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Author Topic: Kuro's Properly Named Song Influenced Fics (Girls Just Want to Have Fun 4/1)  (Read 27100 times)

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Re: Kuro's Properly Named Song Influenced Fics (Cancer 12/29)
« Reply #60 on: December 30, 2009, 02:31:30 PM »
Poor Lin. At least Junx2 will be there for her. Methinks Koha Aika have some competition.

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Re: Kuro's Properly Named Song Influenced Fics (Cancer 12/29)
« Reply #61 on: December 30, 2009, 02:49:12 PM »
Hmmm... Can't understand why her mother chose not to tell her about her situation  :(

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Re: Kuro's Properly Named Song Influenced Fics (Cancer 12/29)
« Reply #62 on: January 05, 2010, 10:52:24 AM »
I would like to explain it but that will ruin some dreams  :P

The Power of Love

The wonky one found the one thing she didn't like about Eri: her love of small spaces.

“Eri, get out of the closet, I need to find my clothes for tonight's outing.”  Reina panics and starts to pound on the door.

“I just need some time alone.”  Eri whispers.

“You are not doing that though, right?”  Reina asked.

“What do you mean, Reina?  You know I like small spaces, it is in my name.”  Eri laughed.

“I mean... enjoying yourself.”  Reina didn't hear other sounds so she let Eri have her fun.

Reina walked backed to the living room to hear sounds of the neighbor's child talking with her friend.  She sits on the couch and sees a girl run out crying.  If it was normal Reina, she would avoid anything with her but since she was frustrated by her girlfriend's antics, she decides to track down the girl.

As she walks down the stairs, the kid runs down the stairs, and Reina was not in a good mood.  She grabbed the little kid by her collar and gave her a talk.

“That was not nice what you did to Reina.  Say sorry to Reina.”  The girl kicked her in the shin and Reina let go of her.

She watched the girl run down to the taller girl and tries to reason with her but it fails and Reina hobbles down to the ground floor.

“Okay, you two, you guys annoy me very much but I am willing to help because my girlfriend is in the closet and I have no idea what she is doing.  You are making Reina testy and I don't want to be testy right now because I want to enjoy my night with my friend.”  Reina caught her breath and the two girls turned towards her.

“You look... unusual.”  The taller one mentioned to Reina.

“I agree but you still owe me an explanation.”  Reina stepped in between them.

“Reina is not unusual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”  Reina yelled at both of them.

“She is.”

“Agree.”  Both of them laughed and it made Reina angry.

“Momo, I was with her because I wanted to plan a party with you and she usually has the best ideas.”  The taller girl explained why she was snooping around.

“Oh, my birthday is not until months away, so you can take your time.”  Momo smiled and walked away.

“I know that but you are forgetting something.”  The taller girl reached out.

“Yurina, don't worry, you always plan so far in front that we always have time to change anything.”  The smaller girl walked back to the apartment and left her with the tall girl.

“Did she forget a special event?”  Reina asked Yurina and she nodded.

“Does your girlfriend forget anniversaries?”  Reina nodded.

“She always does but she always come with a gift at the right time, but I am not great with dates either.”  Reina nervously giggled.

The girl squatted and started to shed tears, Reina just watched her cry and she rubbed her back.

“Momo is usually clueless so maybe this will be a blessing for you.”  Reina tries her best to comfort her but she breaks down more.

“She knows it sometimes after I hint to her.”  Her eyes were red and Reina couldn't help but to help Yurina on her goal.  Reina marched up the stairs with Yurina and busted down Momo's door.

“Momo, sit down, I need to talk to you.”  She sat up listening to her neighbor's lecture.

“Reina is sometimes forgetful and maybe clueless but I never leave my girlfriend crying.  Momo, she is trying her best to make you feel special and sometimes you need to do that too.”  Momo nodded to every word.

“Yurina, I know what is two days from now but I need some time to get my gift, Saki helped me order it but it hasn't come in yet and you were talking to Chinami this past week so I thought I did something wrong.”  Momo pouted and Reina looked at the other girl.

“Well, you didn't have to overreact about me because of your frustration.”  Yurina scolded Momo but Yurina hugged her friend to end the discussion.

“Reina likes this.”  As she walks out of the apartment, an emotional Eri tackled her.

“You are so good when you take control, I will never disobey you again.”  Reina's eyes grew and she laughed.

“Eri, you always liked me for my control and you are sweating, ewwww.”  Eri kissed her with her glistening image.

“Take a bath, Eri, I don't like filthy people.”  As she tries to dust herself off.

“Reina-san, thank you.”  Reina shook her head as Momo started to climb to kiss the taller girl.

I wonder how they will co-exist XD

I walked back to the apartment and I caught a glimpse of Eri entering the bathroom, Reina's mind was on her girlfriend's nude body.

Maybe I'll surprise her.

As I slowly open the door, the door snapped back, and knock me back to the floor.

“INTRUDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”  Eri pointed the toothbrush at me.

“You cannot fight an intruder with a toothbrush.”  Reina trying to gain her vision back from the door slamming into her face.

“Maybe my body can.”  Eri laughed.

“Reina knows that your body can't match mine.”  Eri jumped on top of her and they had a long embrace of lips before each could realize they were not breathing any more.

“Reina, you look like a deer in headlights.”

“Your body is still sticky, ewwwwwww.”  Reina pushes her off and wipes her hands off before Eri went to take a bath.

Reina walked over to the closet to find her clothing was ready and Eri had hers to the other side.  Reina was relieved that Eri actually cleaned up and set up her clothes.

Sometimes, Reina needs to trust Eri more often ;)
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Re: Kuro's Properly Named Song Influenced Fics (The Power of Love 1/4)
« Reply #63 on: January 06, 2010, 03:25:36 AM »
Whoops, missed this update.
Momo started to climb to kiss the taller girl
:lol: :lol:
Reina walked over to the closet to find her clothing was ready and Eri had hers to the other side.  Reina was relieved that Eri actually cleaned up and set up her clothes.

Sometimes, Reina needs to trust Eri more often
Aww, what a good girlfriend. :heart:

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Re: Kuro's Properly Named Song Influenced Fics (The Power of Love 1/4)
« Reply #64 on: January 09, 2010, 04:55:11 PM »
“Maybe my body can.”  Eri laughed.
:mon bleed2: double meaning.... :mon bleed1:

Reina walked over to the closet to find her clothing was ready and Eri had hers to the other side.  Reina was relieved that Eri actually cleaned up and set up her clothes.

Ehh? Eri?!?! Eri... cleaned up?... :mon ehh: ok...I'll not comment on that one...jks :P

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Re: Kuro's Properly Named Song Influenced Fics (The Power of Love 1/4)
« Reply #65 on: January 14, 2010, 10:34:07 PM »
Thank you for the comments and another two-parter coming up soon :nervous

Renai Revolution 21 Part 1
 “Reina, I can’t do that now.”  Eri yelled.

“Eri, all you have to do is stick it out and just wink like crazy.”  Reina imitating the action making Eri uncomfortable.

“I am going to call Gaki-san if she had reservation ready for the restaurant.”  Eri dialed her number and waited for a reply.

Although Eri tried to resist winking back at Reina, Reina’s whispering was annoying her even more.

“Ah, Risa you have the reservation ready for us too right.”  Eri trying to listen in over Reina’s whispering and Eri got confirmation.

“Okay, we have to be there by 7 P.M.”  Reina jumped on top of the turtle.

“Shall we play our game now?”  Reina anxiously waiting for the turtle to give a response.

“Maybe, but we only have an hour before we need to go to the restaurant.”  Eri walked up and got the marker to draw on Reina’s face.

“I want thick whiskers and you have to be on your back every time.”  Reina laughed while Eri was not excited about her name at the moment.
“Yes, Eri 7:00 P.M. and don’t be late.”  Risa replied.

“Was that Eri?”

“Yeah, she wanted to know the timing of the reservation.”  Risa jumped on top of the bed kneading her eyebrows.

“Well, at least we’re set right?”  Risa nodded.

They both heard a knock at the door and it was their neighbor with her love interest, peeking through the hole, both were hesitant to open the door.

“Ai, I need to ask you something.”  Chinami furiously banging the door.

Ai opened it up and sees both of them with smiles on their faces.

“What is it?”  Ai with her face stern and not wanting to partake in conversation.

Chinami leaned in and whispered something which made Ai faint in front of them.  Risa being the observant notice her lifeless girlfriend by the door.

“Ai, wake up, it is not sleep time yet.”  Risa shakes her and she wakes up instantly.

“Where am I?”  She notices the couple at the door and Risa in front of her.

“You fainted and we told you what happened today?”  Miya pushing Ai playfully.

“Risa, they are worst than us.”  Ai pointing at the two.

“How can they be worst than us?” Ai leans in and mentions what they said.

“What’s wrong with that?  Remember you were curious once and this happened.”  Risa laughed.

“True, but I think they shouldn’t be doing that now.”  The two were noticing the younger one had fire in her eyes.

“I don’t want to say when we first started but it was young enough to make them jealous.”  The younger couple walked by to their apartment and Risa started to laugh again.

“Don’t scare me like that, I thought you were going to mention…”  Risa had her finger on Ai’s lips and the embrace started again.
Since Lin’s mother’s death, Lin had felt sorry for herself every time she went out instead of taking care of her ill mother and Jun was there enough to create a bond but the problem lied with her relationship to Sayu.

“Sayu, I need to talk to you.”  She left the message on the phone and walked up to Lin every minute to comfort her.

She heard her phone ring and she put the phone by her ear, Sayu wasn’t angry per say, but she felt excluded, and she didn’t want to have a fight over the phone.  Jun decided to leave Lin at home to settle the matter at where they met.

Jun put on her coat and walked down to the park where Sayu was sitting with her guitar.  Sayu was frustrated at how Lin was being greedy for Jun because Jun helped her mother out.

“Sayu, I am sorry but we need to settle the matter out.”  Jun extended her hand but Sayu slapped it away.

“Sorry doesn’t cut it, you never call me or do anything with me for almost a month, and every time I come over she is still there mourning.  I am getting sick of it right now, please either leave me alone or her.”  Sayu’s message was the dagger but Jun had a decision to make.

“Sayu, I feel bad enough that I need to care for her because she is still in school, and I need to be her guardian for now.  For us, I want to be with you but if you are going to make this kid’s game, I am going to have to leave.”  Jun felt angry but let it out as calm as she could but Sayu picked up the guitar and left.

“It’s over!”  Sayu ran off and Jun was left with her pick.  She realized that maybe time will heal the wounds or create a new cut that will bleed again.
“Mittsi, you have a brush I could use?” Koha calling across the fence.

Aika runs out and offers her brush to watch her neighbor brush her hair.  Both had become closer since the death of Lin’s mother but the funeral made them grow apart from their new friend.

“Lin, sorry to hear about your mother’s death.”  Koha and Aika offered their condolences but never expected this.
“GO AWAY!  You guys ruined it for me; I just want to be alone.”  Lin stormed out and everybody looked at the girl run away.
“Aika, don’t feel bad, we did the right thing, just maybe she needs to mourning for now.”  Koha embraced the younger girl and their friend ship bloomed to a new romantic relationship.

“You two don’t be late, you still have school tomorrow.”  Koha’s mother yelled to the kids that were going to the restaurant.

“Ready, let’s go.”  Both walking with their hands linked to each other.

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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Kuro's Properly Named Song Influenced Fics (The Power of Love 1/4)
« Reply #66 on: January 15, 2010, 12:52:12 AM »
Tanakame and Takagaki were cute. :heart: :heart:

SayuJun, Sayu needs to be more understanding of Lin, I mean, her mother just died, let the kid mourn.

KohaAika, I love it, they're a cute couple. I was hoping they would get together.

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Sorry for just writing one part as I was in the middle of classes  :lol:

Here's a awkward and maybe a start to the title very soon

Renai Revolution 21 Part 2

“I see you and the neighbor's kid have been lovey dovey for a while now.  What happened to the Chinese one?  Is she still in mourning yet?”  Koha's mother looks at Koha with a serious face.

“I think she still has some issues to work out since her mother didn't tell her she was dying.”  Her mother bit her lip and put two hands on her daughter's shoulders.

“I don't want to break your heart but your father found a job outside of the city and we have to move by the end of the month.”  The last part was the usual for her as he was the supervisor for many areas in the business.

“I understand but I feel accustomed here and a university is near by here, so can I at least come back here for college?”  Her mother had another piece of news.

“For college, your father has decided to send you to the college near our new place because it has some prestige and he went there for his degree.”  Koha ran into the bathroom and let everything come out of her body.

It was a week ago that it happened and now I had only a week to tell her I had to move.  Now, is it too late?

Koha brings her girlfriend to the park before the restaurant and sits her down  on the bench.  Koha nervously tries to grab her hand but her head was filled with everything and she spit it out slowly.

“Mittsi... I need to say something”


“I have to move soon.”

“Soon as in a month or really soon?”

“Really soon.”

“Oh, I see.”  Mittsi nods as she tries to understand the situation that just unfolded.

“Are you angry?”  Koha shakes her gently.

“No, I am saddened but not angry, why would I be angry?  There is no reason to be angry except I knew this since you blew up after our date that day.”  Koha's mouth dropped.

“You...knew...of...that?”  Mittsi nodded.

Aika knew of that all along and she kept it away from me.

“Koha, let's just enjoy our last date, it was fun being your friend, and that is what I am going to miss more.” Aika's head was on Koha's shoulder as she traces her face.

The moment spent was enough to heal the small wound but both made a pact that Aika would try to reconcile with Lin, when she is ready to talk.  They walk over to the restaurant and see the ocean of people and their private booth open up.

“Let's enjoy, before you leave.”  Aika's smile gave confirmation that everything was going to be all right.

“We are going to be late, Eri.  Hurry your turtle butt up.”  Reina was checking her makeup and doing her classic winks.

Eri was ready but something didn't feel right and she couldn't put a finger on it.  The cooler weather gave Eri the chills and maybe the kitty had something to do with it but it just seemed weird to her.

“Hurry up, I need to go to the bathroom.”  Eri opened the door and the kitty rushed in to do her business.

“Risa, I need to confess something.”  Eri nudges her.

“What is it, Eri?”  Risa face grew red as her lips near hers but she pushes her away.

“Eri, you have Reina now and I have Ai, we can't do this.”  Risa pushed her back and walked away.

Damn it, I never like to do this to either of them but I love Risa.

“Kamei, come back to Earth, we need to protect it from aliens.”  Reina laughed.

“Sorry, I have been having some problems lately.”  Eri puts her hands on her shoulders and tries to explain her problem.

“Reina, I have been crushing on someone else.”  Reina pushes her away.

“Eri, why?  What did I do wrong?”  Reina yelled.

“Nothing but I just don't love you anymore, we just grew apart, and I want this to work out but I think it has been too long we have seen each other.”  Eri's reasoning was not the medicine she needed for now.

“Eri, Reina is angry now and she doesn't like this at all, and if you are being truthful, this is some bad timing.”  Reina crossed her arms.

“I know, but I need to know that you still love me, and that has not been apparent for a while now.”  Reina lowered her arms and gave out a sigh.

“I love you my turtle, but I don't know about now, shall we talk this out instead of meeting Ai and Risa?”  Reina sat on the couch with Eri by her side.

“We should.”  Eri picked up the phone and called Risa to say they were not coming.

“I understand, I hope I see you guys soon.”  Risa said before she hung up.

“Was that Eri saying she wasn't coming?”  Ai asked and Risa nodded.

“Risa, I need to confess something.”  Eri nudges her.

“What is it, Eri?”  Risa's face grew red as her lips near hers but she pushes her away.

“Eri, you have Reina now and I have Ai, we can't do this.”  Risa pushed her back and walked away.

I need to say to Ai that this has happened and I want some comfort from this awkward situation.

“Ai, Eri confessed to me days ago and it has been bothering me for a while.”  Risa looks at the menu.

“Do you love her?”  Ai's simple question hit the heart of Risa.

“Not really, she is a great friend but not girlfriend material.”  Risa attracts the waiter's attention for their order.

“You should tell her that, even if that will break her heart.”  Ai orders her food then Risa.  

“I know but that is the problem, how can I break it to her?”  Risa put her hand on top Ai's

“Be up front and just tell her that her relationship with Reina is special and she shouldn't break that up for a confession.”  Ai sips her water and watches the couple in the corner of her eye.

“Ai, I see, thank you.”  Risa turns to see a younger couple chatting it up and she smiled.

“That is how it should be, fun, no emotions, just pure fun.”  Both laughed and Risa sees a girl walk into the bar with her head down and ordering a drink.

As Risa observes the woman, Ai looked the same way, and just noticed how she was downing the drinks like it was water.

Risa stood up, walked over to the bar to see the woman, and invite her to their table.

She sat down and never noticed her height of the elegant woman.  She towered over the couple but she slouched over to make herself look small.

“Why so down?  Did you broke up with somebody?”  Ai asked the woman.

“Yeah and I have a girl at home who just lost her mother.”  As she down another drink and orders one more up.

“That sounds horrible.”  As soon as those words come out another girl walks in with a guitar and seeks out the woman by us.

We see her walk towards us, the woman tries to hide but was caught by the girl.

“Jun, I am sorry for being angry but we never done anything in a while and I was...”

“Frustrated?”  Risa completed the sentence.

“Yeah and maybe we can do something later on.”  The girl saw the woman's eyes glow.

“Thank you for taking care of me and here's for the drinks.  She'll take me home.”  She walked away with the girl holding her body on top of her and struggling.

“Oh well, let's eat.”  Ai looks at the food that was served to them.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2010, 01:06:15 AM by kurosawa87 »
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Offline rndmnwierd

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“Risa, you have Ai now and I have Reina, we can't do this.”
Wait, shouldn't it be Risa who says this line except "You have Reina, I have Ai."?

Other than that, lot's happening.

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“Risa, you have Ai now and I have Reina, we can't do this.”
Wait, shouldn't it be Risa who says this line except "You have Reina, I have Ai."?

Other than that, lot's happening.

I fixed to how it suppose to sound, thank you for pointing that out
« Last Edit: January 16, 2010, 01:07:00 AM by kurosawa87 »
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Did I miss something? Eri's 'confession' came out of nowhere  :huhuh

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Did I miss something? Eri's 'confession' came out of nowhere  :huhuh

yeah it was meant to be that way, a slight backstory to the future, don't worry so much about the flashbacks as they go along, they will reveal themselves soon
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Sorry for the long wait... I needed to find motivation to make this story move along and I hoped it answered all if not I will write more to fill in the blanks.

My First, My Last, My Everything

“Risa, I have a crush on someone.”  Eri turned to hide the embarrassment showing on her cheek.

“Who is it?  Is it Reina? Sayu? Ai?”  Risa was curious but her answer shocked her.

 “You...”  Risa turned away and ran back to her house.  Eri could only watch as her friend ran with tears in her eyes.

“Eri, I know you and Risa have been friends for a while and she was the first person you met in high school, but we are together and I won't let this go.”  Eri looked at the ceiling.

“Reina-chan, I hate trying to fake this, I still think of you as a friend but I feel that Risa will treat me better, and you cannot do anything about it.  I am just sorry.”  Eri put her face into her hands and Reina wanted to know one thing.

“Eri, at least be honest, why were you going with me?  We had all those fun times together but why try to bring everything down now.”  Eri maintained her composure and took out a book of her hidden thoughts.

“Risa knows about this and she told me to show this to you.  She wanted to prepare my own farewell speech before I leave but she refused to and Risa had always told me that if you don't feel happy you should leave it.”  Eri closed the book and left Reina pale.

Reina sat by Eri's side watching her stay motionless and the thick air was enough to make Reina scream in her head.  The anger was building in her and she sat there watching before she could snap, Eri stood up.

“Reina, I am sorry, I fell in love with Risa not you, I am afraid that this was just hard for me to say since we have been together.  I want Risa and Ai to break up to get what we both want.”  Reina clutched her chest knowing Eri exposed the secret which was inside her.

“Eri, leave them out of it, they didn't do anything wrong, they just went each other for dates and it became that way.  Ai never did anything wrong.”  Eri put her finger on top of her lips.

“All those days you were watching them talking, eating, and just being together didn't kill you?”  Eri knew she hit that nerve hard, she knew Reina would now kill her if she said one more thing, but she loosened her fist.

“I was jealous but I had you, you and I were in the same boat, I talked to you when they first met each other.  Ai wanted Risa but I couldn't say no, she didn't know I had crushing on her.  It broke me down but all I knew was, that the girl I met years ago was going to be my friend and my best friend.  Now, she has been feeding me the toxic that I had been avoiding, I feel hurt not by you but by being with me.  You could have just stayed friends but we had that one night together and for that whole night we just explored every inch of our own spirits, do you think that it was all lust?”  Reina's tirade came to a screeching halt when Eri's emotionless face nodded to every fact.

“Reina, I wanted to end it right away but Risa was serious about Ai and I just couldn't break your heart.”  Reina's open hand slapped her across the face.

“You witch, I never want to see you ever again, I poured everything into this relationship, and this is what I get a weak explanation and guilt, just get out, you really disgust me.”  Reina pointed toward the door and Eri bowed deeply before leaving the premises.

Eri, why?  I loved you so much to get this, if I was going to be used for one night, tell me that so I wouldn't feel this way again.

A week past by since they had their final meal together and it was her final day before leaving and Koha sat by her friend and shared their last thoughts.

“Koha, I still can't believe you are leaving tomorrow.  You have only been here for a while.”  Both started laughing but hiding the emotions between them was difficult.

“We need to cry, this is just too much.”  Both gave each other a hug and let everything come out.  The strange girl across the street walked into the yard and she seemed confident to break up the embrace.

“Hello.”  Her soft voice merely made a dent but it was loud enough for both to look at the Chinese girl bowing down to them.

“Lin!  Welcome back.  You heard about Koha?”  Aika asked as Lin knew it from Jun telling her the week before that both had been enjoyed a joyful dinner.

“I wanted apologize about the funeral, I was angry that you guys took me away from my mother but she wanted me to not see her suffer and she said to Jun.  Jun told me the whole story and I threw a vase at her when I told about the story but it only made me think of all the times of I spent with you guys.  It was not anybody's fault and I felt the guilt building in me and Jun had took all the abuse.  I am truly sorry for what I did.”  Lin bowed from her knees before the other two stopped her.

“Lin, we would have done the same, it was not a great sight watching your mother wither away while you have no idea what is going on but Jun instructed that your mother liked when you had a smile and we were there to make sure you had a smile before you leave.  Your mother died in peace and that was the only instructions we were given.”  Aika looked at Koha while explaining the reason why both were around Lin.

All three paused to soak in the information and they were all glad that everything was normal and nothing was permanently broken between them three.

“Koha, finish packing we are leaving in the morning.”  Her mother called and Koha hurried back into the house.

“Lin, I guess it is just you and me for now.”  Aika put her arm around Lin and both gleamed with excitement.

They spent the whole night talking to each other and anxiously waited till morning.  The sun came out and the trucks pulled in to pick up all their stuff.  Lin and Aika watched as the men loaded their stuff into the back of the moving truck.  It was quite amusing that every box loaded was seconds away from Koha leaving the town forever, they waited until their friend appeared.  After two hours, the sun was fully out and she gave them a final wave before entering the car.  It was the final day they would see her, they were saddened but knew that one day she might come back and visit and with that hope Koha left and Aika and Lin were glad to at least see her off.
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Kuro's Properly Named Song Influenced Fics (HIATUS 3/11)
« Reply #73 on: March 12, 2010, 10:59:27 AM »
To the readers:

I have found this quite difficult to continue this story as I haven't really looked into this fic for a while so I am going to really put this on indefinite hiatus or not going to be updated anytime soon.  I have been planning to do other stuff but never had a firm grip to consider more ideas so I am going to put this in the shed for now and do something more toward my own preferences rather than spread myself out thin. 

Sorry to everyone but I have been trying to push this story forward with no success
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Kuro's Properly Named Song Influenced Fics (HIATUS 3/11)
« Reply #74 on: March 27, 2010, 10:58:06 AM »
Okay, I had to recover my thoughts to hope something more concrete to come with it so I came with a make up part so here it is.

She Got Issues

After the fight, Eri decided to go to nearest watering hole and sat at the bar, listening to Japanese rock that was killing her concentration on the bartender.  She wanted to at least have a conversation with her as she gradually getting to the point of falling off the chair.

“Ma'am, can you please go home?”  She asked and Eri placed her hands on her face.

“I have no place to go, can you take me home?”  Eri smiled and a girl picked her up to take her outside of the bar and they sat down in the alley.

“Why did you take me out?  She was cute.”  Eri looked to the side and vomited into a pot.

“Well she is my girlfriend and you hitting on her was my problem.”  She was looking around as Eri was nearing her with her face.

“Your girlfriend?  She has a nice chest at least something I could sleep on, not like my ex-girlfriend.”  Eri closed her eyes and put her head down.

“What's wrong?”  She asked and she raised her head up to see the tears flowing from her.

“I just broke up with her today and it was because I had a one-night stand with a friend but the problem was that I wanted to not know about the affair.”  The other girl just laughed.

“Is that all?  I guess I could see why but what made you cheat on her.”  Eri with a confused look remembered that Reina was only mad that she told her about that but Reina seemed to know of it and Eri guessed that as long as it wasn't said it would be fine.

“Hello?  Girl to earth, are you okay to go back home?”  She waved her hand in front of Eri but she never responded.

Eri suddenly broke out of her trance and grabbed the woman's hand.  Eri could only remember that Reina knew about it but it was her fault.  It was not normal but Reina found out that Eri kept dreaming of the day that she confessed to Risa. 

“Can you help me to the place?”  Eri asked the woman and she carried her from the alley to the apartment three blocks away.

“You are a heavy woman, what is your name?”  She asked Eri and Eri was still buzzed from the alcohol.

“My name is Eri.  What is yours?”  Eri asked and she put her down by the building.

“My name is Erika, I have been here for about a year where I met Yui, the bartender.  You seem that you have lived here for a while.”  Eri nodded and Erika walked back to the bar.

“Thank you Erika, I will pay you when I remember.”  Eri waved good bye and started to walk to toward the building but she fell onto her side after a couple of steps.

“Damn the alcohol, damn people, and damn my mistakes.”  Eri yelled out to the people on the streets.  Then, a woman in a purple jumpsuit dragged me to the bench.

“Shit, Eri get yourself together.”  Eri opened her eyes.

“REINA!  Why are you doing this?”  Eri hugged her ex-girlfriend and Reina pushed her off.

“Eri, I understood why you said what you said but why say it?”  Reina put her hands on her hips and glared at Eri.

“Well, I was being honest that if I ever did manage to love someone else, I should say so right.”  Eri still drunk was looking for something to drink and Reina offered her bottle of water.

“Thank you, Reina.”  The pause between them was reflecting on the situation and Reina spoke to break the air.

“I will give you a second chance, however, I have to confess something too.”  Reina sat by Eri and her hands went onto her lap.

“I had one-night stands before so I understand how I must feel about you when you mentioned it to me, but right after you left, I realized that I had done this once before to an ex, so I shouldn't have exploded but it felt hurtful that it happened to me but the only question was why.  That is all I want to know and I guess did you think of me?”  Reina looked at Eri and seeing Eri just shattered in front of her was not the image she wanted.

“Risa and I were talking about her meeting a new girl at school and she wanted to talk to her.  I looked at her and stroked her chin before I realized what I had done, Risa had me pinned down.  I told her to stop and she got off me, but I grabbed her hand and told her that she should be honest on her intentions then we started to kiss.  We started to take off our clothes and rolled around the sheets for a bit until I went to the bathroom and cried when I saw your face.”  Reina nodded and hugged her.

“Well I can forget but never forgive, as long as you are still honest with me, I will bury this incident, and we can go back together.”  Reina patted her friend on the back and carried her to the apartment.  Reina let Eri take a shower and left the leftover curry she made tonight on the table in case Eri was hungry.  Reina put the blanket over herself and closed her eyes.

Eri came out of the shower and saw the curry on the table, she walked over to the curry, and saw Reina fast asleep.

“Thank you Reina.”  Eri whispered and she went on to eat the rest before resting for the next day.
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Kuro's Properly Named Song Influenced Fics (She Got Issues 3/27)
« Reply #75 on: March 28, 2010, 07:19:46 AM »
Poor Lin~~! :cry: :cry: :cry:

I'm glad you decided to continue with this fic after all. I really like how you come up with different titles for each chapter. That is really hard imo. Plus the names are really appropriate and have this feel to them too.

As much as I like my TakaGaki, I hope to see a little KameMame action too :P Awww, Reina... :( She is hurt by the turtle. Don't be sad...

The kids being an addition to this story so awesome. They are funny :D

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Re: Kuro's Properly Named Song Influenced Fics (She Got Issues 3/27)
« Reply #76 on: April 01, 2010, 12:35:56 PM »
@hamz thank you, it is a type of story that I don't want to end but more for to continue and add certain ideas from past and present and play into the story.  For the action in general, I have them kept rigid as possible, and maybe you can find scenes or areas with them but no more dramatic stuff for now (I may change my mind but I feel to be more uplifting than sadness)

Girls Just Want to Have Fun

“Oh Chinami, you look so sexy.”  Miya playing with Chinami new do as Miya began to sniff and it tickled Chinami's neck and she pushed Miya away.

“You two, stop playing around and get serious already.”  Risako yelled as Airi had her arms around Risako and she grinned as Risako started to scold the two older girls.

“She is my girlfriend.”  Chinami says in English and Miya covered her mouth and shook her head.

“No, not girlfriend, but girl friend.”  Risako and Airi laughed as Miya was embarrassed by Chinami's English like 5 years ago on camera.

“Chii, Miya is such a good girlfriend that she doesn't want to admit that you guys are going out.”  Saki waved as Maasa was trailing behind and picking up her friend like a newborn baby.

“What about them, Captain?”  Maasa pointed at Risako and Airi.

“Well, they look okay.”  Saki laughed as Risako and Airi gave her the evil eyes.

“They look cute together, well Airi is cute, Risako is just mature.”  Maasa poked her chest and Risako poked back.

“Maasa you and Saki are always opposites, you are so strong and Saki couldn't hit the watermelon.”  Saki crossed her arms and gave them a pout, then Maasa embraced Saki from behind and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“Now speaking of opposites, isn't that Yurina and Momo walking toward us.”  Chinami pointed at the tall girl and the short girl walking toward them.

“I think so, they look quite cool as a couple except when Yurina plays get the item and Momo just jumping like crazy and then Momo pretend to pout.”  Risako waved and both waved back as Momo started to blitz them.

“Yurina got the tickets to the water park today, you guys ready?”  Momo saw everybody with their jaws on the ground as they did not bring their swim suits.

“Just kidding you guys, I mean April Fools'.”  They all went back to normal and was ready to punch Momo for making a funny joke on them.

The eight of them walked to the shopping mall from their location in the middle of the park, everybody seemed interested on the event that was happening only for today.  A closing sale of their favorite shop, the shop wanted to renovate and get rid of their stock before doing construction on the store.  They stood in line and saw hundreds waiting outside of the doors ready to rush for the best deals of the day or maybe even for the year.

“I wonder if we could get closer.”  Chinami asked and some moved before a guard stopped us before we made a step toward Chinami.  Chinami was left alone in the front and we were trying to gain Chinami's attention but she was ready to go in as we were waiting far outside of the door.

“Chinami is so attractive now and I am still the same, how come I can never be like Chinami and now flaunt my looks.”  Miya pondered out loud.

“Well, every boy has said that and Chinami was never bothered until recently, maybe you should have taken the opportunity with a boy.”  Risako answered and Miya playfully plunked her on the head.

“You two stop playing around and go for the deals, eh.”  Captain looking at the line moving toward the store and they were seeing the clothes being destroyed.

The seven weaved themselves to their areas and look for the deals that were appealing for them.  Risako found a blouse that matched her and another person grabbed it before she could get her hand on it.  She tackled her to the ground and snatched the blouse from her and started to go toward the cashier but the opposing girl had her by the ankle while the others were tripping over her.

Yurina had easily found her dress and just went over the customers and swoop it from the people but she realized it was too short and saw a girl who had the longer dress and asked for a switch.  She gladly switched and it was the perfect size and length for her type and was the first person out.

Maasa bowled everyone over with her body and couldn't get to the accessories quick enough but she found a nice pair earrings that were a light blue.  She saw the people fighting over everything in the store, and managed to run into Saki when she was trying to get out of massive amount of people in the store.  Saki held onto Maasa shirt like a little kid to find a way out for both of them and were second to come out.

Airi knew of a way to get through the crowd and she waited before the initial surge to stop and threw most of the groups' attention to the accessory area and she grabbed her sleeveless T-shirt before the crowd manage to catch the trick before Airi could get out.

Chinami and Momo met up with each other right in the middle while Miya was being carried away from her area by the changing of the crowds.  Momo and Chinami both got their skirts that were next to each other on the display and Miya had her item in her hand before the inventory was cleared out. 

“Did everyone get what they need?”  Saki asked and each had a bag to prove their purchase but all had bruises over their bodies.

“Yeah, we need to get some food to gain back some energy for at least getting home.”  Momo walked toward the food court and everyone else followed the smell of hamburgers and fries.  All were hungry but their money had run down low and they could only order 4 meals among the couples.  They pushed three tables together so they could to have the meal as one group.

“I have an idea.”  Momo said.

“Okay, whoever can make the sexiest feed to their partner doesn't have to pay for our next meal together.”  All agreed on the terms and they started off with Maasa and Saki.

Maasa had her half of the hamburger and waited for her partner's mouth to open up.  Saki didn't feel confident that Maasa would be serious so she slowly opened it until Maasa could fit the sandwich into her mouth and bit into it with a corner of the sandwich gone.  Saki had put the sandwich into her hand and Maasa took majority of the sandwich into her mouth and smiled with the particles falling out of her mouth.

Momo and Yurina was next as Momo was trying to reach Yurina's mouth by standing on the chair and in her successful attempt Momo flashed her peace sign to show her success.  Yurina saw Momo's mouth wide open and put her finger on her nose before giving her the food.  Momo concentrating on the finger made a weird face and Momo finally bite down onto the juicy burger.

Risako and Airi put the sandwich them and munched on it until they got to the center, where their lips met each other.  The four knew that the only possible way Miya and Chinami would win if they did something more exotic than the meeting up with each other in the middle.  Chinami ran her finger through Miya's hair as she put a little piece of sandwich into her mouth.  Miya did the same to Chinami but Miya finished it up with a long, deep, passionate kiss that made every person jealous around them.  Chinami opened her eyes and every pair of eyes were on them, the six had their jaws dropped from the site of mixing food and passion together to get the winners.

“Well, who won?”  Chinami and Miya asked together.

“You two are so sultry when you kiss.”  Risako emitting the jealous rage after losing to the brown hair twins.

“Well some have it and some don't”  Chinami stuck out her tongue and all started to laugh at Chinami's pose.

The eight enjoyed their day after the big sale and they discovered their friendship with each other was much stronger than before and what they see is not what they know as of now but what they might see in the end.
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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