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Author Topic: [Oneshots] Baking [Shimazaki Haruka & Yokoyama Yui] (Jan 10)  (Read 55432 times)

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Re: [Oneshots] RinoRie Drabbles [Sashihara Rino&Kitahara Rie] (July 17)
« Reply #60 on: July 26, 2012, 11:48:55 PM »
Part 4: Yui

“I don’t want you as a sister!” Sakura said as she slammed the door to her room. Yui had just been getting on her nerves recently and that really was the last straw. The force of the slam had caused several things to fall from her tables and she went to pick them up only to throw them away in rage. She knew that she shouldn’t be so mad at Yui, that Yui was still just a kid and had so much to learn. But Yui had eaten her melon pan! The one that Anna had specially went through the trouble of learning to make.

She sighed and plopped onto her bed only to feel something jabbing at her side. Pulling it out she realized that it was the photo album that she had borrowed from her papa earlier in the week. Sakura flipped through it hoping that it would take her mind off of things. The more pages she flipped through, the less she could remember about why she was so mad in the first place. The album that she was flipping was of her and Yui, mostly Yui but she didn’t really mind.

She flipped through the pages with a smile, remembering the times that the photos were taken. That picture of her and papa when she first moved in. She could still remember how warm her papa’s hug was, it was the first time that a father figure had ever hugged her. A picture of her with kitten Melon who almost caused her mama to throw papa out into the streets in the midst of her rage. It was okay though, mama and papa made up that night and she got to sleep over at Anna’s place with Melon.

Then she saw it, the first of many photos that she would have with Yui. She was about 7 when Yui was born and was struggling to hold onto her little sister while her parents posed beside her for the picture. She remembers just how excited she was about meeting her little sister for the first time in her life. She had begged her papa to let her go to the hospital to visit mama but papa wouldn’t let her. No matter how much she pouted, no matter how much she cried papa would just smile and tell her that she couldn’t come along with her. It was probably the first time that her papa wouldn’t give in to her and maybe the only time.

Mama had been admitted into the hospital and Sakura was placed with the Kinoshitas with Melon. Sakura remembers how bouncy she had been, always asking when her little sister would be coming home and bragging about how her little sister would definitely be cuter than baby Keira. To this day, Keira still didn’t like her and she didn’t even know why. The girl would glare at her and pull Anna away whenever she could.

Papa had made sure to phone Auntie Yukko to tell her how Yui was doing and when they would be coming home with the baby. Sakura chuckled when she remembered just how scared of Yui she had been at first. Even though she was the one that had asked for a little sister and was the one would had been so excited about getting one. She remembers her mama kneeling down with papa and showing her the little bundle that was baby Yui who might she add was mighty unattractive. Its okay, Yui got cuter after a while. She was still the cutest though.

“Sakura, come say hi to your sister.” Mama had told her, and she hesitantly did so only to see Yui open her eyes and gurgle at her happily or at least that’s what she assumed. And that was how she first met her little sister. Sakura continued to flip through the pages until she heard a knock at her door and little Yui came stumbling in with a puppy face and a plate of melon pan. “N-neechan don’t be mad at Yui. Yui didn’t mean it.” Yui told her with a sad face as she placed down her offering near the door and was about to stumble away when Sakura beckoned her over.

Yui stumbled over to her sister who pulled wrapped her in a hug. “It’s alright, Neechan’s sorry for getting so mad.” Sakura patted at her little sister’s head only to get a toothy grin back. “I love Neechan!” Yui shouted happily to her sister. Sakura couldn’t help but smile at how adorable her little sister could be sometimes, and she really wouldn’t give her up for anything.

Just so you know who they are... although I'm assuming you at least bothered to google sakura if u didn't know T^T
Yui to da left
Sakura to da right

/o/ yui's actually older than sakura but hey idc /o/
« Last Edit: July 30, 2012, 05:55:13 AM by 0_o »

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Re: [Oneshots] [Ainyan&Rena + Sakura n Yui] (July 26)
« Reply #61 on: July 27, 2012, 05:59:57 AM »
i thought it was my yuihan...but then it was hkt's yui...fool me

anyway...can i take sakura home???she's so cuuutee :luvluv1:

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Re: [Oneshots] [Ainyan&Rena + Sakura n Yui] (July 26)
« Reply #62 on: July 30, 2012, 05:21:07 AM »
Haunted House - Sashihara Rino&Kitahara Rie&Yokoyama Yui

“I dare you two to go in the haunted house!” Shiichan told the two who just choked on their yakisoba. “N-no.” Rino shouted, spitting out little pieces of noodles while she did. “Oh, are you scared? It’s alright then, maybe Yui will go with Rie.” Shiichan taunted making sure to mention one of their friends, Yokoyama Yui who had a very obvious crush on Rino’s best friend. “No!” Rino shouted again before grabbing Rie and pulling her over to the haunted house that was at the festival.

Rie took a look at the girl who had just pulled her inside and sighed, “You know you really didn’t have to go if you’re so scared…” Rino who was already shaking from the dimmed lights inside tried to pull herself together and huffed out, “I-I’m not scared. W-who’d be scared of s-something as childish as this?” Realizing how unconfident she sounded Rino dragged the two of them ahead in hopes that Rie would forget.

“AHHHHHHHHHH!” Rino jumped as she felt something touch her shoulder. “Hey, we can go back if you want… And that was a fak- AHHHHHHH!” Rie screamed as she saw a figure appear in front of the two of them. The girls were now shouted and clinging to each other for life as they watched in horror as the headless figure drift past them. They continued ahead clinging to each other only to see a person jump out from beside them.

The two ran like their lives depended on it only stopping when they thought they were safe. “O-okay so maybe I should’ve listened to you.” Rino said struggling to breath. “I told you so. Now let’s get out of here.” Rie told her before trying to see if there was an exit. “Maybe over there.” Rie said before pulling the two of them to the flickering exit sign.

The two entered only to see the back of a lone figure blocking the exit. “C-can we not go there.” Rino asked grabbing onto Rie with her shaking hands. “M-maybe t-they’ll go away.” Rie said as she saw the figure turn around slowly. “HOLY MOTHER OF FREAKI- Yui! Why are you here?” Rie shouted as she felt a hand on her shoulder which turned out to just be her friend.

Yui scratched her head sheepishly, “Shiichan told me to come save you… oh and Sashihara too. You aren’t too scared right?” Rie shook her head and grabbed onto the hand that Yui offered her. On her other side though, Rino was seething with jealously. Her little ‘innocent’ mind uttering curses and swears that were beyond her years, all of which were directed at the girl that had come to save Rie. Rie had unknowingly let go of the hand that was holding Rino as she hid behind Yui’s back as they approached the disfigured
person at the door.

Rino followed behind the two sulking and didn’t even notice that the person had jumped at Rie, scared her and ran away at the speed of light after Yui handsomely threatened them. All she did see though was Rie jumping into Yui’s arms. “Stupid Yokoyama.” Rino muttered to herself as she followed the two of them through the exit. Once she got outside she felt Shiichan sling her arm around her shoulder and mutter, “You idiot ruined the chance I gave you didn’t you.”

“Nee-chan! Nee-chan! Was it really scary? Shiichan wouldn’t let me go innnnnnnnnnnnnn~” Aamin whined to Rino with a pout. “Yeah it was super scary; you’ll have to be a little bit older before you go in.” Rino told her as she picked up the little girl. The night continued on as Shiichan berated her and Aamin fell asleep in her arms, which she would not be able to feel the day after. In addition to that she had to watch as Yui kept on flirting with Rie right in front of her which made her want to murder the girl.
Yui and Shiichan bid the two farewell as they headed home for the night and the two dropped of little Aamin before heading home themselves. “Hey, are you still mad about earlier?” Rie asked wondering why the normally talkative girl had been so quiet. “No, I’m just tired.” Rino said [like a tsundere].

The rest of the walk was quiet and the two were left to their own thoughts. Well Rino’s mostly about how to murder Yokoyama Yui and dispose of her body without the cops finding out. Rie’s however, was something like this: grab, kiss, flee. Deciding to go with her plan Rie shyly grabbed onto her ‘friend’s’ hand and told her, “Hey, uh, you were really brave back there but no more haunted houses for the two of us okay?” Rino could only speechlessly nod and widen her eyes as she felt her friend plant a kiss on her cheek before running away.

“Oh… guess I don’t need to kill Yui after all.” Rino said as she whistled her way home, making sure to send mail to flaunt about it to Yui who on the other hand started plotting Rino’s death.

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Rino, i will never let's you kill my Yuihan.. LOL~

Nice story  :on woohoo:

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Sasshi and Yui... they're both 'corrupted' !! :kekeke:

Yui scratched her head sheepishly, “Shiichan told me to come save you… … … ?”
This is obviously a lie. :smhid You're coming on your own, weren't you, Yui? :grin:

C'mon Rie, don't be wishy-washy. Decide which 'murderer wannabe' you want to lean on... :lol:
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well...sasshi can take rie

since in my world, yui only for yuko :kekeke:

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Lies - Oshima Yuko

“This isn’t fair.” I could hear one of the pushed kids say complaining about the low rank that they got, I snickered before walking away. They just won’t learn that riding on other people’s cocktails won’t get them anywhere. I of all people would know. I was never pushed to be the ace, I was never pushed to be the center, and there was always someone else. I just there to help the person grow, Akimoto Yasushi himself thought that I was too experienced, that there was no way I’d grow anymore. I had to fight my way to the center, surpassing and making sure that those other people would not be able to beat me again.

I loved them, I truly did I had once thought of AKB48 as my home. I had once loved all 15 members that were one Team K. However that damned shuffled ruined everything, it broke ties, it strained feelings, and I watched as the very Team K bonded I fought so hard to forge break apart right in front of my eyes. People left and they told me that they never wanted to come back. I watched as Erepyon leave, I watched as she slapped Miho and told her that she hated her. I watched as some of the closet relationships crumble in front of my eyes.

Everything was different now and nothing was the same, the group I love broke apart and took my heart with it. I fought hard for this group, gave people the best impression that I could, I did everything that I possibly could to help the group and what I get in return was the very people I love suffering – myself included.

And now for number 1, Team K… Oshima Yuko It felt like an empty victory to me, probably none of the people here thought that I truly deserved it from Acchan. I could see the looks, I could hear the laughs, I see what they do behind my back and I pretend not to care. It’s always been like this.

   Back then It was because I was to be used, they were to learn from me. Now it’s because I’m old, all of the new kids think I should just graduate and get out of their way. I just pretend not to know, I just pretend not to care and I stay. It’ll be going soon enough; this will be my last victory. With my only opponent gone, leaving because she could stand this damned place, I will be too. AKB48 has become a place without love, we may be successful but we’ve lost all the beliefs that we once had. Kizuna was just a joke, if there’s one thing that we’ve come to master its acting.

   To so many of the people here, I wasn’t good enough; I would never be able to beat the eternal Ace, Maeda Atsuko. I tried so hard to prove them wrong, I really did but I could feel my own hope fading as the years passed. I may be the center of Team K, I may be a ‘respected’ senior, but at the same time I know that they all think that I’ll never beat Atsuko. It was this very competition that changed and ruined this group; I’d rather leave now then watch as this group kills itself.

   There was a time when we all loved this group for what it was. When sales meant nothing, when there was no reason to want to break out of here, when all of us were happy performing on that stage, and when all of us were still together. I’m afraid I’ll be the first one to leave now, I can just hope that you will all find what you’ve been looking for, and hopefully it hasn’t already disappeared out of your grasp like mine.
Hirajima Natsumi

It’s actually kind of funny, I thought to myself as I read over the email that Acchan had forwarded to me the day that she announced her graduation. It was written by a girl who was once her support in Team A, a girl who truly believed in AKB48, but at the end of the day she left. This was Maeda’s reason for leaving; Nacchan’s words had struck a chord in her, and opened up her eyes. This was the same email that was sent to every first generation member left, including Mariko.

   After getting that email from Acchan I sat there at the back of the dressing room just staring, those same words had affected me like they did to her. They never noticed that I was there, or rather they didn’t care. They continued on in their little groups, complaining, hating, gossiping, and I hated every little bit of it. This group, I just couldn’t stay in it for much longer. The more I saw, the more I noticed, the more I wanted out of this place. I clenched my phone and grabbed all of my stuff and bolted out of my room that night.

   That night, I had finally lost all my faith in the group I once loved. The fight for center was over, and there was no longer any reason why I should stay in this group.

   I told them to fight for my spot, if anything one of them no matter how rude and terrible they may be. One of them is going to inherit this group and I hope that they will be ready. In a year, they will have a chance for this very spot and the fight will be the biggest one in the history of AKB48.

I snapped out of my thoughts and continued my way towards the dressing rooms; I was going to head home. Nothing else to do now that everything was done; maybe I could get a chance to talk to Haruna. I don’t know why, but I feel like she’s changed too, just like everyone else. Nothing could be helped I guessed. I flipped open my phone again as I exited the place and took a breath of fresh air. It was so much better outside, not as stuffy and most importantly no more of that serious atmosphere. Whatever happened to just enjoying our time in the group?

   I looked at the date, June 6 and I started calculating the days I had left before my graduation. Yes, I Oshima Yuko am graduating, not that the fans will know until next April. Akimoto Yasushi had asked me for another year, and I complied it was going to be the last thing I could do for the group. I still have people I love here, and there will always be new kids coming in hoping that they can fulfill their dreams and I am going to make sure that the AKB48 I leave behind for them will do just that.

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OMG!! my heart hurts a lot.. yuuchan you deserve that spot.... doesnt matter what people thinks.. eve atsuko thinks that you are the new ace -__-

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Re: [Oneshots] Lies [Oshima Yuko] (July 30)
« Reply #68 on: July 31, 2012, 07:34:32 AM »
YUKO-SAMA!!! :panic: :panic: :panic:

we love you no matter what, and you really deserve that No. 1 spot for all the hard work you did over these years. Now you are AKB ace, and it won't change, at least for me.

Thank you for this update  :bow:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: [Oneshots] Lies [Oshima Yuko] (July 30)
« Reply #69 on: July 31, 2012, 08:07:28 AM »
my heart hurts when reading this fic..i can feel what yuko feel..

am i the only one who support yuko to graduate???

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Re: [Oneshots] Lies [Oshima Yuko] (July 30)
« Reply #70 on: July 31, 2012, 10:20:18 AM »
No, I also will support this decision of hers, if it appears she thinks about graduating. But what I do not agree about is her not being worthy the ace position. I strongly believe in her showing different AKB to all us. Just Aki-P has to give her a chance to do that, while she's still part of this huge family.
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

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Re: [Oneshots] Lies [Oshima Yuko] (July 30)
« Reply #71 on: July 31, 2012, 10:30:19 PM »
Growing Up - Matsui Jurina

She watches them every day; it’s actually kind of creepy when you think about it. She sees every little thing that goes on behind the scenes. In the public’s eyes she was only paired with her and only her. They only see the both of them fooling around on the screen, but once the cameras stop rolling it’s like a whole new world. The familiarity that they found on screen was nothing like the distance that surrounded them when they were alone.

She couldn’t help but laugh to herself, sigh out, “Why did it have to be like this.” She couldn’t remember actually befriending her, the only reason why they were together all the time was because of management. It was only because of management that they had to be so friendly on screen, it was to both their benefits but once off the screen it was like there was a huge barrier separating the two.

She knows that it's wrong for her to be this jealous of the two of them. She wishes that the thoughts of the girl leaving her would go away. She's still young, she still don't quite understand what all her feelings are but all she knows is that she feels compelled to be clinging onto her whenever she gets the chance. She tries to keep sneaking kisses at her but finds that as time went by she takes less and less notice of her. Soon it was like the older that she got, the more the other girl would reject her. "Jurina has to grow up one day." She heard her say to Akane backstage.

It was only then that she began to reject the idea of growing up; she didn't want everything to end so quickly. Yet at the same time she knew that there was nothing stopping time and the older she got the more she realized her position. She was the one that was leading SKE48, with her getting more distant she put all her effort into her schedules to the extent that she over worked herself.

All too soon she found herself crashing like many of the other members at the top, she had overworked herself. It was worse that she was still growing and developing; she was putting far too much strain on her body. She apologized to the fans; it was her own fault that she was put into that position. She was making everyone worry, but at the same time she couldn't help but feel this slight joy knowing that she was also waiting for her to come home.

The other members look on with pity, but chose not to step into the deliberate web that the management has spun up. They sigh and let the girl have her way; she was still too young to be put in such positions. They would continue to spoil her for another day, let her act like a kid at least with them because they all knew that once she stepped outside the comforts of SKE48, she would have to act beyond her age again.

Nothing had changed though, they were still drifting apart. What may have started off as a sisterly image was fading. She was getting tired of this charade and so were the fans. The gap was getting bigger between the two of them as she began getting closer to Airi. It hurt her to see the two of them interacting; it hurt her to know that the two of them were painfully in love with the other. She stops to think to herself, "Why am I so jealous?"

She asks the older members, but they would all just give her a soft smile and say that she just wanted her older sister figure back. Yet she knows that that's not it, there was something more. The distance only kept growing until there was nothing left but memories. It was here that she sat and wondered about it. No matter how much she tried to analyze her feelings she still felt confused and in the end just brushed it off.

She started to grow up, started to think less of her and she stopped trying to overwork herself. Before she knew it she was growing up and it wasn't her clinging to everyone anymore, it was the younger kids clinging to her. She took her responsibilities more seriously, it wasn't her at the top anymore. She may be Akimoto-sensei's favorite in SKE48 but she had become the undeniable ace. She felt no jealously, instead there was this budding pride that she felt for the other girl.

She still asks the older members why she was so jealous, they still give her soft smiles but they now tell her the truth, "You were in love with Rena." She stands there in shock, going through all her memories and coming to the realization that she was indeed once in love with Matsui Rena. She still doesn't know what or why it had developed into that but she knows that she isn't in love anymore. She doesn't feel any pain when she sees her and Airi together.

She still feels pain when she hears the two of them announce their graduation; she still sheds tears at the announcement. Even now performing at their graduation concert she can't help but cry. She stands there in the crowd of girls wishing the two of them good luck in their future. She knew that this would be coming; they were both struggling to stay inside SKE48. She had dreams beyond SKE48 and it was only the bond that kept her there, she wasn't surprised at, "I, Matsui Rena will be graduating from SKE48."

She had undeniably grown up from that 11 year old that was entirely dependent on her. She stares at the audience in front of her announcing something that she knew they all dreaded, "I, Matsui Jurina will be graduating from SKE48."

She knows this is the right choice, just as Acchan had done years ago she too needed to step aside and let the others take over. She watched these talented research students grow and become members. It was time to let them take the spotlight; they would be able to support the group from now on. She stands at the spotlight for her graduation concert wondering about all the years that she spent in the group. She wonders how she felt standing there holding hands with Airi and graduating just 2 years ago. It's was the first time she had thought of her since then.

She feels awkward singing her solo and thought the management was just joking with her when they told her about it. She had sung Kareha no Station once before, and only once. Kareha had not been sung since Matsui Rena graduated and was only a bittersweet reminder to the older members about their friend. The concert finishes and they all return backstage for once last farewell, she was officially a graduate now.

She looks at all of them with tears in their eyes and smile, “Hey, I’ll come back to visit. I’ll be watching all of you so you better do a good job.” She had taken their spotlight for far too long; she was finally going to give it up after a good 10 almost 11 year run. She gives everyone a hug before grabbing her stuff and bracing the cold winter night outside.

Pulling out her cell phone she stares at the wallpaper, it was a photo of the 1st SKE48 generation and smiled. She was the last one to graduate. She was just about to close her cellphone when she receives a message from a familiar phone number.

-Congratulations on your graduation. –Matsui Rena & Furukawa Airi –

She smiles and types a quick reply joking about how they should just get married already. She isn’t in love with her anymore and by the time she got over everything she was closer to the two of them than ever. It was as if after that graduation the barrier that separated the two had magically disappeared.

Dozens of mails start flooding her cell phone from the members; former and present congratulating her on graduation and she can’t help but tear up. She felt a bit strange riding on the train while tearing up at the messages that everyone was sending her, but she figured that nothing mattered more than the members right now. SKE48’s bond still remained intact through all these years.
She looks at that wallpaper one last time with a smile before changing it.

It was time to end that chapter of her life and begin a new one.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2012, 07:46:26 AM by 0_o »

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Re: [Oneshots] Growing Up [Matsui Jurina] (July 31)
« Reply #72 on: July 31, 2012, 10:40:37 PM »
This was tearful.... *can't imagine Rena-sama graduating...* when that happens, I'll be crying crocodile tears...  :cry: :cry: :cry:

Please, write something fluffy... It's not like I'm getting depressed, but you're graduating my oshimen in your stories... It breaks my heart...  :cry: :cry: :cry:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

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Re: [Oneshots] Growing Up [Matsui Jurina] (July 31)
« Reply #73 on: August 01, 2012, 02:56:57 AM »
it's a heartbreaking story T_T

about wmatsui..i remember i read an article about them. jurina said that although she and rena often paired in many photoshot but they are not that close. i believe that jurina's love in real life is for churi..
i agree that jurina overworked. she's so young yet has big burden on her shoulder. but, i'm happy that jurina grow up.. 

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Re: [Oneshots] Growing Up [Matsui Jurina] (July 31)
« Reply #74 on: August 01, 2012, 06:32:43 AM »
awww you make me feel sad.. but its incredible.. if jurina had been 11 years in ske.. her real age gonna be 22 years old still so young..

about yuko´s graduation.. of course i dont want that she graduate soon because i think that she have still thing to do in akb.. maybe 2 o 3  years no more.. but with this last sosenkyou we know the next year could happen.. but like mariko sama says when you vote in the election in not about what you did.. the fans want to know what you are gonna do  the next 12 months... that why i gonna support my oshi no matter what happen

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Re: [Oneshots] Growing Up [Matsui Jurina] (July 31)
« Reply #75 on: August 01, 2012, 10:26:27 PM »
The Adventures of Derprin - Kikuchi Ayaka&Katayama Haruka
[aka the fic that went from super angst to cracky]

“So… I heard from Natsumii.” I started slowly already feeling my hands sweat. It wasn’t supposed to start like this, but this is my only chance. “About? What type of rumors has that love sick fool been spreading now?” you retorted bitterly, ouch guess you’re still bitter over MaYuki. “Ouch, just thought I’d come to see if you wanted to get out of here. Ya know, away from the lovey dovey couples?” I offered my fingers crossed and everything. “Uh sure let me just grab my jacket.” You went to grab your jacket off the couch and threw a glance at a certain couple you came back. Grabbing your hand I pulled you out the door, is it so hard to see that I’m jealous? Jealous of how much you love Yukirin, jealous that you would willingly give her up to Mayu just to see her smile. Both you and Nacchan are fools. Can’t you at least see that I’m here? It doesn’t matter if you’re still in love with Yukirin…

It had always been you…
Can’t you see?
Can’t you stop being blinded?
Can’t you see the coward who’s loved you since the beginning?
The one who’s seen all of your longing glances, the subtle touches, and the loving gazes.
Can’t you just see me?

“Hey… are you alright?” you asked me concernedly noticing that I was spacing out. I gave you a slight smile before replying, “I’ll be alright.” You stared at me for a while with a doubtful look before looking up at the night sky. I was subtly staring at our still joined hands when I heard you ask, “Where are we going?” It had been such a long time since I’ve last held your hands, probably not since my scandal. We haven’t been alone together since then either.

I truthfully told you, “Where do you want to go? I got nowhere to go tonight.” It was true I had not expected this to happen and was planning on bitterly staring at you all night anyways. “My place? We haven’t hung out since…” you suggested while mentioning that taboo topic. I wonder if you thought I loved him, the boy I lost AKB48 for. He was my scapegoat, in a desperate attempt to prove to myself that I didn’t love you. It was silly wasn’t it? To risk everything to prove to myself that I wasn’t in love with a fellow member.

“Yeah it’s been a while.” I replied quietly, trying to avoid your curious gaze, you wanted to know how I would react.  With a slow and steady pace we walked towards your house which was surprisingly close to where the party was being held. I never let go of your hand and you never tried to shake me off along the way. The road was so familiar yet distant; it had been years since the two of us were in this situation.

I think it’s been three years, to think that my stupidity would have cost myself three years by your side. I regret all of it; maybe this will be a time for me to make up for the past three years of being a stranger. Katayama Haruka, will you allow me the honor of being by your side again?

“You know it gets kind of creepy with you sneaking looks at me you know…” You said with an embarrassed tone. “Damnit, I got caught.” I replied trying to joke it off, but you just looked at me with flushed face that made me want to throw myself against a wall. I felt my face flush too as I turned away.

“Kikuji, don’t you miss the old Team B days?” You asked trying to change the topic. “I do, but we had to grow up at some time. Can’t always be running around the theatre with Gon and trying to climb the pillars now can we?” I replied with a smile, the mere memory was just too precious.  You laughed before adding, “I still can’t believe you got Yukirin to join you two, to think she was the responsible one.” “Let’s just say that Gon can be very, very convincing when she wants to be. Although the punishment was horrible, it’s still a fun memory.” I was grinning; Yuki was the one who got the worst punishment out of the three of us she even told me she had nightmares about it afterwards.

The atmosphere had noticeably lightened as we continued the walk towards your house. “So, how’s team K?” you asked with a curious tone. “Fun, really fun although Sayaka’s some like evil Spartan warrior like teacher. Yuko’s a pervert, but hey that’s not my problem~ Flat-chest senbatsu you know.” I said with a joking tone, I really did come to love Team K like a second home.
“I’m glad you like it there, although to me nothing beats old team B!” You said energetically, while swinging my arm like a child. Which might I add was the most adorable thing ever, even though you act all mature you’re still a child just like when you first auditioned for Team B. Nothing will ever change my first image of you, even if you did eventually grow up to be such a fine person.

“Nothing beats seeing you trip everywhere during practices, you mean.” I added with a laugh, I will never let you live that down. I don’t know if you woke up on the wrong side of bed or something but seeing you fail at every single dance was just hilarious. The usually praised dancer, being scolded by sensei now that helped sooth our struggling dancer’s minds. If Haachan can mess up sometimes, so can we was what we comforted ourselves with. CinDY although strict, was right everyone made mistakes and we just needed to learn from them.

You whipped your head towards me after hearing my jab, “It was one time okay Kikuji! One time, why won’t you ever let me live it down?” you wailed to me while trying to pull my arm off. “No, it’s one of our fondest memories of Haachan you know.” I told you with a sheepish smile, at least it’s one of my favourite memories of you the others… I’m not too sure about.

I felt you suddenly tug on my hands and I turned back to you in confusion. “Hey, we’re here already where do you think you’re going?” You said teasingly, my cheeks flushed from both the embarrassment and the smile that you were giving me. I raised my free hand up to my head to sheepishly scratch it while giving you a lame smile, boy do I go into unattractive fail mode whenever I’m with you. “Come on you weird child.” You insulted before tugging me towards the door. “I’m not weird! Or a child!” I retorted with a childlike voice, whoops that wasn’t supposed to happen. “Right Kikuji… right.” You said in a disbelieving tone which just made me want to smash my head against a wall. At this rate, I’ll never be able to win an argument against you.

“Is nobody home?” I asked quietly when I noticed that there were no lights turned on in the house. “Yeah, they’re all visiting for Christmas; I couldn’t go because of the schedules.” She told me with a pout before dragging me upstairs towards her room… Not that I memorized the layout of her house or anything.

Sometimes I just want to slam my head against a wall to stop myself from thinking the way that I do. Sayaka would laugh so hard if she found out not only was I an idiot but I thought like a complete love sick idiot. “You know… if you damage the walls you have to pay right?” I heard you tell me. “What?” I asked before finally understanding. I was right about to slam my head against the wall next to your room. My head dropped from embarrassment, man today is just not going that well.

“Now that your back in the real world, go in and I’ll grab us something to drink.” You said before going back downstairs to the kitchen. Haachan’s room was so different from the last time that I’ve come here, but then again that’s to be expected isn’t it? She’s all grown up now, if she was already called mama back then she’s like an obaa-san now. I’m such a terrible person, calling my extreme crush an obaa-san. It’s not my fault that’s she’s all showa and everything. She’s cute like that anyways, I don’t even know what I’m thinking anymore.

I took a seat under the kotasu trying to warm my freezing legs, why oh why did I choose to wear a short skirt. It was practically freezing outside, gosh another idiotic choice made to add to my growing pile. I looked around the room but nothing caught my eye until I tried to peak under her bed and HOLY MOTHER FUCKING GOD I AM TOTALLY IMAGINING THINGS. I whipped my head away and tried to brush away the blood seeping from my nose but it just would stop. “God, Kikuji what the hell did you do?! You better not have dirtied my carpet!” I heard Haachan say as she rushed into the room trying to help me stop my nosebleed.

“I’m sorry.” I stumbled out while stuffing the tissues she passed me up my nose. This was by far the most embarrassing thing ever. “Kikuji, what in the world is wrong with you today? Are you sure you aren’t deathly ill or something…” Haachan started to say, excuse me I’m not sick, okay maybe love sick. Oh my god that was beyond lame, someone save me from myself. “You got some blood on your shirt, take it off we need to wash it before it dries.” Haachan told me before trying to tug it off of me. I was struggling, my face having become beet red from the mere suggestion. In fact I think more blood was gushing out of my nose from that suggestion. “I-I can do it myself!” I shouted trying to stop Haachan from stripping me.

You just gave me a strange look before stopping, “Oh gosh Kikuji it’s not like I haven’t seen you naked before. Why so shy all of the sudden?” You asked me and I just stayed there frozen. You rolled your eyes and muttered something about taking a page out of Takahashi’s book. I’m not a man like Takahashi okay?!? I mean she’d refuse too if it were Amina trying to strip her! You turned around to grab me a random shirt you had lying around; I sure hope that thing is clean. After handing me the shirt you started busying yourself with your cell phone and saying, “Hurry the hell up and change I need to wash your shirt.”

Shyly turning around I changed in like milliseconds, things that we learn in AKB48: how to change at the speed of light. I passed you my stained shirt and you left the room again leaving me all alone. I could smell your perfume from this shirt and it was giving me bad thoughts. It was those unnecessary thoughts that gave me the nosebleed in the first place. I sighed, falling onto my back I looked up at the plain ceiling. I was starting to get sleepy, my eyes were drooping and before I knew it everything was black.

“…that baka….sleeping…”
“…stupid baka…”

When I woke up, those were the only words that I remembered hearing while I was half asleep. The lights were turned off and I had been moved to your bed.  A very painstakingly obvious thought passed my mind as I turned to look at the clock. There was no way I’d be able to make it home since it was already past midnight. I wanted to just faint again, I will have to sleepover at your house for the first time. I rubbed my eyes and pulled myself out of the covers, your scent was getting intoxicating.

I walked outside of your room and saw the lights coming from downstairs, I almost tripping down the stairs while trying to get down them. I was still trying to rub the sleep away from my eyes when I derpily walked into the living where you were.  “So you’re finally awake.” You told me without taking your eyes off the screen. I turned to see the screen only see that it was her on it, no wonder you were so focused. I’ll never be able to take your eyes off of her will? “I’m hungry.” I whined trying my best to distract you. Am I not good enough?

“Okay, okay, I’ll make you something to eat. You don’t grow up do you Kikuji?” You said with a sigh before pulling yourself away from the TV. I can’t tell if it was a victory or not… do you really just see me as a child? I’m not like Harugon, I can handle myself… I don’t want to end up like her chasing after someone who just sees her like a sister. It’s far more painful to be close to the one you like but know that they’ll never look at you in the way that you want them to.

I took a seat on the couch that you just left and sighed. It was just me left alone to face the TV, which was showing what you think to be your only love. I’m just not good enough compared to her huh, maybe if I never got into the scandal I might be able to compete. Who knows what could have happened… but I just had to screw it up for all of us. I know I’ve said it a billion times after my scandal, but I honestly am sorry for everything. I brought Team B down with me when I got fired, and I made everyone cry. I’ll never feel like I belong in Team B anymore, I betrayed everyone that year.

I just sat there blaming myself for what must have been an eternity because the next second I decided to return from dreamland I could smell something tasty. I guess you were almost done with what would be our midnight snack. Pulling myself up from my depressing seat in front of the TV I walked towards the kitchen to take a peak. I’ll be honest I wasn’t expecting to see such a… shocking sight. You know, that feeling when you see the person you like being all pretty and everything and they just like shine to you. Yeah I have no idea what I’m saying but I was just plain shocked at how flawless she looked to me. It was only then that the thought, ‘I want to see this for the rest of my life’ passed my mind.

I’ve always been too afraid to dream of a future with you because I knew about you and Yuki. To this day I couldn’t of fathomed being able to see you cooking for me or even being this close to you again. You turned around and saw me just derping there before sighing again and ordering, “Don’t just stand there; set the table the things are in that cupboard.” I walked towards the cupboard that you pointed two and grabbed the things for the both of us I was guessing that you were eating too. After setting the table I walked back into the kitchen wondering if you needed any help but you just shoo-ed me away. So I just went back to the table to space out about how ethereal everything was, it was almost homely. Then again, you and I would never be possible; I could never have that future that I’m imagining right now.

“Ayaka, you really need to stop spacing out.” You told me while placing down the bowl of noodles that you were making. “I’m sleepy?” I said, I actually kind of was with all of this drama. Being with near you is so hard; it takes all my strength not to just run away. “Eat then go to bed okay? I made you lots cause god knows that you need to stop looking like a stick.” You started off caring then you just had to throw in a jab, no wonder they all call you a S. That’s alright though, because I’m a M. Oh god Yuko is rubbing off on me with her lame ass jokes.

“Alright.” I said timidly before starting on my bowl of noodles, she seriously seems intent on making me fat what is with all this meat. You just sat there across from me watching me like a creep, wait isn’t that my job? Something is wrong… “Uh Haachan, why are you staring at me like that.” I asked totally confused, did I have something on my face or something. “Just making sure you don’t randomly faint again.” You told me and I just wanted to run away in embarrassment. Today was just not my day; somebody out there is playing one very cruel joke with me. “Um… would be alright if I asked you a question?” I asked, there was just something I was far too curious about, actually I was kind of afraid of how you were going to answer.

“Ask, I mean why are you so shy all of the sudden, we’ve known each other for years.” Haachan replied propping her head onto the table and gave me a curious look. “Why Yuki…?” You had a slight frown on your face and I thought that you wouldn’t reply to my question. It suddenly became silent and as bad as it was, the only sound of the tv was heard – and the occasional voice of the girl in question. I was in the middle of thinking of a way to redirect the topic when you said, “I don’t know.” I looked at you, surprised with the amount sincerity you showed. “I just don’t know why I’m in lo- I mean why I like her.

“Oh…” I voiced, it wasn’t a lie that I was disappointed by this answer. “Ayaka…” You said hesitantly, it was only then that I realized how serious you were becoming. I gulped suddenly realizing just how awkward it was to have you staring into my eyes. “Ayaka, I know you like me.” You said grabbing my hand. I gave a confused look, my brain didn’t understand what she just told me. “W-what?” I stuttered out thinking that I just imagined what she just said.

“I know you like me.” You repeated, this time painfully slowly while staring right into my eyes. Coupled with the fact that you were still holding on to my hand, I really did think that I was going to faint again.  “Breathe Ayaka, I don’t want you to die on me.” You told me before rolling your eyes, I gave a small pout. I wouldn’t die from something as little as this! Oh crap, I think my mind finally processed what she said, “Wait! What?!!? I don’t like you!” I shouted getting up and preparing ready to run away. You just starred me down and I dropped back into my seat, shrinking with every minute passing by.

“Now that you’re finally awake, about what I was saying. I know you life me, I’ve always known. I just chose to ignore it because of Yukirin and now that she’s gone. There’s no reason for me to pretend.” You continued on, and I could feel myself bubbling with hope. Does it mean that I actually have a chance now? After so many years, you’ll finally give me a chance? Better yet, I didn’t have to confess. “B-but.” You continued. Oh I guess there wasn’t hope at all I thought as my face fell.  “I’m not ready for this, I don’t want to reject you or anything. It’s just that I’m not ready, I don’t want you to feel like I’m just using you to get over Yuki.” You told me, the grasp you had only hand only getting tighter.

I looked away; I had never expected something like this to happen. I never even dreamed of a chance for you to acknowledge my feelings, but here you are in front of me telling me that I have a chance. What am I supposed to feel? I don’t even know how I should react right now. There was one thing I knew for sure though, I was okay with waiting. If I’ve already waited for so many years I’m sure that even if it meant waiting for another few years I’d be alright. I put my other hand on top of yours and told you, “It’s alright. If you want me to be the rebound I’d be alright with that. If you want me to wait, to give you time I’m perfectly fine with that. I just want you to be happy, that’s what I’ve wanted from the start.”

You know this sounds like its right out of a crappy romance novel that I could never get past the first page of, and I was pretty sure that if I ever looked back at this I would be cringing at the words that I just spoke. There was this moment of silence as you stared at me in disbelief I couldn’t tell if it was because of my words or the fact that I actually said something like that. “You know, I probably never expected something like that in my life from you Kikuji.” You told me with a smile, and I awkwardly removed my hand from above yours only to have you grab it with your other free one.

“But I’ll keep that in mind.” You continued with an even bigger smile, and my face flushed red. I struggled out of your grasp awkwardly because I knew that if it went on for any longer I would actually faint again. That smile, you shouldn’t even be allowed to smile at me. That thing is like a murder weapon to me, and only me. “I-I guess we should probably finish eating.” I stuttered out, hoping to change the topic.  You nodded back at me and we fell into silence again, very very uncomfortable silence for me. I had no idea how I was supposed to act now. Why oh why world do you play this type of cruel joke to me.

We quickly finished dinner and headed back upstairs so to her bedroom. We were inside and she had just finished setting up my futon when she came up to me and asked, “Oh Kikuji did you want to shower with me tomorrow?” with the most innocent look ever. SHOWER. WITH. HER. At that point my brain blacked out and I felt myself fall into her arms, and could hazily hear her say “whoops”

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what did ayarin saw under haachan's bed which made her nosebleed :dunno:

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muahhahahaahaha dats for u to guess and for my perverted mind not to think of

Shonichi - Hirajima Natsumi, Watanabe Mayu, 3rd Gen

Yume wa ase no naka ni
Sukoshi zursu saite iku hana
Sono doryouku
Kesshite uragiranai

A familiar tone rang from my cell phone, less than a month ago this song meant the world to me. It still does, but every time I hear it I feel this pain in my chest. My dreams have left me and I’m left without something to chase. I no longer sweat on the very stage with my teammates; instead I am forced to watch as they each continue grow in the midst of their sweat and tears.

It’s kind of bitter isn’t it…for a song that once meant so much, to bring me so much pain now. B3rd Shonichi was our chance to prove everyone wrong, that we weren’t the deadbeats in the group. We sure proved them wrong; Shonichi brought us recognition and allowed us to grow above the image of the group dragging AKB48 down. At request 2009 we even managed to snag number 1 because of it, they saw all our hard work.

I can still remember the smiles on everyone’s face when it was announced that we would be getting our very first own stage. Something that we could call ours, we no longer had to wear the uniforms of the other groups. Everything that happened after made us proud, Cindy and I. Although we did not join by free will, we grew to love them like family. We developed a stronger bond than we had back in Team A as we watched each and every single one of them bloom from the awkward children that they were.. I do not regret being sent to Team B, it was one of the best things that happened in my life.

March 1st 2008 will probably the most memorable day in my life aside from December 12th 2005. I still remember everything leading up to the big day. The harsh dance lessons, the tears, sweat everything is imprinted in my mind. Despite the fact that I can remember only so little about the actual performance that day, everything seemed to have passed by in a blink of an eye. I can hear the cheers, the smiles and all the tears but I can’t remember anything specific.

The phone had long stopped ringing, instead a message replaced it ‘We should meet up. I’m not taking no for an answer.’ I thought to myself the sender was in fact for ever childish. It was as if she could be grown up in front of mass media but only shed down her image in front of the 3rd gens. I didn’t send her a reply; I knew that she’d just ring at my bell when it was time for me to be dragged out. It had grown into a habit these few years – not replying to her messages.

Maybe I’m just taking after Yukirin who also refuses to reply to most of her mails. Rather than doing anything I just threw myself back to bed, hoping that I would be able to catch a few hours of sleep – today was Team B’s performance. I knew that in the back of my head, I should’ve been in it had it not been for my scandal.

Slowly I drifted off to sleep, my mind surprisingly calm.

“Ne Ne Nacchan! I’m hungry!” Harugon was whining to me for the billionth time today, seriously what is this child on? She’s almost like another Acchan, which totally explains why the two are so suspiciously close to each other. Classmates, right… pffft I totally believe they’re just classmates. I just sighed and continued applying my make up trying my best to ignore the child. It’s hard to believe that we were the same age, especially when she acts like she’s still in kindergarten. “Nacchan!!” she shouted into my ear, I winced praying that I wasn’t going to become deaf.

I spotted Cindy out from the reflection of my mirror; she was busy talking to one of the staff members. “I told you to go eat a snack. We can go for dinner later, Cindy’s paying!” I shouted hoping that she would let me get away with it. Cheers started to fill the room as Cindy stood there shocked and I just gave her an evil smile. Free food is always good food, especially since the place needs to be able fit so many growing children. Then again, Harugon can eat for 3… Cindy’s wallet is going to be very very broke.

“W-what?! No I am not Hirajima Natsumi! DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT CONNING ME!” She shouted from across the room and everyone started pouting. I smiled, “But Cindy! Look at all our hungry kouhais!” I shouted back to her, signalling her to look at all of our adorable demonic pouting faces.  She sighed before giving in and saying “Fine…” and I was almost about to celebrate when she continued “Me and Natsumii will treat everyone.” Cheers filled the dressing room and my smile fell my face. The look on Cindy’s face said that I would not be able to argue myself out of it. There goes my allowance I thought before mentally giving my wallet a funeral.

Sinking in my seat I continued to watch everyone fooling around from the mirror’s reflection. Today was our day, the day that we’ve all been look for yet it seemed like everyone was trying their best to hide their nervousness. It was not our first time on the stage, but this is the performance that we’ve all hoped for – something to call our own. To prove to everyone that we were deserving of our spots in this group and not as the worthless deadbeats that were hanging on the coat tails of their senpais.

Today was our chance to shine I thought to myself, I looked into the mirror finding that I had the silliest smile on my face. “I think the skirt’s a little short…” I heard Kikuji complain from behind me while tugging at her skirt sheepishly. Cindy walked over to her raging, it was most definitely not the first time where she had complained about it. “Don’t tell me you grew again Kikuji! What the hell are you eating?!” Cindy yelled practically wanting to pull her hair out. Sometimes I’m so thankful that I’m not Captain… I would’ve been driven insane by everyone a long time ago.

The only reply that Cindy got was a sheepish smile and “Dunno, where are we going for dinner.” Cindy looked like she was going to explode already. The only thing that anyone thinks about in this team is food, lessons are a completely chaos because everyone just sits around eating snacks. “STOP THINKING ABOUT FOOD!” Cindy shouted completely out of control. I’ll admit I’m a bad team member so I’ll just sit here laughing to myself and make funny faces at Naruppe who was across the room laughing.

“What did you think? They’re growing kids…” The forever mature Haachan tried to say reasonably.  Cindy just stomped off to the side to cool herself off, the children in the dressing room staring at her. “I think Cindy’s going to blow up soon.” Commented Aika to Haruka who was busy fooling around with Ayarin. “Sweet!” Harugon shouted loudly turning her head and waiting for Cindy to actually blow up. That child…just what are we supposed to do with her? I worry about her future sometimes.

Cindy’s going to blow one of these days… I just know it. Or actually right now… “NAKAGAWA HARUKA!” She shouted from her corner, whatever anger she had before it was now a lot worse. “Run away Harugon. The evil monster is going to kill us all.” Ayarin told her, only to make the raging Cindy even worse. Seriously these kids have no control, they’re totally KY. How are they going to survive then again that’s only if Cindy doesn’t kill all of them first.

 “WHY IS AKI P PUNISHING ME LIKE THIS.” Cindy said dropping to the floor in utter despair. Yes, Cindy has now officially lost it, on our shonichi too… “AND YONEZAWA STOP SMIRKING! YOU SHOULD BE HELPING ME! WHY ARE YOU ALL SMIRKING!? COME HELP ME CONTROL THESE DEMONS!” Cindy shouted to the older members, who according to her should know better. Sadly for her, nobody is going to help like usual. “You sure look like you are going to blow up.” I commented, finally turning to face her taking pleasure in her face getting redder.

What would our group do without Cindy as comedic relief? If she wasn’t freaking out over the younger kids, we’d all be so nervous. Everyone’s just laughing now and relaxed, isn’t that for the best? “Okay guys, 10 minutes till performance. And Cindy stop screaming we can hear you from the hallway. The guests probably can too.” One of the staff members said effectively putting an end to Cindy’s rage before she murdered all of us.

“I am calm… I’m not going to murder all of these kids… I am calm…” Cindy chanted to herself trying to desperately calm herself down before a crime happens. As the time drew closer all our faces became solemn and we quieted down. “Okay guys, gather up.” Cindy ordered after finally calming herself down. I’m glad our shonichi won’t end up because one of our death dates…

Itsumo kansha
Reisei ni teinei seikakuu ni
Minna no yume ga kanaimasu youni
AKB Chiimu B

I heard a sudden ringing bring me out of my slumber; I sleepily rubbed my eyes and pulled myself out of bed. I looked at the clock on my wall, 8:10 I had been asleep for almost 5 hours. Cindy would surely berate me wasting my day away; I’m just so tired nowadays making up for my last 6 years of sleep that I missed. The door bell kept on ringing and I ran through the house swearing that I would hurt whoever was ringing it.

I opened the door only to see Mayu standing there impatiently, “Took you long enough.” She said annoyed. “I was sleeping.” I told her while yawning; hopefully she will take pity on me and let me sleep. “We’re going out; you haven’t met up with us once since your graduation.” She said trying to pull me away from my doorway. I sighed giving up, at this rate she would forcibly remove me no matter what, “Okay, at least let me change.” I tried to take as long as I could getting dressed but I knew that Mayu was extremely impatient and didn’t want to bring anymore suffering upon myself. It was almost half an hour later when I finally allowed Mayu to successfully pull me out the door.

“Where are we going?” I asked although if I had actually read the billion mails that she had apparently sent while I was asleep I would know. “Karaoke with the members...” she paused for a bit before added, “The old ones.” Immediately I tried to pull my hand away, she was going to make me face everyone. “Nacchan…” She called out to me quietly as I started to back away from her. The pain in her eyes only made me heart clench, I stood there frozen. At the back of my mind I knew that I would have to face all of them eventually. The very people I broke my promise to – I promised that I would watch over the younger ones. I can’t do that anymore, I broke my promise to them…

She reached her hand out to me as if I was just a shy child, and I hesitantly took it. The bright smile on her face only made me feel worse, I just don’t know if I will be able to face everyone. I was acting like a scared child and I knew it, for once Mayu was acting older than me. Just how much have you changed since I’ve left I wondered while staring at the side of her face.

“We’ll be there soon, stop worrying. Everyone just misses you, think of it as a little reunion…” She whispered to me trying to stop me from squirming in discomfort every 5 seconds. You’ve really grown up haven’t you? I’m sorry forever ever letting that happen. My heart started beating faster as I approached the ever so familiar karaoke place. It was our meeting place, where all of us would get together no matter how busy we had become with our busy lives. I could feel myself getting tugged towards the familiar room but you stopped in front of the door and asked me, “Are you ready?” I shook my head and you gave me a demeaning look. “J-just a minute.” I stuttered out, trying to get my mind together. Everything was just so scrambled, I thought I was okay with this graduation thing but I guess I really wasn’t.

You stood there patiently as if you were willing to wait forever for me to get the courage to face everyone. I’m just not used to this new and mature you; if it were back in those days you have already pulled me into the room and thrown me in front over everyone. You were looking at me with such encouraging eyes, yet the weight in my chest only got heavier. I gave you a slight nod and you turned to open the door with your free hand, the other hand was holding mine gently.

Everyone inside froze up as they realized that it was me outside the door, it had been a while but it was as if nothing had changed for any of us. Yonechan was already there, watching their frozen faces with a smirk. Why am I not surprised that you would be over everything already, Yonezawa Rumi never wanted to be an idol. “Welcome back Natsumi.” Cindy told me as she snapped out of her frozen state, her forever gentle smile directed at me. From that point onwards it was as if we were back to 4 years ago, when all of us were happily dancing together on that very stage. Everyone took turns giving me a hug, or in some of the younger kid’s case actually make that just Harugon’s case trying to suffocate me with her death hold.  Your father may be a wrestler but there is no need to try and kill me!

A round of somewhat painful hugs later they finally allowed me to take a seat, and it was like everything fell back into place. The laughter, the smiles, everything, it was as if we never graduated. Ayarin was fooling around with Harugon while trying to drive Cindy insane. Lovetan clinging onto some of the older members, everyone chatting happily with each other. We were just us, the foolish 16 kids hoping to make Team B into something rather than nothing. It was all routine for us, these meet ups. We never bought up anything about the graduations and would welcome each other with open arms. We all promised that no matter who it was that graduated we would not shed a single tear but support them with their choice.

Time flew by, just like it always did but I still couldn’t get that uneasy feeling out of my chest. I knew that once I leaved the safety of this room everything I feared would start. I wanted to stay here forever, without having to feel judged and shamed by the world. I broke my contract, it was true and now I will face the consequences forever. I was not going to be spared by the public; I was just another scandalous member to everyone. They know not of my efforts, of my reasons or how much I’ve done for AKB48 or will they bother to remember. I left this group in shame and that will be how I am going to be remembered by everyone.

The whole time Mayu was watching over me despite being pulled into singing all types of anime songs with Wota4, it was cute I have to say. Seeing her so protective of me, almost like I was some type of fragile little thing that could break down any moment. We were nearing the end of our sessions and I felt Mayu grabbing my hand once again. She knew, I knew, everyone knew what would be coming up next – Shonichi. Ever since our first stage that is the song that we ended our karaoke sessions with, it was always with this song that everyone could start to freely cry. No matter where we are now, we all miss that stage that we once fought to stay on.

At a time like this, I’m so thankful that the room was a little bit too small for us to start dancing to shonichi, it was already hard to fit all 16 of us in here now. Time passed and before we knew it we were all grown up, even the youngest. The familiar intro started and I felt Mayu’s hold tighten and I saw she was almost staring at me. I turned to face her with a forced smile, who knew that it would be my turn so soon. To have this type of graduation ceremony…

The intro that had been burned into all our minds started and I felt the tears starting to well up as the first line began. It was almost automatic as I began to choke out my own lines, practically strangling the song as I did it.

Yume wa ase no naka ni
Me wo dashite sutto matteriru
Itsuka kitto
Negai kanau made

Everyone turned to me and gave me a smile; this was tradition, singing shonichi to the person who was graduating to make sure they would never forget the beginnings and of Team B. Tears had started falling not just for me but for everyone else. No matter how much Team B may have been looked down back then or even now, the one thing that won’t change is the bond of the 16 of us. Think of it as a silly little promise, but it means everything to the people who are still working hard on their stage to know that everyone supports them. They weren’t working for themselves but for each and every person that has graduated. With the shrinking number of us in AKB48, their stress grows bigger. I thought I would be the one that was there until the end trying to fulfill all their dreams but I guess I was wrong.

Yume wa namida no saki
Nakiyanda hohoemi no hana
Ganbatta tsubomi ga yagate saku
Yume wa namida no saki
Amekaze ni makezu shinjiteru
Hareta sora ni inori todoku made

Our dreams have long changed as we one by one left the stage that we once dreamt of. We moved on with our lives, but no matter what we still remember the days of our struggle to become recognized. We were once and will forever be the 3rd generation of AKB, whether future or current fan remember or not no longer matters to any of us. No matter what we seek now, we will continue to want that dream to bloom. After these tears, I’ll be on my way to chasing after a new dream. Who knows where that will lead me in the end?

Yume wa ase no naka ni
Me wo dashite zutto matteiru
Itsuka kitto
Negai kanau made

With that the song drew to an end and the originally forced smile on my face grew brighter. It was time to start moping and move on with life already. In the midst of their tears everyone was sporting the same bright grin; this was our own way to support our members. Team A has its weird bond, Team K its kizuna, and Team B we have our own way of doing things.

“Thank you, everyone…” I told them as the session drew to an end. My hand had never left Mayu’s as if I had been drawing courage from her. Everyone left and like tradition, only the graduating member would be the last to leave. “Mayu…Thank you.” I told her as she tried to pull away and I only held onto her hand tighter. Pulling her into a hug I whispered to her, “I’m serious, thank you for everything. I’m sorry I had to let you grow up.”

I could feel her wetting my left shoulder while she choked out, “I-It’s alright! Mayu’s a big girl now; she had to leave Nacchan eventually.” I felt a pang in my heart, who knew that that day would come so soon. She pulled away from me and gave me a smile, “I’m serious, don’t feel guilty about it. Chase after your own dreams.” The pain I felt lessened from her smile, maybe my leaving would be a good thing for you instead. Aki p always said that sometimes we had to let go for someone to reach their full potential. I was just like a mother unwilling to let her child grow up. It’s time for me to let you go see the world, Mayu.

Pulling away we gathered our stuff and walked outside. “Do you want me to come over tonight?” You asked, still worried about me. I shook my head and gave you a light smile, “No, it’s alright. You probably have something to do it tomorrow. Go home and get some sleep.” It was heartbreaking to see you so concerned about me, you were tired yet you still got everyone together for me. “B-but” You tried to say. “No buts, you still need to get center for me.” I told you before shooing you off. Slowing walking towards the train station I thought to myself,

I can’t stop Mayu from growing up, maybe this is all for the better.
Who knows, maybe next year we’ll see you getting number 1 in the elections.
You chase after your dream, and I’ll chase after mine.
In a year I promise I’ll get somewhere.

« Last Edit: August 03, 2012, 07:55:13 AM by 0_o »

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Re: [Oneshots] Shonichi [Hirajima Natsumi, Watanabe Mayu, 3rd Gen] (Aug 2)
« Reply #78 on: August 02, 2012, 11:26:17 PM »
It feels like real thoughts of Nacchan.. Thank you :bow:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: [Oneshots] Shonichi [Hirajima Natsumi, Watanabe Mayu, 3rd Gen] (Aug 2)
« Reply #79 on: August 03, 2012, 03:30:59 AM »
nacchan T_T

shonichi has great lyric and it really fit team b. i love team b. and yeah mayuyu has grow up..

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