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Author Topic: Character Study [update 18May- oh?]  (Read 49428 times)

Offline Tightrope

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Re: Character Study [update 10Dec- Character Study #6]
« Reply #40 on: December 12, 2010, 03:04:15 PM »
 Another IshiYoshi update , YAY  :cow:

:cow: :otomerika:  :heart:  :yossi: :cow:

Self-explanatory emoticons are awesome XD

Taicho. <salutes> I wish to report that Mission: Charmy/graduation is going badly. I have 8 pages of words, but no story.

So I'm amputating parts of that story and making new little stories, displaying the limbs, as it were. Don't wonder too much about where this bit would've fit in the original story[/i]


Eight pages! I don't think that is going badly at all! No story you say, but it will connect at some point, somehow and the words will become story, you'll see. But well, I'm ok with story limbs too. I don't mind the gore, because if all the limbs are this good I'll be very happy  XD

The first part, with Rika, and the cat, and the crows, whoa. It really hit me. Poor Rika, such a trauma. I would be scared of birds too if something like that happened. Being pursued by angry crows while holding your dead cat friend omg, you evil woman, you killed an innocent kitty!  :bleed eyes:

Quote from: gracula
With a terrified shriek, she snatched Mao-kun up without a second thought and ran for the stairs. She felt buffeting wings and scrabbling claws, loud harsh cawing making her ears ring and the smell of decay burning her nostrils.
Rika dropped to her knees and screamed.

And this, and this...  What a way to end this part. The fear, the desesperation, the sadness for Mao-kun :cry: So much emotion <3 I loved all of it, but that part is especially awesome >.<

Quote from: gracula
“Gomen, Yossie. I didn’t mean to freak out on you like that.”

“Its okay. I knew you weren’t so good with birds, I shouldn’t have.”

Maki was eyeing the both of them from the door, shifting uncomfortably in her sparrow suit.

Yossie was miserable for most of the rest of the day.

AW  :cry:.

There is no other word for this. It has to be AAWWW. For various reasons.

- Rika apologising  for an overreaction about whatever Yossie in her crow costume did (she was the crow, wasn't she? With the sunglasses and all  XD) = AW  :cry:
- Yossie feeling so guilty and miserable for what she did = AW  :cry:
- Maki in her costume watching from a distance and feeling somewhat bad = AW  :cry:

Really, this is somehow sad and so adorable at the same time. And again I found awesome how much 4 lines can transmit if they are wrote in certain way. Gotta love you and your writing  :heart: 

Now I'm remembering Ai-chan with her costume as well. She was uber cute. God, for some reasons I found those skit so damn adorable XD Now I want to see them again ~

Quote from: gracula
It took Yossie two hours to convince Rika that she didn't do it on purpose. Having Mikitty cackling in the background didn't help matters any.

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I'm sorry, poor Rika in full panic, and poor Yossie. I know she didn't want to scare Rika and that was all she was thinking about  but the backfiring was so amusing. And I said it before but I love Miki and her sense of humour, I really love it  :lol: I bet the fact she was making it harder for Yossie to convince Rika only made her laugh more. Mikitty  :heart:

Quote from: gracula
She couldn't change out of that costume fast enough after it was over.

Again :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You know I didn't think about all those feathers and Rika before. The idea never crossed my mind, but now...  Aah, my imagination is full of possibles worst-case scenarios, and all of them are cruel for IshiYoshi XD I'm feeling like a bad person again  :lol:

And Mikitty, just being herself  :heart:

AND. The last part was pure love. Adorable and cute and sweet and aww  :wub:

Quote from: gracula
"Rika." Yossie turned to her friend suddenly, in a very serious tone, "Listen, I need to tell you something and you need to stay calm."

"Nani?" Rika's heart rate picked up. Anticipation and apprehension felt quite similar, she thought to herself.

What she thougt Yossie was going to say? I think I have an idea :lol: But yes, I have been in that situation. Bullseye with the anticipation and apprehension thing, toootally true. But isn't she cute? So worried about the pidgeons XD I guess bad past experiencies made her be overanxious about birds and Rika, I can understand that.  And the hoodie moment, with Rika's laugh  :wub: They are so sweet <3

Quote from: gracula
"Oh, Hi-chan!" she giggled. "Let's go." Rika looped her arm around Yossie's companionably. Pigeons scattered and fluttered around them as they walked right through, "I feel safer already, oujisama."

Yossie blushed slightly, "I thought-"

Aawww *melts away*  :heart:

That image of Rika walking into the birds along with (a flushed) Yossie is beautiful <3 And Rika talking about her hometown :heart: Really, it's lovely, all of this. Fic like this make me happy all day, so thanks ~ 

Quote from: gracula
I feel like Dr. Frankenstein. So weird.

But you know what? Now  It's alive. IT'S ALIVEEEE  :cow:

Waiting for more  :heart: ~

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Re: Character Study [update 10Dec- Character Study #6]
« Reply #41 on: December 13, 2010, 04:25:38 PM »
Poor Yossie, not fully understanding why Rika was so upset and felling bad about it, and she kept on getting into those situations with Yossie even though she didn't mean to be nasty to Rika, glad they made up in the end however  :P

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Re: Character Study [update 16Dec- Character Study #7]
« Reply #42 on: December 16, 2010, 03:11:31 PM »
Rndm: i heard it was Mama Ishikawa chasing Rika with a chicken that caused it. But a cursory research into her hometown left *me* with ornithophobia- they've got jungle crows- JUNGLE. CROWS. those things are huge mean mothers, especially the urban ones.

Kuro: You know, I wanted to. But it would've been too crackish to have explained that Miki was in her pigeon suit. Besides, the timelime of Tengu!Yossie and Hato!"popo"Mikitty didn't match up.

Ropy: here we go, champ. now i can rest in peace.
Eight pages! I don't think that is going badly at all! No story you say, but it will connect at some point, somehow and the words will become story, you'll see. But well, I'm ok with story limbs too. I don't mind the gore, because if all the limbs are this good I'll be very happy  XD
And gore you shall have. It may not be what you expect, though. I trashed a lot of drama, I figure what with the recent graduations  :cry:, we need some fluff and crack to balance the universe.

Odd: i think the experience left an indelible mark so indelible that Rika's phobia became Yossie's phobia, long after Rika moved past it.  XD


Character Study #7: Ishikawa Rika, various graduations

Exhausted, overwhelmed and overstimulated from the concert, crying was a good release. Being hugged by Nakazawa-san felt really good, and if she had to admit it; she cried only because everyone else was. She wondered if every graduation was going to be like this.

Nakazawa-san had called it a very perverse sort of fan-service.

So when they shoved the camera into her face during Maki’s graduation, only the need to keep her idol façade intact reined in the worst of the tears.

The entire trip back to the hotel, she had a death grip on Yossie’s hand and didn’t let go until they got back to their shared room. Without a word, she made a beeline for the shower and stayed there for a long time.

Two hours later, Yossie went to look for Kei-chan, who was at the hotel bar with Nakazawa-san. They found Rika sobbing into a towel, curled up by the sink.

“Ishikawa?” Yasuda reached out for the crying girl, concern coloring her features. Yossie hugged the frame of the bathroom door awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

Yasuda held her, making shushing noises, “Yoshi yosh, Rika-chan. Why’re you crying?”

“I… I don’t” Rika gasped, in between sobs, “I don’t know why I can’t stop crying!” She began to hyperventilate as she spoke and immediately felt Yossie press her inhaler into her hands. As Rika regained her equilibrium, breathing slowly, Yasuda patted her gently on her back while Yossie fidgeted around with a bottle of water. The three of them crouched in a loose huddle, silent, save for little gasping sobs which were gradually slowing down.

“I know why,” Nakazawa said suddenly from her perch at the door. “Come on. Wash your face, Rika-chan. Yossie, go get Gocchin and then let’s go to my room.”

Contemplating Mortality. That’s what Nakazawa-san called it that night, amongst a whole bunch of things. It made sense then, but the next day, between battling a headache caused by her crying jag, further compounded by the hangover and trying not to throw up, she decided that bit of philosophical discourse was best left for consideration another day.

And the day came, in the form of her mentor’s graduation.

“When we cry at funerals, we always cry for ourselves. We’re sad because we miss them, our empathy and pain comes from us projecting ourselves into the lives of the deceased and their family. That, is contemplating mortality.”
~ Nakazawa Yuuko, Drunk Philosopher

She didn’t just cry for herself at Kei-chan’s graduation. She cried with her mentor, for the painful brevity of the shooting star that was Yasuda Kei, the Morning Musume. She cried for Kei-chan’s feeling of loss and her friend’s fear of the nothingness beyond. Most of all, she cried because she would miss the warm support and gentle kindness that Kei-chan embodied.

The roles were reversed, and it was Rika who found Yasuda alone in an unused washroom on the far end of the service corridors backstage.

This time, Rika was a lot more mindful of her alcohol tolerance level.

“Life is like beer. It’s served exciting and bubbly and goes down smooth cold, but the longer you let it sit out it just gets flat. That’s when they graduate you. Then the beer just turns bitter.”
~ Nakazawa Yuuko, Drunk Philosopher

Sober and slightly more mature, Rika could see it better- sometimes, the ever-wise Nakazawa-nee-san was just a drunkard. Rika had kept to herself during that after-party- she was the youngest one there amongst her sempai from the first and second generation.

When Abe-san announced suddenly that she was next to graduate, Nakazawa-san had burst out laughing, ordered another two rounds and demanded for chicken breasts. Sometime after the fifth round of drinks, Nakazawa-san unravelled into a crying wreck and clutched Abe-san to her, swearing sisterly love and fealty.

She didn’t know if it was that fifth beer, but Rika got very jealous of the bonds her seniors had. She thought of the dynamics amongst her own Yonkie. It really was a dysfunctional family unit of sorts- the emotionally unavailable Tou-san, an insecure Kaa-san, and the secretive self-absorbed adolescents. She told Kei-chan all of this in a torrent of near incoherent wailing. Yasuda had regarded her with a strange look of pride and assured her that they’d all grow out of it in time.

“In the meantime, you just have to look out for each other as best as you can.” Kei-chan had said gently.

So when it was time to see Nono and Aibon go, Rika manned up. She held them all together when they got depressed and pulled them up on their shit when they got unruly. The terror twins were a real study in bipolar behaviour the last few weeks leading up to the concert.

Heartbreaking as it was to part, their graduation actually got them closer together. Yossie was more open to her than ever before and they actually had their first mature conversation about their feelings and aspirations, their hopes and fears.

Of course, it could’ve just been the drinks talking.

“Pretty maidens all lined up in a row- then management takes a gun and shoots them one-by-one.”
~ Nakazawa Yuuko, Drunk


Rika genuinely thought she’d toughened up by then, grown up and matured. So the emotions she’d felt when Kaorin announced her graduation took her by surprise. It was like some sort of regression to newbiehood- she had all but attached herself to Kaori like a barnacle whenever she could. It had been awhile since Kaori had called her Negative, but when she did after rehearsal one day, the tears came for the both of them like a blessed release.

By the time graduation rolled around, Rika kept it all together enough for the three of them- herself, Kaorin and Yossie, who had regressed somewhat by being more withdrawn than usual. Rika had to drag her along to dinner with Kaori the week after their (ex) leader’s graduation.

They had a good time at dinner, which inevitably led to drinks, which naturally, led to Nakazawa-san. So in keeping with tradition, Rika decided there was no time like the present to announce her own impending graduation. And by announce, it meant to tell Yossie, since everyone else at the table knew already.

Yossie took it pretty well considering the circumstances, being that she was drunk. This time, Yossie was the one caught in a headlock by Nakazawa and indiscriminately petted.

Rika stayed over at Yossie’s that night- her hostess spent half an hour sitting on the floor in a pile of her entire wardrobe, sifting through clothes to find Rika something to wear, mumbling “I swear its here somewhere” the entire time. Only when Rika had forcibly dragged her into bed and held her down, did Yossie settle down in deep slumber. Rika had a good time that night going through Yossie’s wardrobe, folding each article of clothing neatly and recalling the times she’d seen Yossie in them.


In a way, she was glad Yaguttsuan- left. Maybe not the way she did, but just in that nick of time to be under the leadership of Yossie, and it meant so much more for her doukie mate to pass her the bouquet. They had made a pact not to cry- it wasn’t the end, after all- so Yossie had given her an odd anecdote as a graduation message and Rika decided that she wouldn't have had it any other way.

Strange, Rika couldn’t quite put her finger on it. It wasn’t quite- sorrow, but she actually experienced overwhelming affection for each of her juniors, and wondered if this was what Kaorin felt. She finally became that mirror to reflect someone else’s mortality- as one by one of her groupmates lined up to wish her well.

A sudden flash of memory came to Rika- her very first concert tour and Iichi Sayaka’s graduation ceremony. The symmetry of the entire event made her smile to see the Rokkies line up and stumble through their messages in tears.

After the concert, Yossie told her the best part of the entire night was being able to see her framed in a backdrop of darkness lit only by pink glowsticks. Sugoi niau, was what Yossie had said with a big grin and a cheesy thumbs up, which made her laugh through the tears.

Which was why, during Yossie’s own graduation, Rika had snuck to back of the stage in a dark hoodie to get a better view of her friend. She peered through the hidden areas behind the set and saw Yossie moving into the chanting crowd surrounded by white glowsticks. It was the most beautiful thing Rika had ever seen.

As she told Yossie this later, Rika couldn’t stop her tears from falling. She wiped at them and laughed, bewildered. Yossie pulled her into a hug, right there in front everyone backstage.

“I’m glad you came,” was what Yossie had whispered into her ear.

Rika clutched at Yossie, prolonging the rare embrace and smiled- graduations weren’t so bad after all.

« Last Edit: December 16, 2010, 03:33:13 PM by gracula »

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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Re: Character Study [update 16Dec- Character Study #7]
« Reply #43 on: December 16, 2010, 04:40:55 PM »
 :cow: UPDATE  :rikabunny UPDATE :cow:

I'm going to class now  XD But first I'm gonna put this on my mobile to read it in the bus  :mon inluv: I had to post because you made me really excited and happy here  :panic: When I come back I'll be back here to fangirl again. Thanks for this grac, thanks a lot!   :heart: :heart:

And maybe I didn't read it yet, but I'm first, I'm first!  [/childish]  XD

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Re: Character Study [update 16Dec- Character Study #7]
« Reply #44 on: December 16, 2010, 05:15:40 PM »
Awwww. I find the Nakazawa quotes incredibly epic. Drunk!Nakazawa has such precious moments of win. :D


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Re: Character Study [update 16Dec- Character Study #7]
« Reply #45 on: December 16, 2010, 05:25:59 PM »
Yes, the Nakazawa Nuggets (of wisdom!) were truly a work in their own right, especially the last one. That one kind of inspires me for some reason. I like the take on each graduation as Rika matures/grows older/gets used to them. Each one had a new, yet familiar depth.

Rndm: i heard it was Mama Ishikawa chasing Rika with a chicken that caused it. But a cursory research into her hometown left *me* with ornithophobia- they've got jungle crows- JUNGLE. CROWS. those things are huge mean mothers, especially the urban ones.
What would possess Mama Ishikawa to chase her around with a chicken? XD Oh children, so easy to instill phobia in their young minds, so easy to mold to a perfect image of hell.

I didn't have the pleasure of meeting any of these crazy ass crows I keep hearing so much about in person on my own sojourn, I already hate birds (hate, not fear, mind you), those sneaky little bastards, I can't really imagine coming across a sadistic army of manhole cover sized devil rats with wings.

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Re: Character Study [update 16Dec- Character Study #7]
« Reply #46 on: December 16, 2010, 07:04:53 PM »
Speaking of those crows, I've seen them when I was in Japan. They were HUGE. Like as long as my forearm, and I have long arms. I thought it was an eagle the first time I saw one, but it couldn't be cos it was jet black and all mean-looking. Must be traumatic to have them bearing down on you though. They were plenty intimidating from afar.


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Re: Character Study [update 16Dec- Character Study #7]
« Reply #47 on: December 16, 2010, 07:26:03 PM »
rope: yeah, yeah- you were first.  :roll: see ya.

essy: i'm in the middle of a project rush, which means- drink binge! i might or might not have written all most of this drunk.
and they have a serious crow problem in Yokosuka- bastards actually divebombing to grab food from human hands. Though, not as serious as the crow problem in Tokyo to the point where they needed culling.

rndm: i call 'em rat with wings too! i absolutely detest birds myself- plague-carrying scavengers.

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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Re: Character Study [update 16Dec- Character Study #7]
« Reply #48 on: December 16, 2010, 07:52:16 PM »
Yeah that kinda made sense with the hato and the tengu skits, although mashing is sometimes fun XD

Yeah Nakazawa as a drunk philosopher perfect and more IshiYoshi goodness more perfect, the ending was pretty sweet too, GJ :thumbup
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Re: Character Study [update 16Dec- Character Study #7]
« Reply #49 on: December 17, 2010, 12:00:40 PM »
It must be hard for the girls who have gone through so many graduations (Poor Ai and Gaki) like Rika, a very fitting Character Study, given recent events

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Re: Character Study [update 16Dec- Character Study #7]
« Reply #50 on: December 17, 2010, 10:38:00 PM »
Quote from: gracula
rope: yeah, yeah- you were first.  :roll: see ya.

:lol: :lol:

Wait for next time then! Next tiiiiime ~ :cow:

For this study I the first thing I have to say is.... drunk Nakazawa rocks. I like her a lot in her non-inebriated self, but those quotes where epic win. I like how it changes from "~ Nakazawa Yuuko, Drunk Philosopher" to just "~ Nakazawa Yuuko, Drunk :lol: I was depressing myself over the drama and laughing at Yuko remarks at the same time. I love how do you always sneak some humor, even in the saddest circumstances ~

So much Kemeko and Yuko on this! And we have Kaorin, Nacchi, Yaguchi and even Sayaka. Wonderful :heart: The first OG need more love in fanfictions, they are adorable, all of them. And it has been a while since last time I saw Kei and Rika interacting in a fic. You reminded me how much I love reading those two together. It isn't that difficult to find a fic with Yuko in it (she's awesome like that) but Kei doesn't appear as often. Shame.

You managed to remind me a lot of graduations here too, you know. I thought you maybe will mention one of two, but no, you had to go and mention a lot :cry: Oh, the sadness. And the recent triple graduation doesn't help at all. But hey, I love angst and drama so even if it seems I'm complaining I'm pretty happy about it. Yay for Charmy/Graduation idea  :heart: 

“I… I don’t” Rika gasped, in between sobs, “I don’t know why I can’t stop crying!” She began to hyperventilate as she spoke and immediately felt Yossie press her inhaler into her hands. As Rika regained her equilibrium, breathing slowly, Yasuda patted her gently on her back while Yossie fidgeted around with a bottle of water. The three of them crouched in a loose huddle, silent, save for little gasping sobs which were gradually slowing down.

Making Rika cry should be forbidden. It makes me incredibly sad ;_;  And I love it each time you show Yossi being all insecure around Rika. I don't exactly why, but I go 'aww' each time I saw her in that state. Maybe is just I see to much IshiYoshi everywhere, even when poor Rika is hyperventilating  XD

The roles were reversed, and it was Rika who found Yasuda alone in an unused washroom on the far end of the service corridors backstage.

This time, Rika was a lot more mindful of her alcohol tolerance level.

This is what I was talking about. Drama overload with the first setence, but I found myself laughing again with the second one.

The mention to chicken breast made me laugh too. Yuko and her chicken breasts, inseparable companion along with the drinks. And awww for drunk love for Nacchi. But seriously, you are making me want more and more drunk Yuko appearances. And IshiYoshi talking  :heart: 

Of course, it could’ve just been the drinks talking.

Should I be worried by the fact I found more than enjoyable this continue mention to alcohol?  Because it's funny as hell to imagine those post graduation drunk parties  :lol:

Rika stayed over at Yossie’s that night- her hostess spent half an hour sitting on the floor in a pile of her entire wardrobe, sifting through clothes to find Rika something to wear, mumbling “I swear its here somewhere” the entire time. Only when Rika had forcibly dragged her into bed and held her down, did Yossie settle down in deep slumber. Rika had a good time that night going through Yossie’s wardrobe, folding each article of clothing neatly and recalling the times she’d seen Yossie in them.

And again I must say. WHY SO ADORABLE ISHIYOSHI?  :yossi: :heart: :otomerika: Awwwwww, I love those little moments with the two of them. And you are great at writing them <3 And then, the last part, with Rika's graduation, and then Yossi's, are beautiful too.  That image of the silhouette in the dark with the glowing sticks got stuck in my mind as I read it . I teared up around this last part :cry: But fluffy, sweet IshiYoshi ending made up for it.

I'm more than satisfied with the gore dramabomb. More than that, I love it  :w00t:  Thanks a lot again grac  :heart:

I apologize for my lack of energy here, but I'm sleepy as hell :yawn: I'm having some crazy days lately and it's my fault for being lazy last week, but anyway  XD

Oh, and I approve your avatar btw <3

*goes to sleep*

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Re: Character Study [update 19Dec- drunk!crack intermission]
« Reply #51 on: December 18, 2010, 09:04:14 PM »
kuro: kuro!  XD i love my mash, too- but i try to exercise creative liberties sparingly in my character studies. they should be as close to the timeline as my gross speculations allow. await a visit soon- i love going onto your thread and seeing the massive updates waiting for me to peruse.

odd: makes you wonder if it gets any easier, huh? such is life.

ropy: i'm glad you like it. :relief: perhaps I set too high an expectation for myself that i was worried i took the topic too lightly. my tightrope-approved avatar bares its fangs in thanks.


in any case, this is an excerpt from an ongoing project which seems to be spiraling into the crack of no return. its meant to be drama/humor, but i haven't quite gotten to the drama part of the story. so to balance out the drama quotient, i will discard the humor bits here as crack intermissions.

if i reach 50 pages with no dramatic story arc still, i'll just fuck it all and post it as humor.

Crack Intermission

The next morning, Makoto was recounting the previous night's misadventures at the breakfast table. Konno picked at Tsuji's untouched breakfast, as said owner of breakfast was slumped face-down at the table.

“After you threw up, you tried to prove you were sober by reading the active ingredients off shampoo bottles.”

“It was quite impressive- you actually managed to recite the chemical formula for hexylene glycol,” Konkon added absently.

Tsuji turned her head to rest on its side to contemplate that. “Should I be concerned that drunk me is obviously smarter than sober me?” she croaked hoarsely.

“Naw, we had to stop you from chugging Head & Shoulders after that.”


i don't know what's with me and alcohol-related scenes lately. i'm stuck with a shitload of bits like these, missing story progression in between.

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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Re: Re: Character Study [update 19Dec- drunk!crack intermission]
« Reply #52 on: December 18, 2010, 09:22:29 PM »
^ :lol:

Why are you awake? Why am I awake? AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

*runs screaming to hide under blankets*

*away from the sun*



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Re: Character Study [update 19Dec- drunk!crack intermission]
« Reply #53 on: December 18, 2010, 09:58:43 PM »
You ladies should sleep properly. Or, at least, sleep...?

And Oh noes! Again I failed at being first  :lol:  Well, next time, next time... But anyway! 

:cow: :cow: :cow:  :cow: :cow:

Drunk crack! YES! This is exactly what I needed today! This and the alcohol I have been given to celebrate Christmas ~

Tsuji turned her head to rest on its side to contemplate that. “Should I be concerned that drunk me is obviously smarter than sober me?” she croaked hoarsely.

“Naw, we had to stop you from chugging Head & Shoulders after that.”

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Imagining this scene made me lol soo hard. I want more like this. This is so much fun.

i don't know what's with me and alcohol-related scenes lately. i'm stuck with a shitload of bits like these, missing story progression in between.

Please, please, please, post them all. Like I said I enjoyed them a little too much for my own good  :lol:

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Re: Character Study [update 19Dec- drunk!crack intermission]
« Reply #54 on: December 19, 2010, 12:04:29 AM »
I tend to update a lot :nervous I don't know I feel I really don't or if i do, its packed then I take 3-5 day break

Drunk Tsuji > Sober Tsuji
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Character Study [update 19Dec- drunk!crack intermission]
« Reply #55 on: December 19, 2010, 03:48:24 AM »
As I was reading this I had a sudden flashback to a few of my favorite humor fics that were posted with the craziness of the 2006 era H!P in mind. XD Imagining Tsuji spouting off chemical formulas then trying to drink shampoo while MaKonKon frantically tries to stop her really made my day. :lol:

Offline gracula

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Re: Character Study [update 19Dec- drunk!crack intermission]
« Reply #56 on: December 19, 2010, 09:58:52 AM »
*runs screaming to hide under blankets*

*away from the sun*
who's the vampire now?
jeez, essy- i was up til 6:30 this morning and then had to wake up an hour later. i'm dead on my feet, but stuck here on my comp procrastinating  surfing for porn getting work done.

Drunk crack! YES! This is exactly what I needed today! This and the alcohol I have been given to celebrate Christmas ~
Lucky. Nobody gives me alcohol anymore, not since the last time i puked on the cat last Thursday.
Please, please, please, post them all. Like I said I enjoyed them a little too much for my own good  :lol:
like I said- let me frustrate myself with this story first, then i'll just post the lot at once.

Drunk Tsuji > Sober Tsuji
Yes, but did you know, High Kemeko > Drunk Tsuji?

As I was reading this I had a sudden flashback to a few of my favorite humor fics that were posted with the craziness of the 2006 era H!P in mind.
I'd love to say this was original, but it really is very highly influenced by those very same humor fics. That, and real life.


since i'm already futzing with PS for work, here are some crudely-made cracked fruits of my labors:-

« Last Edit: December 19, 2010, 10:41:20 AM by gracula »

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Character Study [update 19Dec- drunk!crack intermission]
« Reply #57 on: December 19, 2010, 03:08:43 PM »
^the third pic is missing. :huhuh

EDIT:  :lol: :lol: Wow, that makes so much more sense. :lol: :lol:
« Last Edit: December 19, 2010, 11:03:20 PM by rndmnwierd »

Offline gracula

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Re: Character Study [update 19Dec- drunk!crack intermission]
« Reply #58 on: December 19, 2010, 04:54:51 PM »
fixed, thanks.

^Edit: yes, the missing punchline.  :P glad it makes sense now.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2010, 03:22:48 AM by gracula »

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

Offline Tightrope

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Re: Character Study [update 19Dec- drunk!crack intermission]
« Reply #59 on: December 20, 2010, 08:12:23 PM »
:lol: :lol: :lol:  :lol:

That was pure crack. I love it  :cow: And I just learned a new word  :lol:

like I said- let me frustrate myself with this story first, then i'll just post the lot at once.

Take your time to frustrate properly then XD We'll wait ~  :heart:

Yes, but did you know, High Kemeko > Drunk Tsuji?

I want to see that  :roll:

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