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Author Topic: An Annoying Paradise - Den-O 32 - Repairing the Damage - 12/30/12 season finale  (Read 53396 times)

Offline resop2

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Hello everyone!

This is resop2 from the jpopmusic forums (RIP).

I have a bunch of fanfics that I have written, so I thought I would share them with you.  At the very least you'll have something to laugh at.

The first story I want to serialize is called "An Annoying Paradise".

The fic is really two stories in one, so very often the story will go over events that have already happened, but from the point of view of a different character.

The "gimmick" of the story is that one of the points of view is supposed to evoke the feeling of a manga serialized in "Sho-Komi" and the other viewpoint is supposed to evoke the feeling of a manga serialized in "Shounen Jump".

The story will start in the next post and I will try to update it every three days or so.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2012, 07:33:33 AM by resop2 »

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An Annoying Paradise part 1
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2011, 07:59:55 AM »
(This is a fan fic based on the "public images" of various Hello!Project artists and is no way shape or form trying to imply anything about the personal lives of the real people behind the public images.)

Note: This story was inspired by a description of a manga at

An Annoying Paradise ("serialized in sho-komi")

Towa struggles to get to Junior High School.  His mother and father had held him up again with their endless fussing over him.

"Hey cutie, do you want a love love date?"

Towa cringes, this was the third time this week he had been approached by some creepy guy, a different one each time.

Towa motions for the guy to come closer to him and when he does Towa surprises him by grabbing his wrist and flipping him to the ground.  A situation made even more surprising because Towa is only half the size of the pervert.  "Listen up, baka.  You just propositioned a guy.  You also propositioned a boy in Junior High School.  What do you think the cops would say if they found out?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"See that sign over there.  It's the sign for my Junior High School.  Stop looking for dates around here."

"I understand.  I won't ever again.  It's just..."

Towa painfully twists the pervent's wrist a little harder.  "Just what??"

"You complexion was so flawless, I really thought you were a grown up girl."

"Get out of here!"

The pervert runs away.

Towa sighs.  Why were his parents so weird?  They wouldn't let him cut his hair and they tried their best to keep him away from doing guy things.

Towa enters homeroom.

"Towa-kun you have to see this!"  Santa waves a trade magazine at him.

Towa and Santa are on the softball team together.  Although Towa is smaller than the other boys he gets on base often by walking and is considered solid in left field being able to cover a large area and being able to throw the ball well.

Towa cringes a little.  Gee, Santa is a wota, so the article is probably about some audition for girl idols.  Maybe he's going to tease me and say that I should audition as a girl?

Santa spreads out the magazine.  "Audition tonight for male idols at the hotel.  You would be a shoe-in."


"You kicked some ass in the school play last year.  With your long hair hidden under a wig everyone thought you had star potential."

Suddenly a thought strikes Towa.  Even though most of the time at home he isn't allowed to be boyish, his room is kind of his male sanctuary.  And, in the middle of this sanctuary is a poster of the glamorous pop idol Reina.  The poster shows Reina in an atypical cute pose compared to her usual bad girl image.  Gee, Reina is close to me in age.  If I could become an idol, maybe I could meet her?

Towa shudders.  That's pretty far fetched.

"We don't have practice tonight.  And, I can get you that wig from the drama club.  You should give it a shot."

"Well, I suppose that if I didn't do it I would regret missing the chance later, right?"

Santa nods.

Towa is very careful to explain the situation to his parents carefully and truthfully.  It's not that he was a bad liar, but his parents were both very sharp so lying to them would never work.  They are at first enthusiastic but then are disappointed when he says that he will be wearing a wig for the audition.

Towa arrives at the hotel.  Hundreds of guys have shown up to audition, almost all of them taller.  However, Towa is not intimidated.  He is used to be smaller than the other guys around him and is not afraid of standing out.

After a brutally long wait, his name is called to go on stage and sing.  Towa hits the stage with energy and gives it his all with his voice.

Things go well until he trips over a loose wire and his wig falls off revealing his long hair.

Towa doesn't even see the two security guards coming and no amount of his protesting that he was really a guy prevents them from showing him the door.

Towa mopes around in the hotel hallway in shock.  He had auditioned well!  He was head and shoulders better than the guys who had come before him.  This wasn't fair!

"Excuse me?  May I talk to you?"

Towa half expects to see another pervert, but instead the person asking was a nice looking well dressed business man.

"What do you want?"

The man bows respectfully and carefully hands Towa a business card.  It says among other things "record producer" and it was a name he had heard of!  In fact, it is the producer of Reina!

Towa looks at the guy, and there is no doubt.  Towa recognizes him from Reina's last television appearance.  "Wow, this is a shock."

"I was in the audience as a guest.  I thought you had some real spunk on stage.  I think I could really do something with you if you signed with me."

"But, sir, I don't understand.  I am a boy.  Your company produces girl idols, right?"

"That is correct, but I was thinking of branching out."

"Oh my god.  This is awesome."

"Are your parents available?  I would like to discuss this with them."

Towa calls his parents on his cell phone.  He had made them promise not to come to the audition so he wouldn't be nervous, but this was different.

Within a couple of minutes (much faster than they could have come if they were really at home) his parents arrive and the producer, a mysterious man who goes by the American letter "T," leads them to his hotel suite.

Towa's mom, a stunning former model, gushes with excitement.  "I can't believe that my Towa won the audition."

T pauses a moment before speaking.  "Actually, he was disqualified because the judges thought he was a girl.  But, I'm from a different company than the one that sponsored the audition."

"But, you still want to sign our son?"

"Yes.  But, I need to discuss one detail with you so I can get your approval.  I would need for him to cut his hair."

Towa's mom's jaw drops.  "His hair?"

"Yes, I think he would be much prettier with a shorter, more layered cut.  I have some stylists with me now.  The could demonstrate."

The stylists come over and give Towa's mom an idea of what he would look like with shorter hair.

Towa's mom starts crying.  "Towa, your mom has failed you.  I'm sorry I'm not as good as a professional stylist."

Towa starts getting very worried over his mother's approval.  "Wait a second, I thought that you were thinking of branching out into boy idols.  If my mother is approving, they must be making me look even more girly than usual."

T strikes an enigmatic smile.  "Towa, I like you.  I like kids who have quick minds.  All right, I'll lay out my plan for you.  I would like to put you and Reina in a singing duo."


"However, Reina has a phobia about boys.  I think that if she teams with you for a while without knowing that you're a boy, then she'll be able to overcome her phobia."

"So, you're signing me as a girl idol?"


Towa looks at his parents who are beaming joyously at each other.

Still, I would get to meet Reina.  It wouldn't be the best of situations since I would be meeting her under false pretenses, but at least I would be meeting her.  "Okay, I'll do it."

T brings out contracts for Towa's parents to sign.

"Okay, now that the legal stuff is out of the way, I am going to need you, Towa, to have your make over now, before I show you my company's headquarters.  I can't let Reina see the before pictures, so to speak."

The stylists grab Towa and go to work on him.  Fifteen minutes later, they are done.  They show Towa his new look in a mirror.

"I don't understand, I look a lot more like a boy now."

T nods.  "Before you looked like a girl trying to be a boy.  Now you look like a boy who could be girl."  T turns to the stylists, "Can we change the girl's lipstick?"

"I'm not wearing any!  And, why are you referring to me as a girl?"

"From now on, you will be called a girl exclusively.  I am also going to give you a new name.  Your new name is Aika."

"This is so weird."

"But, it's necessary.  To maintain the illusion you have to be Aika now."

Towa looks in the mirror at a stranger.  Well, at least I will be able to meet Reina.

"Okay, my name is Aika."

To be continued

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Re: An Annoying Paradise
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2011, 11:19:36 AM »
cross dressing very interesting concept here, well I expect a post in about three days right?
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: An Annoying Paradise
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2011, 11:41:19 AM »
A reverse cross dressing story.... It' a good idead, having the biy dress as a girl as we so often see it the other way round

looking forward to more!  :twothumbs

Offline Shiawase_Honoo

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Re: An Annoying Paradise
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2011, 05:55:34 PM »
This sounds interesting!
Wait for the next chap >w<

Offline shenlog

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Re: An Annoying Paradise
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2011, 09:02:30 PM »
I feel sorry for Aika now  :nervous
Sounds interesting so far so i'm waiting for next chapter  :w00t:

Offline ms.chayla-tan

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Re: An Annoying Paradise
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2011, 09:12:36 PM »
i like it :)

Offline rokun

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Re: An Annoying Paradise
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2011, 10:19:21 PM »
Hey, you made it over here! Welcome :)

This is definitely a bit... different than what I'm generally used to over here lol, but it seems a creative story. Definitely nice and messed up. ^_^ This isn't really a regular "H!P girl with guy" story, at least. XD

I see you've some support already too, so keep at it! More forum activity is always great!

You should check out the pairings forum too (under The Piehole - H!P Crapola) to get a bit of a pulse on what's big around here!

Offline aya-chii

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Re: An Annoying Paradise
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2011, 06:13:35 AM »
WHAHAHAHAHAH. this is fun
i wasn't expecting it to be aika XD

Offline resop2

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Re: An Annoying Paradise
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2011, 05:16:43 AM »
@aya-chii - who were you expecting?

@rokun - I will definitely check out the pairings forum.  However, I was shocked to see yesterday that a crack pairing I was using in a different story (a sempai/kouhai pairing), misono/makoto had at least one picture to it's credit.

@ms.chayla-tan, Shiawase_Honoo - Thanks!

@shenlog - As well you should as this story is called an Annoying paradise for a reason ...

@oddball - Yeah, it's rare in shoujo manga for a boy to cross dress as a girl, but there are isolated examples.  The story that inspired this half of the fanfic was about a girl cross dressing as a guy.

@kurosawa87 - your wait is over.

Offline resop2

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Re: An Annoying Paradise
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2011, 05:24:33 AM »
(This is a fan fic based on the "public images" of various Hello!Project artists and is no way shape or form trying to imply anything about the personal lives of the real people behind the public images.)

Note: This story was inspired by a description of a manga at

An Annoying Paradise Part 2 ("serialized in sho-komi")

Aika's eyes grow large as he looks at the headquarters of Harmony Project.  He had seen it in the news before, but it looked much more dramatic in person especially at night.

Aika gets out of the car.

Immediately, T pounces on him.  "I guess this is going to be more complicated than I thought."

"What's wrong?"

"I guess you haven't worn a skirt before?"

"Why would I do that?"

T hits himself in the head.  "Okay, when you exit a car in a short skirt you need to make sure your skirt is in the correct position or else you'll be giving anyone around a free panty shot."

Aika blushes.  T was correct.  It was embarrassing enough that he had to wear panties now, there was no need to show them unnecessarily.

Aika gets back in the car and comes out again properly.  "And, this goes on my shoulder?"

T nods as Aika adjusts the purse that he had been given.  "It's a little short on cute things, but that will come.  For now, your story is that you're a super Tom boy who hates cute things."

"That won't be a problem."

Aika and T approach the door.  Even though it is now late at night Aika can see the place is buzzing with activity.  "Do you guys always work this late?"

"Of course.  All of the girls go to school during the day.  As will you."


"As a girl."

Aika gulps.  "You've got to be kidding."

"No, I am not.  There will be photographers for dirt sheets that will be following you from now on.  We need to maintain the illusion at all times.  Especially now."

Aika and T walk into the building.  Dozens of employees greet T respectfully.

"Let Reina know that she has a visitor."

"Yes, sir, T-sama."

Aika and T reach the elevator.

"You're really respected around here."

"I write all of the songs and direct all of the producers.  I don't ask for people to fawn on me, it just seems natural that they should."

Aika and T arrive at an unmarked room.

Aika anticipates the room to be small because there are so many doors in the hall.

"This is Reina's favorite rehearsal room."  T knocks.

"Come in!"

Aika enters what is more than a booth than a room.  Sitting on a stool in the middle of the room is Reina.  Reina wears purple sweats and no make up.  She looks unnervingly plain.  Behind Reina, sitting behind a stand up piano is an older woman.

"Reina, this is a new girl who I recruited tonight.  Her name is Aika."

"Hi, Aika." Reina barely speaks above a whisper.

The older woman speaks.  "Hello, Aika, my name is Sachiko.  I am Reina's vocal coach.  Don't mind her whispering, she's just saving her voice."

T smiles.  "Reina is a very hard worker.  She had a great many vocal deficiencies when she started but she's overcome them all, thanks to Sachiko."

Reina enthusiastically nods.

"You and Aika might be teamed together if she can get it together."

Reina smiles.  "Which designers do you like, Aika?"

Aika gets a deer in the headlights look.  His mom would talk about designers all the time but he would tune it out.  "Um, er, I usually wear pants."

Reina smiles.  "That's fine.  Better no fashion at all than crappy fashion."

T moves in to rescue Aika.  "Reina, I'm sure that you'll be a good senpai for Aika and teach her all there is to know about fashion.  Truth be told, I had to convince her not to come in a softball uniform."

"A sports girl? Good, I need someone tough on my side.  There's a lot of backstage bullying that goes on.  You can be my boyfriend, okay?"

"I guess?" Aika looks very flustered.

"I'm going to show Aika her office now.  Tomorrow evening you can lead her around to make her introductions."

Aika bows.  "Please take care of me."

"Of course."

T leads Aika away.  "I think that went well."

"If you say so."

Later that night, after Aika gets home, he calls Santa.

"Towa-kun, are you okay?"

"What do you mean?"

"I saw them throw you off stage at the audition."

"Yeah, that kind of stunk.  My wig fell off so they thought I was a girl.  I didn't even get to see your audition."

"Ouch! That's horrible.  Especially since you were better than me, so you would have won for sure."

"What do you mean?"

Aika hears Santa cackling like a maniac.  "You're talking to the next big boy idol star."

"You won?"

"Yes.  And, now I'm going to get to hobnob with all of the girls that I have idolized as an equal."

"That's great!"

"Well, I have to go, I have a new school to go to tomorrow."

"I, ..." Aika pauses.  Well, there's no need to tell him now is there? "Good night, and show them your true terror."

The next day Aika shows up at his new school.  T had explained to him that he could use the cover story that he had to do things at home so that he could leave campus frequently during the day so that he wouldn't have to use the student's girls room.  Also, since he was in show business, he was going to get credit for music and physical education, since he was going to get a lot of that at night.

Aika reports to the principle, as all transfer students are supposed to.  When he gets there, to his dismay there is another transfer student already there.

"Hey cutie, how are you doing?"

The principle slaps the boy upside the head.  "Your manager made it clear to me that you're not supposed to cause any scandals."

"Yes, sir."

"Especially since this girl is also a recently signed idol." The principal picks up some forms and picks them back down.  "Miss Aika, let me introduce you to Santa."

To Be Continued

Offline Shiawase_Honoo

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Re: An Annoying Paradise - part 2 - updated 2/22
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2011, 08:56:59 AM »
w...w...what the...!? (=[]=!?!?!?!
It's seem to be great, however in the last line...(=[]=!!!

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Re: An Annoying Paradise - part 2 - updated 2/22
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2011, 10:15:56 AM »
They are in the same school  :lol: :lol:
and Santa's already hitting on Aika  :smhid
I want him to find out who Aika really is  :D

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Re: An Annoying Paradise - part 2 - updated 2/22
« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2011, 11:00:19 AM »
 :lol: seems that poor Aika has a few things to learn about being a girl  :doh:

Ans 'she' gets put into the same School as Santa, who immediatly tries to hit on her!?!  :panic:  XD

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Re: An Annoying Paradise - part 2 - updated 2/22
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2011, 08:12:44 PM »
@Shiawase_Honoo, shenlog, oddball

It's called an Annoying paradise for a reason ...

And, don't think that Santa will be the only boy cold crushing on Aika, or that undesired same sex attention will be his only problem.

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Re: An Annoying Paradise - part 2 - updated 2/22
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2011, 08:43:32 PM »
(This is a fan fic based on the "public images" of various Hello!Project artists and is no way shape or form trying to imply anything about the personal lives of the real people behind the public images.)

Note: This story was inspired by a description of a manga at

An Annoying Paradise Part 3 ("serialized in sho-komi")

Aika looks at his friend Santa with disbelief.  Santa has no clue who I am?  "Pleasure to meet you."


"Both of your are in the Peach Class on the second floor."

Aika and Santa walk the halls.  Aika fidgets slightly.  "So, you're a big star?"

"I just got signed, but don't worry, I'll be the biggest."

Aika nods.  "I wonder if I'll even be okay."

"Believe in yourself, that's the key."

The teacher of the Peach class welcomes them.  Aika carefully writes the Kanji of her name that T had given her the night before on the blackboard.

Aika looks around the class.  Oh, great.  I'm supposed to be a girl idol, but I don't really measure up well in a room full of other girl idols.

"Aika-kun, please take the seat next on the right."

"Yes, sensei."  Well, at least I get to sit next to Reina.

Aika sees Santa is already flirting with the other girls in the class.  Maybe I don't need to worry about him trying to latch onto me.

"Don't let people's looks fool you.  This is a brutal school."

Aika is surprised not only by Reina's comment but also by Reina's deadpan delivery.  "Okay."

Aika's new school proves as boring as his old school, but finally lunch occurs.

"Let's go to the cafeteria!"

Aika nods.  He leaves with Reina but after going down a hall stops.  "Oops, I forgot my purse."

"Woah, girl.  You must be really nervous to do that.  I'll wait here."

"Yeah, nervous, that's it."  As opposed to this being only the second day that I have had this purse.

Aika runs back to the room and gets his purse.  But, on the way out of the room ...

"Hey, it's the new girl."

Aika finds his path blocked by two girls, both taller than him.  Both also have noticeable bust lines, unlike Reina.

"Let's tease this new girl until she cries."

"I like that.  Being a good girl is so boring."

Aika raises an eyebrow.  He has always been somewhat smaller than his peers, so he had to learn how to deal with bullying at an early age.

"Oh, boo hoo hoo.  I'm being bullied.  How's that?"  Aika delivers his line in a flat sarcastic manner.

"I don't think you're taking us seriously little girl."

Aika steps forward, invading the personal space of the bully who just spoke.  "Serious?  Why should I be serious with you?"

The girl steps back.  "Oh my god, she's a psycho."

"I'm scared."

"Let's get out of here."

The two girls run off in terror.

Aika walks over to Reina who had been watching the whole thing.

"Damn, girl.  You're definitely my boyfriend now."

"Bullies can't stand it when things don't go the way they expect."

"What if they attacked you?"

Aika stands straight.  "It would have been a bad day for them."

Aika looks at Reina and sees the cogs in her head turning.

"I got it.  In our business the public needs to be able to pigeonhole us into various personality types.  That's why I play up dressing like a bad girl so much.  But, for you, I'm seeing a haughty Queen type."

Aika looks uneasy.  "If you say so."

"Try the imperious laugh."

"What's that?"

"Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho."  Reina puts her hand under her chin and sticks her nose straight in the air.

"I thought they only did that in anime."

Reina nods.  "Maybe a withering stare would be better."

Aika looks at Reina, starting to feel annoyed.

"Exactly!  You're a natural."

"But, I wasn't doing anything."

"So much the better.  Now let's get something to eat."

"Okay, but I will have to visit home before the next class."

The rest of the day passes without incident.  Reina is able to help Aika stay out of trouble.

Aika reports to the Harmony Project building.  He is met this time by an older woman.

"Good evening Aika.  My name is Megumi.  I will be one of your handlers.  T has decided that you will share Sachiko with Reina as a vocal coach, but I will be in charge of your fashion.  Basically I can be your buyer, so just point things out to me and I can get them for you, if we don't blow our budget."

Aika nods nervously.

"You should join Reina in dance class now.  There should be some cute sweats in the locker in your office.  Let's get you changed."

Megumi leads Aika to her office/booth.

"Ah, do you mind?"

"My, my.  You do realize that when you do a concert you'll have to change costumes in front of the costume team who are all gay men?"

Aika blushes.  That would be game over.  "Even so, I'm not doing a concert today."

"Okay."  Megumi waits in the hall for Aika to change.

"So, where's the dance lesson?"

Megumi leads Aika down the hall to the dance rehearsal room.  Several girls are warming up and stretching themselves.  "Aika, here are some of Reina's co-workers.  This is Risa, Eri, Sayumi and Risako.  They are in a five person unit with Reina.  Over here is Maasa and Momoko.  They are in a three person unit with Reina.  They are also in other units, but you don't have to learn all of them today."

Aika notices that Sayumi and Risako are cowering in terror behind Risa and Eri.  "Don't tell me."  A quick look behind Risa and Eri confirms her suspicions.  "You guys again?"

"Megumi, save us!  She's insane!"

Megumi frowns.  "Sayumi, Risako, what have I told you about bullying younger idols?"

Both girls hang their heads in shame.

"I'm sorry, Aika, sometimes fame can go to these girls' heads."

Aika sees Reina wink to her.  Aika tries her withering stare.  "Well, it's not like these two are going to succeed at bullying anyone anytime soon."

Aika sees that her stare even upsets Megumi a little.

"Will you two apologize?"

"Yes, sensei.  Please forgive us, Aika-kun."

Aika maintains her stare.  "I suppose so, just this once."  Will I ever get to work with normal people at this company?

To Be Continued

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Re: An Annoying Paradise - part 2 - updated 2/22
« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2011, 12:23:56 PM »
Lol death stare Aika  :lol: Well at least it seemed to impress Reina, hmm I wonder how they will get roung the problems of Aika changing at concerts?

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Re: An Annoying Paradise - part 2 - updated 2/22
« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2011, 11:45:28 AM »
...You do realize that when you do a concert you'll have to change costumes in front of the costume team who are all gay men?"
is that true?  :shocked

haha. wearing panties even you're not a boy.. wouldn't it be a problem if the skirt flies off...? *imagines* yeah.. terribly bad... :panic:

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Re: An Annoying Paradise - part 2 - updated 2/22
« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2011, 11:09:56 PM »
@oddball, aya-chii - Having to change backstage in front of gay male costume workers is part of life at that "other" h!p organization (I think KonKon brought it up in an interview).

And, now for something similar but completely different...

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Re: An Annoying Paradise - part 2 - updated 2/22
« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2011, 11:32:24 PM »
(This is a fan fic based on the "public images" of various Hello!Project artists and is no way shape or form trying to imply anything about the personal lives of the real people behind the public images.)

Note: This story was inspired by a description of a manga at

Note: The arc starting in this episode was inspired by a thread on the JPM forums where someone mistakenly thought that Kirarin Revolution was serialized in "the biggest selling manga in all of Japan".  However, the biggest selling manga in Japan is Shounen Jump, well known for manga stories where the lead characters are boys who want to be the greatest fighters of all time, such as Naruto, Bleach, and Dragon Ball.

An Annoying Paradise Part 4 ("serialized in Shounen Jump")

A young girl walks to school, alone.

"Hey little girl.  Give me your lunch money.  You don't need it. you're chubby."

Faced with three older boy bullies the little girl starts crying.

Suddenly the three bullies, skater punks with un-stylish clothes, have their cool demeanor broken by the clearing of a throat.

"I thought I told you punks not to come to this neighborhood."

The largest of the punks decides to man up.  "Kiraki Takabono, just because your dad was a sumo champion you think you're tough.  That pisses me off.  You're skinny.  You're nothing."

"Is that so?"  Kiraki flips his spiky orange bangs out of his eyes.

The punk throws a punch at Kiraki.

The other two punks wince in pain as Kiraki throws the punk some six feet head first into a garbage can.

A second punk charges Kiraki but is met with lightning like open hand strikes to the face and shoulders, knocking him flat.

The third punk looks at the girl with the idea of holding her hostage, but this plan never materializes as Kiraki closes the gap and kicks him in the face.

"Let's get out of here."

"Yeah, we'll never live down being punked out by a kid."

The three punks run away.

Kiraki turns to the girl and smiles.  "You have to stop oversleeping and missing your friends as they walk to school.  Okay?"

The girl nods and runs off.

Kiraki walks to his school.  As it is his custom, he stops along the way to admire one particular building, home of the elite fighting dojo, The Yoshizawa Fighting Academy.  Kiraki looks down at his well worn shoes and sighs.

Kiraki spends most of the school day depressed, until he sees a advertisement left behind in the cafeteria that says that there is an open audition for idol singers that night.

After school Kiraki comes home.  Kiraki and his father live upstairs from his father's restaurant.  He enters the restaurant and is greeted by all the happy customers.  Kiraki smiles back but is secretly annoyed.  If my father wouldn't charge them so little for food then they wouldn't be so overly happy and I would be able to afford to go to that dojo!

Kiraki goes into the kitchen where a his father, a large imposing man, works both preparing food and shouting instructs to his assistants.  His three assistants also look happy, since his father always lets them work within their abilities and never gets too upset if the mess something up.

"How was school son?"

"Okay.  Oh, there's an idol audition tonight."

"My, my.  Developing an interest in girls?  I'm sure that sounds like a lot of fun to watch."

"No, no.  It's an audition for idol boys."

Kiraki's father gets a nervous look on his face.

"I want to audition."

Kiraki's father raises an eyebrow.  "Are you sure they're looking for a boy like you?"

"I'm twelve, and the ad said that they are looking for boys twelve to fourteen."

"I didn't know you loved singing."

"I've never tried it before, but if I can do it then I will be able to afford to go to that fighting academy."

Kiraki's father laughs.  "I don't know if I told you this or not, but my father was also really surprised when I told him that I wanted to try out for sumo.  But, if my dad couldn't stop me, then why should I even want to try to stop you?  You're turning into a true Takabono."

"Thanks, dad!"

"But, you'll need some energy."

"I don't have much time."

Kiraki's dad turns to one of his assistants.  "Pancakes, and quickly!"


In five minutes Kiraki is set up with a mountain of pancakes and he wolves them down and runs out.

Kiraki shows up for the audition.  There are hundreds of boys there to audition.  Kiraki waits his turn and watches the other boys perform.

After watching dozens of boys make fools of themselves, Kiraki notices one boy who is auditioning that seems to be competent.  Kiraki then notices that the boy next to him is rolling his eyes.  "You don't think he is good?"

The other boy smirks.  "He was okay, but he doesn't have what I have."

Kiraki nods.  "It's good to be confident."

"Better to be prepared."

Another contestant is called up.  This contestant is shorter than the other boys, has short hair, and looks very pretty for a boy.  Kiraki gulps.  He could be some serious competition!

Kiraki gulps again when the boy starts singing.  This boy has some power and energy!  Can I equal that?

The boy then trips over a wire and his wig falls off revealing long hair.  He is escorted off the stage.

"No!"  The boy next to Kiraki is visibly upset.

"Do you know that girl?"

"That boy is my best friend.  He can't help it if he looks a little girly.  It's his parents fault.  I wanted it to come down to him and me."


The boy next to Kiraki takes the stage.  Kiraki looks on with great interest.  Woah, we wasn't just making idle boasts.  He does seem well prepared.


Kiraki takes the stage and gives it his all, improvising dance moves on the spot.

Kiraki goes back to his seat.

"Kiraki, huh?"

Kiraki nods.

Santa smiles.  "I liked your audition.  You can't sing to save your life but you did make me smile with your antics."

Kiraki feels the backhanded complement fall on his head like an anvil.

After all the auditions were over the producer in charge takes the stage.  "Thank you all for coming.  All of you boys shined brightly tonight.  However, tonight I will only be choosing one boy as my new idol, and another boy as a trainee.  The new idol will debut within the year, and the trainee will re-audition within the year to see if he has improved enough to continue.  So, without further ado, my new idol is Santa."

Many of the boys break out with respectful applause and head nodding.

"And, my trainee will be Kiraki."

Dead silence.

The producer notices the atmosphere.  "Kiraki might have a ways to go in learning to sing, but he does have a unique energy to him."

Wow, I don't these other boys are too happy with this decision!

To be continued!

JPHiP Radio (18/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Davichi - My Man