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Author Topic: Destiny Love [16/02 - In My Own Time]  (Read 69481 times)

Offline Sukoshi

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Re: Destiny Love [12/25 - Cinderella Complex]
« Reply #40 on: December 25, 2009, 11:16:17 AM »
kyaaaaaaaaa~ kanpeki!!  :nya:

It's perfect!  Ai chan being "fashionably" late and the kitten getting all warm and cuddley  :mon inluv:  kyaaa~ just melts the heart~  :wub:
and yes, Ai chan, Do Not take taxis!!  :ph43r:

lol I like Fenrir's counting :mon evillaff:

hehe if this chapter is an attempt at destroying any pessimism, please do keep it coming! :mon lol:

Merry Christmas Estrea

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Re: Destiny Love [12/25 - Cinderella Complex]
« Reply #41 on: December 25, 2009, 01:16:26 PM »
What a way to multitask


"Oh so you finally decide to stop being one of the guys and remember you're a girl?

OMG  :lol:

She must really be tired. Reina mused as she fussed over the older girl, helping her out of the wet coat and practically helping to dry her with a towel. Ai, for her part, had her eyes half closed, blissfully letting Reina take care of her.

Cute to imagine

they ended up on top of a hill

Reminds me of the camel damn  :lol: sorry

It's the thought that counts  :yep:

Offline peti-chan

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Re: Destiny Love [12/25 - Cinderella Complex]
« Reply #42 on: December 25, 2009, 01:24:32 PM »
Honestly, that's the best Christmas present I could get! XD

I really like Reina's gang, they are all damn cool :twisted: And Reina thinking about Ai 24/7 XD Yankii in love is so adorable :wub:

And way to go Ai! That's the Ai I like! Rain or earthquake, nothing is gonna stop her from keeping her promise :twothumbs This 5 min doesn't really matter :P After all, they were just in time to see the meteor shower which by the way, was such an awesome romantic moment :heart: 

Merry Christmas to You~~  :mon santa2:

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Re: Destiny Love [12/25 - Cinderella Complex]
« Reply #43 on: December 25, 2009, 03:46:31 PM »
SO CUTE!!!!!!!  :inlove:

Poor kitten,  :( her parents being so busy, but at least she has good friends, especially Ai.  :yep:

Ai is the best~ Being so tired but making sure to be there for Reina. I love how Reina just places the present down and takes care of Ai. The meteor shower, even though it was raining is adorable too~  :wub: Too adorable for words!

This just made my Christmas!  :D

Merry Christmas Essy~  :heart:

-hugs- Now all you have to do is write more~ teehee  :grin:

Offline kame_eririn

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Re: Destiny Love [12/25 - Cinderella Complex]
« Reply #44 on: December 25, 2009, 05:17:50 PM »

It was veryvery very very very very beautiful and nice!!!! I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bow:

I like it when Reina thinks too much about so sweet!!!!  :wub:

And when Ai take Reina to see the meteor shower  :heart: KYA!!! I thought I could die for the sweetness !!! :mon lovelaff:

I want moreeeeee!!!  :luvluv1:

HAPPY REINAI CHRISTMAS!!!!!!  :mon santa3:

Offline Retro Bubble

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Re: Destiny Love [12/25 - Cinderella Complex]
« Reply #45 on: December 25, 2009, 06:25:39 PM »
OHMIGOSH! Awesomely cute Christmas present! Thanks a bunch, Estrea, and Merry Christmas to you, too. :heart:

It's just absolutely adorable, and somewhat bittersweet, how Reina couldn't take her mind off of the absent Aichan during her birthday. But, of course, Aichan makes it up by dragging her out to see the meteor shower, being gosh darn romantic and all. Who cares if she missed Reina's actual birthday? At least she showed up, and that's pretty much what all Reina wanted. Warm fuzzies!

It strikes me just how different both girls (mainly Aichan) are in this story. A lot must've happened that lead up to Nanchatte Ren'ai.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2009, 06:35:56 PM by Retro Bubble »

Offline amEthystx

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Re: Destiny Love [12/25 - Cinderella Complex]
« Reply #46 on: December 25, 2009, 08:51:27 PM »
Why are you anticipating the bad parts?!
- traumatize by you~  XD

OHhhhhhh~ Ai is so sweeeeeeeeeet.........*melt*

Doesn't matter she miss it by 5min or not..its the thought~ Even forgot to remove her stage makeup..she probably look like a weirdo with such thick make-up on the train..LOL~

Anyway..Merry Christmas to you too~ =]

 :mon bat:

p.s: I'm starting to read All Aboard now~ XD
« Last Edit: December 25, 2009, 09:45:47 PM by amEthystx »

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Destiny Love [12/25 - Cinderella Complex]
« Reply #47 on: December 25, 2009, 10:16:55 PM »
 :bow: :bow:

EDIT: Okay, I'm back after my crappy comment. Reina's already so taken with Ai and she doesn't even realize it and it seems that Ai is the same way. Watching the meteor shower is so romantic. :wub: :wub:

And no beans were hurt in the making of this chapter...
« Last Edit: December 26, 2009, 08:36:00 AM by rndmnwierd »

Offline Saikami

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Re: Destiny Love [12/25 - Cinderella Complex]
« Reply #48 on: January 03, 2010, 08:04:58 PM »
I had NO clue there was an update with me being busy with holiday stuff and all :angry: But, at least I read it now, right? :D

First of all: AWWW :heart: :wub: Reina is so lucky to have Aichan. <3 It makes me giddy, seriously. XD

I do feel bad for Reina's friends though. :/ They tried to give her a happy birthday, I wonder how they feel after being ditched? Especially Yabara, he seemed to be trying extra hard. :cry:

But I do understand why she left them, sometimes when you're expecting a certain thing to happen, and it doesn't, then you just lose all ambition to do anything fun and just wanna sit and sulk because nothing seems to be able to distract you from thinking about it. o: But it was SO cute that Ai showed up, even if she was unknowingly late (but, that was just funny :lol: ) The meteor shower is mucho adorable! <3 So many warm and fuzzies in this fic. :wub:
[All hail AiButt! Sig by Dinny!]

Offline Estrea

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Re: Destiny Love [12/25 - Cinderella Complex]
« Reply #49 on: January 06, 2010, 06:29:24 PM »
I'm back! Sorry about the extended delay in updating. I was busy, and then I went into depressed mode for a while, which made writing this difficult since I didn't want to contaminate with the emo. Yup. But I'm back! Comment replies first.

Yuuyami: zomg you commented! Thanks for the picture. :heart: Very OOC though. :P

kurosawa87: Yeah she has great (?) timing. :lol: Thanks.

Fen: It's not yet Christmas in the timeline for the story, but yes, she would want the same for Christmas. Hehe. And yes it's cute that Ai tried so hard. :heart: And i hate you, you know that? :heart: :P

Ore-Baka: Yankii Reina for the win! And thanks for the support. :D

Sukoshi: Cuddly is always good. :heart: And I see you've also been traumatized by taxis...don't worry, no death-by-taxi shall occur in an Essy fic! Rest assured! Since I torture them in other ways generally... Ahem! And yes I shall continue with the fluff run for now. XD

kRisZ: Always the thought that counts, And Reina knows it too! :heart:

peti-chan: Yankii in love is always cute. :D Too bad they weren't already a couple during the meteor shower scene, since it would have been so easy to get them to kiss right there. Oh well. XD

Kitami: ReinAi is great. :heart: I love this pair. And I'm glad I brightened up your Christmas! And why does everyone keep bugging me for more. >_>

kame_eririn:  Yes Reina-vision is adorable. She does it again this chapter too. :D

Retro Bubble: Yup, Reina just wanted Ai to show up, which she did! Happy endings all round! :heart: And yeah, I guess it's obvious how they're both so different before things changed. XD It's amazing sometimes. But you know....circumstances...

baby sticky: Yeah she looked weird on the train. Too bad she was too occupied over whether she would make it in time to notice all the strange looks. :P And why are you reading that?! D:

rndmn: They're both idiots, which is why they don't notice right at first. XD It's gonna take more than a push, shove and  a kick before they realize they actually like each other that way. And yes meteor shower is romantic. XD And obviously, your top priority would be bean protection...wanna get a PPO for the bean against me? :P

Saiks: Yeah Reina is so lucky to have Aichan. :heart: I feel bad for her friends too, but eh, I've done shit like that myself. Lol. And yes, Ai's accidental lateness was funny when I thought of it, and I'm glad you feel the same! Warm and fuzziness hurrah! Oh and I forgive you for missing the update, you can go yell at Kitami for not telling you. :P

Ok time to edit and post. Wait for it!


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- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

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- Everything Else. Too many to list.

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Offline Saikami

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Re: Destiny Love [12/25 - Cinderella Complex]
« Reply #50 on: January 06, 2010, 06:30:56 PM »
[All hail AiButt! Sig by Dinny!]

Offline Estrea

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Re: Destiny Love [12/25 - Cinderella Complex]
« Reply #51 on: January 06, 2010, 06:38:39 PM »
Fools in Love

Sprawled comfortably on the beaten couch, Reina looked perfectly at home in the small apartment she was currently in. A wet towel remained draped around her neck and shoulders, her hair still damp and tousled after a shower.

She was not currently at home, obviously. The size of the hall at her house was bigger than the apartment itself. Alright, perhaps she was exaggerating a little, but it came close.

This was Ai's place, somewhere she came by very often, and currently the owner was taking her time in the bathroom. They had worked out an arrangement once Reina had started sleeping over more regularly: Reina always got the bathroom first. The reason was simple. Ai took forever in the bathroom, and Reina often wondered why anyone would waste that much time soaking in a bathtub when a good shower could get the dirt off as effectively.

As usual, Reina had one hand on the remote control for the television, though she wasn't really bent on watching it. She just liked having it on to create some ambient noise. Her other hand cradled a camera possessively, in a way that Ai had teased as having been glued to her hand.

The camera was a precious gift, of course. Reina had been overjoyed when she unwrapped her birthday present from Ai; the older girl having noticed her obsession with photography and given her a Polaroid camera, along with several rolls of film. Because of that, Reina had recently begun creating a photo album just for the two of them, since her new favorite subject was obviously one Takahashi Ai. After witnessing what she had unwittingly unleashed, Ai had only one thing to say.

"Well, darn."

Reina could only smirk to herself at the memory of Ai's resigned expression. In fact, she had gotten a fairly good shot of that as well. The yankii did have some good reflexes.

Twiddling her toes in boredom, Reina flipped through the channels restlessly, her eyes occasionally flicking towards the clock to check its interminably slow progress. Not for the first time, she wondered if Ai had drowned in the tub.

Deciding to give Ai another 5 more minutes before she went to pound at the door, Reina idly toyed with her towel, before scrutinizing her nails. She always liked it when Ai helped her decorate her nails. It was always nice when Ai paid attention to her. The dinner they spent together earlier was wonderful as well, given that Ai had chosen to accompany her instead of going out with the rest of the cast of the play. Today had been the final day, and Reina had been present within the audience. Granted, arthouse productions had never been a strong point of interest for the younger girl, but she wanted to show her support for Ai.

The more Reina got to know Ai, the more of the older girl's little quirks showed up. Some were cute, though some were a little annoying. Reina had no idea why Ai had a predominantly black wardrobe. It needed more pink. And purple. Basically, brighter colors. Reina had been attempting to get Ai to try more daring styles, with little success. Not that she was about to give up though.

And then there was her obsession with history and video games. At first the rambles about Nobunaga and the Edo period were interesting, but after the third time or so, Reina could feel her eyes glazing over at a subject she had little interest in. She humored Ai though, and injected witty remarks to make the older girl either laugh or pout.

The video game thing was annoying to some degree though. It took Ai away from her. She had playfully called Ai an otaku on more than one occasion, even as Ai vehemently denied the accusation (while cradling her DS like a baby, which kind of invalidated her claim). Nevertheless, Ai did take time to spend time with Reina, though there were times when Reina had popped in for a surprise visit only to see Ai obviously occupied by her amusements and reluctant to go anywhere else. It took lots of pouting, sulking, and whining on Reina's part to get Ai to even consider ditching her game and going out on a whim. Ai always did like her activities planned out beforehand, though with Reina's company she had become slightly more spontaneous. Just a little, but even that little was a vast improvement.

All that extended musing about Ai wore away the requisite 5 minutes in no time at all. Bouncing off the couch, Reina happily made her way to the bathroom, prepared to pound the door down (and not for the first time). Before her hand landed on the door though, she paused.

Reina never liked being too predictable. She had already done the whole "Get out of there before you shrivel up!" routine several times before, and wanted to try something new. The tiny little gears in the wonky eyed girl's head turned, and without really thinking about it, her hand fell to the knob of the door and turned.

It could have been locked. In that case, Reina would have had little choice but to fall back on the good old plan of yelling through the door. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, it wasn't. Reina all but fell over the threshold and into the bathroom.

Nearly tripping on her own feet, Reina's first instinct was to save her camera, clutching it protectively before even attempting to regain her balance. She did manage to ungracefully tumble against one wall before leaning against it to prop herself up again.

The scramble startled the original occupant of the bathroom, who very nearly dropped what she was holding into the water.

"Reina!" Ai sounded scandalised, though a quick check of her expression would reveal that she was clearly more annoyed over nearly dropping her DS into the water rather than Reina barging in.

"Ah I'm sor--" Reina started to apologize as she regained her footing and looked up. Then she stopped. Her cheeks reddened considerably. Ai blinked back at her, unperturbed.

"Is there something wrong?"

"N-nothing!" Reina spluttered, looking all around her, suddenly finding the tiles and ceiling of the bathroom to be of immeasurable fascination. Her cheeks were stained a bright crimson, and she fidgeted around awkwardly, like a child caught with her hand still in the cookie jar. Suddenly, Reina wished that the towel she still had around her neck would just cover her entire head right now and save her the embarrassment.

The reason for Reina's panic was obvious (except to Ai, who was still oblivious). For the less perverted, it can be simply put together in few bulleted points.

1) Ai was taking a bath
2) She was sitting in the bathtub to play her DS
3) The water was only at waist level

The rest can be left to a normal imagination. Reina wanted to bury herself headfirst in the nearest hole, while Ai wondered why Reina was acting so strangely. Oddly, for someone as naturally shy as Ai was, she showed absolutely no awkwardness about Reina walking in on her naked in the bath. If asked, she would undoubtedly say that it was because they were both girls, and that she trusted Reina. Reina, however, was in no shape to ask or even wonder why Ai was completely unbothered by her presence.

"Reina, are you sure you're ok? Your nose is bleeding..." Ai definitely sounded concerned now. She started to climb out of the tub, and Reina's brain came very close to shorting out as she smothered her own face (and the bleeding orifice) with the towel and beat a quick retreat, nearly falling over in her haste. The door slammed shut after her, and Ai heard an "itai!" that was preceded by a very loud thud.

The last thing a dazed Reina saw was a still dripping Ai wrapped in a towel kneeling by her side, before she passed out from the bump to her head.



Reina winced as she cracked her eyes open. The first blurry image reflected into her eyes made her jerk back reflexively, nearly whacking said person in the face.

"Reina? Are you ok?" Ai leaned in, making Reina's cheeks redden again from the proximity, but Ai simply checked Reina's temperature by touching her forehead to Reina's.

"I was so worried..." Ai murmured. Reina lowered her eyes guiltily, then yanked her eyes away just as quickly. Having Ai seated by her side dressed in only a bathrobe was still too much for her right now. Granted, she knew she shouldn't have overreacted to seeing that, since they were both girls. But still...

"You shouldn't have run out like that. What if you really hurt yourself?" Ai scolded her, or tried to. It was obvious that Ai was still too worried to be truly angry, and in any case, her tone was too gentle and caring to hold much barb. That did not take away the sting of truth in her words though, and Reina bit her lip, hanging her head.

"I'm sorry..." Reina mumbled, looking rightfully ashamed of herself. Ai sighed at the repentant look on Reina's face, fondly running a hand through Reina's tousled locks.

"Do you want to tell me why you freaked out just now?" Reina winced. That was the last thing she wanted Ai to ask her right now. Ai watched her expectantly, and Reina grumbled under her breath, averting her eyes to avoid direct eye contact.

"...not fair..." Was all Ai could catch from Reina's muttering. She arched an eyebrow, prodding Reina speculatively in the side, earning a short squeak from the younger girl. Reina glared back at her waiting senior, clearly reluctant to answer.

"Because of you." Ai blinked.

"What did I do?" Reina pouted childishly.

"Why are you so much bigger than me?!" To emphasize her point, she jabbed at the center of Ai's chest, making Ai blush and pull back a little.

"I-i-it's not, I'm n-not, it's just r-really..." Ai stuttered incoherently, caught offguard by Reina's revelation. Reina sulked, folding her arms indignantly.

"And I can't believe you bring your games into the bathroom!" On a roll now, Reina successfully pushed away the topic of her awkward reaction to seeing Ai's naked state and moved on to the less inflammatory subject of gaming.

"I just wanted to clear another level!" Ai replied just as indignantly, her lips unconsciously forming into a pout. To look on this two right now, one would vividly see the childishness with which they were conducting themselves at the moment.

The flashpoint of the evening was successfully averted as they descended into the much safer territory of childish squabbles, which eventually led to a tickle fight, lots of squealing, before both sides called a truce. It would be a routine faithfully seen to for still some time to come, given that neither side were ready for any more "adult" confrontations.

Then again, they might not always have a choice in the matter.


Ah, young love...


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

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- Everything Else. Too many to list.

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Offline Saikami

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Re: Destiny Love [01/07 - Fools in Love]
« Reply #52 on: January 06, 2010, 07:00:14 PM »
First post~ woo~

These two are so cute. :heart: I love that you added in Ai gaming in the tub, so geeky/cute/sexy! :drool: Poor Reina though, having to wait all alone, bored while Ai soaks in the tub trying to get to the next level. Speaking of her playing her DS. I'm very disappointed in you :smhid You never said what color it was :P

I also thought it was really cute that Ai got Reina a camera. :heart: It's so fitting, Reina is a little camwhore XD And she can take lots of pictures of her Aichan now. :heart:

I totally :lol: ed at Reina getting a nosebleed. Don't worry Reina-sama! I would have, too! :mon bleed2:

Poor Reina, jealous because she lacks a decent sized chest. :lol: Don't worry Reina, I still love you and your small boobs. :wub:

Maybe if Reina gets bored, she can join Ai in the tub? :twisted:

Write more ^_^
[All hail AiButt! Sig by Dinny!]

Offline peti-chan

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Re: Destiny Love [01/07 - Fools in Love]
« Reply #53 on: January 06, 2010, 07:36:55 PM »
:lol: :lol: :lol: That was epic!

Reina got a nosebleed! :mon blood: I can identify myself with her :lol: But honestly, it was a crazy idea to just go in like that XD

And Ai just caring about her DS :lol: Man, she is an addict XD

The funniest and cutest thing about them is that they are both so clueless about their feelings XD And on one hand, you want to shake them, shouting "Dammit, fools! Can’t you see that? you love each other!" but on the other, you want to leave it like that and just sympathetically smile to yourself, watching as they live in their unawareness and as the tension builds between them XD

Ai buying Reina a camera was a nail to her own coffin XD She got herself a private paparazzi :mon cam: Go Reina! Get some nice shots! :twothumbs

And there is still so many things before them :roll: I can't wait :D

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Destiny Love [01/07 - Fools in Love]
« Reply #54 on: January 06, 2010, 09:16:37 PM »
I see you were quite influenced by last week's Pocket Morning Weekly question.  :lol: Ah, Ai in the bathtub :drool: Other than that.
The camera
XD Reina.
her DS
Ai  XD

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Re: Destiny Love [01/07 - Fools in Love]
« Reply #55 on: January 06, 2010, 10:27:54 PM »

I TOTALLY LOVED IT!!! :mon lovelaff:

Today I was so angry and depressed, but this totally kill my bad mood!!! kyaaa!!

It seems like all of us will react like Reina to a sexy Ai-chan in the bathtub  :on bleed: :bath:

And I think I could perfectly die right there.  :imdead:

Well, what more can I say? This chapter was perfect!!  :mon roll:

I KNOW I HAVE TO WAIT, BUT.....I WANT MORE REINAI!!!!!!!!!  :mon pray2:

Offline Retro Bubble

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Re: Destiny Love [01/07 - Fools in Love]
« Reply #56 on: January 07, 2010, 12:36:01 AM »
This chapter is a bit more sexy with the mention of Aichan "all nude" in the bathtub and the water only going up to waist-level. :on bleed:

But, as usual, it was mostly cute and absolute fluff. :heart:

:lol: at Aichan caring more about her DS dropping into the water than the intruder who unintentionally caught sight of her hawt bod. If I was in her place, I'd probably be the same, 'cause I seriously cannot risk getting any of my beloved handheld electronic devices fall into the water and ultimately get broken; but then again, why would I take them with me in the bath? I'd take them somewhere less hazardous, lol.

The bit with Reina nosebleeding had me lol'ing as well. It totally reminded me of the time when I was looking through some Aichan pictures, sneezed, and got blood all over the monitor. So disgusting -- I probably shouldn't have shared it -- but it was SO ironic, lmao.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2010, 04:23:14 AM by Retro Bubble »

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Re: Destiny Love [01/07 - Fools in Love]
« Reply #57 on: January 07, 2010, 01:36:33 AM »
And why does everyone keep bugging me for more. >_>

Because you and your stories are amazing :D
Poor Reina having to wait so long for Aichan, but Aichan is geekily playing her video games  :heart: Though I would most likely be in Reina's position in this one  :sweatdrop:

Reina's nosebleed  :lol: But how could you not when you walk in on Aichan waist deep in the bath... :drool:

Its sad that Reina got hurt though  :( Aichan should have kissed her head and made it better, thats what i would do :D

And its ok Reina small boobs are better, they don't get in the way  XD

and again, more please~ because we love you~  :heart: :wub: :heart:

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Re: Destiny Love [01/07 - Fools in Love]
« Reply #58 on: January 07, 2010, 06:15:51 AM »
I know you love me! :P

Ah the shower or bath pocket morning! So nice to see that integrated into this chapter. hehehe Ai and her love of video games. Although I would have thought it would have been the PSP that she would have brought into the bath instead of the DS, but both would work either way. :lol: Speaking of PSP, I really should finish playing Dissidia. XD I'm so behind.

Ai truly dug her own grave when she got Reina that camera. Good thing Reina was too busy nosebleeding to take a picture of a very hawt naked Ai. hahaha

I must agree:

Ah, young love~

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Re: Destiny Love [01/07 - Fools in Love]
« Reply #59 on: January 07, 2010, 06:19:10 AM »
Reina's image of Ai in the bathtub hehe :D
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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