iyaaaa, don't make me answer such difficult questions when I've just arrived!

I can't tell much... more than they're the most awesome JE group because they're all such dorks!

and they have the funniest jokes and like you said, shirenu, watching their videos always makes bad mood go away or at least calm a little... ^_^ but you know this already!!
ha ha, about manperms... I tried to persuade my little brother (15) to go and take one. because come on, perms are like the coolest and hippest thing now!

I showed him some pics of kusano of NEWS but he said it looks stupid

he preferred yamapi's hair. ha, that would be easy for him to get since his hair is about the same length now.
yeah everyone's so interested about my brother, I know... (well you should be, he's quite hot!

btw, that yoko pic above truly has one of the crackiest hairstyles I've seen on him

I can't help but laugh every time I check this thread. omg I SO HOPE I'm getting my F.T.O's tomorrow! yoko has his new highlight-hair in its booklet!

(haha yea, yoko is my fave and I must reserve him before others! :ROFL but I LOVE EVERYONE!)