to our opinions. :) You don't have to be a writer in order to post here. ;) XD

Also, I enjoy your ReinAi-ist view of things. :lol: I was sort of cynical while typing up that Reina analysis, and I guess it shows in my pessimistic predictions. Reina is a lot more introverted than she appears to be. Sure she can be straightforward and sure about herself, and she often portrays herself as outgoing, but if you pay attention to her blog, there is a higher incidence of her keeping to herself and the majority of her trips out are usually made with family. I'm guessing she's a very private person, and only lets her guard down around the people she are really familiar with.

It reminds me of a blog post where she said how after not seeing the other members for an extended period of time, she felt all awkward and even a little shy about talking to them again, because it felt strange. That incident said a lot to me, because it shows that Reina is very conscious about her interactions with others, and is very sensitive and observant to things. The fact that she seems kind of aloof is usually just a sign of her hanging back to get a gauge on things. The fact that she felt so awkward around the other members after not seeing them for a while speaks of how insecure she actually is with other people. She might be confident about herself, but I'm not so sure if she's confident with others. XD She might put up that facade, but she only gets comfortable after being assured that she's on good terms with them, usually by observing how they react to her, I bet.

About how Aichan and Reina are similar, I have to agree. XD They are both so very serious about their work. If you watched the latest HaroPro time with Sayu-cam on the set of Only You, Sayu was talking about how they had to be veeeeerrrry quiet when looking in on Reina doing her photoshoot, because Reina actually gets pissed off if people interrupt her concentration in any way. So Sayu sneaks in, and even though she is very quiet, Reina was like "I can see you clearly, Sayu" without a change in her expression as she continues posing. :lol: Reina's terribly sensitive, whereas someone like Aichan is more...oblivious. XD They're both serious, but Reina is more aware of her surroundings. Aichan is so often looking inwards on her own performance that she can be blind to whatever's going on around her. So that's one of their similar-yet-different things. Reina focuses on how things and people relate TO her, Aichan works on how SHE can change to relate to others. Interesting, no?

I also get the feeling that Reina really does respect Aichan, because as you've pointed out, Reina takes her work seriously, and Sayu has said how Reina scolded her for not doing things properly. Aichan might be the slowest at picking things up, but you don't hear any stories about Reina getting pissed off at Aichan for that --- then again, it could have happened but Aichan would never mention it, because she probably felt like she deserved it, knowing her. :lol: As you said, they're both the front girls, and they more than likely have to coordinate more together, and take the responsibility of being front and center all the time. I always like how Reina (and also Gaki) always have to watch out for their oblivious leader, like in that one Music Fighter episode where they were on promoting Kimagure Princess, and Aichan stood up to show how their pants had holes in them, and when she turned, her butt was facing the male host and Reina immediately reached out to cover for her and was like "they can see it!" because Aichan had like, what, two holes right over her butt cheek. :lol: I always found that moment cute over how protective (and observant) Reina is over the others (or rather, Aichan in particular, since Aichan just blunders into things all the time XD).

I get the feeling that Reina is attached to Morning Musume the same way Aichan is. They both grew to love it in their own way, though neither of them were wota to begin with (unlike Gaki, Sayu, Eripon, or Fukuchan). I'm sure they both feel responsible for the group, even more so as the face of the group. I'm just not sure how to define her relationships with the rest, since we just don't hear about her going out with the others on a private basis that much, though there was a time where she went out with Aika very often, for example. I mean, TakaGaki goes out together, Aika goes out with Aichan for movies and meals, assorted members of 9th gen head out together (Eripon and Kanon went to a buffet together XD), and Sayu goes out with either Aichan or even Gaki on some occasions. Hell, Sayu still goes out with Eri (though sadly, there are no pics :/). Reina usually stays home when she has no work, and when she heads out, it's with her mother or her brother. She does go out on her own occasionally, but she has said that she doesn't like that (and commented over how she envies Aichan on how independent she is about heading out and meeting new people). So, in the end, there is a possibility that instead of Reina being the outgoing one, she's actually a lot shyer to begin with? XD I'm sure she gets outgoing once she familiarizes herself with new people, but to begin with...well, Aichan is equally awkward, but somehow she still ends up going out anyway. XD Someone just has to help Reina make that first step, otherwise she'll just stick to people she already knows lol.

But yeah, that's kind of what continually fascinates me about ReinAi. How they're just so different, yet so similar at the same time. They are more compatible than we think, though there are huge potentials for conflict as usual. I mean, there is bound to be friction between two people, once you get past the honeymoon period. XD Most people tend to forget that lol. I might be a realist (or a pessimist), but I really do like things to be down to earth (even if I get flights of fancy sometimes). I rather have a couple who knows how to weather the storms in their relationships rather than one who just coasts through everything because they are perfect in every way for each other (and there is no such thing XD).

And yes, I'm starting to rant too. ^^; I do love my ReinAi, even if SOME people *coughrokuncough* like to make me depressed over them. There are some things I just can't forgive in a relationship, and well, perhaps I shouldn't keep applying my own standards to my characters, but there has to be lines drawn somewhere. I rather they break up if they cross certain lines, because let's put it this way, if you force that happy ending, it feels like it trivializes the whole conflict and the problem doesn't feel properly resolved. I'm picky about things like that, because unless the conflict is properly resolved, the happy ending just isn't happy enough. I rather take a longer time to fix the problem from the roots than just apply a slap-patch over it and pretend that everything's fine and dandy. Because, y'know, things don't work like that.

So I'm a pessimist, which makes my stories grimly real. Well, I hope they are. There might not be anything special about my writing, but I like to feel like I've done justice to myself and what I've created. A certain responsibility, you know, to your own creations. There's just so much more I feel like I could do, but am still unable to, because I feel like I've reached a plateau in my writing and nothing seems to improve. I really need to do something. I don't know. Take classes maybe. The people around me are incapable of helping me. I need help. I need people to be genuinely interested in what I write, but I don't know how to make them care, because if my writing isn't compelling enough on its own, then clearly I'm not doing it right.

I feel so lost somehow. Haha. Praise might be nice, but what I really need is....questions. People who genuinely care about what I write and ask the difficult things, forcing me to think on my feet and make my story that much better. kitaoji I miss you! we need to talk more often!

But I have to work with what I have. Reality sucks, but hey, it could be worse. At least there are people who are willing to tell me I suck. But y'know, it's not just enough to tell me I suck. So I have a problem. I need solutions. There's not much point in repeating a problem without providing a solution, or at least, helping to point in the right direction of one. If I can't help someone provide a solution, I rather not discuss the problem unless they aren't even aware of it themselves. That's provided I care enough to discuss the problem, of course. XD I can usually work around problems...except my own.

Hmm, need to think what I can do...


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Re: The Fanfic Rant Hole
« Reply #97 on: June 27, 2011, 11:22:17 AM »
I am so frustrated.

Nothing remotely original or interesting comes from me. I'm just a pretentious hack with delusions of grandeur. I know nothing, and I don't even have a voice of my own. I only pretend to write, borrowing the creative genius of those I've read, and come up with nothing that is mine. I despise myself. >_<

I'm worth nothing if I cannot be. I hate the things I do to survive, and have no dreams, no ambition for more. I hate this life of mine, not daring to dream, not even knowing what to dream of. How I envy those who know what they want, those with the courage to dream, to work towards those dreams; whilst I cower, fearful of myself, fearful of the future, unable to conceive of anything beyond the immediate and the present.

What am I? I don't know. I can't even look in a mirror without being filled with loathing. I see nothing in there. Useless.


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Re: The Fanfic Rant Hole
« Reply #98 on: June 27, 2011, 02:42:45 PM »
I really feel the same way about my self more often than not. All of my dreams are selfish wishes. I really have no talent at all, nothing I can even be remotely good at, and I'm just constantly drifting through life from paycheck to paycheck, looking for a way out. My only solace is in writing and music, of which I have no talent for either, but can easily lose myself in. It's hard to stay positive at all.

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Re: The Fanfic Rant Hole
« Reply #99 on: June 27, 2011, 05:32:34 PM »
*huggles both essy and rndy* gah~ dont feel down you two!!! i know its not much comming from me but you guys are two of the best writers i know! i can understand that life's pretty sucky right now but dont feel too down over it! it might be hard to try to get back up but staying depressed and being sad wont help! i'm probably worse of from both of you being younger and having like no social life what so ever doesnt really help with ideas and such in genneral. i get most of my ideas from songs and pvs(mostly akb atm but that doesnt matter right now lol) and i kinda wish i could be more original but i cant. with the stuff i write i barely know about it. i've never been in a relationship, or a date, and i wish that i kinda knew more about life in general but with how things are in life right now i probably wont get to do anything for a good while. i overthink stuff, which is probably the reason why i'm stuck on so much stuff and i loose my modivation to write so quickly lately due to just being at home all of the time.

idk if it sounds like im being a silly/nive person about it but no matter what you guys are by far the best of the best here to me, no matter what you two think XD...i feel like i made no sense in that huge bunch of words just now but idk any other way how to put it  :sweatdrop:
and rndy knows i'll always be there to cheer/nagg her on XD i cant let my master go sad on me! >3<
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

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