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Author Topic: Pondering Question of the Moment  (Read 34423 times)

Offline Beecubed

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Re: Pondering Question of the Moment
« Reply #40 on: March 07, 2011, 05:17:27 PM »
^guiding lost souls to the ecchi. Tsk, for shame, Bee-rinko.


I was lost once, I know how it feels ;___________;

Not ashamed!  :leek:

So, here's a question in the spirit of:

In an non-graphic manner, please state a fantasy perv pairing (multi-coupling) and situation.

Can a state "a few" rather than just "a" situation??  :w00t:

AiKameShige - something involving loli?  :lol:

IshiYoshi - Ishikawa sensei and delinquent Yoshizawa (HIGHSCHOOL SETTING ONLY  :sweatdrop::shocked: :shocked: :shocked:

AiMikitty - morning, breakfast, kitchen, yum yum  :mon bleed2:

AiEri - ATV in the jungle, Ai-chan pushes Eri off trail, sexy time  :heart:

While i would not write it, I want to see a Nakazawa/Linlin punishment fic for calling her senior a 'kinpatsu butayaro' on national TV.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So weird imagining it, but OH THE CRACK THAT COULD COME OUT OF THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lin Lin's shining innocence will be so epically contrasted with Nakazawa...  :lol:

Situation? Hmm, Take Off Is Now dance practice, Reina just can't seem to get that kneel on the floor hip thrust/back arch thing right. So Risa decides to help by pinching her butt. :lol: Things escalate from there.

:bleed eyes:


For me...rokkies enough said!! XD

I guess it can happen cuz Reina and Sayu are trying to help Eri make up her mind who she wants the most. lol That's as far as I go with that detail!!

 :mon blood:

I remember you talking to me about that xDDDDD situation is so hawwwwt. Please write?  :mon cute:
Your pervs are so detailed, I wouldn't want anybody else to write it but you!  :inlove: :yep:

Involving underaged girls so it will never be posted, at least not for several years

. . . . . . .


*joins sukoshi in the slow inch away*

;___; sorry but primary school teacher-to-be cannot handle such things

As you can see, Bee is NOT a perv.  :P

Offline Estrea

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Re: Pondering Question of the Moment
« Reply #41 on: March 07, 2011, 06:18:45 PM »
Random question from me!

For writers: Is it important for you to research random details about your story? Like location-wise, or just some other thing that you're not familiar with, or do you just wing it? XD

For readers: Does it matter to you whether some of the details are factually accurate? Cos as a detail-obsessive writer I wonder if people appreciate the fruits of my research or if they just don't care. XD

For myself, as a writer I put in a lot of research for my stories. XD I end up having half a dozen tabs open for maps and wikis and info pages to make sure everything makes sense. XD Rokun would understand, he does the same thing. :lol: And helps me out with some stuff too. :D Thanks rokun!

When I read, I usually appreciate it when stuff are really detailed, but I don't really mind as long as the story is well written. Details are a bonus, and even if its not actually well researched, it's ok as long as you wing it properly. Anything that's just too out there and too much for my incredulity to be stretched can be a bit of a turnoff. Lol. I'm pretty flexible as a reader, since other things peeve me off. :lol: *is very picky*


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Offline kawaii beam

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Re: Pondering Question of the Moment
« Reply #42 on: March 07, 2011, 06:47:34 PM »
well for that pairing thing...idk so many the mind spins^^;

for essys question, i think it varys on what your writing. for me i usually get my ideas from like the blog pics and storys from the girls themselves or from a song. with those i mostly just wing it, but if i was like seriously into something im sure i'd research a bit.

for the rest of detail d u mean like description wise?
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Offline Estrea

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Re: Pondering Question of the Moment
« Reply #43 on: March 07, 2011, 07:16:51 PM »
^True, if you're drawing inspiration from stories from the girls or blog pics, less research is required if its a very self-contained situation. XD Though when I meant detail it's not so much description as...well, the mechanics of things. I realize that more than half of the research I do never actually makes it into the actual story in terms of description, but it helps to establish the setting for me. I research in order for the stuff I write to sound more authentic. XD Or at least, making some kind of sense to myself.


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Re: Pondering Question of the Moment
« Reply #44 on: March 07, 2011, 07:37:06 PM »
Hmm, it's true that in-depth detail would only be "more necessary" for a longer story... a one-shot or something inspired by a blog post or a song wouldn't need it. Plus if it's from like a blog about something, you might already have a setting for it in that post. It really would only matter if you're trying to create a type of fictional world... which is something I generally enjoy doing. >.>

As for detail, I think Essy pretty much covered my thoughts from a writer's perspective too, and from a reader's... I can enjoy stories without the detail, but I'm certainly more impressed if I can notice research has been put into it. Something I read recently this talk makes me think of is panickofpain's "Marry Me" story in her one-shot thread. She is very specific with place names and stuff in there, and it really helps to visualize even more the world the characters are interacting within. Plus I think it makes it a bit more "real" too, as you can readily imagine the locale.

That said, you might ask "Is that really true fiction?" if you're basing so much on real places. The story can be of course, but that's the other side of it... Even without research, if you really want to create your own world, meaning your own fictional buildings, places etc., that can be at least as good even if it's not "real". BUT... If you choose that tack, you really need to be spot-on with the creative detail in your prose so the reader can still visualize in their imagination the setting for your characters.

So in a way... doing research on real places on such like that is actually a bit of a cop-out? :lol: Well, I never denied that I was lazy. :P

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Pondering Question of the Moment
« Reply #45 on: March 07, 2011, 08:44:48 PM »
As a writer, I think it depends on how important the detail is. Like, it's important to know whether Tokyo has a Mayor or a Governor. XD Street names are not so important. Though, if I'm writing about something I don't fully understand, say the exact effects of drugs on the brain and body (or pregnancy for that matter), yeah, I look it up. Usually I write about things I already know about, so that I don't have to fork out that extra effort to researcher. Like guns.  XD

As a reader, I think much the same. Little details that don't really matter can go either way on being tedious or adding to how well written the story is.

Also, I've noticed that details on the girls' personal lives are highly speculative at times. Sometimes, it's better to wing it. I recall the times when every H!P story took place in a dorm before we all learned that, yes, they do have their own apartments/live with their families. Even after that, sometimes the dorm setting worked out better for that story.

Am I making sense? I haven't been up long enough to tell... :sweatdrop:

Offline gracula

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Re: Pondering Question of the Moment
« Reply #46 on: March 10, 2011, 12:32:13 PM »
For writers: Is it important for you to research random details about your story? Like location-wise, or just some other thing that you're not familiar with, or do you just wing it?

It's pretty important to me, I guess. Even though most of what I write these days is crack, research helps in adding a bit of depth into the story. Like you said, most of what you researched would not even end up in the story itself. I'm a real google freak, so I would've researched anyway even though I wouldn't need it.

I haven't written anything much that required extensive geographical information, except the once I wrote about Yokosuka (which, btw, the search pattern was Rika's middle school location and birds in the area). I read enough to be able give you a detailed explanation on migratory patterns and scavenger behaviour in the Yokosuka suburbs, but I didn't use any of that at all. Just that there were birds in the area.

Technical information and terminology is more important to me than location, I suppose. I have to google each turn-of-phrase or fact to make sure it's accurate and not just something I came up with. I read up as much as I can and then only decide how much of what to make factual and what to fictionize. For example, the hospital hierarchy in On Call is based on the American medical org structure. Teaching hospitals do not have their residents stay on campus, but they used to. Most hospitals have definitely more than 5 interns per intake.

I suppose it's the prerogative of the writer to balance the fine line between fact and fiction for the ease of reading and writing. For me personally, I will research as much as I can first before deciding how much I want to deviate from fact. You would think that creating a whole new 'verse from scratch will be easy, since it's all fiction and your own fantasy, but the truth is the deviation will more often than not result in lengthier explanations and back stories.

Which is why slice of life fics are so much easier to write than the uber fics you churn out, Essy. And for that, I respect you greatly.

For readers: Does it matter to you whether some of the details are factually accurate?

It doesn't really, but if its glaringly inaccurate, there should be a good back story why. I notice most of the stories here are very character-centric, without much backdrop. That's pretty nice to read too, especially when all you want to know is what's happening to the characters and not the color of their kitchen tiles.

Cos as a detail-obsessive writer I wonder if people appreciate the fruits of my research or if they just don't care.

Maybe they don't realize? But what's important is that you can live with it yourself.

I have to admit that sometimes, I may not realize at all the labor that went into the tiniest portion of a fic, and perhaps just glanced over it for story progression and character interaction instead of background. But having said that, and having done my dues with obsessive chart-making and stacks of handwritten notes, I really don't care if people don't notice. The writing was done for me to enjoy myself and due diligence was observed to lovingly craft a universe that I can explore. A little like playing with dolls and make-believe.


Wow, I can actually write something without having it fall into crack.

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

Offline aya-chii

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Re: Pondering Question of the Moment
« Reply #47 on: March 23, 2011, 07:22:04 AM »
this is just a random question...
well, i've been reading fanfics here in JPH!P for some quite time now..
and i often read "perv thread [?] " from comments..
is there really an existing pervy fanfics thread?
sorry, i'm really clueless...?

Yes there is! :)

You just need to have made 20 posts (in your case, yay) and request for access here:

Once you have done this, the perv forum will magically appear  :P

Enjoy.  :thumbsup

thank you very much!
sorry for gettin' your reply late, not lurking around that much..
thank you thank you thank you big big help!

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: Pondering Question of the Moment
« Reply #48 on: May 15, 2011, 03:30:35 AM »
idk if it was aked before and if so i'm sorry for repeating^^; who knows maybe your awnsers have changed? XD well anyways~

i was wondering...what do you guys use to help keep you motivated in writing? plus what do you if get the urdge to write but you're way~ to lazy/bussy to actually write?

do these 2 questions make any sesne? XD
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Offline Estrea

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Re: Pondering Question of the Moment
« Reply #49 on: May 15, 2011, 03:52:10 AM »
^ don't worry kawaii it makes sense. :P

It helps a lot to see comments. *hint hint* XD Jk, but it does help to see feedback. The other thing is genuine enthusiasm in your own story. You have to really like what you're doing, especially since this is fanfiction and you're not getting paid or anything for what you do. XD It also helps if you have people to share your enthusiasm with, so that it won't die down when you get tired and whatnot.

As for the second question, that is why I keep a pen and paper around me at all times. :lol: Unless I'm busy to the point where I don't have time to scribble down an epic sentence I just conjured up, then, well, that's just too bad, isn't it? XD But I usually try to keep it in mind unless being busy really forces me to focus on other things and thus forget about what I thought of. ^^; Which has happened before. >_> That's why I usually try to scribble down ideas immediately when I get them. An idea can be lost forever if not recorded in the moment of conception. It's kind of like being stillborn. XD I've used anything from receipts to newspaper to record my thoughts. Haha. I must say, I wrote half of chapter 11 of MSF on a ragged piece of newspaper because that was all I had. :lol: All I can say ready when inspiration strikes!

About laziness though...when my entire self is lazy, it doesn't lend itself to creative thoughts. XD I don't really push the matter unless the lethargy starts to bother me as well. If I get irritated about not writing because of laziness, I start getting angry and will complain to someone about it (rokun XD) and then usually he'll say something that irritates motivates me into writing. :lol: We all have our own coping mechanisms. :P


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Re: Pondering Question of the Moment
« Reply #50 on: May 16, 2011, 04:29:03 AM »
^ So I'm just the one you complain to, huh? :lol:

Well... as you all know I have a hard time getting motivated to write a lot, and I'm not sure I can even really say what gets to me when I am. A lot of times it's probably talking to people - I've noticed for example that when I spent a lot of time talking to MM fans I wrote more MM-inspired fics, when I talk to Berryz fans more I can write more Berryz fics... but it's other stuff too. Moods... If I'm not feeling well, or really tired in some kind of altered state or something (emotional, etc.), sometimes that gets creative juices flowing too. That's just how it is in general though actually...

As for when I don't have the time, that's why I tend to keep pretty good notes on a story. Or try to. I don't carry pen and paper around like others here, but I'm pretty much always around a computer so it's what I use that for. ^^

Offline aya-chii

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Re: Pondering Question of the Moment
« Reply #51 on: May 21, 2011, 10:16:19 AM »
can i ask what does "WEDGE" mean..?

Offline Estrea

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Re: Pondering Question of the Moment
« Reply #52 on: May 21, 2011, 03:16:21 PM »
can i ask what does "WEDGE" mean..?

The tradition of wedging!!! We must educate newcomers, yes we must.  :yep:

*clears throat*

To WEDGE, one must simply post in between an author's comment reply and the actual chapter, if the two are in separate posts. For example...

Estrea posts comment reply
rokun WEDGES
Estrea posts chapter

This is the act of wedging. It is traditional to say WEDGE! or some variation of when wedging. :D It is also possible to do multiple wedges if the author takes long enough to post the chapter after the comment reply, though the multiples have to come from different people. For myself, I have experienced insane wedging practices (notably on Nocturne, where dinny and co. invented the pre-comment wedge), but the orthodox wedge is as I have described above. :D

Happy wedging! :D


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Re: Pondering Question of the Moment
« Reply #53 on: May 22, 2011, 11:46:19 AM »
lol I wanted to run a search to see who gets wedged the most but can't run searches in the fic forum....I'm still pretty sure the winner is Tea-chan XD

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Re: Pondering Question of the Moment
« Reply #54 on: May 22, 2011, 12:07:03 PM »
^ :lol:

Well, the venerable tradition of wedging was in practice before I ever showed up, and usually appeared on Yuuchan's fics. The only reason I might have more wedges is because I have a lot more updates in comparison. XD

That and my readers are impatient people who like to entertain themselves by posting while I'm still editing. XD


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Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Pondering Question of the Moment
« Reply #55 on: May 22, 2011, 08:28:26 PM »
But it's tradition! I'm still hoping for another wedge sammich. I'm pretty sure that was on one of your threads Essy. :lol: :lol:

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Re: Pondering Question of the Moment
« Reply #56 on: May 23, 2011, 02:52:59 AM »
^My most epic was the pre-comment reply wedge by kitaoji, then the triple decker wedge by Fenbros that led to a wedge sammich on Nocturne. XD Good times. :lol:


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Re: Pondering Question of the Moment
« Reply #57 on: May 30, 2011, 09:09:37 AM »
Well nothing to say about the wedging issue. :lol:

Anyways, I would assume it has been answered before, but have you written about personal experience(s)?
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline Estrea

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Re: Pondering Question of the Moment
« Reply #58 on: May 30, 2011, 03:10:36 PM »
I've written a lot of my personal experiences. XD Particularly in my sandbox, because that's what my sandbox is for! :lol:

Also, there's always a little bit of myself in my characters, the way they express themselves or feel a certain thing, some of which has actually happened to me. So yup. Writing is pretty much a personal experience~


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Re: Pondering Question of the Moment
« Reply #59 on: April 11, 2013, 12:50:24 AM »
Since we have so many new members and the new kids in H!P, I figured I might wanna ask this question again out of curiosity.

Who do you enjoy writing/reading the most?

I remember my last answer being GAM but now my answer's different.

I haven't written H!P in a while but I would definitely love to try my hand at writing Sayumi since she has so many facets of herself that isn't just the "ichiban kawaii" character she threw out at first.

Also, out of the new girls, I really wanna write Eripon! Her love for Gaki-san seems like it can go the yandere route and I've never written that kind of character before, so if I do come back, this will be really fun!

Riho's also a strong contender if only for the reason that she is pretty much the smug lovechild of Reina and Aichan, and she's very much like a cat! I wanna see her in more situations where she is uncomfortable and tries to escape xD Though the best is when Sayumi's chasing after her ehehehehe :B

But yeah, there's my new tidbit for this old question.

How about everyone else?

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