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Author Topic: AKB48 @2010 Singapore Toy, Games & Comic Convention  (Read 5248 times)

Offline MrMojo

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AKB48 @2010 Singapore Toy, Games & Comic Convention
« on: November 27, 2010, 08:47:36 PM »
AKB48 will be traveling back to Singapore to the "Singapore Toy, Games & Comic Convention" at Suntec City on Dec 10-12, 2010 to promote the new single Chance no Junban!

**No info yet on which members will be present**

OMG... I'll be vacationing there at the SAME time  :mon angel:

Finally, a chance to see some of the members L-I-V-E  :luvluv1:

Merry Christmas to Me  :mon firecrack:

Offline aznnerd

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Re: AKB48 @2010 Singapore Toy, Games & Comic Convention
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2010, 07:20:14 AM »
Damn twice in the span of a few months, niiiceeee.

Offline xdionysusx

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Re: AKB48 @2010 Singapore Toy, Games & Comic Convention
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2010, 07:05:07 PM »
arghh  :panic: got final exam that dat week.. and no money...

Offline Meania

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Re: AKB48 @2010 Singapore Toy, Games & Comic Convention
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2010, 11:07:14 PM »
D'aaww hope lots of you get to go and have a great time! I wonder which members will go~? Last time some of the "front girls" weren't there, right? Perhaps this time they'll be going! > u <

I'm still hoping they come to the UK soon! :D;

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Offline maliciel

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Re: AKB48 @2010 Singapore Toy, Games & Comic Convention
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2010, 09:15:35 AM »
The only frontgirl that came was Mayuyu, the last time. Speculation is we'll be getting frontgirls this time, except it's the 19th single frontgirls :lol:

Offline richardthebrave

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Re: AKB48 @2010 Singapore Toy, Games & Comic Convention
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2010, 06:17:24 PM »
The only frontgirl that came was Mayuyu, the last time. Speculation is we'll be getting frontgirls this time, except it's the 19th single frontgirls :lol:

Not speculation anymore  :nervous

Members Line-Up:
- Mayumi Uchida
- Haruka Ishida
- Haruka Nakagawa
- Ami Maeda
- Sumire Sato
- Natsuki Sato
- Tomomi Nakatsuka
- Asuka Kuramochi
- Kana Kobayashi
- Miku Tanabe
- Sakiko Matsui
- Rina Chikano


Offline xdionysusx

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Re: AKB48 @2010 Singapore Toy, Games & Comic Convention
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2010, 08:36:44 PM »
 :panic: ami maeda, sumire sato, asuka kuramochi  :panic: this line up is great enough!!!

Offline maliciel

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Re: AKB48 @2010 Singapore Toy, Games & Comic Convention
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2010, 04:10:29 AM »
Yeah that was pretty much what we expected. :lol:

Really cool to see Kris! Need to prepare a board for her maybe. RTB you coming down again?

Offline aznnerd

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Re: AKB48 @2010 Singapore Toy, Games & Comic Convention
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2010, 04:33:02 AM »
Really nice line up  :thumbup
I'll live the moment vicariously through fancams :'[

Offline MrMojo

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Re: AKB48 @2010 Singapore Toy, Games & Comic Convention
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2010, 08:10:13 PM »
Honestly, I don't know any of the girls attending except for Asuka Kuramochi <3.

I'll cheer them all on as it's their turn in the spotlight  :twothumbs

Offline clockface

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Re: AKB48 @2010 Singapore Toy, Games & Comic Convention
« Reply #10 on: December 13, 2010, 07:45:12 PM »
Yo Guys! Where's the JPH!P represent? I had to look for this thread! I thought it would had been exploding by now! Mal, where you gone to?

That's all right because I did another ninja magic act and crashed the STGCC party! I was sure I couldn't attend this but a rushed family vacation to Singapore changed all that. All expenses paid man! Just get those tickets! Got to the island on Thursday... chilled. Friday to Universal Studios Theme Park... it's alright. Saturday... nervous. I don't know why. I've had experience at AFAX about a month ago. So why feel like nothing happened on prom night? Maybe because it was mostly blurry dancing figures on a stage miles away. Would this be any better though... Mumbling like a madman on the way to the convention center.

Got to the place at around 11 am. Got the tickets no problemo which also included entry to the STGCC. Burned a bit of time there. AKB was at 7 but the official queue starts at 3. 4 hour wait? A bit hesitant. I peeked at the event guide of the convention and saw that a Marvel panel will be held in the same theater as AKB from 3 to 4. Got in and had the added advantage of knowing the surroundings before the big show. The panel was interesting but was going long. The organiser/MC dude cut into the discussion and shooed everyone off the stage. He was wearing a pink AKB shirt I saw from AFAX. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Straight onto the waiting game! By the time I was ushered into the official line there were already probably under 100 people queuing up. They were all sitting chatting in a snaking line. I marched into the maze and sat at the end of the line thinking "This is it!" probably a bit too early, as it was still just 4. Went to my trusty Ipod and listened to a couple of podcasts. The time passed by surprisingly well. I was thinking all the time where were all the local AKB fans from around the region. Every so often you would see a small group communicating with one or 2 dudes almost from one end of the room to the other. They were all over the place!

Hours flew by and the line behind me grew. Lots of late comers. Lady organiser came to us and started talking about rules and stuff and said that we all were to be ushered in at 6:30. When she left everyone stood up and waited. That's when I noticed how much people were there. Quite a good number. At the end of the queue somehow there was a Stromtrooper amongst us! AKB going global? How about intergalactic? The time came and the queue slowly moved. As we reached the theater doors, volunteers handed us some Chance no Junban postcards.

Cool. A nice gift, not knowing the significance of it later on. Anyways I made my way down to the front of the theater to look for the best seats in the house. Most of the middle seats were taken but some kick ass side ones were available. I don't know how many rows I was away from the stage but it was definitely closer than the last time. I was bursting with crazy emotions! While the seats were still filling up the wotas were already shouting the names of their oshimens. Soon a projection of Chance no Junban and supporting song PVs were shown. I've not seen any of the PVs yet so it was a nice way to see it for the first time. I was probably the only person LOLing because of the shock that was Team K's song. 80's disco prison break theme? Nice shoulder pads. That said, Tomochin looks good in anything!

PVs all done and suddenly there was an eerie silence for a second cause we all knew it was showtime! I like that there is no warning when the overture hits. It's just like, lights off, overture full blast! When that happened I instinctively rose to my feet as did everyone. It was sooooo sweet hearing this again. Are. You. Readyyyy. A few seconds before it ended the girls marched out into the stage and we all went crazy. Who cares if Harunyan, Tomomi or Maeda weren't there? This IS AKB. They all stood still in position and BOOM! RIVER! Another roar from crazy fans, me included. Now for a confession. During the first 2 songs I was acting like those bored, stiff, shy guys doing nothing. I did an occasional cheer but with a little restraint. Then it hit me, I had no glowstick with me! Oh the horror. There was also little action happening around me as all the cheers seem to be coming from the front and center. Fuck it, I'm gonna have fun! Legs tapping, body shaking, head bopping, hands waving, mouth shouting!

MC time and it was then I noticed how close I was. I could see their faces! I can recognise each dancer! After that were the unit songs. I loved Wagamama but then surprise! Himawari came on and I was like "Oh no you didn't". One of my favorite songs! If only I had glowsticks then I could show off my leet hand movement skills. Everyone was doing the normal fist pump but in Himawari it's all about the wave baby. Another MC after the unit songs and I guess they've learn from AFAX because up on stage with them was a translator. It was cool, knowing what Ucchi, Harukyan and Tomochan were saying. After that, Bingo and Oogoe in english. Then finally Heavy Rotation! Great concert song! Like the last time, everyone was into the backing vocals part. Who seriously doesn't want to scream "I Love Youuuu" to the AKB girls? After the song they did their fake goodbyes and we all just nonchalantly sat down and recuperated. Veteran crowd. We know the deal. Encore time. Pretty loud and consistent this one. Bravo.

The girls came out and we all rose to our feet once again. They were in their Chance outfits which was a proper way to close this mini concert. This was mainly a PR event anyway so no complaints that it ended like that. But the big thing was to come. Coming into this event we were told that there was a chance to play janken with the girls and win a prize. I initially thought that some lucky bastards would be pick to do just that. But then the translator said to look at your postcards. Oh Snap! It was almost like an Oprah EVERYONE WINS A CAR moment. I was a bit confused because there was nothing on the card. But look closely.

Rock? Ohhhhhh. That means I have a 33.33% chance of winning the mystery prize. Ucchi got herself ready, Jan, Ken, POM! Scissors... SCISSORS! GAH! I WON! I don't believe it. The prize? An autographed poster! Hey... don't people kill for these? I was still in a state of delirium when the translator said that the girls would send us ALL off with high fives. A high touch finale? I get to be close, touch and talk to the girls? Was it the 25th of December already? Management let everyone sweat it out for about 5 minutes as they organised the tables. I was a nervous wreak. What would I say? I was trying to remember if anyone did something on any of their TV shows. Nothing came to mind. Damn center girls taking up all the airtime! As I was doing this time just flew by. Lines and lines of people went up, met their idols and went out the door. It would eventually be me. Was I ready? AKB waits for no one. My turn. Got to Ucchi who was first and then.... nothing. High five and said her nickname. Did that to Harukyan too. And eveyone else. Damn... but then it was Sakiko's turn. It was her birthday yesterday, so I went "Happy Birthday!" She reacted. Mission Accomplished! It went by so fast I couldn't gather enough information on each individual. It was almost like shaking hands with the sun. Amazing but so bright and awesome you can't look directly at it. Erepyon's Kira-kira catchphrase really sums up their persona. Time to get that poster now!

Would you look at that! I would be the first to admit that I am not the most worthy of such an awesome gift, but I surely will enjoy this for as long as I can remember. Now who did I get?

Birthday girl! Not too shabby. I could have traded it for someone else but why push it? It has been an amazing day so far and all good things end. Call it a day. But what a day it was! I haven't been to many concerts in my lifetime but they all can't be like this right? What more can I say? Apparently alot more but I'll just bullet point it for the sake of this already long post.

- While not the only one, I did notice Tanamin screwing up the dances quite a number of times. She also almost tripped while bringing out the mic stands for Himawari and had trouble with them again during Heavy Rotation.
- For my money Kuramochi had the biggest cheers during the whole event.
- While waiting for the high touch to begin the wotas started singing happy birthday to Sakippe and she kinda teared up a bit. Great to see that!
- And like a broken record, everyone looked great in person. Suuchan was so doll like. Haachan was amazing!

So in conclusion to this novel, all I can say is, I've been awfully lucky to see them live twice and come out with a signed poster to boot. It may have not been at their holy theater nor have I seen all the really top members yet but the tagline is true, they are really idols you can meet. Just try a little harder. You won't regret it. Ciao and sweet dreams.

Offline maliciel

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Re: AKB48 @2010 Singapore Toy, Games & Comic Convention
« Reply #11 on: December 13, 2010, 07:57:10 PM »
I've not posted at all, I didn't really get much time/sleep over the past 3 days.

Bah, should really have told me you were coming. I'd have hooked you up with lightsticks and shit. Where were you seated? On Friday there was a handshake event with Mayuchi/Tomochan/Harukyan. Before the queue started there was already quite a number of people, sitting around swapping BLTs and whatnot. The MC you saw with the t-shirt was actually Paul Lee, Vice-President of Reed Exhibitions. He got a t-shirt from Melos and wore it. Dude is a rad guy. If there's anyone that understands social networking in a business context, Paul Lee is your man.

Offline clockface

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Re: AKB48 @2010 Singapore Toy, Games & Comic Convention
« Reply #12 on: December 14, 2010, 07:03:30 PM »
Being an AKB fan is hard work huh?

I would had loved to meet up with you guys but unlike the last time when I was full on sick and unable to internets, this time it was just plain old last minute timing. Booked tickets and straight to Singapore without a laptop in sight.

I don't remember exactly what seat it was but I was parked on the left side probably around 10 rows from the stage. If you remember when the girls asked if there were any Japanese people in the house and a small group made some noise, I was seating just right in front of them.

Paul Lee huh? Reminds me of an incident just as the concert started. All of a sudden he and another guy were right up next to my row shouting at the girls at the end seats. I took a glance and there were 3 small Japanese girls and 2 of them using their phones (don't know if it was a call or recording/pics). It was kinda of a sour note to begin with because here I was all pumped up and ready to go but security was waving their arms right in front of me and shouting. I came out of the concert with 2 missed calls in my cell...

3 days has passed and the euphoria still hasn't fully gone away. Tried to organise a AKB STGCC playlist on my ipod to only find that I don't have a complete library of songs! A trip to the Multimedia will fix that. Anyways, let the 2011 world tour include a complete concert in any SEA country. Saving for that as I write this.

Offline maliciel

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Re: AKB48 @2010 Singapore Toy, Games & Comic Convention
« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2010, 11:07:01 AM »
Ah, 10 rows back? That's probably near where my seats were.

If you were on the right side you would probably have spotted me with the camera. Kohilist was on the left snapping pics, so you probably saw him. Yeah, there's plans for fans to vote for AKB48 as a Sundown Fest guest, much to the chagrin of some who 'hate kpop to the max'. I think it's a good idea, definitely beats not being able to see them. Anyway yeah it was hectic as fuck. I'll write a proper report once all the pics have been processed..

Also, interview videos on the way!

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Re: AKB48 @2010 Singapore Toy, Games & Comic Convention
« Reply #14 on: December 17, 2010, 09:19:02 AM »
Hell yeah, I remember seeing a couple of guys recording and snapping pics at the aisles. And for informing me about it you've just saved your life (and Kohilist's too) for you've just made it off my list of people to kill because of jealousy. I was dying a little bit inside seeing you media guys having free reign with your cameras.

Sundown, sunrise, Kpop, Jpop, I don't give a damn. Some place affordable and I'll be there. I hope Akimoto doesn't see this year as job done with worldwide exposure. It'll be kinda cool if AKB has an annual world tour meet and greet. Europe can have them early in the year, summer is big in the US and to wrap things up, us little Asian people before years end.

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Re: AKB48 @2010 Singapore Toy, Games & Comic Convention
« Reply #15 on: December 18, 2010, 06:42:02 AM »
To be perfectly honest I would have preferred being with the rest of the gang, wota'ing the fuck out. But all good, we took one for the team. :lol:

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Re: AKB48 @2010 Singapore Toy, Games & Comic Convention
« Reply #16 on: December 18, 2010, 12:46:11 PM »
Finally got off my ass to write a report. Still not done obviously, but the rest going up in due time!


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