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Author Topic: ~When the Sun Sets~ (Chapter 6 up May 19)  (Read 11956 times)

Offline Ada XD

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~When the Sun Sets~ (Chapter 6 up May 19)
« on: May 03, 2011, 05:57:55 AM »
Everyone has high expectations from you when you're called the best police officer.

Cursed with the most challenging task yet, that of unveiling the reasons behind the robberies and the murders that happen only around her, slowly but steadily sinking into a stressful routine without even having the will to get out of, Niigaki Risa finds herself on the brink of desperation. She's sick of chasing the same shadow over and over again, and the feeling of letting people down never ceases to haunt her.
She's sick of pretending that her family is actually her foe. And most of all, she hates not knowing what to do with her life. 

When she thinks everything is lost, just like a ray of sunshine lightening up a pitch black room, she meets love. Or rather, love meets her. Ai manages to do what no one else could, and that is to blow feeling, desire and life into her again.

But what happens when all that effort turns out to be in vain? Risa gets pinned face to face with the dark past of her lover, with secrets that she wished she had never found out and with such a heart-break, enough for her to lose any sanity left.
Lies, betrayal, jealousy, ambition and revenge are to blend with passion, emotion and true love in an exciting suspense fanfiction that will hopefully make you come back for more.


Chapter 1 Heaven of Coffins

Sounds of hurried steps echoed between the walls of the dark alley. Prior to the rain, the cement was wet.
As her rushed and heavy breath came out in small circles of warm air, the figure she had been chasing for the whole evening was getting further and further away, much to her raging frustration. But with a rousing hate to motivate her, she was more than determined that by all means she was not going to lose again.
The young officer felt her eyes sting as a couple of tears welled up, not entirely because of the cold autumn wind.
Ignoring the exhaustion and the pain in her legs, her steps picked up even faster, as she gripped tighter and tighter to her gun.

She felt a knot settling in her throat as she pointed the pistol towards the villain. The pressure was too big and her relatively weak body was getting exhausted already; one single mistake was enough for her career to be ruined. The aim of the gun was straightly directed at his head, however, this was one of the times when she hated her extremely good eyesight. Why?
Such a burning temptation to kill someone was something she had never experienced before, but because of some superior orders that she had to follow, she was not allowed to kill the thief, for he was not like the others.
Grinding her teeth, she pulled the trigger towards the sky instead, hoping that it would stop him. In his dash, he did not even flinch though, the distance between the two only seeming to get bigger. As if the nerves of the officer weren't already at their limit, her intense concentration was disturbed when a familiar voice filled the silence of the night, coming from the transmitter that was located hanging at her waist.

"Gakisan! Gakisaaaan, are you there? Did you catch him? Over."
Trying her best to ignore her co-worker, Gaki kept looking forward as to not lose the robber out of her eyes.

"Please Gakisan, reply to me! I'm really worried, are you okay? Over."
As expected, she could not deal with the annoyance of hearing that high-pitched voice ramble forever. Allowing a deep breath of cold air, she snatched it from her belt and brought it to her lips, shouting from the top of her lungs in a try to release some steam.

"Would you mind to shut your mouth for a minute, Kame?!"

The transmitter then hit the ground, smashing into countless pieces. Gaki looked up, the view that she least wanted to see hitting her like a thousand volts. The thief had already reached the end of the alley, and moreover, a car was already waiting for him. With a gentle wave towards the officer, he quickly hopped in and smashed the door after him, right after the wheels squeaked loudly on the road.
Gaki's pace slowed down as she kept staring in denial towards the other end, until she finally stopped to collapse on her knees, a couple of tears falling onto the cold cement.
Not again...

*** *** ***

Another officer ran through the coldness of that same alley where she last spotted her friend (and co-worker) running into, more than 10 minutes beforehand.
The light of her hand lamp moved from side to side between the walls, in a try to find not only her Gakisan safe and sound, but also any thing of some sort that could use as a clue or evidence. She let out a gasp when she saw a familiar transmitter plastered in a rain puddle, completely wasted. As she made a few more steps forward, a longer gasp escaped her lips, her hand lamp picking up the figure of her friend, lying against the wall.
She ran at her side and studied her facial structure, that showed nothing but misery and deep anger. 

"Are you injured...? Are you okay?!"
The last thing Gaki wanted was her friend to panic over nothing and to make a scene right then and there, just when she was not in the mood for nothing.
"Yeah, I'm fine."  There was monotony in her voice, in her stare, and the tears had already dried out on her cheeks.

All she wanted was just to get rid of that pain in the ass that kept assaulting the banks and the houses in the Niigaki sector, snatching pots with a lot of zeros on their tail, every single time running away without her being able to capture him. She hated to lose.
She learned to hate that person so badly, without even knowing him, even if it went against her principles.
She could care less if she wasn't called the best police officer anymore, and neither if the newspapers wrote about it in the next morning, everytime on the first page. What most pissed her off though, was how she wasn't allowed to kill him and get it over with. She had spent too much time thinking over this issue already, and as hard as she tried, she couldn't find an answer. What was so special with him?

After being used to stare at his back figure while chasing him for so long, the officer could quite positively tell a few things about him. First of all, he was actually a "she".
Her way of running, together with how nicely those pants fitted her muscular yet feminine rear, were actually some not-so-difficult to pick up hints, if you had good eyes.  Also, in one of their usual hurried encounters, Gaki could have sworn she spotted some straps of long hair coming out from beneath the balaclava that the thief had on.

She even appeared in her dreams... The thief was not just stealing anymore, but murdering too, everything that Gaki cared for: her father, her best friend, her sister, and even her dad's girlfriend, although she wasn't too fond of her.
Lying there with Kamei next to her, she could still see the picture of their coffins, and a chill crept along her frame.
"Please Kame, ... Take me out of here."

*** *** ***

Well damn, it has been a long time since I last wrote / posted anything here.
I started this fic in January actually, and I've been working on it for the past few months, but eventually decided that it was time for it to hit the road already. XD
I really want to know what you guys think of this plot. Really.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2011, 05:30:51 AM by Ada XD »

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: ~When the Sun Sets~ (Summary + Chapter 1 up May 2)
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2011, 06:05:57 AM »
The summary caught my attention, I'm already making guesses as to who the thief is, but I can wait a few more chapters to voice my opinion. So bring on the story!!

Offline kano-chan

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Re: ~When the Sun Sets~ (Summary + Chapter 1 up May 2)
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2011, 06:38:27 AM »
Yay! :w00t: A new fic!! :cow:

Got hooked by summary and chapter. :heart: Extremely interesting~ :twothumbs

I hope that thief and murderer isn't....her.. :shocked

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: ~When the Sun Sets~ (Summary + Chapter 1 up May 2)
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2011, 07:16:18 AM »
OMG YES! it's finally out! X3 i've been waiting for this ada~ u have no idea X3

i love how you wrote how gakihan was running after "her" i felt like i was with gakihan running too, even to the point with kame spazzing out XD i cant wait for more :deco:
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

Offline oddball

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Re: ~When the Sun Sets~ (Summary + Chapter 1 up May 2)
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2011, 11:54:19 AM »
Definatly an intresting start to the chapter, I am very much looking forward to more!

Offline resop2

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Re: ~When the Sun Sets~ (Summary + Chapter 1 up May 2)
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2011, 12:06:17 AM »
Is this a period drama?  If this was set in the 60's or 70's, then that would explain why Gakihan doesn't go all CTI/Jack Bauer on the thief and have the getaway car tracked by satellite, and it would explain why Mame doesn't use a bean bag gun to knock out the fleeing thief.

You could also go for some groovy fashion statements that way.

Offline Ada XD

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Re: ~When the Sun Sets~ (Summary + Chapter 1 up May 2)
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2011, 02:10:44 PM »
Thanks for the feedback you guys! <3 Much appreciated :3
@ resop2 : If Gaki did that, this fanfic would have ended way sooner  :)

Time for chapter 2~
I`m introducing some more characters, but you kinda have to guess who they are cause I'm not giving any names. yet. ;D I`m evil like that  :twisted: there are clues on the other hand though

Chapter 2 Not so perfect After all

The phone alarm chimed promptly at 6 am, as the owner herself scheduled it.
Stretching her arm over the bedtable to set it off, she felt a terrible ache in all her muscles, and with a quiet curse, she slowly got her limbs one by one off the king sized bed. As expected, the pain in her body made sure to remind her of the previous night's failure, when she was unable to capture the thief... yet again. She recalled everything, from the moment when her transmitter announced a robbery in her sector, up until Kamei brought her home, the whole time wanting to cheer her up.
Her fists clenched on the edge of the bed. There will be a next time, and you won't be as lucky.

Around an hour later when she was fully dressed in her uniform, still terribly annoyed, she stormed down the marble stairs with the grumpiest look of them all. The family's housekeeper came in her way, smiling brightly.
"You want me to start serving breakfast?"
Noticing the folded newspaper in her hands, Gaki's brows furrowed. "Not now Maimi, I have work to do."
The young maid watched her cross the long hallway at a fast pace, open the wooden door slowly and then twitch in the early morning light. As soon as she was left, Maimi heard high heels from the livingroom tapping lazily over the shiny floor.
"Give me that newspaper"
Maimi complied with a low bow, then retired to the kitchen. The young woman, already predicting what might have ruined her sister's mood so badly, started browsing though the pages, a small cat-like grin cornering her lips. "You're definitely not so perfect afterall, are you oneechan?"

*** *** ***

Gaki knew what she was going to face at the police station. Scolding, threatening, more scolding,... Undoubtedly, It wasn't going to end until she had thrown that thief behind the bars for good. Trying to delay her arrival at work a bit more, for she was still not in the mood to deal with the bitching of her boss yet, she pulled the car over, then yawned and stretched her arms. As she threw a glance over to the sidewalk, she felt her lips curl upwards for the first time in a few days. Gaki liked to observe people... The way everyone wore completely different expressions while following the same routine in the morning intrigued the depths of her mind. Was she the same? Always too busy in the tumult of her thoughts, she has almost never cared about what was being said about her appearance. 

With the head resting against the soft chair, her lashes felt heavier by the second. She would have probably fallen asleep, if it wasn't for a rather unusual behavior to catch her attention through the mass of hurried people. Gaki's tired eyes squinted slowly, as to get a better view over what was going on. It appeared that a tall short-haired blonde, dressed rather manly, was towering over the petite frame of another woman, using an intense gesticulation while screaming and shoving her into the wall.

The young officer came out of the car quickly, clearing her throat suggestively as she approached them.

"Is there a problem?" Her voice came out on a low tone, unwillingly emitting a solid aura of self-confidence.
As the taller one turned around, the glint of anger lieing in her eyes disappeared in an instant. She also took notice of Gaki's hand resting on the pistol at her waist, so she put on a charming smile and adopted a more casual language, completely different than beforehand.

"No problem at all, officer. I was just asking this miss here... for some directions. That's all."
Gaki had a feeling she has seen those dark eyes before, but she shrugged it off for the time being, to look past the aggressor and at the young woman. Her doe-like eyes, filled with tears, seemed to secretly beg for help. "Is that so, miss?"
At that moment she looked overwhelmed, and a quick nod covered up for what her mouth couldn't mutter. With that, the blonde excused herself, pretexting that she had already found out how to reach to her destination. After turning around to thank the short girl for her patience, Gaki noticed how a shiver swept off the victim's shoulders.

As she disappeared behind the corner, Risa's eyes kept suspicious; there was something about her presence that the young but experienced officer couldn't quite well figure out. A loud sigh switched her back to normal from her focused-and-serious-cop mode.
Looking back at the girl, she noticed how her knees buckled and how her whole frame threatened to collapse, if it wasn't for her to quickly grab her waist and support her against her own body.
"Hey! You okay? ... Can you hear me?!"
Her brown eyes closed themselves immediately while her arms plopped at her sides lifeless. Gaki was getting really worried actually; such a pretty woman to pass out in the middle of the street for no reason?
Mentally panicking and starting to debate whether to ask for help or not, Gaki lightly shook that woman's slender frame in a try to get her back to her senses. However, as she was showing signs of it, Gaki calmly waited for her to open her eyes.

"I'm really sorry..." Those full lips trembled a bit in the midst of all that stress. Just then realizing the situation she was in, pressed against that certain cop out of all of them while a lot of people passed by and stared at them with quizzical eyes, the woman quickly backed away with a bow, feeling herself flush. 

"Glad to see you're okay. Now please tell me, was that woman the reason why you almost passed out here?"
"Oh? No, no, I have been just... a bit anxious lately." Her shoulders dropped and she sighed again, a seemingly geniune smile lightening up her whole appearance in an unique way.
Gaki lifted one eyebrow, feeling herself smile too. "I see. And that is why you are in front of the pharmacy at this early hour?"
The short woman looked behind at the small edifice to let her eyes seek for something or someone in particular behind the large glass windows.  "Yes! Exactly! But I'm okay now~"

Gaki wasn't fully convinced of it, and she blamed it on her cop instinct, that didn't let her believe quite everything of what was being told to her.
"I do think you should see a doctor, and I can take you now if you want to~" Not entirely of good education was she hoping to get an affirmative answer, but also because she had a feeling she really wanted to help that woman.
On the other hand, the beautiful woman put on the cutest smile she got, as her last try to get rid of the supposedly best officer there was in the city. "It's okay, I will just go in and buy my medicine, as my own doctor told me. I'll be okay officer, really."
"Fine then..." Gaki sighed silently, taking her time to engrave the face of the girl into her mind before leaving. "Take care."


Hint for the next chapter : a murder :S

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: ~When the Sun Sets~ (Chapter 2 up May 4)
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2011, 03:30:16 PM »
ah~ so it seems even gaki's sister wants to see her fall? that's pretty sad D: plus i have a feelilng that the tall woman was yossie and the "doe-eyed" person is our ai-chan~ ;D XD cant wait to read more and oh snap next chappy's a murduer?! :panic:
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: ~When the Sun Sets~ (Chapter 2 up May 4)
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2011, 04:55:16 PM »
You like math, Ada? Here's an equation for you.

3x Unnamed Characters + I got up too damn early after staying up too damn late = :banghead: because I can't figure out who is who.

I hate math.... :catglare: XD XD I'd say the blonde is Ai-chan, if not not for the tall qualifier.  :lol: :lol:

Offline kano-chan

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Re: ~When the Sun Sets~ (Chapter 2 up May 4)
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2011, 04:47:40 AM »
Yayy! Ai-chan appeared! (I guessed, cuz' she's short, right? :roll:) :heart: I wonder who that blonde woman was and what she did to Ai-chan.. :tama-mad:

And I doubt that was the cutest smile, cuz' if it is, Gaki would downright fall for Ai-chan in an instant! :P hehe~ :grin: (And again, IF it was Ai-chan :D)

Offline oddball

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Re: ~When the Sun Sets~ (Chapter 2 up May 4)
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2011, 11:20:48 AM »
Hmm, seems as though perhaps Gaki's sister is not so impressed with her as others may be, inferiority complex perhaps?

seems as though it's possible that Gaki has also potentially met with Ai, seems as though she reconizes those eyes but not enough to make any connection, is it just a parting interest or will it bother her more than that....

Offline Ada XD

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Re: ~When the Sun Sets~ (Chapter 2 up May 4)
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2011, 10:10:21 PM »
@ kawaiibi : hmmmm...  :twisted:
@ rndy : sorry ;_; you'll realize who is who really soon though <3
@ kano-chan : hmmmmm x 2 ;D  :twisted: LOL
@ oddball : your first statement hit bulls-eye 8D Thanks for reading you guys :3

Without further delay, here is the 3rd chappie x3

Chapter 3 Distortion

Gaki pushed the heavy double doors of the police station with a loud sigh, then made her way through the crowded corridor. She did not pay much attention to all the whispered gossips that probably revolved around the same old hot topic of the wonder thief, as she was a bit too stressed with what was going to happen.

Eri's office door was open. Gaki knocked lightly before leaning on it, and noticed how Eri was deeply absorbed into reading a pile of papers.
"Did the boss lady break any windows yet? Is she angry?"
That familiar voice made the turtle look up before stretching in her chair cutely and smiling widely. "Actually, no. She hasn't even come to work yet."
"Really?" Gaki looked out the window, a skeptical look replacing the sarcastic smile she had before. "I don't remember ever seeing Nakazawa-san late, not even once."
Eri nodded approvingly, her eyes going back down to follow the lines in the reports. "I wonder what happened too~"

Minutes later, as the bean was just placing the coffee cup down on her desk as to head for the door, the phone started ringing.  She debated whether to pick up or not; Not exactly in what one would call a great mood, answering desperate calls and moans for help would have made her even more pissed. All she wanted was just to drive through the city and randomly give warnings to whoever seemed to not respect the law. The good side of her won in the end though, so she sat on the desk, bringing up the phone to her ear quickly.

"Yokohama Police Station here, may I help you?"
"Yes! There was a crime!" she sounded absolutely terrified, if the shaking in her voice was any clue. Gaki's eyes widened; that woman managed to get all her attention. "A crime?"
"I found my boss on her bed lifeless, her eyes open and her gown ripped! Oh god... "
A loud sob followed afterwards, and Gaki tried her best to calm the woman down and get more information. "Ma'am, I will have to ask you the address and the victim's name." She grabbed a pen and got ready to write it on her palm, when the shocking news hit her on a sudden.
"It's Nakazawa Yuko!" the woman blurted out "...She's a sargeant in that same police station" 

The young officer found it really hard to believe at first "Uso..."
"Please believe me! I need help, please~" she burst into a muffled cry yet again, and Gaki sensed the cold feeling of terror flush up her spine. Also, because she forgot even to blink from the shock, she was getting teary too.
"Thank you. I will come personally to check on the situation immediately"

The police car did not take too much time to arrive in front of the imposing Nakazawa mansion, the wheels squeeking loudly on the street in a rushed break. Two male detectives together with officers Niigaki and Kamei immediately rushed out of it and into the house in the blink of an eye.
The maid that called them was waiting for them inside, hiccuping with dried tears on her face. She took them upstairs and kept on swearing with a passion that she had touched nothing and that the cadaver was still as she had found it.

Gaki was the one to open the door, at that moment her courageous traits overpowering her inside fears.  She stepped inside slowly followed by her three co-workers, the sight of the bed in the middle of the room immediately drawing her attention. She was scared even to look, but she had to keep her cool.
Her ex-boss was indeed having her eyes open towards the ceiling, with her lips turned to a purple shade and with a few bruises and scratches on her neck. As Kamei was looking around for evidence and as the two detectives examined the injuries, Gaki wasn't feeling so well.
She clutched at her stomach as a weird smell made its way to her nose, a smell that the rest couldn't notice but that she couldn't bear. The room started to spin and the bean had to support herself on the table, but immediately took her hands off it as the feeling of death lingered on everything.
Just then, the image of something similar from a long time ago flashed through her mind; that was when Gaki fell on the floor under everyone's concerned eyes. The voices that were screaming for her got more clogged by the second and her eyesight blurred completely.


The first thing that she saw when she opened her eyes was the setting of the sun with orange, purple and red lines in the horizon. After that she twitched a bit in her chair, since her back hurt from sleeping in that weird seating position.
Gaki looked to the side and saw a smiling Eri with a book in her hands, on the driver's seat.
"What happened?" her throat hurt just by taking out those two words.
"You passed out in Nakazawa-san's room. Then we brought you here in the car. I was really worried you know...?"
"Am I sick?" the officer added immediately, her eyes widening in concern.
"No, you're fine. When the doctors came they said you will wake up by yourself."

Gaki sighed quietly and rubbed her eyes before looking around, barely then realizing the fact that they were in front of her mansion. "You stood here with me all day?"
"Just a few hours. I like watching you sleep" she giggled playfully "Besides! Someone needs to take this car back to the station since you're free tomorrow. I... couldn't leave you alone, like this."
The slightly older one took her friend's hand and squeezed it slowly in appreciation. "Thanks Kame. You can go now, I bet you're as tired as I am."
"Yeah, I will. But don't forget to eat properly woman, if this happens again I'm going to... make you clean my room. And you certainly don't want that... now do you?" The bean chuckled and got out of the car, waved and walked groggily to the house with one single destination in mind: her bed.

As if her day hadn't been already ruined, Miki's irony was the last thing Gaki needed to hear.
They almost bumped on each other on the stairs, Miki being clearly in a hurry. Her hair was in a low and fancy ponytail and her outfit was a bit too... revealing; one could tell immediately that she was planning to go out again.
"For how long will you keep cheating on my dad...?" Gaki breathed out, her exhaustion showing off earlier than usual.
"And for how long will you keep shaming his name...?" That was a great hit for Gaki, she flinched at the memory of letting the thief escape again, and she kept quiet as her future step mother continued. "... Seriously, I would say you don't give a crap about his prestige. Tsk. And to think that he's so proud of you... Good thing that he'll be in Taiwan for a period, so he won't have to apologize for your failures."

Miki threw a disgusted look at her before going down the stairs and into the garage for her car, while big tears fell from Gaki's eyes on the cold marble.
Let's hope tomorrow will be a better day?...

Offline kano-chan

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Re: ~When the Sun Sets~ (Chapter 2 up May 4)
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2011, 10:34:04 PM »
For what happened to Nakazawa-san... NooooooOOOoooooo! :mon scare:

About Miki's situation... WHATTTT??????!!! :on kimbo: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!!! :on blackhole: With Risa's dad? :shocked: And cheating on him too? ( XD)

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: ~When the Sun Sets~ (Chapter 2 up May 4)
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2011, 11:08:31 PM »
dang i thought that maybe risa could be like afraid of blood or something? maybe im wrong? XD it could just be death in general? ah many questions~

plus miki's such a b! :thumbdown: hitting below the belt like that on our poor girl >.>

i cant wait to read more from you though~ :deco:
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

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Re: ~When the Sun Sets~ (Chapter 2 up May 4)
« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2011, 02:34:16 PM »
i thought you lost fandom in Aichan/MM already.. :lol:
cause i been waiting for this fic during March yet it was not post till now..XD

looking forward to see how AiGaki relationship gonna work here..
jealousy? which i wondering who and who.. :lol:

where's the updates!!!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: ~When the Sun Sets~ (Chapter 3 up May 7)
« Reply #15 on: May 08, 2011, 04:35:29 PM »
Damn, poor Gaki. She really needs a savior.

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Re: ~When the Sun Sets~ (Chapter 3 up May 7)
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2011, 12:27:10 PM »
Poor Gaki, seems as though things are really rock bottom for her at the moment, losing ber boss Yuko and also having to deal with Miki, her future step mom who is all ready cheating on her dad, seems as though Gaki needs someone to pick her up.....

Offline Ada XD

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Re: ~When the Sun Sets~ (Chapter 3 up May 7)
« Reply #17 on: May 09, 2011, 02:05:15 PM »
@kano chan : What can I say...  XD Miki will surprise you even more~   :grin:
@ kawaiibi : thanks dear <3 and concerning Gaki, there's much more than that x3
@alwaysyou : LEGASP. It passed some time since I last heard of you too D: Hope to still see you around  :heart: And yea... My fandom is not as strong as it used to be but... I`m still hanging on 8D
@rndy : I know right D:
@oddball : Yeah D: Help is on the way though 8D

Yay XD I`m so excited XD Thins are turning hawt interesting soon ;D

Chapter 4 Awakening

She stepped back on an instinct at the sight of the bright color of blood, dripping on the floor with vibrating sounds. Her lips opened up, but the scream didn't come out. She was terrified. People that she cared for and cherished all her life stood each on a chair, either stabbed or shot, staring deep into her soul with the emptiness of death. The sight was too much; she tried to breathe, but her lungs seemed to be stuck up as if her life was slowly draining out of her too.
Looking down, the image of her own stomach bleeding made her fall on her knees in dismay. She couldn't hear anything but the horrific sound of blood. She couldn't feel anything else other than her own numbness. She could see nothing but the stained floor...
A shadow moved along it, smooth and slow lines getting closer to her. With a last effort, she looked up slowly only to see that same thief that she had been chasing for so long, holding a sharp and shiny knife in his slim fingers.

Risa shot up from the bed in an excruciating scream, the intense strain making her cold frame warm up and her head to hurt.
Sweat rolled on either sides of her face and her chest grew in an out with forced inhales. While her mind took a few more moments to grasp the fact that it had been just a nightmare, she looked around, still panting heavily. There was a dim light coming from the window, making her sheets shine pleasantly. It was still early.
Just when her heart rate was slowing down and she thought she was calming a bit, the door smashed open with the maid rushing in. That startled Gaki again, making her eyes pop wide in anger.
"Miss, is something wrong? I heard you scre-"
"Get out!!"
Maimi's honest worried face expression switched places with a terrified one. Her boss was a mess; her red eyes carried something insane to them, her voice was hoarsed beyond recognition and her skin was so pale and sweaty, that Gaki looked like a sick person on her death bed.
"B-But... are you okay?"
"I said get the fuck out!" she grabbed the glass and shot it into the wall, making Maimi yelp and flee from the room that second.

Gaki looked at the door for a few more seconds before covering her face with her palms, aware of the miserable look that she probably had. A silent cry raked her body as a chill crept through the thin gown, and she threw herself back in the pillow to sob and curse from the top of her lungs.
Little did she know that two other close souls, also woken up by her scream, were carefully listening at the door in delight, plotting a demonic plan.


Around noon, the sound of the door opening woke Risa up again from her sleep, a more tranquil one this time.
"Oh what do we have here... Are you ill oneechan?"
The bean growled and stuffed her face more into the pillows, hitting her bed to show her irritation. "What do you waaant~"
Reina let out a helpless sigh, but with such a content grin on her face, that reflected all the ideas crossing through her slick mind. "Can't I be worried for my sister?" She took a few steps at the window to open it up, a warm breeze making her hair levitate gently. "You should go out if you feel so sick~"
The bean lifted herself a bit to look at her sister, her frown deepening in annoyance. "Sick? I'm perfectly fine~"

Being it the answer she predicted, the kitten lifted her eyebrows in a scoffing manner "Oh really? I believe that the crisis you had this morning... proves the opposite." In her defense, Gaki had nothing to say. She watched the kitten wink at her and then walk out of the room as quickly as she had entered it, and couldn't help but agree. The stress was going to drive her crazy.

A few minutes later, Gaki was already dressed in a cute pink skirt with a white buttoned t-shirt, her hair brushed neatly and her features lightened up by some make-up. She went down the stairs and spotted Maimi dusting the expensive sculptures in the hallway and immediately recalled the incident that morning.
"Uhm, Maimi..."

The maid looked up and froze on the spot, her insides spazzing with thoughts whether she did something wrong again or not. Gaki bit her lip and avoided eye-contact as she wasn't used to apologize to her employees, but also because she had never treated them like that.
"I'm sorry for today, I was really stressed..."
Maimi smiled in relief and quickly made a bow "Don't bother about it miss~"
Gaki patted her hair affectionately "Now I'm going out, tell Mikitty and Reina to not wait for me at lunch."

The closest park was the place where Gaki was planning to relax. Once there, she took off her shoes to walk through the grass, her pace slow at first to let the wind sweep around her hair and fill her with floral scents. It had passed some time since she went out by her own, not caring about work duties or family problems, and she loved how her mood was boosting right up at the sight of kids playing around.
The smile didn't leave her face, up until she spotted someone familiar on a nearby bench. A woman was stretching her legs and arms with a funny expression, visibly happy that the sun brought such a warm day again, probably the last that season.
Without thinking twice, Gaki stepped faster towards that bench, not quite aware of how her smile was widening.

Oh yea you know what's next  8)

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: ~When the Sun Sets~ (Chapter 4 up May 9)
« Reply #18 on: May 09, 2011, 05:17:42 PM »
man the works getting that bad that it's affecting the poor girls head? geez >.> and then with reina and miki planing stuff behind her back is even worse! i bet maimi's like gaki's only "friend" in that house isnt she?

and i know what's next~...well i think XD
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: ~When the Sun Sets~ (Chapter 4 up May 9)
« Reply #19 on: May 09, 2011, 07:54:29 PM »
Know what's next? Know what's next?



It's Takagaki meeting, right? Right?

 :lol: :lol:

Again, poor Gaki, she's just surrounded by evil people, including bad sister Reina. What's a girl to do?

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