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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #3000 on: April 18, 2015, 06:45:44 PM »
YO go buy Endless Legend RIGHT NOW.

I had spent the past few days playing Civ 5, then gave EL a spin. My god, EL is better in every way possible. The major and minor factions are actually meaningful in their differences. The research tree is more dynamic, and more obviously displays the bonuses received. The maps themselves are more varied, and require greater strategy. There's a greater variety in units, buildings, and resources, which is nice. Heroes give the unit idea a little something extra, and their level-up + items are interesting. Combat is tight, too. The quest system is pretty cool, because it gives you some extra objectives besides "kill dem doods, while building another granary". And yo, this game is just absolutely gorgeous.

Everything is awesome. :jerk:

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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #3001 on: April 18, 2015, 09:13:51 PM »
Downloading it now to check it out.

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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #3002 on: April 19, 2015, 08:26:14 PM »
Some thoughts:

- Completed Valiant Hearts this morning. What a fantastic game. The ending was an emotional gutpunch made all the more effective knowing that it was based on real events. Artistically beautiful, very poignant and respectful to all who gave their lives for WW1. I think as a game, what sets it out is that it's set during a war, but it never tasks you to shoot another soldier or watch as you single handedly turn the tide of conflict. I do hope another in the series continues because I loved it.

- You know a game must be hard when you look at the trophies for OlliOlli2 and even completing all of the amateur levels is an Ultra Rare achievement completed by 2% of players who played it. Happy to say I'm one of the few. But to get all 5 stars AND beat the Pro levels is the real challenge.

- Who likes Total Biscuit? I don't mean that as a rhetorical question, I'm genuinely curious. His videos are very dry which makes it boring to read. And outside of his videos he's a complete thin skinned drama seeker, taking any slight as a huge personal offense and regularly jumping into comments threads and bringing his fan club with him to stir shit up, especially when explicitly asked not to. Doesn't even come across as a nice person when he makes transphobic jokes or discredits death threats made against people in the industry because "they're still breathing". This is before we even get round to the fact that he supports GamerGate. Yet he's a big figure on Youtube with a big audience. Don't get it.

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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #3003 on: April 19, 2015, 09:14:25 PM »
Who likes Total Biscuit?

I never quite understood the popularity of "YouTube personalities", streamers, at the rest. What's the point? Why do people get boatloads of donations just for playing video games? Maybe graduate school isn't the answer.

I'm still addicted to Endless Legend, but the free weekend ends in one hour. The sale ends tomorrow, so I'll see how I feel then. 8 hours of playtime in 36 hours is pretty hefty, though :cokecat:

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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #3004 on: April 19, 2015, 10:43:43 PM »
Haven't played any games in ages, but yesterday I watched Wreck It Ralph that made me want to play some...

I had an itching to play on my Saturn but also to play Power Drift, I guess cuz it's a 16-bit arcade racer kinda in karts, but I couldn't be bothered to find out how to plug in my Dreamcast in my cable hell, so decided to just play on the Xbox 360 instead and downloaded Daytona USA. Wow! I guess I've been out of gaming for a while - but this is a fantastic conversion of the game. It's great to finally have such a decent home conversion of it. As a review I read said "it's not arcade perfect - its the Daytona you remember in your mind, with the wrinkles ironed out". It's fantastic. Been playing a lot of it. I love Sega blue sky arcade racers.


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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #3005 on: April 20, 2015, 01:01:55 AM »
- Who likes Total Biscuit? I don't mean that as a rhetorical question, I'm genuinely curious. His videos are very dry which makes it boring to read. And outside of his videos he's a complete thin skinned drama seeker, taking any slight as a huge personal offense and regularly jumping into comments threads and bringing his fan club with him to stir shit up, especially when explicitly asked not to. Doesn't even come across as a nice person when he makes transphobic jokes or discredits death threats made against people in the industry because "they're still breathing". This is before we even get round to the fact that he supports GamerGate. Yet he's a big figure on Youtube with a big audience. Don't get it.

I watch most of the vids he posts on his youtube channel. His dry style is definitely not for everyone and he concentrates a lot on the tech specs, PC port quality etc, stuff that many don't find interesting. But he's mostly no-nonsense and only does PC stuff (which is the stuff I care about, so there's that as well). Outside of the vids though, I don't really keep up. I do remember him talking about how he was thinking about getting off twitter, though, haha. Sounds like it might be a good idea.

Looking at his comments outside the videos, he seems to have had his low moments, but I also remember a whole bunch of the stuff he's said has been taken out of context. I've never noticed any remarks of the sort you talk about in his videos, either. He's always seemed very pro-LGBT and his co-optional podcast (which I sometimes use as background noise) he does with a few other peeps had some transgender gaming personality as a guest just a while ago. As for gamergate and whatnot, he seems to be talking about the "right stuff", about journalistic transparency and all that jazz. But I usually zone out and try to find my happy place whenever the term "gamergate" is mentioned anywhere.

You have valid points, though, with the drama queen shitz and his personality is what it is. But gotta say it has never really bothered me. Maybe I just have thick skin. Hopefully.


I also checked out Endless Legend during the free weekend, and it seemed like a fun, original Civ/Master of Magic hybrid. I've had it on my wishlist for a while and I'll def get it once the price gets a little lower than 15e :P

I've also played the shit out of Dungeon of the Endless, which is also a very unique sort of game from the peeps that made Legend. Multiplayer's been fun with the usual jphip suspects, and hopefully some of them also purchase it. But it's also a ton of fun (and different, since you can pause anytime) in single player.

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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #3006 on: April 20, 2015, 11:45:11 AM »
Could it be Total Biscuit's British (Geordie to be precise) accent?

I mean this quoted from a fan quote from his reddit:

"I have no interest in buying GTA V. It's not a genre I like. Yet I watched 25 minutes on TB talking about its performance on machine I couldn't afford. The man is a wizard."
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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #3007 on: April 20, 2015, 08:57:20 PM »
I never quite understood the popularity of "YouTube personalities", streamers, at the rest. What's the point? Why do people get boatloads of donations just for playing video games? Maybe graduate school isn't the answer.

It's an odd one, Youtube personalities are seen as the new front line for people to get information and opinions on games rather than traditional game websites. Chances are that if you find a Youtuber who shares the same likes and dislikes as you then you might pay more attention to a game that he or she says they enjoy. But there's a weird blurred line there between genuine endorsement and advertising from publishers which actually gives rise to genuine ethics in games journalism (see the example where Warner Bros was offering financial incentives to Youtubers if they spoke positively about Shadows of Mordor)

I will say that it also touches upon a classic gaming experience which is to play games with friends. I read someone putting forth the suggestion that as gaming moves more towards online multiplayer, you're getting more disconnected with actual human interaction and playing some games on the couch with your mates is slowly going away. But yet that is an intrinsic part of gaming, being able to share the experience as you fight a difficult boss or you are all scared to see what's around the corner. I've seen it mentioned that people view Youtubers in the same way, as you can see their reactions to those moments and share the experience in some way which can feel oddly removed and voyeuristic but for some it's as close as they can get to it nowadays. Whatever the reason it's here to stay, Pewdiepie is more popular than the most popular music artists like Beyonce on Youtube. It is definitely odd to think that people can get thousands if not hundreds of thousands in dollars from advertising and donations from just playing games, I'll agree. Me personally I do watch a few Youtubers but typically it's not to watch full let's plays of recent games (I'll probably play them anyway for myself so why spoil it), but to watch guys like Game Grumps or Two Best Friends Play put on an old game and play it for shits and giggles.

I watch most of the vids he posts on his youtube channel. His dry style is definitely not for everyone and he concentrates a lot on the tech specs, PC port quality etc, stuff that many don't find interesting. But he's mostly no-nonsense and only does PC stuff (which is the stuff I care about, so there's that as well). Outside of the vids though, I don't really keep up. I do remember him talking about how he was thinking about getting off twitter, though, haha. Sounds like it might be a good idea.

Looking at his comments outside the videos, he seems to have had his low moments, but I also remember a whole bunch of the stuff he's said has been taken out of context. I've never noticed any remarks of the sort you talk about in his videos, either. He's always seemed very pro-LGBT and his co-optional podcast (which I sometimes use as background noise) he does with a few other peeps had some transgender gaming personality as a guest just a while ago. As for gamergate and whatnot, he seems to be talking about the "right stuff", about journalistic transparency and all that jazz. But I usually zone out and try to find my happy place whenever the term "gamergate" is mentioned anywhere.

Transparency is a great thing, everyone should strive for it! But like GamerGate, he goes after the wrong targets. Game journalists, indie developers and feminist twitter personalities who slight him rather than big publishers who exert true power and influence over the industry. You don't hear the stupid shit he comes out with in his videos or podcasts because he's under Polaris, under ownership of Disney, which would react quite strongly if he said half the shit that he does on Twitter. Things like:

- Believing that women 'just don’t like certain genres of games' because of 'biology.' 
- Saying that any kind of fiction with politics is 'regressive'
- Suggesting that racism doesn't exist in the UK
- Complaining about a videogame website covering a developer who donated $250k to a children’s hospital, saying “that’s what constitutes a game article on news sites these days.”. Because heaven forbid a positive news story on the gaming community is highlighted.

People can separate his off camera personality with what he does for Youtube and that's ok but for me personally, I know enough that I should just avoid and stay away.

Could it be Total Biscuit's British (Geordie to be precise) accent?

He has a good radio voice to be sure, but I think that's the only positive thing I have to say about him.

Last thing from GamerGate for a while I promise, this story was too good not to share. A few days ago, there was a GamerGate meet up in London and there was a writeup about it here from a GamerGater and it was funny. Actually hard to believe it wasn't satire if not for the photo at the end with all round shitlord Nero. Few choice quotes here:

there were no raised voices and no fights.

...Well done?

Foie Gras. Foie Gras is a dish SJWs hate because they say it is cruel to the bird, which has to be force fed to maximise its liver size.

This reads as "I just bought overpriced goose liver while I drink theoretical SJW tears". Is this guy for real? Let it be forever known, that on 18/04/2015 a man ate Foie Gras to really hammer the nail against social justice. I think it's far more telling that they admit they're perfectly willing to support animal cruelty if it symbolically sticks it to those evil warriors.

Decent, wholesome British Apple Cider! Just the thing to celebrate our advances for ethical journalism!

This guy.

It occurs to me that a meetup like this would be a really good opportunity for some gaming and to share some products that are less in favour with the authoritarian left.

And yet there's no talk or sight of video games anywhere, just overpriced shit. I'd much rather pay £5 for Dominos, invite some friends and play Pro Evo. Maybe because I'm not compensating for anything by showing off all my overly expensive food.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2015, 09:03:08 PM by Tuffty »

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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #3008 on: April 21, 2015, 11:23:09 AM »

Nothing like cruising around Los Santos to the MP3s of Berryz Kobo & Buono  :D
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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #3009 on: April 22, 2015, 01:08:52 AM »
Gamergate is still a thing? lol pretty glad all I care about these days is plastic nintendo toys.

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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #3010 on: April 22, 2015, 04:48:13 PM »
The thing is, the shit that surrounds gamergate has been going on for a LONG time, but now it just has a name and social media platforms to help it grow.  :thumbdown:

I've been replaying Fantasy Life, but I'm still admittedly bummed that the sequel is going mobile only.

::Rest in Peace, Jabs. You'll be forever missed. <3::

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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #3011 on: April 22, 2015, 05:53:30 PM »
I am always surprised these Youtube personalities can make a living off video games considering how bad they are at them.

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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #3012 on: April 23, 2015, 12:04:01 PM »
I've been replaying Fantasy Life, but I'm still admittedly bummed that the sequel is going mobile only.
Probably because Nintendo won't let them charge a fucklot of in-app microtransactions on the 3DS.
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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #3013 on: April 26, 2015, 02:37:56 AM »
More thoughts:

- As much as I like the Nemesis system in Shadows of Mordor, it really does fall apart when an enemy you killed comes back. I mean, I decapitated Tuggu Iron Arm in two seperate encounters now, but he keeps coming back.
- Starting to think the latter half of Apotheon wasn't tested thoroughly or was left to be just not as well polished as the first half. Experiencing game crashes randomly and just as annoying is that enemies can hit me so hard that they knock me through the walls of the level and I end up outside the level entirely. So if I'm left there, I can't get back in to the areas I'm meant to because again, I'm outside of the level, and I have to die.. Stay in there for too long and my game crashes. Either way, I have to restart from next checkpoint (thank goodness they're generous), but it shouldn't be that way.
- Driveclub continues to check off exactly what I want from a driving game. Love any driving mode that creates challenges and says, "Here's a car you have to drive, here's a track, try and beat this time, go." It's so satisfying. Also really impressed by the studios commitment to supporting the game post launch. New races get added as well as new cars and tracks (the latter being the most important to me personally). Makes me contemplating buying the season pass so I can get the full range or races to drive in. Buying a season pass is something I rarely do too, I never thought I would do it for a driving game! But that hopefully shows how highly I think of it.
- What are people's thoughts on the fact that Steam allows people to create mods, host it on steam, and get a cut of the profits. To me, there's a few mods I've seen which are incredible, so I wouldn't mind paying for some mods if they charge. Besides, nothing stopping people to re release it for free either it's not mandatory.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2015, 10:58:40 AM by Tuffty »

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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #3014 on: April 26, 2015, 12:35:34 PM »
- What are people's thoughts on the fact that Steam allows people to create mods, host it on steam, and get a cut of the profits. To me, there's a few mods I've seen which are incredible, so I wouldn't mind paying for some mods if they charge. Besides, nothing stopping people to re release it for free either it's not mandatory.

I like the idea in theory, but Valve doesn't have the best customer service reputation. Neither does Google, for that matter. Without a serious QC process, I imagine the Workshop will start to look like the Android app store: a few gems in an ocean of (paid) shit.

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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #3015 on: April 26, 2015, 06:08:39 PM »
I think the paid mod thing will die a slow painful death and be copyright claimed into non existence :D

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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #3016 on: April 28, 2015, 09:25:42 PM »
Well it didn't last long! Valve are removing the paid mod capability. I applaud Valve for at least trying and owning up to it's mistake after listening to feedback. I read someone suggested a donate option to the modder would be more preferable as it at least gives people the option to donate money if they really like the mod or want to support the developer and I think that's a smart thing to do.

I like to hope that I stay positive about the industry and that comes across well. But I really cannot be positive about this. The season pass for Arkham Knight was announced today which includes "regular new content for 6 months" including character skins, challenge maps and race tracks (you get to drive the Batmobile after all). The kicker? It will cost you £32.99. For the sake of 6 months support and for the vague "regular content" quote, it's a hell of a lot to ask up front. I can get the Driveclub and Mario Kart 8 season passes and I promise that either of which is more meaningful than what I see from Arkham Knight's. Know what else I can get for that price? Another game! It's so hard to justify! On top of that, don't forget that this is the same publisher that refused to patch Arkham Origin's bugs so I wouldn't trust the level of support either. If anything, the news above should only confirm that I'll wait for the Game of the Year edition which won't be too long after it's released anyway!

And speaking of bad news, Silent Hills was officially cancelled. No reason is given but considering the relationship between Konami and Kojima recently, you can only imagine it's something to do with that. I just can't understand it. You have a literal dream team up of Hideo Kojima and Guillermo Del Toro (with Norman Reedus), the brand name of Silent Hill and fan expectation being driven through the roof after the incredible demo of P.T. The idea literally prints money. I realise Konami has other means of profit like arcade and gambling machines but what are they doing lately? The only thing to care about from them is Pro Evo because Metal Gear will surely be on hiatus once Kojima goes and god knows the good Castlevania is dead. Sony can't be pleased either. This was a console exclusive and sounded like the new Silent Hills would be a system seller. My hope is that they get the band back together and work on it themselves with Sony publishing it. The P.T. demo seemed pretty far removed from anything Silent Hill that it could easily be spun into a new IP. But with the Fox Engine under Konami's rule, it looks unlikely or at least will be a different looking game.

With that in mind, the P.T. demo will be taken down this week, potentially later today or tomorrow. My advice is to buy it from the Playstation store, even if you don't have a PS4. If you don't have a PS4 you will at least have it tied to your account so you will be able to download it when you do. If nothing else, you will have a piece of gaming history to keep and wonder what might have been.

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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #3017 on: April 28, 2015, 10:13:55 PM »
I'm so bummed about Silent Hills, I was really looking forward to it like everyone else seemed to be.

Speaking of DLC's....

Masahiro Sakurai says "DLC Scams Have Become an Epidemic"

He definitely has a point. I think DLC's created afterwards like the MK8 DLC's are great (especially when reasonably priced), because they help keep a game like that fresh. But charging almost the price of a full-game for a drip fed expansion before the game itself is even released seems ridiculous. It seems a ton of people are planning to wait until GOTY and Steam sales for Arkham Knight because of this.

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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #3018 on: April 28, 2015, 11:00:41 PM »
Agreed. It's only sensible to wait. You have to be cautious when a publisher not only tries to sell you post release DLC before the actual game is even out but also promises something as vague as "regular content" but doesn't go into specifics. I've seen and heard of too many examples of this (e.g. Bioshock Infinite) where half of the promised content is irrelevant to me and I feel justified not spending full price on a season pass. If you want to part my money away from me, then I have to know what exactly it is you're delivering because £33 for some character/vehicle skins and challenge maps is certainly not worth that price to me. By comparison, at least other season passes are in the region of £15-20 which can be considered an impulse buy.

Made it to the last mission of the Battlefield 4 single player campaign last night. Booted it up there now to finish the game only to see that my save was wiped. Again. Supposedly one of the many issues that plagued the game on launch but was never fixed. That's probably the worst bug I've experienced. I often hear horror stories from other players but have been fortunate to escape such serious game crashing bugs for the most part. To have it happen twice is evident of how repeatable the bug was and I just cannot believe the game was shipped knowing this bug was in it. I have no desire to replay the single player any time soon, if ever (there's nothing to shout about it anyway, it was a dull story with lifeless characters). So long as multiplayer still works then I'll be happy.

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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #3019 on: April 29, 2015, 11:06:41 AM »
Whoa WB really hell bent on screwing with people who legitimately buy games & encouraging us to pirate, aren't they? Is almost like they wanna end up having THQ's fate

I'll pay the price of a full-game for a season pass/dlc only if it has at least as much content as Heart of the Swarm & Legacy of the Void COMBINED
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