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Author Topic: Ai Araba IT'S ALL RIGHT  (Read 7101 times)

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« Reply #20 on: January 05, 2011, 09:12:20 PM »
Poor Reina has to go to detention, oh well I guess she has to establish her reputation before doing anything else
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« Reply #21 on: January 17, 2011, 08:57:57 PM »
Here's some of the fic. I think I may end it at chapter 7, but still a little undecided. Anyway here you go.

Room 406 was at the end of the hallway of the south corner of the school. As the guards were "escorting" me to the classroom, all they spoke about was how unfortunate, I was to be going to room 406. From what I had heard upon enrolling in the school was that room 406, was specially reserved for the members of the student body, who were considered to be outcast. Only the worst of the worst were sent there. To be honest, with all the rumors surrounding this class, I was quite surprised to find only one student sitting, reading a book. "Greetings program." he said with a smirk on his face as he turned and faced my direction. "And welcome to room 406." he continued. "So it's you, huh? the new arrival who fought a member of the Zodiac, on her first day here." "How do you know that? Who are you?" I asked. His response to my questions made me wonder just who he was.
   Here is what he told me. "Who am I...Who am I...Hmmm, let's just say that I'm just your average everyday student. I like partying, girls, more partying, and definitely more girls. What about you Reina?" "Never mind about me was my response. "Who are these Zodiac, what type of group are they, how do you know them?" I asked hoping to get a quick response. "The Zodiac? They're the schools number one gang. They've been around for years, but only have shown how powerful they are as a group recently. they call themselves the Zodiac, because the founder of the group had a fixation with the zodiac. If I were you I'd be extra careful. That boy you beat up is called Kay, he is the number two or sub-leader in the gang, while his sister is the leader. Since you embarrassed him in front of the entire student body, I have no doubt that she will come looking for you." My response to his warning, at the time may have been a little reckless, but none the less this is what I told him. "Thanks for the warning, Mr. just your average everyday student, but it's not really needed. I can take care of myself. If Kay was sub-leader and I beat him that easily, I don't expect much from his sister." "Fine, you may think that way but remember; just because the brother was easy to beat, doesn't necessarily mean that the sister is going to be a pushover." He said in an angered tone.
   The rest of the day  went by pretty smoothly. he stayed on his half of the room and I stayed on mine. As the final bell rang and school was being let out, two things could be heard being discussed by the students in the hallway. First, since it was the first day of school, there was going to be a party later in the night, held by King. Secondly, about how Kay was planning on getting me back. "Hey! Wait for me! I shouted at Eri and Sayu as the turned the corner and proceeded to walk down the street. "Reina! Thank goodness, we heard that the principal sent  you to room 406." They both stated with an enormous sigh of relief as Eri continued. " We also heard that Kay is planning on getting you back tonight at King's party." I answered them with a smug look on my face. " Thanks for the head's up girls, I heard the same thing from a guy I met in I.S.S. He told me to be extra careful. Let's just have fun tonight, I don't think anything will happen."

Chapter Four
"Birth of the natural disaster"
   As we arrived at the party, albeit slightly a little late due to Eri falling asleep and forgetting to tell us were the party was at. There was quite a crowd,  and making your way  through it was a real pain. Everything was going good until..."Well, well, well, if it isn't miss Reina Tanaka." I heard a voice say. "What the ..." was what I muttered as I began to turn around. "Oh, it's just you, everyday average student something or other guy." "Who did you think I was?" He said with a laugh, as he continued. "Kay, sorry to disappoint you, but, on the bright side; if your looking for him, just look right over there. He's been glaring at you the since you walked through the door. I would suggest that you be very careful for the rest of the party." Feeling a little uneasy after what King had told me, I began to look for Eri and Sayu so that we could make our way home. It was a little after twelve and a little difficult to find Eri, because, word at party was that Eri had managed to get herself a boyfriend. I didn't really know much about him accept that they called him E.M. or Evening something, because he wasn't a morning person; which seemed like a good fit for her, since she liked to sleep. After searching for what seemed like hours, we finally found her nestled in the arms of Evening, both of them sitting on the couch eating popcorn and watching a movie. "Sorry to break you love birds up, but it's a little past midnight and Cinderella has to go." I said with a little grin. "But...but..." was all Eri managed to say as we pulled her away from E.M. and started towards the exit.
   "Why are we leaving so early?" asked Eri. "Because that idiot from detention keeps bothering me, and the party really isn't that great." Is how I responded. "That maybe what you think, but I think this was the best party of the year so far." Eri shouted with a smile appearing on her face as she playfully darted ahead of us. "Maybe for you." I said in a sarcastic tone. "But for me and Sayu it kind of sucked. "I know what you mean Reina." Sayu added, "When I do my Usa-chan Peace bit, I usually get about fifty guys who are asking me to go out on a date with them, but tonight it looks like all I managed to get was forty-nine guys asking me for a date. "Tonight was really depressing." I told them as I continued to talk. "Everyone in our group seemed to do good at the party except for me. All I encountered is that guy from detention, and he's an idiot." We had walked a few blocks towards home when someone from behind us shouted. "Well, well, well, if it isn't miss Reina Tanaka!" "Listen, buddy!" I said in an angrily tone as I began to turn around. "I'm not interested in you, and don't worry, I can take care of myself." "We're going to see about that Tanaka!" Is all I heard. I was caught off guard, because, as quickly as I had turned around; I had also as quickly fallen to the ground from a punch to the face. "DID YOU THINK I WOULD LET YOU GET AWAY...DID YOU... after you beat my brother earlier today at school!" "What the...who?" I somehow managed to blurt out still a little dazed, amid a barrage of kicks. "WHO...WHO...after everything that happened. You have the nerve to ask who I am! If you really want to know who I am, I'm Sophie! Kay's older sister! I don't know exactly how I did it, but towards the end of Sophie's rant I somehow managed to grab one of her legs and send her to the ground.
   As Sophie began her descent to the ground, I was somehow able to regain my footing and manage to stand. "RUN!!!" I shouted at Eri and Sayu. "RUN!!!" We began to run for our lives, with Sophie and the rest of her gang right on our tails. "Don't worry about the other two, I just want Tanaka! We can deal with the other two later!" Sophie shouted. We ran for what seemed like an eternity, before came to a stop at a dead end street. "How fitting isn't it Tanaka... that you would run right into a dead end street. Get ready, because, I'm about to finish what I started!" Sophie gloated as she slowly began to walk towards us. My muscles began to burn with pain as I slowly raised my arms in a defensive position, preparing myself for the oncoming onslaught. Then suddenly a familiar voice shouted at the gang. "Don't you think that's enough!" I would explain more but my body was so exhausted; that as soon as whoever  spoke began to walk towards us I passed out.

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« Reply #22 on: January 17, 2011, 09:14:28 PM »
The Sayu part was really funny aww one less male= depressing :lol:
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« Reply #23 on: January 24, 2011, 07:31:04 PM »
Here are the final chapters for Kimagure Princess. It may not be what you expect, however, I still hope you enjoy it.

Chapter Five
"Rise of the Tanaka Army"
   "Your finally awake!!! It's been three days since the fight." Eri and Sayu both exclaimed as a smile began to appear of their faces. "What...where am I? I asked still a bit drowsy. "Your at the hospital, King brought you here. I don't know what would have happened to us, if he hadn't shown up when did." is what Eri told me. That's just great is what I thought to myself. First, I fought with Kay, then "that idiot" from detention kept pestering me about "watching my back and being careful", then the thing with Sophie, and now bringing me to the hospital. "You know, your quite a handful Tanaka. After all those warnings you still didn't pay attention, and we both ended up here!" King was screaming from the other side of the room. I was kept in the hospital a few more days before being released, just to make sure everything was O.K. Upon returning to school the reaction from the student body was sort of mixed.
   "You may want to try and get them back, but I think you should try avoiding them at all cost, because if you try any sort of retaliation towards them, things are only going to get worse." King told me as we entered the building. "I'll keep that in mind this time, you don't have to worry, see ya." I told him with a little grin as I began to head to my home room class. Unbeknownst to King, since he was released earlier than I was; I was approached by a group of younger students who were being bullied by the Zodiac. It seems that they had banded together and wanted me to join them as the leader. I thought, this opportunity would give me a perfect chance to get back at Sophie and the rest of her gang, so I glady accepted becoming leader. We dubbed ourselves the Tanaka Army, and with that the battle for the school had begun.
Chapter Six
   Almost as soon as we had formed, we began to make a name for ourselves by beating other gangs, all while sending a message to Sophie. When Sophie and the rest of her gang had received word about us they began to turn the school upside down. After a few months of fighting, with the Zodiac as well as some of the other gangs that had formed after ours had formed two groups began to clearly stand out above the rest. One was Sophie and the Zodiac and the other was us. The tension in the school was so thick it could have easily been cut with a knife. "What are you doing Tanaka? If you keep going down this path, things won't end well." "It's been a while since hasn't it King. I should have told you as when we came back, but I think that if I would have told you about the Tanaka Army, you would have tried to stop. Am I correct in that assumption?" "Can you blame me, just look at the result." is how he responded.
   As much as I was "liking" King's lecture I was caught off guard when Aika ran towards us. "REINA!!!! REINA!!!!" Aika screamed. "Calm down Aika, what's going on." "It's Kanon... while she was shopping... with some of the other girls...she was bragging about how good her legs look...when she caught the attention of some of Sophie's gang and a fight broke out." Aika responded while still catching her breath "A FIGHT!!!! LET'S GO!!!" I screamed out. By the time we had made it to the park next to the mall, the fighting was in full swing with punches and kicks being thrown all over the place. Sophie had arrived at the same time that we arrived, and wasted no time in signaling me out. Even though I had become a better fighter, I was still quite surprised to learn that I was still not much of a match for her. "Look out Tanaka!!!"  I heard someone yell. As I spun to avoid getting punched I managed to see that the person who called out to me was none other the King.  When it seemed as though the fight started to go in our favor, sirens could be heard in the distance, so we all scattered.
Chapter Seven
"Secret Base"
   The next day at school, Sophie wasted no time in causing trouble at lunch. "TANAKA!!! THERE YOU ARE!!! now we are going to finish this. PREPARE YOURSELF!!!" To my relief, once again the fight was quickly broken up, however, in order to ensure that nothing else happened extra security guards were placed both inside and outside of  detention. "After school we're going to finish this Tanaka." Sophie whispered as we sat waiting for the school day to end. When the final bell rung, each of us were let out separately, first Sophie, then me. As I was walking towards the door all the students began to gather outside in anticipation of the fight.
   "It took you long enough TANAKA!" Sophie said as she started raising her fist. "Alright Sophie, let's dance." Everything was set and the final showdown was about to begin when suddenly. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up you two." It was King who interrupted us. "What do you want King! Tanaka wants this as much as I do. DON'T INTERFERE! We let you off easy the last few times, but, if you interfere this time...WE'RE NOT GOING TO HOLD BACK, YOU TRAITOR!" "Relax, Sophie." he said in a cool and calm voice. "I'm not going to interfere if it's something that you both want, however, if I may offer a suggestion; why not "postpone" the fight to the last day of school? Don't you think it would be more convenient for the both of you? If you fight now, there is a great chance that both of you are going to get why not wait until the last day. That way once the final bell rings, the school won't be able to do anything about it." After much consideration Sophie agreed to wait until the last day for our showdown. "I guess today was your lucky day Tanaka, but get ready cause on the last day I'm going to bring a whole lot pain your way."
   "Yeah, yeah, yeah, O.K you have a nice day too. Come on Tanaka I'll walk you home...just to make sure they don't try anything." King told me as he grabbed my hand. "Dang, I didn't think that was actually going to work considering how Sophie is. Maybe, I should try gambling a little more often, huh, Tanaka. What do you think." "Why did you do that?" I asked. "What's your connection to them?" "Connection? Don't you think that it's a little late to be asking such questions considering how things have turned out. However, since I can tell your still a little confused as to my connection to them, I'll tell you. Sophie is my ex-girlfriend and the reason she called me a traitor was because I used to leader of the Zodiac. To make matters worse I'm the one who taught her martial arts. That's why I interfered. I didn't interfere today, I don't think you would have made it very far in the fight.
   I'm going to train you to be the best. There's still about five or six months before the end of school. It's not a long time to get you to her level, however, with proper execution of the moves combined with a little luck you should do alright." "Only alright?" I asked hesitantly. "Yeah, but since I'm the one that taught her, I know how she fights better then anyone else. I think you'll be able to do it. So how does meeting me after school everyday at the statue of "Love" sound. If we work everyday, by the time the last day of school comes, you should be somewhat ready. The next after school, I made my way to the statue of "Love" not really sure about what to expect. Upon arriving I was a little surprised to find King leaning against the statue while staring up at the sky as if he was lost in thought. "So you finally made, eh, Tanaka. Follow me, I hope you like running, because, where we're going is about a mile and a half away from here; and, we are going to run there everyday."
   We were almost at the mile and a half mark, running towards some woods, when King suddenly shouted back at me. "Almost there! Just through these trees and we'll be there. As soon as we cleared the trees, we came upon a small clubhouse like building that looked sort of familiar. "This building looks familiar." I told King. " It should be." was his remark. "We're back to the school. In fact, if I remember correctly. This is the clubhouse that used to belong to the now defunct student council. If you look over there, you see the courtyard. No one uses this building anymore and it's the perfect place to train. So what do you think, do you like my little secret base?" "You mean you had me run around the school like an idiot!" I told him as me temper began to flare up. "Yeah, I thought it would be kind of fun to go on a run, but, more importantly; I did it to test you a little." After I got over my anger for running around the school, we began the training.
Chapter Eight
"Dead Man Walking"
   The days spent training with King seemed to go by pretty fast. We began to spend a lot more time together. Time other then just the time we used for training; we spent so much time together that the other students began to suspect that we were dating. In those days, it seems as though we somehow happen to become very close, or maybe somewhat more then a "just friends" type of relationship.  As we were growing closer to each other, time appeared to stop for us, and the last day of school and all the events that accompanied it seemed very distant. However, we may have just been fooling ourselves, because, in the blink of eye the last day of school had arrived. Most of the day went by without a hitch, and the school was a buzz for two reasons. First, was my fight with Sophie, of course. Second was the end of the year party King was holding. Everything was set, or so it was rumored. At the party is where Sophie supposedly designated as the location of the fight.
   Looking back though, it was true though, because instead of the party being held in a house as usual, it was held somewhere within the walls of the school. When the party started to close to finishing. Sophie finally made her way towards me. "Well, well, well, if it isn't miss Tanaka. You ready to get what's coming to ya?" "Don't worry about me, just worry about what I'm going to do to you." is how I responded to her." "Be careful, Tanaka, since I wasn't able to stop you from reaching this point,  if you use what we practiced. I'm think that you can win." King told me with as a forced smile came across his face. "Why are you worried? Your not getting all sentimental on me now, are you, by saying things like "I think you can win"? I know I can beat her. I may not have been able to before, but now I most definitely know that I can." After that some what awkward moment with King he grabbed my shoulder, in what I guess was a silent pat of approval as I turned and faced my opponent.  Within minutes the fight was on. I had indeed improved thanks to the training with King, but Sophie was still a lot to handle. It was back and forth between us. Sometimes I would appear to have the upper hand, and sometimes it would be Sophie. However, about half-way through the fight Sophie began to lose steam. I'm not sure how or why, but I think those mile and a half runs around the school before we trained had helped me last longer then her. "Alright Sophie, NOW it ends!"
   I was about to land the finishing blow and put an end to this when suddenly, "TANAKA!!!! NOW YOUR MINE!!!" is what someone behind me yelled. "GET OUT OF THE WAY YOU IDIOT!!!" is what I heard King say when he pushed me to the ground as Kay plunged the dagger meant for me into him. "NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!" is  what I let out in an ear shattering scream as the tears started to roll down my face, and the students began to run. "Why...why...?". "" King slowly said as he began to cough. "" "Don't talk, try to conserve your strength." I told him, while resting his head in my lap. "'s...why..." "You idiot, why are you talking!" I scolded him, while my tears were flowing like two raging rivers that started at my eyes and traveled down my face. "...My...Kimagure...Princess..." was the last thing King said as the light in his eyes faded. The ambulance arrived a short time later, but by then it was already too late.
Chapter Nine
"A New Generation"
   "That story is a little sad." I told Ai and the others as when we finished reading Tanaka's blog entries. "How is Reina still suspended if those events she posted happened a few years ago, though?" I asked Ai and the others still a little confused.  "Those events did get me suspended, but the most recent suspension was for something totally different." I heard an unknown female voice say as she approached us. "REINA! Your suspension is finally over?" is what the entire music club shouted when we turned around. "Reina?" I repeated still confused. "That's right, I'm Reina, and you must be Risa Niigaki" she told me with a smile. "I've heard a lot about you miss Niigaki, pleasure to meet you." "I'm sorry." I quickly blurted out. "Don't worry about it Niigaki." was Reina's reply to me as she continued. "So are you guys ready for this new year? My fellow student council representatives are all a buzz with a new batch of freshmen enrolling. Maybe we can get some new members for the music club? Yup... I definitely think that with new additions to the music club...this year will be very interesting."

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« Reply #24 on: January 24, 2011, 07:43:08 PM »
Wow King took the dagger and saved Reina but she still got suspended and in the end she moved on from her past... supposedly :nervous
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« Reply #25 on: January 24, 2011, 09:07:23 PM »
There was some more of the story, but I left it out because I thought it was getting too long. What I was originally going to write was that Reina was suspended after those events, because Kay and Sophie were related to the principal, who would have conveniently swept all the events under the rug. Then the Tanaka Army would change in order to expose the principal, in another event, which would lead to the suspension that's described at the beginning of the story; but it seemed like it would be too loing and would go too far off, so I left that out. What did you think of the story though?

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« Reply #26 on: January 24, 2011, 09:17:35 PM »
I really love it, it was an interesting story, especially how Reina progresses through the story, I hope you keep writing and get yourself into another good story
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« Reply #27 on: January 28, 2011, 09:23:01 AM »
I'm glad you liked it. I do plan on writing more, but it's just going to take may a little time to write them. I'm going to finsih off the Ai araba its all right series with the last story being titled Sotsugyō to kind of wrap up everything. That leads me to another question, do you think I was able to achieve one of my goals of having two stories that could be read together as a series or seperately as an individual story. I did have an idea about a story involving Erina Mano called the hand of fate, one with JunJun being an assassin, or maybe one of JunJun and LinLin in a story sort of like one of those Hong Kong buddy cop movies.

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« Reply #28 on: January 28, 2011, 09:44:45 AM »
It has worked on me, and if you are going to make a new story make a new thread to prevent confusion
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« Reply #29 on: January 28, 2011, 07:26:09 PM »
For the Sotsugyō story I was planning on adding it to this thread since it's part of the series and making new threads for other stories, but I think opening new threads sounds like a good idea.

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« Reply #30 on: January 28, 2011, 08:22:46 PM »
For the Sotsugyō story I was planning on adding it to this thread since it's part of the series and making new threads for other stories, but I think opening new threads sounds like a good idea.

Okay I'll be waiting for your additions :)
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