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Author Topic: Rural Nights [ChXIV]  (Read 9529 times)

Offline Dran

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Rural Nights [ChXIV]
« on: February 21, 2010, 10:42:52 PM »

I've never posted on JPH!P before, but after I was talking about my fanfic yesterday adventwriter suggested that I post it on here.

First of all, this is a Berryz fic. It is written in a rather unusual POV style which sits somewhere between first-person and third-person. It's written using 3rd person pronouns, but the narrator is still able to see into the mind of the "POV" character, without being omniscient. It's a style that any literature teacher or proffessional would call rubbish, but I've found myself writing in it - though I can't explain why I did it.

Originally I thought about writing a romance story, but found that they existed in abundance. So I opted for something I felt was more untested. A Berryz Koubou horror fic. Of the modest response I've had to the story thus far, people have told me that some parts were genuinely scary, and that they had never seen a fanfic like it. No doubt there are horror H!P fics out there, but I have never seen one either. So to me this feels like pretty uncharted ground.

Anyway. Onto the story.

* * * * *

Chapter I

  The whole bus shakes, throwing the unsuspecting girls to the side, as it drives over a hole in the old road. A cry rings out from the front of the bus where Momoko happened to be sitting, as she grabs her head and starts applying pressure to the bruise caused by the window. The others laugh and make fun of her; while Chinami, who happened to be sitting beside her, makes sure she’s okay.
  The girls are being taken to a rural village for several days, where they will be filming a TV Special about being in the country and how different it is to the city life that they have grown accustomed to. They are all quite excited about the trip, as it isn’t the kind of work they get to do very often. Miyabi and Risako sit staring out of the window. There is very little green in Tokyo, so they both take the time to admire the nature view. Saki sat behind Momoko and Chinami in her own world, listening to loud music with her headphones in her ears. Maasa and Yurina, however, sit at the back of the bus chatting away about the kinds of things they’ll hopefully get to do at the village.
  “Summer in the countryside… It would be perfect with some fireworks at night, right?” says Maasa in a loud voice.
  “Yeah!’ Yurina says. “And to gaze up at the stars! I’ve always wanted to do that!”
  The others hear their conversation and turn around, they all start giving their own ideas about what they should do over the next week.
  No sooner, however, had their conversation started when the bus pulled to a stop. The road ended here, and they would have to walk the other 10 minutes to get to the travel lodge they’d be staying at. Everyone grabs their bags and gets off the bus and they begin making their way to the top of the village, the camera crew walk in front of the girls, filming them as they walk and adjust to the environment they are in. They walk past several houses and wave to the locals sitting outside, catching a bit of peace in the sun on their day off. “Good Morning!” echoes out every few minutes as the girls greet another person.
  The girls enter the building, no-one lives here, but it has been well looked-after. Chinami slides the wooden door along and reveals the main room which, unlike the rest of building, has a very modern feel to it. In fact, the village isn’t very modern at all, most of the houses – this one included, don’t have electricity. The camera man peers into the room and has a quick look around. In the middle of the small room there is a table which is situated in front of a couch. Chinami immediately makes for the couch and throws herself on it. “Wow! It’s so comfortable!”
  Across the back of the room, there is a large bookshelf with many books and ornamental objects sitting there. On the top shelf sat a vase, nothing in it, and relatively plain, but for some reason it felt out of place; like it shouldn’t be there. The other girls disappeared off to look through the rest of the building, leaving Chinami in the main room alone. She decides to have a look around the room, and moves towards the bookshelf, reading titles off the spines. Nothing interesting. However, she came to the place where the vase was, and after looking at it for a few moments, she felt a strongly compelling urge to touch it, which she didn’t understand. None the less, her hand reached out, and moved towards the gleaming surface of the vase and as her fingers met the cold surface, which for some reason felt rather sticky, though no essence of anything was present on its pristine body, there was a loud crash.
  Chinami jumped at the sound and her nail scratched the vase. She quickly turned around to see what the noise was. There was a lot of noise coming from outside, it sounded like the other girls laughing. She stepped out of the room and looked up and noticed Risako sitting at the bottom of the stairs. She asks, “What happened?”
  “You didn’t see?” Miyabi says, laughing, as she comes down the stairs, “She just fell. We were coming back down after checking out our rooms and she just dropped.”
  “Ehh? Are you all right, Risako?”
  Risako nods her head, but doesn’t really say anything. Chinami notices this and lifts her up, taking her back to the main room and sits her down on the couch. Risako looked very scared, and after about five minutes of the others calming down from the laughter and comforting her, she reveals a disturbing and terrifying truth. “It felt like I was pushed by someone…”
« Last Edit: March 03, 2012, 02:59:09 AM by Dran »

Offline Dran

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Re: Rural Nights
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2010, 10:44:55 PM »
Chapter II

 The girls looked at Risako in total disbelief. She was being absurd! “No one pushed you, Risako.” Miyabi assured her. “I was right behind you, and no-one touched you.”

  “But I know that something pushed me. I felt it! Besides, we’ve been dancing together for years – you know I’m not one to just lose my feet.”

  “I dunno about that, remem—” Momoko adds with a smile but is interrupted by Maasa.

  “I’m hungry. Come on, let’s go have lunch.”

  Risako agrees, hoping that it will help her get her mind off of what just happened on the stairs. And so the girls all rush around the house, retrieving some boxed lunches which they prepared for the journey that morning. They all sit around the table in the dining room/kitchen, and the girls were eating in front of the cameras. It’s a strange thought, knowing that people will sit and watch you eating on national TV, but the girls are idols, and are used to it. There were two cameramen in the room, as well as a soundman. The girls begin to eat with a hearty “Itadekimasu!”

  Eating her lunch, Risako did forget all about the earlier incident, and was laughing along with Miyabi who was acting cute for the camera. In this business you really can’t afford to waste time worrying about trivial matters – especially with such a long day of filming ahead. They eat quite slowly, because in order to keep things interesting and to get good ratings they know that they have to play around, and with Maasa and Yurina making fun of Saki and Miyabi, Momoko and Risako talking while eating on the other camera, Chinami decides to sneak out. “It’ll take them nearly 40 minutes to finish lunch anyway,” she reasons with herself.

  Once again, she feels drawn to the room she was in before. And once again, she approaches that shelf with the vase. She examines it closely and notices that, up close, it’s actually a little more decorated than it first seemed. From a distance it looks fairly solid, but upon closer inspection you can make out very fine lines around the whole vase creating an interesting, but unfamiliar pattern. It’s not just unfamiliar, it’s irregular. The craftsman didn’t seem to have any picture in mind when decorating it, but just created these lines and patterns as they came to mind. She stretches out her hand and caresses it, letting her fingers feel the pattern that the vase bears.

  And then, something feels odd. Her hand passes over an area with a very different texture to the rest of the surface. Where normally it was very soft and smooth, although it still had a strange stickiness to it, as though someone had covered it in strawberry jam and it left behind a residual feeling, this area was hard and irritable. She moves her fingers away and looks closer at it, and it becomes very clear. Unlike the rest of this dark, metallic vase this area is much lighter, like a golden-silver colour. It seems that when she accidentally scratched the surface earlier a piece of it had come away from the vase itself.

  She manages to pull herself away from that room and makes her way back into the kitchen. As she approaches the sink to wash her hands and to get that bit of, what would appear to be a dark paint, from under her nail, Miyabi asks her, “Where did you go?”

  “I went for another look around. Have you seen that—”

  She couldn’t do it. A great feeling of dread and anxiety suddenly rushed over her and she couldn’t finish her question. She falls to her knees, the tap still running, and begins shaking uncontrollably. No, it’s more like a shudder. The other girls all look up from whatever they were doing and, upon seeing Chinami on the floor, rush to her asking what the matter is. Chinami opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. She couldn’t find the words to convey the dark feeling of foreboding that she had. There were none. And so she sat in silence while the others crowded around her. But just as she couldn’t speak, the voices of the girls also sounded far off and remote, as though the sound had passed through the very veil of reality to reach her.

Offline Dran

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Re: Rural Nights
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2010, 10:47:04 PM »
Chapter III

  Chinami awoke to the sound of laughter. A child's laughter. How unnusual. As it begins to get further and further away she opens her eyes and finds herself surrounded by a vast space of emptiness. She notes that she has been laying on the floor. Well, the floor looks like it doesn't even exist, but it was somehow still solid enough to hold her weight. She looks around to see if she can spy anything which might give a clue as to where she has found herself, but nothing. Just the laughter that surrounds her. And so, without even thinking, she decides that she should follow the sound and begins to walk swiftly but carefully through the darkness. Perhaps it's just human nature, to follow a familiar sound when you find yourself lost and all other senses fail you. Not that she recognises the voice, but there didn't appear to be any malintent in it – in fact it is best described as playful.

  "Where am I?" She begins to ask herself. "What is that sound?"

  Suddenly the laughing stops and Chinami catches sight of a bright light in front of her. It started as if a light entering a box through a pinhole, but it's scope quickly began to expand exponentially and dissolved the darkness and emptiness revealing a familiar room with a heavy atmosphere.

  As she looks around, she recognises the room as the same one where she collapsed earlier - the kitchen.

  The other members are all sitting around the table where they were having lunch, in tears and visably shaken by the events. Risako sits with her head on the table, covering her tears while Maasa tries to comfort her - though Maasa herself seems to be just as distraught. As Chinami approaches she speaks to them, "Risako? What is it? Maasa, tell me what's going on! Why is everyone crying?"

  However, there is no response. She tries asking again, but still no answer. There is no reaction, whatsoever. The girls continued to ignore Chinami despite her efforts to get them to respond, which were naturally flambouyant.

  After a few minutes of trying to get someone to notice her, she sat down in a chair beside Captain, who had finally worked up the strength to say something, "Come on, everyone! Let's try to cheer up. Smile!"

  Yurina, forced an awkward smile through her tears. It was then that Chinami noticed something peculiar about the whole scene - besides the fact that she was being totally ignored (which, unfortunately, wasn't all that peculiar). No, the kitchen looked different. In fact, on closer inspection the room was very different. There was dust everywhere. You could see it floating in the light coming through the window, which was actually quite dull. The weather this morning was warm and the skies were relatively clear, but now a grey sky lies on the other side of that glass.

  Chinami turns to the other members and asks them, "Hey, how long was I unconscious for?" But even serious questions don't seem to be getting through to them.

  And now, standing by the window facing inwards, she notices someone standing by the doorway. A small girl. A girl with short, dark hair and wearing a plain red dress. She is staring straight at Chinami with a cold look on her face. The weird thing is that this house is apparently empty. No children live here, and it would be rather unnusual for a staff member to bring his daughter to work with him. This causes the goosebumps on Chinami's arms to fire. There is something creepy about the way that girl is looking at me. And then it hit her - this girl is staring at me!

  Chinami approaches the child and tries talking to her, "Hello, who a--!"
  Before she could finish, the girl's face suddenly comes over with something and runs away. Was that shyness? Or fear?

  The girl runs off leaving Chinami to work out what just happened. "The girl seemed to react to me - the only person who has since I woke up." And with that Chinami decides to follow the child.

  As she enters the corridor, however, she finds that the young girl has already vanished from sight. She calls out, "Hello? Little girl?" as she walks through the hallway. No reply comes, however. As she walks around the corner into the main room with the dark vase that had so interested her upon arrival in the house she finds herself about to walk right into someone.

  Someone tall it seems, as their chest lies at Chinami's eye level. Their legs must be... levitating 15 inches off the ground. "That's odd," she notes after glancing down at the person's feet. Especially the fact that this person is wearing shoes indoors. She looks back up and lets out a terrible scream and collapses to the floor.

  This person isn't levitating, it's hanging! A strong stretch of rope swings around the back of the person's neck and below the chin. As she stares up in horror at the body before her, she finds herself staring into her own eyes. Her own body.

  This is the last thing Chinami remembers before waking up in a bright room. Heaven? No. This is the bedroom where the members are to sleep for the duration of their stay. As her eyes adjust to the light, she finds herself alone in the room. Climbing out of bed she hears cheerful voices coming from below.

  "What a horribly vivid dream." She whispers to herself.

Offline Dran

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Re: Rural Nights
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2010, 10:48:52 PM »
Chapter IV

  The sun has passed over and is now making it's way down behind the hills in the west leaving the sky and the village both bathed in a warm orange glow. The chirping of cicada fills the air giving the whole place a very nostalgic Japanese feel. A gentle evening breeze has picked up, but the temperature remains warm. Behind the old house there is a large field. Sitting in the field is a makeshift “tent”, and a large table covered in food being enjoyed by the members of Berryz Koubou and by the people of the village they are filming in.

  Of course, this is being filmed as a segment for the special, and fairly routine at that. The girls are enjoying the company of the villagers who, although they are following something of a script, are free to do as they please provided certain topics are brought up which the staff picked.

  Captain, who is busy sampling various locally grown foods, as well as the trout that Mr. Ogi, who happened to be sitting right beside her, had caught that very morning. She had already chatted a little with him when everyone settled down for the meal, and she was rather enjoying herself.

  Ogi is a fairly elderly man. Probably a man in his early 70s, although surprisingly healthy for his age. It must be something to do with the clean air and simple life here, Captain thinks to herself. As for what he is wearing, there is very little of significance, she thinks. Although he is wearing a baseball cap. She had mentioned it before, and it appears that he is a fan of the Chunichi Dragons, although Captain herself isn't a sports fan, so she found herself unable to have any meaningful conversation on the topic.

  However, he turns to her and says something which seems to catch the attention of everyone within earshot.

  “So, you're staying in the Takaya house, huh?”

  “Takaya?” Captain tilts her head to the side as she asks.

  “Ah, the name of the family who used to live there. It's the oldest house in the village.”

  “Yes. Is there something wrong with that house?”

  As she finishes her question, she suddenly begins to feel that the table has gone deathly quiet. What five minutes ago was surrounded by warm and friendly conversation was now as quiet as a dungeon, and the air began to feel likewise heavy. Ogi brings his voice down to a near-whisper and says to Saki, “The whole family were found dead in that house, some 20 years ago. It never got sold because no one wants to buy a house where people have killed themselves.”
  A cold chill runs down her spine. “Killed themselves?”
  “Yeah. The mother was found--,” Before Ogi could finish, the man sitting beside him cleared his throat and shook his head coldly at the old man. And Ogi apologizes before going back to his food with a smile.

  “Now I wish that I hadn't asked. Can I really stay in a house like that? Just what was it that the man didn't want me to hear? No. No, I don't think I want to know it either.” These thoughts fill her mind.

  “Saki. Saki. Saki?”

  As she turns around, she realizes that everyone is busy chatting away to eachother again. Or perhaps they had never stopped, and it had just been her imagination when the topic seemed to go in a dark direction. Maasa is trying to catch her attention. “Yeah?”
  “Are you okay? You look a little pale.”
  “Ah, yeah. Sorry, I just zoned out for a minute.”
  “Try this. It tastes delicious.”

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Re: Rural Nights [ChIV]
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2010, 02:46:43 PM »
I'm not a fan of Berryz and I seldom read their fics but damn! You totally got me hooked at the first chapter! :O It is genuinely scary.

So many questions, donno where to start :D Do continue! I really want to know more about that house :)

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Re: Rural Nights [ChIV]
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2010, 12:48:30 AM »
Thanks for the reply. I'm glad that you like it. And even happier that you chose to give feedback. I always like to hear what people think of my fic, even if the comment is constructive criticism.  Better knowing that people are actually reading your work and criticising it than going on thinking that no-one actually cares. :)

As for this new chapter, it's pretty short, and does nothing to advance the story. But it's a sweet scene that I wanted to get in there before I have to get pretty dark again for several chapters. The calm before the storm, as it were. But it's something of a contrast to the tone I've written with up til now, and was intended to showcase how wonderful the friendship of the girls in Berryz is.

* * * * *

Chapter V

  The sun has passed over the hills, and only the moon and the stars remain in the sky. In the middle of the field is a large fire which many of the villagers are gathered around. The girls themselves are seated nearby on the ground. Yurina had gotten her wish and was now laying on her back and gazing up to the stars above. In the modern world, the number of places where you can gaze up at the night sky and spot the stars freely are ever vanishing. City lights dye the night sky orange, and the dimmer stars struggle to shine through the light reflecting off the atmosphere, allowing only the brightest to be visible.

  But there they are. Laying in the countryside miles from the incredible light pollution of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area and watching one of the most beautiful sights that the universe has to offer.

  “And if you look a little to the right you can see the Plough,” Yurina says as she motions the shape of the constellation with her arm.
  “Eeeeh? How do you know so much about the stars, Yurina?” asks Maasa, who is laying beside her.
  “I love the stars. My room at home is covered with posters of the constellations and the planets.”

  Despite being something of a boyish interest, the girls all laughed. For some reason it suited her. Yurina goes back to pointing out the summer constellations that are visible behind the mild cloud cover.
  Maasa, who until now had been listening intently to Yurina's lecture on the heavens, slowly begins to drift off to sleep, expedited by the calming sound of her voice and the feel of the summer night breeze. She tried to stay awake, but resistance was futile. There is something oddly sleepy about the countryside. Where it's not uncommon in the city to be up and about until late, being away from the stress of the bustling cities has the strange effect of making you start to drift off at hours which you'd normally consider pretty early.

  Captain, who by now had noticed the drowsiness of the girls, smiled and stood up. It may be a relaxing place, but she had to wake Maasa up, because she can't sleep out here in this field all night. And she had to act fast before Maasa fell into too deep a sleep, as she is a notoriously heavy sleeper.

  “Maasa,” she whispers. No response. “Maasa, wake up,” she tries again, this time slightly louder. She tries a third time, this time shaking her by the shoulder. Maasa's head lifts and her eyes open. Success! “Let's get back to the house. You can't sleep out here or you'll catch a cold.”
  “Okay,” Maasa responds, rubbing the drowsiness out of her eyes as she stands up.

  Captain turns around and-- “Oh. Now Risako has fallen asleep.” Chinami and Miyabi are prodding her cheeks as she lies there and laughing. She moves her arm to deflect them, but makes no apparent effort to wake up. Just as Captain goes to wake her, however, Maasa laughs and stops her.

  “Don't worry, I'll get it.” She says with a grin on her face, as she carefully lifts Risako off the ground in her arms and carries her back towards the house. “Wow. She's gotten pretty heavy.”

  Maasa puts Risako in to bed, taking care not to wake her, and then climbs into her own. The house is large, but there aren't enough rooms for everyone, so Maasa and Risako are sharing a room. She covers herself up, and once again drifts off.

  That night, she dreamt of the stars.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2010, 11:38:35 PM by Dran »

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Re: Rural Nights [ChVI]
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2010, 11:35:44 PM »
Chapter VI

  The sound of wind and rain battering down the hatches  fills the house. The beautiful weather of the night before has quickly disappeared, and given way to a summer storm. It's during weather like this that you really start to get a feel for just how ancient a house is. Sliding doors banging between it's fixtures, creaking floorboards and a leaking roof.

  Risako wakes to a huge drop of rainwater, which had been gathering by a leak in the ceiling just above her head. She wipes her face dry with the edge of her futon cover, before shifting the whole futon over a little so it's clear of the leak. She attempts to go back to sleep, but the sounds of the house and winds make it somewhat difficult, so she reaches over for her cellphone. Pressing the green button, the LCD screen springs to life and promptly informs Risako that it is still only 5AM.  Thinking to herself, “Bloody rain.”

  After a moment of failing to drop back off to sleep, she turns her head to the other side of the room and can now make out in the darkness the shape of Maasa's body under her own futon. Facing away from her, her head is obscured by a pillow which she is so tightly gripping to herself. Is she awake?

  “Maasa. Are you awake?” Risako whispers – for not wanting to be too loud in case she wakes her.

  Silence. However, Risako notices that Maasa grip on the pillow over her head loosened. “Maasa? Are you awake?” she asks, this time slightly louder.

  After a brief pause, Maasa lifts the pillow and turns to look at Risako. “What is it?” she asks with an awkward smile. But even in this darkness Risako can tell that there's something amiss. Her eyes are red, and her cheeks slightly wet.

  “Maasa? Are you crying? What's wrong?”
  “Eh? I'm not crying, don't worry about it. Now what did you want?”
  “Don't try to trick me, Maasa. I can see, even now, the redness of your eyes.”

  Maasa takes a moment, and then sighs. “It's nothing. It's just the rain. I don't want to talk about it.”

  Come to think of it, Maasa always was slightly uncomfortable around water. But the rain? Why is she so afraid of the rain? Not wanting to intrude any further though, Risako just sighs and says, “So you couldn't sleep either, huh?”
  “No, the wind woke me up.”
  “Me too. It's amazing how quick the weather can change in just a few hours.”
  “Yeah. What time is it anyway?”
  “Just after 5.” Risako then takes a deep breath, and decides to outright ask it. “Say Maasa... Why don't you like the rain?”
  “I catch colds easily.” Maasa laughs.
  “I'm serious, Maasa. Besides, we both know that you're never sick.”   

  Before Maasa could articulate a proper answer, however, a huge crashing sound rings out through the house followed by a scream. Maasa and Risako both jolt up and look at eachother.

  “What the--!?”
  “A burglar? It came from downstairs. Let's go check.” says Maasa, getting up from bed and rushing downstairs.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2010, 12:30:00 AM by Dran »

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Re: Rural Nights [ChVI]
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2010, 12:49:30 PM »
Oh why is Maasa so afraid of H2O?

And a burglar in the house? Or sthg else?  :shocked

Offline Dran

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Re: Rural Nights [ChVI]
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2010, 12:04:09 AM »
Why is she so afraid of water? I hope to make that evident later on in the story. But for now, here's the answer to the burgler mystery.

* * * * *

Chapter VII

  Creak. Creak. The sound of the floorboards shifting beneath Chinami's bare feet seem to echo through the hallway as she sneaks back from her second trip to the bathroom of the night. “I knew I shouldn't have refilled my glass so many times,” she whispers to herself.
  She finally reaches the door at the end of the hall, which she opens is carefully and quietly as possible, so as to not awaken Miyabi who is sleeping in the corner. She steps into the room and closes the door behind her, before tip-toeing her way across to her futon. She has to feel her way around to make sure she doesn't walk into bookcases or the desk as it is pitch black. The only window is on the north-facing wall, and with the rainclouds overhead blocking out the moon and starlight, and no lights coming from the few houses in the fairly remote village.
  Chinami finally makes it to her bed and climbs into it and tries to fall asleep. But no sooner had her eyes become heavy than when she begins to hear a strange noise.

  Scratch. Scratch. The strange sound of scratching pierces the darkness, not at all dissimilar to a cat begging to be let out. Chinami turns over to see what is making the noise, but it's no good. The darkness is too heavy, and she can't discern which direction the sound is even coming from.
  “Miyabi?” she whispers. “Miya, is that you?”
  The only response is the sound of Miyabi breathing in her sleep.

  At that moment, however, the noise stops abruptly and then footsteps can be heard outside the room. Chinami listens intently, somewhat startled by the strange sounds. This time she can tell exactly where the sounds are coming from. As the footsteps get louder, she can tell that they are making their way down the hallway towards the room where she is lying, her heart now pounding.
  She tries to rationalize the footsteps. “Hmm. Maybe Maasa heard the strange noises too and is coming to check on us. Yeah, that's it. But that still doesn't explain what the scartching was,” she thinks to herself.
  Thud thud. There's a knock at the door. Chinami glances through the dark to where Miyabi is still sleeping. “Miyabi! Wake up!” she whispers loud enough that Miyabi should hear it, but whoever is outside can't. Thud thud. A second knock, this time louder, and Miyabi is still sound asleep. Thud thud. Chinami can't tell whether that last one was a third door knock or the sound of her own heart beating, but it was definitely louder than the first two.

  The door opens slowly, and a little light gets in from the window at the end of the hallway which faces the road.

  Chinami wants to scream, but as she stares at the open door she is struck by an image of pure terror. There is no-one there. Either she imagined the noises and the door swung open by the power of a breeze through the house, or something very strange is going on in the house.
  It takes several minutes of trying to wake a heavy-sleeping Miyabi and failing before Chinami finally works up the courage to step outside and investigate herself. She walks into the corridor and heads to the bottom of the hallway. The only way to go from here is downstairs, so she holds onto the bannister while she carefully steps down the stairs through the darkness.

  Her hand encounters something strange when she touches the bannister. Something is wet, but warm. She freaks out, but then forces herslef to grab hold again lest she falls down the stairs. But when she reaches the bottom of the stairs, she feels the same substance on the soles of her feet. Whatever it is, it seems to have pooled slightly on the floor.
  As she turns the corner onto the ground floor hallway, she notices a familiar looking little girl walk into the front room. She only saw her for a moment but it felt eerily real. “Come in Chinami. Stay strong! This is just a dream.” she tries to reassure herself.

  She follows the image of the little girl and turns into the front room, where she sees the same child standing by the bookshelves, with a terrifying pale light seeming to resonate from her very body, very slightly illuminating the mysterious vase in front of her. The child reaches up her hand, and moves it closer to the vase to touch it. Just as she makes contact with it's surface, she turns to look at Chinami standing in the doorway and gives her the deathliest of glares, before just vanishing suddenly.

  Chinami  somehow manages to uproot her feet from the soaked floor and take a step forwards. And then another one. Before she knows what she's doing, she is standing in front of the same vase which seemed to have occupied her entire morning. Then she realises that she never actually got a proper look at it. When she tried to get a close look at it before, Risako fell down the stairs.  So she reaches out to touch it once more, just as the ghostly child had done. But when he skin makes contact with the cold surface, she recoils her hand back in pain after receiving an electric shock from the object. But as she withdraws her hand, she knocks the vase, and the moments that follow will continue to haunt her dreams for the rest of her life.

  The vase falls to the ground, and for Chinami as she watches it seems to move in slow motion. She reaches to catch it, but it's too late. The vase hit's the ground and smashes making a terrible crashing sound, and from the debris Chinami sees in her minds eye the horrifying image of a woman flying forth from the shards straight towards her before simply vanishing into the night.
  The shock causes Chinami to fall backwards onto her backside and let out a blood-curdling scream. The sheer terror and adrenaline from everything has caused her entire body to go numb.

  Suddenly, loud footsteps come rushing down the stairs, and Risako and Maasa fly into the room.
  “What's going on!?” Maasa yells.
  The two notice Chinami sitting on the floor, shaking uncontrollably.
  “What's wrong?” Risako asks her, sitting beside her.
  Maasa searches for a light, and finds a battery powered lamp that was given to them by the staff. She flips the switch, and then everyone's eyes widen in horror and confusion.

  On the ground lies a broken urn with scattered ashes, and Chinami, the walls, the floors and the furniture are all covered with fresh blood.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2010, 12:31:10 AM by Dran »

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Re: Rural Nights [ChVII]
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2010, 02:36:33 PM »
Gasp! I'm so glad I'm not home alone tonight :shocked

Oh gawd! Now their nightmare begins :bleed eyes: And whose blood is that? :panic:

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Re: Rural Nights [ChVII]
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2010, 09:14:44 PM »

Chapter VIII

  It takes several moments for the whole situation to properly sink in, but after several moments, Chinami, Risako and Maasa all scream together as though it had been rehearsed. They each look at each other in turn and Maasa approaches Chinami and Risako and gives them a hand to their feet.
  “What the hell happened here?” Maasa asks Chinami.
  “I have no idea. I heard strange noises coming from the hallway, and so I followed them down here, and it was like this when I got here, I think.”
  “In the hallway?” Maasa goes out to take a look, holding the lamp which provides the only source of light they have in her hand. She then returns looking even paler than she was before. “The trail of... this,” she says, motioning to the blood that now decorates the room, “It goes right up the stairs and stops on the door of the room you and Miyabi are sleeping in, Chinami.”

  Chinami runs out of the room and up the stairs, followed by Risako and Maasa. And sure enough, the blood trail does indeed make it's way up the staircase, around the hallway and there are three eerie hand print-shaped smears down the door.
  “Risako, wake the others!”
  Risako obliges and runs into the other rooms, waking each member as fast and as inconsiderately as she can.
  “We can't stay here.”

  Soon enough, after much persuasion, the other girls are risen from their sleep, and each one in turn simply stares awestruck at the mess.
  “Let's not talk about it here.” Maasa tells a very confused Momoko. “Let's go find the staff. Are they staying outside?”
  “I'm not sure,” Captain responds, “Let's see if they are in the camera van.”

  They quickly get dressed, and head outside as a group. They can see the bus they arrived in some 30 yards away or so, the equipment van should be just behind it too. The lights are on inside the bus, however, it seems that the staff have taken shelter from the rain inside. When they see the girls approaching, they open the bus doors and ask, “Why are you girls out here? You should all be asleep. We've got to film tomorrow!”
  “We can't go back there, something strange is going on in that house!”
  The staff look at one another and laugh, but when they notice the looks on the faces of the girls, they realise that something must be going on.
  “Okay then, I'll go check it out, and then you girls can go back to bed!” says one Cameraman, and he puts on a jacket and heads out into the rain towards the house.
  The sound-man then turns to Chinami and asks, “Huh... Wasn't there a child with you?”
  “When you were walking out here. I could swear that I saw a young girl holding your hand. Must have just been the rain playing tricks on my eyes.”
  Everyone turns to look at Chinami, who looks absolutely horrified at the thought. There is, however, no-one in sight. “A child?” they all ask.
  The camera man returns from the house, however, looking rather pale himself. He doesn't say anything to the girls, just whispers to the other members of staff.
  “What? Are you serious?” They turn to face the girls, and invite them onto the bus, “Okay then. I think it would be a good idea if you stayed here where we can keep an eye on you.”

  The sound-man stays with them on the bus to keep an eye on them, but all of the other staff members go out to check on the house for themselves.

  “So Chinami, what was that about a child?” Miyabi asks.
  “Huh? Well... Earlier when everyone was asleep I heard weird noises from outside our room. And then footsteps. When I followed them, I could swear that I could see a young child leading me through the house.” She then pauses for a moment, “Actually... It's not the first time I thought I saw that child. I dreamt about her too.”
  “So you followed this kid through the corridors? Then what happened?”
  “Well, I found myself in the front room. You know, with that vase thing on top of the shelf? Well, I thought I saw her touch it and vanish. And when I went to look closer, it knocked. And then that's when Maasa and Risako found me.”
  “Noises? What kind of noises?” Maasa asks her.
  “First it was a weird scratching sound. Then footsteps. Finally I could swear I heard someone knocking on our door.”
  “Strange, I didn't hear anything like that.” Miyabi ponders.
  “That's because you can sleep through an elephant stampede.” Chinami jokes.
  The rest of the staff return, and immediately get into the bus and start up the engines. “We can't stay here after all. Let's get out of here.”
  They pass the girls their bags, which they managed to retrieve from the house. And then they begin to drive east again.

  The road is a lot muddier with the rain, and the wind is beginning to pick up again.

  The girls hold on tight to the seats in front as they hurtle round a corner at what, to them, feels like several dozen miles per hour faster than the bus' speedometer is saying. So much so, in fact, that when the driver quickly applies the brakes, it sends the girls all flying forward and Momoko nearly flips over into the seat in front of her.

  “Damn!” yells the driver.

  And he has every reason to be annoyed. Winds have picked up to extreme speeds, and a large tree has collapsed over the road, which just happens to be the only road out of the village.

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Re: Rural Nights [ChVIII]
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2010, 08:55:41 PM »
UPDATE PLEASE :twothumbs

what's going to happen next??
i cant wait!! :panic:

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Re: Rural Nights [ChVIII]
« Reply #12 on: June 27, 2010, 01:22:30 AM »
I had planned to update alot sooner, but I've been busy with work. However, here is Chapter IX!

* * * * *

Chapter IX

  The staff get out and try to move the tree with sheer manpower, but it's not enough and the obstacle remains stuck. After several minutes of attempt after attempt to shift it, the staff decide that the best course of action would be to wait until the storm clears up and get the help of the villagers to chop the tree up. And so they are forced to return to the village they had failed to escape from.
  The driver parks just outside the house where they were earlier. As the bus comes to a halt, the driver opens the doors, and an elderly woman steps onto the bus and asks him, “Have you seen Mr. Ogi? He has gone missing.”
  Captain turns around at this and worriedly asks, “Missing? What do you mean?”
  The woman responds, “His wife woke up an hour ago to find he wasn't in the house. We've got half of the village out looking for him.”

  At this, the girls all turn to give each other a nervous glance before turning back to the elderly woman and offering to help.
  “I'll go search for him!” Captain says as she stands up.
  “I'll go too.” Maasa adds.
  “No. You all stay here. It's too dangerous in this storm.” The driver says, “I'll go out and help with the other staff. You girls just wait here.”

  Captain sits back down, looking somewhat disappointed, but doesn't object. She knows it would be bad if any of the girls got sick running around outside like that.
  Maasa looks over to Captain, and then she too returns to her seat.

  The driver leaves with the other staff members, and goes to search the village and the surrounding area with the villagers, leaving the girls completely on their own in the safety of the bus. The girls sit in almost complete silence for what feels to them like an eternity. Each of them numbed from their experiences of the last two hours, and each of them trying desperately to work out for themselves just what is happening.

  Momoko stares out of the window, her mind as dulled as the rest of the girls and in the midst of her reverie mutters to herself, “That little girl is going to catch a cold in that rain...”
  This catches the interest of Chinami, who turns to Momoko and says, “What? Little girl?”
  Momoko doesn't respond, she simply continues to stare out into the rain and nods her head slightly towards the downpour.

  Chinami glances out to where Momoko is staring, and sure enough there is a familiar looking child standing in the rain. By now the other girls are all interested too, and are peering curiously out into the darkness to see the same little girl. Chinami rubs her eyes to be sure that she isn't seeing things, and when she peers outside again, the little girl is still there.

  The girl's red dress is completely soaked through and sticks firmly to her body. Her hair is likewise dripping with heavy rainwater. Her head is bowed down, as she faces towards the old house. Chinami can't help but get the impression that the child is crying. Almost definitely. Her arms hang down by her side and her entire body shakes violently whether by the chill of the weather or due to her emotional state. In this moment, Chinami pities the child. It's a strange feeling that, even though she doesn't know her nor why she is crying, she feels some kind of connection with her that she can sympathise with.

  Suddenly, the girl turns her head, followed by the rest of her body, and faces towards the bus. She looks in at the windows and sees all of the members watching her and, with tears and rainwater flowing down her cheeks, visible even from where Chinami was sitting, lets out a smile. This smile which, under normal circumstances, might have been considered warm and friendly just feels cold to Chinami. And it sends a terrible shiver right down the back of her spine.

  At that exact moment, as if by some supernatural power, the weather gets noticeably worse. The power of the rain hitting the top of the bus increases, and the wind starts to cause the glass of the windows to vibrate uncontrollably. Maasa looks nervously around the bus, looking at the glass as it tries to break free in the wind, and the roof of the bus, which only now does she notice has sprung a leak. No. Make that two leaks. Or three...

  Up and down the bus, droplets of water start to fall to the floor below. The roof, made from durable aluminium is started to feel the effects of the increasingly extreme weather, which is now developed into a typhoon. Maasa kneels down with her eyes closed and puts her head between her knees, clearly terrified by the situation and her phobia of the heavy rain.

  Chinami returns her attention outside to the child, but the child has vanished. She looks around to see where the girl could have run off too, and when she doesn't see anything, she turns back to face forward and breathes a sigh of relief. But out of the corner of her eye something catches her attention, and she turns towards the other side of the bus to look at it and let's out a horrific scream. The child is standing at the other side of the bus peering in the window with her face no more than two inches from the glass.

  The girls all, with the exception of Maasa, turn to Chinami to see what is wrong, and then follow her gaze to the child in the window, before panic ensues. With one incredible gust of wind, a section of the roof at the front-end of the bus collapses, with the rain now lashing onto the floor of the bus from the sky above, a sizeable puddle develops almost immediately. When the girls return their frightened gaze to the window, there is no child there, but the staff returning from their search.

  When the staff see the collapsed roof, they become immediately worried for the girls' safety, and making sure they are all not hurt. The girls don't tell them about the child they saw, because they know that it was too far-fetched a story for anyone to believe. But Captain asks the question that the staff had been dreading...
  “Did you find Mr. Ogi?”
  At this question, the other staff give an awkward glance to their on-site manager, who simply nods, takes a deep breath, and says, “We found him in the mountains several hundred yards behind the house...”
  Captain takes a deep sigh of relief, she would have hated for anything to happen to him.
  However, the manager continues, “He is dead. It seems his body was drained of blood.”

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Re: Rural Nights [ChIX]
« Reply #13 on: June 27, 2010, 03:08:10 AM »
wow it is such an interesting story and its quite suspenseful but it is such a great fit to the characters and also poor Ogi-san
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Re: Rural Nights [ChIX]
« Reply #14 on: June 27, 2010, 01:06:32 PM »
Was that the same small girl they saw in that room? And the blood in that room...are those Mr Ogi's?

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Re: Rural Nights [ChIX]
« Reply #15 on: June 27, 2010, 06:55:33 PM »
Yes to both counts. :)

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Re: Rural Nights [ChX]
« Reply #16 on: July 17, 2010, 10:37:58 PM »
Chapter X

  News of Mr Ogi's death had shocked the village, and the events of the last 24 hours had left the girls very shaken up. The way out of the village was blocked, with the rain pouring down heavier than ever, making it far too dangerous to try and walk out of the village. Also, the staff didn't feel comfortable staying, or letting the girls stay in the house or in the bus which had somehow lost part of it's roof. The villagers weren't comfortable with it either, so the elderly woman from before, Mrs Tanaka, had allowed them to shelter from the rain at her house.

  Mrs Tanaka brings several cups of hot tea, which the girls all accept graciously, and each of them takes a sip of before laying the cups gently down on the table in front of them. The girls all look nervously around the room, barely uttering a word, with only the sound of rain beating relentlessly against the walls of the house, with the sliding doors shaking in their frames.

  The room itself was fairly basic. A traditional-style room with tatami-mat flooring and a simple table sat in the middle, which was too small for everyone to sit around, so the girls sat scattered around the room. In one corner sat an old TV, with an aerial sticking out of the back which, given the weather, probably wouldn't be able to pick up much of a signal.

  After a few moments, Miyabi got up and said she was going to the toilet, she walked out of the room, and along the hallway. The other girls just nodded to her as she left, and continued to sit in silence.

  Maasa, now starting to drift off slightly, lays her head down on the tatami flooring and closes her eyes drowning out all sound. But the one sound she can't drown out is the omni-present sound of rain. She feels a shiver run down her spine as she listens to the sound of rain, and the familiar voice carried on it. “Mom! Mom!” yells the voice, growing less distant with each iteration. The dark shroud clears, and she sees the sight that has haunted her for much of her life, water rushing over her with strong currents continually forcing her under the water. It had been a wet day, with the rain pouring down quite heavily. A young Maasa and her mother walking along one of Tokyo's many riverbanks as she made her way home after school. She was only 6 years old.

  Maasa ran ahead, her dark raincoat repelling much of the rain, but she stepped a little close to the bank and lost her footing. The wet mud beneath her feet gave way and she slid down into the fast-flowing river.

  She has vivid memories of what happened next. She hit the freezing water like a brick wall, her entire body instantly went numb. The currents dragged her further down river, all the while yelling to her mother who was calling back to her. With the fast currents splashing around her and pulling her down below the water where it was moving even faster, she was terrified. Maasa knew how to swim, but it was impossible here.

  She managed to grab told of some rocks and somehow managed to hold on, despite the slippery wet surface of the rock. “Mom! Mom!” she cried out, unable to even see where her mother was, all she could do was hold on for dear life.

  In the end her mother did rescue her, though both could hypothermia and spent two weeks recovering. Though Maasa was left with some trauma afterwards and even now she has a phobia of water.

  Maasa woke to the sound of Saki's voice, and found her looking over her when she opened her eyes.
  “You were twisting in your sleep and mumbling a lot,” Captain explains, “Sounds like it was a pretty scary dream.”
  Maasa sits up, and wipes the sweat from her brow. “Yeah. I guess it was. Thanks.” She looks around and notices that many of the others have also fallen asleep... all except Miyabi, that is, who didn't seem to be in the room. “Where is Miyabi?”
  Momoko speaks from behind Captain before she has a chance to answer, “It's been a while since she left. Maybe I'll go check?” and Captain nods to her.
  Momoko runs out of the room, and Captain turns to Maasa, now the only two people in the room still awake, and says, “Pretty crazy couple of days, huh?”
  “Yeah. I keep expecting to wake up and find it was all just a dream.”
  “Me too. I still haven't been able to work out what is going on. What with the house drenched in blood, and Mr Ogi...” Captain trails off a little at the end of her sentence, but she doesn't have to finish it, because Maasa already understood.

  At that moment, Momoko returns to the room and says, “I can't find Miyabi anywhere. She wasn't at the toilet.”
  “Huh?” Captain responds, and has Momoko repeat what she said, “I think we should go search for her. Maybe she got lost and went to the wrong room.”

  And so the three girls all get up and search each room in the house systematically, but to no avail. Miyabi is nowhere to be found. “She didn't leave the house, we would have heard her.” Captain ponders, now genuinely worried over her disappearance, when Maasa comes to a realisation of her own.
  “Wait. Mrs Tanaka isn't here either.”

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Re: Rural Nights [ChX]
« Reply #17 on: July 17, 2010, 11:04:36 PM »
 :O :O :O

oh no miyabi is gone, suspense and the plot thickens
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Re: Rural Nights [ChX]
« Reply #18 on: July 18, 2010, 11:07:43 AM »
Something tells me Miya is in trouble, that is, if she's still alive to still be in trouble :O

That Mrs Tanaka is not a bloodsucking monster or ghost, is she? :shocked

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Re: Rural Nights [ChX]
« Reply #19 on: July 18, 2010, 01:20:14 PM »
Haha. Needless to say, Miyabi isn't the safest of the Berryz right now. :p
And I've purposefuly left Mrs Tanaka's character a bit ambiguous while I work out just what kind of direction I'm going to take with her. A ghost? Or perhaps a victim? We'll just have to wait and find out. ;)

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