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Author Topic: A Fukuoka Yankii in Fujiwara's Court: Chapter 3 on 12/8 (omatase!)  (Read 17416 times)

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Re: A Fukuoka Yankii in Fujiwara's Court: Chapter 1 on 9/8
« Reply #20 on: September 08, 2010, 05:39:46 PM »
oh my XD so now we get the berryz yanki and pinky princess? XD yay~ XD i love how momo seems to be all "snobish" towards reina XD and im surprised noone's been shocked about reina's hair...isnt it dyed in this or no? XDD i'd put more im my mouth wasnt in so much pain >.>
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

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Re: A Fukuoka Yankii in Fujiwara's Court: Chapter 1 on 9/8
« Reply #21 on: September 08, 2010, 06:53:40 PM »
MiyaSaki :lol: I love how in depth this is, I wonder if Reina will become a certain mysterious 'Lord's consort by the end of this.

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Re: A Fukuoka Yankii in Fujiwara's Court: Chapter 1 on 9/8
« Reply #22 on: September 08, 2010, 06:59:39 PM »
so.... :cool2:

Miya and Momo are Saki consorts??? :hehehe:

but i'm guessing that Miya is the only one that accompany Saki at night.....  :shy2: cause Momo said she prefer the art and poetry thing.....

i wonder what will happen to Reina now.... :?

will she become someone's consort too??? :kekeke:

Offline Aisacchan

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Re: A Fukuoka Yankii in Fujiwara's Court: Chapter 1 on 9/8
« Reply #23 on: September 09, 2010, 12:33:07 AM »
So, the family and some selected ones know about the girls being Lords. I wonder how they can became Lords :?

Momo and Miya as Shimizu consorts XD Is Aichan also has consort? I mean she is 'Lord' :D
~ jurina & mayuyu oshi
~ wmatsui, jurimayu, mayuki

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Re: A Fukuoka Yankii in Fujiwara's Court: Chapter 1 on 9/8
« Reply #24 on: September 09, 2010, 03:50:20 AM »
...and the kitty plummets deeper into the rabbit hole. I guess I'm not the only one who's curious as to whether her fate will see her end up as a certain Lord's consort :D

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Re: A Fukuoka Yankii in Fujiwara's Court: Chapter 1 on 9/8
« Reply #25 on: September 09, 2010, 05:14:09 AM »
 :mon inluv: I knew there would be some MiyaSaki somewhere in this.  And Risako as a lady-in-waiting?  :mon star: I'm happy that Momoko stays away from Captain's bed though.  :lol: I'm expecting the other "Lords" to have consorts of their own.  :yep:

Poor Reina. Waking up to two people staring at her while she's naked... Wait, who stripped Reina in the first place?  XD

Now what has Takahashi decided to do... It's too bad that I doubt Reina would become a consort or even a lady-in-waiting. I'll still hope for it.  :D

 :mon mad: I want to see some updates for your other fics but then I want to read more of this at the same time.  :mon impatient: XD

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Re: A Fukuoka Yankii in Fujiwara's Court: Chapter 1 on 9/8
« Reply #26 on: September 09, 2010, 05:58:21 AM »
Reina nekkid :lol:

Just the time period location right now I am wondering about, I know who is in control, just is it strong, is it weak? (sorry I am just dragging the facts out :lol:)

I am purely interested on what Reina will do and the diet XD
Random Thought:


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Re: A Fukuoka Yankii in Fujiwara's Court: Chapter 1 on 9/8
« Reply #27 on: September 09, 2010, 03:52:31 PM »
Haha sneaky MiyaSaki relationship here, I wonder how much this will develop over the course of the story?

Momo looking down at Reina is proper  :lol: At least Reina is starting to like Miyabi, possibly Yankee to Yankee?  XD

Why do I feel as though Takahashi has something planned for Reina, perhaps Ai is looking for a new consort herself? :drool:

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Re: A Fukuoka Yankii in Fujiwara's Court: Chapter 1 on 9/8
« Reply #28 on: September 11, 2010, 02:07:43 PM »
Then she looked down to see the sheet fallen to her legs, leaving her thighs up to her head… completely bare.

Ah...everyone must be reading that handbook on what to do with unconscious people again :mon determined:   One would think they would at least give her some jammies...erm I mean a kosode thingy but nope it was just strip and fold clothes  :sweat:

“Takahashi-sama also insisted I request you outfit the stranger with proper court casual attire. ‘Three layers should do,’ were the Lord’s words.”

Reina's probably lucky that it's only 3 layers XD  I can't even imagine a Lady Tanaka with 12 layers.  I mean she's so tiny...and with 12 layers...I think Reina would actually double in size XD  Throw in the shoes and the girl would probably never be able to walk all the way to the audience chamber  :sweat:

I wonder how awkward Reina's second meeting with Aitarou is going to be XD  I don't think she'll be hitting on Reina just yet if you know what I mean :shifty: 

I'm still waiting for Reina to pull out her cellphone, if she has it with her, to prove that she's from a different time and place XD  You know how people tend to do that when time travel occurs  :lol:

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Re: A Fukuoka Yankii in Fujiwara's Court: Chapter 1 on 9/8
« Reply #29 on: September 12, 2010, 07:16:01 PM »
Ooh!! There's a Miya sighting! XD I don't know why I was initially surprised to see her pop up, seeing the significant roles she plays in your other two ongoing fics.

Makes me wonder who we'll be seeing if (when?) they go to Maimi's and Aichan's castles.  I'm definitely looking forward to seeing more in the upcoming chapters!  I noticed mention of "A Conneticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court". I haven't read it or seen the movie, so I don't quite know what to expect. XD

intended it to be pretty clearly inspired by A Connecticut Yankee. That's part of the pun!In fact, I'm surprised more people don't know of it. Come on people!  Especially if you're American, it's one of the classics by perhaps our greatest American author (Mark Twain)!

Well, I'm Canadian, so I'm going to let myself off the hook for this. XD

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Re: A Fukuoka Yankii in Fujiwara's Court
« Reply #30 on: September 13, 2010, 03:49:01 PM »
I'm sorry you're not a big Reina fan.

Awww, rokun, there's no need to be sorry about that! It's kinda my own fault I haven't really taken a huge liking to Reina  :sweatdrop:
But like I said, I'm all for Reina in fanfics. She can be quite interesting to read. ^___^

She tends to play a big role in most of my fics. :lol: I'm beginning to understand why you haven't read them yet. :lol: And that's okay. :)

It's not that... it's because I'm aiming to get more of the lengthier fics done - I like to read lengthy stuff as it keeps me occupied for longer, obviously. But I'm certain I'll be heading off to read your stuff soon. I can't ignore a senior's fics, nope, nope way.  :P

There are many plans... and I wonder how Reina will fit into them? Or will she just indeed get herself into trouble? :lol:

Sounds like there's going to be complications galore  XD
Reina is a part of the bigger scheme of things then? It's no random coincidence that she's been thrown back in time? And I really bet she's going to get herself into trouble. She's yankii, and yankii people are prone to get themselves into many interesting situations   :yep:

Chapter 1: Castle Shimizu, Waiting Room

Suddenly she had two girls peering down at her as if she were some strange animal.

But she is a strange animal...  XD
Reina is truly clueless, isn't she? But it definitely adds to the hilarity of her situation.

Again, whenever one of the Berryz girls is mentioned (or talking, as they have done quite a bit of this in the chapter...), I only have faces to associate with  :(
But I'm glad to be learning a bit about them and building up impressions of each girl. I hope you've painted them somewhat true to life... yah, so that I'm learning about them as I go.  :yep:

“I don’t like people just… hovering over me like that!” Then she looked down to see the sheet fallen to her legs, leaving her thighs up to her head… completely bare.

Ummmm...  :oops:

I wonder who stripped her.  :twisted:

Flushing furiously, she tugged the sheet once again tightly up against her. “And where are my damn clothes!?”

“Did you understand half of what she said?” the taller one asked, looking to her companion.

“Not a clue,” Momo-chan replied. “How peculiar…”


Yankii talk probably really harsh on the ears of the more civilised and genteel  XD

I found the verbal exchanges between them all to be highly amusing! It's making me crave more ReinAi interaction, actually... even though I'm not a huge fan of the pairing, I find myself wondering (and looking forward to more interaction... or confrontation, whatever it happens to be!) ...  :nervous

“You do not suppose she is a Lady in disguise?” Momo-chan said in a low voice toward her friend’s ear, never taking her eyes off Reina. “The way Takahashi-sama seemed to speak of her…”

“I am no Lady!” Reina retorted.

“Surely even a Lady could not sink so far…” the haughty girl followed up in an even softer, sour voice.

“That’s it,” Reina barked, throwing her clothes down. “I don’t care if I’m naked, I’mma kick your puny ass…”


DAMN. It's funny how our yankii still hasn't grasped the seriousness of her situation! I mean, she's too busy flaring up at every little thing (I'm no lady! XD) to just sit back and assess everything that's happened... I'm kind of surprised, though I guess her rather fiery temperament lends to her urge to talk and take action rather than sitting back and being reflective.

Gotta wonder how she's REALLY going to react once the truth settles in and she realises that she's just landed herself in a historic era!  :shocked:

Reina flushed. “I certainly do not have a Lord!” she angrily protested.

 :monk gboy:

Very cute Reina...  :lol:

“But a consort,” Reina continued, wanting to finally understand something. “You don’t mean…”

“It is an honour for us to fulfill our Lord’s needs, whatever may be required, but primarily within the bedchamber,” Natusyaki replied naturally.

I'm getting the feeling that she will find herself at the mercy of a Lord? The idea is a little crazy, but I'm actually really excited to see Reina try to wriggle herself out of such a predicament...   :w00t:

Is there going to be a Lord Eric who Reina will have to fall under?  XD I can imagine her being all  :angry: and then slowly falling for her master...
Oh my gah, the images in my head...  :inlove:

So OK, first chapter and a few questions raised.

I'm still waiting for the moment when Reina takes a moment to breath and goes like...  :OMG: WTF-have-I-REALLY-gotten-myself-into!!!!!!!!!!
Are we going to have such a moment? LOL.

I'm really looking forward to finding out who else is going to be featured in the story. I'm hoping (with my hands clasped) that Kamezo Eric will appear and sweep Reina off her feet  :mon cute:
Ahhhh... gomen, I tend to verbalise what I'd like to see... but of course it's your story, rokun, you probably have a lot of different stuff in store for Reina and I'm up for anything  :grin:


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Re: A Fukuoka Yankii in Fujiwara's Court: Chapter 1 on 9/8
« Reply #31 on: September 18, 2010, 03:29:55 AM »
Is this soon enough? :lol: Ok, so it probably isn't... lol. Work has been busy. @_@ Plus Essy had me working on something else that ended up even upsetting her. :lol: Anyway... Friday comment replies! Yippee~!!

Btw, thank you ALL again for your wonderful comments!! ^______^ (a comment just has to exist for it to be wonderful, btw :))

Essy-cha~n: What? What MiyaSaki? :lol: I wonder how long this next chapter will take you to research. >.> Maybe you've already done enough for it too? lol. Also, you detected Miya's yankii-aura :heart: Her sense of fashion is still there, as well as her edginess like the competition with Momo, who believes firmly in the traditional Chinese styles, which as Miyabi's sense picks up, will soon be going out of fashion... That actually is a significant general theme of the whole story if you can pick up on it. :)

Court Ladies can be very stubborn about fashion. :lol: As for your scandal... well... I won't say anything of that at the moment (as if it isn't obvious :P). It seems I didn't make Gegenschein too late. :lol:

wai~wai: Yay Berryz fan! :D Or at least enough of one! :lol: Oh, and Reina's hair isn't dyed either. She's not the rich idol like she is in real life, having grown up on the Fukuoka streets. :lol: @_@ I hope your mouth is feeling better!!

randy demon: I hope you continue to love the depth! :) And the MiyaSaki! :D Though it's really not gonna be a huge thing lol.

abok: Mhm, consorts at this time don't necessarily mean they sleep with the Lord, although that is often the case. :lol: They are who produce the Lord's heirs. Though, each generally follows whatever her special skills are too... All this is important to know before this chapter coming up as well. XD

What will happen to Reina indeed. 8)

Aisacchan: How they became Lords is a story that should be revealed as the fic goes along. :) As for Aichan's consorts, I'll be mum for now :) but she is a very powerful Lord...

aussie: Just for you I put an Alice in Wonderland reference in the coming chapter. :lol: Or did I? O_o Maybe I just thought about it. Either way, it was just for you! XD More thinking about Reina ending up as someone's consort. Where do you people get these ideas from? :roll:

Windy (I think that's my new name for you :D): You better enjoy the MiyaSaki!!! :lol: @ your wish for Momo though lol. Hmm... other fics... XD :hmm:

kuro: Ah, you're on the right track at least. :lol: As if it isn't obvious by just the title... lol. Diet huh? Yeah, not much yakiniku back then. :lol: Though fortunately for Reina, not many carbonated beverages either...

oddball: The MiyaSaki was sneaky? Really? :lol: Things will "develop", that's for sure. :lol: One thing with this fic... because of the time period... they think of things VERY differently than we do. I'll be very interested to see reactions as the story goes on. ;) Ai isn't necessarily looking for anything. :)

Sushi: What? There's a handbook on what to do with unconscious people? :lol: Not that I'm around many... Yay you get fashion points! :D Don't count out 12-layered Reina yet though. Especially once you read this next chapter... And remember, Japanese people were in general quite small back then so Reina wasn't really alone. :lol: (I mean, just look at Takahashi and Shimizu lol)

Hmm, awkward? I'm not sure that's exactly the word.... :lol: And Ai's a powerful Lord. She has more things on her mind than hitting on cute girls... or well... supposedly... XD You also gave me an idea! :) See, this is why comments are good!! I had to think about the hair thing waiwai mentioned too. :lol:

maiZe: :D! You found this story! I hope you enjoy. :) Yes... I have a hard time leaving my favorites out... XD Though I'm trying to at least limit the cast size in this one... lol. There are more to come though. XD I mean, they aren't even to the Imperial Court yet...

Haha, yeah I suppose being Canadian lets you off the hook. :P

Bee: :heart:
You might see what I mean as you continue reading. :lol: And lengthy? Have you looked at Circle of Three or Odyssey? :lol: Hmm, I like how you put that. Yes, Reina is part of the bigger scheme of things. :) As to the random coincidence though... XD But get herself into trouble? Reina? :lol:

Hey, it takes some time for someone to believe when something totally crazy is happening to them. :lol: Give the yankii a break!! lol. I hope you do get to know Berryz through this fic and others :) Although they don't really talk this 'properly' lol... except perhaps Momo... XD;

She hasn't had the chance to sit back and think. :) There's a comment about that in this chapter. She just keeps getting pushed from one thing to another... for now... The rest of what you postulated is correct too though. :lol:

I seem to be getting the sense from some peoples' comments... I wasn't kidding when I said this was going to be an epic... lol. There'll be much much more going on here beyond having fun with a cute interaction or idea or something. :lol: Well, you'll see it shape up as it goes along I'm sure.

Back to Bee: Wow, where'd this Kamezou Eric obsession come from? :lol: I actually was careful with that in this fic. I tend not to write much about members once they've graduated...



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Re: A Fukuoka Yankii in Fujiwara's Court: Chapter 2
« Reply #32 on: September 18, 2010, 04:56:18 AM »
Hello! :) This took a little while, but there was a lot to put into it! @_@ This chapter is longer, and in fact is almost as long as the whole story up until now lol, but I hope you enjoy. If you have any questions let me know, though I've given a few notes at the bottom! :)


Chapter 2: Castle Shimizu, Tea Room

A disgruntled and sulky Tanaka Reina tried to walk down the hall without tripping on the bulky hakama and covering robe she had been stuffed into minutes earlier by the girls who now flanked her to either side. The girls had managed it despite her protests, since she couldn’t bring herself to fight against rather pretty girls who at least didn’t seem intent on doing her any harm. Plus, she at least managed to get her underwear and jeans back on before the first kimono layer… much to Momo-chan’s scandalized chagrin.

Along the way they were joined by a more visibly chastened Risako-chan who now sported the twin pigtails Momo-chan had directed. She fell in at Natsuyaki’s side, and another younger girl joined the Princess as well. Upon noticing Reina looking at the new arrivals curiously, and how they seemed to be somewhat fawning over and straightening the Ladies’ robes, Natsuyaki explained, “They are assigned as our maids. Please, pay them no heed. You will most always see them with us and they prefer not to have attention brought to themselves.” As if to confirm the girl’s point, the two younger ones meekly continued their duty as if no one had spoken aloud.

Reina didn’t even notice when they reached a pair of ornate doors, since she needed to focus all her attention on just not tripping over her new clothes, not to mention how hot it was within them. Summer was apparently still hanging on here as well after all, and she had no idea why the others weren’t continuously fanning themselves. She came to be thankful she didn’t easily sweat.

Two armored, and this time obviously male, guards at the doors pushed them open when the ladies arrived and bowed slightly. The guards returned their bows much more deeply, and Reina’s sensitive nose immediately caught the aroma of tea wafting from within the room. Suddenly realizing she was parched, she took the first long step of what was instinctively meant to be a sprint into the room, but her foot came down hard on the hem of her outer kimono, making her trip to the floor before the others could react.

She let out a short yelp, but hardly even noticed through the layers of fabric as she hit the ground and rolled a pace before coming to rest staring at the ceiling. Then, despite her normal agility, she realized she could not move her limbs enough to push herself up again.

Now fed up with the whole charade though, once again before the other women could reach her she tore at the obi that Natsuyaki had so carefully tied on, shedding it and the outer robe covering before kicking off the hakama as well. She now realized no one was any longer moving to help her, and only astonished and appalled gasps filled the room.

“There,” she said, finally able to rise and tying the obi to make sure the last light kimono layer was tight enough around her chest. “That’s more like it.” She kicked a leg out in relief at her returned flexibility, admiring the jeans that showed blue as it poked out of the robe, before looking up at the many people around the room who stared at her, some of the maids and soldiers even with open mouths lit fitfully from what looked like oil lamps scattered across the room.

“So what’s up?” she said, trying to lighten the tension like she usually did in such situations, although her ability to stay light and tough was slowly losing its battle against the intense fear at the situation that she’d been doing her best to completely suppress. It was a lesson she’d learned many times over on the Fukuoka streets – if you let fear rule you, you’ve lost control of the conflict, and it could sometimes be impossible to regain it. Still, she really wished Eri would pop up from nowhere and hug her and make some stupid random comment before telling her it was all a big joke. She wouldn’t be surprised if Yoshi was capable of something like this…

“I am so sorry for this, Shimizu-sama, Takahashi-sama,” Natsuyaki apologized, breaking Reina out of her reverie as she glided up to sweep the discarded robes into her arms. “I take full responsibility for failure to train her in propriety, and will humbly accept any punishment deemed necessary.” She bowed, keeping her head low, and now Reina just stared in amazement. Where was the girl who seemed so thoughtful and independent back in that bedroom?

Shimizu, who was seated on a cushion at one of the sides of a broad, low table along with Takahashi and Yajima and a few other men, set her tea down and rose. She somehow made it seem graceful despite the bulky garments she wore, reminiscent of what Reina remembered seeing in ancient artwork.

Striding over to Natsuyaki, she laid a hand on the shoulder of the bowing girl in a comforting gesture. “If there is responsibility to be had, it is mine, as this is my castle.” She darted Reina a dangerous glare before continuing, “Please take these to be cleaned and return to our rooms. I shall join you there later this eve. Momo-chan, please stay here, as your candor and refinement may be appreciated.”

Momo-chan nodded and lifted her robes to take one of the seats behind those seated on the floor at the table, and Natsuyaki bowed her way out of the room.

“I’m sorry,” Reina said a bit more quietly, feeling bad for the girl who was just told to leave. “It wasn’t her fault. Really.”

Shimizu darted that glare at her again. “As for you…” But before she continued, she looked over her shoulder at Takahashi, who was calmly sipping her tea as she sat, appearing oblivious of the whole thing. “I will be watching you,” the girl finally hissed into her ear, before taking a forceful step toward the table. She immediately seemed to think better of that though, and grandly paced the rest of the way before resuming her seat.

“Please,” Takahashi said, “Join us.” She gestured with her free hand to the vacant spot on the side of the table across from her.

Reina stepped carefully toward where she was directed, slightly intimidated by the grand sight before her. The three masqueraded women wore very bulky but lavishly designed robes and pants, all purple, but Takahashi’s of a darker shade than the other two. The remaining men wore a mixture of light purple and reds.

Trying not to be too self-conscious, she lowered herself to the floor in front of the table. Instead of sitting cross-legged as the others appeared to be, she knelt on her shins as she was nearly forced to by the kimono. She was very conscious of the stares of the others at the table – Takahashi’s calmly considering, Shimizu’s seemingly full of hate, and Yajima’s plain but rather curious. The other men though gazed almost lewdly, as if they’d never seen a woman in so few clothes before. At least she was used to those kinds of looks.

“Are you really Japanese?” Yajima asked finally, leaning forward questioningly.

“She is nothing more than a peasant woman,” one of the men said, seeming to pretend she didn’t exist even while talking about her. “I cannot imagine why she should be allowed to this table.”

“Tea?” Takahashi offered, nodding over to her.

“Thank you,” Reina said sardonically, but instead of Takahashi, one of the maids came scurrying up to bow and pour her a cup.

Shimizu suddenly brandished a knife from nowhere, causing a stir among the other men, but a second later she only began to file her nails, which appeared as long as Reina usually kept hers, though uncoloured. “Very useful, these small daggers,” she murmured idly, admiring both her nails and the knife. Was there some femininity in her after all? “Most warriors regard them with disdain, but I oft times find them useful. They are especially good for cutting out a tongue that wags too much.”

Chuckles became audible from some of the men, and even a titter from Momo-chan, who Reina could see seated next to a screen, her face hidden by her fluttering fan.

“I apologize for my vassals,” Takahashi said wryly, “They are not used to seeing someone of your… stature.”

Vassals? “And you are used to people like me?” Reina asked sharply across the table. Shimizu’s filing seemed to become louder.

“I… try to keep an open mind,” Takahashi replied, taking another sip of tea and somehow appearing like a pillar of calm in the midst of the storm in the room surrounding her. The others didn’t outwardly protest though and kept quiet, leading Reina to believe Takahashi was truly the one who held the power. Perhaps she could use that to her advantage…

“You aren’t the least bit curious?” she shot back. Whether the woman was or not, she certainly was herself. In fact, she was brimming with questions as she began to realize more and more that she very well might be stuck in this place.

Shimizu appeared to begin scolding her again, but instead Yajima spoke first, “Please, your pardon Lady, but now is not the time for questions. Instead it is a time for answers. You must realize that our and our Lord’s security is at stake, and we must know more if we are to deal with… I mean, if we are to assist you whatever your situation may be.” Somehow the girl’s charming smile and soft words helped allay Reina’s temper slightly. Fine, she would listen to them. For now. She took a swig of tea, downing the whole cup at once.

Gasps surrounded the chamber, and the eyes of everyone at the table widened again, though after a moment the bubbling laugh of the woman across from her silenced them all. “You truly are unique!” she said, setting her own tea down and smiling jovially. “First you appear out of nowhere along our path to the castle, wearing just the strangest garb, then you faint like a wisp of a lady where we had no choice but to carry you to the castle where your clothes and the items we find in them cause quite a stir. Wherever you go you cause quite a stir, do you not my little firebrand?”

Reina stared at her before some of her words fully sank in. “Items? You mean you have my cell phone? My wallet and compact?” She’d forgotten about them. They would prove to them all that… that… what? Girls obviously don’t carry cell phones and make-up wherever they go around here.

“No questions!” Shimizu barked, slamming her cup to the table. For a tiny thing, she sure had a sense of aggression.

“I’ll ask questions if I damn well please!!” Reina yelled back at her, finally at her breaking point. She jumped to her feet, nimbly this time, and moved toward the girl. However, Shimizu and the others were just as quick, and in a fraction of a second everyone around the table except for Takahashi was on their feet. None of the others seemed armed, though Shimizu brandished her dagger. Yajima just looked flustered as she tried to calm them all.

“Please! Not in Takahashi-sama’s presence!” she cried, as the Lord in question quietly took another sip of tea.

“I cannot bear another insult to my Lord, nor my household!” Shimizu replied.

“You want a fight!?” Reina yelled at her, adopting a blocking stance, knees slightly bent as she turned slightly. “I’ll give you a fight! You must be something if you’re man enough to face down an unarmed girl with that knife.”

“Shimizu-sama!” Yajima hissed, but the other ignored her.

“As you wish!” Shimizu growled in response to Reina’s challenge, one of the men waiting at the wall coming to take the proffered dagger as well as the outer robe and obi after she quickly untied it. Now she was just in a long, loose robe almost to match Reina’s.

Reina watched her carefully, unsure exactly what she’d gotten herself into as the girl tensed and straightened her arms as if to test her strength before pulling back into an attacking stance of her own. Reina felt a flicker of hope when she sensed somehow that it was indeed a bit primitive.

“This is ludicrous!” Yajima scolded, though not making a move to stop the other Lord. “I understand the insults you feel, but this is no time to make a strike at a Lady.”

“She is no lady!” Shimizu growled again, and lunged toward Reina.

Reina was ready though for what she felt was a rather clumsy attack, if seemingly well-practiced. As usual when she got into a fight since her training, time seemed to slow down, and she waited as her assailant moved quickly through the air separating them. Then, she moved more quickly.

As the girl seemed to try and drive her pointed right hand into Reina’s midsection, she chopped down with her own right and blocked it cleanly to the side, hooking the girl’s arm and using her momentum to spin around to force them back-to-back. Then she jabbed an elbow into Shimizu’s ribs before leaping in the direction the girl had just come from, quickly regaining her balance to spin back to face her.

The girl’s back was arched, her hand clutching her ribs in pain and her face a mask of surprise. Hers was not the only one, but Reina had no time to think about the others before the girl’s eyes narrowed and she spun herself, this time regarding Reina warily.

As the two girls circled each other like hungry wolves, Reina felt the dead silence in the room around her. Yajima was no longer protesting Shimizu’s actions. There were no longer any displeased grunts from the men, and even the rustling of Momo-chan’s fan was silent. Reina was used to noisy street fights, but quiet still suited her better. It allowed her to gain focus.

This time Shimizu came with her arms held back, and Reina caught sight of her knee bending before she led with a strong jabbing kick. Instead of blocking it this time though Reina leapt over the low attack, spinning in mid-air as she lashed out with her own leg. She felt the side of her foot contact something hard, and a groan split the silence. Falling to the floor backwards, she immediately jumped back up to prepare herself for a subsequent attack before noticing her opponent on the floor, groaning and holding her head as she reflexively curled toward a fetal position.

Letting herself straighten, though not relaxing completely as she was still cautious, Reina let the throbbing of the blood in her veins fade to take in the rest of the room. Two of the maids rushed up to kneel down and tend to Shimizu, who had gone still. Those who had been seated around the table just stood, shocked, alternately staring between Reina and the fallen Lord.

Takahashi sighed. “Ah, the brashness and boldness of youth,” she said, setting her tea down gently. “It is wise to be wary of what one does not fathom,” she continued in a rush of words before suddenly breaking out into soft giggles. Reina wondered how she could possibly fool anyone into thinking she isn’t a girl…

“Come! Let us drink tea like civilized people!” she pronounced, and gestured again to the table.

The others glanced awkwardly around before going back to their seats, but Reina blinked at the girl Lord in front of her whose ass she just kicked. “Um…” she said, “Not that I mind, but you’re not gonna do anything after I just knocked your Lord of this castle unconscious?”

“It is a matter of honour,” Yajima explained, still glancing disbelievingly wide-eyed at her companion Lord. “You had challenged each other, and you are the victor. You have earned…” she glanced up at Reina. “respect by defeating Shimizu-san in single combat. There are not many who can claim that. Of course, Shimizu-san does prefer to fight with blades.” Her smile now seemed lightly amused. Reina decided this “Lord” may be likeable enough as well. “I think you will be very interesting to learn from. Yes.”

After feeling her mouth twist up in a crooked, indulgent smile at the words of the crazy people around her, Reina sighed, taking her own spot at the table again and trying to ignore the prone Lord just behind her. She was beginning to feel tired, and not from the fight she just had. That hadn’t even made her break a sweat; not that it was easy to do so.

“I just want to go home,” she said as she sat.

“Yes,” Takahashi commented, taking another sip of tea. “Home. Kyushu, you say. Fukuoka. I wonder where someone like yourself might learn to fight like that in such a small fishing village.”

Fishing village…? The more she learned, the more Reina felt everything was wrong. Very wrong. Well, at least she could still defend herself apparently. If that was the extent of their skills…

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I can’t really explain.” Then she remembered something from before the fight and looked up. “You said you found strange things in my clothes. Do you, um, happen to have them still?”

Takahashi studied her a moment before conceding, “I apologize. That must come later. I also apologize if you feel lost. I cannot say I understand where you come from, but I am beginning to realize we are as strange to you as you are to us.”

“You can say that again…” Reina mumbled.

“Pardon?” the woman asked.

“Never mind.”

Takahashi took a deep breath. “I will strive my best to learn your strange speech. I would like to talk more easily with you.”

“She is from the West?” Momo-chan asked, the first time in this room Reina had heard her speak up. The girl didn’t seem the least concerned about her Lord lying unconscious not far past her feet. “Perhaps she has absorbed more of the Chinese Way than has made it as far as here.” She leaned forward interestedly, once again fluttering her fan. “Although we all saw she is skilled in bushido1, I wonder if she might have a literary sense as well.”

Murmurs broke out among the men, and Yajima said with soft amusement, “I would be careful about insulting our guest, Tsugunaga-san. I feel she may be rather undiscriminating if she gets upset.”

“Pfft,” the girl replied, waving her fan dismissively. “I’m too cute for anyone to want to harm me. No one has touched a hair on my head in my life, in fact.”

“Is that so?” Yajima asked, the amusement still in her voice.

Reina’s brain was beginning to hurt. “I don’t know what you all mean about the Chinese Way, but as you saw I have studied bushido. And I can read too, thank you very much.”

“And write?” Momo-chan asked.

“Of course,” Reina replied to the ridiculous question.

“How skilled are you at shodo2?”

“Um, I’ve done some… I just like to keep it simple though. Mostly I like to stick to kana.”

Momo-chan drew back at that. “Kana?” she asked, peering around the room. “Syllabary? What does that have to do with writing?”

“The alphabets,” Reina said, wondering if everyone around her was dumb. But they all just continued staring at her. “You know. Ka ki ku ke ko, sa shi su se so...

“Those are sounds,” Yajima commented, seeming lost. Reina was beginning to realize that was an almost perpetual expression from the girl, but at the moment she wasn’t the only one.

“Yes…” Reina said. “They make up words.”

As she continued to explain, she felt something begin to grow inside of her. She was bad at thinking, but somehow she knew that there was something very important going on right now. It was like the sum of everything that had happened since she walked into this room so ungracefully was beginning to add up. She couldn’t say to what yet though.

“Do you have pen and paper?” she asked. More blank stares. “…Something to write with.”

“Risako-chan!” Momo-chan chirped suddenly. “Fetch a quill and parchment!” Then she glanced slightly behind Reina, who turned to see Shimizu finally rising to her feet. “And fetch Miyabi-chan as well. I think Shimizu-sama will need some assistance.”

At the command, the girl Reina had forgotten was waiting along the wall along with the other attendants jumped and bowed before hurrying out of the room. She took a good look at the others. Apparently she had become as good at not seeing them as the Lords and Ladies. Then again, they obviously had realized they were there. She was beginning to wonder if Natsuyaki was right about them just always being there. Being convenient.

There was another small stir, and fussing of the maids, as Shimizu pulled on one of her covering robes while blinking groggily before striding slowly over to Reina. To Reina’s utmost bewilderment, the girl knelt beside her and bowed low.

“I apologize for my affront, my Lady,” she said humbly. It was a complete three-sixty from her earlier attitude. “I cannot begin to achieve penance, but my life is yours.” And cradling it carefully with both hands, she proffered to Reina the dagger she had made a show with earlier. “Please accept this worthless item as a token of my sincerity.”

Reina just stared down at the dagger, its sharp edge and the jewel in its hilt glimmering in the lamplight surrounding them. When she didn’t make a move, Yajima said quietly, “If you do not take the offered gift, you will deepen the Lord’s dishonor and he will not be able to show his face in gentlemanly company for many weeks. While I would not think less of you for doing so, Shimizu-sama is truly a very capable Lord and it would be a loss not to have his company.”

“Thank you…” Reina said finally, and reached up to carefully take the dagger from the girl’s outstretched hands. Shimizu lowered her bow again before retaking her place at the table, eyes downcast. Now what am I supposed to do with this? Reina asked herself as she stared at the dagger now sitting in her own hands. Shrugging, she stuffed it into her obi and turned back to the table.

Yajima was still smiling at her, obviously pleased at her actions, but Takahashi’s face was blank. Her tea also now seemed to be forgotten.

There was a rustle as someone entered the room, and Reina glanced up to see Risako-chan hurrying toward her. She knelt beside Reina with head bowed as she placed a thick piece of paper and a pot with a quill sticking out of it onto the table in front of her.

“Um… thank you?” Reina said, though the girl didn’t move.

“Miyabi-chan will come soon, yes? That will be sufficient, Risako-chan,” Momo-chan said, and Reina noticed her sweeping up behind her to shoo the girl away, her fan still fluttering to carefully conceal her face below her eyes. “You say you write with this ‘kana’,” she told Reina very business-like. “Can you write out a poem with it? How about…

“hovering, humming
mosquitoes watch hungrily
as we make love.”

Despite herself Reina blushed at the girl’s words, but nobody seemed to think them out of the ordinary. That was something she hadn’t quite expected… especially out of Momo-chan. Fighting her embarrassment though, she awkwardly dipped the quill and began writing in hiragana. This is not happening… she kept telling herself, although by now she knew it was.

The room watched silently until she finished scratching out the characters, and kept silent for another moment even after she once more deposited the quill into the pot.

“But this is nonsense,” Momo-chan breathed finally.

“No,” Shimizu said, peering over at the paper. Reina hadn’t realized the girl came back to reality yet. “I think I can see it.” She traced a line with her finger. “This is the Chinese character for virtue, is it not?”

“And this,” one of the men said, peering over as well. “This is ‘bow’. But much simpler.”

Momo-chan stared harder, and slowly her mouth began to fall open. “Well this is… This is…”

Suddenly a loud clap brought everyone out of their thoughts, and Reina looked sharply up to see Takahashi with her hands clasped above her, a look of the utmost seriousness on her face. “Leave us,” she ordered firmly. “Everyone but Yajima-san, Sazuko, and the Lady Tanaka.”

Those ordered, especially Momo-chan, looked very reluctant, but quickly, with bows and a large amount of rustling, everyone began to leave the room. In almost no time at all Reina was alone with the woman and her commanding presence, Yajima, and what looked to be one of the maids who knelt quietly with head bowed beside Takahashi.

Reina though couldn’t take her eyes off those of the woman’s in front of her. That piercing gaze from when they first met was back, but this time amplified tenfold. She felt like her breath had been completely stolen away.

“I knew it was something unique when we found you out on the hill with your strange garments and your strange way of speaking,” Takahashi said in a quiet but strong voice. “But it was not until the events in this room, here, that I realized exactly how unique.” Reina noticed her eyes drift down to the paper. “How special, to the extent of being utterly unbelievable.”

Suddenly she darted her eyes to Yajima, who bowed her head slightly in deference, though her eyes never left Takahashi’s either. Reina wondered if she had that effect on everyone. Perhaps she did, if she wielded the kind of power over others that she seemed to.

“How long do you think Shimizu-san will take to recover from the loss of honour?” she asked the girl.

Yajima appeared to fall back into thought. “If it were any normal person, I would say she might never recover. However, one as devious as herself will likely be repaired in her heart by her next awakening. Besides, Natsuyaki-san is proficient at overnight healing.”

“Yes, yes…” Takahashi replied. “I know well. Do you think she means to abide by her oath?”

“In this case, yes, my Lord,” Yajima replied slowly. “That was… a very new experience for her.”

Takahashi nodded slowly, obviously considering many things, before turning back to Reina. Upon making eye contact again, Reina realized how much she missed that gaze, and also how she’d been struck speechless since she first saw it here. What the hell? she asked herself. I’m not just some star struck girl… Still, even now she couldn’t look away.

Takahashi took in a deep breath, her posture straightening, and she spoke loud and clearly, “Tanaka Reina of Fukuoka,” she said in what sounded like a proclamation, “Henceforth, and beneath the witness of Minamoto no Yajima no Maimi, you are under my protection, and will act as personal attendant of Takahashi no Ai, Lord of Osaka and Commander of the Five Imperial Armies. I bequeath you the title of Lady Consort, and so shall henceforth be known as Fukuoka no Tanaka no Reina.”

Reina, stunned by the ramifications of what the woman said, didn’t relax herself when she continued in a less formal voice, her body also visibly relaxing as she spoke. “I believe the clan name should be sufficient. There is little enough contact with Kyushu, so you might claim to be of a small but ancient local noble family. Also, I want to impress that you will only ‘act’ as my attendant. There is no requirement of official duties, although I would hope we can have many long, pleasant conversations. Yes, I certainly hope that.” She giggled once again after she spoke, as if at some hidden joke only she knew.

Focusing her attention back on Reina, she continued, “The formality was necessary since, as Lady Consort and an attendant to myself, you will now have the highest protection possible afforded you. Shimizu-san will also protect you with her life.” Then she pondered, gazing thoughtfully into Reina’s eyes. “I wonder how many others you will sway as easily…” she half-murmured to herself, then continued, “It is good I realized this when I did, as you would have immediately been a prime target for those who are jealous of what you may represent.” Reina’s tension heightened at those words, but the woman didn’t elaborate.

“I also will honour her as sister as much as I do yourself, my Lord,” Yajima added, smiling between them.

When Reina saw the smile forming on Takahashi’s face as well, she almost felt as if she might faint again. For once, as a fraction of the enormity of what had seemed to be occurring today washed over her, she found herself completely without a good, sharp, witty, and suitably yankii comeback.


1 Bushido, as most if not all of you likely know, is generally known as the code of the warrior samurai hold their honor by. However, this takes place before samurai as we know them existed, and bushido returns to its natural meaning... the martial arts - "the way of battle".

2 Shodo, a maybe less familiar term, is calligraphy, or "the way of writing". The short conversation between Momo and Reina at this point is heavily influenced on the Chinese idea of "The Way" - the character read "-do" that ends such terms. At this time Chinese influence has just been expanding through Japan relatively recently, so these and other Buddhist/Taoist ideas are rather new to Japanese. Still, their original meanings are similar to what they are today.

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Re: A Fukuoka Yankii in Fujiwara's Court: Chapter 2 on 9/17
« Reply #33 on: September 18, 2010, 05:48:18 AM »
lol i dable in berrzy so i kinda know the pairings lol

now...dang~ reina vs saki!? O.O fu~ that was cool, i feel bad for saki though^^; and i had a feeling that ai would make reina her consort...eventhough i think that she'll soon do the full dutise of oneXD
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Re: A Fukuoka Yankii in Fujiwara's Court: Chapter 2 on 9/17
« Reply #34 on: September 18, 2010, 06:31:49 AM »
this story has an entertaining value :lol: although there are somethings i find pretty modern for this story XD

although duels seem to be interesting :D
Random Thought:


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Re: A Fukuoka Yankii in Fujiwara's Court: Chapter 2 on 9/17
« Reply #35 on: September 18, 2010, 09:09:01 AM »
 :mon cute: Windy? :mon inluv:... It somehow reminds me about how moody I can be and now I no longer have the urge to call you roe.  :D

I totally expected Reina to strip down to only one layer. For some reason, I didn't expect her to have her jeans on though. :lol:

Yup, I'm still happy that Momo stays out of Saki's bed.  :yep:... Overnight healing by Miyabi? How can I not enjoy the MiyaSaki? Even if it's only implications,  :mon lovelaff:.

Saki got her ass kicked.  XD She's such a hothead in this fic. It was opposite in Circle and Sword. It's like your portrayals of Maimi and Saki switched. Oh, and I'll take the "hmm" as you're not going to update the other fics for months.  :lol:

Wait... Saki likes using swords?  :inlove: <- I think I have a bit of a fetish for swords.  :lol:

Overall, Ai intrigues me while Maimi just scares the crap out of me. I really expect a fight between Maimi and Saki one day.

I really don't remember anything about A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court.  :P Now how are the Lords going to use Reina? I'm wondering if they'll make her become some kind of mystic or prophet, even if only for show.

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Re: A Fukuoka Yankii in Fujiwara's Court: Chapter 2 on 9/17
« Reply #36 on: September 18, 2010, 12:22:47 PM »
Wow, a lot happened here. She took Saki's honor and gained her protection and Takahashi's. Blew some minds with her writing and got a nifty dagger. Methinks that will come in handy. As a 'consort' she'll be spending a lot of time with Ai, so I'm thinking that she'll tell Ai more about where she's from and such and in return, Takahashi will help her learn to fit in a little better. Or maybe help her forget about getting home. :twisted:

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Re: A Fukuoka Yankii in Fujiwara's Court: Chapter 1 on 9/8
« Reply #37 on: September 19, 2010, 01:47:01 AM »
aussie: Just for you I put an Alice in Wonderland reference in the coming chapter. :lol: Or did I? O_o Maybe I just thought about it. Either way, it was just for you! XD More thinking about Reina ending up as someone's consort. Where do you people get these ideas from? :roll:

Tea party!! :lol: I likey. Coming from one of my favourite writers (and one of the few who finds RenAi attractive to write about) perhaps I should feel honoured that specific part of the chapter was just for me :D

So Reina has made life for herself in this crazy new world easier. I had half a thought that Shimizu would turn out to be a traitor at some later point in the story, the way she's all aggressive. Good to see that Reina has taken her honour and has her protection, as well as Maimi, and, most importantly, Ai's. What Ai has in the plans for her I'm really looking forward to. She's certainly intrigued by her....but is it more than that? :hehehe:

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Re: A Fukuoka Yankii in Fujiwara's Court: Chapter 2 on 9/17
« Reply #38 on: September 19, 2010, 09:42:50 PM »
SAKI LOST! ME NO LIKEY! Nooo! :tantrum: I want a rematch - with swords! Yes. :yep:
I didn't read this Connecticut Yankee book so I only have Disney movie based knowledge and that's so useless!
Momo is a stand out for me so far in this story. I don't, she just seems to get awesome parts even when she's mostly background. Could just be because the image of her and that fan in the background constantly is easy to imagine. Plus that poem.... o_o;

Miyabi's good at overnight healing? Maimi actually managed to say this with a straight face? XD Oh them old fashioned folk, so serious.

Lol, every time Miya mentions Chinese styles becoming out of fashion, I become a little sad... just because. Silly, I know.

Oh yes and I want Nakki in this! I'm not afraid to bug you about that. :P
More Nakki would help wean me off my MM dependency? :mon innocent:

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Re: A Fukuoka Yankii in Fujiwara's Court: Chapter 2 on 9/17
« Reply #39 on: September 20, 2010, 05:49:27 PM »
Stupid Reina, getting Miya into trouble for not being appropriate, we definalt got to see a softer side of Saki however when she came over to talk to Miya, there is definaly something more than the Lord/Consort relationship between them.

Saki has a proper fiery temper in this chapter, s this a character trait or was it just that she felt insulted by Reina, she definalty repects her alot more after Reina beat her in a fight so perhaps it was becasue she felt Reina was being rude, rather than any personel dislike towards Reina.

Maimi's Character is intresting, she seems genrally amused by event's and it seems as though she has the trust of Takahashi, even more than Saki perhaps, but I just feel as though something is note quite right where she is involved...

Ai definalty seems intruiged by Reina, I wonder if it is just curious about Reina or if it is something else, perhaps it is somethinf simple like she finds Reina attactive, or maybe she has met a person from the future before, perhaps even Ai maybe from the future herself and has been stuck in the past for many years? just a though :D

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