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Author Topic: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others](updated 8/20)  (Read 15891 times)

Offline ShibuyaDokiDoki

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[AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others](updated 8/20)
« on: May 25, 2011, 04:52:41 AM »
I'm backkkkkk~  :grin: hope you like it~ the opening is kinda bleh  :nervous

Lips of an Angel Chapter 1

Yuki sighed as she watched the train pull into the station and its doors open. She could be home right now but since her mother asked her to run an errand, she couldn't refuse. She sighed once more and stepped on the train, looking around for a seat. She found all seats taken except for one in the far corner of the compartment. She quickly walked over and sat down pulling out her phone and started browsing the net, not really paying attention. She was lost in her own world until she caught a pair of shoes in front of her. She raised her head and saw a cute girl standing in front of her playing with her DS. She simply looked for a while longer before returning to her phone. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the car getting filled up even more and she shook her head slightly.

"If this doesn't empty by my stop, I'll have to fight my way through… hope not…"

She watched as the girl in front of her was squished up against the wall and she felt a pang of unease as she saw who was next to the girl. She shook her head and went back to her phone. About 15 minutes into the ride, she noticed the girl shift uncomfortably. She glanced up and looked over at the man. She saw his hands trying to go under the girls skirt and she snapped.

"Oi! What the hell do you think you're doing?"

The man jumped and ran (pushed) away. Yuki stood up and glared at him until he was out of sight before turning back to the girl who was shaking a little bit.

"Hey… you okay?"

The girl nodded her head and Yuki noticed the train stopping and people filing out. She looked out the window and noticed it wasn't her station yet. It wouldn't be for maybe another 3 stations. She turned back to the girl, giving her a small smile.

"Is this your stop?"

The girl looked out the window and stared for a bit before straightening back up and shaking her head. Yuki smiled again and sat back down, patting the seat beside her.

"Sit down with me. I'm Yuki by the way. Kashiwagi Yuki"

The girl sat down and stared at her feet for a bit before looking up and Yuki and giving her a smile which surprised Yuki.

"I'm Mayu. Watanabe Mayu. It's nice to meet you Kashiwagi-san… and thanks for saving me earlier."

"No problem Watanabe-san! And please, call me Yuki. Kashiwagi-san is way too formal. Haha."

"Only if you call me Mayu."

"Mayu-chan it is then."

They sat and talked while the train moved on. Sometimes they would go back to their own thing but they would always end up talking about one thing or another. As the time grew longer, Yuki's stop drew closer. Truthfully, she didn't want to say good-bye to her new friend but she knew that they must. As she heard the intercom above announce her stop, she stood up, gathering her things.

"Ne… Yuki-chan, this is your stop?"

"Hm? Oh… yea it is… it's yours too?"


Yuki smiled as Mayu beamed at her. She couldn't help but feel drawn to this new girl. It was weird but she enjoyed it nonetheless. They walked over to the doors and watched it slide open, stepping out together, they reached the path that separated and led to different exits.

"I'm taking the left exit… you're taking the right one… right Yuki-chan?"

"Huh…? Oh… yea… I guess… I'll see you around Mayu-chan?"

"Yup! See you… next time Yuki-chan!"

They turned and went their separate ways, both feeling a bit sad that their meeting had to end so quickly. Both had enjoyed the others company a bit more than they had expected but it wasn't uncomfortable to them. Halfway through shopping for what her mother wanted, a sudden realization dawned on her…


She paid for her things and walked out, getting on the train and going home. The whole way, she berated herself for being so stupid and forgetting to ask something as simple as that. The whole night, she couldn't stop berating herself and when her best friend texted her, she only replied with light answers, much unlike her regular self. When 7:30PM rolled by, she heard a doorbell ring, silence, then her mother's voice.

"Yuki-chan! Sae-chan is here!"

Yuki quickly bounded up from her bed and shot out, stopping right at the top of the stairs. She looked down and sure enough, her tomboyish, genking best friend stood on the bottom step, grinning up at her.

"Yo Yuki-chan!"

"Sae-chan! You didn't tell me you were coming!"

Yuki waited at the top of the stairs while Sae deliberately climbed it as slow as she could, making sure to annoy Yuki at least a little bit. Once she got to the top, Yuki took her by the hand and dragged her into her room, shutting the door behind her. Once the door was shut, Sae rounded on Yuki and looked at her questioningly.

"Now, Yuki-chan… tell me what's wrong."

"What do you mean? Nothing is wrong Sae-chan."

"Don't lie to me. When I texted you, your replies are not how you usually reply.. even when you're tired or angry. Something is up and I want to know."

Yuki just stared at Sae for a moment before shaking her head and sitting down on her bed. Sae dropped her things on the floor and threw herself down next to Yuki and looked at her expectantly. Yuki turned to look at Sae and took a deep breath.

"Well today, I went to run an errand for my mother… and while on the train, I saved a girl from being harassed. After that, we sat down together on the train and talked. We talked all the way to our stop and when we said our good-byes, we never asked for each other's numbers or emails! Now I doubt we'll ever see each other again!"

Sae sat up and stared at Yuki for a few seconds, making Yuki uneasy. As Sae continued to stare, Yuki's patience ran thin.


"Is that what your worried about?"

"Just about… yea… why?"

"What's her name?"

"Watanabe Mayu…"

"Well how about we go around one day and see if we can find her by chance! If you two were meant to be, then you would surely find each other again!"

"Geez… you sound like we're lost lovers."

"From the way you were acting, I would say you guys WERE lost lovers."

"Wha-? That is SO NOT TRUE SAE-CHAN!"

"It's true~ it's true~!"

« Last Edit: August 20, 2011, 11:17:52 AM by ShibuyaDokiDoki »

Offline Arakawa

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2011, 10:48:43 AM »
Why am I not surprised you picked mayuki over saeyuki. :p

Yay fluff!

Offline kahem

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2011, 02:23:09 PM »
Hehehe it seems kinda romantic ^^

Offline BlackRockAnon

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2011, 03:03:42 PM »
Another great fic from Shibuya-sama! I thoroughly enjoyed it! Thank you for sharing!  :D

Offline RenaChii

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2011, 03:37:07 PM »
Please update soon Shibuya-san~!!  :mon beam:

This is so interesting~!  :mon XD:

Offline virgo_shaka

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2011, 02:23:57 AM »
Another MaYuki fic from Shibuya-san. Nice intro, really curious about what will going on.   :luvluv1: :luvluv1:

Please update.  :kneelbow:

Offline khryz0421

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2011, 05:53:25 PM »
please update soon!  :twothumbs

i'm looking forward for it!  :inlove:

Offline Mari07

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2011, 04:02:52 AM »
I'm kinda sad that I'm not the first one to post, but I would like to say that this was dedicated to me :wahaha: LOL (i wish)
I like how its going along LOL just what i requested  :shy2: its beautiful!!
I'm working hard on that my next chapter. But somtimes I'd be like this --> :temper:

I hope you update soon!
♥♥♥ W Matsui ♥♥♥

Offline aoi_sora

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2011, 03:11:17 PM »
 :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow:
MaYuki!!!!!  :wub:
Shibuya-san thank you very much!!!
 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
update soon!!!!!  :bow: :bow: :bow:

Offline ShibuyaDokiDoki

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2011, 08:52:46 AM »
Hey guys~ Chapter two is here  :hee: sorry if it takes me a while to update... finals are here and i've been having some... problems...  :cool2: so please be patient... i'm not dead... yet  :depressed:
Anyways... thanks to everyone who commented  :luvluv1: you guys motivate me to write more and more~!  :luvluv2:
So without further ado~!!!

Lips of an Angel Chapter Two

Yuki and Sae went out every day for 2 weeks, searching everywhere for that girl. They went to Shibuya, Shinjuku, and Akihabara but with no luck. As each day passes by, Yuki's hope dims more and more. She had absolutely no idea why she was so keen on finding this girl that she had met and talked to for only an hour. She was, however, grateful that Sae had come out to help her look too.

"It's been 2 weeks Sae-chan… 3 if we go out tomorrow… I should just give up…"

"*sigh* fine… but one more day… tomorrow. If you don't find her, we'll leave it at that. Alright?"


They took the train back home, both splitting into different directions to go home. Yuki hugged Sae before they let, holding onto her tightly.

"Thanks Sae-chan… for helping me…"

"Anything for my dear friend."

They parted and each walked home, thinking about the past 2 weeks and how they had absolutely no luck. As Yuki walked, she looked up at the stars and sighed, watching her breath float in the air.

"Mayu… why am I so eager to find you?"

When she got home, she did her nightly routine and by the time she was done, it was midnight and she sat down on her bed, looking out her window. She just stared at the night sky while thinking about WHY Mayu had such an impact on her. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't find a reason. She flopped down on her bed and closed her eyes, replaying that time on the train in her mind. Next thing she knew, she woke up and the birds were chirping outside. She looked at her clock and it read 6:30AM. She sat up and looked around. She had fallen asleep on top of her blankets without knowing it. She got up and walked out, washing up and getting ready for the day. Sae was going over to have breakfast and then they were to head out and check the places one more time to see if they can find her. Shortly after she finished, she heard the doorbell ring. She dried her hands on a towel and walked out of the kitchen and opened the front door to see her best friend standing there… with someone else.

"Morning Sae-chan! Ah! Sayaka-san! It's nice to see you again!"

"Morning Yuki-chan~!"

"Good morning Yuki-san… sorry for my unannounced visit."

"Yea… sorry Yuki-chan… Sayaka stayed over last night and I seemed to have forgotten to tell you… hopefully you have enough food… haha… neither of us has eaten."

"Oh no! It's okay… I accidentally made extra food since I forgot my parents went on vacation so come on in! I just finished making breakfast!"

They both walked in and took off their shoes. Sae made a run for the kitchen while Sayaka and Sae calmly walked. Once all three were seated, they said their thanks and began to eat. As they ate, all three of them were thrown into their own thoughts, Yuki thinking about Mayu while Sae and Sayaka were… thinking about something unknown. After they finished their breakfast, Sae and Sayaka insisted that they wash the dishes while Yuki could go change and do whatever else she needed. Yuki objected at first but later on relented and walked up stairs. She changed her clothes to something cuter but comfortable and tied up her hair. She grabbed her phone and bag and walked down stairs where Sae and Sayaka were waiting.

"Ready Yuki-chan? Let's go find your lost angel!"

"Eh…? L-lost angel? What are you saying Sae-chan?"

"Exactly what it sounds like! Well, let's go before we waste anymore time!"

With that, she put on her shoes and was out the door. Yuki looked to Sayaka who only shrugged her shoulders and walked out too. Yuki sighed and followed them, putting on her boots and chasing after Sae. All three of them walked to the station, shivering slightly from the cold morning air. As they got on the train, Yuki took a look at the time and saw that it was only 9AM. Still quite early so she relaxed and closed her eyes, waiting for their stop to arrive. Next thing she knew, she felt someone gently shake her shoulders and she opened her eyes to see Sae smiling at her.

"Wake up Yuki-chan! We're here! Time to go and search for your angel!"

Yuki got up and followed the two outside, squinting against the morning rays. It was now about 10PM and the station was starting to become packed. They hurried outside and looked around. Teenagers were already flooding the streets. Yuki sighed and shook her head. She knew the chances of finding Mayu here would be like finding a needle in a haystack. But even so, the trio set off into the crowd, looking at stores and people, hoping to catch a glimpse of this cute girl Yuki had told them about. They walked for two hours, going from shop to shop. It wasn't all a waste though since they had fun seeing random things in stores. Half way through lunch, however, Sae's phone began to ring.

"Hello? Oh hey mom… what? Now? Really? Okay fine… we'll be back soon."

She hung up and looked at Yuki sadly. Yuki and Sayaka stared at her confused as to what was going on. Sae only shook her head and sighed before looking at Yuki.

"Sorry Yuki-chan… but we have to leave you now… my mom wants me and Sayaka to go home and help her with some things…"

"Oh! It's okay! Go on… its probably important."

"Are you going to be okay alone?"

"Sae-chan… I'm a big girl. I'll be fine."

Yuki smiled at Sae while Sae looked at her questioningly. Sae continued to look for a while before giving up and getting up and gathering her things along with Sayaka. After she was ready, she looked at Yuki again.

"Now remember! Keep searching and stay safe! Don't get in trouble! Call me when you get home or something okay?"

"Got it mom! Now go before YOU get in trouble!"

Sae laughed as she and Sayaka waved to Yuki as they walked away. Yuki waved back and once they were gone, she called for the bill but found out Sae had paid for it already. Yuki thanked the waiter and quickly fired off a text to Sae, yelling at her for taking the tab when Yuki had claimed it before. The only reply she got was a face giving her a peace sign. She only smiled and took her things and continued her search. After about an hour, she got tired and sat down on a park bench and looked at her phone.

"Only 2PM… wonder… if I'll find her."

"Find who?"

The voice that came out of nowhere scared Yuki as she gave out a small scream before turning around to find her angel staring at her and laughing lightly.

"Whoa Yuki-chan! Calm down! Sorry… didn't mean to scare you…"

Yuki only stared at Mayu as if she had seen a ghost. The girl she had spent weeks looking for had found her instead of the other way around. But even so, she felt her heart beat quicken just a bit… and it surely wasn't from the scare.

"Yuki-chan…? Are you okay?"

"Huh…? Oh. Oh! Yea! Sorry… uhhhh whats up? Hehehe."

"Hm..? Nothing… so who were you looking for?"

"Huh…? Oh! No one… it's no one. So what are you doing here?"

"Oh I'm just here taking a walk. I like to come out here during the weekends or when I have free time just to browse the shops for new anime things."

"You like anime?"


Mayu sat down next to her and smiled at her. They began to chat like they did the day they first met. They talked as if they had known each other for years and as each minute passed, Yuki felt her heart beat faster and faster.

"What… is this feeling?"


Offline kahem

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2011, 11:11:27 AM »
Oh Saeyaka heheheh
3 weeks O_o respect for Yuki

Offline aoi_sora

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2011, 03:57:32 PM »
wow.... searching for 3 weeks!  :heart:

"Only 2PM… wonder… if I'll find her."

"Find who?"

The voice that came out of nowhere scared Yuki as she gave out a small scream before turning around to find her angel staring at her and laughing lightly.

"Whoa Yuki-chan! Calm down! Sorry… didn't mean to scare you…"
imagining Yuki's reaction..... priceless!  :rofl:

maybe Mayu saw her these past 2 weeks but she's always with Sae! Maybe, maybe not!  :nervous
anyways, thanks for the update!  :D

Offline RenaChii

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2011, 11:49:30 PM »
CURIOUS~! CURIOUS~!!  :frustrated:

PLEASE UPDATE SOON~!!  :prayers:

Offline virgo_shaka

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2011, 04:11:36 AM »

They both walked in and took off their shoes. Sae made a run for the kitchen while Sayaka and Sae calmly walked.

How many Sae is there? :P Hehehehe..... Nice chapter, really make me curious about what will happen next. Please update  :kneelbow: :kneelbow: :kneelbow:

"Only 2PM… wonder… if I'll find her."

"Find who?"

The voice that came out of nowhere scared Yuki as she gave out a small scream before turning around to find her angel staring at her and laughing lightly.

"Whoa Yuki-chan! Calm down! Sorry… didn't mean to scare you…"
imagining Yuki's reaction..... priceless!  :rofl:

I agree. Her reaction would be priceless.   :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1:

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2011, 03:45:17 PM »
I keep smiling while I reading your fanfics >///<
Mayuyuki is my fav couple !! keke

Can't wait for what's coming next >///<

Offline BlackRockAnon

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2011, 10:40:52 AM »
I love it! It's a bit short but it's better than nothing! Good luck with your finals Shibuya-sama!  :twothumbs

I could clearly imagine Yukirin's reaction. xD

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2011, 06:01:49 AM »
Wow Yukirin is so dedicated xD

Love Mayuyu's Otakuness xD

More please ^_^!

Offline ShibuyaDokiDoki

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #17 on: June 03, 2011, 09:16:06 AM »
Thanks everyone for your comments~!!  :luvluv2: but currently, finals havent FULLY arrived yet... it next week... and i'm not ready for the math one...  :on study: MATH CAN GO BURN... or... something.  :on voodoo: But ANYWAYS... *cough* here is chapter 3.. a little bit longer  :on woohoo: since i don't want to make this story a bajillion chapters long, i'll skip somethings and maybe have some... uh... "fun" things either by next chapter or the chapter after next  :hee: so until then.... enjoy!

Lips of an Angel Chapter 3

Yuki and Mayu started talking at the park at 2 and now it was already 5:30PM and the winter sun was already almost gone. Yuki sighed and stood up, looking around at the slowly darken sky. She held out her hand and smiled at Mayu.

"Want to grab dinner with me? It's getting to be around dinner time."

"Sure! I would love to have dinner with Yuki-chan!"

Mayu took hold of Yuki's offered hand and Yuki felt a small shock run up her arm. She stood there looking surprised for a minute before smiling and walking with Mayu in the direction where many restaurants were located.

"So, what do you want to eat Mayu-chan?"

"What do YOU want to eat Yuki-chan?"

"I don't know… that's why I asked you!"

"I have no idea either!"



"Mayu-chan… you know we're not getting anywhere with this right?"


They stopped walking and looked at each other for a minute before they both burst out laughing in the middle of the sidewalk. After their fit of laughter subsided, they both grabbed each other's hand once more before they continued walking.

"Hm… what do you say about… Shabu Shabu?"

"Sound good! Where?"

"I don't know! I chose the kind of food! Mayu-chan you choose where!"

Mayu thought for a while as Yuki watched her. The more she watched her, the cuter she thought Mayu was. Then, suddenly, a light seemed to pop up beside Mayu's head and she smiled at Yuki. She held onto Yuki's hand tighter and dragged her through the streets, weaving through people and obstacles quickly.

"H-hey! Mayu-chan! Where are we going? Slow down!"

"Somewhere with very yummy Shabu Shabu! But it's always packed so we have to hurry!"

Yuki only laughed and let Mayu drag her through the streets, slowing down only when necessary. Once Mayu arrived at the destination, she slowed down and walked into the building, leading Yuki to the escalator and riding up.

"This place is really good! My friend showed it to me and from then on, this is my favorite place to go for Shabu Shabu! I hope you like it!"

"If Mayu-chan likes it then I'm sure I'll like it too!"

Mayu gave Yuki and beaming smile and walked up to the waiter to get their table. They had to wait but it wasn't as long as they thought since people have yet to arrive. Once seated, they quickly ordered what they want and began to talk once again.

"So…. Yuki-chan… who was it that you were looking for? It had to be SOMEONE…"

"Well... uh… I was… looking for you. I wanted to talk to you again but then I realized that I didn't have your number or email or anything… so my friend suggested I go and look for you… so I did…"

"Hehe… all this time, you were looking for me… how sweet Yuki-chan… well if that's the case, before we forget again, lets exchange info!"

Yuki gave Mayu and big smile and pulled out her phone. Shortly after they exchanged info, their food arrived and they began to eat. As they ate, they continued to chat and laugh about anything that came to mind. By the time they were done, Yuki checked her phone and saw that it was already 8:30PM. She sighed and called for the tab. When it arrived, Mayu and Yuki fought for it for a short while before Yuki won and paid. Mayu only sighed and shook her head giving Yuki a pout that made Yuki swoon. As they walked out of the restaurant, they looked up at the sky and saw that it was beginning to get cloudy.

"Ne… Mayu-chan… are you taking the train home?"

"Yea… are you?"

"Yup! Want to take it together?"


They walked to the station hand in hand, cuddling up to keep out the cold air that seeped through their jackets. They bought their tickets and boarded their train, finding a seat next to each other in the back of the car. Mayu place her head on Yuki's shoulder and sighed, closing her eyes.



Yuki chuckled before placing her own head on top of Mayu's and closing her eyes. A sweet scent invaded her senses and she sat there for a while wondering what it was… until she realized… it was Mayu's hair. A small smile settled on her lips as she continued to let the scent fill her senses. She was careful not to fall asleep in fear of missing her station. She felt Mayu shift and she opened her eyes and looked down. Mayu has snuggled up tightly to her and hid her face partially in Yuki's coat.

"What's wrong Mayu-chan?"

"Mmm… it's cold… and that guy over there has been staring at us for a while now… it's kind of scary. It's like how, in the animes, when they stare at you and you get off the train, they follow you and then do bad things to you in an alley or something! Scary!"

Yuki chuckled inwardly at how childish and adorable Mayu could be. Now that she remembered… she doesn't know how old Mayu really is!

"Haha Mayu-chan is cute! Ne… Mayu-chan… how old are you?"

"Hmm…? No I'm not! Oh and i'm 17! How about you Yuki-chan?"

"Oh? I'm turning 20 soon!"

"Ehhhh? You're kidding!"

"Not at all! Why are you so surprised?"

"You seem so young!"

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"It is! It is! Haha."

They sat there and chatted, Mayu staying close to Yuki, still somewhat paranoid about that man. When their station arrived, they both got up and walked out. Mayu kept checking behind her to see if the man had followed them but she gave a relieved sigh to know that he wasn't but was still alert since he too walked off the train after them. Yuki only laughed and held Mayu's hand while walking out of the station. On their way out, however, Yuki and Mayu noticed the same man and Mayu instantly became paranoid again. Yuki also thought it odd so she held onto Mayu's hand tighter and led Mayu to her home which was close to the station. Once they got to her gate, she didn't let go of Mayu's hand. Instead, she led her inside and closed the door.

"Mayu-chan… how about you stay over tonight and I'll walk you home tomorrow… I don't think it's safe right now."

Mayu nodded and went to inform her parents of her whereabouts while Yuki went on to call Sae and to tell her that she had gotten home and she had found her angel.

"Sae-chan! I'm home now!"

"Oh! Good! Did you find your little angel?"

"Yea! Actually… she found me…"

"Well! Surprises everywhere eh? Well I have to go… have a nice night! Don't do anything out of hand Yuki-chan! You know better!"

"Night Sae-chan! Hey! What does that mean?"

"Nothing! Night~!"

Sae hung up and Yuki stared at her phone incredulously. Did Sae really just imply what Yuki thought she implied? If so, Yuki was getting ready to get back at Sae as soon as she got the chance. She turned back and saw Mayu still on the phone talking to her parents. She walked up to the door and leaned against the door frame, watching Mayu on the phone. Even though Mayu was 3 years her junior, she couldn't help but think Mayu was insanely beautiful and cute. Once done, Yuki took Mayu upstairs and gave her some clothes. They both took turns taking a shower and afterwards, they hung out in Yuki's room, watching a movie on her laptop. By the time 1AM rolled around, both of them were sleepy, Mayu had her head on Yuki's shoulder while Yuki had her head on Mayu's. She slowly got up and put away the laptop and turned off the lights. She walked back over to the bed and went under the covers, Mayu following close behind. They started off sleeping on separate sides but after a while, Mayu snuggled closer, mumbling something about it being cold. Yuki hesitated for a minute but wrapped her arms around Mayu and snuggled them both closer.

"Good night Mayu-chan…"

"Mmmmm… night Yuki-chan…"

From that day on, Mayu and Yuki hung out more and more together. The more they hung out, however, the more this tingly feeling grows inside Yuki's stomach… and she's starting to get scared. What was she feeling? Why did she blush every time Mayu complimented her? When she asked Sae and Sayaka, they said she was falling for her but she didn't believe it.

"I can't be falling for a girl… can I?"


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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #18 on: June 03, 2011, 11:25:40 AM »
"I can't be falling for a girl… can I?"  >>> YES !!! You are already fall for a girl, Yukirin !!! keke

Can't help, but smiling all the time while reading this chapter >____<
I love this story haha !!

"......Don't do anything out of hand Yuki-chan! You know better!" >>> Sae-chan knows everything keke  XD

BTW... Goodluck with your exam !! ^^ Math is not easy T___T hope you get over with it very well ^____^

And I AM waiting for this >>>>> ".....maybe have some... uh... "fun" things either by next chapter or the chapter after next ....."   :P

Offline RenaChii

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #19 on: June 03, 2011, 12:39:08 PM »
Yay~! Quick update~! THANKS!  :on woohoo:

Don't deny it Yuki-chan~!!  :shy2:

THAT'S LOVE!  :luvluv2:  You must accept it~!!  :wahaha:

Please update soon~  :tama-apeshit:

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