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Author Topic: BlackCat~Love comes on silent paws-Chapter 11{4-4-12}  (Read 15745 times)

Offline kawaii beam

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BlackCat~Love comes on silent paws-Chapter 11{4-4-12}
« on: May 07, 2010, 12:27:24 AM »
so most of this fic is already on H!O but for some of the ppl that dont have it, i've decided to post here as well^^, just w warning though.... my spelling is pretty bad(well i think so) so plz forgive  me k? X3 :nervous

BlackCat~Love comes on silent paws

School..Why was it even invented?? Whoever thought that a bunch of kids,plus a grown-up,plus forcing the kids to learn for 8 hours a day and 5 days a week equals succses must've been a lunatic. The onlygood thing about school,if there is any realy,is that after being stuck in that prison all day,the adults let you out and you're free to go home,just to come back again tomorrow. But sadly that's where the good part ends and the bad starts all over again with high school drama.

After getting bullied by the usual kids during class, I start thiking about how I'm gonna survive the next day. Anyone who's bullied knows that after a while you just get used to it and hope that hey end soon when you know they'll never realy stop.

While wondering about what my mom was going to cook or dinner, I felt someone poke my cheek.

"Oi~Kame~? Are you communicating again??"

I quickly snapped out of my happy food daydream and crashed back into reality.


I fell out of my chair and my but made-out with the floor as the person who poked my cheek started laughing like crazy.

"Mou~ Kame, you should've seen your face~!"

She laughed even louder as she tried to imitate my expression moments before,as I got up from the hard wooden floor and rubbed my now sore behind. Eventhough I loved my best friend Risa to death, she always laughed like crazy at my little miss-happenings.

I frowned at her and started shoving my school papers and pencil case into my bag.

"That wasnt very funny Gaki-san, I could've seriously hurt myself~!"

She wiped the tears that were now coming from her eyes from laughing so hard and patted my head like a puppy.

"Yes it was. You're ok right?"


I nodded.

"Well then as long as you're ok in the end then I have a right to laugh at your clumbsy-ness."

She smiled at me and pulled a few strands of loose hair behind her ear. I sighed and zipped up my bag.

"Well my butt's sore now no thanks to you."

I said with a sad look on my face. She pouted and went into "moherly mode".

"Aww~ Poor Eri-chan~! you'll be alright though. Just be happy that you're not clumbsy like Sayu. If you had reflex's like her's you'd be in a full blown body cast."

I blinked at the "complement" for a moment and threw it into the back of my mind.

"Can we just go now~?"

I whined as Risa picked p her own bag that was filled with acsessories gallore. If the green charms,and little stuffed beans weren't enough,then the big yellow "R" was the iceing on the cake. All I had on my bag was a turtle strap and a matching little turtle charm.

She placed the bags straps over her shoulder and started walking out of the classroom.

"C'mon Kame, I'm only going to walk you half way home today cus I'm going to Ai-chan's house for a project."

"Hey~! Wait up~!"

I quickly ran after her and caught up in lesst than a few seconds,and asked,

"Doesnt that mean that you're just gonna watch anoher Takarazuka dvd?"


She awnsered.

"She finished her homework in class already,and since I did too, we can both relax, unlike a certian turtle."

I iggnored her sly remark about my homework skills. Eventhough I was a good student, I usualy didnt do my homework in class like everyone else did, I waited to I got home, mostly cus Iwas to bussy daydreaming to notice that there was homework was even given.

"But don't you usualt fall asleep during those?"

"EH? No I dont."

"Yes you do~ Doesnt Ai-chan alawys conplain about you falling asleep right as it gets to the good part?"

I smiled at myself triumphantly just cus she knew that I was right.Eventhough I know Gaki-san inside and out Ai-chan knew her all around. Eventhough Ai-chan went to a different school from us, she still found time to hang out. If Gaki-san was a book Ai-chan would be able to read all the pages,the cover and even the ink. She could finish Risa's sentences if she wanted to.

"Ok, you win this round Kame. For that, I'll buy you some chocolate on the way."



After Leaving the Convinience Store Risa and I went our seperate ways.

"Tell me if you're able to stay up this time~!"

"Okay~! See you tomorrow Kame~!"

I wated till she was out of sight and continued the treck home at my own pace. I sighed as I at my victory chocolate bar,and litsened to the sound of the trees swaying in the wind with the soft clacking of my school shoes meeting the concret of the sidewalk.

"Mou~ It's lonely without Gaki-san lecturing me..I should've charged my ipod last night..."

As I pouted about my forgetfulness, I saw a group of kids huddled around something.

"Hey, what should we do with it?"

I heard one kid ask.

"I don't know, maybe we should just leave it here."

"Maybe we should burn it, I mean it's already dead,and plus it'll give us something to do."

I walked over to the circle to see what exactly they were planing to burn. Item or not I should stop them.

When I saw was In the middle of the circle, my heart sank. It was a poor little black cat that looked like it had seen better days. It's coat was dirty,and there were cuts all over it. Why would anyone wanna hurt such a animal indestress let alone set it on fire! I felt anger build up inside me as I got the kids attention.

"Hey! Leave that cat alone!"

They all looked back at me clearly annoyed that I interupted their talk, but I didnt realy care, these kids needed to be put into their place.

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it lady?, tell our moms?"

I crossed my arms and looked every single one of them in the eye.

"You realy wanna know? I wont jest tell your moms, I'll Get the Eriens to come after you,who'll then abduct you when you're sleeping, take you on their space ship, and do horrible things to you that are worse than your nightmares and the deamons of hell combined."

At first, all of them looked at me with confusion, but eventualy the whole image sunk in and they all ran off screaming like little girls. I smiled proudly at myself. For once my crazy imagination helped me!

I knealed down to see if the cat was alright. It was barely breathing,and it's eyes were almost closed. As I carefuly picked it up, I could tell that it hadn't eaten in what felt like months. I gently cradled it into my arms and  wondered why  someone wouldnt bother to save the poor thing. As the cat looked into my eyes I softly whispered,

"Don't worry kitty,you're in safe hands now.Kamei Eri'll make you all better."

« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 11:51:01 PM by kawaii beam »
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Offline amEthystx

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Re: BlackCat~Love comes on silent paws-Prolouge {5-6-10}
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2010, 03:47:09 AM »
OHhhhhh.... It's Reina for sure..! XD I wonder why Reina always give the black cat image.. Haha..

Speaking of which about their grades and stuffs.. I really would have wanted the rokkies to join the rest for the Baka test.. Haha.. I'm sure they would have some really entertaining answers too..

It's interesting.. Can't wait to see what's gonna happen.. :)

Offline Michi.Pinku

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Re: BlackCat~Love comes on silent paws-Prolouge {5-6-10}
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2010, 05:48:37 AM »
BLACK CAT!! YAA~~~~Y  :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow:

I really love this fic and I want a black cat now X'D
I'll read again X'D

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: BlackCat~Love comes on silent paws-Prolouge {5-6-10}
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2010, 06:57:07 AM »
W00T! It's here!

Offline kRisZ

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Re: BlackCat~Love comes on silent paws-Prolouge {5-6-10}
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2010, 04:59:07 PM »
School..Why was it even invented?? Whoever thought that a bunch of kids,plus a grown-up,plus forcing the kids to learn for 8 hours a day and 5 days a week equals succses must've been a lunatic.
:twothumbs  Nice intro   :D

If you had reflex's like her's you'd be in a full blown body cast."

then the big yellow "R" was the iceing on the cake.
That made me yay!  :D

mostly cus Iwas to bussy daydreaming to notice that there was homework was even given.

Eventhough Ai-chan went to a different school from us, she still found time to hang out. If Gaki-san was a book Ai-chan would be able to read all the pages,the cover and even the ink. She could finish Risa's sentences if she wanted to
:mon money:

I'll Get the Eriens to come after you,who'll then abduct you when you're sleeping, take you on their space ship, and do horrible things to you that are worse than your nightmares and the deamons of hell combined."

"Don't worry kitty,you're in safe hands now.Kamei Eri'll make you all better."
Hmmm, I'm sensing that's not an ordinary cat

Yay! I  :heart: it already

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: BlackCat~Love comes on silent paws-Prolouge {5-6-10}
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2010, 12:35:03 PM »
School..Why was it even invented??

Yes why!?!? :gmon blonde: That is a very good question. May I have the answer please?

Eventhough I know Gaki-san inside and out Ai-chan knew her all around.

Ooooh, all around eh?? My, my, Ai-chan sure is a naughty monkey  :mon noprob:

From the looks of how things are going, this is gonna be a TakaGaki :mon lovelaff: + TanaKame KittyKame? :mon geek:

PS: That's a really cute fic banner you have :wub: I always thought that you have awesome PS skills. So jealous *turns a shade of Gaki green*

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: BlackCat~Love comes on silent paws-chapter 1 {5-14-10}
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2010, 12:11:53 AM »
amEthystx-lol realy??? thankies XDD sadly i dont think it'll do what this one does XDDD

rndywoot~ lol now read it again XDD jk lol

kRisZ-thanks XD u usualy think like that sometimes XD yellow R's are the best arent they~ lol XD hmmmm maybe it is? XDD and thanks x3 i'm glad u do lol

lil_hamz-i shall give it to u...cus parents want their chldren to suffer XD ..............what are u talking about?? :mon dunno: lol and i'm not gonna tell u eventhough like half of the ppl on here do~ XDDD and thankyou~ X3 my stuff isnt as great as alot of ppl on here and H!O lol

here's the next chapter

Chapter 1: Adoption

"EH~?! Eri! Are you crazy?!"

My younger sister shouted.

"What were you thinking,bringing a cat home?? Mom and dad are going to freakout when they hear this."

We were both sitting in the middle of my messy room,with the kitty-cat curled up sleeping in-between us. It was hard enough to just get her into the house without my brother noticing. Luckly my dad was still working and my mom was at the store. I thought I had acomplished the mission when my sister caught me red handed as soon as I was about to open my room door. Now I had to deal with her leacturing about how I'm going to get introuble for it.

"They wont freakout cus I'm not telling them and neither are you. This is a secret between you and me ok?"

I stuck out my pinky finger and moved my hand near her. She blinked a few times,sighed,shooked her head and tangled her pinky with mine to agree on the prommise.

"Alright,but if we get caught them I'm blaming this all on you."

I nodded in agreement as she looked down at the cat and started stroking it's head.

"Why'd keep it anyway? Don't the vet's usaly take it to the pound or something?"

"Yeah, but I couldnt just let them put her in a cadge after all she's been through.. Plus if she doesnt get adopted in a certian amount of days they would've put her to sleep..."
*few hours earlier*

I walked into the vet's office feeling a bit uneasy. It wasnt cus of the other sick animals around me,or the animal hosital smell. It was the fact the the black cat in my arms was going to make it or not. Ever since I picked it up, it didnt move or try to jump out of my arms like normal cat did. It was like it's spirit was already giving up,along with it's body.

"Mou~ hang in there kitty-cat..I know you can make it."

I carefully scratched behind it's ears to try to comfort it.


I looked up to see one of the nurses coming up to me.


"Dr.Makoto will see you now. Just follow me."

I got up from the chair and and followed her past the door and the hall to the medical room.


"Well Kamei-chan you're pretty lucky. If you came any later, this cat woul've never made it."

The doctor plafuly scratched the back of it's neck as I sighed with relief. I knew that it was going to make it.

"She's a little skittish though,so we'll have to see if she'll be ok for adoption by first puting her in a foster home.."


I didnt realy wanna let go of her so quickly. I knew what they did to animals that were'nt given homes,and I didnt want that to happen to her.

"Why yes. If we put her into foster care it'll give us time to see if she'll be ready for adoption or not. And it'll show us what she likes or doesnt like and such."

I looked at the cat. Eventhough she wasnt 100%,and had bandages all over, I knew that I had to have her. She wasnt skittish at me at all when I brought her in,and plus I knew I couldnt just leave her hear all alone.

"Well thanks for bringing her in Kame-chan. I'll go put her in her cadge."

Just as Dr.Makoto turned heis back to me I blureted out.

"Wait! I'll adopt her!"

He looked back at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Are you sure Kame-chan? Taking care of a cat is a big responsibility, expessialy one that's a stray."

I shook my head.

"I'm positive. I have a dog at home so it shouldnt be to hard."

Eventhough I just saved this cat a halfhour ago, I had this connection to it that I knew I couldn't break off.

"Don't you atleast want to try the foster care first?"

"No I'll adopt it."

The doctor sighed and put the black cat in my arms.

"Alright, but I hope you know what you're getting yourself into."


My sister looked at me with this "your crazy" look on her face.

"So you just decided just like that?? What am I going to with you..."

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Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: BlackCat~Love comes on silent paws-Prolouge {5-6-10}
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2010, 01:31:10 AM »
Lols, Eri, so impulsive. I will happily read this again.

Offline badsaints

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Re: BlackCat~Love comes on silent paws-Chapter 1 {5-14-10}
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2010, 07:56:14 AM »
Oh you're posting this story here as well? Great! Looking forward to reading on our fav kitty here :w00t:

Offline amEthystx

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Re: BlackCat~Love comes on silent paws-Chapter 1 {5-14-10}
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2010, 11:10:00 AM »
sadly i dont think it'll do what this one does XDDD
  :? So little black kitty is not Reina? XD

Plus if she doesnt get adopted in a certian amount of days they would've put her to sleep..."
:( Yup~ they are given a week in Japan...That's kinda sad.. I just adopted a puppy yesterday~! Even though it's not in my care now..  ;)

Dr.Makoto? XD Haven't seen her in awhile~

Is the rest of the story somewhere else? XD Where where?

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: BlackCat~Love comes on silent paws-Chapter 1 {5-14-10}
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2010, 12:58:23 AM »
rndy-lol she is and glad that ur willing to re-read it XD

badsaints-lol glad ur happy to see it here~

amEthystx-why are u claming things now~? lol i ran out of names for somereason when i put that, and it is~ lol i just wont tell ya~ *winks XD*

here's the next chapter~

Chapter 2-Queen

Later on that eaving,after dinner,I went into my room to see how the cat was doing. When I opened the door to my room and looked around,she was nowhere in sight.


I quickly closed the door and started franticaly looking for anything that belonged to a cat: A tail, ear,whisker,anything,but all i could find were clothes, clothes and mre clothes. After searching for about an hour I gave up and sat on my bed. It was already 7 and o still had to do my homework.

"Mou~ Kitty-cat, where are you??"

I looked up to the cealing and pouted,when I felt something soft brush up against my leg,causing me to freak-out,scream and fell face first out of the bed onto the floor.


I looked up to see 2 yellow eyes looking down at me.


"Mow~ Kitty-cat~ you shouldn't scare people like that~!"

I sat up and heard the door knock.

"Eri, is everything ok in there?"

I quickly jumped up from the floor,grapbed some clothes and threw it on the cat.

"Uhhh..Yeah I'm alright! I just dosed off so i kinda fell out of the bed!"

"Okay.. If you say so.. Just make sure you're not late for school tomorrow ok?"


As soon as I could hear that she was gone I lokked at my bed, and threw all the clothes off of the bed to see a verry ticked off cat.

"What?? If I didnt do anything,she might've came in and we both would've been in trouble!"

I sighed and layed on my stomach in the bed looking eye to eye with my new pet cat.

"I havent named you yet have I?"

I looked up to the cealing as I started thinking of names.

"Hm... how about~ Kuro-chan?"

I looked at her. She didnt realy seem to like that name.

"Okay about Kame-chan?"

She twitched her tail abit and the next thing i knew,she pretty much slaped my nose with her tail.


I rubbed my nose and pouted and yelled with a slight annoyed tone,

"What was that for?!"

She slightly hissed at me and gave me a dirty look.

I guessed that she didnt like that name. I sighed and cont. thinking of more names. After about 4 hours and over 50 tail smaks to the nose later, I was just about to give upwhen the name finaly came to me.

"Geez~! Why do you have to act like such a Queen?!"

And that's when it hit me. I quickly sat up being thankful that the only spanish word I ever remembered in class.


Reina=Queen, I looked at my cat with a glint in my eye.

"How about Reina Kitty-cat?"

I quickly closed my eyes shut waiting for another swat to the nose when I felt a paw on my cheek.


I slowly opened my eyes to see her slightlynodding at her new name. I smiled and playfully scratched behind her ears.

"Okay then~ Reina it is~!"


lol u guys get to see my edit transformation through this XD
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Re: BlackCat~Love comes on silent paws-Chapter 2 {5-24-10}
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2010, 02:35:45 AM »
Just like Reina to get her point across in that way XD

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: BlackCat~Love comes on silent paws-Chapter 2 {5-24-10}
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2010, 11:47:54 AM »
How old is Eri in here again? I'm surprised Doc Makoto allowed her to adopt the kitty just like that.

And my, my, what a temper Queen has XD

Eri is so cute! She falls out of the bed cute too :wub:

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Re: BlackCat~Love comes on silent paws-Chapter 2 {5-24-10}
« Reply #13 on: June 17, 2010, 08:53:55 PM »
rndy-lol yupz~

lil_hamz-old enough to be in higschool? XD lol its a fic? *fail back up XD*

lol yeah she dose have a temper XD

[/Chapter3:Transformation Part One

After about a week of hiding Reina-chan,my parents found out. How you ask? Well let's just say that my dad of all people opened the dor while I was doing my homework and having Reina on my lap. He went from shocked to pissed in about .5 seconds. After about an hour of "talking" and a full begging and pleading for me to keep her I won. So now after about a full 2 months of saving Reina that day,everything's been pretty normal.


"Hi Reina-chan~ Were you a good kitty-cat while I was gone?"

"I scratched the back of her ears while she purred. She always liked that spot behind her right ear the most. I stretched,put my school bag down,and floped on the bed.

"Wha~ Just one more day of school and it's the weekend~! What should we do tomorrow Reina-chan~?"

My family was going out to see my grandparents and sadly it was my turn to guard the house.I looked next to me to see my cat looking out the window and not fully paying atention to me. All she did was move her tail left and right.

"What are you looking at Reina-chan?"

I sat up, and looked out the window,to see that everything was normal as it could be. I looked at her and shrugged it off and got p to start doing my homework.


"So~ Kame-chan. wanna hang out with us tomorrow? We're all gonna go to my house to watch movies and probably go out after."

I looked up to see Risa sitting on the edge of my desk with Sayu clining to her arm.

"Hmm....I don't know...It's my turn to "guard" the house this weekend and noone's going to be home..."

Sayu frowned and detatched herself from Risa only to cling onto me.

"Aw~ C'mon Eri, please~?"

I sqwirmed a little due to the bunny's clingy-ness and sighed.

"I'll try put I can't prommise you anything okay? You know how my dad is."

My dad was like a super detective. He always knew when one of us left withought us telling him, and her would usualy somehow get us to confess about it... I kinda hatted that side about him. If he could, my dad could probably be a super hero or something...


Sayu finaly let go of me and clung back onto Risa. Risa brought her "Mama Mode"on and patted my head.

"Aw~ Okay Eri, but tell me if you change your mind okay? I dont want you to be fully by yourself all weekend."

I nodded and smiled. "Mama Risa" was alway's caring."



When I got home I relised that no one was home.

"Reina-chan~I'm home~!"

I closed the door and walked into the kitchen as my kitty-cat walked down the stairs. I found a note on the fridge that I knew was from my mom,just cus of the paper that she used for reminders...

"Sorry for such a late notice Eri-chan,but we all left a day early to go visit your grandparents. I'll make sure to say "Hi" to them for you,and your dinner's in the fridge.Make sure you dont do anything drastic while we're gone ok~ Love,Mom."

I sighed as I opened the fridge and grabed my dinner.

"Well it looks like it's just us ne,Reina-chan?"

I looked down to see my pet cat looking up at me with her usual "Eh what are you gonna do about it?" look on her face.


After eating my "dinner",and doing my homework I sat on the couch and watched T.V. with my cat on my stomach. After about a few hours of watching variety shows, movies and such, I want upstairs and desided to take a shower. When I got into my room, Reina ran past me and sprang up onto my bed to look out the window. I looked out as well and noticed that it was a full moon. When ever it was a full moon,she was always hypnotized by it,and tonight, that was brought up by 100%. I shruged it off and went into the bathroom to take my shower.

When I got out, what I saw infront of me wasnt my cue cuddly black cat Reina but...
« Last Edit: July 08, 2010, 04:05:51 AM by kawaii beam »
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Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: BlackCat~Love comes on silent paws-Chapter 2 {5-24-10}
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2010, 03:09:54 AM »
When I got out, what I saw infront of me wasnt my cue cuddly black cat Reina but...
A cute cuddly black puppy Reina? :D

No, j/k I already know though, so... :P

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Re: BlackCat~Love comes on silent paws-Chapter 2 {5-24-10}
« Reply #15 on: June 18, 2010, 11:40:11 AM »
A what? A what?!! please tell me already :panic:

Offline badsaints

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Re: BlackCat~Love comes on silent paws-Chapter 2 {5-24-10}
« Reply #16 on: June 19, 2010, 06:15:08 AM »
"Mama Risa" was alway's caring."
Heehee who's the daddy? :lol:

When I got out, what I saw infront of me wasnt my cue cuddly black cat Reina but...
I'm kinda hoping Reina will turn into a werewolf since it's the full moon and all. That'll be cool! :lol: But I like how this turn out as well so not complaining lol

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Re: BlackCat~Love comes on silent paws-Chapter 2 {5-24-10}
« Reply #17 on: July 08, 2010, 04:01:01 AM »
rndy-lol yeah u already know~~ XD eventhough a puppy isnt bad either XD

oddball-u shall soon enough^^;

badsaints- lol the papa's a certian person named takahashi ai... i think u've heard of her :lol: XDD a werewolf's a little to much XD

Chapter 3: Transformation Part Two


Right infront of my eyes was a girl just a bit shorter than me with a bit past her shoulders and..and was.. COMPLETLY NAKED!! All I could do was just stare at her in complete awe and confusion. Then I thought of my cat.

"Reina! What did you do with her???"

The girl just tilted her head and looked at me in confusion in her eyes.


I blinked a few times and asked the girl again.

"Where is my cat? How did you get in here? And why are you naked?! Are you some sick perv or something???"

She looked at me in even more confusion in her wonky eyes and "nyaed" again. That's when it hit me like a ton of bricks. Those wonky eyes looked way~ familiar.


She smiled big and ran up to hug me.


I felt my cheeks heat up,mostly because she was naked. In my room.With none around. I looked down to see her nuzzling her face in my chest. Eventhough I couldnt grasp it all at the moment,I knew that this random girl that clearly wasnt here a halfhour ago was my pet cat Reina... in human form.

By now, my head was buzzing forming billions of questions:How did this happen? Why did this happen? What are my parents going to say about this? and so on. If I was dreaming, I knew that it was the craziest and most bizzare one on the planet. Part of me just wished that I could wake-up at any moment to Gaki-san and Sayu laughing at me for falling asleep in class again, but for the some reason,this wasnt happening and it was all real.

Reina looked up at me with an extreamly cute expression on her face. I melted at the sight, but I quickly brushed it off to get to the matter at hand.

"Well uh... Reina-chan, maybe we should get you some clothes?"

I gently got her out of my grip and she ran to my bed and sat on it as I started finding some pyjamas.


After putting her in my old pair of pyjamas(cus all of the others  were way~ to big for her), We both sat on the bed,and I started debating on who I should tell this to. I picked up my cellphone and looked at the time. It was 11:47 at night and I knew that Risa was already asleep, but this was extreamly inportant. If I texted her, She'd probably think that I'm crazy and just be upset that I woke her up. I looked at my other two options..Sayu and Ai-chan. If I texted Sayu..well knowing her she'd just think it would be a cold joke and turn that conversation into a "Sayumi is the cutest girl in the world~!" one,so she was out. Ai-chan was my only and final option...To tell the truth...Ai-chan was kinda odd when it came to telling her odd she'd only reply to me with a one word response. It was shoking if you ever got two, so I decided that I pretty much had no choice but to wait till tomorrow to handle all this.

I looked down to the now sleeping cat-girl-human...Erien(?) and sighed.

"Please tell me that I'm dreaming...."
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

Offline oddball

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Re: BlackCat~Love comes on silent paws-Chapter 3part 2 {7-7-10}
« Reply #18 on: July 08, 2010, 01:45:47 PM »
Poor Eri, net by a naked Reina when she left the shower..... :drool:

so Reina a cat/human and the full moon has something to do with it, like a reverse werecat!?!

intresting to see where you go with this story, keep it up!

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Re: BlackCat~Love comes on silent paws-Chapter 3part 2 {7-7-10}
« Reply #19 on: July 08, 2010, 03:34:18 PM »
"Alright,but if we get caught them I'm blaming this all on you."
Good one sister  XD

Plus if she doesnt get adopted in a certian amount of days they would've put her to sleep...
Kinda cruel. nee.

started franticaly looking for anything that belonged to a cat: A tail, ear,whisker
:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

causing me to freak-out,scream and fell face first out of the bed onto the floor.
Aww, that hurt  :lol:

She twitched her tail abit and the next thing i knew,she pretty much slaped my nose with her tail.
Brilliant cat  :lol: Reminds me of my pup Gaki, ( yep her name is Gaki and I have Princess Ai too :D ) she has a long tail and every time she'd wag it, it's like she's whipping her own self  XD

After about 4 hours and over 50 tail smaks to the nose later
Jezzz Eri  XD

When I got out, what I saw infront of me wasnt my cue cuddly black cat Reina but...
A cute human Reina.?.  :w00t:

Lucky Eri

"Sayumi is the cutest girl in the world~!"
That's so unexpected  :lol:

cat-girl-human...Erien(?) and sighed.

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