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Author Topic: The Morning Musume 10th Generation Thread  (Read 84801 times)

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Re: [News] Morning Musume 10th Generation Auditions
« Reply #100 on: September 22, 2011, 09:07:29 PM »
Well, now we can listen to the girls' voices in more detail. Made me change some opinions and reinforced others on their talents:

Sato: Didn't sound bad, she has a nice voice but you could really tell that she wouldn't do that well on the higher notes even before sho got to that part.  :lol:
Satsuki: Ow. My ears.  :bleed eyes:
Ogami: Weird. She sounded very much like Tsuji at the time of her audition. Is it a good thing? Only time would tell :P
Tanaka: She has an interesting voice in the lower notes, but the higher ones were painful. Plus, not very stable. It might get better if she learns to breath correctly, but I don't have too many expectations on this one.
Ishida: Started of a bit out of tune, but the second sentence was really good. Not impressive, but she has some good qualities. I'm looking forward to some evolution here  :heart:
Haruka: Good that she took the singing coach's advice to heart. Her voice is more controlled now and has a pleasantly deep sound. Like it. Very much.
Sara: The fact that this girl has no previous training is quite noticeable. The performance wasn't really good but, she's refreshingly spontaneous. Needs some serious training though I hope they don't constrict her too much.
Ikubo: Technicaly correct. Her voice is bland, though, and could be more lively.

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Re: [News] Morning Musume 10th Generation Auditions
« Reply #101 on: September 22, 2011, 09:52:45 PM »
My opinion, as copied from another forum where I posted:

Singing AND Dancing won't make the cut: Meru, Satsuki

Singing won't make the cut: Haruna, Masaki

Average - almost good vocals; egg or 10th gen, I'm on the fence:
Oogami Hinako & Miyagi Ayumi

 :twothumbs choice for 10kie MM: Haruka, Ishida Ayumi, Sara (AND KARIN, DUH)
My only alteration
Singing won't make the cut: Haruna, Masaki, Tanaka

So it's still Haruka, Ishida Ayumi, Sara (AND KARIN) for me
I'm sick of the lackluster vocals plaguing (Sayu, Ikuta, Suzuki Kanon? Really? Shame, Upfront :angry:) in MM
That's why they aren't reigning the Oricon throne with consecutive #1s like they used to

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Re: [News] Morning Musume 10th Generation Auditions
« Reply #102 on: September 22, 2011, 11:09:50 PM »
^ That's not really the reason... The real reason is POPULAR CULTURE... :3 It's how it goes, you go up you go down, most disappear within a few years but MM is still strong after over 10 years... They're doing something right

I mean are you really going to claim that the idols that DO rank #1 these days are amazing singers? :lol: :lol: :lol: Even Kpop units tend to have only two or so real voices, and the rest are filler...
LJ★  ~Rest in Peace marimari, Jabronisaur, ChrNo & Fushigidane

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Re: [News] Morning Musume 10th Generation Auditions
« Reply #103 on: September 22, 2011, 11:18:24 PM »

Always fun to speculate what the winning criteria for these auditions are, but as far as Tsunku's statement in the previous ep goes, oh boy, do they have some work ahead of them or what?

There are no downright amazing vocals in this bunch, not even downright good vocals, and hell, frankly I ain't even sure about all the potential found here. But, if the focus of the audition truly is on singing, Sara and Haruka are once again in the 'Lock' category. I mean, it'd be kinda silly to say they're looking for a singer, and then overlook the two with the most "potential".

As far as the other vocals go, Satsuki is pure comedy, Fuuka is struggling big time, Masaki, Hinako & Haruna are as amazing as stale bread, and Ayumi is "basic idol" quality (like everything else about her).


Once again, pretty sure Sara and Haruka are gonna make it into MM. They're the safe bets. As for the rest, who knows.

As we discussed in IRC, Ayumi is a bit of strange case. She's generally a good all-around performer, but we dubbed her the "basic idol" because she seems like someone who'd fit nicely in any of the zillion idol groups infesting Japan right now and look right at home. Just not Morning Musume. But these are just impressions from the training camp and some of the DLH segments I've watched... who knows, maybe she's the best EVER.

Masaki has that intriguing look and a special air about her.. Hokkaido Flower lulz. I think her makeover wasn't an improvement, although I agree that she looks more evil now and that is kind of awesome. I do miss that wavy hair, though. Performance-wise she's in that special zone of being complete crap at the start and improving, if not significantly, at least noticeably, during the training camp. That could work in her favor.

While listening to her sing isn't quite as pleasant, it's easy to fall for Fuuka just watching her, like in the last half of that dancing bit when she was smiling properly. But once again, maybe it's just me. I hope some of the UFA idol selection committee share my views. I know y'all would have to suffer through her lines but I don't give a damn! :P

Haruna's makeover for the dancing bit was an improvement, but I don't find anything about her to be special. Some might find her look, age and style appealing, so she might have a shot.

Actually the only ones I really don't see having any kind of shot are Hinako and Satsuki. Hinako is just... rough and Satsuki is pure comedy.

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Re: [News] Morning Musume 10th Generation Auditions
« Reply #104 on: September 23, 2011, 04:34:15 AM »
I've said it before, and I will say it again, the biggest challenge facing H!P is providing well written songs.
Shirenu san is correct in saying that all of the idol groups have the mix of small percentage of really outstanding singers, and then others who fill in the song.
Nothing wrong with that, the strength of the larger groups (let's  say 10 members or more) is found if you can take advantage of actually having a chorus at hand to act as an extra instrument or Orchestra to back the main singer(s).
Trying to come up with catchy songs, when you have to supply multiple groups and soloists is difficult, and that is why so often you hear many Morning Musume songs with the same sound, sort of Euro/sythesizer backing and newish costumes for the PV. Meanwhile Mano chan, S/mileage, C-ute, Berrzy are getting unique songs and PV storylines.All of the groups and solo artists deserve the best songs possible, but there is a pressure to crank out the songs, so that concerts can go on.
H!P is a bit like the Greatful Dead- recordings provide some income, but the lives are where the real income stream is.
Ai is irreplacable, but so was Miki, Maki, Ayaya, and (fill in the blank)__________________. But if you can write good music, and produce interesting PV's, new talent will be able to handle the delivery.

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Re: [News] Morning Musume 10th Generation Auditions
« Reply #105 on: September 23, 2011, 11:45:55 PM »
I'm getting a Yasuda Kei vibe from Ishida Ayumi

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Re: [News] Morning Musume 10th Generation Auditions
« Reply #106 on: September 24, 2011, 04:26:22 AM »
Main vocal that will replace Takahashi Ai - isn't she already in UFZS/Up-Up Girls? :roll:

My picks:

I dunno if it's because of the name or some of her mannerisms, but Sara really reminds me of Megumi from C-ute. It's as if Megumi went back to the past and instead of auditioning for H!P Kids, she went straight to Morning Musume. :lol: Skillwise, she's definitely in the top-tier among the finalists. Not picking her would be like choosing Darko over Carmelo, Wade and Bosh in the 2003 NBA draft.

About Haruka, I'll be happy if she gets in. She's got an edge in experience for someone her age and if she gets selected, she will probably be in the group for a long time. However, choosing someone with her caliber is kinda dangerous because it has the potential to make the 9th gen fade into obscurity. It's the same way I feel for Karin if she got in S/mileage. She has enough 'star power' to overwhelm the subs and possibly even the main members. Karin and Haruka are stars and they will be able to carry a unit if two of them are the pillars. In or out, I'll still support Haruka.

Ayumi is good, but like what was already said, she seems like a generic idol. Imagine if there was a create an idol video game, the base model with the starting stats would be someone like Ayumi. Getting into Morning Musume could be a long-term project and will improve her a lot though.

I was ready to scratch off Masaki but after seeing her show signs of improvement, I think her chances as well has improved. Yeah, the new hairstyle gets her more points too. The darkhorse.

I would have picked Meru as another darkhorse but that's just me. :lol:

Can't wait for the announcement. XD

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Re: [News] Morning Musume 10th Generation Auditions
« Reply #107 on: September 24, 2011, 10:46:54 AM »
However, choosing someone with her caliber is kinda dangerous because it has the potential to make the 9th gen fade into obscurity. It's the same way I feel for Karin if she got in S/mileage. She has enough 'star power' to overwhelm the subs and possibly even the main members. Karin and Haruka are stars and they will be able to carry a unit if two of them are the pillars.
This is fascinating because we really haven't had a new gen member who'd overshadow her seniors since Maki Goto, have we? I don't think Koharu or Riho count, even if they've had lead lines in singles. They didn't have that strong an instant impact.

But... I really don't see anyone becoming such a strong 'ace' that they'd manage to knock 9th gen aside completely, not even Haruka or Karin. I'd expect them to get lead lines in singles, but in everything else 9th gen has distinct personalities and is a pretty tight and entertaining group on their own... I think they'll be fine.

Whatever happens, my Eripon will be dancing goofily somewhere in the back corner, but whatever, she's a delight :lol:


Main vocal that will replace Takahashi Ai - isn't she already in UFZS/Up-Up Girls? :roll:

What I wouldn't do to be able to hear sweet Akari's voice on a regular basis! :(
I think there must be some other reason why they haven't picked her up. Maybe she has told them that she wants to go to university when she turns 18 or something, and can't commit to a major group. I'm not crazy in thinking that she'd be an asset to some main group, am I?? She does perform well, has a lovely, unique voice and is pretty... I don't get it ahh.
LJ★  ~Rest in Peace marimari, Jabronisaur, ChrNo & Fushigidane

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Re: [News] Morning Musume 10th Generation Auditions
« Reply #108 on: September 25, 2011, 12:09:06 AM »
My picks:

I dunno if it's because of the name or some of her mannerisms, but Sara really reminds me of Megumi from C-ute. It's as if Megumi went back to the past and instead of auditioning for H!P Kids, she went straight to Morning Musume. :lol: Skillwise, she's definitely in the top-tier among the finalists. Not picking her would be like choosing Darko over Carmelo, Wade and Bosh in the 2003 NBA draft.
XD I thought she looked like Megumi when I first saw her too, but realised she's not that similar facially and didn't know enough about Megumi to know if I was just being silly! :lol: Glad to know it wasn't just me~

Right now here's my possibly stupid theory:
Masaki had her "look" changed before the performance. I think that Tsunku wants her in and could imagine her with a stronger/cleaner cut that frames her face- her hairstyle change was the most drastic out of the 8. Idk I just get this feeling he's seen something about her.
Then again I feel like he's going to add 5-8 members so they're probably all about to go in! :lol:;;

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Re: [News] Morning Musume 10th Generation Auditions
« Reply #109 on: September 25, 2011, 12:35:55 AM »

I think the Lethal Hokkaido Flower Masaki might be a gold mine for expressions... XD

Her singing is fun to watch, too. :lol:

Few more gifs, of Sara and Fuuka. Sara looks relaxed... she's clearly enjoying herself.

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Re: [News] Morning Musume 10th Generation Auditions
« Reply #110 on: September 25, 2011, 09:49:25 PM »
Fuuka looks a bit like my friend's little sister. O.o

I haven't paid much attention like I did with the 9th gen auditions, but I'm sure I'll eventually look into these girls  more.
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Re: [News] Morning Musume 10th Generation Auditions
« Reply #111 on: September 25, 2011, 11:42:13 PM »
apparently the second part was blocked because of the TachiaGirl PV which was matched by Youtube
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 12:35:57 AM by Chibs »

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Re: [News] Morning Musume 10th Generation Auditions
« Reply #112 on: September 26, 2011, 12:01:32 AM »
^ Might get blocked soon (the second part is already), so watch quick... or just dl it. :P


Some more pics. Ayumi doing her DLH thing...

...and some more of Haruna's modelling pics.

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Re: [News] Morning Musume 10th Generation Auditions
« Reply #113 on: September 26, 2011, 12:27:47 AM »
2ch started a poll
工藤遥 (Haruka)
飯窪春菜 (Haruna)
佐藤優樹 (Masaki)
大上陽奈子 (Hinako)
三輪咲月 (Satsuki)
石田亜佑美 (Ayumi)
田中風華 (Tanaka)
村上咲楽 (Sara)
last i checked haruka and sara were in the lead

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Re: [News] Morning Musume 10th Generation Auditions
« Reply #114 on: September 26, 2011, 01:19:07 AM »

Hey, that gives me an idea! Even if it's a bit last minute, let's have a poll of our own. Vote who you WANT in the 10th gen, top of the page.

Vote as many people as you want. You can post about your picks, naturally. Especially if you picked "Someone else".

Made a quick pic of their faces with names and ages, might be of some help:


My picks are Sara, Haruka, Fuuka and Masaki. First three are obvious if you've read my earlier posts, and Masaki, on top of having a very unique look, seems like she'd be pretty damn entertaining. :P

Edit: I know I picked Karin at first for the "dream team" but think I'll concentrate on the finalist gurls. But if she also gets in, cool!


Here's the current situation from the 2ch vote. Nice going, Lethal Hokkaido Flower.

1. Sara Murakami (村上咲楽)163 votes (21%)
2. Haruka Kudou (工藤遥)156 votes (20.1%)
3. Masaki Sato (佐藤優樹)113 votes (14.5%)
4. Ayumi Ishida (石田亜佑美)92 votes (11.8%)
5. Haruna Iikubo (飯窪春菜)86 votes (11.1%)
6. Hinako Oogami (大上陽奈子)72 votes (9.3%)
7. Fuuka Tanaka (田中風華)45 votes (5.8%)
8. Other (その他)31 votes (4%)
9. Satsuki Miwa (三輪咲月)19 votes (2.4%)

Poor Satsuki, even losing to the mysterious "other". :lol:

Not that Fuuka is that much above, oh well...
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 01:45:48 AM by Stryfe »

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Re: [News] Morning Musume 10th Generation Auditions
« Reply #115 on: September 27, 2011, 05:44:36 PM »
Just posting the current 2ch poll stats:

Sara    469票   18%
Haruka    466票   17.9%
Ayumi     436票   16.8%
Masaki    371票   14.3%
Hinako    295票   11.3%
Haruna    286票   11%
Fuuka    111票   4.3%
Other    105票   4%
Satsuki    63票   2.4%

Maybe I'm wrong but I still feel like they'll add many from this bunch... Just haven't had that feeling before where I liked so many of the finalists (last time there were only 5 so that doesn't count), and you gotta trust your gut feeling, right? :lol: I might actually be sad for a few moments to possibly not see some of these girls again (unless they become Eggs).
LJ★  ~Rest in Peace marimari, Jabronisaur, ChrNo & Fushigidane

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Re: [News] Morning Musume 10th Generation Auditions
« Reply #116 on: September 28, 2011, 08:37:55 AM »
I still think this:

MM ultimately still have to uphold their 13-14 year reputation & historical legacy of multiple #1s, some of them consecutively, forged by previous generations of Upfront's proud flagship since Ai no Tane, & not let that fall into disgraceful ruin

So it's most favorable that only the best quality candidates get added

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Re: [News] Morning Musume 10th Generation Auditions
« Reply #117 on: September 29, 2011, 02:36:06 AM »
I figure I'd better post my hopes before they make the announcement and crush them completely  :lol:

Talent-wise, I'm hoping to see Ishida and Kudou (and Karin)

My real favorite is Haruna! I'm not really sure what her chances of being picked are, but I think she's absolutely gorgeous and I'd be rooting for her right away. I know they don't really add older members but given her looks, I'd love to see her modeling and releasing photobooks. Ai-chan was definitely queen of the pbs, it would be nice to add someone who doesn't need much polishing and would probably do well in that area.
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Re: [News] Morning Musume 10th Generation Auditions
« Reply #118 on: September 29, 2011, 09:38:12 AM »
LJ★  ~Rest in Peace marimari, Jabronisaur, ChrNo & Fushigidane

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Re: [News] Morning Musume 10th Generation Auditions
« Reply #119 on: September 29, 2011, 10:56:12 AM »
vote for haruka  :twothumbs
100% sure tsunku will chose her,, she got characteric voice (tsunku love unique voice character), and she's got spirits to become good entertainer

soon the answer will revealed .. ai~chaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnn.. hate my self for not life in japan

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