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Author Topic: Ai Araba IT'S ALL RIGHT  (Read 7054 times)

Offline SunJian

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« on: November 13, 2010, 09:09:51 PM »
Chapter One
"The New Girl"
   It seems like it was only yesterday, but in fact it was more then ten years ago. Still to this day though, I can't seem to forget the most beautiful girl that I have ever laid eyes on. Takahashi Ai was her name and she was just a little over five-feet tall. If you want me to describe her appearance try to imagine perfection. She was like a goddess in every since of the word. She had the face of an angel with eyes that were just dream inducing, but equally as mesmerizing was her smile that was known to melt even the coldest of hearts, or so I had heard. She even had some of the world's most amazing legs, legs that which if memory serves me correctly, are said to have turned a majority of the female population of the student body into lesbians, and the  majority the male population of the student body that were homosexual were quoted as saying that they were willing to convert if they had a chance with her. She was definitely the total package, and are destinies became intertwined on that fateful day.
   "Are your sure you have everything? Risa... Risa... Risa!" "Are you paying attention ?" "Yes mom, I'm totally listening to you." As we pulled up to the school, my excitement started to build. Getting excited about going to school may sound strange, but my father was a career military man, so we moved around a lot when I was younger. However, my dad had just reached the terms of service in which early retirement was available, but this new school was going to be the place where I would complete my education, there was no more moving from place to place. The school was very active, upon walking past the entrance to the right the Karate Club could be seen practicing, and the rest of the students seemed like a colony of bees, buzzing all over the place.  "Takahashi!, Takahashi!, Takahashi!" I heard some girls shout as they ran past me. "If I want to get a person to like me better, how should I dress?" one girl asked. "Her name is Ai Takahashi, and yes she's the cutest girl in the school, and the most important thing of all YES! SHE IS SINGLE!." "Oh, by the way names
's Renee, Nice to meet ya." "Wha?" is how I  responded to Renee. "Her name's Ai Takahashi, she's the cutest in school, and she's single. I thought that would be a good answer to all of your future questions, seeing that your face became as red as a tomato, as soon as you saw her, and is still red even now." To be honest, I was a little embarrassed to admit it at first, but  Renee's assumption of the situation was correct.
Chapter Two 
"Being Next to a Dream Girl"
   Upon entering my new home room, my heart instantly became aflutter and my excitement quickly began to rise. It seemed as though Fate had smiled at me, the planets were all aligned, or something that has to do with the all the mystical things of the universe and destiny had shown me some favoritism, because right in front of my very eyes sitting in the first seat of the very last row quietly reading the book Modern Slang and You  was Ai Takahashi. "Well class, let me introduce you to are new classmate." the Teacher said. "Hello, everyone my name is Risa Niigaki. Nice to meet you." "O.K. Risa, let me look for a seat for you so that I can get the class started." I might have been a little bold, but in seeing the vacant seat next to Takahashi I just couldn't resist. "Ah, Professor...there...ah... seems to be an empty seat next to that girl." "Hmmm?" "That girl?" He answered with puzzled look on his face. "Yes, that girl right there" I exclaimed nervously pointing in Ai's direction. "Oh, you mean Takahashi, very well since there is a vacant seat next to her you can go ahead and sit there."
Chapter Three
"Hi, I am Ai"
   As I began to walk towards the seat next to the goddess, my heart began to beat with such a tremendous ferocity that it felt as though it was going to leap out of my chest at any moment. Topping things off was my high level of anxiety, just trying to walk in her direction seemed like an eternity.  "Niigaki...Niigaki... Miss Niigaki!!!!" I think I heard someone shout. "Huh?" I replied. "Please take your seat next to Miss Takahashi, so that class may began." "Ye...Ye...Yes Sir!" I replied as I hurriedly walked to my seat amid feelings of embarrassment. "That's quite a nice book you have there. Modern Slang and You , it's a good book, but I prefer Totally Rad Slang ." "Hmmm? Totally Rad?" she said. I couldn't believe it, the goddess had just spoken to me, and what an amazingly sweet sounding voice she had, but then. "Totally Rad?...Totally Rad?...Hmmm....Ah, I remember now. I have heard of it before. If I remember correctly Totally Rad Slang  was created using phrases from Eighties & Nineties Pop-Culture movies." "Hi, I am Ai." she said with a little giggle. "Huh...Ai?" I stated with a puzzled look. "Yes." she said. "My name is Ai Takahashi, what is yours?" "Risa Niigaki!" I blurted out.
   "Well, hello then Risa Niigaki. Nice to meet you. Tell me though don't you think this situation is a little funny?" "Funny, how so? was my response. " "Well, usually when two people meet for the first time they introduce themselves to each other. Then the conversation follows, however, we did the opposite." She said, also with a little giggle. "That's because you all are meant for each other!" I heard Renee interject from the back of the classroom. "Niigaki, are you alright your face is completely red. Are you feeling well." If my face became red from Renee's remarks, you can probably imagine how red it was when Takahashi put her hand on my forehead. "Professor Tsunku! I think we made need to get the nurse! I think something is wrong with Risa!" "I'm fine." I managed to say. "I think I'm just a little too excited about being in a new school, with this being the first day and all." "Sure, she's excited but it's about any of the things she just said, is it Risa?" Renee exclaimed with a slightly devilish grin of her face. "Now, Now Class settle down. After that little incident the rest of the class although rather boring seemed to go by really quickly.
Chapter Four
   Before I knew, it was already mid-day and a long with it came lunch time. I must admit, that the morning had indeed been very enjoyable. First, not only had I quickly seemed to become friends with the most beautiful girl in the school. I also learned that we had most of the same classes through out the day. "Come on, this way. Don't worry the other girls won't bite. They are all really cool people." Ai told me as I followed her. "This is our table, right smack in the center of the cafeteria. Let me introduce you to the rest of the Music Club. Of course you already know Renee, but here are the other varsity  members: First, there's Jun Jun and Lin Lin they're exchange students from China, then there's Eri, and finally Sayumi." "Oh, and of course I'm Ai" she said with a little giggle. "Alright, she's already giggling when she talks to you, you half-way done." Renee whispered as she was trying to nudge me closer to Ai. The varsity music club was very interesting. Each of the members had a unique style that added to the group both in appearance as well as in diversity with different music genres. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Did you guys here, there's a party tonight!" a girl shouted as she came running up to our table. "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! PARTY EVERYBODY PARTY! Oh, man this party is going to be off the chain!" Renee shouted with a somewhat large amount of excitement. "A party?" I asked.
   "Oh, yes." Ai replied. "Since this is the first day. There's somewhat of a tradition here that was started by a student named King, that always on the first and last days of school a party to end all parties be held. It's been like that since before I became a student here." Still a little full of excitement for the upcoming event Renee spoke. "I don't know about you guys, but I've preparing for tonight for the last four months so I already have my wardrobe planned for the evening." "Nooooo! I completely forgot... what am I going to wear?" Jun Jun exclaimed with a somewhat sad tone in voice. "Don't worry." Renee stated as she winked in my direction and a devilish grin began to form on her face. "Why, don't we all just go shopping after school. The party doesn't start until eight and since we have to be fashionably late, we don't have to actually be there until nine. What do ya say?" "That sounds like a great idea Renee!" they all shouted in agreement. "O.K. since I already my awesome wardrobe prepared I won't be able to join, but how about we break into groups of two to go shopping?" "Who should pair up with who?" I asked Renee.
   "Hmmm, that's a good question." She replied as she giggled while looking straight into my eyes. "How about Jun Jun goes with Lin Lin, Eri goes with Sayumi, then the only ones that are left are Risa and Ai. You all can go together. How do those parings sound?"
"Those are great pairings!" I shouted trying my utmost to hide my enthusiasm. "Great, then I guess it's settled then. These are the pairs that we're going to split into after school." With that the bell signaling the end of lunch began to ring. "Hmmm, Risa will it be alright if I meet you at the statue of "Love" after school? Since I'm the head cheerleader as well, I have a few other duties before we can shopping." "O.Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy" I exclaimed in a goofy tone. " I think it's a safe bet to say that even if your a little late, our little Risa here won't mind at all." "Thanks, Renee. See you guys later." Ai said as she turned and went to class. "What a nice backside!" I heard Renee say with a laugh. "Huh?" I replied. " I said what a nice backside. That's what your thinking isn't it Risa? I have to agree with you on that one, Ai does in fact have a very nice bottom, but I think if it's according to Niigaki, then Ai has everything nice, doesn't she?" Renee stated, again with laughter, however, this time it seemed to be a bit more intense.
Chapter Five
"Just the Two of Us"
   I would like to say that the rest of the day went by pretty smooth, but for the most part I don't really remember. After the pairings at lunch all I could think about was my "date" with Ai after school. I couldn't wait for school to be over, even though it really wasn't an "official date" I guess technically speaking you could call it a date. Takahashi  and I were the only ones shopping together, because the other girls were each going to shop with their designated partner. So it was just the two of us together until the party started. "Finally!" I shouted "It's three o'clock! YAY!" "Wow! Isn't someone a little too excited?" I heard Renee mumble as a few students around her began to laugh. As I waited for Ai thousands upon thousands of thoughts raced through my head.  "Risa...Risa...Oh, Risa." I heard  in the distance. "YES!" I replied, my voice cracking in an idiotic tone as I trembled from the excitement. "I'm at your command. My sweet princess." "Eh?" could be heard as someone's hand came to grab my shoulder. "Risa are you alright?" "Huh?...Uh...Yes...I'm alright." I said with a nervous laugh as my face began to have a slight rosy color to it. "That's good, I was a little worried since you were just standing giggling and mumbling to yourself." At first, I thought you were just daydreaming, but after calling to you and not getting any response,  I became a little worried." I think my imagination may have been playing tricks on me, but I could have sworn that the instant Ai was said she was worried about me I saw a slight hint of crimson appear on her cheeks.
   I would describe how our "date" went, but to be honest I don't really remember. As I was walking from store to store it felt as though I was in a dream. Being with her was simply amazing.

Chapter Six
"Party Time"
   Once we all had our wardrobes finalized, the only thing left was to go to the party. Since no one in the varsity music club possessed a driver's license, Ai called Mari Yaguchi for a ride, she was our senior by a few years and also a former member of the music club. She was just as beautiful as Ai and was very active many television shows and was said to be dating a very popular baseball player. "So you all are going to the traditional "King" party..." I think all the girls in our group may have been a little embarrassed or something, because there was just an awkward silence. "It's O.K. guys. You don't have to be embarrassed, I too was your age once. Besides, when I was high school I also attended King's party. "It's the party to end all parties" held twice a year." Yaguchi was saying as we drove up the driveway to the front door. "One word of advice for my little juniors." She said with a slight grin. "Make sure to enjoy yourselves and most importantly... don't do anything I wouldn't do." and with a smile and laugh Yaguchi left us at the front door.

Chapter Seven
"Karaoke and the drunken confession"
   As we walked through the front door, my excitement began to rise. My senses were bombarded with the amazing sounds of the great music playing, but I think I was more excited being next to Ai. "Welcome to the party." I heard an unknown individual say. "Is that King?" I asked Renee. "No, I'm not King." He replied. "I'm Allen, nobody knows who he is or what ever happened to him. All we know is that he always insisted on having a party on the first and last days of school. It seemed like a good idea so everyone just ran with it, at least that's the legend." This school sure seems to have some of the most interesting people was what I was thinking after hearing about King. "So Ai are you going to defend your karaoke title this year as well?" Allen asked. "Karaoke?" I asked with a perplexed look. "Oh, yes" Renee exclaimed. "Twice a year and at these parties only, anyone can pay ten dollars to enter a karaoke competition, where the winner takes all the money that was collected from all of the entrees. Be warned though that you should only enter the competition if you can sing. Having guts although admirable is not recommended, because your going to go up against some true professionals." "True Professionals" I asked.
   "Oh, yes" Renee replied. "You see our school isn't the only one here at the party. King was really passionate about uniting rival schools in order to achieve the "Party to end all parties" status. So every one's here, and your girl Takahashi is the one to beat. She's won every competition since  she became leader of the music club." "Are you going to join, this year's competition seems like it's going to be really interesting, not only is everyone from our music club competing as well as the clubs of our rival schools, but there are a few of our juniors that seem to be making quite a name for themselves, a few examples I can think of off hand are Risako Sugaya, Yurina Kumai, Chisato Okai, Airi Suzuki, Erina Mano, and Kanon Fukuda just to name a few. Plus you also have to deal with me." "Are you up to the challenge? Do you have the guts....kid" Renee exclaimed with a smile.
   "Of course, I've got the guts as well as the talent!" I told Renee in a loud but still playful voice. "Allen!" I exclaimed. "Sign me up for the competition." "Alright! This is going to be one hell of a competition, let's see what you got newbie." was his reply. "Oh, and one more thing Allen." "Sure what is it Niigaki?" "Ugh... do... you...think...I...ugh...can borrow ten dollars to enter the competition? I kind a, sort a spent all of my money already." I nervously asked. "Sure, I think I can kind a, sort a lend you ten dollars for the competition." He said with a chuckle. With that the karaoke competition was on and boy was it ever though. Renee was not lying with the "true professionals" quote.
   All of the girls in the competition had truly amazing voices. With such though competition I barely made it to the finals, however, I was able to make  to battle against the defending champion, the goddess I had fallen in love with. "This year's competition sure is pretty though isn't and you still haven't even battled the champion." an unknown voice told me. "I know what you mean, it's really though out there." I responded. "You seem to be a little nervous, here why don't you have a sort of calm the nerves." "O.K." was my reply. "Hey, Louis!... make sure our friend here, has all of the liquid courage she needs." "Yes, sir!" Louis responded, and just like that the unknown voice was gone. "Drink up newbie, because going up against Takahashi is not a task for amateurs."
   "Alright everybody!" Shouted Allen. The final match is about to begin. "Since Takahashi is the defending champion she will go last. Niigaki what's your song?" " Ookii Hitomi" was my reply. My performance as well as the events that happened after, I vaguely remember but according to Renee this is what happened.  Ookii Hitomi aijou de sotto KISU shite kakugo nara dekiteru wa furueru hodo anata ga suki  "Alright!!! Way to go Niigaki!!!" Renee shouted. "I think everyone will agree that was quite a performance from Risa Niigaki, well done." Allen said on the mic as Ai made her way to the center. "Good job she whispered with a little wink and a smile as she walked passed me."  "Alright, Takahashi what song do you choose?" Allen asked. "Yuki/ Ai x Anata > Suki" was her reply   "O.K. Ai," Allen shouted "Yuki/ Ai x Anata > Suki...Dj...HIT IT!" Then the music started to play. LOVE hotondo zenzen kaze ga fukunai kumo no nai hoshizora aa anata ni chotto amaetai kara ude wo tsukanda no , "Dang, it really seems to be hot in here, I wonder what's causing it to be so hot?" I thought. "Hey! Niigaki, your girl can really sing can't she. That's why she's leader of the music club." "Dang, Renee it's really hot." I said. "Don't know Risa, maybe it's just you, I don't think it's really hot." was her reply. I don't really remember if it happened exactly like this, but, according to Renee it happened right as Ai sang this verse Ai fun no yuki kakeru anata no toi dai nari  IKO-RU suki yo anata ga suki yo , I don't really know if it was the fact that at that our eyes are said to have met at that exact moment or if it was the alcohol, but apparently I ran up to Ai as she was singing. Grabbed the microphone with my left hand then hugged Ai and loudly proclaimed. "I LOVE AI TAKAHASHI!!!!!!!!!!!!"  I don't really remember any of that happening, but Renee swears that it did happen and that after that Ai ran out of the room in embarrassment as a hush had fallen over the crowd the moment I was making my proclamation, however, I think it maybe somewhat true though, because there was somewhat of an awkwardness in our communication after that party.
Chapter Eight
   I must admit the first few days after the "party to end all parties" trying to have a conversation with Ai was a bit awkward for the both of us. It mostly consisted of "Hello and How are you." Then one day... "Hey Niigaki!". "Hmmm" "What's up Renee?" I answered.  " could meet me at the statue of "Love" after school?" was her reply. "Sure, I guess so." For the rest of the day all I could think about was what was the reason Renee wanted to speak to me after school, and why did she insist on meeting me at the statue of "Love". That was a very special place, for me. It was the place I waited for Ai, before we went on our "date". As I was walking I kept wondering what Renee wanted to speak to me about. When suddenly I heard a familiar voice that didn't belong to Renee say "IT'S ALL RIGHT, Niigaki."

Offline abok

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« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2010, 10:33:40 PM »
you posted here!!! :onioncheer: :onioncheer: :onioncheer:

Gaki-san sure is funny in here.... :kekeke: :kekeke: :kekeke:

Confessing her love to Ai-chan in front of everyone.... :hehehe: :hehehe: :hehehe:

i can't wait to read more from you SunJian-san!! :on drink: :on drink: :on drink:

Offline kano-chan

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« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2010, 09:51:48 AM »
Whoa! Reading these eight chapters in one sitting was hella worth it! :twothumbs

So is that the whole story? :O2

I think it's very sweet and interesting! :heart: :yep:

Gaki is Kame-ish in this story isn't she? :lol: And Ai-chan is such a cool character! :wub:

Hope you'll write more! :grin:

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« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2010, 12:04:19 PM »
Interesting story here, the story line was very fluid and how Gaki act is quite awesome :nervous

Maybe as a suggestion, you can post the chapters as separate posts, later on
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline SunJian

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« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2010, 04:10:53 AM »
@abok - Thanks nice to see you here as well.

@kano-chan - Thanks, and I'm glad you enjoyed the story and this is not the whole story. The whole story is actually three individual stories that hopefully can stand on their own, but when put together make one long story. I left out Reina and Aika for that purpose. They are the main characters in "Kimagure Princess" the next fanfic.

@kurosawa87 - Thanks, I'm glad you found the story interesting. Sorry about the seperate post thing? I'm still a little new when it comes to posting. This was my first time ever writing a fanfic, so I still don't know how every thing goes. I'll make different post for the next one though.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2010, 04:20:35 AM by SunJian »

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« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2010, 07:13:14 AM »
^ No worries, just a suggestion, if it works better for you, its your choice, I enjoy how it is so be proud of that :)
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« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2010, 10:09:06 AM »
Ah~ I see, I see.. :yep: I knew there were some "missing" girls... :thumbup That's even more interesting! :twothumbs

Can't wait to read more~ :cow:

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« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2010, 02:22:43 PM »
LoL nice story :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

like how gakisan confessed to aichan :w00t:

hope u write more :lol: :lol: :lol:

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« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2010, 04:17:06 PM »
Nice story definatly an intresting Idea, it was also like you did it in a song style rather than chapters!

looking forward to more of you work in the future!

Offline SunJian

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« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2010, 07:48:19 AM »
Update: Here's what I have so far on the second fanfic Kimagure Princess. You all will have to forgive any grammical errors becuase I didn't proof read. I'm just posting to give a little preview. I don't plan on posting anymore of the story until it's complete. Tell me what you think.
Chapter One
"Yankii Doodle Dandy"
   "Ai araba it's all right." "I have to admit though, I was a bit shocked."  "I'm sorry Ai, I just..." "Shhh...It's all right." she replied in a whisper, as she gently placed her index finger on my lips and inched closer to my face while a slight smile slowly began to appear on her. As her eyes closed, and our lips grew closer, an unbelievable sense of both excitement and anxiousness filled my entire being. Centimeter by centimeter our lips grew closer and closer. My tension was rising as a kiss with my dream girl seemed immanent, but then. "NOOOO!!!" "WHAT-A-BURGER!!! HEEL!...HEEL!...OH! LOOK OUT!!!" an unknown voice shouted. "Huh?...Wha...?" was my response. Again the voice shouted. "LOOK OUT!!!" Right as I began to turn all I saw and heard was a massive amount of fur and a dog barking as I hit the ground. "Aika!" I heard Ai say in a stern voice. "I'm sorry." was Aika's reply as her head lowered a little. "I don't know what came over her, she's usually a good dog." She began to say. "I think she may have saw Banana."
   "Banana? What's Banana?" I asked. "Banana, is JunJun's cat." Was Takahashi's reply. "JunJun's cat?" I asked. Then suddenly I heard a familiar voice from behind the bushes say. "Dang girls, we've been discovered. So close yet so far away, huh, Niigaki." Renee stated with a giggle as her and the rest of the music club emerged from the bushes adjacent to the statue where they were hiding and observing what had just transpired.  In being caught off guard by Renee and the rest of the music club, combined the hilarity that ensued when JunJun began chasing after Banana so she wouldn't cause anymore trouble. I didn't notice Aika leave. "Who was that girl? I asked. "Aika Mitsui a former member of the Tanaka Army ." Renee answered. " Tanaka Army?" I asked with a great look of confusion on my face. "Yes, the Tanaka Army." Ai continued. "The Tanaka Army  were a group of girls that originally started out as a gang, but for some unknown reason, they transformed from just an ordinary gang into a club that came to represent the best interests of the students. Their leader was the famous "Tokyo Typhoon" herself Reina Tanaka."
Chapter Two
" Kira Kira Fuyu no Shiny Girl"


Offline kuro808

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« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2010, 08:19:47 AM »
 :lol: the chapter was pretty good

well I guess I am willing to wait for the next chapter, take your time :)
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Offline SunJian

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« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2010, 08:40:57 AM »
^ I'm glad you liked the preview. I would perfer posting the entire story in one go so that the reader wouldn't have to wait to find out what happens next if they like the story. However, I think I may have to do the seperate post thing because having some trouble when I was uploading the chapter.

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« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2010, 04:50:03 PM »
 XD See Animals are difficult to work with, even in fics  :lol: looking forward to more of the story, don't worry about posting then all together or on their own, either way is good!

Offline SunJian

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« Reply #13 on: November 23, 2010, 07:39:10 PM »
^I'm glad you liked the preview. Oddball and Kurosawa87, if you all don't mind me asking. Since I'm relatively new to fanfics, has there ever been a choose your own adventure type of fanfic. I was thinking of exploring the multiple posting, I think a choose you own adventure. How do you guys think that would sound? What I was thinking was maybe posting a paragraph or two with three options. Then have something like a poll for a week with the options. After the week post some more of the story with the option that had the most votes. I'm not sure if I have enough posts to do something like that or if something like that would be allowed though, but it does sound interesting.

Offline kuro808

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« Reply #14 on: November 24, 2010, 08:12:56 AM »
I think its up to you, and don't depend on the posts, just do what you want to do because a lot of people read the fics just don't reply so it'll be like that.

And to answer your question, I rarely think about that because I tend to lay my foundation down for the fics or one-shots, but be a pioneer, it would only help your writing and the people shall answer in
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Offline badsaints

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« Reply #15 on: November 24, 2010, 09:13:08 AM »
Interesting story you have :) The way Gaki confessed to Ai really brought a smile to my face :D

Curious the chapter 1 of 2nd fic a continuation of the 1st one? Or a new story on its own? Either way, I'll be following this thread :P

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« Reply #16 on: November 24, 2010, 11:27:47 AM »
@ SunJian

about your idea, I think it could work but you would need to probabably keep to some bounderies so you dont get too many different requests, perhaps you should try a smaller story first with a fixed main couple and simple choice options, so say and TakaGaki story and you can choose where you want to send them on a date for example (i.e theme park, movies) if this seems to work then maybe you can make a more complex one later?

Offline SunJian

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« Reply #17 on: November 24, 2010, 08:00:43 PM »
@kurosawa87- Thanks, I haven't really deicided my style of writing yet, but I was thinking what sort of fic could be made giving the reader choices. I also thought about maybe  asking other fic writers if they were willing to have like a collaberation or something. Maybe like I write the first chapter, then another writer reads what I wrote then writes the next chapter going from what I wrote. I wonder how something like that would turn out.

@badsaints- Thanks, I'm glad Gaki's confession brought you a smile. Chapter 1 on the 2nd fic is sort of like a little way to get readers to read the first fanfic. Almost like a little recap, I'm planning on making the 2nd fic a story that is all its own. However, if you put all of the three together you have one long story from different points of view. What I was thinking of doing was something like the orinigal Karate Kid movies. When you watch part two at the very beginning, it starts with the end of part one then goes into part two. Last night I wrote a little of part chapter two. I don't want to give to much, but in that chapter Ai has decribed a little bit of who Reina is. I guess if you think about it in movie terms its sort of like how someone is decribing some thing like, "Then one day this character was walking down the street when..." instead of having the camera stay on the person telling the story. There's a flashback to the time being described and the action takes over from there. That's what I'm trying to go for. Ai's description is just about over then the story is going to go to the events that happened to Tanaka and the formation of the Tanaka Army.

@Oddball- Thanks, but I'm still not sure about going that route, but I am curious to see how a story would turn out if somebody ever chose to go that route

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« Reply #18 on: November 25, 2010, 04:36:43 AM »
^ It has happened before but you have to consider how others write and what not, but the best thing is to keep writing, it'll make you more well-known to all the people
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« Reply #19 on: January 05, 2011, 08:48:35 PM »
Still not finished, because I have been really busy with work, but thought I'd post a little more of the second fic.
Chapter Two
" Kira Kira Fuyu no Shiny Girl"
   "Reina Tanaka...Tokyo Typhoon... What is all this ?" I asked hesitantly.  "Yes." was Ai's reply. "Reina Tanaka she first came to school around two-thousand and three, she's currently on suspension though, for posting things on her blog that were deemed "inappropriate" by the schools administration.." Ai continued. "Rumor has that she is the only person in the entire school to remotely have any sort of contact  with King." " to end all parties King?" I interjected. "Yes, that King." was her reply as she continued.  "It's was rumored that they were dating, but no one really knows for sure. However, if you really want to understand who she is you will have to go all the way back to the first day of school. Everything that happened to her is written on her blog. Let me do a quick search, it may be a little difficult access, since she is currently suspended, but, I think I can still find the entries. Ah here they are, under this titles."
   "Where do I begin? I've grown so much over the last few years, it's may be a little difficult to believe that I'm actually the same Reina Tanaka, but I still am. I guess to fully understand, how I became the way I am, you have to go back to my very first day at the new school. I can still remember it well, everything began the on that day. "Ah, welcome back class. I hope you all had a splendid Summer vacation. This year is going to be THE YEAR! I can sense it. There are some new members that are going to join you all, so please give them all a warm welcome. Okay girls please introduce yourself to the music club." is what Professor Tsunku said as he introduced us to the class. "Hello, I'm Eri Kamei.", "Hello, I'm Sayumi Michishige...USACHAN PEACE!!!", "Yo, I'm Reina.", "What's up with that girl?" was heard as the girls spoke among themselves after I had introduced myself. "All right girls take a seat." "Yes, professor." we all said. The rest of the morning went by rather uneventfully, but when lunch time came around things started to get really interesting. It all started when Sayumi, Eri, and I were walking to their table. "Well, well, well, look who we have here!" someone shouted. "Hmmm?" "Keep walking and don't pay attention." Eri told Sayumi. "Hey!" again the voice shouted. "Leave them alone, can't you see their not interested." I told them. "What...what did you just tell you know who I am!" the unknown person shouted in a commanding voice. I let out a sigh as I began talking. "Yeah... I've heard about you, but to be honest...I'm not that interested in who you are, and from their reactions, I don't think Eri and Sayumi are either." "Why you little!" is what I heard him shout, as his hand began to raise.

Chapter Three
  " Journey to the I.S.S- In School Suspension and the guy called King"
   As soon as I saw him raise his arm, the fight was on. I wasted no time in sending him to the ground. The fight, however, was over as quickly as it had begun. Unbeknownst to us, a security camera had been monitoring the courtyard, and, our situation. The moment a fight seemed immanent,  the security guards were quickly dispatched. "It looks like we got ourselves another trouble maker." one of the guards remarked as I was being taken to the principals office. "What were you thinking, miss Tanaka?" is what the principal said as he scolded me. Then he continued. "I'm afraid I have no choice, but to put you in I.S.S. Violence, in either, physical, verbal, or in any other shape or form is not tolerated here at this school. I'm giving you in school suspension, for the remaining days of the week. You are to report to room 406 immediately. Good day, miss Tanaka."

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