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Author Topic: [CHI] G.E.M. 鄧紫棋  (Read 71948 times)

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Re: [CHI] G.E.M. 鄧紫棋
« Reply #40 on: November 18, 2011, 02:13:09 AM »
T.O and Vancity fans, Get Everyone Moving 2011 Concert

Vancity - Queen Elizabeth Centre - Dec 16, 2011

T.O - Hershey Centre - Dec 19, 2011 (boo, why monday)

i need someone to go with me, who is chinese =P i dont' wanna be the only filipino dude by himself there

Offline Pauekn

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Re: [CHI] G.E.M. 鄧紫棋
« Reply #41 on: November 19, 2011, 11:13:14 AM »
T.O and Vancity fans, Get Everyone Moving 2011 Concert

^I'm not really sure what kind of video that is. The trailer shows it like a documentary, but it seems to just be a concert video with some talking.

Anyways: I just found out about G.E.M. by reading this thread just now, but wow. She is hot! My favourite song so far is Good to be Bad, but I haven't really heard much else. I downloaded G.E.M. and 18... but I justjumped from song to song to see what kind of style she had. I think it's kind of cool that she is influenced by Christina Aguillera, though :)

I was trying to get her the Bday counter but her real name confuses me a bit. "Gloria Tang Zhi-Kei", is "Gloria her first name, and "Tang Zhi-Kei" her last name? I would be happy if someone could help me with the names! :)
It's Airi time, bitches!

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Re: [CHI] G.E.M. 鄧紫棋
« Reply #42 on: November 20, 2011, 08:57:49 AM »
Hershey Centre! that's pretty decent size for a canto artist here, normally they pack those auditoriums for kids artists/broadway :P

wonder if dude jafeijai - he's pretty chinese and from T Dot lol - will go (see first page) he from the AKB set.

Offline Pauekn

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Re: [CHI] G.E.M. 鄧紫棋
« Reply #43 on: November 22, 2011, 07:01:52 PM »
I have been watching "Good to be Bad" nonstop the last few days, and this just have to be said. I am really jealous of her letter suit.....  :drool:

Not sure if I said that wrong. To clarify: I want to be her letter suit, not have similar ones! ;)
« Last Edit: November 22, 2011, 07:08:54 PM by Pauekn »
It's Airi time, bitches!

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Re: [CHI] G.E.M. 鄧紫棋
« Reply #44 on: November 23, 2011, 04:33:56 AM »
wonder if dude jafeijai - he's pretty chinese and from T Dot lol - will go (see first page) he from the AKB set.
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Why's it gotta be on the 19th?! D: Freakin' in the middle of my exams!

...If someone managed to get me tickets and drove me there, I'd probably be singing a different tune though XD

Offline Pauekn

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Re: [CHI] G.E.M. 鄧紫棋
« Reply #45 on: December 01, 2011, 11:54:19 AM »
Her concert DVD "GET EVERYBODY MOVING " is finally out! You can see one of her songs on YouTube:

I think that GEM is a really good singer, and I really liked how calming this song was. I almost fell asleep watching it :P

You can also find more information on
It's Airi time, bitches!

Offline Pauekn

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Re: [CHI] G.E.M. 鄧紫棋
« Reply #46 on: December 06, 2011, 08:52:27 PM »

G.E.M.'s official Facebook page linked this image that says her Concert DVD was the most sold musical in Hong Kong during the period 20-26th November. (Unless I understood something wrong, the pre-orders) started on the 26th). I think this is really cool, but we still shouldn't forget that a newly released DVD probably sells better than a new one.

Congratulations to G.E.M. nonetheless! I have to see this DVD some time, but right now I'm going to bed. Good night!

I was so tired yesterday that I forgot all about this :S - Thanks to Jaf for helping me figure out the dates! I was first really confused because I knew it wasn't released before 1st December. I have to admit Jaf was kind of confused as well, but at least I think we figured it out together! :D
« Last Edit: December 07, 2011, 06:40:42 AM by Pauekn »
It's Airi time, bitches!

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Re: [CHI] G.E.M. 鄧紫棋
« Reply #47 on: December 08, 2011, 10:58:32 AM »
I found this remix of Good to be bad. I didn't think this was too good, but I'm linking it in case it will fit someone else's tastes better :)
G.E.M. "Good to be Bad" Mr T Remix [MV] - 视频 - 优酷视频 - 在线观看
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Re: [CHI] G.E.M. 鄧紫棋
« Reply #48 on: January 30, 2012, 09:01:49 AM »
Her concert DVD "GET EVERYBODY MOVING " is finally out! You can see one of her songs on YouTube:

I think that GEM is a really good singer, and I really liked how calming this song was. I almost fell asleep watching it :P

werd up! that's a cover of Sandy Lam (林憶蓮)'s classic joint and she NAILED IT.

This for my boy TOZ:


01. 想講你知
02. 我不懂愛
03. 等一個他
04. The Voice Within 遺失聲音
05. Get Over You
06. G.E.M.'s Jive
07. 美好的舊時光 In My Heart
08. 睡公主
09. 情人
10. MySecret 我的秘密
11. Game Over
12. All About U
13. Good to be Bad
14. 寂寞星球的玫瑰
15. 塞納河
16. A.I.N.Y.
17. Twinkle II
18. 18
19. You Raise Me Up
20. Mascara (煙燻妝)
21. Just The Way You Are
22. One Button
23. Lady Marmalade
24. Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
25. Don't Stop The Music
26. Get Everybody Moving
27. 忐忑
28. Where Did U Go

Bonus Track:
01. A.I.N.Y. (piano version)
02. Tan—幕後的故事
03. Lupo眼中的G.E.M.


still listening to it and all the MCs so I bring some tidbits:

she learn music at age 3-4, surrounded by house of musicians
12-13 first composed song!!! and used that to enter the contest that made her a major recording artist.

Gets real emotional. Thanking all the fans who came "Y'all are the ones on the weekday who couldn't get the first show tickets, eh?" FUCKING SO PLAYFUL. Yet she broke down when she was going on about a story of how she was doing the mall circuit and got lazy wearing high heels and her manager ripped into her in a nearby fast food joint and FROM THEN she learned that to be the best, she gotta BE THE BEST work hard and shit. And thanks her managers for bringing out the very best and that she purposely dropped this story on the last day cuz she didn't want her producer to break down, WE ARE NOTHING WITHOUT THE PEOPLE AROUND US!!! WERD G.E.M. U ROCK!!

At the end of track 18, she thanks her grandmother for being the biggest influence on her musically since she was 4 as she busts into "You Raise Me Up" - who passed away from cancer in Shanghai. Talked of how she wanted to go see her, but concert schedules and training prevented this, and when she did get the chance to fly up there - her grandmother would be in such condition where she would be unable to eat and throwing up, unable to walk. And she would promise that she'd be back, "Grandma you gotta go check my concert" Despite all this, she believes that even as her grandmother had departed - there was still a seat there reserved for her - she used to think that death was scary but once she went to her funeral she thought, it's not scary. You just lose the physical and even tho we lose someone we love they are still there a part of us in our memories - talking to them every single day. Oh, G.E.M. :heart: Here's the fancam version - so so very moving :cry:

Offline Pauekn

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Re: [CHI] G.E.M. 鄧紫棋
« Reply #49 on: January 30, 2012, 09:33:59 AM »
*Snatches the download link before ToZ can take it :3*
I can't wait to watch this. G.E.M. is so awesome when she's live, and I'm really looking forward to seeing a couple of this performed live (for example Good To Be Bad xD). Unfortunately I don't understand Chinese, but I'm sure I'll start bawling a little just from hearing the way she talks. I'm kind of girly like that, lol... :P
By the way. Do you know if it is illegal to link to this download? I'm not sure how copyright actually works in China :P
It's Airi time, bitches!

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Re: [CHI] G.E.M. 鄧紫棋
« Reply #50 on: February 04, 2012, 09:40:08 AM »
 :bleed eyes: DUDE Pau. you gotta drop a no homo once in a while lol but you're welcome. And G.E.M. is from Hong Kong so there's a huge difference.

GEM enjoys the 'God-Interaction' Love, hopes to marry in two years

This year, 20 year old GEM marks her third year in the industry. Not too long ago, GEM hoped to be married by age 25. Since she met Taiwanese singer Yoga Lin, the two's long-distance relationship is blocked by a heavy barrier. GEM have also been suffering from criticisms and verbal attacks by Yoga's fans. She was so frightened, she didn't dare to mention him again. After GEM was baptized, she experienced God's enlightenment and now she longs to set foot on marriage by age 22 and make her lifelong promise.

(GEM speaks...)

In the past, I thought love was no matter what, my boyfriend would accommodate me -- drop me off and pick me up; even if he doesn't like the gift I gave him, he won't show it; I also want him to talk to me on the phone every night; on holidays, he must set aside time for me; Valentine's Day he must celebrate with me. He doesn't have to say "I Love You", but his actions must show that he cares about me and really does love me. If I gave him 100% of my love, and he gives me back only 20%, I would feel it's unfair and he's definitely a bad man. I would feel discouraged and won't love him again. So, that's why I always argued with my ex-boyfriend over some small matters!

Last September, I was baptized. When I officially got to know Jesus' altruistic love, I understood what love really was. It is not about what you get in return or the contributions; not about receiving gifts from boyfriend and so I have to give one back. It is, you give the gift to him purely because you love him. No matter if he likes the gift or not, you will still be happy to have gave it to him because this represents the love, you have for him. I learned how to go love a person, that it's not about what you get in return, but it depends on the contributions made from the heart. So as a girlfriend, the smart thing to do is don't ask your boyfriend to contribute anything, don't ask him to talk to you on the phone, then he will think his girlfriend is very good and will naturally spend more time with you. My first love was at age 15, and up until now, I have had 3 boyfriends. I have never done quick relationships, I think people who do that can't put out true feelings. I personally admit that I am a good girlfriend because I'm faithful.

Trying to get publicity criticisms

Since that incident with Yoga Lin, I am really scared because even now, his Taiwan and Mainland fans are still madly criticizing me. I often get criticized by people that I'm trying to get publicity, such misery! I personally just want to concentrate on my music, never have I made up gossips and news. In the past, all the rumors I had with William Chan and Justin Lo are fake! Hong Kong reporters watched me grow from when I was 16 and 17 years old, they know what type of person I am. However, the press from other areas do not know, so I am very scared. Later, I didn't dare to mention him (Yoga) anymore. I hope everyone can leave some space for me to handle it. After all, I will never, ever in my life, use my relationship to get publicity.

I feel a long-distance relationship is just like interacting with God. I handle it well myself, although I can't see God, can't speak to him, can't embrace him, but we can spiritually communicate, I feel it's very close. My current views on love changed, he does not necessarily have to be in front of me, just as long as I'm willing to take the time, then I can maintain the relationship. I feel that when talking to my boyfriend on the phone, it feels as if I'm praying to God. I do not need to see him, its love that does not get influenced by the environment. That is my current love life.

Identify Lifelong Partner

Currently, I only have one requirement for my partner, he must be Christian. I really want my boyfriend to know how to love me after he has God. Also, I see many Christian couples that get along very happily, so my greatest hope is for my boyfriend to be a Christian.

In the past, I hoped to be married by age 25, but now I want to marry at 22! I often think I'll definitely be very happy after marriage and that he's definitely my lifelong partner. I asked Jesus once: "Am I going to marry this person?" The seal God gave me really makes me feel at ease, this seal I cannot say right now, but I will tell everyone when I get married. Although God didn't tell me when I'm going to be married, but I just hope by age 22. No matter who God arranges me to be with, he will definitely be the best person. As for if my Mr. Right has already appeared? I cannot say now. If it isn't him, then that be real awkward! Haha.

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

WUT! who be scoping??

Offline Pauekn

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Re: [CHI] G.E.M. 鄧紫棋
« Reply #51 on: March 22, 2012, 06:29:14 AM »

Teaser for her upcoming PV "Someday I'll fly". Unfortunately there is no music in it, but it's easy to see that this will be another cool song :P
It's Airi time, bitches!

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Re: [CHI] G.E.M. 鄧紫棋
« Reply #52 on: April 07, 2012, 02:05:24 AM »
^ WHY DIDNT YOU BUY HER FUCKING ALBUM!! reduced to being a weather girl for ATV to pay da bills. Hey. Don't Knock Da Hussle.

Love the new Cassie lol

GEM troubled relationship, turns into problematic youth

In the past two years, GEM Tang did not release any new albums, recently she has been preparing for her latest album and flew to the United States to shoot the MVs and the album cover. GEM expressed her new song Subconscious Cruelty (潛意式的殘酷) is about her personal emotional issues: "The most harm given to a person is not the physical pain, but is the subconscious mind! When there are a lot of things suppressing you, and so many people criticizing you, if not handled well, you can really get depression!"

GEM frankly said she has different views when facing different problems. In the recent year, she has been facing issues with her relationship, family and religion. Asked if she has turned into a problematic youth? She said: "I am a normal person too, we all have different problems. (How do you resolve them?) My greatest way out of problems is God! I personally face a lot of problems, but I found a way to release it all. I want everyone to know how I fell and how I got back up, so I have even more hope in life and love life even more. If can't find a way out, then it be very difficult!"

When speaking of why there is a two year gap before she launches a new album? GEM expressed: "I am impatient myself, but I don't want my new songs to have no meaning, so that's why its taking so long! This time, my album is about my attitude towards life, my feelings over the last year when I dealt with problems. Although the problems I faced weren't death or any disaster, but I still have to face them. So, this album is very energetic because we will find a way out of everything!"

GEM also reveals that she found a Finland director to help her shoot her MVs and tailored several costumes for the shoot. There are 9 outfits for just one MV, seriously exaggerated! Asked if any of the outfits are sexy? She said: "Not too sexy, the primary purpose is to make the feeling of the song stand out!"

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum

doing good deeds! much like our JPHiP 1,000 Good Deeds Challenge do the simple things, to bring people happiness  :jphip:

I love that message "You think you are helping someone, but you are helping yourself. You do little good deed like helping old lady across the street, you end up being happy to help. There are many ways to express good deeds to make people happiness. Don't need to think of "How can I have nuff money to give to charity" just show your willingness to care, they will feel it."

Going to US to film MV!

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Re: [CHI] G.E.M. 鄧紫棋
« Reply #53 on: April 08, 2012, 01:16:15 PM »
I was trying to get her the Bday counter but her real name confuses me a bit. "Gloria Tang Zhi-Kei", is "Gloria her first name, and "Tang Zhi-Kei" her last name? I would be happy if someone could help me with the names! :)
Tang Zhi-kei is her Chinese name. Tang is her last name. Zhi-Kei is first. Like Japanese names, surnames go first. Gloria is just her English name. It's common to have both. I never heard anyone call her that though.

Anyways, I'm glad you guys enjoyed the concert as well. Thought I was the only person in the Jpop world that did.
Good to Be Bad and AINY were my favorites for me!

I'm hoping to translate all her MCs for this concert and subtitling them... one day... The things she said were so sweet. She acts like such an awesome idol. Even though she's not. Since she writes a lot of her own songs. I bought both blu-ray and DVD of this concert. I'm totally obsessed with her.  :wub:

Oh and full PV of Someday I'll Fly came out today!
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Re: [CHI] G.E.M. 鄧紫棋
« Reply #54 on: April 09, 2012, 09:31:54 PM »
^  Thanks for clearing that up, dude! :D - I will make sure that is correct. Tomorrow... xD

Oh, and if you want to sub Chinese stuff, then it might be worth a shot to take a look in this thread:  <-- I guess they can help you to find a team or something, but I'm not sure. I guess you can ask questions in that thread if you're interested!

And it seems like I was wrong about the PV. This was a really beautiful song when I was waiting for a cool "Good to be Bad"-ish song - But if she sung  about being a troubled teen, then I guess it's natural that it's a more touching and emotional one :)

^ WHY DIDNT YOU BUY HER FUCKING ALBUM!! reduced to being a weather girl for ATV to pay da bills. Hey. Don't Knock Da Hussle.

I... I... I have a thing for weather girls. I can't help my fetishes! : :cry:
It's Airi time, bitches!

Offline aznkid4

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Re: [CHI] G.E.M. 鄧紫棋
« Reply #55 on: April 15, 2012, 07:34:23 PM »
I was trying to get her the Bday counter but her real name confuses me a bit. "Gloria Tang Zhi-Kei", is "Gloria her first name, and "Tang Zhi-Kei" her last name? I would be happy if someone could help me with the names! :)
Tang Zhi-kei is her Chinese name. Tang is her last name. Zhi-Kei is first. Like Japanese names, surnames go first. Gloria is just her English name. It's common to have both. I never heard anyone call her that though.

Anyways, I'm glad you guys enjoyed the concert as well. Thought I was the only person in the Jpop world that did.
Good to Be Bad and AINY were my favorites for me!

I'm hoping to translate all her MCs for this concert and subtitling them... one day... The things she said were so sweet. She acts like such an awesome idol. Even though she's not. Since she writes a lot of her own songs. I bought both blu-ray and DVD of this concert. I'm totally obsessed with her.  :wub:

Oh and full PV of Someday I'll Fly came out today!

i love her performances!

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Re: [CHI] G.E.M. 鄧紫棋
« Reply #56 on: April 17, 2012, 09:23:11 AM »
i love her performances!

WERD!! she still does malls even tho she is one of the biggest stars in Hong Kong.

then keeps it real selling filled waffle things on the street corner. gotta get paid! :pimp:

COP THE NEW SONG!! via itunes or preview on soundcloud

''Someday I'll Fly''是G.E.M.鄧紫棋於今年中將推出全新大碟的首波主打。歌曲由G.E.M.填詞,記載著她這一年多來,從漸漸背負著越來越多的包袱被壓到喘不過氣,到最終找到出口、釋懷而重新起飛。
 ''Someday I'll Fly'' MV將在本月底全線首播,想知道更多關於她的新形象及MV資訊請到

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Re: [CHI] G.E.M. 鄧紫棋
« Reply #57 on: April 18, 2012, 10:41:43 AM »
new album will be launched in June, on the 17th to the radio song.

U know you got me losing my mind!!! FLLLLLY!!

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Re: [CHI] G.E.M. 鄧紫棋
« Reply #58 on: May 11, 2012, 10:34:05 AM »

May 9, Hanjin, Fiona Sit, GEM, Kung and Jonathan Wong take turns performing, Mother's Day approaching, each singer to share the unforgettable experience with his mother, called on fans to care for her mother to show appreciation for the grace of their upbringing.

and if you haven't seen her on JSG. CHECK IT!!! girl got some pipes.

Offline Pauekn

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Re: [CHI] G.E.M. 鄧紫棋
« Reply #59 on: May 26, 2012, 09:02:17 AM »

Two day's ago G.E.M. had posted on her official Facebook page that parts of her USA tour will be cancelled (namely the events on 26th, 27th and 29th May. To compensate for this, the management have decided to give refunds for the tickets, or to exchange them for the one day only performance that she will hold on May 26th. The original message is this:

It’s with great regret to announce that the three “JAM HSIAO & G.E.M. LIVE IN US 2012″ shows won’t be going ahead.

JAM HSIAO & G.E.M. @ Reno Ballroom, Reno, May 26
JAM HSIAO & G.E.M. @ The Orleans Arena, Las Vegas, May 27
JAM HSIAO & G.E.M. @ Trump Taj Mahal Casino, Atlantic City, May 29
The shows have been cancelled due to contractual conflicts between Jam Hsiao’s management and the show organizer “Dream Media Production Inc.”. If you’ve already bought tickets, any questions and refund can be directed to “Dream Media Production Inc.”.
Tel no: U.S. East Coast: 917-830-5118
U.S. West Coast: 626-280-7666,
In order for G.E.M. to perform for her fans, USASIA Inc. will put together a new show “G.E.M. LIVE IN US 2012″. G.E.M. will be performing ONE NIGHT ONLY at Reno Casino Ballroom on her own (without Jam Hsiao), if you bought tickets for the original “JAM HSIAO & G.E.M.@ Reno Ballroom, RENO, MAY 26” and wish to exchange your ticket for the “G.E.M. LIVE IN US 2012″, please contact:
Ticketing Hotline:1-800-8824885
SAN FRANCISCO, CA: (415) 989-1688

We are deeply sorry for any inconvenience caused.
原訂於2012年5月26、27及29日在Reno、Las Vegas及Atlantic City舉行的“蕭敬騰&鄧紫棋2012美國巡迴演唱會”(JAM HSIAO & G.E.M. LIVE in US 2012),因蕭敬騰方與主辦方[夢媒體製作有限公司](Dream Media Production Inc.)合約方面的問題,現已取消,本公司對此深表遺憾。 關於演唱會的任何疑問及退票事宜,請聯繫主辦方[夢媒體製作有限公司](Dream Media Production Inc.)。
Tel no: U.S. East Coast: 917-830-5118
U.S. West Coast: 626-280-7666,

而為了讓G.E.M.鄧紫棋仍能為美國的歌迷表演,USASIA Inc.將為G.E.M.主辦一個新的個人演唱會“G.E.M. LIVE IN US 2012”(蕭敬騰將不會參與),於Reno Casino Ballroom舉行一晚。如有歌迷想以原本“JAM HSIAO & G.E.M.@ Reno Ballroom, RENO, MAY 26” 的門票,對換 “G.E.M. LIVE IN US 2012″ 門票觀看表演,請儘快聯繫:
Ticketing Hotline:1-800-8824885
SAN FRANCISCO, CA: (415) 989-1688

To sum up what I personally understood from this message:
  • The performances at 26th, 27th and 29th May were a collaboration with Jam Hsiao & will be replaced with one solo performance at May 26th only
  • Tickets can be refunded by contacting Dream Media (
  • Tickets may be exchanged for the solo performance by contacting USASIA (Contact info in the post)
This was very late, especially for the persons who wishes to exchange tickets, and I am really sorry about that!
Also: I didn't really follow the information for these concerts, so if you do wish to exchange (if there's still time...) or have a refund, then I encourage you to do a little research yourself :)
It's Airi time, bitches!

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