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Author Topic: Black and Blue (Ch 34 6/4 The End!)  (Read 153994 times)

Offline arisa03

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 29 7/9)
« Reply #460 on: July 09, 2012, 03:03:51 PM »
Oh dear. Some AiGaki akshuns. alksjdkasdasdsdsa

I'm sort of brain dead so not everything kind of registered (but I;m sure my subconscious understood anyway) aksjdaksds update soon! Real men wear pink yo.
Like I’m the most calm... Like, it must definitely be because, Like when we enter, I’ll be hurrying. But Because Junjun is older, I can calm down? I don’t really know, Like I just absolutely want her there beside me. Whenever we go abroad, if Junjun is absolutely not beside me, I absolutely won’t go. Something like that. -- Tanaka Reina about Junjun.

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 29 7/9)
« Reply #461 on: July 09, 2012, 05:16:54 PM »
i demand an omake of those drunken 2 weeks from ai's pov or something XD crazy stuff must've went down for aika to be pantless XD

you love to trol dont u! D: dat flashing light! why?!?!? :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic:
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

Offline Quietriot

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 29 7/9)
« Reply #462 on: July 09, 2012, 05:18:06 PM »

-twitch- wat. XD

“Ha! I’d have an easier time herding cats.” The yankii replied, hurrying to catch up with the con.


After a bit of a struggle, she finally made her way out into the bedroom, pausing to take it the sight there; Sayu, Reina and Eri were curled up together, laying sideways on her bed, the three cocooned in blankets with Eri in the middle.

OT3~! :heart:

Blinking incredulously, the gunner breathed out a strangled, “What? You mean, we’ve been drinking for more than two weeks!?” She let out a loud groan, “What the hell, how?!

Hot damn, that musta been quite the party to put them all out for so long XD jeez.

“More likely, she stayed for the pantry.” Risa joked, “KonKon doesn’t drink, but sweets are another story.”

“Ah, I’m sorry, I was just going to come back later, but then I found a cake… And some donuts and then some cookies.” She sheepishly rubbed the back of her head, “I couldn’t help myself.”

Ahaha~ I feel you, Konkon. So cute :heart:

And damn, badass weapon for Risa? Then badass dealings with gangstas? Then explosions of the terrible and non-sexy variety? Oh my. What will happen next?? :?

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 29 7/9)
« Reply #463 on: July 09, 2012, 07:45:55 PM »
This cliffhanger is revenge isn't it? Just you wait. I haven't even scarred you with animal pictures yet. No wait- here you go:-

Two week long drunken orgy. I love it. I swear if you can write a new spinoff series based on that alone. Especially if they were out in the streets. Bet you the city is terrorized.

She became aware of a lot of weight pressing down on top of her and focused her gaze on the two bodies sprawled against her. Neither were her lover, though she doubted she’d done anything untoward with Aika and Lin.
lol!! but nekkid is always better. Also, an inflatable raft.

After a moment, the door popped open and a light colored head of long hair came into view, slowly crawling out of the pile of food inside.
Ahahaha. This was too funny.

New weapon!! Like the man said- guns will run out of bullets, but knives will never run out of sharp. Self-defense aside, I feel slightly unsettled for the day when we witness Risa using these. Cos gunners gun. But hahaha

And now back to the business of evil. I stopped finding criminal Risa disturbing a few chapters back. Makes me wonder when Ai found it alright enough not to remark on anything, girlfriend aside.

Okay, I go now. See you soon.

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

Offline Fushigidane

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 29 7/9)
« Reply #464 on: July 09, 2012, 10:19:25 PM »
whaaaaaaaaaat XD Risa and Ai ;_;

Offline kjpop

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 29 7/9)
« Reply #465 on: July 10, 2012, 03:15:03 AM »
So this:
“What? You mean, we’ve been drinking for more than two weeks!?”

Sounds like undergrad  :lol:

The whole KonKon scene just made me LOL more than I should have xD but what up with those sketchy eyes at the end?  :?

t seemed they were determined to get her to take even a tiny hit of weed
Yep, just like undergrad  :lol:



Does this mean sexytime is over?  :cry:
Jokes  :P

I'll give ya twins if you update soon  :twothumbs

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 29 7/9)
« Reply #466 on: July 11, 2012, 04:32:51 PM »
Woot! I caught up!

Dawwww I was hoping Aika died in the previous chapters. I love this girl to bits but some sacrifices have to be made *evil laugh* So what happened to Mano Erina now? Is she helping the gang with their business? I'm hoping to see Sayu's husband to make an appearance (as long he doesn't happen to be Tsunku. That's just so wrong!) coz I wanna see jealous Reina goes into rage hehe.

The gang are overlording the underground business now. Even Reina's into it. I noticed you didn't mention much on Eri. Is she still being a mole for her father? That's why Yossie hasn't step in yet?

So many questions & conspiracy theories in my mind right now :shocked

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 29 7/9)
« Reply #467 on: July 11, 2012, 04:59:47 PM »
woaaahhh there's a lot of an update, I'm a little bit late though, but I love you author-san :D, thank you,..

so it's nearly end huh?? :(

^ I agree with you, just let Reina meet Sayu husband at least.. I want to see her jealous... lol.. I'm actually love this couple so much that I want to see a little romance scenes between those two.. and as I remember a whole story, I still haven't catch "love" words from them.. it just happened like that, the two are suddenly a lover.. :D

keep it up author-san.. :)

Offline mochi.rini

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 29 7/9)
« Reply #468 on: July 12, 2012, 11:24:56 PM »
KonKon~ :3

Those two weeks must've been pretty boring for Aichan if everyone else is off getting wasted everyday XD  Although seeing a drunk Risa save her must've been amusing :) 

I'm worried for the gang.  There's just gonna be more danger for them if they stick with the business Dx  Hopefully, everything will be okay...or I cry :(

Cliffhanger...very very bad rndy :P
Hi~iiya!~  (>^_^)>
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Offline MsSmigge

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 29 7/9)
« Reply #469 on: July 20, 2012, 09:44:00 PM »
I have been away so long that I had to read the former chapters so I could remember where is this story going on....  :depressed:
But I remember now x)

I REALLY would like to know what happened before Risa ended up in the tub with Aika and Lin XD They must have had one hell of a party...

And AAARRGGHHH cliffhanger  :frustrated: What happens to Ai and Gaki??!!  :cry: Please don't hurt them or if you hurt them please let them survive in the end.... Lol I just can't stand sad endings xD

But great chapter again though I had to read it a few times (and some former chapters too...) but I finally got back into the story! :onioncheer: But it was still great! Keep up the good work! I am waiting for the next one  :)

And I think my English sucks again because I haven't had a change to practice it for 2 weeks and I am tired as hell.... :err:

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 29 7/9)
« Reply #470 on: August 26, 2012, 06:25:14 PM »
Chapter 26: When life gives you lemons...
Sell them and buy some booze  :D

Finally, she reached the last page where a picture of Sayu at fourteen and a young man who seemed only a few years older were photographed shaking hands. The next picture was their wedding.

6km away.
Pretty far

eavesdropping Risa

“That girl down there in the suit? That’s my sister…”

“I mean, it’s your call. Do you want to take her out yourself, do you want to spare her? I could even get rid of her from here if you want.”

There on the ground was Aika and Sayu’s sister, both still. Blood pooled on the dusty concrete beneath them.

“Hey, no sleeping on the job!”

“Mano Erina?”
Eh? She was somewhere at previous chapter, yeah.?. will look it up later

wiping at her face like a mother trying to clean off her errant child

In front of them was a large rectangular table, at which sat the elder Kusumi, his seven remaining lieutenants and Koharu, all were laughing and conversing happily

“Plan B, daddy.”
Evil daughter lol

Luckily for them, their better halves were much smarter than they were

Beginning to tug off Ai’s shirt, Risa let herself focus on the woman in her arms. Everything else could wait, she thought, but life had no habit of waiting for anyone.

the best way to fight off a hangover was with more alcohol.
Ain't that true.?. Been hearing that a lot lol

but the woman was rougher and always left marks
Rough is good xD

unaware of eyes following after them from a crack in the door.

Then, their whole world descended into chaos.

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 29 7/9)
« Reply #471 on: September 20, 2012, 08:52:43 PM »
@kuro-kun - Yup, more chaos.

@risa_ai - XD Chill, it's not going to be that bad. Maybe...

@arisa - Thanks for replying anyways XD

@Kiwi - Yeah, I love to troll, what can I say? XD

@Fimmy - Less explosions this chapter, but still, some troll. :lol:

@grac - That video XD I think I'll get into Ai's feelings about stuff in later chapters...

@Fushigidane - Yeeeeeeah.... XD

@kiji - No sexytimez this chapter... Sorry, maybe laters  :P

@baddie - I wouldn't be so eager to see someone die XD What? Tsunku as Sayu's hubbie? The thought hadn't crossed my mind, until now, that is  :twisted:

@all6th - they're too stubborn to say 'love' XD

@rini - Oh, Ai-chan wasn't bored, too many shenanigans for that to happen XD And yeah, it is a dangerous line of work, just how it is.

@MsSmigge - Yeah, to tell the truth, I don't always remember what has happened lol.  :lol:

@Kz -
Eh? She was somewhere at previous chapter, yeah.?. will look it up later
Was she? *can't remember own continuity...*

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 29 7/9)
« Reply #472 on: September 20, 2012, 08:55:22 PM »
I'm baaaack!! On to the chapter!

Chapter 30: On the Wings of Doves

“Tea?” Risa turned at the familiar voice, smiling at Eri as the cop held out the offered beverage.

“Thanks, Kame.” she responded, taking the Styrofoam cup from the other’s hands. “This place is pretty nice.” she commented, gesturing to her view. Currently, the girls were standing on a concrete balcony that overlooked a small town that was a part of a secret underground society. The buildings were light and easily destroyed, but they were far from simple lean-tos. Most people had no idea that their sewers could house this kind of clean and wonderful place.

“Yeah, it is, isn’t it? I’ll be sad to leave again, it’s nicer than when I left.” The younger girl commented, “And it’s nice to see everyone working together.”

“I take it that’s not how it used to be?” The gunner questioned, interested in the story behind her words.

“No, this community is a lot older than even some of the people who’ve lived here all their lives know. After World War II there were a lot of homeless people and children in the south that came up here either looking for opportunities or looking to just get away from bad memories. A lot of them ended up staying on the streets and in order to survive, banded together with people they already knew and traveled with to create some kind of large family unit.”

“Now, Tokyo already had it’s share of homeless and when they saw these outsiders group together and do well, they decided to follow suit. But there was a lot of animosity between the groups and a lot of fighting began to happen. Nothing quite so brutal as full on gang wars, after all, they had to keep beneath the notice of the people who lived above ground, but a lot of people got beat up and food was stolen. After a while, some people from both sides began to think that all of this fighting was unnecessary and decided to form their own group away from this fighting.”

“That formed the basis of the three groups I grew up with.” Eri paused for a moment to take in Risa intent look before she continued, “Of course the third group couldn’t stay neutral for long and in the 60’s it was pretty crazy between them all. There were so many people that were a part of these groups that even their own members couldn’t tell who was who. That’s when someone got the idea to start branding their people.”

“Each group already had an established symbol, the original Tokyoites called themselves the Children of the Sun, the original outsiders refer to themselves as under the moon’s guidance and the other group thought of themselves as the stars watching over two warring heavenly bodies.” She turned her head and bent her ear to show Risa the star that was burned into the soft skin above the back of her jaw. “To be unbranded was to be valuable. It meant you hadn’t chosen sides and you were free to come and go as you please.”

“I was too young to understand all of that, though.” Eri straightened up, stretching as she recounted her beginnings nonchalantly, “I was searching the dumpsters behind a nice restaurant for a meal when I was about, oh, ten or so when I was grabbed by the ankle and swung around to the ground. These older kids were yelling at me, asking me to show my brand and threatening me. I was scared, I didn’t know what they were talking about. One of them realized that I was unbranded and asked if I wanted to come back with them.”

“Their whole demeanor changed, they offered me food and shelter and family. I couldn’t say no.” Eri shrugged, “They branded me at the end of that day.”

“So, what changed?” Risa prodded gently, eager for the rest of the story. She’d never could have imagined this kind of place was right under everyone’s noses.

“Mother nature.” The cop shrugged, “There was an earthquake a couple years later that collapsed huge sections of the tunnels. It was chaos, especially since we were all right in the middle of fighting when it happened. No one could tell who was who in the dust and the dark. No one cared. All we knew was that there were people trapped and they needed help, so we started digging.”

“We actually managed to save a few people, but then, in one of the tunnels, we ran into city workers. They chased us, screaming at us to stop. We bolted and I got separated from the people I was with. I was so afraid that they were going to take me and put me in the system, but I was so little and pretty malnourished, I could barely keep away from them. Just when I thought that I was done for, this girl scooped me up and put me on her back.” She recounted softly.

“She was amazing, but I had no idea who she was; even so, I still trusted her. She told me that we would have to make for the surface, that we weren’t the only ones. We met up with a small group of people and she slowed, putting me next to another girl who immediately took my hand and spoke to me gently. I felt an odd scar in her palm, that I gathered was her brand, but I couldn’t tell what it was. We didn’t walk for long before we came to a ladder that led up.”

“It was early morning and the sun was so bright that it took us a while to get used to the light. I was still squinting when I heard a couple of the guys arguing with each other, having noticed that they weren’t of the same brand. There were six of us, the two that were fighting had visible brands, the girl that was holding my hand had a crescent moon on her palm, the one that had picked me up had a sun tattoo on her forearm and wore sun charms on all of her jewelry. I realized I was the only one with a star.”

“The guy next to me grabbed my shoulders and started yelling at me, forcing me to show him my brand. I was terrified, convinced that they were going to beat me into the ground, but then, the girl wearing all the suns stood up on top of a box and practically roared at everyone to calm down. She said that right now, our brands didn’t matter, that what did matter was surviving and carrying on until this whole mess was cleaned up.”

“She made us all introduce ourselves to each other. She told us her name was Miki and the girl with the moon in her palm was Aya.” Eri went on and Risa’s eyes widened a bit.

“You mean…?” The gunner questioned quietly.

“Yes, the six of us were the beginning of this huge colony.” Eri gestured grandly, “It took a little while to unify everyone, but, ironically enough, the devastating earthquake was all that was needed to combine all three groups. Now they’re less nomadic, but more self sufficient. In fact, there is even a great number of people down here that have high paying jobs and don’t necessarily need to be homeless. Everyone is welcome, so long as they can contribute to the colony.”

“And I mean, why wouldn’t you want to stay? It has all the amenities of the surface world without any of the bullshit. They’ve even recently set up wifi down here, thanks to a few computer techs that asked to stay here.” The cop smiled a bit sadly, “It makes me wish I had been able to stay. This place has become wonderful while I was away.”

Both girls looked up when a tall man joined them on the balcony, “Kamei-san, Miki and Aya want to speak to you.”

“Ah, alright, I’m coming.” Eri acknowledged him, then turned back to the gunner, “Do you mind waiting here for a little while? I’ll be right back, but it’s easy to get lost.”

“No problem.” Risa agreed amicably, turning back to the view as her friend departed. She thought over, once again, the miracle of how they had all ended up here, safe and sound.


Risa knew a flash bang when she saw one, but countering it’s affects were another matter entirely. The whole room was blurry and the only sound her ears were picking up was a constant, high pitched ringing. She was lucky that she hadn’t been directly facing the damn thing when it had exploded, like poor Ai had, or she would be just as panicked as her lover obviously was.

When the bang had gone off, the gunner had immediately grabbed Ai and began to run. She knew from painful experience that they were most likely surrounded and fighting back was going to be of no use against what was probably a large team of highly trained men. Now the two were just trying to escape the manor, but finding themselves trapped at every turn. That’s how they ended up in the far corner of the basement, in a small concrete room with absolutely nothing inside of it except for the two of them.

Risa had gone to this room for a particular reason, but first, she needed to calm Ai down. The effects of the bang were already beginning to fade for her, but it was still quite noticeable, especially in her hearing. She could hear well enough to tell that Ai was close to hyperventilating. She turned to her lover, finding her crouched and huddled in the corner, back to the wall, eyes wide and darting around almost unseeingly.

She called out to Ai, gaining her attention immediately as it seemed her hearing had also returned sufficiently. “It’s ok, we’ll be out of here soon enough.” She yelled, seeing Ai nod and mouth an affirmative back. The older girl began to try an even out her breaths, concentrating on becoming grounded again. With her lover sort of taken care of, Risa walked over to the far wall and began to search for something on the floor.

It didn’t take her long to find a small button that caused a section of the wall to slide up, revealing a narrow passageway. “I didn’t even know this was here.” Ai said as she approached quietly, still blinking more than normal, but otherwise seeming ok now.

In the short time she’d been searching, the effects of the flash bang had completely worn off of the gunner and she now smiled, feeling relieved, “Yeah, Captain was just telling me about this the other day, I didn’t think we’d have to use it, though. It leads up to the side yard. Let’s go!”

They jogged forward until they reached a ladder that, sure enough, ended right where Saki had said. When they emerged into the light, it seemed like most of the men were inside the manor, now, allowing them to sneak by the remaining guys and head for the front gate. The driveway was covered in dozens of police vehicles, which confused Risa a bit.

She had thought the men were from the government, not the local law enforcement. Something struck her as wrong, but she couldn’t place her finger on it and she didn’t have time to dwell on it either. No sooner had she and Ai made it onto the pavement, did a familiar voice call her name in a forced whisper. “Gaki-san!”

“Kame?” she responded, seeing the other’s relived smile peeking out from behind a cruiser. The girl was crouched next to an open man hole, “What are you still doing here, you should have been gone already?”

“I couldn’t leave without knowing you two were safe. Most of the others are already down here. Now that I don’t have to find you, we can go too! Come on.” she gestured downwards.

“You’re a lifesaver, Eri.” Ai breathed, taking point and patting the younger girl’s cheek affectionately as she passed.

“Yeah Kame, don’t know where we would have gone if you hadn’t been here.” Risa mussed Eri’s bangs with a grin, before following her lover.


Eri had led them through a maze of tunnels, after they had acquired the rest of their group from the Tanaka and Kusumi manor’s, until they had ended up here. It seemed almost too good to be true, finding safety for a few days for all of them. True, some of their non essential members were in custody, but not a single higher up was missing.

Still, something wasn’t quite right with all of this and Risa couldn’t put her finger on it. Still, she was relaxed, leaning over the balcony and watching the world below her until she noticed something strange. No one was outside of their houses.

Except for the gang and some bulky, well dressed men.

The door closed behind her and she turned around to see Eri, accompanied by two large, suited men. A great wave of sadness washed over her at the sight, “Eri?”

“They said we need to leave. That being here puts them in danger of being discovered by the police. I told them I would deal with it.” Eri’s words were punctuated by a familiar cry of anger down below that was quickly silenced.

Risa met her eyes for a long moment before turning her back and leaning against the railing again, “I’ve always trusted you, Eri.” She started, feeling the other girl come up behind her. As she looked down, she noticed that no one was left in the small town, making it seem eerie, “And I trust you now, too. I know that, in the end, you’ll do the right thing.”

“You’re the bad guys.” The cop said, a little exasperatedly, “Introducing drugs into the schools like you are. Making illegal weapons even more accessible. Kidnapping men and women alike and selling them as slaves. I am doing the right thing.”

“I never said we were the good guys, but your father’s not a good guy either and I have plenty of evidence to suggest that he’s been planning to assassinate his opponent in the gubernatorial race. We may not be the good guys, but we are at least-” she was cut off when arms wrapped tightly around her middle, “We are at least decent people. And we are your friends. I know you’ll do what is right in the end, Eri.”

There was nothing more said and Risa felt one of the arms release her, only to have that hand come up and cover her mouth and nose with a damp cloth. The smell of chloroform filled her head and then, everything went black.


Hmm, shorter than I though it would be... But, another cliffhanger. XD I'm evil, I know.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2012, 09:56:20 AM by rndmnwierd »

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 30 9/20)
« Reply #473 on: September 21, 2012, 12:47:04 AM »

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 30 9/20)
« Reply #474 on: September 21, 2012, 12:51:45 AM »
Omg ur bakk?!? OH HAPPY DAYS   :on gay:  i kept checkin jphip everyday for any signs of life in the fanfic section XD im sooo  glad you updated!! :on woohoo:

Nooooo...eri betrays risa?!? Theres gotta b a better explanation DX

And ur cliffhanger is evil indeed :twothumbs
« Last Edit: September 25, 2012, 11:58:22 PM by darkacex99 »

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 30 9/20)
« Reply #475 on: September 21, 2012, 03:10:22 AM »
I wonder if Eri is gonna betray Risa, or save her. ; A ;

Also, thank you for the update and welcome back! ; A ;!!
Like I’m the most calm... Like, it must definitely be because, Like when we enter, I’ll be hurrying. But Because Junjun is older, I can calm down? I don’t really know, Like I just absolutely want her there beside me. Whenever we go abroad, if Junjun is absolutely not beside me, I absolutely won’t go. Something like that. -- Tanaka Reina about Junjun.

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 30 9/20)
« Reply #476 on: September 21, 2012, 05:52:54 AM »
Cliffhanger indeed hope for the best from Risa  :nervous
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 30 9/20)
« Reply #477 on: September 21, 2012, 07:16:47 PM »
WELCOME BACK!!!!!  :onioncheer: :onioncheer: :cow: :cow:

Yay, Black and Blue goes on but DAMN WITH YOU YOU LEFT A CLIFFHANGER!!!  :angry: :angry: :angry:

Arrrr Eriiii.... Why did you do that?  :cry: Though I don't remember well (once again.....) what happened earlier so before I start blaming anyone I should go check out what happened in the earlier chapters xD

But what ever happens keep Takagaki together  :wub:

And if you have time write some perv chapter about Takagaki xD Lol okay I shut up now...

Keep up the good work!  :)

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 30 9/20)
« Reply #478 on: September 25, 2012, 10:22:46 PM »

god, i really gotta get back to writing too ahha

No seriously, what the hell just happened  :shocked

Now, You may have done an excellent job making me feel for the Risa crew~ but I do realize they're the "baddies" hehehe It'll be interesting to see which side Kame turns to  :panic:
« Last Edit: September 29, 2012, 01:19:30 AM by kjpop »

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 30 9/20)
« Reply #479 on: November 09, 2012, 05:21:28 AM »
risa_ai - Eri, yeah, she definitely shouldn't have done it.

darkace - Mwuahahaha!

arisa - The betrayal has already happened. Things can't go well after that...

kuro-kun - All we can do is hope.

MsSmigge - Well, I do have one more perv up my sleeve, but it's not exactly happy...

kiji - Where are you!? :panic: :panic: :cry:

Sooo... I've been working really hard on the next chapter. It's going to be a doozy, guys! Maybe not by length, but it will make an impact, I'm sure. And it will also put us one step closer to the end of the story. So stay tuned, I should have it up, uh, sometime before next weekend? :sweatdrop:

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