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Author Topic: 私のアホ家族(My Stupid Family)[24/6 - Chapter 25: A Series of Unfortunate Events]  (Read 96252 times)

Offline oddball

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Well that Sayu/Ai talk wasn't what I had expected, seems as though the two of them have changed over the years, I'm intreauged to find out more about these two as they seemed to be very close at one stage, as Ai robably was with the rest of PLAY.....

Offline aussie

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I love the thought of seeing Reina being paired up with Riho. Maybe it could be a turning point for Reina......and Riho may surprise her at how much Reina finds herself opening up to the little kid.

Until Reina learns about Ai being Riho's mother. I'm getting the feeling that while Sayu had been upset by Ai's action 12 years ago and is perhaps more understanding, Reina is the one who was affected more by Ai's sudden disappearance and expect some degree of hostility when ReinAi eventually have their reunion. To what capacity was their closeness, and Ai's history with members of PLAY is more intriguing than trying to figure out Riho's father XD

You're not going to put off the ReinAi reunion until Riho has been shadowing Reina for a while and is becoming closer to her, just to inject some tension into the story or anything, right? :lol: :P

Offline eruchan

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wow... 2 updates while i'm away :D

Ai-Sayu 'discussion' seems to be pretty civil...
I guess Sayu held back since they are in public and she tried to be considerate because of Ai's situation as single mom...
Reina and Riho finally meet  :w00t:
looking forward to see Reina mentoring Riho  XD
I guess it won't be very pleasant for both of them... at least in the beginning  :lol: considering they have a pretty similar personality and traits, stubborn, quick witted, sharp-tongue and a bit too honest XD
hopefully they'll get along in the future  :)

Offline Kikk4r

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wow great fic keep up with it :cow: ..... you are going to keep up with it right ??

P.S i`m going to die if you don`t :bleed eyes:

Offline Estrea

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Sorry for the long absence, but I found a job and was attempting to get over events in my life, so....yeah. XD But here I am!

rndy: Riho is a great kid. XD Ai should be proud haha. There's a whole story with Ai and the Rokkies, one that I shall contemplate whether or not to write eventually. XD It's good enough to warrant a short series on its own actually...hehe. I hope I can continue to hold your attention with the next chapter though I think that the next chapter sucks.

mmsuki: I too want to see Riho growing on Reina. We'll see some of that in the upcoming chapter actually. XD I like keeping things vague so as to keep all of you in suspense, hurhur.

mode107: I love leaving you guys hanging. :D Ai's past is fairly interesting so I can't blame you guys for getting interested in that! And we'll see about Eri showing up...not so soon but eventually!

SarangAi: Hiiiii! XD But yes, Ai has plenty of secrets~ We'll get to them in good time. XD Reina is definitely not the forgiving type, you're right. We'll see what happens when they eventually meet. ;)

dark-atrox: Of course Sayu can restrain herself, she's a celebrity. XD And lol, Konno does have something to do with the whole event...indirectly speaking. XD

drac: In the writing of the upcoming chapter, I am forced to agree with you. Reina does need to get laid. It was so...frustrating...writing her in that frame of mind. XD And lol you with your customary Sayu-crack. This fic Needs More Sayu. Well, she'll show up in the next couple of chapters. Probably. XD I like her too much to not include her. XD Though I'm curious, what are the gross speculations that popped into your head? Just say them. It might scar me for life, but heck. XD I'm curious~

oddball: Well they haven't seen each other in more than 12 years, people do change in that time. XD Details on their relationship will be revealed in time~

aussie: Reina needs a little time to get used to Riho. The Reina here has some severe issues to work through. XD You'll see. And stop reading my mind! :P

eruchan: You're right, Sayu does know how to be diplomatic. XD Reina vs Riho...whatever will happen? :lol: We'll see. XD

Kikk4r: Welcome to the thread! (and the forum too!) Well, it took me a while to update but here I am! :D Glad to know you like it, and don't die! :lol: I need every reader I can get to torture as I please to entertain. XD Hope to see you around!

Ok time to edit and post.


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline Estrea

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The Kid and I

Perhaps, Reina mused, the only good thing about this whole affair was the opportunity to spite Sayu with something she couldn't have.

It was almost worth the annoyance of gaining a second shadow half the time whenever she was out for work. To be fair, her new 'stalker' was quiet and unobtrusive -- her manager got in the way more than the girl did. Though, she would have preferred for the brat to walk a little less quietly. It made her nervous to never know exactly where she was going to pop up.

Reina had not known of Sayu's interest in her protege until after the fact, of course. As matter of course, she paid little attention to what her dear cousin did on her own time. Thus it had been with complete surprise when the poison-tongued bunny barged in with all the subtlety of a typhoon and proceeded to mow down everything in her way -- particularly poor, hapless, Moriya for her part in masterminding Riho's apprenticeship to Reina.

For that matter, Reina wondered how chubby Sasaki had managed to avoid Hurricane Michishige. The man had an uncanny instinct for avoiding trouble. Couple that with a total lack of ambition, and you have a person happily entrenched in middle management with no prospects for furtherment. To each their own, Reina supposed. Not that she would be satisfied with being anything but the best.

"Otsukaresama!" Reina favored the staff around her with a practised smile. Years on the job made the response automatic. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted her newly acquired shadow lurking by the production crew. The little group seemed to be huddling over a bunch of monitors, and Reina made an exasperated noise before heading over to collect the brat. She might not like having to babysit the girl, but she did take her responsibilities seriously.

Drifting closer, Reina -- who was totally not sneaking -- wandered over with every intention of grabbing the kid by the collar and dragging her away. Nicely, of course. She didn't need to be seen to bully children in public. Bad for her reputation, you see.

"So what do you think of Tanaka-san? I hear you've been shadowing her." Crew Member A, as Reina mentally dubbed, asked a very quiet Riho. Reina, who had been on the verge on emerging from the shadows to snare her apprentice, decided to stay there for a little while longer to observe the situation. Curiosity, you see, was ever a fault of hers.

"She's very good at what she does. I feel like I can learn a lot just by watching her." A careful, diplomatic answer if there was one. Reina gave the kid points for control, plus a few bonus ones for not showing a shred of emotion on her face. A poker face like that couldn't be taught, at least not easily. There was hope yet for the younger generation.

"That woman's always so standoffish though. I hear she has a fearsome temper," commented Crew Member B, who was editing the raw video they had taken earlier during the shoot.

"Really?" Riho was the picture of innocence. Reina silently applauded the act, while privately scheming how to discreetly get those idiots slandering her fired.

"Tanaka-san might look scary, but she's actually quite a nice person. She often worries about me." Riho followed up with the most sincere expression Reina had ever seen. Not bad for a damn brat, she admitted, though she wondered how deluded the girl could possibly be to interpret her worry as concern for her wellbeing. If anything, Reina just didn't want the kid fouling up on her watch and messing everything up. That did not equate as being nice. She was only nice to people she liked, and the brat had a long way to go to get there.

Though it was certainly no trouble pretending to be nice. The impression got her places, allowed her leverage with people she had no interest in, but had to flatter in order to get things done. Reina had little illusions about people, particular people in her line of work. She used them as ruthlessly as they would no doubt use her to advance themselves.

Yes, even that little kid she was supposed to be mentoring. It was no more than a residual instinct, but she felt the threat the girl represented. She was not getting any younger, and she knew that eventually someone younger and fresher would supersede her.

No doubt Sayu felt the same threat from younger stars, judging from how beautifully she denigrated them on national television for entertainment purposes. Reina knew her cousin well enough to tell when she really meant her insults, and there had definitely been more than a little truth in the things Sayu had been spouting on TV. Regardless of how ingeniously she dressed up her words, Reina recognized the genuine venom behind Sayu's lines.

We are family, after all. The thought was bitter on her lips. Reina was more straightforward in comparison. Her dislike was obvious, but she could endeavour to be polite for her own purposes. What she had no need for, she discarded. It was the only way not to get hurt by a world full of selfish pursuits.

"Tanaka-san?" Reina managed to not jump out of her skin, though she started visibly, her knuckles white on the tripod behind which she had been sheltering. Her scowl seemed only magnified by her ever-present sunglasses --- which was partially why she wore them to begin with.

"What?" Damn that kid and her incredible ability to appear out of nowhere. Did she secretly have ninja skills? Never mind that the kid so often looked like a kitten, she often slipped around as quietly as a great cat on the prowl. Again, she ignored the obvious irony, since she had herself been accused of the same thing, once upon a time. Although she never actually sneaked as blatantly as the damn brat did.

"Moriya-san was looking for you." Riho, looking even smaller in her huge jacket, seemed to disappear beneath the fur trim of the collar. It was rare for Reina to be able to look down on people, literally speaking, and she relished being able to do so for once as she replied coolly.

"I'll be along. The woman acts like my mother." She paused, thinking over the statement, then amended. "No, like my nanny." Her mother was a right force of nature. If anyone scared Reina, it was, without a doubt, the woman who bore her.

"Moriya-san can be a little...severe." Riho agreed after a moment's thought, watching Reina with curious eyes. Reina stared back, letting her shades slip off a little to expose the fact. Riho did not even flinch, but merely observed.

"You look tired, Tanaka-san."

Reina scoffed at that. Of course she looked tired. She had been up half the night filming for a movie, then had to wake up early for a meeting, and then now she was dragging around a whelp for a CM shooting. It helped that she had a few days off the next week, but next week couldn't come quickly enough. Being busy was a good thing though. It meant she was still in demand.

That was the reality of show business. You either worked yourself to death on fame, or starved to death without. It was thrilling, exhausting, fulfilling, and absolutely empty. But Reina had decided long ago that she would be famous, and by sheer dint of effort had reached this stage. She would not allow anything to discourage or pull her down, not even herself.

Perhaps that was why this girl, this Riho, got on her nerves so much. So much self assurance, the absolute conviction that she was exactly where she wanted to be, and the determination to rise to the very top --- all these things were familiar to Reina herself. She admired the spirit of youth, and despised it for its naivety. Yet, there was something about this girl, who did not shirk hard work and always observed so diligently at her side. This girl might just make it, given the right opportunities, Reina admitted to herself grudgingly. She was even kind of cute, and that definitely helped.

"Um, this is for you." Reina blinked once, twice, as her hands automatically received the shy offering from the kid. She tried to figure out what she had missed that Riho said prior, but found that she could remember nothing. "Mama said I should get you something, since I've been in your care for a while..." Riho fidgeted nervously and looked down at her shoes --- nice shoes that they were too, Reina observed offhandedly. Converse, always so timeless in design.

Reina looked into the neat package. Chocolate. Homemade too, it seemed. But more importantly, it was chocolate! Reina almost hugged the girl on impulse. She even managed to restrain the delighted squeak by disguising it as a cough.

"Thank you." She could get to like this kid. In this distance, she finally spotted a frantic Moriya who was all but turning over tables to look for her. Making a quick gesture at Riho to follow, Reina started over, but not without first sneaking a piece of the homemade chocolate to test the flavor.

A part of her had been anticipating something not so well made, some flaw to that otherwise flawless image that Wonderbrat was so effortlessly presenting. Unfortunately, that was not to be the case.

It was...good. Not as rich or sweet as the expensive chocolates that Reina so often bought for herself, but there was something nostalgic in that homey, down-to-earth taste. It made her feel better, even with the severe lack of sleep and irritation with the incompetent people she was forced to deal with on a daily basis.

Yeah, she could definitely grow to like this girl. Provided there was more chocolate. Yes.

Tanaka Reina was quite a simple girl, really. Too bad so few people realized this. Perhaps that was a good thing. No one needed to know that Tanaka-sama had a fatal weakness for chocolate. It was idol-like to have a sweet tooth, but to know the extent of her addiction...

Even better, this chocolate had matcha flavoring.

Yup, she definitely liked the kid now.


This was difficult to write. Lol. I think I'm woefully out of practice. Sigh. XD


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline rndmnwierd

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This chapter was awesome.  :lol:

Perhaps, Reina mused, the only good thing about this whole affair was the opportunity to spite Sayu with something she couldn't have.
Reina. XD

She's so jaded, though I guess for good reason. And it's natural for her to resent little Riho at first, since the girl seems to be just as she was back in the day. The fact that I have to say back in the day probably pisses Reina off more than a little, too. Then, the girl's innocent little offering.

Tanaka Reina was quite a simple girl, really.


Yup, she definitely liked the kid now.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Yeah.

Offline Kuji

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I liked it as soon as I read the title. You needn't worry about being out of practice!

But I seriously don't know why my brain just looked at the line about Reina's bitterness about Sayu and her being family and immediately leapt to a complicated story of forbidden love! ;w;  So much for Power Rangers saving my brain.

Diplomatic!Riho :thumbup Smart girl. You never badmouth a higher up ever, even if (you think) they're not around because it somehow gets back to them eventually and then you're in the poop.

Ai's mysterious past is still a mystery and sadly, no bunny in this chapter besides the hilarious mention of Hurricane Michishige. :lol: That was gold.

Even Reina cannot resist the awesome that is Riho. Hur hur... RihoRiho is invincible cute!

Much much less work done today than I expected but I still regret nothing! (insert spinning chicken .gif here)

Offline eruchan

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Reina - Riho chapter  :heart:
uh oh.. Reina doesn't really like the kid...
then again, kids and Reina just does not match  :lol:

It was...good. Not as rich or sweet as the expensive chocolates that Reina so often bought for herself, but there was something nostalgic in that homey, down-to-earth taste. It made her feel better, even with the severe lack of sleep and irritation with the incompetent people she was forced to deal with on a daily basis.
Homemade chocolate from Ai?

Tanaka Reina was quite a simple girl, really. Too bad so few people realized this. Perhaps that was a good thing. No one needed to know that Tanaka-sama had a fatal weakness for chocolate. It was idol-like to have a sweet tooth, but to know the extent of her addiction...

Even better, this chocolate had matcha flavoring.

Yup, she definitely liked the kid now.
that's fast  :lol:
she sure is a simple girl, give her chocolate and she'll like you  :lol:
why do I think it's Ai's doing so Reina warmed up to Riho faster  XD

Offline mmsuki

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Perhaps, Reina mused, the only good thing about this whole affair was the opportunity to spite Sayu with something she couldn't have.
:lol: Currently that is the only bright side Reina can see. But soon enough she will see the other good thing/s the situation will bring her. :P

"Tanaka-san?" Reina managed to not jump out of her skin, though she started visibly, her knuckles white on the tripod behind which she had been sheltering.
The hunter became the haunted. XD

If anyone scared Reina, it was, without a doubt, the woman who bore her.
:yep: You and I both Reina. XD

Reina looked into the neat package. Chocolate. Homemade too, it seemed. But more importantly, it was chocolate! Reina almost hugged the girl on impulse. She even managed to restrain the delighted squeak by disguising it as a cough.
:rofl: Sooo cute! Maybe Ai-chan knows Reina's weakness and purposely made it for her, for a better work environment for her daughter. :grin:

Yup, she definitely liked the kid now.
Well if it is Ai-chan's doing. I'd say mission accomplished. :thumbup

Offline kawaii beam

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lol XD just give reina chocolate and she'll like u....thats the moral of this chapter XD :deco: cant wait for more X3 sorry for such a short comment essy, but i am happy that your living positivly~! :twothumbs
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

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Perhaps, Reina mused, the only good thing about this whole affair was the opportunity to spite Sayu with something she couldn't have.

To be fair, her new 'stalker' was quiet and unobtrusive -- her manager got in the way more than the girl did. Though, she would have preferred for the brat to walk a little less quietly. It made her nervous to never know exactly where she was going to pop up.

Hurricane Michishige.
Marry me!

"Otsukaresama!" Reina favored the staff around her with a practised smile. Years on the job made the response automatic.

You know, reading this made me think of Reina now. It really has been years on the job for her. She certainly has grown up in the glare of the spotlight. It'll be interesting to do a proper dissection of that evolution, cutting away the grumpy and bratty chara we do so love to assign her. Has the job become tiresome? Is she still continuously grateful for the opportunity she's been given as an idol? Does she strive and covet for more than what her management can provide her?

Okay, sorry- back to the story instead.

Damn that kid and her incredible ability to appear out of nowhere. Did she secretly have ninja skills?


Yeah, she could definitely grow to like this girl. Provided there was more chocolate. Yes.
:lol: Yep. I love Reina's linear internalisation.

Tanaka Reina was quite a simple girl, really. Too bad so few people realized this. Perhaps that was a good thing. No one needed to know that Tanaka-sama had a fatal weakness for chocolate. It was idol-like to have a sweet tooth, but to know the extent of her addiction...
Ai knows, obviously...


Aw, Essy. This was such a sweet chapter- I don't know what made it so. It's not so much as the obvious mushy storyline, but its so much deeper than that. Hm- were you in a good mood writing this?

I think Reina as a character and personality gets too little love in general. There's plenty of love for the Rokkies, but for some reason Reina doesn't get as much attention. Or is it the people I mix with? *cough* Bee. Truth be told, I never gave the Rokkies much attention myself, except to coo over Eri occasionally and letch marvel at Sayu. Writing them helped me love them just that bit more, but Reina gets assigned the staple tsundere chara and that's that.

Your works have really made me sit up and think about Reina a little more. You like writing Reina, don't you? Difficult though it may be. Interesting that you would write Ai and Reina so well, the two of them with more depth than their surface would indicate. Much like how many writers stay clear of Ai because they cannot get a grasp on her personality (myself included), many times Reina gets the same treatment, or gets written as the bad-tempered character.

I know what you mean when you say it can get tiresome to write Reina this way. To put it in a nice way, it's like not being able to do her personality justice. On the flip side, it's like playing make-believe with toys and Reina is the toy that just sits there playing the auxiliary character while our left and right hand is occupied with the two other toys we like best. In that sense, this is why Destiny Love and NR became my go-to for Reina-related reference. OOC or not, the Reina you fleshed out has made me, as a fan, think of her much more than 'that cute tiny idol with a bratty chara and photobooks'.

Though I'm curious, what are the gross speculations that popped into your head? Just say them. It might scar me for life, but heck.  I'm curious~
I forget now. But they were quite gross, I assure you.

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

Offline SarangAi

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LOL that is actually really funny.  It seems like Reina is all about being pro and perfect but Riho breaks her down with chocolate~  :lol:

she should take her to hershey park  :twisted:

avii&sig by the wonderful kawaii beam~!

Offline Shiawase_Honoo

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Ha ha ha ha ha ha :rofl: :rofl:
I think it's so serious, but you had made it so funny at last :lol:
The Queen lost to the kid's hand made chocolate :rofl:

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Hey I'm back! I'm tired! I'm kooky! I'm comment replying!

rndy: Glad you think so. I still don't think my writing is all that good. The next chapter still feels kinda blah to me somehow. It could be the tiredness talking. I don't know. XD But yes, Reina does feel resentful towards Riho at first, and with good reason! Hehe. I'm glad you like how Reina was...convinced. :P

Kuji: I got lucky with that title. I half ass all my titles right before I post every time. XD And oh you with your TanaShige glasses. XD Such a shame. :P More Hurricane Michishige for you! And yes RihoRiho is invincible cute. :D THERE CAN BE NO REGRET WHERE SHE IS CONCERNED.

eruchan: Kids and would think that Reina, being a big kid herself, would get along with kids...but I guess Reina doesn't like the competition? :lol:

mmsuki: I like how easily Reina is exploited too. XD Ai is a good mama who wants the best for her kid, and she does stuff to make things easier for her. :) Riho should be grateful!

kawaii: Yeah, that really is the moral of the chapter. :lol: Oh Reina, how easily bribed you are....

drac: Firstly, thank you for your long comment. :D I hope I will not disappoint you with the next chapter, where your prospective wifey takes center stage again. XD I would like to do a good character study on Reina some time, she deserves better treatment than she actually gets...even if she IS kind of a brat. Do I like writing Reina? In a way, I kind of do. Getting into her head helps me feel more honest with myself, since I see Reina as someone who is straightforward and unlikely to hide behind false meanings. Sure, she can put up a show of bravado to hide weakness, but on all other occasions she will not hesitate to speak her mind -- unless she is afraid, of course. Hence the hiding. Hence the false show of confidence. Reina will not tolerate weakness, especally not from herself. And she's not likely to forgive it in others either. XD And yes, from this extended digression it does seem like I spend a lot of time thinking about her character. Funny how I focus on those who tend to fall easily into stereotype. TsundeReina might be a very real facet of her, but it's hardly the whole thing. I do rather appreciate complexities. :D And I'm glad I was able to inspire more thought in her from you!

SarangAi: Everyone has a weakness. Reina's just happens to be chocolate lol. XD I think Reina would be a happy camper in any place that has chocolate and cute things. XD

Shiawase_Honoo: I'm glad I amused you! Oh Reina, to fall to the temptation of chocolate! Tsk. XD

Well that took a while. Time to edit and post!


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

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- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline rndmnwierd

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O_o Wedge~!

Have to leave now...Darnit, I wanted to be the first to reply, too.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 08:58:53 PM by rndmnwierd »

Offline Estrea

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Michishige Sayumi was a busy woman.

Recordings for the variety shows she was a regular on, the occasional magazine shoot, the regular work for promotional material, even updating her blog...

Being a valued commodity has its perks, but the downside was that she had so very little time.

Despite all that though, she still somehow managed to find a way to keep in touch with people, particularly her dearly beloved cousin, who for reasons unknown seemed to be unreasoningly grouchy at her. It was so terrible of that woman, really. Couldn't that ungrateful brat appreciate just how magnanimous she had been in forgiving that horrible sin of taking Riho away from her?

Then again, what else could she have expected from a former yankii? She still had photo evidence of those days. One could never be too sure when a little blackmail could be needed. Not that she had to resort to that, of course. See how graciously she has conducted herself so far!

Really, kids these days. Reina might be 26 right now, but younger is still younger, and Sayumi had the right to call her a damn brat...damn it.

In her humble, unbiased, and obviously that much older and wiser opinion, Reina was clearly unfit to take charge of that wonderful sunray of sparkly rainbow kittenish joy that was Takahashi Riho. Why, she barely pays attention to the girl! How could anyone not look at miraculous bundle of awesome? That huggable, glomp-able, embodiment of all things cute (that was not Sayumi herself) in the world?

And she was doing it again! Sayumi almost sprang out from where she was concealed behind three potted plants and a cardboard cutout to sprint over to the scene of that unutterable crime. Until her legendary athleticism -- or rather, the lack thereof -- conspired with the nefarious fauna to tangle her within their leafy arms.

That is, she tripped and got tangled amongst the potted plants. Her sole comfort in the whole affair was the fact that the cardboard cutout (ironically, it was herself in all her godly kawaii) had covered up her moment of indignity. Surely this was proof that the gods favored the adorable!

Grateful at least that she managed to not eat dirt, Sayumi extricated herself with minimal damage -- though she accidentally left a ribbon dangling from one leafy appendage like an overdue (or early) Christmas adornment. The plant would be much improved by that addition. Yes, of that she had no doubt whatsoever...had she known about it, of course.

Nevertheless! Sayumi managed to nonchalantly slip back behind cover, while struggling to process the severity of the crime she had just witnessed. How could anyone, for the love of all things kawaii, ignore dear little Riho? And to do it persistently! Sayumi was shocked. The temerity of her cousin! How could they possibly be related? Had Reina no sense of the kawaii whatsoever? It was unbelievable.

Riho should really be with her, Sayumi affirmed to herself. Someone who would appreciate her for that ball of adorable fluff that she was, to be showered with hugs and praises and all the guidance ever necessary to succeed in life. Much better than that unresponsive, insensitive blockhead of a cousin. Really! You'd never think they were related at all!

Sayumi pretended to be engrossed with her phone as busy staff members walked past, some of them even perceptive enough to flick curious glances at her. Lurking behind a cardboard cutout of herself might not be the most inconspicuous thing she has ever done. But at least it beat trying to hide behind her former refuge, the now toppled pot lying helplessly on its side.

For good measure, she updated her blog yet again with some meaningfully meaningless drivel that her eminently clever brain conjured up on the spur of a moment. See, she was working, not wasting her time stalking, um, observing the progress of Reina and dear little Riho.

No, how could anyone as kawaii as her ever feel the need to resort to such base means? People stalked her, not the other way round. She was merely...curious...about how her cousin would deal with the wonder child that should so belong to her. Ahem. Moving on.

Even knowing that Riho was Ai's child, or perhaps even more so because she was, Sayumi was determined to keep an eye on the kid. She could definitely see the resemblance now. The way Riho carried herself brought back fond memories for Sayumi. It was like seeing a miniature version of her beloved Takahashi-senpai back in the day.

It brought back familiar feelings too. Sayumi wanted Riho. The kid was hers to play with, damn it -- to teach, to spend time with, to nurture and smother with affection! Naturally, that was obviously because she was simply too cute to resist, and Sayumi definitely did not want to share. Not with anyone. And especially not with Reina.

Sayumi did not naturally hold grudges -- it brought on wrinkles with all that excessive grudge-bearing -- but she had a woman's naturally long memory for previous injuries. She might have forgiven Reina for her deception all those years back, but that did not mean she was likely to forget about it any time soon. Oh no, never. And was that a wrinkle near her temple?

A second examination via compact mirror erased that minor alarm. Wrinkles were a no-no. Sayumi took her appearance very seriously. She could hardly bear to be anything other than what her fans deserved to see! It would be a sin against herself. She could hardly condone that.

The pair she was so not stalking had retired to a corner, where...good heavens! The cardboard cutout of a smiling Michishige Sayumi shook with visible heat, propelled by the seething aura of impending violence emanating from the real thing. If Hello Kitty had a chainsaw, that would perhaps have been the appropriate parallel to how the (self proclaimed) personification of kawaii was figuratively like right now.

Cousin or no, if looks could kill, Reina would for all intents and purposes be rendered down to kibble and fed to her own cats. Even seated where she was, a good fifty feet away from the murderous intent directed at her, Reina still felt an instinctive chill run up her spine, stiffening her already rock-hard shoulders.

"Tanaka-san, you should try and relax a bit more..." Riho suggested with a look of utmost concentration as she attempted to knead out the knotted muscles in Reina's shoulders.

With a shrug, Reina hummed her assent and allowed her kouhai to massage her shoulders with a relaxed sigh of contentment. She was most definitely getting used to having the kid around.

Now, if she could only just get rid of that irritating feeling of being watched...


Short chapter is short. Title makes a weird kind of sense to my overworked brain. How long have I been awake? 20 hours? Around there. Maybe more. Dunno. Don't care. What was that?

Need. Sleep.


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: 私のアホ家族 (trl: My Stupid Family) [26/4 - Chapter 9: Jigsaw]
« Reply #117 on: April 25, 2011, 11:01:07 PM »
What, seriously, two hours later and I still managed to be the first to comment?  :lol:

This chapter is so much crack. Maybe because SAYU is so much crack. XD

Until her legendary athleticism -- or rather, the lack thereof -- conspired with the nefarious fauna to tangle her within their leafy arms.
Stalking Sayu FTW. :lol: How conspicuous.

It brought back familiar feelings too. Sayumi wanted Riho. The kid was hers to play with, damn it -- to teach, to spend time with, to nurture and smother with affection! Naturally, that was obviously because she was simply too cute to resist, and Sayumi definitely did not want to share. Not with anyone. And especially not with Reina.
Hmm, this makes me wonder.

She might have forgiven Reina for her deception all those years back, but that did not mean she was likely to forget about it any time soon.
This makes me worry.

The pair she was so not stalking had retired to a corner, where...good heavens! The cardboard cutout of a smiling Michishige Sayumi shook with visible heat, propelled by the seething aura of impending violence emanating from the real thing. If Hello Kitty had a chainsaw, that would perhaps have been the appropriate parallel to how the (self proclaimed) personification of kawaii was figuratively like right now.
And this makes me die laughing.

Now, if she could only just get rid of that irritating feeling of being watched...
:lol: :lol:

SLEEP Essy! *jazz hands*

Offline mmsuki

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Re: 私のアホ家族 (trl: My Stupid Family) [26/4 - Chapter 9: Jigsaw]
« Reply #118 on: April 26, 2011, 12:37:09 AM »
ah~.. more puzzle to piece together.. :doh:  XD

It looks like Sayu's interest in Riho has increased ever since finding out she is Ai-chan's daughter. She even resorted to stalking! :lol:  :heart:

.... Sayumi definitely did not want to share. Not with anyone. And especially not with Reina.
I know Sayu is bitter that Reina gets to teach Riho - a job she'd willingly do, and much more!- but it looks like it runs deeper than that... :huhuh
And it looks like that Reina had past transgressions with Sayu, which definitely does not help contribute to their cousinly love .. :lol:
I'm really curious about that too! Everyone's past is still a big mystery... :panic:

If Hello Kitty had a chainsaw, that would perhaps have been the appropriate parallel to how the (self proclaimed) personification of kawaii was figuratively like right now.
:rofl: Hello Kitty with a chainsaw is a really disturbing picture to think about!.. :nervous

Offline eruchan

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Jealous Stalker Sayu  :lol:
if she had the girl for herself she definitely would spoil her too much  XD

The pair she was so not stalking had retired to a corner, where...good heavens! The cardboard cutout of a smiling Michishige Sayumi shook with visible heat, propelled by the seething aura of impending violence emanating from the real thing. If Hello Kitty had a chainsaw, that would perhaps have been the appropriate parallel to how the (self proclaimed) personification of kawaii was figuratively like right now.
it would looks like a possessed cardboard cutout  :lol:

"Tanaka-san, you should try and relax a bit more..." Riho suggested with a look of utmost concentration as she attempted to knead out the knotted muscles in Reina's shoulders.
Ah... I remembered Riho said she's good at shoulder massage   :)

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