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Author Topic: Len's Notebook (Friends 01/10 -TakaGaki/Eri-)  (Read 10500 times)

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Len's Notebook (Friends 01/10 -TakaGaki/Eri-)
« on: August 27, 2009, 03:26:31 AM »
Hey there!
I'm not newbee here but right now I feel like one  XD
For your information, it's been a while since last time I wrote something so I'm a bit rusty. Don't expect a master piece... I just needed to get this one out of my head before doing anything else.

Now.. some TakaGaki love!

If mirrors could talk

“She's staring at you, again

Kame's voice is just a whisper in my ear . I was reading the lyrics from some random song when she sat at my side. The studio is pretty small and some of the others girls are still around, even when the practice ended five minutes ago, so she's making sure that nobody's able to hear us.

“Eri, we've talked about this before...” I say, forgetting what I was doing and looking at her. A sigh just left my throat without realizing “She's my best friend, if she wants to look at me, there's nothing weird about that”
“I'd agree with you if we were talking about a friend's look, but she's totally checking you out!” She'd raised her voice a little for the last part of the sentence, but luckily for me, almost all of the other girls have left already. There was just Reina packing some things inside her bag at the other corner of the room and Ai-chan, who suddenly was too busy practicing again in front of the mirror. None of them seem to have noticed us. “Look, I know that you think that I have too much imagination and I see things where there's nothing to see...” she have lowered her voice again to the level of a whisper “...but I know how you feel about her, and I'd never, never, give you hope if I wasn't sure about it. Trust me in this one, ok?”

I gaze at our leader, looking over Eri's shoulder. She seems to have stopped her solo rehearsal and now she's just staring at her own reflection in the mirror. I can see that little frown in her face that only appears when she's struggling, trying to resolve whatever it's going on inside her head. I wonder (and in the deepest part of my heart, hope) if there's any possibility that I'm the reason of her uneasiness.

“According to you, oh Almighty Turtle, what should I do now?”
“Well...” she takes a moment to think the right words before answering “You could show her, somehow, that you are interested in developing your relationship with her to a level beyond any friendship bonds”
“And how I'm supposed to do that? You know that Ai-chan can be really naïve about those things”
“That's something you'll have to figure out yourself” she said, sticking out her tongue and mocking at me “I'm not going to be the one doing all the thinking here”

You know the world is near its end when you found the Erien being the mature one in a conversation.

“Thank you, Eri, for everything” And I truly am, thankful. She's the one who's been there all those times, when I can't bear to spend the night in the same room with my best friend because this stupid  longing for her is killing me inside. She's been the one holding me in her arms while I can't stop crying and I want to die 'cause I'm afraid to take a step further. She's the one who never asks anything in return...  
“Thank me when you get the girl”

And with a bright smile in her face, she stands up and go join Tanakacchi. They seem ready to leave, something that reminds me that I should get going too if I don't wanna find myself alone in this room with Ai-chan. That would be rather troublesome right now. So, I drink some water, put the bottle and the lyrics I was reading inside my bag and stand up, heading to the exit. I took my cell-phone to check if I have any message and I'm about to crash against a closed door when I raise my head in time enough to stop just two inches away from it.

“Uoha..., that was close” Who the hell closed the door, anyway? I look around, Eri and Tanakacchi already gone. That means that I'm alone with Ai-chan “Better get out of here, Risa” I say to myself.

You know when you think that your life can't get worse and then, suddenly, it does?  Well, that's what I've thought the moment that I've realized that the door isn't opening. I turn the knob again, wishing desperately that it's just my imagination playing some cruel game with my mind, and I pull to open it. Nothing. The damn door is locked. Just when I'm about to shout for some help from outside, my cell-phone rings. I've got an email and something tells me that it's one that I'm not going to like.

Hey, PPP here. I'd thought that I could give you two some time alone, if you don't use it wisely I'll tell Ai-chan myself, you're warned. Oh!, and don't try to ask for help, I've made sure that there won't be anyone around in at least two hours. Have fun!


Psd: I know you hate me right now, but take a deep breath and live the moment.

“I'm gonna kill her, I swear! I'm gonna kill that turtle and make soup with her for dinner!”
“Gaki-san?” Oh God “What's wrong?”

Live the moment
, she said. Well, I don't think I'm gonna live much longer if Ai-chan keeps staring at me like that.

“Hm... door.., we're locked in here” I manage to say.
“Oh” I don't know if she didn't understand what I said or if she doesn't care. Ai takes her towel, dry some sweat of her face and I wanna shout because she looks extremely hot like that and I'm dying to touch her.

Live the moment. Kame's words echoing in my head. I read the message again and looking at my phone it occurred to me that I could call my manager or someone else to come and rescue me. What I coward I am... I'm tired of this. I'm tired of running away from these feelings, tired of using Eri as a safety shield... I wanna be myself again and if the only way is taking a step further, I'll do it. I'm done being a coward.  

But, how I'm supposed to do this? I told Kame, Ai-chan is too naïve and a simple I love you won't work. Think, Niigaki. You'll be alone with her in this dance studio for almost two hours at least, that's plenty of time, even if you want just to watch her practicing, looking at her perfect waist and her hips moving slowly... She loves torturing me, doesn't she?


That's it. Two can play that game.

“Ne, Ai-chan...” I say, dropping my bag again at the floor and walking towards her.
“Something's bothering me lately and I wonder if you could help me”
“It's about the way I dance. Do you find it... sexy?”

That, definitely, captured her attention and I could swear that I've heard her gulp.

“I guess it's fine?” she answers diverting her eyes from me. Is she nervous?
“Mou, Ai-chan, I'm serious about this! Every time I look at you or Kame dancing, the way you move it seems so natural, so easy, but then, when I try it myself, I still feel like if I'd got some stick in my ass”
“Your ass seems pretty fine to me...”

I've heard that. I guess she didn't mean to say it out loud 'cause she's as surprised as me and now she seems to really regret to be locked in here. I don't know what I'm doing anymore, but this is going too well to stop now.

“Come here” I put myself front of the mirror and gesture her to stand close behind me.
“Come here. I want to show you in a way you can understand what I'm saying”
“Risa, I don't think it's...”
“It's ok, come on” as soon as she's behind me, I took her hands and place them at both sides of my hips. I do it slowly, letting her feel my movements “See?” I say now with a huskier tone in my voice. God, if this doesn't work I'll kill myself to stop the agony “It feels right to you?”

I swear I didn't mean it to sound like that, but hearing her gulp again tells me that I'm on the right track.


It's now or never. If I don't do this I'll regret it the rest of my life.

“You know...” I begin to say, taking her hands again in mine and placing them a little higher, right over the hem of my pants and under the fabric of my shirt, making my skin burn at the contact “Eri says that you've been staring at me the whole week. Is that true?”

I look at our reflection in the mirror and there's that frown on her forehead again. She seems to be scolding herself for being discovered and struggling with what she should say next. After a few seconds, she simply nods.

Kame, you don't know how much I love you right now.

“Why? I can't help but ask.
“Because you're too gorgeous to not do so”

I wasn't expecting and answer so straight forward. She seems to have reached a point where she doesn't need or want to be rational anymore and, suddenly, her hands are bolder, beginning to explore under my shirt on its own accord. This is too much, too good to be true, and I'm going to surrender and kiss her once and for all if I can't stay cool at least for a few more minutes. I need to know that we both want the same.

“And..., what are you thinking while looking at me?”
“That I miss you” Here eyes are closed now and seems to be really enjoying what she's doing “That now there're others closer to you and we don't talk anymore, others that soon or later will see how beautiful you've became and will steal you away from me, forever. That I am a coward...” her voice seems weak now “...'cause I've knew from the beginning how beautiful you were...”
“And lately..., It's been overwhelming. It seems like you've been doing it on purpose to torment me. The way you move, the way you smile, the sound of your voice when you're humming some random song... It makes me...”

She seems to hesitate. There's no place for doubt, Takahashi, not after all you've said.

I turn to face her and I can see clearly that she's ashamed. Her hands disappear suddenly of my skin and I feel lost. There's fear in her eyes.

Don't step back now, please.

“Tell me” I encourage her. She's staring at the floor, trying to avoid me, until I take her hands again and put them in my back, holding me. I place mine in both sides of her face and raise her head, forcing her to look at me “Please, Ai-chan, tell me”
“I want you”

I smile. I smile as I've never smiled before, and my heart is jumping out of his place, and a little turtle in my head is dancing like crazy... and then she's smiling too, and I swear that it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my whole life.

“Then, take me” I say without thinking.
“What?! Now?!”

I don't know what I'm doing anymore. Should we wait? Talk? Maybe I'm going too fast, maybe she's not ready for this, maybe the place where we work almost every day isn't the best... The only thing I'm sure is that I miss her hands caressing my skin and that I'm hungry of her.

“Yes, now”
“But we can't here... Anyone could...” She's stopped mid sentence. My lips are on hers preventing that any other word leaves her mouth.
“We're going to be stuck in here for at least another hour and no one is going to disturb us”
“How do you...?”
“Stop talking” For God's sake “Haven't we lost enough time already?”

She's going to say something again but I'm faster. I surround Ai's neck with my arms and pull her closer, capturing her lips with mine in an eagerly awaited kiss. She doesn't seem to react at first, but probably it's my fault for being too bold for her mind to process in time, she've always done things on her own pace after all. Then, I feel her arms tightening the grip around my waist, wanting me closer, even if there's no distance already between us, and it's the signal that tells me that she's stopped thinking.

Don't know how, but in the blink of an eye my back is against the mirror and her tongue inside my mouth. I think I'm going to like this new side of her very much. She's wild, bold, aggressive and tastes like fresh water of an overflowed river. And I'm drowning.

She's broken the kiss and just when I'm going to complain, I feel her teeth nibbling my earlobe and one of her hands going painfully slow from my back to my butt. I can't help but moan and grab her head with my hands, entangling my fingers with her wet hair. I don't need to see it, I can feel her mouth to turn into a huge, satisfied, grin against my skin. She continues, leaving a path of hungry kisses down my neck until she's stopped by the fabric of my shirt and growls.

“Something's wrong?” I ask her playfully, half laughing, half frustrated 'cause she's stopped.

Ai-chan doesn't answer and, for a moment, I fear again that she's having second thoughts about this. But no. Then she looks at me, fiercely, like a starving predator, and devours me with her gaze just a second before of doing it with her mouth.

“This... off... now” Ai-chan says with faltering voice, already lifting the piece of cloth without asking permission.

And here I was thinking that I was going too fast...


I take a glance at my watch. We still have some time left 'til Eri (or whoever she asked to open the door) comes back.

We're now sitting on the floor together, my back against the mirror and Ai-chan curled up between my legs. Clothes are back on, emotions under control again... Probably, someone who'd see us right now couldn't tell that we've been entangled in a hot and sweaty battle just a few minutes before. Passion isn't completely gone, though (God knows that I'm dying to get out of here and take her home with me), but this is one of those moments where you're fine just holding the other one in your arms, knowing that she feels the same.
“I'll never be able to see this room the same way” she laughs softly, playing with a lock of my hair.
“I know what you mean. I can't look at that mirror at practice anymore without imagining you naked..”
“Hey!” she's blushing madly and makes her look amazingly gorgeous.
“I'm just saying. It's gonna be a bit difficult to stay focused on work and you know it, leader. Thank Kame about that”
“I told you, she's been trying the whole week to convince me that you were interested back and today she seemed really, really, sure about it; so the turtle decided on her own that the best she could do was to lock us in here until we'd resolved our little problem
“Uuhm...” my girl (that still sounds weird) seems to be thinking about something important right now. 'That' frown, remember?
“Reina” she sighs “She probably encouraged Eri to do it”

I must look really confused right now. Ai-chan turns a bit to face me properly.

“Remember last week, when we went to karaoke with Eri, Reina and JunJun?” I nod and she continues “You were singing the Cutie Honey theme with Kame-chan, all dancing and being silly, and I'd must been really engrossed looking at you 'cause Reina suddenly said 'You really like her'. She didn't ask, she stated, and I nodded without even thinking. That yankee caught me so off guard that I couldn't deny it. She probably told Eri after that”
“So... you liked my Cutie Honey dance?” I ask mischievously and her face is again red like a tomato.

I laugh like I haven't done it in a long time and when I finally stop, I hold Ai-chan closer while she buries her face in my neck, sighing deeply and content.

And I'm happy because I know that, for now, we don't need to talk about what we are or what will happen, we don't need big words to say how we feel 'cause we can see it in each others eyes and we, definitely, don't need to tell the world, 'cause the only world we know is the one inside this little dance studio, with its closed door and a mirror that, if could talk, would tell you the silly history about two  friends in love and the turtle that made it possible.


That's it! And no, there's no perv written, this one was hard enough already  :lol:
« Last Edit: October 02, 2009, 12:43:41 AM by len.chan »

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Re: Len's Notebook (If mirrors could talk 27/8 -TakaGaki-)
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2009, 06:02:26 AM »
Awesome story!  :cow: Yay for TakaGaki - glad the Turtle and the Kitty conspired to lock them in that room.

Gaki-san taking the initiative was awesome - and Ai's wandering hands were  :thumbsup

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Re: Len's Notebook (If mirrors could talk 27/8 -TakaGaki-)
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2009, 06:45:30 AM »
Kawaii!! takagaki loves , it so good, thanks to Power of Turtle jaja and the cutie honey dance  :cool1: :shakeit:

Something's wrong?” I ask her playfully, half laughing, half frustrated 'cause she's stopped.

Ai-chan doesn't answer and, for a moment, I fear again that she's having second thoughts about this. But no. Then she looks at me, fiercely, like a starving predator, and devours me with her gaze just a second before of doing it with her mouth.

“This... off... now” Ai-chan says with faltering voice, already lifting the piece of cloth without asking permission.

And here I was thinking that I was going too fast...

 :mon mischief: jeje.........ok my imagination this working  :mon blood:

“Remember last week, when we went to karaoke with Eri, Reina and JunJun?” I nod and she continues “You were singing the Cutie Honey theme with Kame-chan, all dancing and being silly, and I'd must been really engrossed looking at you 'cause Reina suddenly said 'You really like her'. She didn't ask, she stated, and I nodded without even thinking. That yankee caught me so off guard that I couldn't deny it. She probably told Eri after that”
“So... you liked my Cutie Honey dance?” I ask mischievously and her face is again red like a tomato.

it is to what i mean  :mon cigar:

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Re: Len's Notebook (If mirrors could talk 27/8 -TakaGaki-)
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2009, 07:12:44 AM »

Len.chan's back! <3333 It's been a while, dearie~!

This story was cute and hawt xDDDD Gotta love those dancing room sessions '_'

Tanakamei seems to always sceheme these two together, huh? Fuuun xDDD

Hope to see you prance around the forum more often~!

-gives you yet another hardhat to protect you from writer's block- <3

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Re: Len's Notebook (If mirrors could talk 27/8 -TakaGaki-)
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2009, 11:02:30 AM »

welcome back~! welcome back~!

Awwww TakaGaki sho cutez. With masterminds Eri and Reina to aid em XD yay. Man Gaki-han flirting with Ai was... hmm disturbingly sexy XD lol and she still thinks she's not sexy?! pleh.

Anyways hiphiphorrrrrayyy for ur return! hope ya write moarrr!

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Re: Len's Notebook (If mirrors could talk 27/8 -TakaGaki-)
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2009, 04:08:06 PM »
It's here! It's here! Finally you posted this. I'm so in love with this story. I just had to read it before I go to work and I'm glad I did. Oh Takagaki, I love that pairing, this story just made it the top of my list. The whole time I read this I was going, "Heh heh, hee hee huh huh, nyanyanya." Seriously, even my dogs are looking at me like I'm crazy.

Just so you know, I'm going to reread this later. I'm so glad you're back.

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Re: Len's Notebook (If mirrors could talk 27/8 -TakaGaki-)
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2009, 05:18:42 PM »
Love this story coz:

1) It's TakaGaki
2) It's TakaGaki

I think you get the drift. Oh and the scene is HOT! :mon bleed2: Need to cool down in ice water :mon dive:

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Re: Len's Notebook (If mirrors could talk 27/8 -TakaGaki-)
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2009, 11:40:30 PM »
TakaGaki. Locked in a room together (courtesy of one Turtle and one Yankii Kitty). Raging Hormones with a dash of pent-up emotions.  :luvluv1: :on bleed: :imdead:

'Nuff said.

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Re: Len's Notebook (If mirrors could talk 27/8 -TakaGaki-)
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2009, 08:31:39 AM »
OSNAP! It's len.chan!!!! :wave:

If mirrors could talk
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooice. Way to take charge there Risa! :rockon:

That's it! And no, there's no perv written, this one was hard enough already 
You........ tease. :doh:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Len's Notebook (If mirrors could talk 27/8 -TakaGaki-)
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2009, 08:37:15 AM »
You are one awesome writer. PERIOD!!! I'm so glad you're back. Who wants to join me to celebrate :D
Man, the title itself is great already but the whole fic, it was MINDBLOWING! :twothumbs TAKAGAKI =  :heart:
Tee hee Eri was so cute in it  :wub:

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Re: Len's Notebook (If mirrors could talk 27/8 -TakaGaki-)
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2009, 06:14:00 AM »
Yay, Takagaki!!! :cow: TanaKame is so evil, but in a good way. :lol:

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Re: Len's Notebook (If mirrors could talk 27/8 -TakaGaki-)
« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2009, 03:12:14 PM »
“According to you, oh Almighty Turtle, what should I do now?”

 :on lol:

“Well...” she takes a moment to think the right words before answering “You could show her, somehow, that you are interested in developing your relationship with her to a level beyond any friendship bonds”


“And how I'm supposed to do that? You know that Ai-chan can be really naïve about those things”


“That's something you'll have to figure out yourself” she said, sticking out her tongue and mocking at me “I'm not going to be the one doing all the thinking here”

Oh god of gods  :wahaha:

Psd: I know you hate me right now, but take a deep breath and live the moment.


“It's about the way I dance. Do you find it... sexy?”

And the game begins. Yay! Go girl  :onioncheer:

“And lately..., It's been overwhelming. It seems like you've been doing it on purpose to torment me. The way you move, the way you smile, the sound of your voice when you're humming some random song... It makes me...”

Now it’s getting hot in here   :on_hot:

and a little turtle in my head is dancing like crazy...


“I know what you mean. I can't look at that mirror at practice anymore without imagining you naked..”

Now   :imdead:

I know now why 2 years or so ago one of my favorite fanfic writers encouraged me to read your fics

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Re: Len's Notebook (If mirrors could talk 27/8 -TakaGaki-)
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2009, 04:03:22 PM »
@adventwriter ; Thank you! it was fun to write Gaki-san a bit bolder than usual
@gab98 ; "the power of the turtle" that sounds now like a good title for a fic  XD XD XD
@Yuuyami ; yeah, it's been a while, sorry. I'll try to be around more often, I promise  :P
@stefy ; I'm soo glad that people aroun here is happy to see me again ^^ you know what? I found Gaki-san disturbingly sexy lately, that's the main reason why this fic exists. I saw her at P9D concert and I couldn't stop thinkig about that  XD
@rndmnwierd ; glad you liked so much to the extend that your dogs think you're crazy  XD XD
@HartAKL85 ; raging hormones waiting for so long to be realeased and a locked room are the best combination ever, ne? XD
@JFC; yay JFC! you know, I miss your long, sentence at sentence, comments :P
@lil_hamz ; thank you!
@strawb3rrykream; I'll join you cow dance for TakaGaki XD  :cow:
@kRisZ; someone encouraged you to read my fics? Now I'm curious, have you read anything else?  :)

mmm... I'm thinking about writing some post-studio fic.. a little one, just to write some thoughts on the other parts involved in this history. Maybe in a few days?

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Re: Len's Notebook (If mirrors could talk 27/8 -TakaGaki-)
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2009, 03:00:47 AM »
Takagaki + Len =  :heart:  yay!!

I really enjoyed it!! I read it the other day but I wanted to re-read, so here I am jaja This is a funny and SEXY one-shot, pleaseee keep writing  :twothumbs, sea la hora que sea!!  ;) I want to read a post-studio fic  :grin:

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Re: Len's Notebook (If mirrors could talk 27/8 -TakaGaki-)
« Reply #14 on: September 01, 2009, 05:08:30 AM »
Ah! Welcome back~!

And with a sexy Takagaki fic to start off with~ :heart: :heart: Is it me or my room getting hotter by the minute? :lol: MOAR~! :twisted:

Oh, and it looks like you haven't gotten rusty at all. If anything better!  :thumbsup

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Re: Len's Notebook (If mirrors could talk 27/8 -TakaGaki-)
« Reply #15 on: September 04, 2009, 02:24:57 AM »
Shiru; I knew you'd like it:P
Fenrir; you asked for MOAR?! here we go XD you know? I still think I'm not good enough with all the writing in english thing, but after all I've always been too perfectionist. Maybe I should start believing people when they say that I'm good at this  :lol:

so, as promised...
(I wonder why one-shots always end having more than one chapter...  XD)


It's around 3a.m. There's a starry night outside, one of those skies that makes your heart jump with joy at the view. It's rare to have such a clear sky in a city covered by lights and, sometimes, I found myself spending almost the whole night watching the stars until the morning comes just in fear that I'll never be able to see such a beautiful thing again.

Tonight is different, though. Tonight I have something even more beautiful right by my side, in this bed, hogging the sheets all to herself and sleeping with a smile in her lips brighter than any star.

I keep telling myself that this must be a dream, that I'll woke up in the morning and she'll be gone, like so many times before, that what happened in that studio three days ago was all in my head, that she never took my hands on hers and let me caress her skin like I've always wanted, that her kisses were just a cruel joke of my tortured mind, that I don't deserve her...

But she's here.

Someone else skips into my mind, the one who made this happen, the thoughtful friend that never asked anything. She's been there for her always, closer when I was away, waiting for something that she knew from the start that was impossible. It didn't take me by surprise when she told me 'cause, deep inside, I've always knew there was something going on between them. It was killing me, but I guess it was worst for her.

Eri, can we talk?” I took her to a corner of the room a few minutes before the meeting started. I looked at Risa through the heads of the other members and she gave me back a reassuring smile. She knows that I'm not good with those kind of talks.
What is it?
Well.., I want to thank you... about everything you did for Gaki-san, she told me, and... about yesterday too...”
I didn't do it for you
What?” I guess I'd been so engrossed on my speech that I wasn't expecting the cold tone that Kamei answered me with. I'd saw it coming if I'd looked at her face. Her eyes were darker, distant.
I didn't do it for you, Ai-chan. It was for her...” she stared a moment at Risa and then back at me “It's always been for her. Because I wanted her to be happy, because I needed to see her smile again... that's why, not because I wanted her to be with you”

And it hit me like a rock how much she've had to let go because of me.

“She's with the one she loves and I respect that, but I want you to know something, Takahashi...” the way she said my name made me shiver “If you hurt her, if she ever comes to me again... I won't let her go

The memory of that moment still makes me uneasy. That person in front of me wasn't Kamei, at least no the one I knew, and her warning had been more like a threat, like a gun pointing straight to my heart. I know, and fear, that she'll keep her word and take Risa away from me if I ever hurt her. The good thing is that I'm not planning to do so.

Risa moves and I think for a moment that she's going to wake, but she just rolls over her side of the bed and ends with her back towards me, the thin cotton of the sheets suddenly sliding dangerously down and revealing soft curves of bare skin. I smile. She's always been a restless one.

I stare at her for a while and I realize that, from now on, I don't have to feel ashamed for doing it. When Eri shouted the  She's totally checking you out loud enough for the whole room to hear it, I knew they were talking about me and I panicked. All this time I thought that I was being discreet and suddenly, in just a week, seems like everybody knows. Anyway, I've been hiding myself for so long, fearing that she might hate me if she knew it, that I'm still not used to set the little wild Takahashi (the one that's been enjoying my fantasies too much) free in front of her, something, I must say, that Risa however doesn't have any problem with. I'm still pretty shocked (and delighted) with that new Gaki-san that showed up three days ago in that holy studio, shaking my world and taking my raging hormones to a level unknown for me until that moment. She was sexier than ever, daring, and luckily for me, she took charge from the start, because my mind had stopped working properly since the moment I heard her say we're locked in here. She probably didn't notice it, but there was a really intense dilemma going on in my head at that moment (my phone died a few minutes before practice and I was weighing up the option of running against the door to try to open it). The last thing I needed was to be alone with her and even so, it was what I wanted the most. Good thing that I stopped thinking the moment she took my hands and put them on her hips. That moment I died and happily went to heaven.

And I'll be there as long as this dream lasts.

“Ai-chan?” says a sleepy voice besides me.
“Sorry, I've woke you up?” she stands up a little from the bed and leans her head on her hand, elbow resting against the mattress, with a mess of dark hair covering bare skin that should be covered by the sheets and a half asleep smile on her lips.
“Cold. Can't sleep?”
“I was thinking”
“Something I should know?”
“Nothing important. You know I tend to overanalyze every single thing in my head”

Risa moves closer, takes the sheets to cover us with them and, after kissing me briefly on the cheek, rests her head on my chest and sighs deeply.

“I'm not going anywhere, you know it, right?”
“How come that you know me so well and never suspected that I was in love with you?” She've always been able to read me like an open book, like now, naming my worst fear, that's why I can't understand it.
“The same reason why you can't sleep tonight” she begins to make circles with her fingertip around my tummy and I feel a rush of warm some place lower “I was afraid. I didn't want to see it 'cause I was afraid of the change that could mean, afraid of your feelings, my feelings, about people, work, life... but wanna know why I finally let my eyes open and see the truth?”
“Because we can't waste our life being afraid. So, stop thinking that I won't be here tomorrow and go to sleep”
“I couldn't go to sleep now even if I wanted to” I say mysteriously and she raises her head to look at me confused
“Because someone can't keep her hands quiet while we're having a serious conversation”

Risa's eyes are now wide-open, understanding what I've meant, and smacks my belly playfully, something that doesn't exactly help to the situation.

“You're such a perv, Takahashi”
“And you such a teaser”
“Yeah, and you love it”

A big smile, an unexpected fiery kiss and she wins. Now I'd do anything she wanted.

“Now sleep, we have work tomorrow morning” she rest her head on my chest again and puts an arm around my waist.
“I hate you”
“Mmhuh...” she purrs and I sigh. Why does she have to be always so rational and level-headed?

Well, I guess I can take my revenge on her tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, or next week.., there's no need to rush. After all, we've got all the time in the world.   


Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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Re: Len's Notebook (If mirrors could talk 27/8 -TakaGaki-)
« Reply #16 on: September 04, 2009, 03:33:04 AM »
Eek, I never commented on the first part!? That's what I get for reading fics on my iPod in the morning. XD Anyway, loved both parts to bits. <3 But poor Eri... D:

TakaGaki~ <3

Offline Saikami

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Re: Len's Notebook (If mirrors could talk 27/8 -TakaGaki-)
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2009, 02:33:57 PM »
len.chan, you know I (more or less) dislike Takagaki, right? :lol: But I've missed you writing!!

This story is cute and sexy at the same time. XD; I feel bad for Eri though :cry: Such a good person...just wanting to see who she loves to be happy.

You also write from both perspectives very well. :D

Don't take any more long, unneeded breaks from writing, you here? XD
[All hail AiButt! Sig by Dinny!]

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Len's Notebook (Isomnia 04/09 -TakaGaki-)
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2009, 09:05:06 PM »
Woah, kowaii Kame, but yay, more Takagaki, featuring Introspective!Ai and Sleepy!Risa.

BTW, your English is awesome, it's definitely gotten better in the years since I started reading your fics. In fact, if I didn't know English wasn't your first language I almost couldn't tell.

Offline JFC

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Re: Len's Notebook (Insomnia 04/09 -TakaGaki-)
« Reply #19 on: September 05, 2009, 01:21:20 AM »
When you love someone so much, that you're willing to let them go to be with someone else...that's major. :cry:

“If you hurt her, if she ever comes to me again... I won't let her go”

The memory of that moment still makes me uneasy. That person in front of me wasn't Kamei, at least no the one I knew, and her warning had been more like a threat, like a gun pointing straight to my heart. I know, and fear, that she'll keep her word and take Risa away from me if I ever hurt her.
Well, it's only fair.  Eri stood back for Risa's sake. If Aichan fucks that up, then she clearly doesn't deserve Risa and Eri would have no reason to continue holding her own feelings back.

The good thing is that I'm not planning to do so.
Fortunately for Aichan, she knows what she has and just how important she is. :)

my mind had stopped working properly since the moment I heard her say we're locked in here.

It was probably something like this:
Risa = :mon sweat:
Aichan = :stunned:

Good thing that I stopped thinking the moment she took my hands and put them on her hips. That moment I died and happily went to heaven.
Aichan = :mon angel:

Very zen there Risa, very zen indeed. :yep: :thumbsup

“I couldn't go to sleep now even if I wanted to” I say mysteriously and she raises her head to look at me confused
“Because someone can't keep her hands quiet while we're having a serious conversation”

Risa's eyes are now wide-open, understanding what I've meant, and smacks my belly playfully, something that doesn't exactly help to the situation.

“You're such a perv, Takahashi”
“And you such a teaser”
“Yeah, and you love it”
Lord knows, we readers love it. Fook yeah. :rockon:

Well, I guess I can take my revenge on her tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, or next week.., there's no need to rush.
Oh yeah...revenge FTW.  :twisted:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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