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Author Topic: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others](updated 8/20)  (Read 15896 times)

Offline kahem

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #20 on: June 03, 2011, 07:25:30 PM »
Cute!!!!!!!! Especially the part they hold hand <3

Offline virgo_shaka

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #21 on: June 04, 2011, 02:41:22 PM »
Yuki looks more like a big sister than a lover. But that's what makes the couple looks cute. :luvluv1: Thank you for the update.  :on roll:

Offline Mari07

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #22 on: June 06, 2011, 04:02:44 AM »
When i really think about it, thats true LOL those are all the things i do with my sister  :on lol: except i take a bath with my sister, and my sister's 3 years old.

I'm really enjoying this series  :luvluv1: im amazed at how fast their relationship grows close. She met the same stranger for the second time and decides to sleep in the same bed as her. Not to mention harbor feelings for that stranger. WHO IS UNDER-AGED. :hiakhiakhiak:

Don't you just love forbidden age-gap love stories? CUZ I SURE DO  :wahaha:
♥♥♥ W Matsui ♥♥♥

Offline aoi_sora

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #23 on: June 06, 2011, 08:49:52 AM »
Yuki-chan you're in love with her!!!!!

thanks to that scary guy!  :cool1:

update soon! :mon cute:

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #24 on: June 13, 2011, 10:11:05 AM »
Hai thar guise!!!  :on drink: how have you guys been? School is finally over and so are the exams... LOL I am pretty happy... but I am tired... LOL but I am ot dead yet so here is chapter 4. It's slightly longer so its like an apology for being MIA for a bit...  :depressed: lol so... enjoy! :D lemon... should be next chapter or the chapter after next  :wahaha: :on ksweat:

Lips of an Angel Chapter 4

It's been a few months since that night Mayu first stayed over. Every day, Yuki would wake up with thoughts about the girl and go to bed thinking about her. She is thrown into turmoil by her own feelings and talked to Sae and Sayaka about it since both of them were over at Yuki's house simply to hang out. Yuki has been seeing Sae with Sayaka a lot and has her suspicions but kept it to herself.

"Hey… guys… what is this feeling where, when you're with someone and you get this tingly feeling in your stomach and you just want to hug them and never let go?"

"You like or love them…"

"Yea… what Sae-chan said. Why?"

"Well… there's this one person who, every time we're together, I always just want to stay by their side and I always get these tingly feelings…"

"Oh my! Yuki-chan is in love~!"

"I can't be!"

"Why not?"

"Well… she's under aged… and she's a girl…"

"Age is but a number and gender is no different. Don't let those things get in the way."

"Sayaka is right… think it over. Maybe you do love Mayu-san… or at least like!"

"Mmm… fine… w-wait! How did you know it was Mayu-chan?"

"Yuki-san… it's kind of obvious…"


"Oi oi… Yuki-chan… calm down… your eyes are about to pop out."

Yuki closed her eyes and shook her head before opening them again and look at her two friends. She stared at them questioningly and they stared back blankly.

"Is it… really THAT obvious?"

The both nodded their head and she only shook her head and turned away. She stayed away from that thought for the rest of the night while they were there and once they left, she went up stairs and fell onto her bed. She stared up at the ceiling, thinking about the younger girl and her feelings.

"Maybe… I do like her…"

She sighed and grabbed her phone and texted Mayu. They exchange text many times everyday, most of the time, going over 50. Even so, it feels completely natural to them. They could talk for hours on very simple things and not get bored at all.

"Mayu-chan~! (^u ^)"/ what are you up to?"

Yuki-chan! I am currently studying… exams are coming up… (T n T)"

"Ah… then I shouldn't bother Mayu-chan! You should study and do good in the exams!"

"Noooo! Talk to me! I'm lonely."

"Hahaha okay. So how was your day?"

"Like usual… school and then home to study."

"Ah… how boring… so tomorrow is Friday and you exam is tomorrow. Would you like to go hang out on Saturday with me?"

"Yea! Where? I love hanging out with Yuki-chan!"

Yuki felt a blush creep onto her cheek as she read that text. It also made her heart beat a bit faster but she knew if she heard that in person, she might as well just faint. She thought about where they should go… she wanted to see if her feelings for the young girl were real. She thought and ran endless possibilities through her mind but in the end, she chose the classic. A movie, dinner, and then take her somewhere with a beautiful scenery. Classy but effective… to a point.

"How about we go to the movies, then to dinner, then for a walk somewhere? Let you relax from all the stress of exams."

"Okay! What time should we meet?"

"Hm… I don't know… you choose!"

"Ah… how about… 2:30?"

"Okay! 2:30 it is! I'll meet you at the station then!"

"Okay Yuki-chan~! We'll I'm going to bed… I'll talk to you tomorrow!"

"Okay! Sweet dreams Mayu-chan~!"

"Dream of me…"

With that, she closed her phone and put it on her table. She sighed and pulled apart the curtains, looking out into the darkness. She thought about the young girl and smiled unconsciously. When she looked up at the window and saw her reflection, her smile quickly dropped and she shook her head.

"What's going? I can't really be thinking that I like Mayu-cha like that can I?"

She shook her head once more and went to take a shower. As she stood under the stream of water, her thoughts drifted over to the young girl and Yuki started to imagine what it would feel like to have Mayu's body against hers. She continued to let her mind wander until she heard herself let out a moan and her eyes snapped open.

"What the… oh my god… did I just…"

Yuki stood there and stared at the wall for a good five minutes before stepping out and looking herself in the mirror. She just stared at herself before giving herself a small slap and shook her head. She then continued to stare at her reflection and thought about her feelings.

"Maybe… I do like her… well… I guess we'll find out tomorrow."

Yuki sighed and got ready for bed. That night, she laid in bed staring up at the ceiling and thinking about nothing except for the young otaku. When she finally fell asleep, it was already 3AM in the morning. Even so, her dreams were unsettling…

Soft lips grazed hers as she gasped and tried her best to steady her thudding heart. She heard a small giggle and felt a weight on her looked down and saw a head of pure black strands of hair. The girl had her ear to Yuki's chest and a giggle was emitted every now and then.

"I can hear Yuki-chan's heart beat…its going 'ba-thump ba-thump ba-thump'! It's so nice to listen to…"

Yuki smiled and stroked the girl's head. She loved the feelig of their bare skin touching each other… epsecially after a night of love making such as this. The younger girl heard her heartbeat while Yuki felt her heart beat.

"You can hear it? Is it beating fast? I can feel yours… it's like a soft melody…"

"Mmm… it was fast… now it's slowed down and it sounds like a really ice song… I can fall asleep to this…"

"Go to sleep…"

"Will you… be here when I wake up?"

"Of course my dear angel… I'll always be here."

"… I love you… Yuki-chan…"

"I love you too Mayu-chan…"

She saw Mayu lean up and she leaned down and met Mayu halfway, their lips meeting in a tender kiss that left a linfering feeling on both of their lips.

Yuki sat up suddenly, keeping her blankets in a death grip. She looked around her room and noticed that the sun had just risen not so long a go and it was only 7. She had slept for only 4 hours and in those 4 hours, her dream has already gotten her heart racing.

"What… was that?"

She sat still for a bit before getting out of bed and getting ready for the day. For the whole morning, she was on automatic, not truly paying attention to what she was doing. When lunch time rolled around, she walked to a café nearby the station and had her lunch there. She stayed there and read a magazine until around 2:15. From there, she walked to the station and sat at one of the benches, waiting for Mayu. As she sat there waiting, she noticed someone behind a crowd and immediately recognized her. She stood up, ready to say hi when that someone launched herself right at Yuki. Yuki caught her with no problem and chuckled when she held on tight.

"Yuki-chan! I missed you!"

"Hi Mayu-chan! I haven't seen you in a while… how were the examines?"

"They were okay… I'm confident!"

"That's good! Well… let's get moving and celebrate the end of it!"


They walked to the ticket booth and bought their tickets and stood there waiting for the trains arrival. As they waited, Mayu told Yuki about what happened the few days they were seperated and Yuki laughed at Mayu's antics. Once their trained arrived, they got on and waited till they arrived in Akihabara. For the rest of the day, they did what they had planned. They went out to a movie and Yuki chose a scary movie causing Mayu to cling to her. Yuki quite liked that and hardly payed attention to the movie at all. Once done, they went out to eat ramen and as they sat there and ate, Yuki couldn't help but laugh at how messy Mayu could be. By the time they were done, Mayu thought their day was over… but Yuki had other plans.

"Hey… Mayu-chan… are you in a hurry to go anywhere?"

"Hm? No… not really. Why?"

"Want to go see something with me?"


Yuki smiled and held out her hand. Mayu smiled back brightly at her and grabbed it. Yuki led Mayu back to the train station and took her on a train to the outskirts of Tokyo. She stepped out of the train and led her out of the station, took a taxi to the edge of a hill and got out. She led Mayu up the hill and stopped right behind some trees. She then turned to Mayu and smiled lightly.

"I love to go here when I want to think or just to be alone… it's something like my secret hide out… I hope you like it."

She then led Mayu through the trees and what Mayu's saw took her breath away. Before her was the whole city of Tokyo in all its shining glory. From where they were, they could see the city lights and the stars cleary. The sight truly was breathtaking. Yuki smiled at Mayu's amazement and she walked over to the edge and leaned against the railing.

"It's beautiful Yuki-chan…"

"It is… but not as beautiful as something else."

"What is that something?"

"It's nothing…"

Yuki heard nothing for a minute until she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and before she knew it, soft lips were on top of hers.


Offline kahem

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #25 on: June 13, 2011, 12:08:16 PM »
 :twothumbs so romantic  :heart:

Offline nyaha00

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #26 on: June 13, 2011, 01:59:21 PM »
geh i'm grinning like a fool here   :lol:
 O0 lol @:]> afroo xd

Offline pattinium

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #27 on: June 13, 2011, 02:07:16 PM »
Glad for you !!! It's the best when school is off ^___^

This chapter is so ROMANTIC !!! >///<
Especially, the kiss at the end keke I hope Yukirin is not feeling of LOVE all alone haha !!!
Can't wait for the next chapter >///<
I love MAYUKI so so so MUCH xD
Thx for writing this wonderful fanfic !!! -3-

Offline Mari07

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #28 on: June 13, 2011, 02:16:57 PM »

Sorry .... now im just plain spamming LOL

I like this chapter! But we've been seeing Yuki's perspective LOL its really cute to see her worried but i want to see if Mayu worried of the same thing.
Or maybe Mayu didnt worry at all and planned to do stuff with Yuki all along  :deco:

Thank you for updating!
♥♥♥ W Matsui ♥♥♥

Offline RenaChii

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #29 on: June 13, 2011, 02:25:02 PM »
Yeah~ it's so romantic~!  :cathappy:

Please update soon~  :cow:

Offline virgo_shaka

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #30 on: June 13, 2011, 11:56:51 PM »
I agree with Mari07. Maybe you can make it from Mayu POV too. Anyway, this fics is really great. I really love the pairing.  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Please update.  :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

Offline BlackRockAnon

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #31 on: June 14, 2011, 01:19:56 PM »
When I saw that there was an update, I was seriously bouncing up and down on my chair.

After reading it I'm like... :panic: :hyper:

Anyway, beautiful chapter once again. I'm left speechless once more.

Thanks for your hard work!  8)

Offline saeseki

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #32 on: June 16, 2011, 11:55:55 PM »
thank you for the update  :tama-yeeaah:

Offline ShibuyaDokiDoki

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #33 on: June 17, 2011, 10:28:39 AM »
LOL thanks everyone for commenting~! :on cny2:

so you guys wanted a Mayu's POV... well... sorry but I only gave you a short one  :sweat: hope it'll do... for now... but i made sure to fill some of your... fun... imaginations while I was at it...
Yea so this chapter isn't very long but the next one should be longer  :cool2: HOPE YOU ENJOY  :on GJ:

Lip of an Angel Chapter 5

Mayu's POV

Mayu sighed as she turned back to her paper. She looked down at the questions and random doodles she had… they all resembled one person. And that one person had just texted her and asked her to go out on Saturday. Her heart soared and raced. She could feel it thudding against her chest. She sighed once more and gave up studying. She put everything away and got up, turning off her desk lap and taking off her glasses. She turned off her other lamp and got into bed. She laid there, under the covers, staring up at the ceiling in the darkness. She closed her eyes and started to imagine. She imagined feelings Yuki's body against hers, moving to the rhythm of their synchronized heartbeats. She heard herself moan as soft lips nipped at her skin. She moved her hands up and felt smooth bare skin, sweaty just like hers. She felt pleasure course through her veins as Yuki pushed her to the peak and over. She lay there, panting. Once her eyes opened however, no one was there. It was all her imagination's doing. Her disappointment was there but she knew she would get Yuki to be hers… or at least TRY.

"Yuki-chan… please say… that you feel the same as I do… and not for that other girl."

With that thought, she closed her eyes and tried to sleep, wishing for her exams to be over and for Saturday is come quickly. She planned to confess that day.

Back to Yuki's POV

Yuki couldn't believe what she was feeling… her mind tried to comprehend what was happening and what she was feeling. Mayu is kissing her and her mind is slowly but surely turning into mush. She closed her eyes and pushed against Mayu a bit, moving her lips against her angel's. Mayu pulled away first, needing oxygen. She stared at the ground, scared to look up at the older girl who had surprisingly reacted to the kiss but had said nothing so far. All Yuki could do was stare incredulously at Mayu before realizing she was staring. She shook her head and took Mayu's hand. The touch made Mayu flinch a bit and continue to stare down at the ground.

"Mayu-chan… Mayu-chan… look at me…"

Mayu slowly looked up at the older girl, her eyes filled with sadness and regret. She was waiting for a rejection… even if it was a nice rejection, it would surely kill her.

"Mayu-chan… is there something you want to tell me?"

"I-I… well… Yuki-chan… I l-l-l-Like you!"

Mayu's face turned bright red and she looked at the ground once more. She was sure her face was like a red or pink beacon in the darkness that surrounded them. She closed her eyes and waited with baited breathe for a rejection or a slap or SOMETHING disappointing… but none of those came. Instead, she was pulled into a tight hug and her senses were invaded by the smell of Yuki. She closed her eyes and inhaled. She didn't know whether she should hug back or just stand there… she decided to hug back and bury her face in Yuki's chest.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I… was scared… I was scared you would reject me and never talk to me again and and-"

"Silly… I like you too…"

They kept the hug going for a while longer before Yuki pulled away and stared down at Mayu. Mayu stared back shyly, not knowing what to do or what was going to happen. Yuki only smiled at Mayu's awkwardness and leaned down to capture Mayu's lips once more. She pulled away before tugging on Mayu's hand.

"Let's go home… it getting late."

Mayu couldn't get any sound out so she just nodded ad followed. As they sat on the train, Yuki turned to Mayu and took Mayu's hand in both of hers. Mayu looked down at the floor, unable to look Yuki in the face. Yuki sat there and waited for Mayu to look up and when Mayu didn't, Yuki placed a had under Mayu's chin and lifted her head so their eyes met.

"Why won't you look at me Mayu-chan? Is something wrong?"

"I… I can't believe that you would like me back… it just doesn't seem real"

"I do… I told you already… and it is real… I really do!"

"I know… but…"

"No buts. Now… how long have you felt this way… about me?"

"Shortly after we first met… I couldn't stop thinking about you… when I sleep, at school, during my free time… you were always there. Then I remembered I never asked you for your info so I couldn't find you nor talk to you again and I became sad…"

"You know… when you found me at the park… I was looking for you… but we searched for 3 weeks and never found you. Until you scared me at the park."

"Ah… I saw you many times! But I thought you were… with that other girl… so I didn't want to interrupt anything. Every time I saw you, you were with her so I assumed you two were… you know… together…"

"Eh? She was just helping me find you! No no… we're not together… me and Sae-chan are just childhood friends."

Mayu looked relieved and Yuki stared at her before letting out a laugh. Mayu looked back at Yuki questioningly as Yuki continued to laugh. Yuki calmed down a bit and looked at Mayu.

"What's wrong?"

"Why are you laughing?"

"Because you look so cute when you found out we weren't dating!"

"Wh- How is that cute?"

"How is it not? You were almost POUTING when you told me!"

Mayu shook her head ad blushed, making Yuki laugh even more. When Yuki noticed the young girl still hasn't looked up, she pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head. She then nuzzled the young girl, succeeding in making her laugh. After that, Yuki help onto Mayu for the whole train ride back and walked her home. Once she was outside Mayu's home, she turned to Mayu and smiled.

"I hope you had fun today! We should do it again soon!"

"Yea… hey… Yuki-chan?"


"Are… are we a… uh…"

"Couple? Hehe… well I guess I didn't really ask you… so… Mayu-chan… will you… be my girlfriend?"

Mayu stood there and watched Yuki for a minute, seemingly trying to figure out whether this was a joke or not. Seeing Yuki's serious face, she deducted that Yuki was legitimately asking her to be her girlfriend and she broke into a smile and nodded.

"Of course I'll be Yuki-chan's girlfriend!"

"Good! Hehe… well it's getting late… go rest. Let's go on a date soon, okay?"

"Yea! Good night Yuki-chan!"

"Night Mayu-chan!"

Before Yuki turned around to leave, she pulled Mayu into a hug and kissed her right on her doorstep. When they parted, Yuki's lips lingered on Mayu's for a bit.

"Sleep well, my precious angel."


Offline RenaChii

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #34 on: June 17, 2011, 02:30:09 PM »
Finally they become a couple~  :deco:

Congrats MaYuki~!!  :cathappy:

Thanks for the update~ Shibuya-san~!  :thumbsup

Offline virgo_shaka

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #35 on: June 17, 2011, 02:32:43 PM »
Now they're officially a couple. :deco:

Thank you for updating, Shibuya-sama   :kneelbow: :kneelbow: :kneelbow:

Offline pattinium

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #36 on: June 17, 2011, 04:13:27 PM »
This is....... AWESOME   !!!! >////<
Mayuki is a couple now YESSSSSSSS
I love this story and cant get enough of it !!  :inlove:
Thanks for update !!! ^___^

Offline BlackRockAnon

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #37 on: June 17, 2011, 05:18:10 PM »
I feel all warm and fluffy inside. XD

Thanks for updating! I absolutely loved chapter 5.  :inlove:

Offline kahem

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #38 on: June 18, 2011, 04:13:29 PM »
Cute!!! Cute!!! Cute!!! And jealous Mayu is cute!!!

Offline Mari07

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Re: [AKB48] Lips of an Angel [MaYuki + others]
« Reply #39 on: June 22, 2011, 03:04:43 AM »
OMG that was so effin cute  :banghead: give. me. chapter. 6!!!!!!!  :angry:
♥♥♥ W Matsui ♥♥♥

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