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Author Topic: A Series of Unfortunate Events [Now Showing: "And So It Begins" 23/8/09]  (Read 8122 times)

Offline badsaints

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Re: A Series of Unfortunate Events [Now Showing: "Meet the Family" 18/8/09]
« Reply #20 on: August 19, 2009, 04:38:30 PM »
What?! Aichan?!  :shocked This is interesting  8)

Seventeen and still a chibi. How sad
Yossi is so mean. Reina is not chibi! :( Just tiny XD

"NAKAZAWA REINA!!" She bellowed at her daughter, turning onto the pathetically shrinking girl, who answered weakly. "Yes, Mom?"
Now we know where Reina inherit her yankiiness  :lol:

Offline kRisZ

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Re: A Series of Unfortunate Events [Now Showing: "Meet the Family" 18/8/09]
« Reply #21 on: August 21, 2009, 03:12:16 PM »
Yoshizawa Hitomi, delivery girl extraordinaire, was very much lost in her very own school.


A voice which resembled that of a feminine anime character

Who could that be?

completely ignoring two fairly threatening glares pointing at her direction...


"Where? Who? Oh you mean that oddly dressed girl there with the white shorts and long hair?" Yossi said a little too loudly, not realizing that the girl could have overheard their conversation.


'Damn, some idiots are talking about me. Who else here is wearing white shorts.. Oddly dressed?! These are the latest trend now, losers.'

Miki-sama!    It’s Takahashi?!   Yay!



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Re: A Series of Unfortunate Events [Now Showing: "Meet the Family" 18/8/09]
« Reply #22 on: August 21, 2009, 08:11:05 PM »
Hmm...How will Ai and Yossi meet?
Will they get lost in the school together? :on lol:
Will Rika get jealous of Ai?
When will the rest of the musume members appear?

Offline Miki IV

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Re: A Series of Unfortunate Events [Now Showing: "Meet the Family" 18/8/09]
« Reply #23 on: August 23, 2009, 06:44:25 AM »
This fic is interesting ... :twothumbs

I was also surprised to learn that the mysterious girl was Ai-chan.  :shocked

The combination Yossie-Rika-Aya looks interesting too ... :lol:

Neither is said about the inclusion of Queen and Yuko as Yossi family ....  :huhuh

I will be on the lookout for updates .. :twothumbs

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Re: A Series of Unfortunate Events [Now Showing: "Meet the Family" 18/8/09]
« Reply #24 on: August 23, 2009, 04:50:48 PM »
Essy: Long delayed comment reply~ Let's go~
Stefy: *Shivers* it's cold here...
Essy: It's not cold...
Stefy: SAMUIIII~!  :on freeza:
Essy: Oh yeah, I had hot chocolate. Nyaha. XD All you had was your cold green tea frappe.
Stefy: *shivers* Ahh~ green tea frap.. shall we have another? *shivers*
Essy: *shakes head* Crazy...anyway, let's begin!

Chapter 2 Comment Replies

GoodEngrish: Yay collab fics! Even better when we actually can meet up to do this kind of thing. Hehe.

JFC: WRONG! But you already know who by

Kreuz_Asakura: PIN PON! Congratulations! You get a virtual cookie! And the remainder of stefy's green tea frappe~

rndmnwierd: You know who it is now~

kuri~mu: You're still a kid. :P Yes IshiYoshi is silly. Aren't they cute? <3

badsaints: Why does everyone think it's Maki after guessing that it was Miki? Oh well.  :bigdeal:

Chapter 3 Comment Replies

kuri~mu: Of course it had to have Ai-chan, I (Essy) would not be so involved otherwise. XD (Stefy:Bias) Anyway, Mari as Yuko's daughter would be a little weird, if not totally dysfunctional. XD Nakazawa Reina FTW!

SaiPanda: It makes biological sense for Reina to be Yuko's kid...although Yuko would really have to be a Yan-mama (Young/Yankee mother...which fits!) Of course you don't want to be part of the family, it would be inconvenient for your "plans". Heh.

rndmnwierd: Yes we know it's crackalicious. We love it too. Muahahahaha.

JFC: YES IT'S AICHAN! BOW BEFORE HER! And I love the Nakazawa household too. XD

Kreuz_Asakura: Yup the part with Yuko-Yossi-Reina was a new addition (thanks to our new concept regarding 'Nakazawa Reina').

badsaints: Chibi is only a point of view. And Yossi was just teasing. XD Yup, like mother like daughter. Hehe.

kRisZ: YAY! XD

HartAKL85: I like your idea! XD But we already have other plans. You'll see. Hehe.

Miki IV: Yeah we like the Yossi-Rika-Aya forgot about Mai could you?! (Stefy: Queen? there's a queen in our fic?  :dunno:) It's Reina, you moron!  :scolding:


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- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

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- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline Estrea

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Re: A Series of Unfortunate Events [Now Showing: "And So It Begins" 23/8/09]
« Reply #25 on: August 23, 2009, 05:14:35 PM »
Stefy: DOMO~ ... so warm here...
Essy: Why is it warm now? You were cold just earlier!
Stefy: OW! HEADACHE! :on chew: Too warm here!
Essy: *puts hand to Stefy's forehead* Yikes! Hot...let's get this done before it gets worse.
Stefy: Eww... she touched me *wipes forehead* XD
Essy: OI!  :bangchair:
Stefy:  :imdead:


Chapter 4
[And So It Begins]

Ai flipped open her cell phone once again to check the time. Not that it mattered whether or not she knew the time, she didn't even know if her target would appear at her waiting spot. She scanned the area carefully, making sure she didn't miss anyone who entered or left the school cafeteria. It was kind of difficult to keep track seeing as to how the youthful crowd jostled around the three entrances that led into the place.

"Your plan will fail~" Risa, who was seated right beside Ai, hinted nonchalantly while continuing to eat her breakfast.

"How would you know? I didn't even tell you my plan yet."

"If she doesn't appear before class begins, your plan will fail. If she chooses to have breakfast at one of the other four cafeterias in this school, plan fails. And lastly, if her class doesn't start in the morning, plan fails."

"She's here!" Ai exclaimed excitedly as she eyed the silhouette of the girl she had recently been so obsessed with.

"USO!" Risa screamed out of shock and disbelief, Ai's lousy little prediction had actually come true.

Risa stood dumbfounded as she watched her best friend push her way though the crowd towards the girl who remained un-named to them. Ai casually bumped into the taller girl, dropping the book that had somehow materialized in her possession in the meantime. Acting all innocent, she apologized, bowing her head ever so slightly and flashing a shy smile at the taller, sportier female. The slightly boyish looking girl picked up the book for Ai and went off in the opposite direction, while Ai walked back towards Risa with a triumphant grin showing itself on her little face.

"That's it? That was your stupid plan?" Risa questioned the older girl.

"Yup, plan A already in progress~" Ai replied in a singing tone.

"In progress? What progress, all you did was drop your book, which I have no idea how it ended up in your hand, in front of her. What's her name then?"

"Don't know yet," she said while taking a bite out off Risa's half eaten sandwich. "You see Gaki-chan, I accidentally dropped my phone in her bag. So, in a couple of hours, I'll call my phone using yours and then she'll have to meet me to return my phone."

Risa blinked twice and stared at Ai wide eyed shaking her head slightly then gave her friend a slap in the arm. "Has it ever occurred to you that she might just keep that damn phone for herself?! That very expensive phone, the one that you bought just days ago... Are you MAD?!"

"Itai! I didn't use THAT phone; daddy would kill me if I ever lost it in such a short period of time. I'm not that stupid you know." She retorted as she rubbed her arm. "I dropped my other phone in there, the one with lots and lots of pictures of WA.TA.SHI~"

Ai rambled on (while being dragged to class by Risa) about how that still un-named girl would see all her pictures while thinking how pretty she looked. She would then soon have the urge to meeting Ai, and when they finally did, she would get all the details she wanted, leaving her that much closer to getting her target.

Class ended and Ai began rummaging though Risa's bag in search for her friend's cell phone. Risa took her phone out from her pocket, flashing it in front of Ai's face. Ai took the phone while she smiled apologetically at Risa. She pressed the numbers of her currently missing phone and brought the phone to her ear. Ai waited a few seconds before someone had finally answered her phone.

"Erm, I dropped my phone. I was-"
"Oh right, I guess you would want it back? My class ends at three, so I'll meet you at the bus stop near school."  
"Hai, thank you!"


It was three fifteen already and Ai sat impatiently on the bench waiting together with Risa. Another five minutes passed, and Risa was starting to insinuate that Ai should start saying 'goodbye' to her cell phone soon. And so began the duo's little bicker about whether or not mystery girl would run off with Ai's cell phone, when another pair of girls, both decided not the one that Ai had set her sights on, approached them.

"Hi! You’re the one who dropped your phone right?"

Ai looked up at the shorter of the pair, slightly confused, "Erm, yes." she replied with a weak smile, then glared at Risa who was beside her trying her best not to burst out laughing.


"Be careful with your phone next time, alright? It's a good thing we picked it up, other people might not have returned it." She noted cheerfully as she passed the phone over to Ai.


Having accomplished her assigned task, the shorter girl of the pair turned to her companion, who was staring intently at her for some reason. The girl raised an eyebrow.

"Yes Mai-chan?"

The taller, slightly less tanned girl blinked slowly, then frowned.

"Um, Rika-chan, aren't we supposed to have futsal practice right now?

Rika rolled her eyes. "I thought we told you this morning already. Practice was canceled because they called the captains of both teams in for a meeting. Some important event or something. That's why Yossi got stuck there."

Mai scratched at her chin thoughtfully. "Ah, so that's why Yossi isn't with us now. And I wondered why she passed this errand on to you."

Ai's ears perked up at the topic of conversation, her mind piecing together what was going on. If her intuition was correct, her target's name was Yossi and was the captain of the futsal team. ' fitting...' Her eyes glazed over as she went into daydream mode.

Risa, having found herself being ignored, decided to rekindle the conversation by getting to know what was obviously two senpais standing before them.

"Ano....are you two second-years?" Risa asked timidly as she directed her attention at the one called Rika. Rika turned to look at the smaller girl, sizing her up with one eye before replying.

"Yes, as a matter of fact. You two are first-years then?" Her tone was friendly but did not encourage over-familiarity. Risa nodded vaguely, then elbowed the daydreaming Ai in the side discreetly even as Rika turned back to face Mai. Ai shot an irritated glance at her best friend. Risa only lowered her voice as she whispered.

"See I told you that they were senpais!" Ai shrugged, hissing back. "So?"

'Chin-pun kan-pun genkiyoku~ Chin-pun kan-pun kawaiiku ne?'

"Ah, it's my phone." Mai said with some surprise. After some halfhearted digging around, she retrieved the phone and flipped it open.

"Who is it?" Rika asked curiously as Mai put the phone to her ear.

"Domo~ Ah, Ayaya? Yeah Rika's with me. Do you want to talk to her?"

Even though Rika was not exactly standing very close to Mai, she could still hear bits and pieces of a very loud voice through the phone's speaker. Something about putting it on speakerphone. Mai, being at the source, winced and did as ordered.

The roar that came through was both incredibly irate and incredibly calm at the same time, if such a thing made sense. Either way, it was just loud.


"Oh we are? Where were we supposed to meet again?" Mai asked, genuinely clueless about any plans made with Aya.

"Ah! I knew I was forgetting something today! Gomen Aya-chan, we'll be right over."

The voice over the phone lowered her volume, clearly pacified by the assurance.

'You'd better be. Yossi's already here.'

Before Mai could even blink, her phone had suddenly vanished from her hands, snatched by a suddenly furious Rika, who yelled into the phone.


'You were supposed to have a futsal meeting?'
The voice over the phone asked someone in the background. A muffled reply followed by a faint chuckle was heard, the exact words not quite decipherable over the static. Nevertheless, Rika took in a deep breath, then forced her words out through tightly clenched teeth, every syllable drenched with intense foreboding.

"Yoshizawa Hitomi, you'll get it from me when I get there later. You just wait!" Then she snapped the phone shut, ending the call.

Turning to Risa, Rika smiled apologetically at her, saying.

"Sorry, it seems we have to go now." Grabbing hold of a still baffled Mai, she went to the road to flag for a taxi, disappearing into the throng of students milling around the bus stop.

Ai and Risa stared in bewildered silence for a moment, before Risa finally regained enough of her wits to quip with some amusement.

"So that's your rival... I don't think you stand a chance anymore. They sound like a married couple already." Risa sounded way too cheerful for someone in her position as best friend. Ai glared at her so called best friend viciously, but Risa was already immune to those.



Yossi grumbled aloud to herself as she rubbed gingerly at her right arm. Who knew Rika packed quite such a punch? Then again, she probably have expected nothing less from the ace striker of their team.

What does being an ace striker have to do with punching hard?

A little part of her mind mocked as she continued down the dimly lit streets towards her home. It was a fairly long walk from the train station, but Yossi liked it well enough. It gave her time to relax to herself before going back to the chaotic Nakazawa household.

A familiar scream penetrated her thoughts, and Yossi looked up, peering through the looming darkness that the approaching night bestowed. Up at the intersection ahead, the long shadows of a group of people were clearly reflected on the dark pavement, but the actual figures were unseen, hidden around the corner.

"YOU DON'T SCARE REINA!!" Yossi, who had been prepared to ignore the incident and mind her own business, froze in her tracks at the name. Cursing under her breath, the athletic girl walked forward quickly, turning at the intersection to investigate.

At first sight, it looked like some ordinary gang standoff that most decent people knew better than to interfere with. Yossi had been just as prepared to leave this alone...had she not seen her tiny cousin trapped in the middle of the five menacing-looking guys dressed in crisp black suits.

Now what had that midget gotten herself into?


Stefy:  :imdead: ... AAAAATSUUUUUIIIIIII!!!
Essy: -.- Whatever.
Stefy: Oh~! *digs for a certain PB* WA.TA.SHI~ *flips through pages*  :mon blood:
Essy: I have it too! *looks at my own* :on bleed: :luvluv1: :nya: :shy2:
Stefy: Ba~ka.. so over reactive. Your exploiting the emoticons.... -.-
Essy: *passes Stefy Eri's Hatachi*
Stefy:   :mon star: :shock: :mon blood: :mon bleed2: :mon crazyinlove: :mon lovelaff: :mon angel: :farofflook:
Essy: ... I rest my case.


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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Re: A Series of Unfortunate Events [Now Showing: "And So It Begins" 23/8/09]
« Reply #26 on: August 23, 2009, 06:18:39 PM »
Oh Ai-chan....*shakes head laughing* I hate to say it, but I don't think she has a chance either...considering how "protective" Rika can be. :lol: OSHI- Reina!!! :shocked

Offline Miki IV

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Re: A Series of Unfortunate Events [Now Showing: "And So It Begins" 23/8/09]
« Reply #27 on: August 23, 2009, 10:33:54 PM »
 :depressed: It was a mistake of the translator.  :err: I do not know much English. I'm learning to read and write in this language. I spoke Spanish.  :sweat:
I feel sorry for the mistake, but I also find it funny.

Furthermore, the new chapter I found amusing. The plan of Ai and Risa constant teasing.

Now, to expect the next update.  :)

Offline badsaints

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Re: A Series of Unfortunate Events [Now Showing: "And So It Begins" 23/8/09]
« Reply #28 on: August 24, 2009, 03:46:05 AM »
Aichan doesn't have much of a chance with IshiYossi behaving like old married couple :lol: Unless she joins the futsal team and makes her attack from inside? (just saying 8)2)

But what happened to Reina :shocked

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Re: A Series of Unfortunate Events [Now Showing: "And So It Begins" 23/8/09]
« Reply #29 on: August 24, 2009, 01:19:12 PM »
Risa is such an exasperated friend. Uh-oh! Reina's in trouble now.

BTW I love the author's notes, they're almost as awesome as the story itself.

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Re: A Series of Unfortunate Events [Now Showing: "And So It Begins" 23/8/09]
« Reply #30 on: August 24, 2009, 01:34:09 PM »
^ same here. I can't tell which I like more: the story or the commentary.

Don't worry Reina. Yossi will come and save the day. :cool1:

....I hope. :nervous

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Re: A Series of Unfortunate Events [Now Showing: "Meet the Family" 18/8/09]
« Reply #31 on: August 25, 2009, 05:43:48 AM »

Kreuz_Asakura: PIN PON! Congratulations! You get a virtual cookie! And the remainder of stefy's green tea frappe~
Cool!... I guess :nervous

Chapter 4

Hahahaha guess Ai wasn't expecting her great plan to fail, but luckily she could get some info :P I really like this Ai you know? Full of herself and with lots of confidence 8)
And Yossy is such a lazy ass (me remember her in the momusu Alo!Hello 2 XD) btw, is Miki going to appear in the story?

Reinana what did you do? :OMG: Hope Yossy can help her and any of them get hurt
« Last Edit: August 25, 2009, 05:46:53 AM by Kreuz_Asakura »

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Re: A Series of Unfortunate Events [Now Showing: "And So It Begins" 23/8/09]
« Reply #32 on: August 28, 2009, 07:35:32 PM »
Can I quote everything? 


The Ai-Risa interactions were super hilarious and totally entertaining

Reina... Yossie to the rescue   :gmon twirl:

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Re: A Series of Unfortunate Events [Now Showing: "And So It Begins" 23/8/09]
« Reply #33 on: September 12, 2009, 02:47:50 AM »
Chapter 4
[And So It Begins]

Gotta love the TakaGaki antics. XD

Do girls really come up with such elaborate/convoluted plans when trying to get another person's attention? :P

Oops. :lol:

I can totally picture Mai holding her phone at arm's length while Aya's voice is coming through loud and clear.

Yossi's already here.'

Before Mai could even blink, her phone had suddenly vanished from her hands, snatched by a suddenly furious Rika, who yelled into the phone.


'You were supposed to have a futsal meeting?' The voice over the phone asked someone in the background. A muffled reply followed by a faint chuckle was heard, the exact words not quite decipherable over the static.
Whoops? Unless the meeting was cancelled, cut really short, I SO want to hear how Yossi talks her way out of this one. 8)2

"YOU DON'T SCARE REINA!!" Yossi, who had been prepared to ignore the incident and mind her own business, froze in her tracks at the name. Cursing under her breath, the athletic girl walked forward quickly, turning at the intersection to investigate.

At first sight, it looked like some ordinary gang standoff that most decent people knew better than to interfere with. Yossi had been just as prepared to leave this alone...had she not seen her tiny cousin trapped in the middle of the five menacing-looking guys dressed in crisp black suits.
Ooooooooooooooooooh shit. Suits? This can't be good. :O

Now what had that midget gotten herself into?
She called Reina "midget"!

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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