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Author Topic: Majisuka Gakuen Season 2 Discussion Thread  (Read 54833 times)

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Re: Majisuka Gakuen Season 2 Discussion Thread
« Reply #100 on: March 29, 2012, 05:32:49 PM »
Really liked season 1, but for some reason I have never seen season 2....until seeing this compilation clip........makes me wanna watch season 2........if just for the adorkable team 4 members and their fighting formations.........


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Re: Majisuka Gakuen Season 2 Discussion Thread
« Reply #101 on: August 29, 2012, 03:13:11 PM »
I see Majisuka Gakuen 2 isn't getting enough love here, I take that as my cue.

So, I loved this season in so many more ways than the first one. Let me start with Daruma. Yeah, she wasn't there. Big plus.

In Majisuka Gakuen (1) we have this episodic show where things happen and at the end of the episodes Maeda is set to fight someone. That's basically the setup for the entire show. We have tons of characters, but we pretty much spend the most of our time with Maeda and Daruma + whatever character is up for a beat up in that specific episode. What I thought worked better with a large cast as this was, in the second season when there really wasn't a main character. Some episodes was spent with Center and Nezumi, some focused more on Gekikara, some on Sae, heck even one with Minegishi. The focus was spread out and more characters got their time to shine, but more importantly time to develop which leads me into..

Story and Characters. So, I found that in Majisuka Gakuen 2 our characters got more development all around. Nezumi wasn't just scheming because it was in the script but she.. Spoiler talk: was damaged due to being the neglected child of some rich dude. Nobody cared about her so she wanted to win at any cost, to take the top for herself not giving a damn about who she backstabbed to get there.

The same goes for Gekikara. A little. She was this complete psycho in season 1, but here she shows that she is also human. Spoiler Talk: Like the scene after she is stabbed where she is lying in the hospital explaining that before she felt she could fight these yankee fights to the death, but now being so close to actually dying she realized she was scared of it.

The story itself felt abit more fresh with the internal struggle of MajiJo and the fact that rappapa and Maeda didn't lead the school as good as the graduated ladies did I thought was very interesting. The dialogue was alot better written, and they actually spent alot of the time talking. Which I like.

Maeda story was abit weird I admit, but you kinda got it at the end when.. Spoiler Talk: When she explained how Yuko basically asked her to find the meaning of life, I guess she just started wondering what the point of everything was and blah blah. I admit it wasn't to well developed, but it was fine, it was pretty periferal anyways.

I'm not going to go on too much more. But I really loved season 2. The overall tone was darker, the fight scenes were better choreographed, the characters got more depth, their conversations was better written and the story got more interesting. Now, these shows are campy as hell, you basically got to watch them with the same mindset as an anime, at least that was what I did. I also loved the first season, just for the record, but I just felt that Majisuka Gakuen 2 took everything from season 1 and improved on it. Now it did have some faults, even in my eyes. Like the Maeda story could have been more fleshed out, the "twins" was a pretty terrible idea and Team Fondue wasn't needed at all.

At last I'll just leave a comment on the brilliant ending:
Spoiler Talk: I really loved the way through the whole show they build up this fight between Shibuya and Maeda. When they finally meet face to face in the end and when Shibuya sees how all her former friends at Majisuka just gather around her sworn rival. The realization she gets like, "Damn it, there is no way I'll win" was just brilliant. Because of course, you know, she would never win. That was great
« Last Edit: August 29, 2012, 04:05:54 PM by Phantom »

Offline muppet

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Re: Majisuka Gakuen Season 2 Discussion Thread
« Reply #102 on: August 31, 2012, 01:53:14 PM »
I think I am really in the minority, but I liked the Daruma character in season 1. She played a necessary role, that of town drunk who is the only one who talks to the stranger with no name......

But Phantom san, yeah, now I really want to try and find season 2 and watch, thanks in part to your great comments above! Arigatou!

Offline AshuraX

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Re: Majisuka Gakuen Season 2 Discussion Thread
« Reply #103 on: August 04, 2013, 07:18:09 PM »

I friggin LoL'd

Relax your weapons Acchan oshi's, I'm one of you guys.

Frankly the only thing I don't like about MG2 was the fact that Acchan had too little screentime and like, she's eating flower petals for, what, 9 episodes? Well, her character development was shown though. She smiled more than she did in the first season. Plus I'm getting the vibe that her chara's close with Mukuchi, was it? Yeah, that.

Offline Mayu4Acchan

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Re: Majisuka Gakuen Season 2 Discussion Thread
« Reply #104 on: April 05, 2014, 05:14:37 PM »
Watching Majisuka Gakuen 2 Episode 1..... So Cool But Can You Tell me Guys Why Black-san is Cashier in Grocery Store? And Where All Members of 4 Heavenly Queen? They will Appear in Majisuka Gakuen 2? Thx Arigatou  :otomerika:



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