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Author Topic: Embers from the Campfire [My One and Only (SayaIshi Graduation Special)]  (Read 25153 times)

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*gasp* I can't believe I'm finally doing it. I'm opening a one-shot thread... Don't hate me if the stuff I post here isn't any good though. I don't really fancy myself a one-shot writer. Anyway, this is a little story that was partly inspired by Essy, and I'm happy to get out for her birthday even if it's a day or two late. ^^;; I hope you guys enjoy~

First Ember: I Love You

Reina dropped her bag on top of the side table in the foyer, sighing in weariness as she walked straight as an arrow to the living room couch and dropped into it like a rock. A small, petite rock. With some strangely girlish and cat-like features. Anyway. Some of her friends from work had invited her to an izakaya for the night, but she passed, instead wanting to sit here and do nothing, veg, and maybe watch some music shows to stare at the cute boys.

Flipping on the large, flat television mounted to the wall, she went through the network channels to find only a few anime and news programs on. She checked her watch, and seeing it said just after six sighed again, knowing nothing good would be on for almost another hour.

“I suppose I could fix some dinner…” She mumbled to the television. A few minutes passed. “I should probably change into something more comfortable…” she said again, still staring at the moving pictures. Of course, she didn’t move to actually do something like that, since it would actually require effort on her part. “Nah,” she followed up, a coy smile coming to her lips. “I’ll make Aichan undress me when she gets home. That sounds like a much better idea.” Pleased with herself, she laid back on the couch to stare at the anime she’d found. At least it was one featuring songs by some of her friends.

“Reina! I’m home!” a voice called as the door opened again to admit the woman she’d been living with for a few years now, the woman who, despite what had been very specific plans for her future, had made her fall in love with her.

“I hope you brought dinner,” Reina called back to her without moving from the couch as she scratched her belly idly. “Otherwise it’s gonna be late since you’ll have to make it.”

“Hello to you too, dear,” Ai said with a smile as she reached the couch, bending over to give Reina a quick kiss before taking some groceries into the kitchen. “You have a choice of rice with cod, rice with red snapper, or rice with sea bream.”

“If there’s broccoli and mushrooms to go with it, you could serve me cat chow,” Reina replied, flipping to another channel in anticipation of the seven o’clock shows starting. The news host was going over the weather; it looked like it was going to be another hot and muggy day tomorrow.

Pulling her slim frame together to rise from the sofa, she sauntered over to the window and widened the curtains to glance out at the city from their mansion apartment in building two of Roppongi Hills. The late-day sun glinted off Tokyo Tower what seemed like just a short distance away. There were a few clouds in the sky, but nothing that’d bring relief from the heat. Of course, their apartment was perfectly air-conditioned, so she didn’t feel the heat at the moment. Yet another reason why she didn’t want to go out tonight.

As if reading her mind like the damned woman always seemed to do, she heard Ai call from the kitchen, “Weren’t you going to go out with Eri and Haruna-chan tonight? I remember you saying something about that the other day.”

“Didn’t feel like it,” Reina replied shortly. “Besides, if I stay here I can just spend the evening with you.” A sly grin formed on her lips. “That is, unless you have plans.”

Ai’s head peeped around the corner of the wall with a peevish expression. “Not funny,” she replied with a pouty twist to her mouth.

“Well you never know,” Reina said, walking to the kitchen to wrap her arms around the girl’s waist and rest her head on her shoulder to peer over it. “One of these days you might decide to get a life.”

That earned her a lazy swat to the nose.

A couple hours later, Reina’s stomach happily full of fish and stemmy vegetables, she found herself sitting on the sofa with Ai’s feet in her lap while she tried her best to hold them still to paint the toenails as the girl played one of her video games.

“You really need to pay more attention to your looks,” Reina advised her for what seemed like the millionth time. “You may not be an idol anymore, but you’re still in front of people all the time! Looking fashionable is part of your job!”

“You’re right, Reina,” Ai said distractedly. “I should.” Suddenly, her fingers started furiously jamming on the controller’s buttons and she tried to sit up better, het feet slipping out of Reina’s grasp. “Aha! Take that! That’s what you get for not being able to see through my super stealth mode!”

Reina threw up her hands in exasperation. “All right! Go sing with ugly feet! It’s no sweat off my back if you have ugly feet and get fired for having only seven properly painted toes. Reina can take care of herself.” She bounced up from the sofa to head to the bedroom. “I’m gonna go to bed since I have a long day tomorrow. Don’t forget to turn the speakers off when you’re done.”

“Reina, wait!” Ai called after her, and Reina heard the booming sound abruptly cut off. Before she made it to the bedroom she found herself caught around the waist and held fast. The woman could sure move quickly when she wanted to.

“I’m sorry,” Ai said next to her ear. “You know how little patience I have for things like that. I’d forget to tie my shoes in the morning if I didn’t have you looking after me.”

Reina sighed. “I know…” When she felt the woman pull her small frame back tighter against herself, she tried to let herself relax.

“So you have a long day tomorrow, huh?” Ai said, a bit more softly and gently this time, into her ear.

“Mhm,” Reina replied, submitting to the other’s control. “I have to go over notes in preparation for my trip to Guam next week, and have a third-level magazine photo shoot too.”

“I forgot you were leaving next week…” Ai bemoaned, tracing figures around her stomach after having stealthily slipped her hand beneath Reina’s shirt. She sounded disappointed. Reina almost felt bad at hearing it in her tone, but she was not the type of girl who’d let herself succumb to something like that. “I’ll miss you.”

“No you won’t,” Reina replied bluntly. “You’ll just take the chance to play your video games all week, or read that big thick book I saw you buy the other day – yes, don’t pretend like you think I didn’t notice that.”

“You’re probably right,” Ai responded. Reina could hear the amused smile in her tone. “I guess that means I’ll have to make use of you while you’re still around.”

“You’ll let me finish painting your toenails?” Reina asked, glancing at a slight angle back toward the shoulder Ai hovered over.

“Actually…” Ai replied. “I have a better idea how to spend this time. Especially since you have a long day tomorrow.” Reina’s body twitched as she felt Ai’s lips nibble at her ear, and the woman began prodding her along toward the bedroom, her legs lock-stepping pressed up behind her own as they wobbled forward.

“But… Ai-chan…” Reina protested, rapidly losing control of herself as her lover stimulated her in all the right spots she knew so well. “Your game. If we leave it on all night it’ll waste all kinds of power.”

“Forget the game,” Ai murmured directly into her ear as she licked at it while they crossed the threshold to the bedroom. “I’m about to beat this boss, so it’s nothing we need to worry about.”

Reina definitely was not worried about it, and even though she realized that, despite her words of recommendation to Reina, by Ai’s other words she had certainly not forgotten about it and was probably thinking about an upcoming battle at the same time she was pleasuring Reina, the woman was so good at what she did that it made little difference. Her last thought was that once again, she hadn’t even showered yet tonight.

The next morning Reina woke to the alarm clock going off beside her head, and she grumpily slapped her hand in that direction, groping around until she found the button to turn it off. Sitting up groggily, she glanced over to see Ai tangled in the sheets with one knee bent in what looked a very awkward position, the silkiness of the sheet’s high thread count accentuating every curve of the, in Reina’s opinion at least, perfectly formed body beneath it. The thin nightshirt she’d thrown on in exhaustion after they were done was hardly enough to hide what lay below.

Since Reina was usually the one up first, Ai had gotten used to sleeping through the alarm. Normally one would think that’d cause a problem for later when she had to get up herself, but for some reason it seemed that when Reina no longer lay beside her she just couldn’t sleep as well for much longer and managed to be up when she needed to be.

Stumbling around in the room, due only to her own morning unsteadiness since the western wall, completely glass behind its massive curtain, let in plenty of light for her to see what she was doing, she managed to pick out a few clothes and make it to the bathroom, where she finally got that shower she’d missed last night. It was too bad she didn’t have time for a bath in the mornings, but she figured she had efficient enough other means of stress relief that she could get by.

After finally getting dressed and heading out of the bedroom with Ai of course still sleeping soundly, only with the other knee bent by this point, Reina blinked when she noticed the darkened screen of Ai’s game paused on the television. She made a move toward it to turn it off since it’d killed enough trees being on so long already, but halfway there she halted, staring at the paused screen before her and somehow remembering Ai’s comment last night about having nearly killed some boss or something. Sighing, she headed to the foyer and lifted her purse to sling over her shoulder before quietly exiting the apartment in the direction of the elevator that would be the first step toward the train to work.

“Tanaka-san!” her agent called as he peeked through the door to the studio where she was leafing through pages of the pictures she’d been posing for all day. “You have a phone call.”

“I’m busy,” she said offhandedly, raising a hand as if to wave him away. “Who is it?”

“I apologize, Tanaka-san,” her agent said, bowing. “It’s Takahashi-san.”

Staring hard at one particular photo that she felt lacked a certain ‘Reina’ flair, she bit her lip lightly in frustration and made a checkmark beside it before setting the papers down. “All right,” she said, and headed his direction.

“Hello,” she greeted as she walked down the hall, peering out the windows lazily at the faces of the buildings across from the studio.

“Hi!” Ai greeted on the other end. “How’s work today?”

“Horrible,” Reina replied. “This photographer doesn’t know how to work with a stylish idol such as myself, and so too many of the pictures are coming out all wrong. It might take all day before he gets a set worth mine and my fans’ time.”

She thought she heard a soft laugh from the other end, and Ai replied, “I’m sure you’ll whip them into shape and be home early for dinner.” Reina sighed. Since she’d left the idol business, the woman really had no clue any more what her life was like… Then again, she really hadn’t any clue then either. Images of the horrible dresses and combinations of things Ai used to wear suddenly bloomed in Reina’s mind, and she shuddered. It was a good thing she had Reina to take care of her now.

“I’ve been thinking,” Ai said. “It’s your birthday tomorrow, so I thought we could go to the Shangri-La for dinner, and maybe shop around Ginza a bit before we eat. It’d also be a good way to send you off to Guam.”

Reina stumbled as her feet crossed, almost tripping. She’d forgotten it was her birthday tomorrow! She never forgot something like that about herself, and couldn’t imagine how she’d done it now. It was this stupid Guam trip. Between excitement and trepidation – and the prospect of being alone and away from Ai for the week – it must have slipped her mind.

“Of course,” Reina said, smoothly covering up her un-Reina-like neglect of things concerning herself. “It sounds like a nice evening.” She stopped in the hall, looking around to see no one around her before skulking to a corner and crouching into it to murmur softly into the phone, “…I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too,” Ai said cheerfully, but with sincerity in her voice as well. “No video game or big, fat book could ever be as good as you, you know.”

“It better not be…” Reina reinforced darkly.

She heard a soft giggle on the other side of the line. “Well, I have to get back to rehearsal, though it doesn’t look like we’ll be needed here for too much longer.”

“All right,” Reina replied. “Just remember to have dinner ready when I get home. Though I’m not sure I’ll even get home if this moronic photographer doesn’t learn how to do his job.”

“It’ll be ready when you are,” Ai replied, and Reina could sense that smile again. “By the way,” she continued, almost offhandedly. “Thanks for leaving the game on. I know how hard that must have been for you.” Reina sighed again. The woman was hopeless. “I love you.”

Just as Reina was about to give her response, she heard the click as Ai ended the call. She stared at nothing down the hallway as the nearly-formed words rested just at her lips. “I love you too…” she murmured, crouching there a moment longer before flipping her phone shut and straightening to head back down the hall to her photos.

« Last Edit: December 10, 2015, 07:14:37 PM by rokun »

Offline Estrea

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Re: Embers from the Campfire ("one-shot" thread)
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2010, 07:25:03 AM »

*squees in pure, unadulterated joy*

Domestic ReinAi!  :k-thrilled:

I like how they're both basically taking care of each other as they live together. :D Both of them learning to put up with each other's quirks, though since this is from Reina's POV, she does seem to be giving in a lot to Ai's habits. XD

I find it adorable how Reina can be totally self-centered while being sensitive to her other half at the same time. :lol: It's amazing, but hey, that's who Reina is! I personally liked that little snark about Ai getting fired because of having only 7 properly painted toenails :lol: Trust Reina to be particular about this sort of thing! Which also reminds me of that one time for some performance when Ai managed to get 9 of 10 fingernails painted red, but accidentally painted one black. XD If nothing else, it just proves she does need someone to keep her in line. Hehe. know, it suddenly occurred to me that they'll need to change the bedsheets. Ai's toenails aren't even dry as it is. XD That'll leave some interesting stains...heh. Not to mention their, ahem, activity. :P

I also like how you dealt with Aichan's obliviousness. So aware and not at the same time. :D I guess she has her own set of priorities, just like Reina has her own. Good thing they can agree that the other is definitely No.1 on their list of priorities. :D So heartwarming. :heart:

I truly love this pairing. :heart:  :heart:  :heart: Thanks for dedicating this for my birthday! :D And I hope we'll see more ReinAi one shots populating this thread some time in the future! :D :D :D
« Last Edit: April 02, 2010, 07:46:15 AM by Estrea »


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Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Embers from the Campfire ("one-shot" thread)
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2010, 01:46:46 PM »
It's happened... A rokun oneshot thread...

And starting off with a totally cute RenAi, though the end kinda made me cock my head to the side, I'm not sure if you intended that to be a little sad or not, but the way Ai didn't wait for a response kind of made me twitch. Over all, I think you've captured the domestic bliss of the pair very well. And you said you weren't good at oneshots.

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Re: Embers from the Campfire ("one-shot" thread)
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2010, 02:04:02 PM »
^I think the way it ended felt realistic. It's something Ai would do, and it kinda reflects on the way these two work, as well as the realities of adult life.

I guess though, there are two ways of interpreting it. XD Ai could be certain of Reina's response, though not sensitive to the fact that Reina wants to say it back as well? :lol: There's a definite sense of life going on between them. :D


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Re: Embers from the Campfire ("one-shot" thread)
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2010, 03:56:24 AM »
ReinAi :inlove:

ReinAi lived together  XD 
It's cute how Reina taking care of Aichan :oops: Painted her toenails :wub: So adorable :heart:

I love this oneshot. Hope to see another ReinAi embers coming from you  :)
~ jurina & mayuyu oshi
~ wmatsui, jurimayu, mayuki

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Re: Embers from the Campfire ("one-shot" thread)
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2010, 03:39:28 PM »
Ai could be certain of Reina's response, though not sensitive to the fact that Reina wants to say it back as well?
That's kind of what I saw as well.

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Re: Embers from the Campfire ("one-shot" thread)
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2010, 09:18:56 AM »
This was uberly uberly cute *heart*

Though the not letting Reina say it back did sorta seem to bite  :sweatdrop:

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Re: Embers from the Campfire ("one-shot" thread)
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2010, 01:59:58 PM »
Well, maybe Ai just knew that because Reina was at work, she really shouldn't be saying stuff like that where someone might overhear? XD

I love how you make Reina scratch her tummy, for some reason I find that uber adorable. :panic: I also like how Reina kind of likes to boss Ai around, but is sort of sweet in her own rude way. <3

Nice one shot! Love the ReinAi. :thumbsup Write moarrrr. :heart: Sorry for my lack of good comment-ness, I'm tired. XD;
[All hail AiButt! Sig by Dinny!]

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Re: Embers from the Campfire ("one-shot" thread)
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2010, 05:04:02 AM »
Hii Rokun!!!

I really loved this one-shot!!!! Was so beautifull!!  :mon lovelaff:

I loved the ReinAi relationship!!!! As husband and wife...or something like that  :gmon love:

I hope you write more kawaii ReinAi one-shots!!

Thank You for this one!!!  :gmon bye:

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Re: Embers from the Campfire ("one-shot" thread)
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2010, 05:28:11 PM »
One-shot thread by rokun  :shocked  :w00t:
A one-shot thread by a ReinAi writer is welcome in my books anytime, especially someone like rokun's  :D

Love the domestic setting of this particular one-shot (other than that it has ReinAi in it :D). I especially liked the way they balance each other out very nicely, they each seem to be absorbed in their own routines yet they find a way to complement each other and prioritise each other no matter what (if that made sense). It was especially adorable in that bit where it mentions Aichan not being able to sleep as well without Reina by her side  :wub:
My ever-swinging pendulum between TanaKame and ReinAi is not helped when my inner TanaKameist fights the sweetness of a domestic ReinAi with a one-shot like this  :lol:

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Re: Embers from the Campfire ("one-shot" thread)
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2010, 06:20:01 PM »
Wow, thanks everyone who's read this! :D I'm glad so many people enjoyed it.

And this is why I didn't feel confident about one-shots, because you the readers react to things differently than how i would expect with full fics, such as Reina's "I love you" at the end. :lol: How I thought of it was that, partly like Essy suggested, Ai is certain of Reina's response since, by what the rest of the story shows, neither of them have any doubt of their love for each other. It really does mean to depict an established "married" couple in that respect. Along that track at the same time, Reina's not disheartened that Ai didn't give her time to say it back since Reina too is sure that Ai knows it anyway. She just enjoys saying the words as a comfort and statement of herself, even if no one's listening. It's shown that Reina's not bothered by it with how she afterward just calmly closes her phone and goes back to work.

This really is intended to be domestic, completely angst-free ReinAi in the strongest sense. :lol: You don't need to always try to inject some angst into where it doesn't exist XD (although I'd imagine it's expected, with who the story's coming from after all :P)

Anyway, no concrete plans to write more ReinAi one-shots in the near future, but I'm sure some will pop up to satisfy the forum's need for it. :) Next actually I've planned something as a bit of a gift to ayase and maybe others who would like to see a little MiyAiri...

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Re: Embers from the Campfire ("one-shot" thread)
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2010, 07:31:08 PM »
No angst from you....? Wha-wha-wha-what? :panic:


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Re: Embers from the Campfire ("one-shot" thread)
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2010, 07:52:33 PM »
that was good, Ai leaving the game on how sweet :nervous nah but that was really sweet of Ai of doing that :thumbup
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Embers from the Campfire [August 5th: Buono! Forever]
« Reply #13 on: August 05, 2010, 10:57:30 PM »
Well... better late than never, ne? :lol: Still, delivery as promised. I wonder what you'll surprise me with about this. :)

"Buono! Forever"

“Do you think this will be our last concert?” a girl asked the shadowy figure in the dark next to her as the staff assisted them in changing for the encore. They’d just run off stage after their last number, and were changing into special outfits composed of tight denim shorts with specially designed and printed t-shirts for just this occasion, red for herself and green for the other.

“I don’t know,” the younger responded. “I hope not. I’ve hardly had more fun than when performing with you two.” The third girl was already changed and over talking with the stage manager about tips for the special improv in the encore.

“There’s always Aa!” the first suggested, and they began to hear the first chants through the curtains of “Buono! Saikou!”

“But…” Airi said, a hint of a whine in her voice now, “Momo…”

“Meh,” Miyabi replied, switching her mic between hands as she adjusted her outfit in preparation for going back out. “Don’t worry about Momo. She has enough solo activities going on. She’ll be fine.”

She glanced over to see Airi with her cute pouty face and twin tails shadowed in the back lighting. Suddenly the girl lunged at Miyabi, who jumped as she was enveloped in a tight hug, the girl’s mic carelessly digging into her back.

“Airi!” she gasped, scandalized, aware of the staff standing all around them.

The younger girl pulled back to look into Miyabi’s face, tears welling in her eyes. “I’ll miss Buono!” she whined pitifully.

Miyabi shushed her with a finger to her lips. “Hey,” she scolded. “We don’t even know if it’s over yet. And don’t cry! You’ll ruin your eyeliner.”

Airi nodded, though still made whining noises in her throat as she began pulling away.

“Hey you two!” Momoko crowed, already in position to head back on stage. “Get over here! It’s time for the encore!”

Miyabi rolled her eyes, but took Airi’s hand and dragged her next to the leader. Momoko eyed the two girls suspiciously, and Miyabi made sure to let go of her companion’s hand before they walked on stage. More oddly though, Airi seemed reluctant to let go.

“Otsukaresama deshita!!” the staff congratulated them after they ran off stage for the final time, their new shirts now drenched in sweat as well. The girls repeated it, gratefully exchanging their mics for the proffered towels and drying themselves as they headed back to the dressing rooms. Momoko and Miyabi stopped to act silly in front of the behind-the-scenes camera, and eventually Airi popped up in front of them, causing them to scold her to get out of the way. Momoko eventually just tried pushing her out of the way, but Miyabi felt she was too cool for something like that and just rolled her eyes before walking away.

She’d noticed that Airi still had tears in her eyes after almost bursting out crying during their ending introductions, and wondered if the fans knew the true reason for it. She was honestly a little concerned for the girl herself.

She didn’t have too much time to silently ponder though since Airi soon popped up next to her, grabbing her arm and directing her quietly toward a different passage than where she had been heading back to their communal dressing room.

“Where are we going?” Miyabi asked, peering around her and now really beginning to worry about the girl, who had a determined look on her sweat and tear-streaked face now.

“I think I remember seeing…” Airi murmured after a moment as they passed by some staff confused at why they were heading this way, yet of course not questioning them. They would wonder and question soon if Airi took them somewhere that caused them to be late for the after-show meeting which would be starting in only a few minutes. “Ah yes! There it is!” she burst out after they turned a corner.

Miyabi couldn’t see what was so remarkable about yet another backstage hallway, but Airi took them to one of the doors along the side and tried the knob, her face bubbling with glee when it turned and she pushed it open. “While wandering around once I found this room that seems to always be unlocked for some reason,” she explained, and flipped on the light to show another empty dressing room. “Maybe the lock’s broken,” she pondered, peering down at the knob again as she closed the door behind them.

“That’s… nice and all Airin, but… why exactly are we here?” Miyabi asked, still confused, before tossing her towel onto the counter.

Airi tossed her own on top of Miyabi’s, and walked over to stand in front of her, taking her hands in both of her own. “We’re here so we could be alone,” Airi replied, peering into her eyes. Miyabi felt her face heat, her anxiety now increasing every moment, but said nothing, so Airi continued, “Miya, I… I want to know everything’s gonna be all right.”

“What?” Miyabi replied, still clueless and yet somehow relieved as well. “Why? Is something wrong?”

“Just…” Airi replied, looking down at her hands fidgeting with Miyabi’s own, “If there’s no more Buono! I’d be scared, Miya. °C-ute keeps changing… Even Aa! is getting shuffled around with everything else. Buono! was the only thing consistent for me these past few years, and if I lost even that, I… I just don’t know what I’d do…!”

The girl had started to talk faster and more desperately as she rambled on, almost quicker than Miyabi’s ability to comprehend, and when she was done Miyabi reached to clutch her upper arms tightly. “Airi… listen!” she said, stumbling over her words. Why on earth was the girl coming to her about this? She was like the worst person for giving comfort to people. In fact, usually she had just the opposite effect. “First of all, Buono! isn’t going anywhere, all right!? If it was, we’d have announced it in the concert. Second, even if it did, you would be far from the one I’d worry about being all right. You’re so strong… stronger than me, that’s for sure. I’m just a brainless, ditsy girl.”

“But that’s the thing,” Airi said, looking back up to Miyabi’s face, and to her horror she realized the girl was crying again. “I’m worried about you too! And Momo… and everyone…! What about the band!?”

“They’ll be fine,” Miyabi replied, now trying to look for a way out as she felt she was almost past her comforting limit. “They’re strong too. You know Momo’s happy doing things on her own. As for me, well… We still have each other, right? Like I said before, for now we have Buono!. We still have Aa!. Plus you have °C-ute, I have Berryz…”

“I’ll still miss you…” Airi whined, and Miyabi knew she couldn’t refute that it definitely looked like, barring new Buono! releases, they wouldn’t be spending as much time with each other. “Just tell me it’ll be all right…”

Then, fatefully and with an urge that Miyabi at any other time would have wondered what the hell she was thinking, as she looked back into those desperate eyes the distance between them began to close. Her next sensation was of her lips pressed tightly against Airi’s as she held the girl against her, first with her grip on her arms and then as her arms slipped around her slim body. Soon they were intensely making out, Miyabi with her unleashed desire and Airi with her desperation and need to feel that intimacy.

After a time their lips at least parted, and they touched foreheads as they breathed heavily, still holding each other close.

“I…” Miyabi panted, feeling the other girl’s breath hot on her face as well. It was very moist, as the kiss had been considering they just finished a concert and the girl had just been crying. She wasn’t crying any more. “I’m sorry about that…”

Airi just kept breathing, leaving a response hanging in the heat radiating between them.

“A-hem…” came a voice from the door, and the two girls sprang apart, though they still held both hands. Momo stood with her arms crossed, giving them both a birdlike stare, and the two girls exchanged glances.

“Momo!” Miyabi croaked, clearing her own throat so she could speak acceptably. “This… this isn’t what it looks like…” Airi gave her a glance, but then nodded insistently back toward their leader.

Momoko continued just staring at them, making them sweat even more, until a grin suddenly split her face. “But Airi-chan… I thought you loved me?”

Two mouths dropped open.

Miyabi turned a wide-eyed look onto the younger girl, and Airi stammered out, “I d-do love you, Momo,” Airi said. Something odd about the tone of her voice made Miyabi turn back to Momoko, who was now obviously about to burst out giggling.

“Well I’m just glad to see Buono! is… closer than ever now,” she commented, her voice heavy with sarcasm.

Airi still seemed to be recovering from the previous question, but Miyabi suddenly understood, and she gave a long sigh. “You’re never going to let us live this down, are you?”

Airi turned back to her, as confused as ever, but she suddenly seemed to understand too. The girl’s emotions might have overwhelmed her at first, but she generally was very quick to pick up on things.

“Nope,” Momoko replied, now letting her arms fall to her sides, though when she began giggling she lifted a hand once again to cover her mouth.

Miyabi gave her a flat stare. “Just in case there’s any truth to what you asked, though…” she growled in a low, dangerous voice, and turned back to Airi blinking at her before pulling her tight and kissing her once again, this time visibly more roughly for a better show.

“Ewww~!” Momoko screeched, and Miyabi let the girl in her arms go. “Get a room, you two!!”

Managing to somehow catch her breath quickly, Airi turned to Momo and let her head fall onto Miyabi’s chest as she hugged her close. “We had one,” she chimed, her big smile brightening up her face.

Miyabi realized that the girl now seemed quite content to stay exactly where she was in her arms, and she took a deep breath. “She was… worried about us drifting apart and feeling lonely,” she explained, patting at the knot of one of Airi’s ponytails as the girl contently played with the back hem of her shirt.

“Uh huh,” Momoko said skeptically, still eyeing them suspiciously as if they might start making out again at any moment. “And then she just happened to trip and fall on your lips? Or did that just seem a creative solution?”

She heard Airi giggle softly at her chest.

“Well then,” Momoko continued, adopting an official-looking pose. “As leader of Buono! I suppose it’s my job then to protect you and see that you don’t get into trouble if you decide to continue to have your little… fun.” She grinned as she said that last word, but Miyabi noted there was also a playful twist of disgust to the edge of it.

Airi looked up from Miyabi’s chest, Miyabi instantly regretting the loss of warmth which had begun to feel quite cozy, and peered over to Momoko. “Really? Then no matter what happens you’ll have to keep watching over us.”

“Yep!” Momoko said, smiling. “Momo will always be leader of Buono! you know.” Then she turned to pull the door open, but before slipping out, she twisted her head back toward them. “By the way, we’re late for the staff meeting.” And then she was gone.

Miyabi stared after her as the door swung slowly shut, and when she turned back to the girl in her arms, she saw Airi beaming cutely up at her. It was the classic Airi look, but it appeared different to her now since what overrode all other impression of it was the idea of how delicious she now knew it was to kiss those soft lips.
“If we’re already late, I guess a few more minutes wouldn’t make a difference… would it?” Airi asked, raising her eyebrows to give that cute puppy-eyed pleading expression once again.

“I guess not…” Miyabi replied, envious at the girl’s talent for cuteness since she thought she herself was always too plain and fumbling with her words and expressions. After another long minute of kissing Airi thoroughly though, she pulled back and noticed the adoration in her eyes. Apparently she was doing something right.

Thank you, Momo… she thought, before capturing Airi’s lips just one more time.

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Re: Embers from the Campfire [August 5th: Buono! Forever]
« Reply #14 on: August 05, 2010, 11:59:10 PM »
Ara, so cute! :D I approve of Miya x Airi! :lol:

And Momo-snarkiness is much love. XD

Sorry about the lack of coherent comment. You know I only just got 3 hours of sleep. @_@


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Re: Embers from the Campfire [August 5th: Buono! Forever]
« Reply #15 on: August 06, 2010, 01:17:07 AM »
I don't think I was aware that you had a one-shot thread. I'm only used to your epics :lol:

I don't follow Buono that well but I like the unit. Plz don't tell me they're really coming to an end! (I fail at current events)

But Miya x Airi was really cute, especially with a somewhat paranoid Airi.  I almost thought Momo was gonna get in on that too. XD
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Re: Embers from the Campfire [August 5th: Buono! Forever]
« Reply #16 on: August 06, 2010, 02:41:08 AM »
So cute! I'm not actually a fan of MiyaAiri, though I have nothing against them, so this was a good read. And Momoko steals the show, just like real life, I guess. I had also forgotten this thread was here  :lol:

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Re: Embers from the Campfire [August 5th: Buono! Forever]
« Reply #17 on: August 06, 2010, 04:27:19 AM »
You forgot me? I'm sad. :cry:

As for Buono!, no, they're not officially coming to an end yet. There's a lot of speculation though with no new single, Shugo Chara having ended, and the Best album coming up. I personally don't know, but they have their Rock N Buono 3 concert this weekend (when this fic is set), and I'm afraid there might be an announcement of some kind at it. Whether it's the disbanding of Buono! (which I hope not), or a new single announcement, we might know more by next week. ^^; (Tuesday is the last concert)

That... is where the setting of this fic came from. :lol: Of course, I started writing it just cause I wanted to do something MiyAiri. ;) The setting and timing just happened to be convenient.

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Re: Embers from the Campfire [August 5th: Buono! Forever]
« Reply #18 on: August 06, 2010, 07:26:14 AM »
^ MiyaAiri has that weird aura to them, Kappa and the Chin XD

For Buono! I think they will end soon with or without an announcement, but I'm hoping for a single or something
Random Thought:


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Re: Embers from the Campfire [August 5th: Buono! Forever]
« Reply #19 on: August 06, 2010, 05:03:46 PM »
I love Great Leader Momo! This fic was sweet even though I'm not much of a MiyaxAiri fan. Poor Airi though, if Buono! ends. Since at least Miya and Momo are still in Berryz together while she's in C-ute.

Personally, I think the ending is exactly what Airi was hoping to achieve, hence getting a room and only asking Miyabi to go with her. If she were just worried about Buono! as a whole then she should have invited Momo to the talk too, especially since Momo is the leader.

More fic, Rokun! 19 daaaaysssss.

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