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Author Topic: Ongaku's Notebook: (110722) PWAMD Update Part 5  (Read 29745 times)

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Re: Ongaku's Notebook (Because I love you: PART 2 -TanaKameGaki-)
« Reply #20 on: June 28, 2009, 12:59:00 AM »


JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline badsaints

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Re: Ongaku's Notebook (Because I love you: PART 2 -TanaKameGaki-)
« Reply #21 on: July 01, 2009, 06:53:02 PM »
***Sniff*** What hurts the most is having to walk away after being so close  :'(

But then again, Eri is someone you would kill for (bad joke I know  :twisted:)

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Re: Ongaku's Notebook (Because I love you: PART 2 -TanaKameGaki-)
« Reply #22 on: July 02, 2009, 12:31:53 PM »
Wait a sec, so Reina went to give herself up? Damn! After what she did to protect Eri now she leaves her? *wails* I hate such sad endings. I wish Eri knew about it. I'm sure she would will wait for Reina :(

Offline kRisZ

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Re: Ongaku's Notebook (Because I love you: PART 2 -TanaKameGaki-)
« Reply #23 on: July 17, 2009, 06:24:44 PM »
Taking the plate from her hands, practically grabbing it off of her, I stuffed the breakfast she made into my mouth as if I had been starving though I wasn't.


I quickly put on my clothes that were lying on the floor and... #&@$#!! Eri changed my clothes for me! Meaning she, she, she...! I checked my underwear to see if I was still wearing the same pair or not. I'm not. My cheeks heated up at the thought that Eri actually saw all of me, and I stared blankly into space.


I should've just went out through a window or something!


That was  :shocked   and   :cry:

Offline strawb3rrykream

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Re: Ongaku's Notebook (Because I love you: PART 2 -TanaKameGaki-)
« Reply #24 on: July 19, 2009, 06:20:12 PM »
I don't know how the hell I missed this but I'm so glad I found it now! :P
So Eri found Reina in the alley...but not Risa's body? Wow, I'm....freaked out that Reina actually killed her, but in an almost good way. :lol: LOL at Eri changing Reina. 8) The TanaKame raburabu is cute~
Whoa, Eri fought back against Gaki cheating on Ai-chan! Good girl, Eri~ And I guess it has something to do with the fact that she's not interested in her that way.
OMFG....Gaki...she.... :shocked: I can't believe she did that to Eri, seriously. It's shocking. And it's like she doesn't really see that what she's doing is bad or wrong. Makes me scared of her, though I know I still love her. :D
Reina shouldn't feel guilty that she couldn't protect Eri, she just didn't know. And she's right, she already "eliminated" Gaki so there's not much more for her to do. *gasps* Is she gonna turn herself in?!

Offline ongakuSOUL

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Re: Ongaku's Notebook (3rd Oneshot: Rabu Rabu Ranchu!)
« Reply #25 on: July 24, 2009, 05:20:01 AM »
Here's my third oneshot. I think I'll be taking a break from writing angst for a while, at least not the type my previous oneshot had lol. I beat myself up for a week for making Gaki-san, Eri and Reina do such stupid things :smhid

Rabu-Rabu Ranchu!

Lunchtime, the time most students look forward to during the normal school day, especially for one Jun Li. Though today, something was rather strange: while everyone was busy eating their lunch, Jun, the boy who would usually be stuffing his face by now, was fast asleep. Seeing this odd happening before them, Jun's eight friends which all sat in a somewhat circular formation, wondered why he would sleep rather than eat. The girl who had been his first friend upon entering Haro Academy, Sayu, was puzzled and at the same time felt troubled. Looking at his sleeping face she frowned, and thought about waking him up. It was during these occasions that she felt she had to act responsible for Jun. Lifting her hand from area of the desk she laid it upon, she slowly went into the action of waking him up, but was stopped when her fellow buddy, Ren interrupted her.
"Wait! Stop. Doesn't his face look funny?" With that, everyone leaned in closer to look at the chinese transfer student's face. Drool was coming out of his mouth that went onto his sleeve, and the snot bubble from his nose grew bigger and then smaller as he inhaled and exhaled. Sayu giggled a bit and poked Jun's cheek, causing him to turn his head the other way with a soft grunt. Amazingly, when Jun turned his head around the bubble stayed intact, which especially attracted attention to Ren, who was known for playing a few jokes on his friends. Jun's small fanclub behind him already beat Ren to the punch by taking pictures of his gross, yet adorable sleeping face which they would later publish on their blogs. A few 'kyaa~!'s could be heard as they huddled in the corner of the classroom exchanging photos.
As Jun was sleeping, Sayu stared at his cute child-like face, a smile creeping up on her. Even if Jun looked weird while sleeping, if she were to take away the snot bubble and drool, his face looks quite peaceful. Laying her head down on the desk, she continued to look at Jun, twirling his hair as she did and out of nowhere she noticed that Jun began to smile too. Lightly giggling to herself, she took out her cellphone, flipped it open and took a picture of the boy before her, which she then set as her cellphone's wallpaper. Admiring the new picture she took, a thought came to her mind. "Maybe I should wipe off the drool..." Sayu then took out a handkerchief from her bag and wiped off the clear liquid that came out from the corner of Jun's mouth.
"Tsch, stupid fangirls...saves me the time of embaressing him myself I guess." He then resumed sipping on his coffee flavoured drink box. "...Wait, I have fangirls too!" Remembering this fact, Ren turned around and saw the girls which usually lined up around him behind his desk during lunch time, to be walking back to their classrooms, heads down and disappointed.
"Haha, baka, baaaaka. Now you won't be getting free lunches from now on." Eri his girlfriend, teased Ren for thinking before he speaked. To be honest though she was quite glad that Ren said that. Now she can have him all to herself without having to be scared about some crazed Ren-obsessed girl making voodoo dolls out of her.
"Well, as long as you don't stop making me lunch I'm fine... your's is the only one I care about anyway."
"OOOOOO~" Ren blushed hearing the spectator comment that came from Kuu. He folded his arms and turned away from Eri.

Blushing really ruined his manly essence which he tried so hard to create for the past two years of his highschool life. Entering highschool, guys would always make fun of how short and girly he looked, and his senpais would pat him on the head as they walked past by. This was one of the moments that hurt his pride yet he didn't mind paying the price. If it was for Eri he wouldn't mind at all, it's just that Kuu's continuous teasing made it increasingly difficult for Ren, causing him to irk his eyebrows in annoyance.
"Arigato." Seeing how adorable her boyfriend was being, Eri hugged him tightly and after a few moments let him go. "Tomorrow, I'll make Ren-chan's favourite~ :heart:" And with that she kissed him on the cheek and went back to eating her lunch composed of undefined substances, grinning.
"Ne, Ren, I don't think you should've said that." Kuu said, whispering into Ren's ear.
"Crap!! How the hell'd you get here?!" Ren pushed away Kuu's face which magically appeared a few centimetres away from his with both hands. Although in truth Ren couldn't stand the taste of the food Eri made, he meant what he said. Despite the obscure creations Eri whipped up for him, Ren liked the fact that she thought of making lunch for him. If she were to suddenly stop he'd be devastated, but this time he may be having second thoughts about what he just said. "Better load up on that pepto bismol stuff."
"Ahh, ii na. You guys make such an adorable couple. I'm so jealous." Sayu puffed up her cheeks, and shifted her eyes from Jun to the ceiling. "Isn't that right Jun?"
"Well, you have Jun-kun don't you?" Being quiet for the past couple of minutes enjoying the warm atmosphere, Aika finally decided to pipe in and join the conversation.
"Yeah, I thought he confessed to you already!"
"I don't like him that way."
"Yeah, and everyone takes pictures of their friends sleeping, makes it their cellphone wallpaper and stares at it all googly-eyed." Gaki said as he finished putting away his lunch.
"Yup! That's right!"
"Kuu, please don't talk while eating..." Aika quickly got out a napkin and started to wipe Kuu's chin.
"Gomen nasai, Aika. Not very fitting as your boyfriend huh?" Kuu smiled nervously while scratching the back of his head. He always thought that he never could match up to Aika's expectations because he always saw her as lady like and elegant, compared to him who he always thought of as unkept and slobby. Even though he tried his best, his old habits would always come marching back in again.
"Daijoubu, daijoubu. I like Kuu-kun better this way." After wiping off the little bits of rice on Kuu's chin, Aika scrunched up the napkin and put it on top of her desk.
"Mou, I told you to just call me Kuu." Putting a finger under Aika's chin, Kuu turned Aika's face towards him and tilted her head up. He lowered his eyelids, touched Aika's lips and smirked mischeviously, closing the distance between him and her, until they finally-
"OKAY! CUT! CUT! CUT!" Sayu stood up and slammed her hands onto her desk, the sudden motion waking up Jun in the process. She had enough of all this lovey-dovey couple junk happening around her. Usa-chan wants to be happy too! But then again it's all her fault for rejecting the boy she liked the most. You could say that seeing the three couples before her, reminded her of the stupid decision she made.

"I'm tired off all this EriRen, TakaGaki, AiKuu or whatever pairing names these hormone driven girls come up with!! Ya her meh?! Tai-yerd!!"
"What did you say during the last part? Her turd? Who's turd?"

Sayu slapped herself in the forehead and massaged her eyebrows in irritation as a result of Linlin's comment. Never again will she pull out her country accent.
"Ouch! Why! What did I do?!" Gaki slapped Linlin in the back of the head for saying something inappropriate at the wrong place and time.
"Eri... don't you think Sayu's jealous because-"
"She liked a certain someone-"
"But rejected him?"
"And now she's feeling bad because she didn't accept his feelings?"
"DESU YO NE?" Eri and Ren, both in perfect synchronization completed each other's sentences and ended it off by closing their eyes and nodding also at the same time, all in an attempt to annoy Sayu even more (which was VERY beneficial to their amusement).
"If only you guys knew the other half of the story..." Sayu said, her voice being reduced to a mumble as she did. She sat back in her seat, nudging her desk forward while doing so. Her soda bottle swayed from left to right as she adjusted the positioning of the desk and it wasn't long before it spilled onto her uniform blouse. "Ah!!"
"Geez..." Sayu just sat there and looked at the liquid pouring out from the bottle to her blouse. So much of it had already spilled on her shirt that she felt that it was useless to pick up the bottle to stop it from spilling.
"What are you doing! Does anyone have a tissue? Hurry!" Jun looked around worriedly hoping that someone around him would have one and to his surprise no one did. Panicking, he stood up, frantically looking around thinking that he would come up with a solution.
"Jun, don't worry it's just an- UWHOA!" Before Gaki could finish his sentence, Jun began to take off his uniform shirt, exposing his toned stomache until a few moments later he finally took off the whole piece of clothing revealing his bare upper body.
"Kya~!! Jun-sama~~!!" The girls which surrounded the group squealed in excitement, some of them speechless and dumbfounded. No one understood what Jun was doing. Never had they seen him be so rash as this before, especially over something so trivial as a stain. A huge stain.
"Sayumi, here, put this on." Jun handed the white garment over to his friend, not caring about whether or not he was half naked or if his actions were logical. For some reason when it came to this girl, the chinese transfer student became noticeably more overprotective than he already was towards other people.
Sayu who was completely blanked out, focused all her attention on Jun's body, her eyes wide open and her cheeks heating up furiously. Jun had to repeat his request twice in order for her to finally nod and put the shirt on. In the midst of putting on the white dress shirt over her now soda stained uniform top, Jun grabbed Sayu's hand and ran out of the classroom, leading her to the nurse's office. Everyone slackjawed just watched the two run out of the room, turning their heads as they did so. After they left the room, the group remained quiet still a bit shocked about the events that took place. A few moments later, the door slidded open creating a loud thud as it hit the wall, the sound bringing them back to reality.
"I'm back! I have the napkins you wanted as well! Are?"
"Ai-chan... you were unexpectedly slow."
"You didn't have to do that. I could have lived with this..."
"Yes... well... no."
Sayu sat on top of the bed in the nurse's office and looked out the window. She couldn't look at Jun right now in fear of her wandering eyes. The breeze that came into the room calmed her nerves and quieted down her heartbeat. Jun sat on the opposite side of the bed waiting for Sayu to speak up and say something. With each passing second, the silence became more and more awkward.
"So... what was that about back there?" Jun asked, turning around to face Sayu's back.
"YOU HEARD ALL THAT?!" Sayu turned around immediately, and climbed over the bed, practically tackling Jun down. In response, Jun gave a slow nod looking deep into Sayu's eyes.

"Everything? Even what those two idiots said.. about me and you..." Jun smiled brightly, his teeth blindening Sayu because of how angelic he appeared. This smile meant yes and was used to answer any awkward question directed at him.
"W-well, i-it's not true." She turned around and crawled back to the place she was originally sitting in, when Jun suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled her back closer to him. Now both of them were kneeling on the bed on opposite sides, using their arms to support their weight.
"But it is true. Isn't it?" Averting her eyes away from Jun's, she remained quiet and tried not to answer the question, no matter how right he was. Both of them stayed like that, with Jun looking desperately at Sayu. After their graduation ceremony tomorrow, Jun the son of a rich movie company CEO, would be getting married to his fiancee. If he didn't try his best to get Sayu to feel the same about him, he wouldn't be able to live peacefully after tomorrow... atleast, that's what he told her.
Before he let go of Sayu's wrist, he tightened his grip in frustration and sighed.
"Even if I did feel the same about you, Linlin's parents or your's wouldn't approve of it would they?" Jun stayed quiet looking at the girl admired and loved since he first transferred to this school.
"I didn't expect you to be this stubborn usagi-chan..."
"Stubborn? I'm only doing what's best."
"Really?" "I swear this whole fiancee thing would have worked..." Jun got up and made his way over to Sayu, so that he would be standing in front of her. He leaned in closer and closer, causing Sayu to backaway until she finally lay down on the bed. Hovering above Sayumi, using his arms to hold him up, Jun began to unbutton her shirt, slowly, button by button.
"Usagi-chan, you know, my friends back home don't call me 'the kissing demon' for nothing." Sayu looked up at Jun, mesmerized by how seductive he was being. His eyes had a strange shine to them that drew her nearer and nearer, and soon enough she found herself pressing her lips onto his, sitting up while doing so. Jun tugged on Sayu's lower lip, and then pecked on her lips a few times before applying even more force to the kiss. A few seconds went by and Sayu found herself to be out of breath. Jun lowered her shirt and then yanked it off immediately, parting their lips.
"Thanks, I needed my shirt back." Getting off of the bed, and standing up, Jun put his shirt back on and acted as if nothing happened. Clueless about the events that took place, Sayu stared into space. She touched her lips unconsciously, the feeling of Jun's lips on hers tingling throughout her body. Amazingly, she lingered for more.
"So, it's a yes then? As in yes, you love me too?" Jun squatted down after putting his shirt back on and was now at eye level with Sayumi. He held both her hands gently and smiled, his eyes doing the same as well. After a few moments, Sayu nodded, her cheeks crimson red. She couldn't deny it any more at this point and was really relieved that she got the feeling off her chest. With that, Jun smiled even wider his teeth now showing.
"Yatta! Yatta!" Jun then paraded around the room, dancing in glee.
"But... what about your fiancee, Linlin?"
"Oh that? Obviously it was a joke. A two week old joke too."
"I'm sorry Sayu for playing such a big joke on you..." Sayu frowning, bit her lower lip in order to stop herself from what she was about to do.
"Sayumi! D-don't cry! I'm sorry okay? Ne?" Wiping off Sayu's tears and stroking her long black hair, Jun smiled, assuming that his smile would help the girl in front of him to stop crying. Instead of the tears ceasing to come down, they came down even harder and soon enough Jun got an unexpected reaction... a hug. A hug so tight he questioned the girl's supposed lack of strength.
"Jun is a big meanie. But... I love him."
I think I did a bad job with this one. I kind of half-assed it reaching the midpoint of the story, and the story line just went in a whole different direction (ex. Jun wasn't supposed to seduce Sayu lol). I had too much fun writing about the rest of the pairings that I kind of put aside the pairing I was focusing on :oops: I'm also really sorry for not putting Linlin up with anyone. I've always noticed she doesn't get featured in many fics, so one day I hope to write one about her.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2009, 06:53:49 PM by ongakuSOUL »

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Re: Ongaku's Notebook (Because I love you: PART 2 -TanaKameGaki-)
« Reply #26 on: July 24, 2009, 06:14:12 AM »
That was so cute!! XD All the little couple interactions~~~ KYAAAA! Anyway...poor LinLin but she's still awesome. :thumbsup
And about the angst and being not nice to your characters/the feels yucky at first but you get used to it. :lol: I don't know how many bad things I've done to them.... Not as many as some ppl, but enough.

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Re: Ongaku's Notebook (Because I love you: PART 2 -TanaKameGaki-)
« Reply #27 on: July 24, 2009, 06:44:48 AM »
Rabu-Rabu Ranchu!

Classroom antics were GOLD! :lol:

I'm wondering if Linlin knew that Jun made her his "fiancee" in that little scheme of his to get Sayu jealous? :P

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Ongaku's Notebook (3rd Oneshot: Rabu Rabu Ranchu!)
« Reply #28 on: July 26, 2009, 08:14:20 AM »
Wow, that last one was super cute. Momusu as guys, hmm.

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Re: Ongaku's Notebook (3rd Oneshot: Rabu Rabu Ranchu!)
« Reply #29 on: July 28, 2009, 02:11:49 AM »
HOW COULD I FORGET THIS? Aw, JunShige. <3 That was very cute.

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Re: Ongaku's Notebook (4th Oneshot: Stand By You) ~TakaGaki
« Reply #30 on: September 07, 2009, 07:51:49 AM »
Here's my 4th oneshot. A bit shorter than anything I've written, but I'm kind of relieved tbh.

Thanks for inspiration goes to DBSK for their awesome yet emotional song "stand by you" (listening to it saved me from terrible writer's block).

Stand By You

Walking under the line of trees on the sidewalk, I breathed in the fresh autumn air, grinning at the nostalgic atmosphere the season gave. The air was crisp and cool, welcoming the warmth my jacket provided me. The trees shedded their leaves, letting them loose in such beautiful colours - red, orange and gold. It was these types of feelings, combined with the weather and scenery that made autumn, for me, a season for looking back as well as relishing in. Haha, geez Risa you make yourself sound so old! With a plastic bag containing a few items I bought from the grocery store, I continued to make my way over to the apartment complex I lived in, humming the melody to a song.
       Aruiteru~ na na na~ na na na na~ na na na na~ Aruiteru~!
Noticing how ironic it was that this song popped into my head, I giggled lightly, memories of when I was in Morning Musume flashing before me. Those sure were a good nine years wasn't it? I've achieved, and completed my dream... suddenly I feel as though I'm a bit bored lately to be honest! Ahh, it's only been about 10 months since then, what should I do? Maybe I should go back into singing? Hmmm, yup that's it! I could try doing that again! Silly me, I make myself sound like it'll be a walk in the park. My career is already damaged enough, who would want to give me a chance. I still have to try! Hai, ganbarimasu!
Picking up the keys from my jacket, I slid in the piece of metal into the keyhole and turned it, opening the entrance to my unit. I took off my shoes, neatly putting them side by side and so that the tips would be pointing towards the door. I put the plastic bag on top of the countertop and took out the items in it one by one. Yosh, time to get this cooking thing down! ... w-where do I start? More so, what do I do with these? Ahh~ Where's mom when you need her... Taking the food items, I neatly put them in the fridge in their appropriate places. I guess cooking can wait till I call mom for help. Again.
"If Ai-chan were here she could probably help me."
What? Why did I remember her? What's wrong with me these days... forget... forget... forget!
I took a nearby glass and filled it up with water. I swallowed nearly all of it and afterwards I breathed in and out heavily. It's harder doing this than I thought.
"Forget for Ai-chan." Smile like there's no tomorrow. Make her feel no regret for wanting to continue her career.
While shaking my head lightly to get a hold of myself, I made my way over to the living room with a few steps. I plopped down on the small couch I had, and turned on the tv. Flipping through the channels looking for an interesting program to watch, I noticed a few familiar faces. I flipped back to the channel those faces were on and smiled. Kamei Eri? Uso! THIS is the Kame that could hardly lead herself, let alone a group? Seeing how 'in-charge' Kame looked, my jaw dropped down a bit due to shock. She's completely turned around! Sub-leader Sayu on the other hand, seems pretty much the same.
Continuing to watch the talk show the ten Morning Musume members were on, I started to yearn for those days again. Especially when it was just the nine of us. Fooling around with them, rehearsing for shows, eating out together, but most of all I miss ... Ai-chan. I miss being with her...
Before I knew it, my eyes started to well up and a single tear from each eye fell on top of my hand. Awoken from my daze, I began to wipe away the liquid running down my cheeks, yet even more tears ran down my face. If only you didn't make that promise, maybe this wouldn't be so hard on me...
Quickly getting out of studio building, all nine of us made our way over to a nearby yakiniku restaurant we would be eating at. Walking side by side staying behind the pack, me and Ai-chan held our hands together tightly, providing each other warmth from the cold winter air. Feeling my ears almost going numb, I snuggled my head into my scarf to try and sheild them from the cold. As I was doing so, I felt someone tighten my scarf. I looked over to Ai-chan and saw her worriedly staring at me.
"Don't worry, I'm fine." I smiled back at her in reassurance and squeezed her hand gently.
"Are you sure?" Again with those puppy dog eyes...
Almost instantly I felt my cheeks heat up. Stunned by her beauty, I continued to stare at Ai-chan wide-eyed. She's just too darn cute for her own good!
"Risa. Risa!"
"There you go again, off in dreamland."
"It's your fault I keep going there..."
"Nothing~" Shoot! Why did I say that! Now she's gonna keep asking until I tell her!
"Tell Me!" Ai-chan started tugging on my sleeve like an eager little kid. At this rate, she's never gonna stop until I say something. May as well get this over with. Stupid, stupid Risa!
Stopping in place, I looked away from Ai-chan in embaressment for what I was about to say. I slapped myself mentally a few times and breathed in and out slowly. In one, two, three...
Huh? No response? Why not? What I said wasn't bad was it? All I did was complime-
All of a sudden I felt Ai-chan's soft lips onto mine. She kissed me sweetly and softly, yet it felt passionate, as if all her feelings were poured out into it. I closed my eyes and kissed her back in the same way. Really at this moment, I could die from happiness. It was the first time Ai-chan ever kissed me voluntarily, and the way she kissed me was as if it was for me, and only me.
We broke apart, and looked into each other's eyes. We remained like that until the cold wind blew in our direction, causing both of us to shiver in reaction to the chill it gave.
"W-why...?" She looked down and started to fiddle with her thumbs, her cheeks red.
"..." Awww~! She's so cute!
I chuckled a bit and hugged her tightly for being so adorable.
"But, are you sure you're okay with kissing me in public?"
"You're happy right?" I slowly nodded, while Ai-chan held my hand with both of her's, pulling us closer together.
"T-then that's all the reason I need." My eyes grew wide in surprise, then later on lowering to reveal my smiling eyes and bright grin. My heart began to beat faster and my body heated up. It may be indirect but it's practically like she said 'I love you'!
We resumed walking towards the restaurant, with our hands tightly locked together and noticed that the other members selfishly left us behind once again. As we were walking, I couldn't help but feel a strange pulse of guilt running within me.
There's always a consequence for idols for having public displays of affection.
With worry about what just happened still in my mind, I stopped walking. Ai-chan turned around to face me, curiously wondering why I paused.
"Ai-chan... if we were to graduate, would you still stay with me?" With a hint of nonchalance in her voice she replied with a grin,
"Of course!" For some reason, I'm not satisfied with that answer. She doesn't know what I mean by 'graduating'.
"Isn't what I said enough?"
I turned around not wanting to show my doubt. I joined my hands behind my back and looked towards the sky.
"Promise me?" She turned me around and looked firmly into my eyes before answering,
Her voice held no uncertainty in it. As for the look in her eyes - I couldn't find the least bit of doubt in them. The feeling of her kiss told me no lie. What we feel for each other is no lie.
                                                                                                   I believe you Ai-chan.
                                                                                            I know you'll keep our promise.
                                                                                              I know you won't leave me.
~End Flashback~
If only I wasn't so naive, if only the both of us didn't ignore reality. We should have been careful! We shouldn't have been so open about our relationship, because of that both our careers in momusu have ended. I thought it would be okay if I had you by my side, but you left me as well. You promised didn't you? You said you wouldn't leave me! ... but I can't exactly blame you can I?
Even though we decided to forget about each other...
I don't think that I've forgotten you, nor do I want to. I want to hear your voice again. I want to feel your embrace. I want to feel the touch of your lips... I want you by side. Even through the little everyday things I remember you.
By now my face was tear streaked and the tv was turned off. The sound of my sniffling filled the room, up until the sound of the telephone ringing added to the mix. I slowly went up to go pick up the phone while wiping away my tears.
I want to hear your voice Ai-chan.
I finally got to the phone. I picked it up, but paused for a while to regain my composure.

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Re: Ongaku's Notebook (4th Oneshot: Stand By You) ~ TakaGaki
« Reply #31 on: September 07, 2009, 09:25:38 AM »

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Ongaku's Notebook (4th Oneshot: Stand By You) ~ TakaGaki
« Reply #32 on: September 07, 2009, 09:13:52 PM »
 :cry: :cry:

More please?

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Re: Ongaku's Notebook (4th Oneshot: Stand By You) ~ TakaGaki
« Reply #33 on: September 09, 2009, 03:15:49 AM »
This is sad  :farofflook: , I hope that this call is of ai-chan :mon pray2:, continue it please :gmon tears:

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Re: Ongaku's Notebook (4th Oneshot: Stand By You) ~ TakaGaki
« Reply #34 on: September 11, 2009, 09:08:20 AM »
EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!?!?!? Cliffhanger dame!!! :shocked

I need to know what happens next. Please? :bow:

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Re: Ongaku's Notebook (4th Oneshot: Stand By You) ~ TakaGaki
« Reply #35 on: September 11, 2009, 01:27:37 PM »

I want more too. ^_^

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Re: Ongaku's Notebook (4th Oneshot: Stand By You) ~ TakaGaki
« Reply #36 on: September 11, 2009, 02:21:51 PM »



Offline ongakuSOUL

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Re: Ongaku's Notebook (4th Oneshot: Stand By You) ~ TakaGaki
« Reply #37 on: September 17, 2009, 05:39:19 AM »
Stupid School! I would've posted this way earlier damn it.
Err, here it is.
Stand By You: Part Two
Scratching my head in frustration, I looked at the street signs and then back again on the sheet of paper I was holding. Groaning in confusion as to how I ended up on the wrong street, I slumped my shoulders. I neatly folded the paper into halves twice and put it back into my jacket pocket. I really would like to get this over with. My english teacher said that I had learned a lot of english on my own and decided to recommend a different teacher for me. She gave me this paper with a map but she didn't explain to me how to get there at all! What's up with that? I sighed, expressing my annoyance, and began to walk back to one of the stairs which lead to the subway. New York may be like Tokyo but it still has it's differences I guess.
Stopping halfway down the stairs, I realized something. If I take the subway again I'll get lost even more! Arghh... I guess it's best to stay here until I get directions. Turning around, I climbed my way back up holding onto the railings and clutching my bag close to me. I got up to the top of the stairs, and reached into my jacket pocket for the piece of paper once again. It wasn't there. I checked my jean pockets and it wasn't there either. No way it's in my purse, I remember I put it in my jacket pocket!
Whatever, it's already getting late, I'll check it out tomorrow then. I must be really bored to be doing this on my day off. I've been going in circles for about four hours now. There's no need to go back to my apartment anyway, what would I do there? Study my english? I've been doing that all week and literally all the time since I came here. But, why don't I feel any motivation to study it anymore? There's something I'm missing, but didn't I have all the right reasons to come here?
Right then, a memory of a certain 'happy girl' came to mind, as if answering my question in the most direct way as possible. Ahh, what's wrong with me these days...
I closed my eyes, sighing and turned around swiftly to go back down the stairs, losing my balance in the process. "Oh Sho-" My body fell forward and I flailed my arms in the air trying to regain my balance. Just as soon as I thought I was going to meet my death, I felt a body press up against me, their hand on my left shoulder holding me up. I'm alive! I stood on a step, fixing my hair and attire, and mumbled a simple 'thank you' in english underneath my shaky breathing.
"No problem." Japanese?!
I immediately shot my head up to look at the girl speaking to me. My eyes opened wide in shock and I felt a sharp pain in my chest. This girl ... she looks exactly like Risa.
I continued to stare at her in complete disbelief, my throat becoming dry as I did. My mind went blank and I became speechless. All I could do was fumble meaningless words, err, sounds. She looked back at me dumbfounded, but then she remembered something and raised her hand up to my face, showing me she had an item that I thought I had lost. Closing my mouth, I slowly took the paper which had the directions and did a small bow, almost hitting heads with her. She chuckled, revealing a bright smile and to my surprise her smile was...
just like your's.
Is this some sort of sign? ... Seriously, what am I thinking?
"Ano, are you trying to get to this place?" She said to me in Japanese. Right then, I couldn't find any words to respond and instead of responding, as if on instinct I immediately went down the subway stairs hurriedly and proceeded to going home once again, leaving that person completely stunned. My heart beat incredibly fast and I recieved a rush of adrenaline pulsing through my veins.
Being near that person, looking at her, meeting her ... it all made me feel as if it was you I met. All those feelings I had being with you that I said I would leave behind, came back to me again. So much had returned to me, that I felt that it really was you standing before me. If by chance I met you here, what would you think of me now? What would you say? Would you still ... f-feel the same way about me? Risa, how are you right now? Are you still living happily? because right now, I don't think I am.
The train began to move and soon enough the scenery outside the train windows went from the picture of a dirty station to an outlook of the city. The light that beamed inward from the city lights made me raise my head up. I saw a lttle view of the city in front me, the buildings and lights moving along as the train went forward. Being here in this city is what I want, but the other side of me says I'm lying. I want to go home.
Without thought I flipped my cellphone open and went through my contact list, my fingers having a mind of their own.
||-N i i g a k i  R i s a- ||
Everyday I do this. My mind says I should call you but then I end up not doing it. I don't know why I'm so nervous about it either.
My thumb hovered over the dial button, and I contemplated whether I should push it or not. I stared hard at the device, more specifically at the name on the screen, sweat almost forming on my brow. Unfortunately though, after a few seconds I snapped it shut and held it. I closed my eyes and gripped my cellphone tightly, my palms becoming moist. I then let it go, flipped it open and stared at Risa's name on the screen once again.
That day we broke up, I've been thinking it was all for a waste...
I stood a few metres away from the stream, watching the water flow along as snow slowly fell onto it turning back into water. My breath appeared as white puffs, also disappearing into the air. I closed my eyes, frowning, and tilted my head upwards, allowing the snow to fall on my face, flake by flake. I couldn't feel how cold the snow was, all I knew was that it touched my face. I had left my head exposed the whole day with the cold wind blowing. Anything else cold to touch felt like nothing.
"Ai?" I opened my eyes, my face emotionless, and turned my head around slightly to see Risa approaching me.
"Umm... we've been standing here for a while. Did you need to talk about something?" Her arm snaked around mine, and she took my hand out of my pocket trying to hold it. Before she could intertwine them with mine, I pulled away and gave her a nervous look.
"Stop it." The tone in my voice sounded harsh, but I didn't mean it. It's not the time to be nice. I glanced at her, and saw how hurt she looked. I showed my back towards her, gripping the ends of my jacket tightly. Don't show me how hurt you look Risa, or else I won't be able to do this.
"Risa I think we shou-"
"Ne, let's break up." HUH?! I quickly turned around, my head going forward to look closely at Risa.
"You take too long to say things like this Ai-chan. That's why I'm saying it for you." We both remained silent, watching the snow fall from the sky.
"You really want to go to America right?" H-how did she know? I relaxed my shoulders and moved my stare from Risa back to the stream. Sometimes its suprising how well she knows me.
"I could tell. For the past few days you've been looking at nothing but travel magazines, asking random questions about living there." So that's how she knew.
"Entertaining people... it's my life. The dream I've been living is dieing Risa. I can't let tha-"
"So you want to go to America?" I nodded, glancing back at her a few times. She took a step forward towards me, her hand lowering her scarf to reveal that one in a million smile of hers, except something was wrong. Behind that smile were the tears she held back.
"I understand. Then, do me a favour."
"Let's forget about each other. If it helps, hate me even." Hate you? Why on earth would you want me to hate you?!
"It'll be easier that way right? Then when you're in America, you can study english to the fullest and whatnot!" Her smile slowly faded and her tears came down even harder. She began to sniffle as she wiped away her tears.
"And then, you can come back speaking english wherever you go!'" Her voice became shaky as she tried her hardest to stop the salty liquid from coming out even harder. She forced a smile through but I could see her mouth quivering from the pressure. Seeing her like this, knowing that it's me who made her sad, knowing that if I leave she'll be like this, my heart... I couldn't take it.
I grabbed her arm and pulled her close towards me. I tried to wrap my arms around her, but before I could do that, she pushed me away with both her hands forcefully.
"DON'T! Don't come near me." I stood there, staring at her worriedly.
"You're making this harder than it has to be." Should I still go?
"GO! But make this one last promise : forget. Got it?" Again I nodded, still standing in the same position, tears threatning to be released.
"Say it."
"I promise."
      "Ai-chan... if we were to graduate from Morning Musume would you still stay with me?"
         "Or course!"
         "Promise me?"

My eyes widened.
What did I just do?
"I'm so-"
Risa picked up some snow, and shaped it with her hands to form a snowball. She threw it at me, right in the face, still having a sad smile on.
"Baka... didn't I just say to go? GO!!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, and threw another snowball at me, which made me run back home as fast as I could. The tears I held in had been released, causing me to wipe them away as I ran at top speed.
Once I got to the end of the sidewalk on top of the slope which led to the stream below, for the last time I took a good look at Risa. She was still standing there, waving one of her arms in the air while the other was busy still wiping away tears from her face.
Let's do our best to forget each other. Let's continue to live life normally.
~End Flashback~
To forget someone you love really is an impossible thing to do and to think I could do that because I simply wanted to. They keep coming back like pests and they bug you until you have no choice but to keep them. Those memories.
The good ones, the bad ones, they're all important to me, even now. I think I didn't want to throw them away. I'm too afraid of that. What scared me even more was to forget... you. Being here in this city, I only realized how much you were a part of me. I'm sorry for breaking another promise Risa but... I think I didn't make any efforts to forget you at all and even now I want to come back to you, and whisper in your ear the words I've never said to you -
I love you.
If I were to call you right now and say that, would you get angry at me? As long as I get to say it I'm fine with you hating me.
If I said I wanted to come home would you be happy? You'd probably scold me for giving up, but I'm not.
I'm trying again.
I pressed the dial button without thinking twice before getting off the train. I don't need to think twice about this. It's obvious what the answer is now. As I exited the station and walked towards my apartment building, I waited for Risa to pick up. One, two, three, four, five rings and she isn't picking up. Maybe she changed her number?
As soon as I was going to close the phone, I heard some strange sniffling noises on the other line. I listened in curiously without answering, the phone held right up to my ear.
"H-hello?" Risa's voice .... Don't close the phone now Ai-chan!!
"Hello? R-risa?"
      "Ai-chan... if we were to graduate from Morning Musume would you still stay with me?"
         "Of course!"

"I think..."
     "Promise me?"

"no... I AM coming home."

« Last Edit: September 18, 2009, 03:58:36 AM by ongakuSOUL »

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Ongaku's Notebook (4th Oneshot: Stand By You Part Two) ~ TakaGaki
« Reply #38 on: September 17, 2009, 06:47:14 AM »
Ai's going home!!!  :cry: :cry: :cry: <--These are happy tears!

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Re: Ongaku's Notebook (4th Oneshot: Stand By You Part Two) ~ TakaGaki
« Reply #39 on: September 17, 2009, 10:48:39 AM »
That was so beautiful and sweet :mon hanky: I'm so happy you wrote part two. :mon inluv:

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