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Author Topic: (Group) T-ara (티아라)  (Read 798773 times)

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Re: (Group) T-ara (티아라)
« Reply #1460 on: August 02, 2012, 04:16:17 AM »
I think the nature of this business is probably the biggest problem here. Image is everything. They all have to portray a spotless image. Even the stupidest little thing gets these people to completely blow up on you...they can't even be in relationships without tarnishing their image, they can't dislike anything, they can't step out of line at all. Not only does that shit probably wear on you, but it's an even bigger shock when something that would otherwise be trivial gets out...all that secrecy just leads to more secrecy and more and more of what we see is one big fat lie, no matter how innocent it might seem...

That's so true, and it's so stupid!!! I don't understand the culture of fans over there. I would LOVE IT if the artists were just themselves and we could just like them for who they really are, rather than get fed these unrealistic images and then be disappointed when their true selves turn out to be really different.

I've heard that Big Bang, for instance, is quite open about who they are for the most part. They're known to party hard and drink and cuss (except Daesung who is said to be very religious and quite a good boy). GD is known to be quite the ladies man when he's hanging out. I couldn't care less! I like knowing they're like that rather than hiding behind squeaky clean images. I'm not saying I'd like idols to be bad boys and girls XD Just themselves, whatever that is.

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Re: (Group) T-ara (티아라)
« Reply #1461 on: August 02, 2012, 06:00:09 AM »
IMO, T-ARA should just leave the company and maybe join another? Staying with KKS wont help them at all. Though with the horrible rumors going around now, that may be hard ):

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Re: (Group) T-ara (티아라)
« Reply #1462 on: August 02, 2012, 11:18:34 AM »
IMO, T-ARA should just leave the company and maybe join another? Staying with KKS wont help them at all. Though with the horrible rumors going around now, that may be hard ):

it's not so much that the rumors or their current image would hinder a move like that, it's the binding legal contracts they sign that keep them under the control of these corporations. CCM/KKS owns the right's to the name "T-ara" as well as all the songs. If they quit they'd have nothing and would be liable to legal action taken against them.

There's a fine line between keeping your company in profit margins and being the dictator of a leader like KKS is made out to be. Let it be clear though that this is NOT a defense of KKS lol. Like Dio said, the nature of the business itself is partially to blame for this. Pop, in relation to other genre's of music, is one of the more expensive forms of entertainment to produce. There's an old saying, "if you want to dance, you gotta pay the band." The amount of people that need to get paid in order for us to see them walk onto a stage or perform in a MV is remarkable. Choreographers, seamstresses, hairdressers, make-up artists, designers, producers, editors, technicians, song writers, back-up dancers, food costs, housing if they are doing the dorming thing, and managers who all have salaries/wages/costs. Glitzy stage designs, light shows, and even pyrotechnics at large enough venues are very costly and these all go into maintaining that certain image that is being portrayed.

At the end of the day these groups end up overworked and underpaid in order for the company at large to pull a profit big enough to stay in business except for the rare outlier like SNSD, who happen to be a rare outlier because they have transcended music and gone on to TV and other things which is apparently(and admittedly, because they were interviewed about it once) where they make the bulk of their income. So, as fans we have a certain amount of responsibility to shoulder because we are the purchasers of this wonky product that leaves little profit and little rest for the people we really end up caring about. If I could make a ridiculous analogy, the slave trade could've been stopped by the masses if the people decided at once not to buy slaves anymore. Without a means of profit, business would fail. This is of course easier said than done and I realize this of course... rallying the troops across the k-pop community under one general and then organizing some sort of peoples revolt is unprecedented and, quite frankly, a pipe dream. But my point about the fans taking some responsibility should still stand. I suppose this all begs the question, "well, what are we supposed to do then? you were talking a lot but you didn't really say anything." At least that's the question that came to mind when I re-read my post lol. Prepare yourself for an honest answer. If I've learned anything from Sociology class, it's that lasting change can only occur from within the very system one wishes to change unless you get enough people to burn it down and start over and I certainly don't suggest or condone the latter. If we REALLY want Pop music without any ethical baggage we're going to have to pool our money together and create some sort of cooperative business and start from the bottom up or find some benevolent millionaire who happens to loveee pop music. Sound crazy? Well this is how businesses begin aside from saving up money or getting a loan from the bank. Then we'd be able to treat our hypothetical trainee's/idols the way we saw fit. Otherwise, we're just going to have to deal with the 500 pound elephant in the room and/or play the "ignorance is bliss" card.

Frankly, I'm ready to just forget all this Hwayoung/KKS stuff ever happened and do the robot when they release their next single :P
« Last Edit: August 03, 2012, 12:56:27 AM by Forthisgift »

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Re: (Group) T-ara (티아라)
« Reply #1463 on: August 02, 2012, 11:58:46 PM »
Hmm, many good and interesting points there, Forthisgift. I wonder though, is there really nothing that the girls themselves can do to "escape" if the case was that they are being very affected by their company? I don't know a lot about the k-pop history but I remember when some time ago KARA came out with complains about their CEO. I honestly can't remember well how that ended up, but as far as I recall, it seemed they could've easily won their case if they were united in their complain. Iirc, the thing got messy because some of the members backed out and suddenly it was 1 or 2 of the girls against the company. I dunno. Remembering that case really makes me hopeful that if T-ara or any other girl group were really being badly affected by the CEO then they could DO something about it. Then again, there's that rumor that KKS has "dirt" on all his artists, so if that's true then everything is way more complicated  :dizzy:

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Re: (Group) T-ara (티아라)
« Reply #1464 on: August 03, 2012, 12:42:20 AM »
I don't know what Contract Law is like in Korea to be honest with you. But in the US what someone can do, if they feel a contract they are under is oppressive or anything like that, is bring the contractor to court for a fundamental breach of contract. If proven, the contract is terminated and you can even sue for damages. With anything in the legal system, it's a long and arduous, and even expensive process. Any corporation worth it's salt keeps their own team of lawyers on staff that are MORE than familiar with Contract Law as well as other Entertainment related subjects. After all, these are the people that write up the contracts in the first place lol. I don't doubt that this is why KARA backed off after awhile. It's folly to try and fight a case like that. In this situation I think it's best to be at the Devil's side then in His path and just ride out the remainder of the contract. Speaking of which, SNSD's contracts are almost up and I'm curious what they're going to do.

Regarding the rumor that KKS has dirt on all his artists... if blackmail is against the law in Korea(I can't imagine that it isn't) then this rumor isn't worth thinking about for another second.

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Offline Rei-chan

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Re: (Group) T-ara (티아라)
« Reply #1465 on: August 03, 2012, 04:59:10 AM »
I didn't know about the different member versions of JPN. Roly Poly or I just didn't pay attention lol

[T-ara - Roly Poly Japanese Hwayoung Ver.]

best version tbh

Does anyone know where to find the Qri solo version of the Roly Poly japanese MV?  I found all others except that one lol

I didn't know these existed either! They're fun to watch XD

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Re: (Group) T-ara (티아라)
« Reply #1466 on: August 03, 2012, 06:04:22 AM »
Has anyone seen this? this person went out of their way to disprove the evidence of bullying in various videos and screencaps. Just shows how easily netizens can take things out of context and make people look bad.

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Re: (Group) T-ara (티아라)
« Reply #1467 on: August 03, 2012, 09:10:09 AM »
 good guy hyotheleader...thanks for clearing that up... :D
like this one especially ...prove how actually they didnt bully and love the younger one... :twothumbs

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Re: (Group) T-ara (티아라)
« Reply #1468 on: August 03, 2012, 10:50:37 AM »
So I remember shirenu mentioning this booty shaking dance from one of the Star Life theater episodes and while I was watching that episode I figured out what that booty shaking was for. It's for their "like the first time" (처음처럼) performance/routine, as you can see @2:25.

And all this bullying talk over the past couple of days reminded me of when T-ara cameo-ed on God of Study and picked on Jiyeon. If you never seen the drama here's the clip XD

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Re: (Group) T-ara (티아라)
« Reply #1469 on: August 03, 2012, 02:26:46 PM »
@ booty shaking dance: HOLY CRAP I should've known it would be that song because that song is such porn. Not even kidding. But eeyyyhh Jiyeon's dancing position has changed since cuz I clearly remember seeing her butt next to centre :lol:


OK a 30 Day Challenge was started in the 2ne1 thread and I thought... Wouldn't something like that be perfect for distracting ourselves momentarily from all the T-ara drama?

Even if T-ara somehow broke up during the next 30 days (god I hope not), it'd be worth taking a look back at the good days of the fandom.

Anyway, as I was looking for a challenge to do, I learned that there isn't one for T-ara yet. So I MADE MY OWN!! :fap

How this works - Just do what you want with these questions, but please don't post several times in a row solo if someone hasn't posted in between.
Generally people post an answer to one 'question' a day, in the tumblr way. But a forum is a different sort of medium, so you're really free to do it how you like, or not do it at all. And you can start late, I don't care. :lol:

A lot of this is basically giving excuses to post videos or pictures, although I think there is room for babbling as well. :P I love babbling...

The 30 Day T-ara Challenge

1. Your favourite T-ara member and why.
2. Your favourite T-ara song.
3. A favourite performance.
4. Your favourite T-ara group picture.
5. A T-ara song that makes you want to dance.
6. A T-ara song that you find cool.
7. A favourite performance from your favourite member. (aka, doesn't have to be T-ara, but could be)
8. Something you like about your least favourite member.
9. A T-ara album/b-side song that you wish was officially promoted.*
10. Your favourite fancam of a performance.
11. Your favourite dancer in T-ara.
12. Your favourite rapper in T-ara.
13. Your favourite singing voice in T-ara.
14. Your favourite T-ara choreography.
15. The T-ara member whose personal style you like and why.
16. Your second favourite T-ara member and why.
17. Your third favourite T-ara member and why.
18. Something you would change about T-ara.
19. A picture of your favourite T-ara pairing.
20. A hot T-ara picture featuring any member(s).
21. The prettiest T-ara member without make-up/with little make-up.
22. Best legs in T-ara.
23. Your favourite T-ara selca.
24. Your favourite variety show with T-ara or a T-ara member.
25. A cute T-ara moment.
26. Your favourite T-ara music video.
27. One sentence you'd like to say to each member.
28. The member you think you could have a successful (fun, interesting) date with and why.
29. Your first memory of T-ara.
30. Why do you love T-ara?

* This was originally 'wish had a music video' but I was really after giving the song special spotlight promotionwise, not the seizure inducing MVs lol
« Last Edit: August 03, 2012, 10:58:45 PM by shirenu »
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Re: (Group) T-ara (티아라)
« Reply #1470 on: August 03, 2012, 03:44:32 PM »
Day one Favorite member park jiyeon becoz her cold expression is the best..and pretty cute when she get mad and might resolve to hit others (not in a harmful way but funny way) hahaa  :P
plus she a big many of those are my traits ..l :lol: :P

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Re: (Group) T-ara (티아라)
« Reply #1471 on: August 03, 2012, 05:28:19 PM »
1. Your favourite T-ara member and why.


I didn't really know T-Ara until I started watching Invincible Youth and finding Hyomin but it was only Hyomin I cared about so though I listened more to T-Ara's music, I was pretty blank on everyone else. When it was made known that a new member was to be added, I admit, I was pretty skeptical of it but I wasn't against it so I just waited to see how it would play out.

Hwayoung had probably like 5 secs to showcase her rapping in WAYLT and some small solo shots but that was enough for me to like her apparently; Hello Baby just proved it even more with how she handled the kids, she was relatively quiet throughout the whole show but I think that really appealed to me for some reason, after that I started giving more attention to T-Ara by actually watching their shows and tv appearances etc..

So fast forward to Cry Cry and suddenly explosion in my heart, I already thought Hwayoung was pretty but cutting her hair was like a extreme eye-opener (for everyone it seems) then Hwayoung starts being all goofy and funny on camera and somehow she completely took over as my favorite T-Ara girl and possibly my favorite KPOP idol.

In short, I love this goofball.

Offline Rei-chan

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Re: (Group) T-ara (티아라)
« Reply #1472 on: August 03, 2012, 08:45:05 PM »
Has anyone seen this? this person went out of their way to disprove the evidence of bullying in various videos and screencaps. Just shows how easily netizens can take things out of context and make people look bad.

Thanks for posting that! So relieving in terms of the girls' relationship. I'm still agains their management, but this makes me feel okay enough with T-ara again to participate in the 30-day challenge XD

1. Your favourite T-ara member and why.

Although I haven't been a huge T-ara fan, I liked Eunjung the most. She just catches my attention, no deep reasons XD  I also liked her a lot in Dream High, even though she became so evil after a few eps.

I started watching their Hello Baby eps recently, and that show tends to really make me choose a solid fave, so I'll update my choice if necessary  :lol:


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Re: (Group) T-ara (티아라)
« Reply #1473 on: August 03, 2012, 10:20:19 PM »
1. Your favourite T-ara member and why.


it's her mannerisms like this that always endeared me to her. She's. just. so. CUTE. XD I just look at her and I want to squeeze her and love her forever. Marry me please?

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Re: (Group) T-ara (티아라)
« Reply #1474 on: August 03, 2012, 10:45:15 PM »
Ok, this took me way too long to decide. My "favorite" changes often...hell, it's like a parent trying to choose their favorite child...nearly impossible! (or so they say. I have it on good authority that I'm the unanimous favorite, but that's neither here nor there...)

Anyway I decided, if not just because Jiyeon, Hyomin, and Eunjung get enough love for a lifetime, I'm going to go withhhh

1. Your favorite T-ara member and why
Soyeon :P

Soyeon's always kinda felt like the "leader" to me. Every single concept she fuckin' NAILS, and every time she's on stage she completely owns it. Every single close up shot she gets she works the camera like a GOD. This, and her voice practically defines "T-ara's sound". I really started liking her even more when I saw her on the various reality shows (especially 100 points out of 100). She always has this "keeping it real" kinda attitude about everything. She's funny, she doesn't seem to take everything too seriously, and she's, for lack of a better word, a BAWSSS (Rick Ross voice.)

Oh yeah, of course I can't forget that she's cute/sexy/beautiful/whatever other similar adjectives you can think of. Dat cupid's bow <3
No longer El Brandinator on Minus. No Longer all All T-ara all the time. All love tho.

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Re: (Group) T-ara (티아라)
« Reply #1475 on: August 03, 2012, 10:54:17 PM »
1. Your favourite T-ara member and why.

This bitch

(lol is it too soon)

Why is Jiyeon my favourite? Maybe because she's so complex and unique. Or just because I find her the most attractive. :sweatdrop:

It's so easy to look at her and expect the worst from her. But in getting to know her better, I've just come to think that she must be one of the most misunderstood Kpop idols out there right now. :lol: She doesn't warm up to people quickly and when she does, her friendships are of the teasing type where she burns those that she loves the most. She's the unruly 'maknae' who dares to go her own way because she trusts her fellow T-ara members to forgive her even if she tries to steal their belongings or eats their food, all in the name of entertainment. It's all a game to her, and a funny one at that. The beauty of it all is that I think it's a combination of her real personality and a genius idol personality. She has her own character just the same as Momoko Tsugunaga's Momochi or Rika Ishikawa's Charmy, only Jiyeon's doesn't have a catchphrase and hers is that childish strange girl you should never, ever send on her own to quickly fetch you a drink if you are thirsty :3

I find her absolutely beautiful and I also adore her gentle, husky singing voice. I'm completely charmed by these qualities.

She's also the one who's often waving to fans smiling & being playful - people can link some videos where she's looking uninterested, but a hundred videos/pictures of her being cute and cheerful can be found to challenge each one of those.

I can tell you, my first impression about Jiyeon was HORRIBLE and I could've easily interpreted everything I saw since to be proof of how awful she is. But in the end, the opposite happened.

I think that she fits the bitch/villain role very well, but I don't think she is one in reality, as much as some people would like to think that she is...

Anyway, this ended up being a bit of a defensive speech, but I've read a lot of horrible things about her recently, and even IU lol. Basically someone says "I heard rumours that they are bitches" and someone replies "I knew it! I never liked Jiyeon/IU in the first place! Grr what bitches!" and I just think... THERE IS SOMETHING FLAWED IN THIS LOGIC... IN FACT... THERE IS NO LOGIC AT ALL. lol And then someone brings up her stripping scandal that she did 4-6 years ago (which is a lifetime in teen years), like nobody else ever in the history of time has done anything stupid on the Internet as a teenager. It does make me feel defensive, but I also know it's no use in talking to people who only want to see the worst in someone. So I just babble here.

Either way, this girl is the biggest reason why I can't give up on T-ara. I just care about her too much, even if I can't really get anything in return :D

Here is one of my favourite Jiyeon faces, the "oop, someone got done goofed" expression 8)

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Re: (Group) T-ara (티아라)
« Reply #1476 on: August 04, 2012, 03:03:06 AM »
So I remember shirenu mentioning this booty shaking dance from one of the Star Life theater episodes and while I was watching that episode I figured out what that booty shaking was for. It's for their "like the first time" (처음처럼) performance/routine, as you can see @2:25.
I easily recognized it for 1) it's one of my favorite T-ara songs and 2) it's actually one of my favorite parts of the dance. XD
And all this bullying talk over the past couple of days reminded me of when T-ara cameo-ed on God of Study and picked on Jiyeon. If you never seen the drama here's the clip XD
The clip's gone now but I remember it. There's no way T-ara are bullies when they can't keep a straight face acting like ones. On the parts where they chase Jiyeon you can see some of them laughing. :lol:

Yay, I wanna join in on this 30 Day Challenge too! :D

1. Your favourite T-ara member and why.

I love this version too XD

Hyomin can be such a dork (ie. Invincible Youth) but I really love her for her artistic talents, her ability to take awesome selcas, her huge camera collection. She's also a great singer and rapper. It's funny though cuz in the beginning she was always compared to looking a little like SNSD's Jessica but I don't like Jessica as much. lol :P

I know my sig is Boram and she initially was my favorite cuz we're the same height. That was pretty much it. :lol:

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Re: (Group) T-ara (티아라)
« Reply #1477 on: August 04, 2012, 04:13:51 AM »
1. Your favourite T-ara member and why.

Yeah... I swear my earliest impressions of Jiyeon were something along the lines of "hey this girl looks kinda funny... what's up with those eyes!?" :lol:

Then I saw her in the Roly Poly MV around the beginning of my grand k-revival, and I was like, maan, who is this chick? When she took the stage alone with epic amounts of intense SWAGGER I was sold. Just being chill and sexy like it ain't no thang. Also kinda... handsome but let's not go there... xD  Anyway, after that I had to get myself some more stuff with her in it. I had fallen for IU around the same time so watching Heroes, with both of them in it, was a no-brainer and there I fell in love with the cute dorky dinosaur with the endless appetite (food before loyalty!)... her interactions with her same-age pal and future-bff were also a lot of fun.

But yeah, that's about where it started, still going strong as my #1 T-ara fave gurl. Oh yeah, of course I also reeeally dig her unconventional cyclopean beauty, her plump thighs and that bitchy sex aura. Rawr.

Has anyone seen this? this person went out of their way to disprove the evidence of bullying in various videos and screencaps. Just shows how easily netizens can take things out of context and make people look bad.
Thank you, love this. Man, blows one away how easy it is to fool people with a few select moments taken out of context...

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Re: (Group) T-ara (티아라)
« Reply #1478 on: August 04, 2012, 07:13:50 AM »
I think that she fits the bitch/villain role very well, but I don't think she is one in reality, as much as some people would like to think that she is...

"she's not haughty... she's just stupid"
-Lee Ji-eun

I lol'd when I watched that for the first time.

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Re: (Group) T-ara (티아라)
« Reply #1479 on: August 04, 2012, 07:37:23 AM »
1. Your favourite T-ara member and why.


I've probably considered all the members my favorite at one time or another but overall Hyomin takes it.  She really impressed me in Invincible Youth, watching her go from nobody to Top Dog.  She kept getting better, and it seemed to me once Sunny left, she just stepped it up big time.  If it weren't for Hyomin, I probably wouldn't like T-ara as much as I do.  One of my favorite groups.

The Sunny-leaving/Hyomin-rising scenario reminds me of the 'slingshot' thing from Talladega Nights. 

Slingshot... Engage

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