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Author Topic: [2010.08.18] AKB48 - 17th Single "Heavy Rotation"  (Read 121074 times)

Offline SomethingWild

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[2010.08.18] AKB48 - 17th Single "Heavy Rotation"
« on: April 05, 2010, 01:19:13 PM »
As you may already know, the 17th single will have a Senbatsu Election again.

General Info:
The top 21 will be Senbatsu for 17th single. Places 22nd~40th will become the Undergirls.

108 members to vote for: AKB48's Team A, K, B and Kenkyuusei (total 63) + SKE48's Team S, KII and Kenkyuusei (total 45)
The votes will be revealed 2 times prior the final announcement:

x First announcement: 5/26
x Second announcement: 6/5
x Final Results: 6/9 (at JCB Hall)

Methods to vote:
1. Ticket included in AKB48's 16th Single (5/26 Release)
2. Fanclub 「柱の会」 members
3. AKB48 Movil subscribers
4. SKE48 Movil subscribers
5. AKB48 LIVE ON DEMAND subscribers


So, what do you think the results will be?

For reference, these are the results from the previous senbatsu election (Iiwake Maybe):

   1. Maeda Atsuko (前田敦子) with 4,630 votes
   2. Oshima Yuko (大島優子) with 3,345 votes
   3. Shinoda Mariko (篠田麻里子) with 2,852 votes
   4. Watanabe Mayu (渡辺麻友) with 2,625 votes
   5. Takahashi Minami (高橋みなみ) with 2,614 votes
   6. Kojima Haruna (小嶋陽菜) with 2,543 votes
   7. Itano Tomomi (板野友美) with 2,281 votes
   8. Satou Amina (佐藤亜美菜) with 2,117 votes
   9. Kashiwagi Yuki (柏木由紀) with 1,920 votes
  10. Kasai Tomomi (河西智美) with 1,890 votes
  11. Ono Erena (小野恵令奈) with 1,838 votes
  12. Akimoto Sayaka (秋元才加) with 1,599 votes
  13. Kitahara Rie (北原里英)
  14. Miyazawa Sae (宮澤佐江)
  15. Satou Yukari (佐藤由加理)
  16. Minegishi Minami (峯岸みなみ)
  17. Urano Kazumi (浦野一美)
  18. Miyazaki Miho (宮崎美穂)
  19. Matsui Jurina (松井珠理奈) from SKE48
  20. Oota Aika (多田愛佳)
  21. Kuramochi Asuka (倉持明日香)
  22. Yonezawa Rumi (米沢瑠美)
  23. Takajo Aki (高城亜樹)
  24. Ohori Megumi (大堀恵)
  25. Masuda Yuka (増田有華)
  26. Hirajima Natsumi (平嶋夏海)
  27. Sashihara Rino (指原莉乃)
  28. Katayama Haruka (片山陽加)
  29. Matsui Rena (松井玲奈) from SKE48
  30. Matsubara Natsumi (松原夏海)

Will Amina come out so high again? Will newer members or kenkyuusei enter senbatsu? Will Rena own everybody? ( XD )
« Last Edit: July 13, 2010, 09:24:20 PM by BarrieV »

Offline maliciel

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Re: [2010.XX.XX] AKB48 - 17th Single / 2010 Senbatsu Election
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2010, 02:45:05 PM »
Man, I hate senbatsu with a passion.

It adds so much drama to something that should be totally and absolutely up to the producer. The fact that everything lies (ostensibly) in the hands of the fans is just lame. I 'get' it, but it's still a shitty way to do things. Whatever keeps the money coming in I guess, since in the end that's what it's all about. All things said and done however, I don't see the picks veering too far away from the usual frontgirls. I'd like to see Erena get a spot, if only so she can finally get TV spots again. Although I won't be surprised if Komori got a spot. Maybe displace Acchan at the top.

Offline maruchan27six

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Re: [2010.XX.XX] AKB48 - 17th Single / 2010 Senbatsu Election
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2010, 06:14:27 PM »
I was not around when the first election were held, but I did see AKB DVD MAGAZINE Vol.1 that covered the whole story.All I can say, there were a lot of crying, and they will be crying too this time.

Man, I hate senbatsu with a passion.

It adds so much drama to something that should be totally and absolutely up to the producer. The fact that everything lies (ostensibly) in the hands of the fans is just lame.
however, I don't see the picks veering too far away from the usual frontgirls.
I predict the result would be similar to the usual senbatsu list, the less popular girls still will not make into senbatsu.But here where the (hardcore) fans will vote for their oshimen/kamioshi, so expect a few surprises on the list.It is a great chance to push their kamioshi forward to get recognized by the more casual fans, and getting more chances in the future single releases.

As for the drama, it will always be there no matter what.If they management choose the senbatsu by themselves, fans would still questions why their oshimen isn't included (Sayaka 2 times a a row) or why a kenkyuusei made it into the list.

Although I won't be surprised if Komori got a spot. Maybe displace Acchan at the top.
As much as I dislike Acchan (don't send me death threat!), she will still be No.1.Her fans will make sure of that, plus if the casual fans are voting as well, their votes probably go to Acchan's.Believe me, this is a battle for No.2 ~ No.21.

I'd like to see Erena get a spot, if only so she can finally get TV spots again.
I found that one weird too.It has been a long time since I saw Erena performing live with other members on TV.I would like to think it is because she is busy with outside jobs.Or maybe she got into some trouble (ala Ayarin).
The recent K6 stages and new single PV shooting in Guam made me scratch the thought of she leaving AKB48 though.
Better continue this discussion on her thread.

Offline SomethingWild

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Re: [2010.XX.XX] AKB48 - 17th Single / 2010 Senbatsu Election
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2010, 06:30:44 PM »
I guess I can make some predictions;

- Kashiwagi Yuki: she has been in the spotlight non stop. The musical, team B captain, Guam related stuff.. top 10 guaranteed.
- Miyazawa Sae: is looking super hot lately and her majisuka part may help
- Miyazaki Miho: PB, DVD, damedashi, majisuka.. all epic. She's bound to end up higher than #18.
- Takajo Aki: moving up for sure. She fits the front girl part in kimi no koto and she's gotten some good exposure in the various shows.
- Masuda Yuka: I think more people realize she can actually sing and she's looking really good lately.
- Hirajima Natsumi: will also move up due to the good WH exposure, as well as the great pics from the PB
- Sashihara Rino: bungee, swimming, wotagei... whatever she does, she captures your heart.
- Matsui Rena: I think Rena can make top #15. A lot of people like her, she's featured a lot, always great fun and proved she has acting skills as Gekikara.

- Maeda Atsuko
- Shinoda Mariko
- Kojima Haruna
- Watanabe Mayu
- Takahashi Minami
- Itano Tomomi

They seem to have a steady fanbase and are pretty much guaranteed to be among the top.

- Kitahara Rie: also great, but she still hasn't done anything that interesting (aside from some photo shoots). I mean, nothing really defines her...
- Oota Aika: WH and the PB have probably helped her gain fans, but I think she lacks a sort of 'general appeal' that will keep her from moving up a lot.
- Kuramochi Asuka: still cool, but hasn't done much. But I guess she'll end up somewhere around #25
- Katayama Haruka: she will get enough votes from her fan-base, but she's too invisible for the newer fans to notice her.

- Sato Amina: even though she's great, I don't think she'll be able to get #8 again...
- Kasai Tomomi: I don't know.. she'll be among the top, but I fear she may drop out of the top 10. Let's hope the Love Wars stuff helped her popularity. I think she may lose some fans as she gets older and her voice doesn't fit her anymore  :O2
- Ono Erena: has been out of the spotlights for a while
- Akimoto Sayaka: I guess the musical will have helped, but I think she got her #12 just because the fans wanted her to have her first senbatsu.
- Minegishi Minami: she's cool and tries her best, but I don't think she appeals to many of the newer fans.
- Yonezawa Rumi: has been kinda invisible, even though she was good in the musical.
- Matsubara Natsumi: the one time she actually gets to do something she doesn't do it! (bungee jump in Nemousu special). For some reason her case seems different than Sasshi's.. I dunno.

No Idea 
Matsui Jurina: no idea how she compares this time around
- Nakagawa Haruka: riding the wave of WR's success
- Kikuchi Ayaka: She seems to be popular, but no idea how she will compare to the others
- Nito Moeno: if waaay better known than when the first senbatsu election was held
- Fujie Reina: is gaining fans steadily
- Sato Sumire: probably the most popular n00b
- Komori Mika: has that special sort of appeal
- Yagami Kumi: One of SKE's top members

« Last Edit: April 05, 2010, 06:39:19 PM by BarrieV »

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Re: [2010.XX.XX] AKB48 - 17th Single / 2010 Senbatsu Election
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2010, 11:34:52 PM »
I also hate him more than anything that the girls side heart failure :ptam-cry:
because they spend thinking that position to stay.
Imagine my love Atsuko people like that is very insecure
die of the single nerves if left in a low position
means that it is no longer the favorite. 
Aki-p I hate this!  :angry:
But I have faith that Acchan reign again and although it does not matter I think in the first 5 is the battle :onionwhip:

Offline Datalanche

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Re: [2010.XX.XX] AKB48 - 17th Single / 2010 Senbatsu Election
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2010, 12:39:12 AM »
Can I add a +1 to the "Senbatsu can go suck a big one" club?  :thumbup

In my opinion, I doubt there will be any huge drastic change from the last election. That's exactly why I hate senbatsu. The producers themselves rarely shuffled the single line-ups at all, but the wota NEVER will. Casual fans aren't going to make any difference because they aren't going to buy a two meter-high stack of singles to make sure their favorites get in. The top girls are going to stay on top. The only real question I see here is who has grabbed more wota attention since the last election. I think for the same reasons Barrie stated that Sasshi will probably get in this time. Another that stands out with high chance is Moeno. Her popularity seems to have increased exponentially and the cheers for her in K6 are very loud, which I'm thrilled about. I dunno about Kikuchi Ayaka. She's back on the push but her fanbase doesn't seem as big now. I would love for Haachan to do better simply because she deserves to, but I think she's doomed/destined to be an under girls all-star. One I will be watching to see how she does is Takayanagi Akane. If anyone from KII can make it, it's her. Well... or Manatsu, but I want Akane to win. :P

Offline maliciel

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Re: [2010.XX.XX] AKB48 - 17th Single / 2010 Senbatsu Election
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2010, 10:37:29 AM »
Hmm, I doubt they'll let senbatsu be the deciding factor in all singles or anything..

..I wonder if the Japanese have a Vote for the Worst counterpart

Offline maruchan27six

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Re: [2010.XX.XX] AKB48 - 17th Single / 2010 Senbatsu Election
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2010, 03:29:20 AM »
If they are going to show the videos in alphabetical order, looks like Erena's will be the 6th from Team K.
It is too far away, I will die long before I can watch it. :lol:

Offline testament101

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Re: [2010.XX.XX] AKB48 - 17th Single / 2010 Senbatsu Election
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2010, 07:55:08 AM »
Yeah...the last Senbatsu made me go like..."why am I watching this when I know who's gonna be in the top 6 already?"  I'm pretty sure Acchan's got no.1 on lock as far as AKB as a whole goes unless something drastic happens.  Yuko, Takamina, Itano, Shinoda, Kojiharu, and Mayuyu will definitely be in top 10 somewhere.  Right now, honestly the only person I really can't place (that I actually care about) is Jurina.  I thought she was really popular but she didn't get that high on the first one.  But with SKE puttin in work lately, I can possibly see her in top 10.  She's getting about as much exposure as the top members do. 
R.I.P. Nujabes

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Re: [2010.XX.XX] AKB48 - 17th Single / 2010 Senbatsu Election
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2010, 08:39:46 AM »
i agree with what mal said... im expecting a Komori bump this time around... as well as Harugon or even Sumire :twothumbs

im actually more concerned about the song writing/composition. not another RIVER pls

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Offline SomethingWild

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Re: [2010.XX.XX] AKB48 - 17th Single / 2010 Senbatsu Election
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2010, 11:45:13 AM »
I think Rena might actually be able to get higher than Jurina...

Komori did gain a lot of fans, but I wonder if enough of them are die hard enough to actually vote for her. I don't think she'll make top 21, but top 40 is definitely possible.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2010, 12:36:45 PM by BarrieV »

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Re: [2010.XX.XX] AKB48 - 17th Single / 2010 Senbatsu Election
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2010, 08:24:19 PM »
sayaka is cool  :)

Offline maruchan27six

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Re: [2010.XX.XX] AKB48 - 17th Single / 2010 Senbatsu Election
« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2010, 01:22:20 AM »
Uchida Mayumi

Umeda Ayaka

Ooshima Yuuko

Ono Erena  :inlove:

It's getting there.

Offline hibachifinal

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Re: [2010.XX.XX] AKB48 - 17th Single / 2010 Senbatsu Election
« Reply #19 on: May 01, 2010, 09:19:57 AM »
komori mika

シャイニーくももかがやくよKY PP FCpixiv@hibachifinal

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