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Author Topic: Puppy Love (UPDATE 1/30)  (Read 24065 times)

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Re: Puppy Love(UPDATE 3/17)
« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2010, 12:56:38 PM »
I'm not sure if this is exactly safe, but if I wake up and you’re still alive I guess that means it's fine to eat it.”

I exhale slowly, preparing myself to get into a deep slumber. That is until I hear whimpering, disrupting me from much needed sleep. I decide to ignore it this time, but the noise doesn't stop and it gets louder.
Reminded me of Bochok, my first ever and only puppy, woke me up every dawn... never stop whimpering until I get to him and walk him out... in the dark and silent neighborhood... now he's at my folks  :D

“Alright, you can sleep here.” I agree.

She jumps off from her bed and runs to the foot of the bed scratching at the wood to the bed frame.
She can understand. Yay!

“Ah, Ai-chan, you made it home safely.” Risa sighs, relieved.

lol Overly protective indeed  XD

The sound of trickling water interrupts me from my conversation.
And the crime commences  XD

“I know! I'm going to change that! Besides, I was kind of hoping you would help me with taking care of the dog as well.” I beg. “I need your help Gaki-san! what should I get for her?!”
Raising a puppy together  :inlove:

Her high pitched shout startles the dog and she runs fast away from Sayu

I probably shouldn't have brought Sayu here if she's going to give the puppy a heart attack like this.

The last thing I want is to see the dog dyed pink if I decide to leave to buy another can of dog food.
OMG  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

I put her on top of the bed next to Risa and sit at the edge of the bed. She glances at Risa then comes hurry over to me for cover. What is she so scared of? I take her and push her back towards Gaki-san, but again she rushes away.
Maybe they both sensed a feeling of rivalry  :grin:

This can't be real...
WHAT IS IT?  :shocked

I am not seeing some naked girl in my bed right now!
OMG! I wanna see  :twisted:

I get the wind knocked out of me when she lands right one top of me
Should not think perv... should not think perv...  XD

“AH!” I push her back and scurry away.

“Eri! My name is Eri.” she introduces.

I stand and stare, taking in her appearance and trying not to think about her not having no clothes on
That would be hard  :twisted:

“You can't go around tackling me to the ground and you most definitely can't do that while you're naked!”
Come here Eri... i won't mind  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:

“Ai-chan, is so small!” Eri notes.
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

“Eri, sit on the couch not the floor! You're a human now. You have to sit like one.” I correct.
OMG  :on lol:

She looks at me unsure then scratches the back of her ear with her foot. OK, now it's impossible. Eri then scratches her nose.
:wahaha:  :wahaha:  :wahaha:

“Ah, Ai-chan! You have your phone on today.” She notices.

 :bow:  :bow:  :bow:  :heart:  :heart:  :heart:  :bow:  :bow:  :bow:  :twothumbs  :twothumbs  :twothumbs   :bow:  :bow:  :bow:

Offline writerjunkie

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Re: Puppy Love(UPDATE 3/17)
« Reply #21 on: March 20, 2010, 10:08:51 PM »
@ Assuie- Will you see Reina in this fic? You'll just have to wait and see. There is still room for more characters in the fic.

@ Hammy- You might be feeling even sadder for Risa later on in the fic.

OK, I've made a few drawings for this fic long before this chapter, but just couldn't post the drawings yet. These are all chibi and well some came out alright though not how I wanted it. I hope at least it's cute.

In this one it's supposed to look like she has a piece of steak in her mouth in case no one can tell.

Offline Haruka

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Re: Puppy Love(UPDATE 3/17)
« Reply #22 on: March 21, 2010, 09:55:42 PM »
I don't want Risa to suffer T_T but even with that the fic its great xP

=O how cute pics =3 thats a piece of steak? ._. I though... it was a whistle ._. I'm sorry u_u

God!! She knows she's HOT!

Offline StephanyLee

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Re: Puppy Love(UPDATE 3/17)
« Reply #23 on: March 22, 2010, 02:32:13 AM »
* coming from the shadows*

For now, I think everyone will like to see some fluff AiEri with some funny stuff in store.  :D

I know i do!!!
Ai teaching Eri how to act like a human promise so much fun  XD
This is absolutely great. Eri as a puppy suits her soooo well. And damn Risa! take it easy o.0 she really care about Ai.

Wanna se what's next :P
Twice took over my life and I'm not the same since then ♡
My love for H!P will never die ♡

Offline Aisacchan

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Re: Puppy Love(UPDATE 3/17)
« Reply #24 on: April 01, 2010, 02:57:58 AM »
Cute story~  :heart:

Eri as a puppy is kawaii~  :wub:  I want Puppy!Eri too  XD

AiEri interaction is  :heart:  :heart:

I hope Reina will make an appearance since she is the only Rokkie left here
Wonder if Eri's owner before was Reina...maybe??  :?

Hmmm...Next chapter please  :bow:
~ jurina & mayuyu oshi
~ wmatsui, jurimayu, mayuki

Offline writerjunkie

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Re: Puppy Love (UPDATE 3/17)
« Reply #25 on: June 18, 2010, 07:13:53 PM »
Thank you everyone who has left a comment on this fic. I'm sorry that it took so long for me to post a new chapter. I caught writer's block again. T_T That and well...I was way too hard on myself when I wrote the new chaper and would end up erasing a lot of the things I wrote. I now have a new chapter that MIGHT be worth posting/reading. I'll promise to make the next chapter interesting and funny unlike this chapter. It'll still be filled with cuteness of course! ^___^


“Here, try to drink from this glass of orange juice one more time.” I say, handing over the tall glass of juice.

Eri reaches out to the cup on the table and picks it up properly into her right hand. We've been practicing all day on how she should walk and no longer run on all fours. She hasn't mastered that yet. I'll still need more time to get her out of the habit of getting around like a dog. I decided to teach her manners when she eats instead.

That seemed easier. It's less challenging, but still a struggle. This is the fourth time we're going over how to drink things from cups. I watch Eri  put both hands around the cup when she picks it up then tilts it slightly up when it reaches her mouth. She drinks the juice normally for the first time.

Until she starts lapping at the drink inside again. Well...that lasted longer than when she first tried.

“Eri, you're licking it again like your drinking from a dog bowl!” I yell. She puts the cup down. “You are supposed to tilt the cup to make it easier to put it in your mouth then swallow.”

Eri puts her head down and pouts no longer thirsty. I should probably move on to something else. I've been teaching her for an hour on just how to drink right.

“Eri's sorry!” she yells. “Eri still has a hard time learning.”

Great, she looks like she's going to cry again. Isn't she such a crybaby? I don't feel like dealing with tears today!

“It's alright. Let's try something else.” I say. I watch Eri sit back in her seat less upset.

She nods her head agreeing with my choice. She pushes the cup back in my direction and I take it before she has an accident again. The first time she went to pick up the cup it fell from her hand and shattered. She had a poor grip on it. She's made her grip better, but  I don't want to end another cup short if she decides to forget how to hold a cup properly.

I can't understand though how she's poor at holding a cup yet she can speak to me and understand the words I say. The more I ponder though the more I realize that there are a lot of things I don't know about her and forgot to question first before welcoming her into my home.

“Hey Eri,” I call.

“Yes?” She questions, sitting up straight in her seat with one ear pointing up to listen better.

“I was is it that you were a dog at first then a human next? That isn't exactly what normal people can do. What are you?” I ask.

“Changing forms is an ability Eri was born with. I was told humans call us...shape-shifters. It isn't easy to shift though. It takes a lot of time and practice. Eri was training to transform.” she replies.

“We? So you're saying there are many of you?” I question.

“Yes, many different species! Some have become masters and can change to any animal they want. I've heard of some who can even mimic human forms! There aren't many that can do that though. We also live in a different world from humans since the humans won't easily accept us. Eri doesn't believe that! Ai-chan accepted Eri.” Eri clarifies.

I rest my chin on top of my curled fist going over Eri's words in my head deep in thought.

“Worlds? So if you have your own world why are you here, Eri? How did you get here?” I mention. “Don't you have a family in your world? Friends even?”

Eri sinks back into her chair with her shoulders bunched up as if trying to hide. I sit up straight in my seat and raise a brow, curiously.

“Eri?” I ask.

She looks at me and opens her mouth to speak, but then my doorbell rings, interrupting our intense conversation. I turn towards the door, puzzled. I didn't expect any visitors. I stand from my seat and make my way to the door. I unlock the top lock to my door and peek outside.

“Gaki-san?!” I shout, surprised.

I open the door half way, remembering that Eri is here and if Risa sees her she'll expect answers. If Risa sees Eri I'll be in big trouble. She'll know I was lying! I just have to keep calm, just keep calm Ai. Risa smiles at me and holds out something wrapped in a blue and white stripped cloth.

“Hello Ai-chan! I came to drop off some remedies that might help you feel better.” Risa announces.


I stand there, feeling like a complete idiot. She's so kind, always thinking of me. She probably even had to take my shift back at the cafe and all I did today was talk with Eri. She went through the trouble to even make me medicine which probably took her quite some time to make. I rub the back of my head, mentally kicking myself for skipping work and lying to Risa.

“Ai-chan? How are you feeling today? Are you feeling queasy right now? I can drive you to the doctor!” Risa yells, immediately taking my silence as danger to my health.

“No, I'm fine! I just...I really didn't expect you to come over.” I admit.

Risa lowers her hands and looks away, embarrassed. I can see her cheeks turn a light shade of pink.

“Well I...I was worried when you told me you felt ill. As your best friend I should try to help you, so when I came home I had my mom teach  me a recipe for soup that always made me feel better when I was sick.” she replies. “If you're feeling better than you don't have to take the soup! I'll just bring it back home with me.”

“No, it's fine! Thank you Gaki-san. You're always watching out for me!” I encourage, then take the wrapped container from Risa's hands.

With my free arm, I pull Risa into a comforting hug. The hug only last a few seconds. When I look at her again she turns her view to the wall beside her too embarrassed again to look at me. She sure is acting strange today. This whole conversation is just getting too awkward for me.

“Well I'll just go now and get some rest.” I announce.

“Yes of course! Please take care of yourself Ai-chan. If you don't feel any better tomorrow let me know so that I can tell Yoshizawa-san you'll need another day off.” Risa agrees. “Oh, and Sayumi said she hopes you get well soon all the girls at the cafe do.”

“Thank you, Gaki-san! I should be fine by tomorrow I promise.” I confirm.

Just before I go to close the door there's noise coming from the kitchen. I stand still staring at Risa in fear. She looks at me confused. She leans to the left to try and see over me to locate the noise, but I lean in her direction quickly to block her. She looks at me even more confused.

“Ai-chan is the dog, OK? I haven't heard anything about her from you today.” Risa questions.

“Uh...y-yeah she's fine Gaki-san!” I croak. “She's never been better. I've been taking good care of her.”

“You know, I haven't gotten any calls yet from her owner. It's almost been two days.” Risa announces. “Do you think after a few weeks we should bring her to the pound?”

I nearly have a heart attack at that suggestion.

“N-NO!” I shout.

Risa blinks at me, surprised from my outburst. I blush and clear my throat nervously.

“I-I-I's only been two days it isn't very long. It will take time for her owner to see her fliers. Besides, I would feel better having her in my care. It's just...pounds are never a fun place for dogs.” I elaborate.
“Ai-chan, I don't think you can keep the dog. You are just too busy to take care of her. Puppies require a lot of attention and training.” Risa argues. “It's best that you give her up to the pound soon.”

“Trust me Gaki-san she's a lot easier to take care of now.” I assure. “I got the hang of caring for her.”

Yeah now that she's human! I still have a lot of work to do with her even if she is human because it feels like I have a child living in my house. It's so tiring! Risa stares at me, squinting as if trying to read into my mind. I stand up stiff, afraid she'll see right through my mirage.

“I  uh...should get going before the dog ends up having another accident on my kitchen floor.” I state, excusing myself.

Risa's face becomes softer and less fixated on trying to read my thoughts. I let out a small sigh. She nods, understanding my responsibility to take care of Eri.

“You're right. I'll get going now. Goodbye Ai-chan! Please remember get plenty of rest!” She advices, before walking away.

I close the door and feel a massive wave of emotions rip through me. I feel my shoulders sink down and my head lower. I feel like such an idiot. I can't spend another day doing nothing. I can't lie to Gaki-san anymore, but I can't tell her either about Eri.

She may be my best friend, but there are certain things that even best friends can't understand and telling her how Eri came here isn't very believable to anyone. I make my way through the living room and into the kitchen and pause, seeing that Eri is no longer in her chair. The chair is also knocked over. Eri nowhere to be seen. I place the container of soup on the counter before searching for Eri.

“Eri? Eri where did you go?”

I get to my room and see Eri sitting on the bed, looking at me curiously. I glare at her and her curious look turns to a guilty expression. She puts her head down and stares at her feet.

“Eri didn't I tell you to stay in your seat at the kitchen?” I scold.

“I'm sorry! I-I got thirsty so I went to get a drink myself, but I made the chair fall with my tail. The noise scared me!” Eri explains.

I walk over to her and smooth down her messy hair with my hand. She smiles and leans her head closer towards me. She wants me to pet her? Even though she's a human she still looks cute when she's trying to get me to pet her. She seems to always forget she's a human.

Eri smiles when I give in and start stroking the top of her head. I feel myself start to smile at how cute she looks leaning over to get closer to me.

“Ai-chan?” Eri whispers.

“Yeah?” I reply.

“I don't think she likes me.” Eri answers.

She? Does Eri mean Gaki-san? Why would she think such a thing?

“Why would you think Gaki-san doesn't like you?” I question.

Eri sits up straight and looks at me with a serious expression to her accusation. I've never seen her this stern.

“She acts different when she's around me. She always wants to get rid of me.” Eri sniffles. “Why does she hate me Ai-chan? Did I upset her by living with you?”

I place my arm around Eri's shoulder and take a seat next to her on my bed. She shifts to the side so that her head is against my shoulder.

“Gaki-san doesn't hate you. She just thinks I'm not mature enough to take care of a dog. She also doesn't want me to keep a dog that already has an owner.” I explain.

I hear Eri sniffle a few times then see her lift a hand to wipe away at some tears.

“Really?” she questions.

“Of course! Just give Gaki-san time and she'll come to like you. Right now probably isn't a good time for you to meet her though. She'll flip out.” I suggest.

“Okay.” Eri agrees.

We sit there together in silence until I can't hear Eri's sniffling anymore. That stops for a few minutes, but then she starts to shift in her seat.

“Eri will you stay still?! You've been doing that a lot lately. What's wrong with you?” I complain.

“I-It's my tail! It doesn't have enough room to stick out. Ai-chan how can you wear these pants?!” Eri whimpers. “They're so uncomfortable and binding!”

I completely forgot about her tail! That's real smart of me. It looks like I'll have to cut a few holes into some clothes for her. I really have to go shopping for Eri. How can I do that though if she's not there to figure out her size? I can't exactly go out with her in public with her tail and ears sticking out.

“Alright I'll cut a hole in them for you. Just let me find a pair of scissors.”

I get off my bed trying to recall the last place I put the scissors.

“Oh Ai-chan!” Eri calls. “What about my bath?”

I forgot about that too! Wait a minute...a bath...Eri needs to take a bath...she's going to be naked again?! This means I'll also have to be there to GIVE her the bath! I don't want to sit there while she's naked! She's old enough to wash herself!

I know though that if I do leave her there she'll probably end up drowning herself in the tub! I sigh. I'll have to take her a bath. I get the feeling though it isn't going to be easy.


“ERI!!!” I growl. “You were supposed to take the bath not me! Look at me! I'm soaked!”

“But...taking a bath is no fun if no one is there to play with me!” Eri cries.

“Next time you're taking a bath alone!” I decide.

“No! Y-you can't do that!” Eri begs. “I-I promise I won't get you wet next time Ai-chan! Just don't leave when Eri takes a bath! If you go...who will scrub my back or make sure I don't get shampoo in my eye?”

I scoff. “Eri, you got shampoo in your eye even when I was watching you. You didn't know how to stay still that's why it got in your eye in the first place! Then water went everywhere because you panicked!”

“Eri's sorry! Eri was just having so much fun!” Eri smiles.

I ignore her and make my way towards my room to find dry clothes for myself since my clothes are dripping with water. I'll have to mop up the floor just before I go to bed too. I take out two sets of clothing and make sure to put a hole in one for Eri's tail. I get dress quickly since it's easier for me to dress myself. Then I gather Eri's clothes and turn around to hand it to her.

She just stares at me and tilts her head.

“Ai-chan has a nice body.” she mumbles.

“Ah, hey!! Were you looking at me the whole time I was changing?!” I shout, feeling my cheeks burn.

Eri nods and that only makes my face burn even more. I can feel my ears getting warm now.

“Eri! You're not supposed to stare! Haven't you heard of privacy?!”

She continues to look at me then scrunch her brows together to piece together my information. I put my arms around my chest to cover my body even though I know I already have clothes on.

“But...Ai-chan saw Eri naked many times. Why can't Eri see Ai-chan naked too?” she questions.

“I don't mean to look at you naked! The first time you came to me like that and you can't take a bath for yourself so I had to stay in the bathroom with you like that!” I defend. “Just...don't look at me naked anymore, okay?!”

Now she's got me flustered!

“Alright.” Eri agrees.

I hand over her clothes. “Here just put this on yourself.” I instruct.

Eri gathers the pieces of clothing and I turn around so that I can't see her once she takes off her towel. I stand there in silence, but it seems really awkward to me because I can't get out of my mind that Eri has been looking at me while I changed! Are dogs usually that curious?! I put a hand to my cheek and realize it's turned really hot again just from thinking about Eri staring at me a few minutes ago. What is wrong with me?!

Calm down! I take a deep breath and close my eyes to relax myself.

“Ai-chan, did you used to dance?” Eri questions.

“Uh...yeah. I took a few dance classes and did ballet for a couple of years.” I answer. “How did you know?”

“You have a body of a dancer. Eri used to dance too. Can we dance together some time?”

“Um...sure.” I agree. “Are you done now?”


I turn around and feel relieved to know that Eri has clothes on. She even put everything on correctly this time. I walk over to her and pat the top of her head.

“Good job Eri! You dressed yourself the right way. You are learning after all.” I encourage.

Eri smiles and I see her tail start to wag uncontrollably. She's always cute when she moves her curled tail like that. I leave the room to mop up the puddles of water and then go back into my bedroom when it's complete. Now I can finally get some rest.

“Come on, let's get into bed.” I order.

Eri is first to get on the bed and crawls to the head of the bed to claim her spot for the night. I go after her and take the right side. I lay back, taking the blanket with me then turn off the lights. The second the room is covered in darkness Eri scoots closer towards me and clings on to me. She must be afraid of the dark.

For some reason...I find that really cute rather than annoying. I smile then close my eyes to fall asleep. It's been a hard and long day trying to get Eri to be more human. It required a lot more work than I thought. I'm just glad to be in bed so that I can get ready for tomorrow.

I feel myself start to doze off. Until I'm interrupted.


“Uh-huh?” I sleepily reply.

I would have expected Eri to be asleep by now. I know for a fact that I'm tired from all the training we went through. Eri seems pretty much hopeless to teach her human behavior and table manners. She always forgets and makes the same mistakes, but every time I try to scold her for what she's done wrong she always gets teary-eyed and her bottom lip quivers. I think she does that on purpose so I won't get mad at her!

“Thank you for taking care of Eri. Eri knows it isn't easy and that Eri is frustrating, but Eri tries to learn. Eri will try to be better for Ai-chan.” Eri promises. “Please don't give up on Eri.”

I turn around to face her and put a hand on Eri's waist. I don't think I'm mad at her anymore. How can I when she comes to me with a speech like that? She's just so cute.

“Of course I won't Eri. I'll take care of you.”

Eri smiles then scoots closer to me to put her head underneath my chin and tucks it into my chest. I close my eyes and let out a slow breath. She trust me and I shouldn't break that. I wish I just knew how she got here. I get the feeling that even though she's cute and innocent about the human world she's still hiding something from me.

 Maybe she's scared of something. What could she be hiding from?

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: Puppy Love (UPDATE 6/18)
« Reply #26 on: June 18, 2010, 09:46:12 PM »
AW~ it's still cute~~ X3

and lol about eri's fail of drinking XD she cant help it if her instincts are kicking in lol i'm wondering where she came from too~ and if there's more ppl/creature things like her who,where and which memebers are they~~? XD

keep it up~ X3
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

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Re: Puppy Love (UPDATE 6/18)
« Reply #27 on: June 19, 2010, 12:16:13 AM »
Hmm, I guess Risa does like Ai. If this is an AiEri, that means the bean's probably going to get hurt later. :( Damn.

But, this chapter was pretty adorable, Eri's so cute! Wonder what kind of trouble she'll get into while Ai's at work? XD

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Re: Puppy Love (UPDATE 6/18)
« Reply #28 on: June 20, 2010, 08:01:38 PM »

“Does Ai-chan have to leave?” Eri complains, watching me from the couch as I gather my belongings before getting to work.

“Yes, I have to go to work this time, Eri. I can't have another day off. The cafe is always busy and we're a girl short so Yoshizawa-san needs all the help she can get.” I answer, grabbing my keys from the kitchen table.

“Yoshizawa-san?” Eri repeats, curiously.

“She's my boss and one of the owners to the cafe.” I explain.

“Can I see the cafe?” Eri excitingly questions.

“Of course you can't!” I snap.

Eri pouts and sits back into the couch with her head down. I sigh and put on a gentler face.

“ know you can't go out with your ears and tail out like that. You would stick out like a sore thumb.” I remind her.

“Eri knows it's just...Eri will miss Ai-chan while Ai-chan is gone.”

I walk over to her and pat the top of her head. She looks up at me and smiles.

“I'll be back before you know it. Besides, with any luck today might go quick and I can be back here to be with you.” I promise.

“I want to be outside with Ai-chan and go to restaurant like on TV!” Eri ask.

I laugh at how her eyes begin to sparkle at the thought of eating out in a fancy restaurant. She has such simple dreams, but it's so cute how much she hangs on to them with joy. She seems to be happy from the simplest thing. I don't remember the last time I was happy from things like that. Every since I moved away from home I had to be more like an adult to keep my apartment and make a living for myself.

“Right now what you should be eating is the food I made you this morning. Finish your breakfast.” I encourage, pointing to the plate on the coffee table.

“Okay~!” Eri obeys, picking up her chopsticks.

I'm relieved to know that Eri likes my cooking. Today is the first time I cooked something other than instant noodles, or bought food from a local store. I woke up early today to get what I needed to make breakfast. I wasn't sure how it would turn out, but Eri seems to like it. It's something simple from a cookbook I bought this morning, while going to the store to collect some ingredients.

I didn't know what I was looking for. I was just looking around. Eri just seems really happy to eat something I made for her.

“Hey Ai-chan,” Eri calls, taking another bite from her sushi roll. “What's that thing on the counter over there?”

I look to where Eri is pointing and notice the container that Risa gave me last night. I completely forgot about it! It's been there all night! I hurry over to take it off the counter. How could I forget about this?! I feel like such an idiot. Risa went out of her way to make this for me! I just completely ignored it.

I put it into the fridge, planning to eat it later.

“It's nothing, Eri. Just something I forgot to put away.” I bypass. “I have to go now before I'll be late. Don't make a mess while I'm gone! Bye!”

“Bye bye~!!” Eri calls back, her eyes focused to the flashing TV.

I smile as I close the door and make my way down the apartment hall. She's so cute. I'm sure she doesn't know how much. If making food for her makes her this happy I should do it more often.


“Ai-chan, you're back~!!” Sayu notices, as I step through the cafe front door.

She runs over to me and smothers me in a tight hug. Everyone else then comes towards me, happy about my arrival. I'll be going through a short questioning stage.

“Takahashi-san! I was worried about you once Niigaki-san told me you were feeling ill! What did you have?! I'm glad you're okay.” Another of my friends questions.

This hug nearly knocks me off my feet. I laugh and pat the back of my coworker's head.

“Linlin, I'm fine! And please, call me Ai-chan.” I insist.

Linlin nods and give me another hug before letting go. I look back and forth between my two friends and smile. They care about me just as much as Gaki-san does. They're just like my family too. From behind the counter, I can see Yoshizawa-san and Ishikawa-san coming towards me. They look just as happy to see me too.

“Ai-chan, I'm relieved to see you're better.” Ishikawa-san says. “Are you fully recovered to be working?”

“Yes of course!” I reply.

“You had us worried yesterday, Ai-chan.” Yoshizawa-san grumbles.

“I'm sorry. I didn't expect myself to feel sick so suddenly.” I apologized. “I know that now isn't the time for that since we're short of a worker.”

“Ah well...make that TWO workers short this time.” Yoshizawa-san sighs.

“Huh?! What happened?”

“One of our girls quit today. She had a family emergency.” Ishikawa-san informs.

They don't seem really happy about this. Yoshizawa-san looks pissed and Ishikawa-san just looks worried. I'll have to work harder today and try not get on either of their bad side.

“We'll need you to work a little longer than your planned schedule is that okay with you Ai-chan?” Yoshizawa-san ask.

“It's fine. I could use the extra money.” I agree.

“Thank you. I'm very grateful for your extra help, Ai-chan.”

“Hey! Are you all going to help me set the tables or what?!”

I know that voice anywhere. I turn around to the counter and wave at Gaki-san. She stares at me surprised when she notices I'm here. She didn't expect me to come in today?

“Ai-chan you're back! Are you sure you should be working?” she says, acting like her motherly self.

I laugh and nod. “I'm ready to work again, Gaki-san. You don't have to worry!” I assure.

“Well let's get started! I'll help you Niigaki-san!” Linlin offers, then dashes off.

“Hey, does this means I have to was the dishes?!” Sayu complains. “My hands will turn prune-y!”

“I'll take care of it Sayu. Go sweep the floor.” I volunteer.

“Thanks Ai-chan!”

“Everyone seems a lot happier today now that you're back, Ai-chan.” Ishikawa notices. “It was like while you were gone their energy was too, especially Mame-chan's.”

“Gaki-san worries about you too much you know? It's like she's your older sister. You should be thankful about her always taking care of you like this.” Yoshizawa-san advises.

“I always am. She's a true best friend.” I smile. “Well, I better get going now.”

I excuse myself from my two bosses then make my way to the back where I know a mountain of dirty dishes are waiting for me. I walk over to the sink and grab the rubber gloves from the counter.

“Hey, Ai-chan!” Gaki-san calls. “You have to put on your uniform first! Go change in the locker room.”

Oh I forgot about that. I head towards the back to change because I know that if I won't then the dishes will only build up. I walk up to my locker and quickly put in the needed code to open it. I swing open the door and nearly have a heart attack when I hear a crash behind me. Who else could be here?!

I'm the only one who doesn't have the cafe uniform on. I turn around afraid to what I'll find. Please don't hurt me! I put my hands up to my face to protect myself. The only thing is nothing attacks me when I spin around.

I stay there a little longer and still nothing happens. I lower my arms and peek out over my hands. Through the cracks I can see a small I was frightened by a cat?! I put my arms down and blush.

I feel really stupid. The cat meows looking at the plastic containers that fell then walks over to me and starts to meow again. The gray colored cat rubs its face against my leg then purrs.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” I ask, bending down to pick it up in my hands. “Did you come in here last night and got stuck inside?”

The cat looks at me with its blue shimmering eyes and I stare at it, studying its face.

“You have such strange eyes.” I whisper.


“UWA!” I scream. “Gaki-san! I have to get ready!”

I walk over to the door and drop the cat outside then close it once it runs away. Then I quickly get dressed before Gaki-san gets really angry and comes inside. I don't want to face her when she's in complete mother mode. I tie the apron to the outfit around my waist then rush out when the whole uniform is complete. This is going to be such a busy day. I hope Eri will be okay while I'm away for a  few more hours.


“Thank you again Ai-chan for willing to stay a little longer than the other girls. I'll be sure to pay you extra for next week's pay check.” Yoshizawa-san promise. “Go home and get some rest.”

“Thanks Yoshizawa-san. Are you sure you don't want me to help lock up?” I offer.

“No, no, you've done enough for today Ai-chan!” Ishikawa-san agrees. “You've done too much for a girl that's just recovered from being sick. If you don't go home I will take you home myself!”

“Alright, I'll go home.” I chuckle then take my bag from the table. “Goodnight!”

I make my way to the front door and take a step back when it opens on its own. I look up from the door knob, puzzled at who would come in while we're closing. I look up at the girl standing in the door way and get lost in her dark angular-shaped eyes. Have I seen her before? I break out of my slight haze and open my mouth to try and speak.

“Um...w-we're closed.” I mumble, finding myself in another daze as I stare into her eyes again.

“I'm here to apply for a job. There's a help wanted sign out front.” she states.

“You're coming a little too late for an application don't you think?” Yoshizawa-san questions.

The small girl in front of me turns away from my eyes and glares at Yoshizawa-san. She folds her arms around her chest and gives Yoshizawa-san a 'your-point-is?' look.

“Look, I really need this job. I'm willing to work for as long as you need me to.” she snaps.

Yoshizawa-san puts a finger to her chin, thinking about interviewing this tough girl this late then looks back to Ishikawa-san. She shrugs.

“We do need some extra help.” Ishikawa-san recalls.

“Alright. I'll give you an application and give it back to me tomorrow morning. We open at 7am tomorrow.” Yoshizawa-san agrees. “By the way, what's your name?”

“Tanaka Reina.” she looks back at me as if hinting me to tell my name next.

Why is she always staring at me?! I don't even know her! She's a lot weirder than I thought. I look down and grip tightly on to the strap of my bag. I really should go.

“Uh...I'll just be going now. Bye!” I announce again before racing out the front door.

“Goodbye Ai-chan!” Ishikawa-san calls.

At the corner of my eye the new girl in the shop turns to me and I turn around to glance back at her.

“It was nice meeting you.” she coolly speaks.

I turn stiff and nod then turn back around. I can't be the only one who finds her weird. It doesn't matter now. I have to get home and take care of Eri. I need to make a quick stop at a market that's still open to buy some ingredients to cook dinner for her. She must be starving. What can I cook for her tonight?


“Eri I'm home~!!” I declare. “I'm sorry I came back late! Another girl quit at the cafe today. We're a lot busier than usual now. This new girl came though to apply so it might be a little easier if she's hired, but we're still one girl short!”

I look up from my bags and notice that it's silent. Wait...was I just ranting to Eri about my day? Never mind! That isn't important. Right now I can't hear her. Where did she go?!

The living is empty! The TV There isn't a huge mess here either. She's more civilized? I quickly place my bags on the table and search for Eri afraid to what I'll find this time.

There is only one other room she would be in. I walk directly to my room and prepare myself as I carefully push open my bedroom door. Then whatever feelings I have in me disappears and I smile. Eri fell asleep, waiting for me. I go over to her and put a hand over her bangs and brush them aside a few times.

They always fall back to the place they start in which is in the middle of her forehead, covering a section of her eyebrows. Eri finally stirs when I move the strip of hair the last time then she swats her hand to my hand. Her fingers slap the back of my palm. When she feels my hand she slowly opens her eyes.

Eri finally looks up at me and blinks a few times and I smile at her. She's even cute when she wakes up.

“Ai-chan?” she croaks.

I nod. She gets up to sit then reaches out to tangle her arms around my neck to put me into a warm hug.

“Eri's glad you're back. I missed you.” she groggily says.

“I'm sorry. I had to stay at work longer. I can make you something to eat if you'd like?” I suggest.

I feel Eri shake her head against my neck. Then she starts to sink forward into me. She must be going back to sleep.

“I'm not hungry. I just wants to sleep...with Ai-chan like usual.” she requests.

“Okay.” I comply.

With out thinking, I crawl into bed, with Eri still wrapped around my neck. Then make my way to the middle of the bed before laying down with her. She lets out a content sigh and rolls on to her side, but still remains close to me.

“Goodnight Eri.” I whisper.

“Goodnight Ai...chan...” she breathes out just before going to sleep.

I smile then close my eyes too. I'm glad she's here. Eri always makes my night after work a lot better. It's as if the stress goes away when I'm in her presence.

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Re: Puppy Love (UPDATE 6/20)
« Reply #29 on: June 20, 2010, 11:48:54 PM »
I have an inkling that Reina is up to no good. Maybe she's who Eri was running from?
Either way, whatever, I'll just have to wait. Aww, is Ai already falling for Eri? What about Gaki-san?

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Re: Puppy Love (UPDATE 6/20)
« Reply #30 on: June 21, 2010, 04:56:48 AM »
Kitty Reina is in the mix now! Maybe she's misunderstanding Aichan keeping Eri and taking care of her, which is why she eyed Aichan so coldly? She obviously has a connection to Eri, I wouldn't want it to be on the negative side (my inner TanaKameism coming out onto the surface :lol: ). Just a concerned shapeshifter friend(?) of Eri's who is a little jealous and suspicious of Aichan for keeping her in. Or something like that. Can't wait to find out more about Reina.

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Re: Puppy Love (UPDATE 6/20)
« Reply #31 on: June 29, 2010, 09:46:56 PM »
Junkie!!! Thanks for the two new chappies  :twothumbs  finally free to read and catch up now  :)

Chapter 4:

OMG. Eri puppy running on all fours? Needing to practise to walk? To drink and not to lap? Referring to herself in third person and trying not to cry because she can't behave like a normal human being? I just can't imagine CUTE all that must be!  :wub:

Yay! Ai finally doing a sane thing and beginning to ask questions.
A shape-shifter? Wow, I hadn't thought of that before (or am I just that dense  :nervous). I was just thinking that she was an alien who could change form. Or do we call them shape-shifters? ^__^

Oh no, Gaki entrance. And what's more, she seems really into Ai. Are they going to get together in the end? Probably. Because I can't see AiEri happening like that, just coz one of them is a shape-shifter and all. Eeek. I'm getting really curious as to how this is all going to play out!

Gaki suggesting to bring Eri to the pound, and Ai's reaction  :rofl:

I honestly don't think I can ever tire of this Eri. The baby-cuteness is killing me  :bleed eyes:
More petting scenes, onegaishimasu!  :bow:

“But...Ai-chan saw Eri naked many times. Why can't Eri see Ai-chan naked too?” she questions.


Yeah Ai-chan, why not??!!


“Thank you for taking care of Eri. Eri knows it isn't easy and that Eri is frustrating, but Eri tries to learn. Eri will try to be better for Ai-chan.” Eri promises. “Please don't give up on Eri.”

How do you say no to that?!

Ai-chan didn't follow through with her earlier question though, the one asking the WHY about Eri's presence. Nande? It seemed that Eri didn't want to answer though. Is she lost? An outcast? On a mission? AHHHH, I want to know!
A very cute last scene though *sigh* You're good at this, Junkie.  :heart:

Chapter 5:

I'm starting to wonder.. if Eri's a shape-shifter, why is she three quarters human and a quarter dog? Is it because she's still an apprentice? She was able to change completely to a dog, but not completely to a human? I'm thinking it's because it's really difficult to maintain human form, but I wonder if there's another explanation behind that...

Eri's still so newbie, she doesn't understand that she can't be greedy and want Ai-chan there all the time  XD Everything she does and says is plain cute, oh my gah  :heart:

Wow, Ai's been feeding herself instant noodles all this time? And now she's learning to cook, for Eri? Our little puppy must mean a lot to her  :twothumbs
I wonder what trouble she's going to get herself into now that Ai's gone to work...  :twisted:

The moment you focused on the cat and its eyes, I thought it might be Eri who had shape-shifted... but then when Reina appears in the next scene, it's got to be Reina!  :shocked: Reina another shape-shifter? Puppy Eri's enemy? Eri has run away, and it's Reina's job to get her back? Hmmm... lots of conjecturing at this point, I really don't know until more is revealed! Reina is probably interested in Ai now only because she wants to get to Eri, right? And then comes the falling-for-Ai-chan-because-she's-so-awesome scenario?

Ooo ooo ooo... I really want to find out!!!!!

PLEASE UPDATE SOON  :heart: :heart: :heart:

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Re: Puppy Love (UPDATE 6/20)
« Reply #32 on: June 30, 2010, 05:46:29 AM »
:oops: Your comment made me smile! hehe I didn't expect something like this and to be this long. O.O

I'm happy you like this fic since I need some encouragment to continue this fic since I'm unsure about it since it's not a common pairing and well there aren't many people that like this pairing either. So any comment on this fic I'll be more than happy to get and read.

It makes me want to update as soon as possible. lol I'll be sure to do so once I get a few ideas and some inspiration. I know something eventually will come along though. I just hope it won't be too long. I'll of course be sure to add in a bunch of cute scenes. XD

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Re: Puppy Love (UPDATE 6/20)
« Reply #33 on: June 30, 2010, 06:22:27 AM »
:oops: Your comment made me smile! hehe I didn't expect something like this and to be this long. O.O

I'm glad  :heart:
It's not THAT long yet, Junkie. Hehhee... My longest comment reply was (seriously) 4000 words long. In response to a 12,000 word one-shot. But I guess I need to be super duper excited/hyper and all... I don't think I'll be commenting that much again. It was tiring (though satisfying), and the author didn't even acknowledge it  >.<

I'm happy you like this fic since I need some encouragment to continue this fic since I'm unsure about it since it's not a common pairing and well there aren't many people that like this pairing either. So any comment on this fic I'll be more than happy to get and read.

I love this fic so far. Ai-chan is my favourite Momusu, and Eri follows right after. So them, together, like this...  :wub:
I understand your sentiments because I'm a writer myself, and it can be discouraging when it doesn't seem popular with the crowd. That's also a reason I like to leave longer comments on fics, because I want to show that I really appreciate the writer's efforts and to egg them to continue. Short, one-sentence comments, while better than nothing, aren't much for encouragement, are they?   :P

And you've started this story already, so now you have the responsibility to finish it, you hear?  :tama-mad: *pat pat* I really don't like it when somebody starts something, I get into it and then it's never updated again. But if you do end up NOT finishing the fic, I will still demand a run through of what happens. Hopefully you will see this through!  :love:

It makes me want to update as soon as possible. lol I'll be sure to do so once I get a few ideas and some inspiration. I know something eventually will come along though. I just hope it won't be too long. I'll of course be sure to add in a bunch of cute scenes. XD

Woooo! Great to hear! *rubs hands together*
Do you know what's going to happen in the end? Or do things evolve as you continue to plan and write? I usually make sure I know how everything is going to go...  XD

I'm really looking forward to your updates!  :mon cute:
Know that you have me behind you with this fic, cheering on with pom-poms! *searches for pom-poms emoti...* Pretty sure we had one? Hhaaa...

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Re: Puppy Love (UPDATE 6/20)
« Reply #34 on: June 30, 2010, 09:37:59 AM »
AAaaawww I missed two chapters  :panic:
I've been waiting for the next chapter and finally it's here and two!! yay!!  :twothumbs

Chapter 4

Ai-chan learning Eri how to drink for a glasses is awesome XDDD
Eri been all cute and sloppy trying really hard to understand for Ai's sake, I can totally imagine that  :wub:
Finally! Something about Eri's past and where she comes from but Risa! you have to interrupt ¬¬*
Risa just get out of the way  ¬¬'

“Oh Ai-chan!” Eri calls. “What about my bath?”

“Thank you for taking care of Eri. Eri knows it isn't easy and that Eri is frustrating, but Eri tries to learn. Eri will try to be better for Ai-chan.” Eri promises. “Please don't give up on Eri.”

I turn around to face her and put a hand on Eri's waist. I don't think I'm mad at her anymore. How can I when she comes to me with a speech like that? She's just so cute.

“Of course I won't Eri. I'll take care of you.”

Eri smiles then scoots closer to me to put her head underneath my chin and tucks it into my chest. I close my eyes and let out a slow breath. She trust me and I shouldn't break that.
That just too  :wriggly: for words

What could she be hiding from?
Aaaahh I want to know too!!  :panic:

Chapter 5

Don't go to work Ai-chan! You know you want to stay home with Eri ^^
Tell Risa you're still ill and let her take your shift XD

Today is the first time I cooked something other than instant noodles
You know someone's speciall when you cook for them  :heart:

If making food for her makes her this happy I should do it more often.
Yep, definitelly Eri is REALLY special for Ai-chan ^^

Through the cracks I can see a small I was frightened by a cat?!
NO WAY!!  :mon wtf:

“Tanaka Reina.”
I knew it ¬¬
She looks pretty scary here. Is she here to take Eri back with her?!!  Don't you dare :grr: 

What can I cook for her tonight?
Still thinking about her  :wub:

The whole scene where Ai get home and see Eri sleeping and then sleep next to her


I'm happy you like this fic since I need some encouragment to continue this fic since I'm unsure about it since it's not a common pairing and well there aren't many people that like this pairing either. So any comment on this fic I'll be more than happy to get and read.
And you've started this story already, so now you have the responsibility to finish it, you hear?  :tama-mad:
I totally support Beecubed here :P and yeah i know what you mean about the pairing and how it gets really hard to continue a story without exactly knowing if people will like it, also I haven't reply and comment a lot on fanfics specially since it's a long time since a read one but for sure I;m going to read this one ^^ so if a don't post in a chapter, it's not because I didn't read it it's because of my laziness XD AND like you said it's not a lot of this pairing here so now you have to finish it XDDD

Hope you can update soon. I know i'll be here waiting ^^
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Re: Puppy Love (UPDATE 6/20)
« Reply #35 on: June 30, 2010, 12:53:33 PM »
Hmm why do I feel as though Reina knows more thatn she is letting on, has she been sent to get Eri, or is Eri running from her?

Aww sleeping Eri is all ways cute, mind you, if I shared a bed with Ai I think I would skip meals to go to sleep too.... :drool:

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Re: Puppy Love (UPDATE 6/20)
« Reply #36 on: July 07, 2010, 11:48:45 PM »

“Is Ai-chan okay?”

I blink and realize I've been daydreaming for I don't know how long with my cup of coffee in my hands in the air. I was drinking my coffee and trying to cook at the same time, but stopped because of my sudden daydreaming. I'm not doing a very good job at hiding what's bothering me to Eri. So much for trying to hide my worries. I turn around and smile the best I can to put Eri's questions to rest.

“I'm fine Eri. I'm just a little tired today. I didn't get enough sleep last night.” I reply.

“Was it because Eri was cuddling with Ai-chan too much?” Eri ask.

I let out a small laugh and shake my head. So she thinks I'm like this because Eri was holding on to me too hard last night? That's so cute of her being concerned about me.

“No it isn't. Now stop worrying everything is fine.” I assure. “Your breakfast is almost done.”

I look back to the stove and grab my elongated chopsticks to stir the eggs inside the pan a few more times. I hope she likes eggs. I really have to start asking her about the type of foods she likes. That way she can eat all the food I give her. I sort of doubt she'll know what food she likes since she doesn't know about human food.

I should take her out sometime too so she can see the places she's mentioned to me before. I'll do that as soon as she gets rid of her ears and tail. I don't know how long that will take though.

“Eri's thirsty!” Eri shouts, from across the table.

“Okay, let me get you a cup. Do you want orange juice this time?” I ask.

“Uh-huh!” Eri eagerly answers.

I turn off the stove and go over to grab the things I need to serve Eri's drink then carefully place the cup to the table. I look at her and hold on to the cup when it's resting on the table in front of her. She looks up from the glass of juice.

“Do not drop this.” I warn. “I don't really have time to clean up after you this morning.”

Eri nods then I let the cup go. She carefully grabs the cup then slides it over to her. Eri looks up at me and pouts then tears start to build up in her eyes. Oh please not now. Why is she going to cry?! Eri bites her bottom lip then wipes her eye with her free hand.

“Ai-chan's scary~!!!” Eri wails.

Now I feel guilty. How can she always mange to get me to say sorry to her?! Even if she deserves the scolding. I was a little too mean though. I guess having that new girl possibly be hired today is bothering me more than I thought.

“Eri I didn't mean to scare you.” I take a deep breath. “I'm just...not my normal self today. I'm sorry.”

“I know. I will try not to bother Ai-chan today. Eri will be extra good today!” Eri promises, before picking up the cup of orange juice carefully.

“Let me go serve your food before I leave.” I walk back to the stove and get a plate.

I place it in front of Eri and smile at her, but that only makes her look at me like she's worried.
Eri stares up at me and tilts her head. Can she read through me that easily?! Am I  really that readable? Eri gives me a gentle smile and nods then looks back to her plate.

That only makes me feel a little relieved. It doesn't matter right now because I have to go. I turn around and pick up  my purse before racing towards the door.

“I cooked extra food that you can eat for lunch, so if you get hungry you can eat that. It can be served cold so don't worry about having to heat it. I have to go now, bye Eri!” I shout, walking out the door.

“Bye~!!” Eri replies, still drawn to her food.


“Good morning Takahashi-san!” Linlin cheers as I walk through the front door. “You know, I just realized for once you aren't the first girl to arrive. Is something wrong?”

“Everything is fine Linlin. I have a dog now and I have to take care of her before I leave for work.” I reply, scanning the area for that strange girl I met last night.

I hope Yoshizawa-san didn't hire her! I know we need all the help we can get, but I just don't trust that girl! I don't know why. I think it's just my gut feeling. My instincts are telling me to stay away from her and I can't exactly do that if Yoshizawa-san decides to hire her.

“Uh...Linlin, you didn't happen to see some new girl walk in here did you?” I ask.

“New girl?” Linlin repeats. “I didn't know Yoshizawa-san found someone already.”

“Linlin, I told you already you can't take a break when you just started!” Sayu scolds, rushing out from the kitchen. “Oh, hi Ai-chan! You're a little late to work than usual. Gaki-san was starting to worry. Let me tell her you finally showed up.”

Sayu goes back into the kitchen and I look back to Linlin who's still looking at me with her puzzled expression. She must be trying really hard to see if she remembers a new girl entering today. Either she's thinking about that or she's just having a brain fart. I put a hand on her shoulder.

“Come on, let's get ready for work.” I encourage.

“Okay!!” Linlin cheerfully agrees.

I lead the way towards the kitchen with Linlin behind me following. When I walk pass Yoshizawa-san's office the door opens. I stop in my tracks afraid I'll have to face what I've been praying wouldn't happen. Linlin nearly knocks me over when she slams into my back.

“Ah, Ai-chan you finally arrived! Now I can give everyone the good news together. Quick come to the kitchen.” Yoshizawa-san orders.

Please don't say what I think you are Yoshizawa-san! Please don't say it! I agree with my boss's order and reluctantly follow her to the back. With every step closer to the kitchen, I feel a wave of dread and fear wash through me over and over.

I go through the metal double doors and stand next to the counter and make room for Yoshizawa-san to pass. She stands in the middle of the kitchen and calls for everyone's attention. I glance at the girls for a second and notice Gaki-san next to me. She smiles at me and waves.

It's kind of hard to give her a proper greeting back since I'm so nervous so I just give her a quick wave before focusing back to Yoshizawa-san. I'm sure she'll ask me about the lack of happiness in my greeting later. I do not look forward to that.

“I'm sure you're all wondering why I'm here and called a meeting.” Yoshizawa-san started.

Well that's a given. We're all curious to why she has to have everyone here for some small announcement. She must like being the center of attention? I put a elbow on the counter to brace myself.

“We'll...that's because I want to introduce you all to our new worker.” Yoshizawa-san looks to the door. “You can come in.”

I knew it! I knew she hired someone! I'm positive now it's the girl from last night! That girl gave me the creeps. There was something off about here when I saw her.

She didn't seem right. She sure looked angry me? She was angry at me for what reason?! I don't even know her. The kitchen door opens and I hold my breath as I peek over Yoshizawa-san to get a better look.

Curse my short height and Yoshizawa-san's tallness! Yoshizawa-san steps aside to give everyone a clear view to our new worker. I nearly have a heart attack when I see her.

“Everyone, this is Tanaka Reina. She'll be working in Morning Cafe from now on. I hope you all will take care of her and treat her with respect. She's new so she'll need all of you to teach her our rules.” Yoshizawa-san introduces. “Go ahead Reina, introduce yourself to everyone.”

Reina looks back at Yoshizawa-san who motions to her with her hands to speak. Reina sighs and faces back to the group with a dull expression on. She scans over the group of girls around her and gives me a weird look when we have eye contact. That feeling I had from last night is still there when she looks at me.

I do NOT look forward to working with her. In fact, I want to avoid her and never have any sort of interaction with her either.

“Well it looks like you all know my name. I'm Reina and...I got this job because I needed it.” Reina turns around to Yoshizawa-san silently asking if that introduction was okay.

“Don't you have anything a little more interesting to tell these girls?” Yoshizawa-san urges.

Reina lets out a low groan. “I'm from Fukuoka and I'm 19. There is that better?! Can I just get to work now?”

“Fine.” Yoshizawa-san agrees. “Like I've said before I need you girls to help Reina get around until she's used to working here. Please be sure to treat her well.”

Yoshizawa-san leaves with that message said and we're all left alone. The girls instantly fling to Reina as if they are amazed with her like she's some foreigner from America. I don't see what's the big deal. So, she's new, but we all were at one point! There's no need to ask fifty questions on her first day of work.

“Hi Tanaka-san! My name is Linlin!”

Reina gives Linlin a confused look. “Linlin? That's a strange name.”

“It's just a nickname. My real name is Qian Lin. I'm from China!” Linlin explains, enthusiastically.

“Yeah...nice to meet you too.” Reina dully replies, completely ignoring Linlin.

She's so rude! Linlin doesn't seem to mind it or notice. She looks at Reina in amused. Linin is sometimes just too nice. I stand still, watching the scene before me as a wave of anger slowly comes over me. Reina's attention shifts to Sayu who gives her a friendly wave hello.

“You're 19? You're just a year younger than me. You look a lot younger for your age.” Sayu comments, looking Reina over.  “Oh and my name is Michishige Sayumi.”

“Uh...thanks?” Reina answers, unsure.

“You have such a weird accent.” Sayu notices.

“Yeah just like Takahashi-san's! Yours sounds a lot scarier though!” Linlin agrees. “She sounds like a yankii! You're not from the Yakuza are you?!”

“Will you two stop pestering her and let her work!” Gaki-san interrupts. “We're supposed to be teaching her not asking her personal questions!”

Linlin and Sayu nod in agreement then look towards each other with clueless expressions. I already know what they're trying to establish.

“Who's going to be her teacher?” Sayu questions.

“YOU DO IT!” Sayu and Linlin yell together, pointing a finger at one another. They stare at each other lost. These two are sometimes such scatterbrains! I have to admit it's funny watching them together though.

“Jakenpyon!” Linlin calls, lining in front of Sayu to get ready for their mini battle.

“None of you are going to do it!” Gaki-san clarifies. “I don't trust any of you to help Reina at all. Just leave that job to Ai-chan and me.”

“Huh?!” I shout.

Gaki-san gives me a stern glare that makes me regret my words. Did I say something wrong? I look down to my heels and pout. I should have shut my mouth. Stupid reflexes!

“Ai-chan, you're the oldest out of everyone here. Don't you think you should make a good example to the girls and take care of Reina?” Gaki-san explains.

“Well...yeah, but-”

“You'll be like our leader Takahashi-san!” Linlin exclaims. “Can I call you leader?”

Gaki-san stares at me and folds her arms over her chest. She's angry. Am I going to have to be forced to say yes? This really isn't fair! I don't even like this person.

She gives me the creeps and I feel that I can't trust her and on top of that if she makes me stay extra hours I'll be angry. I have to make sure I get home so that Eri will have food to eat and so that she doesn't burn my house down!

“I trust you can take care her Ai-chan. Is there a problem with this responsibility?” Gaki-san angrily questions.

“Uh...n-no not at all.” I nervous chuckle. “It's fine.” I look at Reina and force myself to smile. I can feel a corner of my mouth twitch when I'm able to put on some sort of smile. “Nice to meet you Reina.”

Reina looks at me with a blank expression, but her eyes have this strange twinkle when she looks into my eyes. She's still weird! I just call it my gut feeling.

“Like wise.” she whispers.

Even when she speaks I turn stiff! I give her a small smile then turn around to get ready for any kitchen work. I get the feeling that today will go a lot slower. I'm not looking forward to that.

“Ai-chan, you should run Reina through our routine that we all do as a team.” Gaki-san suggests. “We need to get working now.”

I walk over to Reina and remain quiet for a few seconds. She always looks like she's in a bad mood. Maybe she is from the yakuza. What am I thinking?! I have to stop being around Linlin so much!

Reina's just some normal girl and our new worker. least she seems normal. I still haven't figured that part out. Maybe Eri can help me out with this.

“ you have to get your uniform on first.” I start. “Do you have one?”

“Yeah, Yossie said she had an extra one in the back.” Reina answer.

“Uh, you should be calling our boss Yoshizawa-san. Only Ishikawa-san calls her Yossie.” I clarify. “Do you want me to help you put your uniform on?”

“No I got it.”

“Do you know where the locker room is?” I questions, as Reina makes her way towards the door.

“I'm sure I can find it on my own without help.” Reina snaps, then walks out the door.

Well that...went well? How can I teach her anything if she's always going to turn my assistance? This is going to be a lot harder than I thought. My hands at my sides close shut. I'm going to hate this day.

Why did Yoshizawa-san hire her? It doesn't matter now. I'm stuck with her. I can't change Yoshizawa-san's mind either. We need all the help we can get in this cafe.

All I have to do is just avoid her then. I'm not sure how I can do that, but I have to try? I let out a deep sigh.  I can't be home soon enough!


“Eri I'm back home!” I announce, rushing through the door.

“Ai-chan!!” I hear Eri yell.

I'm relieved to hear her. I put my purse on the table and walk over to the living room where she's at the edge of the it, standing on her knees. She has her hands on the armrest. I can see Eri's tail wagging uncontrollably. I guess she missed me.

“Ai-chan's home!” she says.

I hurry over to her and hug her. I feel her arms go around my neck into a hug also. She's always so cute. I have to admit it I did miss Eri. At the moment she makes things at home less hectic then when I'm at work. I take my other hand and pat the back of Eri's head.

“Eri missed Ai-chan!” Eri mumbles. “But Eri is happy Ai-chan is now home! Ai-chan didn't come home so late today.”

“Yeah Yoshizawa-san closed early for something important. I think it might be her anniversary with Ishikawa-san.” I ramble.

I feel Eri nuzzle into my neck and I giggle.

“Hey that tickles Eri!” I laugh. “Did you miss me that much?”

“Uh-huh! Eri missed Ai-chan very much!” Eri answers.

I let go of Eri and look down at her to see just how happy she looks. I've never seen her face this happy or her eyes sparkle this bright before. It sort of makes me feel bad because she's inside all day and home alone with nothing to do and no one to talk to. Eri must really hate that.

I pat the top of Eri's head and she wags her tail again. Then suddenly she leans over the armrest and licks me on the cheek. I freeze. This just turned awkward. I feel Eri's nose brush against my face and then to my nose.

She's extremely close! I stare into her glittering eyes, too frozen to move. Eri gives me a sweet smile that makes my body turn hot. I never noticed how her lips have this type of curl at the edges when she smiles a certain way. It's really cute. Eri keeps brushes the top of her nose against mine.

Until she goes further forward and I think our lips are about to touch. I'm going to freak out! This is too weird! I put my hand up between our faces and put two fingers on her chin. Eri stops and looks at me curiously. What the hell just happened?!

What is wrong with me?! What was I even thinking!? I put my hands to my temple and frown. I wasn't about to kiss her! Eri was about to kiss me! It's the other way around!

“I um...I-I-I'm sure you're hungry! I'll in the kitchen!” I scream, before running away to safety.

“Ai-chan?” Eri curiously calls.

“D-do you want anything to eat for dinner Eri?” I stutter. “ about meat? I'll just make whatever I have.” I run about the kitchen back and forth not sure what I'm looking for. “I-I'll sleep on the couch tonight. You won't mind will you?”

“Ai-chan.” Eri interrupts.

“Y-you know I'm not that hungry! Y-y-you can just eat dinner for today.” I stumble.

“AI-CHAN!!!” Eri screams.

I jump and slowly turn around, but don't look her in the eyes. My hands are starting to shake. Eri has on the saddest face I've ever seen. It makes me feel bad for ignoring her without an explanation. She rubs her eye and bites her bottom lip.

I'm such an idiot. Eri doesn't understand anything. I shouldn't be closing myself off from her because of something she did. I'm sure Eri isn't even aware of what she tried to do!

“D-d-did Eri d-do something wrong?” she sniffles.

“No's” I sigh.

How can I explain any of this to Eri? She's so innocent. She can barely understand the human world and human behavior. I can see Eri starting to tear again. I have to say something!

“Eri it's okay. I just...need some space today.” I gently tell her.

“O-okay.” Eri sadly agrees.

I turn back to the stove and get a pot from the cabinet. I need to keep my mind off what just happened. It's best that I just pretend that nothing happened. It was just a mistake. Eri wasn't even aware of her actions. She's probably been watching too much TV today. That's it. She's only copying what she sees on TV. I'll have to give her a talk about that.

“I'll make you some food.” I announce.

“No...Eri isn't hungry. Eri will just go to sleep.” Eri declares.

I look down to the pot and hear Eri get up from the couch and walk across the living room. Then she closes my room door and I stand here, slumped forward. What is going on with me?  What am I doing? I walk away from the stove and go gather extra blankets and pillows for my bed tonight.

I set a blanket on the couch and place a pillow near the armrest. Then climb on it, laying flat on my back. I stare straight into the ceiling, not feeling tired at all. My mind is racing. My body feels restless.

Maybe today didn't end so great after all. Why do I feel so bothered? Why am I confused?
« Last Edit: July 24, 2010, 01:52:39 AM by writerjunkie »

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Re: Puppy Love (UPDATE 7/7)
« Reply #37 on: July 08, 2010, 12:13:12 AM »
Wow, why am I rooting for AiEri when I'm sure there's some Takagaki hints in here?

Oh well, Ai! What are you doing?! You should have let her kiss you! Then show her what it really means to be human! :twisted:

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Re: Puppy Love (UPDATE 7/7)
« Reply #38 on: July 18, 2010, 02:27:32 PM »
Wooo! Update...
Thanks for quickly putting this one out, junkie!
Now onto the comment...

“Was it because Eri was cuddling with you too much?” Eri ask.

Totally a puppy-Eri question  XD
Is she this cute with everybody or only Ai-chan?

If I were Ai, I would definitely always be thinking of OTHER, more IMPORTANT questions to ask Eri... I'd keep probing her about her own world, about why she was here now, why she had shape-shifted to a puppy, what she had planned for the future... not what kind of foods she would like to have  :nervous
Ai-chan kind of has her priorities the wrong way around, lol... it's cute though, but kind of careless on her part.

Eh? How is Eri going to get rid of her ears and tail? Which leads me to the same question I had before - what's the reason why Eri hasn't completely turned into a human, and still has her ears and tail intact (besides upping the cuteness factor xD)???

“Eri's thirsty!” Eri shouts, from across the table.


Eri nods then I let the cup go. She carefully grabs the cup then slides it over to her. Eri looks up at me and pouts then tears start to build up in her eyes.


Now I feel guilty. How can she always mange to get me to say sorry to her?! Even if she deserves the scolding.

Ahhhh, just like a child!  :wub:
I wonder if Eri is a child in her own world (since she also turned to a puppy), and is using an adult's body as a human  :grin:

I also wonder if Eri has super mental powers, like mind/mood reading. It was hinted at, but not looked into... hmmm. If she does, she's sure hid it well so far.

If Ai's having bad gut feelings about Reina, then surely she can't be good news  :panic:

The image of LinLin Man having a brain fart is complete win  XD What a little dorkus! Hhehe.. a meeting between LinLin and puppy Eri please  :bow:

Uh-oh. REINA, why of course... she's seemingly cold and heartless and reeks of evil (for Ai seems so creeped out), I wonder if she will have some kind of character change later on, perhaps falling for Eri or Ai and not wanting to cause any trouble.

Leader Takahashi makes its name debut  8)
Of course Ai-chan has to take care of Reina. Now things are just going to get more complicated... Yakuza Reina.. hahaha, you know, as badass and yankii as Reina makes herself out to be, I can't get past her idol façade. For me, Ai-chan is the only one in MM who can pull off badass whenever the job calls for it (that's why she's such an awesome performer/actor whatever you want to call it). So I'm only getting Yakuza vibes from Reina in her dress sense and the mood she's giving off.
And amidst everything, Ai-chan is still thinking about feeding Eri... :rofl:

“Ai-chan!!” I hear Eri yell.

I really want my own Eri-puppy who yells out my name and comes scurrying to my side when I get home!  :inlove:

I can see Eri's tail wagging uncontrollably.

That image is heartbreakingly adorable!  :wriggly:

AiEri interaction =  :wub: :inlove: :oops: :heart: :love: I'm totally loving the fluffy cuteness you put into this chapter, makes me all gooey inside...

Then suddenly she leans over the armrest and licks me on the cheek.

 :mon spit:

She's extremely close! I stare into her glittering eyes, too frozen to move. Eri gives me a sweet smile that makes my body turn hot. I never noticed how her lips have this type of curl at the edges when she smiles a certain way. It's really cute. Eri keeps brushes the top of her nose against mine.

 :mon crazyinlove:

Until she goes further forward and I think our lips are about to touch. I'm going to freak out! This is too weird! I put my hand up between our faces and put two fingers on her chin.


Oh man, that would have been a great kiss... junkie, you better just be postponing this moment, k k. Because I CANNOT wait for the moment when these two lock lips, coz it could easily be the cutest kiss in the world!!!

Awwwww, Eri really must be just a child, if she didn't know what she was doing and getting all teary over Ai's abrupt running away moment >.< That's so cute!!!! Gaaaaah  :mon inluv:

Ai-chan, you're so bothered and confused because you OBVIOUSLY want Eri. That oozing sweetness, the ears and tail and that banging body. Duh. :nya:

A great, fluffy chapter with some problems looming on the horizon. Thanks for the good work junkie!  :twothumbs
I want more.
Update soon please!  :heart:

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Re: Puppy Love (UPDATE 7/7)
« Reply #39 on: July 19, 2010, 04:35:34 AM »
Uuuuhhhh....all i wanna say is OMFG!! THIS STORY IS SO EFFING CUTE~!!!  :mon lovelaff:
Where the eff have I been?!!  :bleed eyes: I need more of this cuteness!!  :mon inluv:

~It'll cost you nothing to dream~and everything not to~
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