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Author Topic: Cogi's Oneshots (Sleep Over-TanaKame 10/29/10)  (Read 39043 times)

Offline cogi_yoshi

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Cogi's Oneshots (Sleep Over-TanaKame 10/29/10)
« on: September 05, 2009, 06:02:01 AM »
Uhhm, hi there...again. This time, I'm posting on the right thread. I'm been lurking here since 2006 and finally I decided to de-lurk after all these years. I hope you will like my fics. Here's the first one.XD

A Sign From Heaven

*clap clap clap*

“Kami-sama… It’s almost been a year since I’ve graduated from Morning Musume, and I thank you for all the blessings that you’ve given me. For this special day, I would like to make my birthday wish. I know that I act boyish… and most… I mean ALL of my co-workers think that I’m… ahhm you know… a boy. This is a hard decision for me because I need to change my image on television as well but please… I don’t want them to think that I’m just another “woman in body but a man at heart’ person. I want to have a boyfriend… wait… secret boyfriend if that’s ok, to prove to them once and for all…and to myself also, that I’m 100% girl in mind and body…. Please give me a sign that he’s my true love…. That person must wear a blue polo shirt and just a simple black pants. And then since it’s raining, he will share his green umbrella with me and then he will give me a chocolate… talk about specific ne~e? And I hope that he’s really good-looking. Please grant my wish! I hope to see him after I got out of this shrine… or within this day… Thank you very much!!!

Hitomi opened her eyes after praying in the altar. She must have been praying for too long because the incense that she put was already ¼ shorter than it originally was. She sighed before going out of the shrine. It was cloudy earlier this morning and when she’s already walking towards the shrine, the rain started to fall. She looked around in search for the ‘boy’ she wished and at last, she saw a green umbrella walking up the stairs.

“Oh my! Here he comes!!! That’s really fast… Thank you kami-sama!”

Hitomi watched excitedly as the said person came into view. She can see the person wearing a polo shirt… specifically, a blue polo shirt even though it’s raining really hard and it’s hard to see distant things. The black pants appeared already but she still can’t see the face for the umbrella was blocking her view.

“Ehh? He’s shorter than me? Well, I guess it can’t be helped. He’s the one given to me so let’s just accept it”.

It’s only a short matter of time before it reached the shrine. ‘He’ folded the umbrella and Hitomi gasped at the ‘handsome’ person in front of her.

“Miki? You’ve cut your hair?!?”

“Woah, I didn’t expect you… wait… I expect you to be here because….OTANJOUBI OMEDETTO!!! So you’ll treat me right?” Miki decided to neglect both; what Hitomi asked and the reason why she went to the shrine, and opened her umbrella again. She pulled Hitomi and retraced her steps towards the stairs.

“Oh yeah… I have a chocolate that Aya gave me earlier… Would you like some?” Miki put the handle of the umbrella onto Hitomi’s hand and searched her bag for the rectangular food.

“Uso… this is not happening!!! It fits my description alright… but HE’S a SHE!!!” It’s just a freakin’ coincidence…a coincidence… yeah.. I’ve said, within this day. Maybe I’ll see HIM later.”

Hitomi smiled at Miki when the other tried to feed her the chocolate. Hitomi guided Miki towards a yakiniku restaurant much to the other’s excitement.

“You know, you should be the one treating me for it’s my birthday, not yours.”

“Think of it as your congratulatory treat for my comeback in H!P.” Miki said in between her chewing and biting the A graded meat. Hitomi almost laughed at the sight she’s seeing right now.

“Oh yeah, your single, Okitegami will be released on April 23 right? And by the way, do you know that you have a sauce on your nose?” Miki stopped eating. Hitomi anticipated her friend’s next move. Miki swallowed her food before using her tongue to remove the sauce on her nose.. “I knew you’re going to do that!!” Both of them laugh. They stayed there longer and chatted for a while. They always see each other whenever there’s futsal practice but somehow, Hitomi felt that there’s something different today.

“So, why did you decide to cut your hair?”

“I just miss the old days…” Hitomi blinked at Miki.

“That’s just it? That’s so…”

“What’s your reason before when you dyed your hair?” Hitomi thought for a while. Miki grinned when she saw the confusion on Hitomi’s face.
“Ehh? My reason?... because of Momusu, because I will look cooler? Because they all do it?... I don’t know.”

“You know, coloring or cutting your hair needs no reason at all… when you feel it, just do it.”

Hitomi glanced on her wristwatch. They have been inside that restaurant for an hour and a half and the rain had stopped for a while now.
“Hey, thanks for the treat… I promised Aya I’ll meet her before 4. I have to go now. I’ll just give your gift tomorrow on our practice. Again, happy birthday!” Miki gave Hitomi a quick kiss on her cheek before going out. Hitomi touched her blushing cheek when Miki was already outside.

“That… feels weird… Really weird… This is not the first time that she kissed me… But….” Hitomi shook her head wildly as a desperate move to remove the confusion from her mind.
“Please kami-sama…. I NEED A GUY!!!”

*clap clap clap*

“Konnichiwa! I’m here again. I’m really disturbed by what happened earlier. So I need to change the signs I said … Earlier, I said that I want to meet my true love… Now I want to meet the one destined to me, my soul mate… The signs… ano, he’s wearing black boots, black bowler hat, khaki pants, a black overcoat with a ‘skull’ as it’s design on the back and a red shirt underneath. There, no girl would wear something like that… And I wish he will give me flowers… preferably, white roses. Please, I hope this time it’s a guy. I don’t want to be confused anymore. I promise that I’ll be loyal and good to him. What ever you give me this time, whether he’s just 4 feet tall or he’s not that good looking, I promise that I’ll accept him. Thank you very much.”

Hitomi left the shrine for the second time this day. She went to the mall right away and bought some food supplies and clothes. It took her almost two hours and the sun had already set. She walked home instead of taking the bus in hopes to see “Mr. Right.”. She’s nearing her apartment and still, there’s no one in sight. She decided to stay and sit for a while in a bench at the park. Thirty minutes have already passed but she saw no one who fitted her description.

“I guess, I was asking too much… Oh well, I suppose it’s not yet my time to have a boyfriend.” Hitomi grabbed the plastic bags and straightened up. As she was walking towards her door, her peripheral vision caught sight of a ‘man’ wearing boots. She turned around and squinted to see clearly against the dark lighting of her area.

“Bowler hat, khaki pants, red and black shirt and overcoat… CHECK!!! Oh my gosh… And he’s got a bouquet of white roses!!! This is it… Thank you, kami-sama!” Hitomi fixed her clothes and her hair as the figure moves closer to her.

“Yocchan! OTANJOUBI!!!” Hitomi was left agape for a couple of seconds. She was being brought back to reality when Rika grabbed her hands and gave her the flowers. “I just saw them in a flower shop. I kinda grew fond of it so I decided to buy it… Hey, are you listening to me?”

“Yeah… wh.. why are you wearing ….”

“This? It’s my disguise, it’s kinda cute right? And look,” Rika turned around “it has a skull design! No one will think that I’m from H!P.”

“Does this mean that I’m better off in my boyish image?”

The End
« Last Edit: October 28, 2010, 06:35:49 PM by cogi_yoshi »

Offline cogi_yoshi

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Re: Cogi's Oneshots (A Sign From Heaven & Kagami 09/03)
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2009, 06:08:39 AM »

“Yosh! You’re the ichiban Kawaii of the group. No one is cuter than you. Ishikawa-san is just the second when it comes to cuteness. You’ll go out there and show what you’ve got.”

“Sayu! Hurry up! They are already waiting.”

“Hai! Coming!” I gave a quick smile before going out of the dressing room. In case you don’t know me, I’m Michishige Sayumi, the cutest member in Morning Musume. Don’t ask why, just look at the evidence. And what you’ve seen earlier is a part of my daily routine. Well, I think its better talking to your own reflection than a small pill bug…. I was still little at that time ok? Where was I? Oh yes, my daily routine. I know that I’m cute but sometimes I get paranoid over small things so I really need to do that. And besides cuteness? I’m getting paranoid over her.

You wanna know who’s the lucky girl? My best friend. Not the yankii one, the weird one. If you have watched our first Utaban appearance where Nakai-san put us into some lie-detector test, there was this certain part where he asked as Rokkies who among us thinks that we are cute. Me and her put quite a show with our ‘Richter scale magnitude 8’-like results. Back then, I was sneering. Hell, I’m way cuter than her right? But now, I beg to differ.

Do you see her standing besides Gaki-san? I know caterpillars evolve and become a beautiful butterfly but I just realized that turtles can do the same too. My god she’s so hot! That’s probably the effect of that ‘Ero-Kawaii’ thing she said on our latest DVD. Honestly, I got paranoid at first. I can’t accept that she’s cuter than me. And why did I think that? Well, because only cute persons would make you stare at them for hours. Only cute persons would only make you have sleepless nights just thinking about them….Gaahh… I don’t know what she did with her body but she really looks dashing now.

There! Did you see that! She smiled at me! You know what… I’m just planning how to confess to her. I just need the right time… Which I think after this practice of ours? I don’t know where to start and I don’t know what her reaction will be but at least… I confessed. Not like our leader-sub-leader duo… Just confess already! Gaki-san is taking her time away from me. And if they didn’t suppress their feelings for each other… It will be KameShige Theater and not GakiKame Theater. The second one sounds lame no matter how I think about it. Anyways, I’ll try to confess today right after our dance practice.

I just finished my shower and I’ll be off to home now. But before that… I need to confess to her. So here I am, standing in front of our dressing room mirror. Trying to get the confidence I needed.

“You are the Ichiban Kawaii here in Morning Musume. No one comes close to you in terms of cuteness.” I read a certain tip from a magazine on how to be confident in an interview. It’s not for interview but hey, practicing your lines in front of the mirror would really help me not to stutter in front of her. Ok, where will I start…

“Eri!” Ok, that sounded forceful... It’s as if I’m angry with her.

“Eri…” That one sounds really serious. It sounded like there’s terrible news that I will tell her. Oh well, go on with my usual happy self.

“Eri~!” Better… Wait… I’ll pretend she’s here… I’ll try to visualize her. Close your eyes Sayumi… focus… when you open your eyes, you will see Eri… Woah… It works! I didn’t think that my imagination’s really that good… Ok, back to work.

“Eri, I need to confess something to you…” Ok, she will definitely have that weird look if I said that but it’s still alright, I got her listening to me. Now, all I need to do is to choose one; either to be bold and daring or to start talking about the beginning of our friendship and indirectly tell her that we need to go up another level. Knowing Eri, I’ll just tell it straight to her face.

“I love you!” Oh shit… I messed up! She looks confused. I need to back it up… I need to explain it to her.

“Well, you see… Uhmm.” Gaahh! This is so frustrating. I can’t think of a good explanation. But love doesn’t need explanations right? Geez, if this is the real her, I’m really screwed.

“I can’t explain it to you because honestly, I don’t know why I feel this way towards you. And I don’t have the slightest idea that my feelings as a best friend for you will evolve into love. I want to say this to you because… I’m hoping that you can reciprocate my love for you.” Reciprocate? I can’t think for a better word! I need to fix that when I’m really in front of her.

“I don’t mean to force you. And please don’t change your attitude towards me. I can still be your best friend if you really don’t like the idea of us being together in a… you- know way.” Gaahh! I messed it up in my practice.. How will I be able to confess to her for real? I guess I’m just really tired. Maybe I’ll just confess to her some other time. I closed my eyes and massaged my temples. I need to relax. Stress will do harm on my beautiful skin. I let out a loud sigh before opening my eyes again.

“Ehh?” Is this for real? I think I can’t stop my imagination. I saw through the reflection that Eri’s still standing there, near the door behind me.

“I appreciate your love for me, thank you.”

Ehh?!?! I think I’m really stressed out with all of these. Aside from seeing things, I’m actually hearing things! Have I lost my mind? Have I become insane due to the lack of sleep every night because of you? This is bad. Eri’s walking towards me… Stop it… Hey you inner mind! Stop putting up those images! My practice’s already finished!

“I thought I would never hear those words from you.” Ok, this is really bad. I never thought I’m THAT obsessed with her. Only obsessed persons would imagine things like these. Come on.. SHE?!? I bet the real her would not tell those words to me. I guess she might me scared of me and would run away. That was not the real initial reaction that I’m expecting… Wait. So I’m expecting myself to fail right from the beginning? Gaahh! My head hurts and the imagination of Eri hugging me isn’t helping at all.

“My imaginations please stop… It really pitiful of me to imagine and feel things as it is.”

“But you’re not imagining things.”

HOLY CRAP!!! I’m not imagining things? Since when?!? SO that means… I pinch my cheeks… Ok now that really hurt a lot. Then I face the ‘supposedly’ imagination Eri and pinch her cheeks.


“You… you’re the real Eri?”

“Of course I am! Ok, now. What in the world did you take up? I mean, you sounded like you’ve taken some drugs in order to profess your love to me? Are you sure you’re alright?”

“You… heard… what.. I said?” Ok… so the practice session turns out to be the actual one. THE ACTUAL ONE!?!? Oh crap… I’m dead… I wish I was dead at that time… or be invisible… I don’t really know what to do next.

“All of it.” I know that everyone calls me bunny but if anyone would see my face right now, they would rather call me tomato instead. “And rest assured that it would be reciprocated.”

“Huh?” My mind didn’t catch that one. What was being reciprocated?

“You sure didn’t take any drugs?” I vigorously shake my head. I would NEVER do that even if I’m desperate. Hell, I read that it can destroy your skin… I mean looks. “I know what’s going on… You were practicing in front of the mirror how you will confess to me right? And you’re feeling rather awkward in our situation right now?”

I KNEW IT!!! Eri really is an alien!!! A mind-reading alien that is. Because if not, THEN HOW IN THE WORLD WOULD SHE KNOW WHAT I’M THINKING ABOUT!!! I let out a sigh. MY mind’s really messed up right now. I’m too tired to think. I nodded slightly to answer Eri’s question because I suddenly felt the urge not to talk.

“Don’t be then… because to tell you honestly.. The feeling is mutual.” Wait… What?!? The feeling is mutual?!? I looked at Eri and saw her blushing. If I’m a tomato, then what else is redder than a tomato? I’ll tell you… Eri.

“You do what?!”

“I love you too.”

The End

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Cogi's Oneshots (A Sign From Heaven & Kagami 09/03)
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2009, 07:03:18 AM »
The first one is really funny, I think Kami-sama is trying to tell you something Yossui!

In Kagami, Ero-Kawaii made me lol. Then I face palmed a little at Eri thinking Sayu's on drugs.

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Re: Cogi's Oneshots (A Sign From Heaven & Kagami 09/03)
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2009, 07:13:54 AM »
Glad to see delurkerzation xDDD It's refreshing <3

First one made me laugh a lot! Oh Yossie xDDDDDDD Funny how you grabbed her two top lovers in thurr xDD

Second one was cute, awwww :B Ero-kawaii ftw xDDD

Hope to see you write moar :B

-bestows upon you the ever magnificent writer's-block-repelling hardhat-

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Re: Cogi's Oneshots (A Sign From Heaven & Kagami 09/03)
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2009, 07:15:02 AM »
Both stories have an interesting funny aspect, Yossie trying to find a guy but get spun around by Miki and Rika

Kagami Sayu trying to confess to Eri but can't find the right words
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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Re: Cogi's Oneshots (A Sign From Heaven & Kagami 09/03)
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2009, 09:27:44 AM »
Ahahaha, SayuEri, just what the forum needed. <3 This was terribly cute...good job! :3

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Re: Cogi's Oneshots (A Sign From Heaven & Kagami 09/03)
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2009, 03:26:43 PM »
Cogi!  :w00t:  Ohisashiburi desu!  Lost your blog's link, new computer

A Sign From Heaven

Read this before but it still is  :rofl:


KameShige  :cow:

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Re: Cogi's Oneshots (A Sign From Heaven & Kagami 09/03)
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2009, 04:13:47 PM »
Ahhh! KameShige.  :love: I've been trying to figure out how to make a KameShige fic since I have this huge interest for them, but I can never come up with anything. I also can not write for them. I have a hard time writing for Eri and Sayu and Eri is my favorite member! >_< Makes no sense. lol but ahhh that last one-shot gave me my kameshige fix since I've been looking for fics of those two to read. Thanks! It was really cute and funny and something that I can imagine happening with those two. lol

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Re: Cogi's Oneshots (A Sign From Heaven & Kagami 09/03)
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2009, 09:22:27 PM »
A sign from heaven: Ishiyosh in the end  :heart:
Kagami: So rare to see KameShige, but me likes  :thumbsup

Offline cogi_yoshi

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Re: Cogi's Oneshots (A Sign From Heaven & Kagami 09/03)
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2009, 02:43:17 PM »
Thanks for the wonderful comments. I'm glad that you like the first two... The next ones that I'll post are a series of one shots. I had fun making the first one and from there, I can't stop writing... So yeah... Enjoy the four oneshots. (I'm still trying to finish the fifth one...Yes, a new one.)

Inside the Elevator

“Itai!!!!” Miki shrieked in pain. Yossie stopped on what she’s doing and tightened her grip around the girl’s hip.

“It’s your fault… You’re stupid. How could you forget something that’s really basic.”

“What am I supposed to do? I thought all that running from the studio to the gym was enough warm up for me.” Miki explained. Yossie shook her head and put Miki’s right arm around her neck for support. Her stomach almost ached from laughing when she saw her friend walking like a penguin; make that a turtle and penguin crossbreed. If she will not help Miki, it might take her hours before she reach the elevator which is a hundred meters away from their current location.

Miki stopped and massaged her aching legs for a while. Their futsal training was really strenuous compared to their previous ones and it was really a bad timing for her to be late and forgot that she has to do some warm-up exercises first before joining the training. She was wearing a skirt (a really short one), that allowed her to massage her aching legs very well. She was unaware that the other one was ‘almost’ drooling over the ‘scene that she’s seeing right now. Miki called the somewhat distracted Yossie to help her get to the elevator.

“I wonder what the other’s will think when they see you walking like that.” Yossie joked. She pushed the button and waited for the elevator to arrive in their floor.

“They will think that I had a nice time being with you.” Miki grinned evilly. The door of the elevator opened after they heard the warning.

“Ehh? What are you saying? I didn’t get it. I was thinking that they will laugh at your stupidity for not doing warm-ups.” Miki tried to move her right leg but it seemed stuck on the ground. She gathered her courage, suppressed the pain that she’s feeling and lifted her leg but in doing so, she fell inside the elevator dragging her friend along with her. The door closed and moved upwards but the two didn’t move at all from their position. The door opened on the 3rd floor revealing the three Rokkies who were surprised to see the ‘shocking’ scene.

“Uhmm… ano, sorry for disturbing the two of you.” Reina managed to say in behalf of her two ‘to-shocked-to-say-anything’ friends and pushed the close button; the elevator continued moving upwards. Yossie removed her lips on Miki’s.

“Ano, gomen. I didn’t mean to do it… It was just an accident…”

“Yeah, I know. Just help me get up.” Miki said casually. Yossie helped Miki sat up first. Miki wrapped her arms around Yossie’s neck and tried to stand up. Yossie almost fell again from the force of Miki while standing up. She was glad that the wall was there for support. The elevator opened on the fifth floor. Miki was leaning on one side of the elevator wall with her arms around Yossie’s neck while the other was ‘locking’ Miki with her two arms holding the wall. This was the scene that the two Chinese girls saw when the door opened.

“Here’s your green tea and….” Aika didn’t finish her sentence when she followed the line-of-vision that the Chinese girls were looking. Without saying anything, she pushed the close button.

“Be ready for ‘other’ versions of the story that they just saw.” Miki said with a wide grin on her face.

“This is ALL your fault!”

Offline cogi_yoshi

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Re: Cogi's Oneshots (A Sign From Heaven & Kagami 09/03)
« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2009, 02:44:15 PM »
The Real Story (part 2 of Inside the Elevator)

“What happened to the three of you? You’re late…” The leader said in her casual voice but the three felt the seriousness in her tone.

“Gomen, we just bumped into someone.” Aika replied. Risa rolled her eyes and walked closer to their leader.

“So, the three of you had a short chit-chat and be late for 10-minutes? Who did you bumped into?”

“Fujimoto-san…. And Yoshizawa-san…” Jun-Jun earned a hard smack on her arms care of Lin-Lin. Ai noticed the ‘fishy’ atmosphere emanating from the three kouhais. Her curiosity got the better of her and can’t help but ask the somewhat ‘obvious’ question that can be attributed to the former leaders.

“Were they doing something…. What’s the correct term….” Ai thought for a while to give a suitable word to describe the ‘pimp’ and the ‘groping demon’. “…fishy? Or in other words… not suitable for kids?” Ai decided to use the ‘common’ term that the two foreigners can easily understand what she meant. The older of the two had a glint of mischief as she pushed her companion on the wall.

“Yeah! They were doing this kind of stuff inside the elevator…” Aika massaged her forehead and shook her head. Ai and Risa was left agape as Junjun was pretending to kiss Linlin’s neck while her hand traveled the ‘behind’ of her partner.

“USO!!! INSIDE THE ELEVATOR?!?” Risa exclaimed. “They really have guts to do that in public? It’s so Miki…”

“Actually, it was Yoshizawa-san who was pinning Fujimoto-san on the wall.” Aika managed to add. All of them turned around when they heard the door of the studio opened. There was a ‘dark’ aura coming from the newly entered Rokkies.

“What’s wrong with everyone today? Only I and Ai-chan were the ones on time!”

“It won’t happen if we haven’t bumped into Yocchan and Miki.” Reina said. Sayu and Eri were still in a ‘dazed-mode’ up until now. Risa and Ai looked at each other, probably imagining the same thing.

“So… were they doing…” Ai haven’t finished her sentence when the narcissist pinned down the turtle on the floor and kissed her on the lips. The turtle didn’t mind at all because her mind was floating up in the stars again ever since the incident earlier.

“They WERE doing that kind of shit in the elevator…” Reina blurted in her own native tongue. Sayumi removed her lips on Eri’s (still in a trance-like mode) and started unbuttoning her victim’s clothes. Risa immediately came to the rescue of her ‘other’ best friend by pulling Sayu away. She helped the still seemingly unaware Eri, stand up and fixed her clothing. Enter Koharu in the scene.

“OHAYOU~~~!!!!” Those persons who were in a dazed (the Chinese girls, the self-proclaimed “Kawaii” bunny and the shy turtle, suddenly snapped back into reality after hearing the ear-piercing greeting from the Miracle Girl.

“And what’s your reason for being late this time?” Ai asked sternly. There’s still a 50-50 chance that Kusumi experienced what the others luckily (or unluckily) seen. But based from the girl’s evil grin… she might have encountered the ‘lovey-dovey pair’.

“I’ve stalked sempai…” Koharu’s grin grew wider. She was trying to suppress her excitement that she breathe deeply first before continuing her story. “I knew that there’s something fishy going on between those two… even from the time that they were still the leader and sub-leader of Momusu. I SAW THEM!!!”

“So?!? What if you saw those two? Goddamit… We also saw them earlier!” Reina replied; still using her native dialect. Koharu waved her index finger on the Yankee’s face.

“Nuh-uh-uh~~! Yocchan was literally drooling over Miki-chan’s legs because of her really really really reallt REALLY short skirt…. AAAND~ here’s the good part… Yocchan was helping Fujimoto-san to get to the elevator because!!!! MIKI-CHAN WAS WALKING LIKE A PENGUIN!!!! You know…” Koharu nudged Reina’s elbow while winking and grinning naughtily at the same time. The other members moved closer to her to hear the rest of the story better. “I bet they had one hell of a time last night...”


“Damnit Miki! Could you at least warn me before you do that?! Be thankful that I’m helping you.” Hitomi got her hanky from pocket and wiped her face.

“Gomen… It just happened. There must be people who are talking about me…”

Offline cogi_yoshi

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Re: Cogi's Oneshots (A Sign From Heaven & Kagami 09/03)
« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2009, 02:45:02 PM »
What Happened Next (part 3 of Inside the Elevator)

“I can’t believe we’re doing this… We’re leaders. We’re supposed to be the model of the other members. We can’t be like this!”

“Be quiet! Do you want them to find us out? Geez, if you don’t want to listen, just pretend that you’re not doing anything and be quiet.”

“I want to go back! I don’t need to watch them 24/7. We have a busy schedule for today. What the others told us was enough evidence for me.”

“Come on… Don’t tell me that you’re not DYING to know the real score between those two? And besides, we’re the only one’s who didn’t see it right?” Risa grinned at her astounded friend. Ai just took her milk tea and sipped it silently. Risa was trying to hear the conversation on the opposite table so she peeked at the news paper that she’s holding.

“You know, you should drop that newspaper thing. You’re really obvious.”

“Just shut up! I can’t hear them.”

“Gross… Really disgusting….”

Miki glared at the person opposite of her. Miki treated Yossie on the cafeteria as a gratitude for helping her earlier. Miki dropped her favourite yakiniku on the table after s dipping it on the sauce. She immediately picked it up after a second, and put it inside her mouth which made the other person gross out.

“You might have stomach-ache later but don’t rely on me helping you again.”

“Hey, I picked it up in less than 5 seconds. I’ll be ok.” Miki retorted. She picked up another beef and dipped it again on the sauce before biting it.

“Ohhh… The ever famous ‘5-second rule’. You know. Bacteria don’t need 5-seconds to stick on the food. They stick immediately as soon as they touched it.” Yossie stated in a matter-of-fact tone. Miki looked up to her and tilted her head.

“And where did you read that one?”

“I’ve watched it last night, Mythbusters, Discovery channel… Well, it seemed interesting and there’s a translation so I watched it. They busted that rule. Plus, they also found out that many bacteria stick to wet food than dry foods. Now, I wonder how many bacteria colonies are there inside your stomach.” Yossie couldn’t help but laugh real loud at the sight of Miki widening her eyes in disbelief.

“Why can’t they talk about something important?” Risa whispered more to herself but Ai definitely heard it.

“They are talking about something important. There are lots of bacteria around us and I’m glad to know that the 5-second rule was busted.”

“You know what I meant when I said ‘important’ right?” Risa said without looking at her friend.

“Uhmm… No.” Risa slammed her fist (together with the newspaper of course) on the table, irritated by what her friend answered.

“YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!! IT’S THE REASON WHY WE’RE STALKING THEM!!!” Everyone inside the cafeteria stopped; definitely surprised at the sudden outburst. Risa looked around her. Miki and Hitomi were staring at her.

“Busted.” Ai calmly said. Risa eyed her friend before standing up and taking an apologetic bow to everyone.

“It’s nothing. Don’t mind us… We’re just… ahhhh... playing. We’re going now!” Risa grabbed her friend and walked rapidly towards the door. “We can’t stalk them anymore in there. Let’s just follow them later.”

“Still not giving up?”

“I won’t until I see it with my own eyes!” Risa replied, full of energy. She pulled her friend towards the end of the hall and hid behind the wall. From there, she can still clearly see the people coming in and out of the said cafeteria. Ai was stuck with her friend. With nothing much to do, she pulled out from her bag her handy English ‘slang’ book.

“I want a kitty.”
“Yoh, what’s up?”
“You wanna dance with me?”
“I’m going to kick your ass!”

“Hey! Could you read that silently? They might find us out because of you… again.” Risa paused for a while before adding the last word. Ai, who was sitting on the floor beside her friend, just ignored the comment and returned to her reading. A couple of minutes later, Miki emerged from the door, followed by Hitomi who was supporting her. Risa nudged Ai’s elbow.

“What?” Ai lowered her book to look at Risa. She followed her friend’s line of sight and saw the ‘not-so-interesting’ scene. “So what if Yocchan’s supporting her? Your imaginations are running wild.”

“Look!” Risa pointed at the way Miki was walking. “Koharu was right, they might have done something last night. This is really…”

“Insane. Let’s stop this now and we’ll be late for out taping this afternoon.” Ai interrupted and stood up, ready to walk towards the opposite way. Risa pulled her back forcefully which made Ai land on top of her.

“Itai… What do you think you’re doing? I have enough of this. I’m going back to the studio. It’s their private life, you should respect them.” Ai reprimanded. Risa grabbed her friend’s shoulders and ‘shifted’ herself on top of the surprised Ai.

“I won’t let you go until WE see it with our own eyes! We’re so close right now and I won’t let you turn your back on me at this crucial time!”

“There are lots of empty rooms during lunch break. You should do your thing inside there where nobody will see you.” The two Gokkies were frozen by that voice. They slowly looked up saw the grinning faces of their sempais.

“I tell you. Don’t be like this girl beside me who would just jump on Aya anytime she sees her. I’m glad that Aya can control this person otherwise, she would have caused a scandal years ago.” Miki glared at Hitomi.

“And how about you and Rika? You’re flirting with her even on stage and on videos!”

“At least it’s not that obvious compared to you.” Hitomi replied. Miki was about to answer back when Ai decided to end this ‘foolishness’ once and for all.

“Ano sa, Risa just wanted to ask whether you’ve done… uhmm… something ‘fishy’ last night..”

“Huh?!?” Hitomi and Miki answered simultaneously. Ai scratched her head and looked at her frowning friend.

“Ano, we presumed that you DID something… ‘ero’ last night that’s why Miki-san is walking weird today.” Ai saw the two exchange looks at each other before bursting out to tears.

“I told you that we must be prepared for other versions of the ‘story’ that they saw.” Miki said while laughing.

“You want to know the real story? Miki was late for our futsal training that she forgot to do warm-ups. As a result, her legs were aching badly and I’m just helping her right now… as a captain of course.”

“So, the two of you are not dating?” Risa blurted.

“NO! Do you really think that I’ll replace my Aya for this boyish, un-sexy girl? No way!” Hitomi removed her support from Miki’s waist making the other cry out in pain. “ITAI!!!! It was just a joke!” Hitomi grinned and helped her friend once again.

“Be thankful that I’m helping you…” Hitomi looked back at the two. “In any case… you might want to change the venue of your current activity. There are many people who will pass by here after lunch break so… yeah… you know the rest.” The two slowly walked away from the unmoving couple on the floor. When they reached the corner, the two can see Miki grinning and winking at them.

“Uhmm… now that you know the answer… can you please let me go?” Risa looked at her friend for a couple of seconds more before realizing that she’s still on top of her.

“AAAHHHH!!! Gomen!!! I totally forgot!” Risa stood up and helped her friend to get up.

“Let’s go back to the studio.” Ai said and quickly turned around before Risa would see her blushing face.


“Of course Koharu… we’re not blind.” Reina replied sarcastically which the other ignored as she’s already lost in her own world.

“Earlier it’s Yoshizawa and Fujimoto sempai… now it’s… Takahashi and Gaki-san…” Aika remarked. Eri looked at her, somewhat in a daze.

“Gaki-san…. Gaki-san… I can’t believe it… Gaki-san…”

“We’ve lost her.” Linlin said after waving her hand back and forth in front of Eri’s face. Junjun tried to shake her up to bring her back but to no avail.

“Poor Eri. It must have been a shocking day for her…”

“I SEE A PATTERN!!!!” The others were at the sudden squeal of the miracle girl.

“Are you planning to ruin our ears with your shout?!” Koharu ignored Reina for the second time and continued grinning like a little girl who had just seen her favourite toy.

“There’s a pattern! Yoshizawa-san and Fujimoto-san were our former leaders right? And now, Gaki-san and Ai-san…. So, the next leaders will probably have a relationship too!”

“Not a bad theory…” Aika nodded in agreement.

“~KYAAAH!!!” The others turned around and saw Sayumi blushing real hard.

“What happened to you?” Junjun asked the person nearest to her.

“I was just wondering who will be my partner~~” Reina raised her eyebrow.

“Nani?! Why do you think you will be the next leader?”

“Because I’m the cutest among you!”

Offline cogi_yoshi

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Re: Cogi's Oneshots (A Sign From Heaven & Kagami 09/03)
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2009, 02:45:54 PM »
The Next Leaders (part 4 of Inside the Elevator)

Reina’s “wonky” eyes were somewhat red and swollen that day so she decided to wear her sunglass inside the practice hall. When she placed her bag on the bench, she took that opportunity and lied down for a while.

“OHAYOU REINA!!” Eri greeted while removing Reina’s eye protection. The turtle was taken aback by the redness on Reina’s eyes. She quickly imagined her friend crying her heart out last night. She shook her head and sat beside her friend.

“Do you have a problem? You know, you can always share it with me and together, maybe we can solve it.” Eri smiled warmly.

“A problem? You’ll help me fix my problem?” Eri nodded. Reina took a deep breath and looked at her friend’s eyes seriously. “Well, my problem is Sayu! She won’t let me sleep last night! She kept on blabbering and saying irrelevant things over the phone. I only have an hour of a good sleep. I doubt if Sayu will come today.” Reina ended her ‘litany’ when the door opened and revealed a really hyper and enthusiastic “Shige Pink” and “Koha Pink”.

“OHAYOU!!!!!” The two simultaneously shouted. Reina tried to remain calm though she knew that her patience would come of short due to lack of sleep.

“Ohayou, you seem to have an endless source of energy for a girl who only slept for an hour.” Reina added a sarcastic tone to let Sayu know that she’s in a really bad situation right now.

“Hai! “I drank coffee to energize myself! I’ll call you again this evening ok?” Sayumi sweetly said to her friend. As much as Reina wanted to stay calm, the image of her having another “phone marathon” later that night, made her snap.

“What! Do you have sleeping problems lately? If you have, then please don’t involve me. Eri’s your friend, and so is Kusumi. Why don’t you bother them instead of me?.”

“Awwww….” Sayumi replied, “but I want you…. It has to be you, no one else..” Both Reina and Eri were shocked by what Sayumi had said. Kusumi was… a little too preoccupied with something else(or pretending to be preoccupied with something else).

“What?!? Just because Yocchan graduated, you’re already replacing her as your prince?!” Reina returned to her normal self and lightly smacked Eri’s head because of her weird comment.

“Baka… That’s not what she probably meant. It could be something else, right?” Reina glared at her narcissistic friend.

“No, that’s exactly what I mean..” Sayumi grinned. Reina tried to send a hidden message to Eri to save her. She can‘t focus on what Sayu was saying last night, and what she probably will say today must be related to all of her rantings. And Reina didn’t want her day to be “messed up” by her narcissistic friend. Luckily, Eri ‘detected’ her signal, (with her alien antenna of course) and helped her.

“No way! I will not let you do that! She’s mine first! Your Oji-sama is Yocchan…. I’ll tell Yocchan about your infidelity to her…”

“Oh yeah?! And when did you start claiming Reina as your prince?” Sayu crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow on her friend. Eri blinked for a while.

“Uhmmm, just now?” Sayumi grinned. She knew that she had won. Reina massaged her temples. She didn’t like where this conversation was heading as Eri defended her answer.

“I’ve always been in love with her! You probably don’t realize it because I always spend my time with Mame-chan but it’s true. And I won’t let you take her away from me!”

“So, here’s another couple in our group… I’m so thrilled.” The four looked back and saw the rest of the members headed by their leader. Risa smacked their leader’s head lightly for making that sarcastic comment.

“Eri, is it true?! You’re in love with Reina?! Woah! It’s just like we were stalking Hitomi and Miki last week… and then…” Risa looked at Ai. Ai blushed and looked in a different direction. “and then… this?! My gosh! And as a bonus, you’re a love triangle!!! How cute!!!”

“NO way!!!” Sayumi screamed. It will be a Reina-Sayumi pairing. There’s no love triangle!”

“Really?!? There are lots of TanaKamei fanfics on the net than your pairing. Give it up Sayu!”

“No! I won’t give up! Reina’s mine!!!”



“Fight! Fight! Fight!” The two Chinese girls screamed.

“WILL YOU STOP SHOUTING!!!!” Reina yelled. Her fellow rokkies stopped and so did the other members. “Look, I haven’t had any decent sleep last night so please… and what the heck is that Reina-Sayumi or TanaKamei pairing? There’s no pairing right?!? I’m straight!!!”

“Straight my ass… That’s what Aichan said to me last time.”

“Aherm…” Ai coughed, “enough Risa… Let’s just settle this argument so we can proceed with our practice for today. So, where will we start first?”

“Why don’t you start with the one who caused this problem, right?” Aika got into the room just after Kusumi and Sayu so she heard most of the story. Ai nodded and looked at Reina.

“So who caused the problem in the first place?”

“Sayu… She’s been bugging me since last night! And because of her… I have eye bags!” Reina pointed to her red, swollen eyes with blackish markings on the lower part.

“I was just having a good, ol’ chat with you on the phone.”

“A nice chat is ok, but depriving me of sleep is really not good!” Reina answered back.

“Ehhh?!?You’re getting angry with me?! Hidoi!!! You’re going to make me cry…”

“It’s me who wants to cry because you didn’t give me enough time to sleep!!!”

“STOP!!!!” Eri raised her voice, making her two friends stop their argument. “Thank you… So, Sayu… what’s your main reason for calling Reina in the first place?” Eri hit the spot. Sayumi looked down and played with her fingers. The long pause made the other girls impatient.

“C’mon Shige Pink! Don’t make me wait like this! What’s your reason?!?” Koharu shook her sempai’s shoulder. Sayumi put on her usual ‘cutesy’ smile.

“Remember your ‘theory’ last week? I was just following it…” Sayumi confessed. The other girls ‘literally’ smacked their own faces. They forgot that it’s Sayumi who they’re dealing with so they should expect some ‘weird’ answers from her.

“So?!? What about that weird theory of hers?! I don’t want to be your sub-leader!”Reina replied.

“Ehhh?!? If you don’t want to be my sub-leader then… I’ll be the sub-leader instead… And you’ll be the leader!”

“It’s not like that Sayumi…” Risa spoke. “It’s based on seniority. So, if Ai and I will graduate, the probable leader will be Kame-chan and you will be the sub leader. Reina’s younger than you, remember?”

“Hontou ni!” Sayumi shouted with joy… “I thought that it’s based on singing talent… So, there’s nothing to worry about.” She looked at Eri with her usual ‘cutesy’ grin. “I’ll call you later, ok?”

“Help…” It’s Eri’s turn to look at Reina.

“I’m going to sleep early tonight… Good luck!”

Offline len.chan

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Re: Cogi's Oneshots (Inside the Elevator Series 09/08)
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2009, 04:55:45 PM »
I loved the whole 'Inside the elevator' fic but this...
“Straight my ass… That’s what Aichan said to me last time.”  :cow: poor Ai-chan :sweat:
and LOL at Sayu, she changed her target so easily  XD XD

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Re: Cogi's Oneshots (Inside the Elevator Series 09/08)
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2009, 07:28:31 PM »
That was too funny especially the about a TanaKamei fics lmao, well i have that balanced out approach so it all comes out the same

Back to your fic, yeah some of the best one liners in this part

Good Job :twothumbs
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Cogi's Oneshots (Inside the Elevator Series 09/08)
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2009, 09:52:39 PM »
OMG that was awesome, I love the string of misunderstandings and then Takagaki acting fishy later. And Sayu taking the leader-subleader theory to heart.

“Straight my ass… That’s what Aichan said to me last time.”

“Aherm…” Ai coughed, “enough Risa…

Quoted FTW.

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Re: Cogi's Oneshots (Inside the Elevator Series 09/08)
« Reply #16 on: September 09, 2009, 07:37:57 AM »
Inside the Elevator series

Couldn't help but feel like I've read this somewhere before. Did you post this on another site, by any chance? :?

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline cogi_yoshi

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Re: Cogi's Oneshots (Inside the Elevator Series 09/08)
« Reply #17 on: September 10, 2009, 07:02:45 AM »
@len.chan- Hi there! Thanks.. ahahah... I lurked your blog almost three years ago and I was one of your avid readers (though I don't make a comment before :nervous) for when love hurts...and traveller. When love hurts made me cry... :mon cry:

@kurosawa87 - thanks! Love your poems... ( I should comment there instead.. :D)

@rndmnwierd - Ahahaha... I made a continuation of that.. but I guess it's not that funny. It's more on the fluff side... I think I'll post it later..XD

@JFC- Yup... on Jpopmusic and on Hello To You.. ahahaha... My other online name's Murasaki_Aoi.. :D

Offline cogi_yoshi

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Re: Cogi's Oneshots (Inside the Elevator Series 09/08)
« Reply #18 on: September 10, 2009, 07:13:18 AM »
A song fic! Well, a song with a different lyrics based on Sayumi's POV. I made this while listening to Beyonce's 'If I Were a Boy'.XD

If I Have A Blog by Sayumi Michishige

If a had a blog even just for a day
I will write all the news about me
The latest fashion items and go

Rant my beauty tips
But I changed my mind
I’d rather keep it a secret
So I will remain as the cutest girl
This world has ever seen

If I have a blog
I think they could understand
I’m not that narcissistic
Really, I’m just tellin’ the truth

I think it’s better
Than my own radio show
My voice sounds hoarse from the talking
And tired from all the recording
Then they tell me that I’m out of tune

If I have a blog
then I could rest my voice
I’ll just spend an hour typing
About what happened in our dance practice

I’ll take out my cam
And capture pictures of me
With my famous Usa-chan peace
And then I will upload it, to my blog

If I have a blog
I can type ‘kamikitta’
Finish it a lot faster
And know how to put question mark

I taught Reina that
During Haromoni
Even babies can do that one
It’s good to know she has weakness
And now I know that I’m much better

A lot of people say that I’m a weakling
I beg to disagree
There’s a reason behind it
Don’t want to ruin my make up
If I’ll sweat

But it’s just a blog
I’ll write anything
yeah, I’ll write everything, oh!
Involving the girls of Momusu
That our fans don’t usually know

Yossie’s really a pimp
And Eri’s with Reina
Just read all the fanfics, they are true
I will not give you the pairings
They might graduate me for spilling it
I won’t make a blog

Offline cogi_yoshi

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Re: Cogi's Oneshots (Inside the Elevator Series 09/08)
« Reply #19 on: September 10, 2009, 07:14:54 AM »
The Wedding

Former Morning Musume leader Miki Fujimoto (24) and comedian Tomoharu Shoji (33) are engaged to be married. Both of their agencies announced the big news on Tuesday.

Their relationship was first discovered in May 2007, which led to Fujimoto's graduation from Morning Musume. Now, after two years of dating, they have decided to tie the knot. They reportedly plan to register the marriage in July, but they have not yet determined a date for the wedding ceremony. There are no plans for a press conference regarding the announcement.

Fujimoto plans to continue in show business, but it is said that the home will be her priority.
~Tokyograph News

Later in July…somewhere around Las Vegas

“Hey.. Congrats Miki!”

“Thanks Rika..” Miki gleefully said over her phone.

“You know, you should have done that wedding here in our country so the girls can go too.”

“Well, Shoji wanted our marriage to be private… and besides, after the wedding… next will be the honeymoon.. You know what I mean.”

“Hahaha… the groping demon strikes again!!! Anyways… Congrats on your wedding. It’s so sudden..Just like Tsuji and Iida-san… You’re lucky Yossie didn’t lecture you just like what she did with Tsuji. Oh I just remembered that I need to find her.”

“Goodluck on finding Yossie. Hey, I better get going. Shoji’s already waiting.”

“Sure..Congrats! See you soon! I really hope I can go there in Hawaii but I'm busy here in Seattle." Miki closed her phone and left it at the dresser. She got out of the room and went to the chapel where her groom was waiting for her.

“You’re late.” Shoji said. “Your groom’s been waiting for you for the last ten minutes.”

“Well, I just had a phone conversation with Rika.” At that moment, Miki’s 'groom' appeared from behind her.

“She isn’t angry about me vanishing from our Hangry and Angry concert tour right?”

“Nopes… she just wished me good luck... and then she wished that she was in 'Hawaii' to attend the wedding... and then she remembered that she needed to find you.” Suddenly, the marriage officer came out from the door in front of them.

“Are the two couples already here?”

“Yes!” All of them replied.

“Then, I’ll start the ceremony. Let’s start from the first couple. Do you, Hitomi Yoshizawa, take Miki Fujimoto as your lawfully wedded wife…

“I do… can we skip to the kissing already?”

“Can’t you just wait for a little bit…. Aherm… Miki Fujimoto do you take..”

“I DO! Can we kiss now!?!”

“Uhhm…yeah… Aherm… Do you Shoji Tomoharu take Kenichi Miyazawa to be your lawfully wedded husband…” The officer looked at the two boys already kissing in front of him.

“Yada yada…. Ok fine..Just kiss him…It’s finished! You’re both officially wedded now! Go to your honeymoon! Here are the papers… I already signed it..Gaahhh… Can’t you both wait to get a room?!”

The End

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