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Author Topic: Fantasy ga Hajimaru (Chapter 3 updated 1/24)  (Read 6873 times)

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Fantasy ga Hajimaru (Chapter 3 updated 1/24)
« on: December 28, 2010, 03:58:33 PM »
Hello, new writer here. All these years I've been trying to write all these fic ideas I have but they never seem to go anywhere. BUT! Finally I just might have something I can post!  XD

This fic was inspired by the lyrics of Fantasy ga hajimaru from the newest album. I couldn't think of a title just yet, so the song title will have to do for now.

Enjoy! Hope you guys like it.

Chapter 1

The midday sun shone through the thick canopy of leaves of a forest that looked just like any other. Except that wildlife was conspicuously absent in this forest and all was silent.

The unnatural quiet of this still forest was shattered by the sounds of heavy boots pounding on the forest floor and clinking of thick armor. This unsettling cacophony was punctuated with guttural growls and snarling.

Three small figures cut through the brush and forest trails swiftly, gradually putting much needed distance between them and their larger, lumbering pursuers. The leader of the trio made an abrupt turn into the bushes, “Follow me! I hear running water!”

“I’m surprised you can hear anything at all with that racket behind us!” The second gasped, following hot on her heels.

“You won’t be hearing anything anymore if you don’t pick up your pace, Tanakacchi!” The last of the trio snapped. “They’re gaining on us!”

After stumbling almost blindly through thick underbrush for what seemed like ages, the trio finally broke through to the sounds of rushing water.
“Uso, Ai-chan, its way too deep to cross safely.” Risa panted heavily, resting her hands on her knees. Ai had crept as close to the bank of the river as safely possible to examine the situation. The current was strong, whipping up white froth that spilled onto the mossy rocks by the edge. It was strong enough to easily deter their undead predators, but how could they cross it? Could they perhaps make a stand here and try to trick them into falling into the water? She looked back at her companions. They were completely exhausted, being on the run for a day and a half, and she herself was drained of energy. It was far too risky to try taking on four undead creatures at once.

She peered uncertainly into the river, but the water was moving too fast and it was difficult to tell how deep it went or if there were sharp rocks awaiting on the river bed.

A thunderous howl piercing through the roar of rushing water sent the three scrabbling into action once again. “We’ve got no choice but to try crossing the river.” Ai rushed to Risa, “Get the rope, we’ve got to link ourselves together in case we get separated.”

Whipping out a small bundle of rope from her haversack, she wasted no time knotting it around each of their waists. Cursing lightly under her breath as her sweaty fingers fumbled with the knots, the foliage behind them suddenly burst out in an explosion of leaves and branches. Four lumbering rotting corpses clad in heavy, rusting armor stumbled through, hacking away with their broadswords. The three girls let out terrified yelps and Risa’s fingers slipped on the very last knot. They hastily scrambled for the river as one, tethered together.

With glowing blood-red eyes focused on them, the zombies followed, jaws unhinging to let out triumphant growls. The fetid stench that accompanied them wafted over, sending Reina into a gagging fit.

Ai plunged feet first into the rapids, hanging onto the slippery rocks with all her might, the freezing water forcing the air out of her lungs in a gasp. Reina followed suit, pulled along by the rope connecting them, in turn dragging Risa slowly in as she rushed to secure the final knot.

Noticing that their prey was getting away, the zombies charged with a furious roar, sending Risa tumbling desperately with a yell into the relative safety of the water. Ai let go of the rock and the trio were instantly swept down the river. The undead soldiers stumbled to a halt at the bank, howling in frustration. They dared not touch the water.

For a moment it seemed as if they’d given up, just watching the girls float away. But they slowly began to stalk alongside the riverbank following the current, tirelessly and relentlessly, they would continue to hunt their prey.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2011, 07:56:58 PM by meowz »

Offline Tightrope

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Re: Fantasy ga hajimaru
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2010, 05:21:44 PM »
Is something about zombies what I just read?  Zombies?!  :w00t: 

 :cow: OH YES  :cow:

You just caught my attention with this! We have Ai, Gaki and Reina running around like crazy pursued by evil zombies! Zombies with armors! I LOVE THE IDEA!  :heart:

But there is too many questions now. Like... why were they being pursued? (for one day and an half! :shocked Those girls sure have stamina) They are just normal people just running away or are they some kind of zombie hunters? From where are they running? Why there are zombies around to begin with? Where are they going? OH, THE MISTERY. I'm excited now  XD

Interesting choice of characters there. Ai still being the leader, os so it seems :heart: Reina being her yankee self despite the situation the girls are in  XD  And for some reason I love the image of Gaki slipping the last knot in the rope and then rushing to do it properly when they are getting into the water.

Ai plunged feet first into the rapids, hanging onto the slippery rocks with all her might, the freezing water forcing the air out of her lungs in a gasp. Reina followed suit, pulled along by the rope connecting them, in turn dragging Risa slowly in as she rushed to secure the final knot.

In fact, that whole part was like whoa whoa  :w00t: I loved it  :heart:  Yay for the tension and the hurry and everything!

But you are an evil person who finish the chapter with evil cliffhangers XD You have me really really curious about what this whole story is about.  So, inspired by the lyrics of the song, uh? I'll look at the translation later to see if I can speculate with it :lol:  I wonder if more characters will pop up later...?

I want the next chapter soon  :heart: I'll be waiting for it, update soon  :cow:

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Re: Fantasy ga hajimaru
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2010, 07:25:06 PM »
Hmm,definatly an intresting start to this fic, will definatly look out for more!  :twothumbs

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Fantasy ga hajimaru
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2010, 11:51:35 PM »
Well, I could tell that this was going to be well written after only a few sentences, but what really dragged me in was the magic word.


I love zombie stories. Games, books, comics, whatever it is as long as there are undead featured in them, it's instant awesome. In fact, I just finished reading World War Z and the Zombie Survival Guide resides on my bathroom counter. My dresser is littered with multitudes of video games that include zombie enemies, each one lovingly and obsessively played through.

What I'm trying to say is, you have my attention. XD

Also including my Top Three guarantees that as well, btw. :lol:

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Re: Fantasy ga hajimaru
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2010, 06:44:34 AM »
Ooooohhh~!! Do I smell adventure?? Yes, I do! :lol:

Anyway, I like the start of this story! :w00t: A cliffhanger I see? :shocked :O :P2

Omg, why are zombies going after Ai-chan, Reina, and Gaki? :panic:

**Waits for next update** :cow:

Offline gracula

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Re: Fantasy ga hajimaru
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2010, 04:36:47 PM »
oh my god. zombies. everyone loves zombies.

you've really got us good now- we'll hound you day and night until we get our undead fixes.

Whipping out a small bundle of rope from her haversack, she wasted no time knotting it around each of their waists. Cursing lightly under her breath as her sweaty fingers fumbled with the knots, the foliage behind them suddenly burst out in an explosion of leaves and branches. Four lumbering rotting corpses clad in heavy, rusting armor stumbled through, hacking away with their broadswords. The three girls let out terrified yelps and Risa’s fingers slipped on the very last knot. They hastily scrambled for the river as one, tethered together.

i can't quite tell which period you're writing in. I mean, are we ever going to see a shotgun blow off rotting faces or what? shotgun wielding GoRokkies are getting me so excited I actually might need a potty break. and maybe I overshared, but i'm really looking forward to the next installment.

welcome, new writer.

from another new writer,

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

Offline meowz

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Re: Fantasy ga hajimaru
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2010, 04:24:02 PM »
Nyahaha I had originally intended for this chapter to be longer and the whole story to be a one-shot thing, but I had to do some work I had been procrastinating for a while :( so I had to stop there. Sorry for the cliffhanger guys!

@Tightrope: Patience, my friend, all will be revealed in due course. :glasses: I’m glad you could feel the pace and rush of the story, I was worried it wouldn’t get across. The idea came to me while listening to the song, but it’s quite loosely related actually. It’s just this one line that jumped out to me. Let’s see if anyone can pick it out as the story progresses ;)

@oddball: And more will be coming for sure  :)

@rndmnwierd: Whoa, I didn’t think Zombies were that popular. Hmm well, I still have a couple more main characters that haven’t appeared yet…

@kano-chan: You ‘ll have to wait and see  XD

@HashirePomeranian: :shy2: Thanks, I’ll try not to disappoint. The zombies here run. Fast. And they’re smart (well, relatively).  :kekeke:

@gracula: Lol sorry to burst your bubble, no shotguns in this era.

Thanks for the encouraging comments guys, I’m really motivated to get the next chapter out soon. I’m trying to make the next one longer cuz I don’t want the story to drag for too long.

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Re: Fantasy ga hajimaru
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2010, 05:14:12 PM »
^No shotgun? D: Well, one vote for the crossbow then. Because crossbows are the shotguns of the medieval era. :D

And I must say, I approve of zombies. Even though they are my worst fear (due to a certain friend linking me to certain articles that led me to conclude that we aren't so far away from such a possibility :X). :lol: Can't wait to see more, your style of writing is commendable!


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline SarangAi

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Re: Fantasy ga hajimaru
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2010, 08:24:06 PM »
Now this is awesome.  I've been craving some action fics lately, and this totally got me.  Can't wait for more~~~  :twothumbs

avii&sig by the wonderful kawaii beam~!

Offline gracula

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Re: Fantasy ga hajimaru
« Reply #9 on: December 31, 2010, 12:18:33 PM »
no shotguns??  :mon whine:  Well, there better be crossbows in faces real fast.

Tho, i'm sure crossbolts would just probably stick outta zombies and annoy them. Unless... they're FIREY crossbolts! That's the ticket!

Happy new year.  :P

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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Re: Fantasy ga hajimaru
« Reply #10 on: December 31, 2010, 01:43:48 PM »
meowz!!! I think you need to introduce yourself in the... intro thread.  :lol: You'll find that in the Writer's Cafe. :)

But YAY for new author!  :nya:

And most importantly... GREAT FIRST CHAPTER.  :w00t:

I love how it's fast-paced, it's different, it's well-written and it's already managed to raise a bunch of questions (which is what I think a first chapter needs to do to be compelling enough for readers to want to follow).  :thumbsup There's so much we don't know; but you've set the scene (and mood) for the story very well. I'm excited to see where this is heading, what sort of developments you'll be crafting into the story... (are you going to have the time to weave a bit of romance into this???  :shocked:). Good luck in that respect!

Zombies that run and are relatively smart....  .... :mon curtain:
How this trio managed to land themselves in such a predicament... I'm so very curious to find out. And knowing it's not set during a modern era. Hmmm. No time travel involved?

This fic was inspired by the lyrics of Fantasy ga hajimaru from the newest album.

Can you share the lyrics with us? I have no idea.  :?
I've only ever actively searched for the lyrics to a few Momusu songs and I don't even know where to begin now...  :nervous

They were completely exhausted, being on the run for a day and a half, and she herself was drained of energy.

Wow, are these girls inhumanly fit or what? A step up from their strenuous concert workouts, that's for sure. Yikes!  :panic:

For a moment it seemed as if they’d given up, just watching the girls float away. But they slowly began to stalk alongside the riverbank following the current, tirelessly and relentlessly, they would continue to hunt their prey.

Nice end to the chapter; I got a real menacing, forboding sense right here *shivers*
I've always really been into zombie movies (not games, I find them kind of mindless, though Left for Dead co-op play with all my cousins is heaps of fun)... I prefer watching them to vampires or werewolves and like. So this is good stuff.

Also wondering if other members will make an appearance. Would be funny if one of those undead creatures end up being somebody we know...

So all up, exciting start, and know you have another follower in me...  :cow:

Hope to see an update soon!  :heart:

Offline meowz

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Re: Fantasy ga hajimaru
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2011, 03:12:35 PM »
@Estrea: Ooh what articles? Care to share?

@SarangAi: Thank you! I've just been reading your fics too and I'm loving it XD I'll be posting a comment in your thread soon, promise.

@gracula: Hmm firey crossbolts...sounds intriguing. I could work that in somewhere. To be honest I'm just winging this as I go along, not much planning ahead I'm afraid.

@Beecubed: Ah yes, I've forgotten about the intro thread. Thanks, I will pop over there asap. Someone posted the english translation to this song on their youtube video. It's pretty accurate. I'll just put the link here:

Would be funny if one of those undead creatures end up being somebody we know...
Oh... you're giving me ideas I don't have space for! :twisted:

Okay, finally, the second chapter. As usual, things never go the way we want them to. But oh well, enjoy.

Chapter 2

Flailing her aching limbs wildly, Ai finally managed to break the surface for a lungful of much needed air. She had been pulled under by the current soon after leaving the riverbank and totally disoriented, unable to tell which way was up. They hadn’t been in the water for long, but it felt like ages and they seemed to have travelled miles downstream. They were lucky not to have smashed into any thing yet, but Ai wasn’t willing to push it any further.

Ai angled her body towards the opposite shore in hopes they could drift close enough to get out, all the while fighting to keep her head above the water. But the other two tethered to her were slowing progress dramatically, yanking her in different directions. It was like dragging along rocks, and the rope was starting to chafe.

She wasn’t sure how well they were holding up either. The one time she could turn back far enough to see, Risa’s head was just bobbing up and down wildly and all she could make of Reina was a wet ponytail sticking out of the water.

Shit. Reina doesn’t know how to swim.

She suddenly remembered with dismay. They had to get out now before she drowns. If she hadn’t already.

Fueled with determination, Ai forced her weary and battered body to move. She literally threw herself towards the left riverbank with a manly scream added for morale. A current nudged her closer to the bank and Ai threw her arm out to catch on to the rocks lining the riverbank. Dragged on by the water, her fingers clawed against wet stone for purchase. She ground her teeth as her hand burned painfully, the raw skin splitting open into full blown cuts, but the unforgiving river continued to pull her along.

Just when she thought of giving up, her hand slammed into a small rock outcropping and she reflexively wrapped her arm around it, coming to a halt hugging the riverbank. A sudden jerk around her waist brought a flaring pain as the rope tightened around her sore abdomen. She had come to a stop, but the other two girls had drifted further downstream before being yanked to a halt by their safety rope.

The force of the pull was starting to slip her off the wet rocks. Using both arms, Ai struggled up the bank, ignoring the stinging pain in her left hand. Blood oozed down her arm, making vivid stains on the rocks.

Once fully on solid ground, she wasted no time grabbing the rope to pull the others out. Risa, still conscious, tried to help by swimming up against the current towards Ai. She hooked an arm under each armpit and was heaving an unconscious Reina onto shore when she felt the rope behind Reina go slack. She looked up and Risa was gone. She dropped Reina and quickly hauled in on the rope, but the empty end flopped tiredly on the wet bank. The last knot must have come undone and Risa had been swept away.

“Risa!” She got up stumbling along the riverbank but her legs failed her, sending her crumpling onto the grass. She watched helplessly as Risa’s head broke the surface and was carried away, unable to do anything.


It wasn’t until a rasping cough sounded behind her that she woke from her shocked stupor. Tiredly she turned and pushed Reina onto her side, almost robotically slapping firmly on her back, coaxing her to cough out the water in her lungs. As Reina choked and retched, throwing up all the water she’d swallowed, Ai’s mind was spinning in a crazy whirlwind, trying to think of what to do. But she was so tired, she could hardly focus. They were all running on adrenaline by now.

Calming down somewhat, Reina pushed herself up into a sitting position, wiping the spit from her chin. “Ahh I thought that was the end of me…” She croaked and looked around, “Eh? Where’s Gaki-san?”

“…Swept down the river.” Ai replied, her voice barely above a whisper. Sitting there staring blankly at the grass by her feet, Ai remembered something. A necklace she had given to Risa on her sixteenth birthday. It appeared to be a plain, unassuming metal pendant engraved with their names. But Ai, then still an apprentice mage, had imbued it with spells for protection and strength. For Risa was about to start training with the Sentinels, the elite regiment of fighters who were tasked with guarding their forests and patrolling the borders of their kingdom. And like a worried parent sending their child to school for the first time, she had made Risa promise to keep it on her person at all times.

Among that, the gifted mage had weaved in something of her own making. A marker spell that allowed her to locate Risa, or rather, the pendant wherever it was. Her vision blurred away as she focused deeply, drawing on the magic within her.


She could feel it somewhere on the edges of her consciousness, just beyond her reach. Ai concentrated further reaching out, but a sudden wave of nausea overtook her body and she snapped back to reality, pitching forward onto the grass. Black spots were clouding out her vision.

“Ai-chan!” Reina’s voice sounded muffled and far away. Ai was on the verge of fainting, wanting to vomit but nothing was coming out. She barely felt the arms around her shoulders, shaking her.

“You tried to do magic, didn’t you?!” Reina scolded, “You should know better.”

Indeed she should. Overdrawing on magic energy had dire consequences. One would end up tapping into their life-force, slowly weakening. And when that ran out, one simply died, shriveling up like an empty husk. She shivered, what a terrible way to die.

Reina let out a loud sneeze, then sighed tiredly. “Come on, we’ve got to dry ourselves before we catch hypothermia. Let’s get some rest and search for Gaki-san tomorrow. It won’t do her any good if we die of exhaustion…Besides, she’s a Sentinel, she can handle herself.”

Despite herself, Ai couldn’t help but agree, setting aside her worries and allowing Reina to help her up. They staggered into the trees, leaning heavily on each other for support.

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Re: Fantasy ga hajimaru (Chapter 2 updated 2/1/11)
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2011, 04:01:54 PM »
omg Aichan is a mage. this is getting so good XD

And Risa is some sort of fighter patrol i assume? can't wait to see what reina is...  :D

and i'm so happy you read my fic! hope you're enjoying~ :lol:

avii&sig by the wonderful kawaii beam~!

Offline gracula

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Re: Fantasy ga hajimaru (Chapter 2 updated 2/1/11)
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2011, 04:17:26 PM »
For some reason, Reina's ponytail sticking out of the water made me laugh. And DarkMagicks!Ai is excellent.

Firey crossbolts = PO'ed zombies FTW!

great update!

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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Re: Fantasy ga hajimaru (Chapter 2 updated 2/1/11)
« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2011, 04:53:23 PM »
I don't like zombies but Mage Ai has got me under your spell, no pun intended :lol:

Risa will be fine right? It's too early for her to die in this fic. And can we expect a certain bunny? Perhaps as an evil witch? That'll be hot! :twisted:

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Fantasy ga hajimaru (Chapter 2 updated 2/1/11)
« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2011, 06:10:38 PM »
Oh man, I'm so excited about this story! :cow:

with a manly scream added for morale.
I laughed. :lol:

Oh no, Risa! But what is this? A Sentinel? *imagines Gaki kicking zombie butt* :w00t: :inlove: All the same though, I want Ai and Reina to find her quickly. So sleep, preferably high in a tree, then locate!

Quote from: SarangAi
can't wait to see what reina is... 
Werecat? :lol: :lol:

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Re: Fantasy ga hajimaru (Chapter 2 updated 2/1/11)
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2011, 08:59:38 PM »
LOL I'd die loving it.  XD XD :twothumbs

avii&sig by the wonderful kawaii beam~!

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Re: Fantasy ga hajimaru (Chapter 2 updated 2/1/11)
« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2011, 09:14:13 PM »
-comes out of the corner-

I do not usually post my comments about the fics that I'm stalking* yes, I'm  a fanfic stalker XD*  but ... I'm lovin' this story so far ...  :wub:
Zoombies + magic + Gaki as warrior   =  :3 I'm a happy reader ...

Please keep updating  :twothumbs

-back to the corner- :ph43r:

*sorry for my bad english

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Re: Fantasy ga hajimaru (Chapter 2 updated 2/1/11)
« Reply #18 on: January 09, 2011, 03:39:49 PM »
 :cow: Chapter 2! YaY for longer chapter! :cow:

You know, if before I was interested and intrigued now I'm a lot more. This magic-and-warriors-verse is awesome. I absolutely love that. And also, like I said before, ZOMBIES  :heart: I'm liking more and more your writing style by the way, you are good meowz :thumbsup

I said it already, but I can totally feel the tension in the river scene. The struggling to leave the river withouth drowning at the attempt while trying to help the other two. I loved all that, and it was very well written. And poor poor Reina, with her ponytail only visible out of the water, it was hilarous. I'm sorry Reina, but that was just too funny.  I guess kitties and water don't get along too well, uh XD Oh, and this...

She literally threw herself towards the left riverbank with a manly scream added for morale.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I love her, really, I love her so much XD Ai-chan manly screams are epic win!

BUT. :cry:

Gaki-san!! You let her alone! In the river! Swept away! You broke TakaGaki! Zombies are coming! Noooooooes ~ :panic:
I should have known better, when I read about Gaki doing that damn knot in the last minute before entering the river. It was clear that this was going to happen, that the rope wouldn't endure it, but... but...! I didn't notice. I was too focused on the awesome zombie pursuit, and I thought it was too early for more drama to come. But I was wrong... You evil meowz, you did it on purpose!  :cry:
But well, I forgive you. Just because I can spy a TakaGaki pendant, and because a dramatic separation means a rabu-rabu and fluffly encounter later on. So yeah, I'll be waiting for that  :heart: 

And like I was saying, there is magic here! AWEEESOME :cow:  I totally approve the magical TakaGaki pendant thingy. And I found very, very interesting the fact a mage can die  if the person is not careful enough with her magic. Seems like Ai-chan isn't very careful with herself when her lovely Risa-chan is in danger... I hope this isn't going to result in a dramatic situation later. But I have a bad feeling about it :cry:

I like how you let us know little by little about the world the girls are in this time :heart: But now I have even more question than before  :lol:
So... Ai-chan is a mage!  :w00t: Gaki seems like some kind of warrior!  :w00t: I want to see her kicking some zombie butts with her Sentinel's skills  :kickass: I'm very curious too, about what is Reina. And curious about all the whole mage/sentinels/what-more-"jobs"-there-are. Really, this grow more interesting with each chapter.

Good job with all of it! I'll be waiting for more  :heart:

Would be funny if one of those undead creatures end up being somebody we know...
Oh... you're giving me ideas I don't have space for! :twisted:

:shocked: :shocked:

I love and hate this idea at the same time, so SO much  XD

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Re: Fantasy ga hajimaru (Chapter 2 updated 2/1/11)
« Reply #19 on: January 13, 2011, 10:30:05 AM »
I AM HOOKED!!! Both to the song and your fic! I can't believe you ended there though. As much as I want Gaki to be able to take care of herself after getting separated from the others, my sadist sides hopes for her to be hurt :P

Ahhh magic eh. This is getting to be too awesome! You are such a great writer and like I said before, I'm sucked into this story. Please don't keep your adoring fans waiting too long. We might not be able to endure the wait ^^;

EDIT: New page gets! :twothumbs

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