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Author Topic: [Oneshots] Baking [Shimazaki Haruka & Yokoyama Yui] (Jan 10)  (Read 55650 times)

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Re: [Oneshots] Promise [Takahashi Minami&Nakanishi Rina] (Oct 13)
« Reply #100 on: October 14, 2012, 09:14:35 AM »
I've read the translation for that blog already but still thank you for your translating effort. For me personally I think I can safely assume that that blog post is geared toward Takamina. Had it been posted at a different time it could just be a coincidence. I'd love it if you'd write another one. Their closeness was, evidently, being seen by other members as well. I remember Miichan said that if Takamina was a boy, then Rina would definitely be her girlfriend. And to think that they did the Kinjirareta Futari shuffle together :wub:.

Does it seem like we're having our own conversation here XD?

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Re: [Oneshots] Promise [Takahashi Minami&Nakanishi Rina] (Oct 13)
« Reply #101 on: October 14, 2012, 09:20:01 AM »
Oh I've translated that thing 3 times already for different ppl while spazzing so yeah wasn't much work. If everything were different then I have no doubt that the mainstream ship in this fandom wouldn't be Atsumina, but rather Takarina. From my view it was only after Rina left that Atsumina developed.

I remember some blog post Acchan made about making the cookies that Rina taught her and that was where I got the whole Rina telling Acchan to take care of Taka from. They did do the kinji shuffle together, you'll see pics on the thread.

But yeah, no matter what this ship is just angst.
You have to be prepared, anything that I write about this ship will just be pain.
I might just do it on the fact that Rina seemed to have been harming herself.
Rina centric maybe

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Re: [Oneshots] Promise [Takahashi Minami&Nakanishi Rina] (Oct 13)
« Reply #102 on: October 14, 2012, 11:01:25 AM »
Don't worry about it. I can handle all kinds of pain in fanfic (not physical pain though). Rina centric is fine too since I'd love to read from Rina's perspective.

I actually agree with the Atsumina-developed-after-Rina-left but I'm not so certain that Takarina would have been the mainstream ship over Atsumina had Rina stayed; but they would still be a ship( and I would be struggling between the two). It was Acchan who initiated all those clinging, hugging, kissing, expressing on her blog about Takamina, more and more which led way to the Atsumina's development. Yes, it started happening after Rina had left but we can't say for sure that she wouldn't do it had Rina stayed. Also I guess them being the Captain/Ace duo, also Soul/Face, of not just team A but the whole AKB (Rina is not an Ace so her being next to Takamina on TV appearances and such isn't much), being BFF, being placed next to each other most of the time in singles, stages, concert, etc.(again exposure does play a role), being there with each other since the beginning (granted every team A's ori. member were there in the beginning), being the same age (this is not really relevant but I personally tend to ship two people whose ages are the same), and them looking perfect together (again personal opinion) do contribute into solidifying this ship.

I actually saw the Kinji shuffle already but didn't think anything at that time. Now thinking back, it sure does feel nostalgic.

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Re: [Oneshots] Promise [Takahashi Minami&Nakanishi Rina] (Oct 13)
« Reply #103 on: October 15, 2012, 07:52:00 AM »
I can definitely see what you mean, but in all honesty I'm not too big on the whole Atsumina ship. I won't deny their friendship and everything but there is so much more potential in Takarina and what could've been. I can't see Atsumina beyond friendship and that's a personal opinion but I can see such a thing for Takarina. I've always been against the whole ace/captain ship dynamic anyways.

So many things could have turned out differently, so many variables that cannot be accounted for.
Ships are all a matter of personal belief and delusion anyways.

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Re: [Oneshots] Promise [Takahashi Minami&Nakanishi Rina] (Oct 13)
« Reply #104 on: October 16, 2012, 04:35:12 AM »
I understand your point and I don't disagree with that because I do like Takarina too and because there's no denying that Takamina loved her a lot, or should I say the most out of everyone at that time, the same goes for Rina (and still remains the same as of now, however I can't say the same for Takamina as I don't know how she thinks). And you're right in saying that ships are just a matter of personal belief and delusion, there's no grounds for it to have a potential to become true. It all comes down to personal liking and feeling after all. One may find this ship real but another probably won't. Not every ace/captain pairing will translate into a legit ship though, for instance Yuko/Sayaka certainly isn't a ship. Sadly we will never know what could have ended up had things turned out differently because, it never happened and probably never will. However I have to say Takamina had good eyes because if we excluded the scandal and the path she had chosen, Rina was definitely a lovely woman; plus she also has a lovely voice as well.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2012, 04:42:10 AM by Tanchan »

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Re: [Oneshots] Promise [Takahashi Minami&Nakanishi Rina] (Oct 13)
« Reply #105 on: November 02, 2012, 04:14:49 AM »
Been trying my hand at angst /o/ lol no jk just random drabbles


“Ne… Yukko. I’m sleepy.” Shiori says tiredly while resting her head on the younger girl’s shoulder. This place was too bleak, she didn’t like it but the others wouldn’t let her go outside. Not with her condition. “Yukko, let’s go see the snow together again.” Shiori mumbles out, entwining their fingers together. The younger girl couldn’t help but make a strangled sound and tears started falling. “Yeah, let’s go do that. Hokkaido maybe, for now you should sleep. I’ll still be here when you wake up.” Shiori’s eyes fell, holding on to the promise that Yukko had given her. However, the both of them knew that this wouldn’t come true. Not with their condition, “I love you…” Shiori mumbles out before her eyes close and her breathing stopped.

“I love you too.” Yukko said placing a small kiss on the top of her head before lowering her body gingerly.

“I don’t like this me. “

It was simple, it was just 5 words but I felt a pang in my chest. You stood there right in front of me, telling me just how much you didn’t like yourself. Why? Every word just makes me hurt all that much more, because I like you. You knew that yet, was I just some sort of emotional punching bag? Was I just someone to make you feel better about yourself?

“No. Don’t, stop it Rino.”

I don’t want to hear these things. It’s tiring and it hurts, so why would I continue to stand by your side.


She would mutter out in that self loathing trance she was in. It was always like that, you just couldn’t and wouldn’t let go of her. Or at least what’s left of her – mere memories. You only cared about her, not anybody else.

All you saw in your tunnel vision was Oota Aika.

Nobody else, not even Ami who you once claimed as your favourite sister. Lives were lost that year, and you weren’t the only one to get hurt Rino. You weren’t the only one to close someone close to them neither the only one that fell to the ground in tears. Stop it; just stop being so selfish for once.

“Grow up, move on Rino. It’s been 5 years.”

I left after giving one last bow to the graves of the deceased members that stood before the two of us.

One of us had to move on eventually.


Rino takes a look at her children that lay next to her weeping and can't help but smile. To her, this would have been the best way to leave. She's always hoped for something like this ever since Rie passed away years ago. Beckoning their grandchild over, she tells the little boy that she loved him and would be watching over him. He smiles even with his tears, because he knows better. Rino had been longing to return to Rie, and now she finally could with no regrets.

Feeling her eyes suddenly heavy, she gives off a weak smile before embracing whatever would come next.

"Okaeri Rino."

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Re: [Oneshots] Drabbles [GomaYukko, RinoRie] (Nov 1)
« Reply #106 on: November 04, 2012, 08:30:27 AM »
Stalker - Ogiso Shiori&Kizaki Yuria

Dear, Kizaki Yuria

I used to skeptical about love, with my failed pseudo relationship with my bestfriend Yukko. There were always boys that flocked to me, but I was never interested ad if I just wasn't capable of loving someone other than myself. I guess that was until I fell in love with you. I’d like to describe It in detail, but the words don’t come and the mere memory renders me speechless.

You barely know me, and it's probably creepy to find that I know where you live and everything but I swear that it wasn't like i was stalking you or anything.

I think I'm in love with you, could you just give me a chance. Meet me at the rooftop tomorrow after class. I wish I was better with phrasing my feelings but I just can't. So please, just give me a chance.

Ogiso Shiori

"Are you serious Yuria, Ogiso Shiori sent you a love letter?!" My bestfriend screamed at me, and my expression only got more troubled. “Kumi, do you think I should go?” I asked worriedly, I don’t feel anything towards Ogiso-senpai but it feels mean to just stand her up. “Are you sure it’s not just a joke or something?” Kumi suggested, it didn’t seem like one. I mean this explains why I always see Ogiso-senpai in the hallways looking at me. The mere memory made me flush red, it was embarrassing to have someone like me.

Kumi was still freaking out when Akari came up to her and pulled her into a hug. She immediately shut up and the smile on her face made me jealous. Maybe, me and Ogiso-senpai could be like that. I shook my head, I don’t even like her! Must just be my overactive imagination kicking in. “Hello Yuria, what’s Kumi screaming about now?” Akari asked me curiously while Kumi’s smile turned into a slight pout. “Shiorin sent Yuria a love letter.” Yukko walked by and said with smirk, eyeing the letter that I held in my hands.

Yukko was Ogiso-senpai’s bestfriend but got held back a year so was in my class. “You know about it too?!” Kumi shouted surprised, but Kumi could you please just quiet down… I don’t need the whole school to know that I got a love letter. Ogiso-senpai’s admirers will run me over with a truck for taking away their goddess ‘heart’. “Should I go?” I asked apprehensively, confronting her kind of worried me. Especially since I don’t feel anything for her, even if I don’t really know her it would be mean to just reject her right.

“You should go for it, who knows how it will turn out.” Akari told me with a bright smile, that’s right her and Kumi started the same way. “Who knows, maybe you’ll actually like that little creep.” Yukko told me, but that sounded a lot more like an insult to Ogiso-senpai. “Don’t g-“Kumi told me but was elbowed and given a look by Akarin, “I mean, go for it.” I thought about it and decided that I would go and confront her, I mean it can’t turn out too badly… right?

I didn’t go to the rooftop too often; actually it’s the first time I’ve been in here since 1st year. However it seems that Yukko and Ogiso-senpai would often come up here to skip their classes. It’s a surprise that Ogiso-senpai managed to pass while Yukko didn’t. Maybe she just got lucky or something. It was a nice day outside, sun shining and everything.

Ogiso-senpai stood alone looking over the edge of the building. “Uhm, uh… Ogiso-senpai?” I called out shyly, I’m regretting it already what was I thinking?! “Yuria?” she said before turning around dramatically, which I might add just looked weird. I guess she was trying to pull some movie scene or something with the blowing wind and waving hair. Let me guess some dramatic pause. Oh there it is, is she… staring at me… with loving eyes. Oh for the love of god, what is this scene straight out of a drama?!

“Yuria…” She called out longing, yeah I’m just slightly weirded out right now. I guess it showed of my face because her expression fell. Maybe she predicted the fact that I was here to reject her. “Uhm, Ogiso-senpai… about the love letter.” I started hesitantly; her sad expression was killing me. Is this how they usually guilt trip people into dating them?! I knew I shouldn’t have listened to the others and come up here. She started to stare at me and pout… I didn’t come up here to be guilt tripped into dating you…

“Ogiso-senpai, I’m sorry I can’t accept you.”  I looked away, I’m far too soft to reject anyone. It’s taking all my willpower not to just flee the scene. “Oh… Shiorin got rejected~” I could hear a voice from behind me. I turned around and saw that the others were standing by the door. They had probably followed me up hoping to see some drama. Why does it feel like my life is straight out of a drama right now?!

If I remember correctly the next step in the average drama is the person announcing that they won’t give up. “I’m not going to give up on you.” She told me just like how I expected it. I could hear the chattering from behind me. All I wanted to do was enjoy my high school life why did this Ogiso Shiori have to turn it into some lame ass school drama? I just wanted out.

“Do whatever you want then.” I announced before walking what I thought was coolly past the others and down the stairs. Oh god… what did I just do. Brain! Why do you keep on letting me do stupid things?!? I trusted you! Especially since you started passing those damned math tests!

I felt someone pull me into a hug and I jerked.

“Hey, you alright?”                   

It was just Kumi followed by Akarin who I expected but why was Yukko here too? Shouldn’t she be comforting Ogiso or something?

“Yeah, I’ll be alright. Yukko, do you think she’ll give up on me?” I turned to Yukko worriedly, I didn’t want to have her chasing me around for the rest of my high school career.

Yukko put her hand on her chin and thought for a while before telling me “Oh… Shiorin’s pretty stubborn and just a little unorthodox… You might want to be a little prepared for what she has up her sleeves.”       

Great, just what I needed – a possibly crazy obsessive stalker.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2012, 09:23:05 AM by 0_o »

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Re: [Oneshots] [Ogiso Shiori&Kizaki Yuria] (Nov 4)
« Reply #107 on: November 15, 2012, 08:52:32 PM »
I just saw this OgiYuri fic :doh:
OS? AH how I wished it would still continue though...
Would have been hilarious to see what Ogiso will do to pester Yuria  XD

Thank you for your OS
ArígatoU!  :kneelbow:
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Re: [Oneshots] [Ogiso Shiori&Kizaki Yuria] (Nov 4)
« Reply #108 on: November 15, 2012, 09:19:52 PM »
Oh, I have read this fic before but I have never left a comment so...
Your OgiYuri fic is sooo cute  :k-wink:

My cute Yuria, you must accepte Shiori-senpai because she is sooo cute and she is really a goddess !!
This story is really good, I want a part 2  :vv: Please !!

+ mention to my Yukko-chan, she make me laugh so hard "that little creep" xD
I like all your fic because they are not like the others !
Please continue~


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Re: [Oneshots] [Ogiso Shiori&Kizaki Yuria] (Nov 4)
« Reply #109 on: November 17, 2012, 02:44:40 AM »
Oh yuria, ehy you reject shiori ???,ogiso-senpai is a stubborn..well, if I were yuria, I wouldn't mind having stalker like Ogiso-senpai..

Nice fic btw..

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Re: [Oneshots] [Ogiso Shiori&Kizaki Yuria] (Nov 4)
« Reply #110 on: November 26, 2012, 09:22:22 AM »
OgiYuri was supposed to have a second part detailing Ogiso and her stalker tendencies but idk where i threw the note so /o/

I haven't been able to write recently, by that I mean whatever I write comes out to be unfinished and horrible :/ The lack of progress has been bugging me too, considering the amount of oneshots I have just waiting for me to finish.

Fight [1/3] (Sashihara Rino&Oota Aika&Murashige Anna)

   People around me always told me to stop taking advantage of her; they said that one day I’d regret all of the things that I’ve done to her. They tell me to stop leading her on, to stop with the charades but they just don’t know how hard it is for me to stay away. She’s gone now, it doesn’t matter anymore but every time I walk back onto the stage I always think that she’s there right in front of me. It’s foolish but they were right, that dumb saying about how you’d miss things once they were gone because the thing I’d never thought would happen did end up happening – I miss her.

   I jokingly told her not to oshihen, and I gave her the kisses that she sought in a pitiful attempt to keep her by my side. Nonetheless now that she was far away in Hakata, I had no power over her nor charm. Do I regret it? Allowing myself to become so dependent on a person who I once used to keep my fading popularity with the fans? Maybe just a little, watching her spread her wings hurt just a little.

   I thought that I would get over her but then news of her farewell stage came and I didn’t know what to feel anymore. We’d be performing together on the stage for what might be the last time as members of Team A. I was lost and for once it was being I was actually conflicted over her and not the fact that my popularity was dwindling as I grew older. After the elections I kind of just gave up, I guess some things were meant to be – her rising to the top and me falling to the bottom.

   I just wanted to gather my thoughts and convince myself that there was no way that I could possibly want to return Sasshi’s feelings now. It was too late… but there was this nagging feeling inside of me as I continued to think about how complicated our relationship had become all of the sudden. It was simple in the beginning well as far as I can remember, she was just being her wota self and liking me. That was it she just liked me from the view of a fan but all these years it’s as if it changed.

   She didn’t used to want to kiss me, and when she first tried I naturally rejected her. Suddenly it just became a trend and I continued to push her away. I was a child back then I didn’t need to think about this whole fanservice thing, taking photos with certain members or behaving certain ways. I just needed to have fun and be the idol that I had always imagined myself to be. Everything changed though after so many years in this system you start to understand exactly what was needed to be shown to the fans. Eventually you build up this image that you just can’t seem to shake off; even now it’s haunting me.

   I get it the fans have this image that I’m a tsundere loli and would prefer if I didn’t change it.  You see people who desperately want to escape their images and fail trying. Erepyon was probably the most famous example, because as soon as we shed our little sister images the fans just leave for the younger kids. This is what they mean by the short shelf life of idols isn’t it?

   She returned for her final stage and I didn’t know how or what I was supposed to do. There she was standing in the middle of the dressing room making a fool of herself like usual but everything felt so empty. It was like finally we realized just how much she meant to the team now that she was gone. The others joined in and greeted her but I just stayed off to the side. I didn’t know what to do now and it already was hard enough with these feelings.

   When she tried to approach me I just shirked away, hoping that she would get the hint. Even someone as dense as her would get the hint; I didn’t want anything to do with her. Not while I’m like this. She gave me a look before turning to look for Ami and cheer the poor girl up. Ami probably missed her the most out of all of us. If I was already feeling like this, I didn’t want to imagine how Ami felt about losing her.

   The stage began and everything seemed like it was okay but during the middle of the performance she turned to kiss me. Yet unlike before rather than turning away, I allowed her to do it. I didn’t know why but it just felt like the thing that I should do. Things were confusing and it was as if I suddenly didn’t know how I felt. Perhaps, I was just used to her presence.

I wanted to believe that. Even as I watched her give that smile to some child I knew nothing about. I watched her perform with them and I knew that she was different. They were her team now, something that I would never be able to understand. Her praises towards Murashige, never has words brought me such pain.

I was fighting a losing battle, Rino’s heart was getting whisked away by a child and even I knew it.

I would never be the reason for her smile.

I was simply giving up.

   I thought that it was going to be it, as that stage ended and I started to get accustomed to not having Rino by my side. I never once stopped wondering where she was when I walked into the theatre before a performance. My eyes would seek her out but it would always hit me hard that she was gone. Far away to a place that she obviously liked better than here, Hakata brought her freedom and changed her.

“You should go after her.”

Were the worlds that Ami told me, telling me to chase after her precious sister.

Perhaps that was all I needed, a little push in the right direction. All I needed to chase after someone that had been chasing after me this whole time.To finally come to terms with the now empty space beside me during lessons and stages.

I don’t like having Sashihara away from me, and I most definitely didn’t like to share.


I say [1/3] but there is a high chance it wont get written /o/

And please do me a favor and tell me which one shot was your fav (and why).
You don't have to but it'd help me get out of this writers block.

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Re: [Oneshots] Fight [1/3] [Sashihara Rino&Oota Aika&Murashige Anna] (Nov 26)
« Reply #111 on: December 15, 2012, 06:56:05 AM »
Did i say trilogy? well i lied

Lies - Nakanishi Rina

Nakanishi Rina wouldn't deny being bitter, not after everything that she had to go through. If it were anybody else sitting in her shoes, they too would be bitter perhaps ever more. It hurt her to even think about her past before all of this. She couldn't even feel anything now.

Too many sacrifices.
She had been the biggest one of all.

Her father's deeds, her empty pleas.

The constant ringing of two words in her mind by a now much too foreign voice.

Sotsugyou Omedetou

She was sure the girl had learned to move on now that AKB48 was at the top. She was merely a forgotten smudge on their glorious heart wrenching history.

Rina was tired.
Of herself.
Of the voices.
Of the guilt.
Of the shame.

She just wanted it all to end.

Her name had been stained, unwillingly.

A guilty thought passes her mind.
She should have never given in, she should have just let them take her father.

His debt.
His responsibility.

She couldn't though.

Everything was her fault after all. Chasing after being an idol, not knowing about how her family was breaking apart.

Things were different after Rina returned home.
The well kept facade just shattered.

It was her fault though, it's always her fault.

She sees her mother's harsh eyes, blaming her for allowing her sister to be dragged into the mess.
She sees her father's shamed ones. She cannot bring herself to blame the man who wallows in guilt everyday. He himself was his biggest source of guilt.

The family had fallen in his hands.

Rina looks into her sisters eyes, and wonders where it's old sparkle went.

She can't save anyone, she's no superhero and the days of wishing that someone would be there to save her were gone.

Rina doesn't feel anything, she's numb from everything.
Perhaps the scars on her wrists showed the world that she needed help.

From them.
From herself.

Nobody heeds her silent pleas and the numbing grows far worse.
Bad enough that even they have given up on her.

She 'graduates' once again.

She feels nothing, and the smiles she shows her sister are far from her emotions.

Deep inside she still feels responsible.
Deep inside she still feels used.

She still feels disgusting.

The pain overwhelms her, and she turns to her razors.
But this time she doesn't go for her wrists.

Rina closes her eyes wondering if it would finally be the long rest that she deserved.

She doesn't hear the screams.
She doesn't hear the sirens.
She doesn't hear the apologies

And she most definitely doesn't hear cries of Takahashi Minami in front of her grave.

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Re: [Oneshots] Lies [Nakanishi Rina] (Dec 14)
« Reply #112 on: February 11, 2013, 08:36:30 AM »
Wimbleton - Kimoto Kanon

Among the various members there had always been rumors.

Much like how there are so many mysteries in the world, in such a large group there had to be its own fair share. Our story starts with an unlikely protagonist, Kimoto Kanon.

One would have to wonder why it was that Kanon, who could easily spend the rest of her time with her seniors snacking on the various sweets that they would pass to her. Instead Kanon had chosen instead to roam around the places in the dark, much unlike other children of her age.

Kanon was curious.

Curious why sometimes they would give her candy and tell her to stay put.
Curious why the members didn't ever want to be alone.
Curious why all the members seemed to be scared of the stage.
Curious why she could sometimes hear noises in the theater.
Curious as to why she could sometimes see a figure on the stage.
Curious as to why the figure danced by herself.
Curious as to why the figure always looked so sad.

Kanon wanted to know who this figure was.

Nothing was ever like how one would expect it.

It was not the first time that Kanon chose to watch the figure dance from the sidelines, completely entranced by her.

It was dark and the only dim lights came from the entrance into the theater. Today felt different for Kanon though, today she felt like it was time to stop staring. That maybe it was finally time to confront this figure, whoever it may have been.

Perhaps Kanon was just too much of an innocent child, one that would still approach a stranger in a situation that she had no control of. The members had all left for the night after the performance and only Kanon stayed inside the theater whilst the staff bustled beyond the doors.

"Miss...?" Kanon called out towards the figure and they turned in shock before running away into the darkness.

Kanon stared in surprise, thinking that she may have just startled them. She left it at that, before deciding that she too would return home for the night.

Kanon hears an interesting rumor the next day, the older members had been talking about the rumors in their sister group, AKB48. Kanon likes the members of AKB, they too give her lots of candy.

The rumor was about how their theater was haunted. From the bits and pieces that Kanon overhears she gathers that during the early years of the group there had been sightings of a figure behind the stage. Apparently they had disappeared though, right after the group had gone into it's boom.

Kanon thinks back to the figure that she sees dancing, she thinks about the jokes that the older members make about the ghost having moved here and she wonders exactly who that figure is.

Kanon knows that the others know about it but would rather hide, and would rather bury that secret but she only wonders why.

Kanon isn't dumb nor is she as much of a child that everyone seems to think she is. No matter how young her looks may be, she still understands the meanings behind these rumors.

She's still curious though, no matter how much she tries to scare herself out of thinking about the figure she just can't. She thinks about their dance, something that felt so familiar but she just couldn't put a word to it. Kanon knows that this curiosity might lead to dangers but such a danger just attracted her even more.

Kanon knew all of this when she had decided to approach the figure once again.

The figure does not run this time, but rather she stares at Kanon with the same curiosity. However when Kanon tries to converse the figure does not speak but rather she smiles and continues to dance. Kanon watches and still she cannot remember what it was the dance to.

This was the first time that Kanon finished watching the figure dance, it was only then that she realizes that this whole time she had be dancing the same routine. Kanon looks on mesmerized, to Kanon it was perfection compared to her own skills.

The next time they meet the figure stares at Kanon as if looking for some sort of answer.

Kanon stares back as the figure sighs and continues to dance the exact same dance over.

Kanon spends that week mulling over exactly what dance that the girl had been dancing to.

“Wimbleton.” Kanon mutters to herself, having asked the older members about the song. They don’t perform it anymore, not after all the original members graduated. Yet it bugs her, the looks that they gave when she started rather badly showing them the dance. She does not realize the look that their manager gives off, one of sadness.

The figure gives off a smile, before pulling the girl onto the stage to join her. Mesmerized by her smile, Kanon doesn't realize the true reason behind the song being unmentionable.
They say the theatre is cursed.
They say that everything started with that song.
Of course, none of the good older senpais would let young Kanon know that.

Kanon doesn't stop sneaking away from the group after the performances to seek out the figure. Nor does she stop practicing Wimbleton by herself.
It was hard work but to Kanon, it was worth it to see the figure smile.
“Yagami Kumi.” The figure mumbles out before disappearing once again.

Kanon has heard of this name before, the fans mention it from time to time when they think back to the beginning of the group. Kanon knows this because, for much of the earlier singles, Kanon dances her position.
Up until now, Kanon didn’t think much about it.

She knows something is wrong, because Yagami Kumi graduated 10 years ago.
Or the fact that she should look older than how she appears, everything was suspicious but Kanon couldn't and wouldn't stop trying to find out more about Kumi. The shy figure that spent her time dancing, the one that would constantly shy away when Kanon tries to get close to her.

Curiousity, Kanon wouldn't and couldn’t defeat it.
Kanon was running out of resources, she had to ask her – their manager.
The former ace of the group that retired shortly after Yagami Kumi’s graduation.

Matsui looks away, unwilling to answer Kanon. “Child, don’t go there. I beg of you, stop dancing with Kumi. Stop looking for her.” Kanon shakes her head with a smile, “I like Kumi-san” she mumbles out with a blush. “… and so Kumi takes another child. When will this end?” Matsui mutters out before walking away.

Kanon looks at her retreating back with confusion, but shrugs it off to go look for Kumi. This time was different though, beside the familiar hooded figure was another. She sees Kumi smiling and reaching out her hand but the other figure grabs it instead.

“Kanon… will you join us?” Kumi asks hesitantly.
Matsui's words echo in Kanon's mind, "You... you're Takai Tsukina..." Kanon mumbles towards the figure. "No... that's not possible."

The figure shakes her head, she indeed wasn't Tsukina nor would she ever be a replacement for Tsukina.

Kanon thinks back to the times she spent researching on the group to try and find out about Kumi.

Kanon also remembers that there was a girl that was just like her, one that had graduated five years before Kanon had joined the group. Kanon mutters out her name questioningly, "Kizaki Yuria?"

"Bingo." The figure chuckles.
"Kanon... join us." Kumi asks again, and Kanon smiles.

She knows what she's doing.
Or that's what she thought when she announced her graduation, or when she bid farewell to her parents one night knowing that she would never return.

There are rumors that float around the members, that their stage is haunted by three figures.

At first there was only one, then two and then finally three.
That this was all tied to the mysterious graduations of three girls that had once been the tops of their generation.

That every night, while nobody is watching they dance to the same song - Wimbleton.


This was actually done a while ago I just kept on casually forgetting of its existence, I think I started it before Kuumin announced her graduation tho. Not that I'm even sure what this fic is about...

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Re: [Oneshots] Wimbleton [Kimoto Kanon] (Feb 10)
« Reply #113 on: May 01, 2013, 06:27:35 AM »
Meh. Little short for my tastes but the usual angst and stuff.
Been a while since I've posted here anyways

Graduation - Yagami Kumi/Kizaki Yuria

Yagami Kumi Version

She could feel her hands sweating; it was a familiar feeling even after so many years she still hasn't quite gotten over her nerves. Tears had started to fill her eyes, blurring the masses that stood in front of her. Turning to her side she saw similar faces, but one thing stood out to her – their smiles.

This was it, after so long it was time for them to put behind this part of their journey. There was no better, more honored way than to be graduating in front of thousands and with members by her side.

She too let out a smile as she bowed towards their fans trying to etch this image in her mind. It might be her last; she hadn't really decided what she was going to do afterwards. It hadn't been a hasty decision but she hadn't really thought it over either. It was just that she was struggling to keep up with everything, even as she ranks in Undergirls, even as she gets those magazine shoots she’d keep on asking just what she was doing.

She was lost, and what had originally been a dream to her had somehow faded, to the extent where leaving and facing the unknown felt like a better choice. She knows that she’s spacing out in front of the crowd, but this would be the last time for once she leaves the stage she isn’t part of SKE48 anymore. She’s just regular, plain old 18 year old Yagami Kumi.

She’s not used to the first few days, springing up at 6 in the morning thinking that she had a schedule or practice to get to. She doesn’t and she stares at her walls wondering if it was time to take down an all too familiar poster that stares at her every morning. It’s a wonder that she can focus on her school work, a miracle really but now that she was just plain old Kumi things like school work mattered. She can’t go around dreaming of becoming a big star anymore, she had willingly graduated. She put all of those distant dreams away from her.

It takes a while for her to get used to it, but eventually this familiarity that she has with SKE48 fades. She doesn’t spring up in the morning, she doesn’t have dreams about dancing and singing, she doesn’t have thoughts about going back and most of all she doesn’t dream of her.

Perhaps in the selfishness of her heart, she was just running away. 

Her inbox is filled with mails from her former comrades, they’re all still friends and they try to meet up whenever they have time in their busy schedule. Kumi always makes time to visit Yukko, occasionally dragging along Shiori because she knows that’s what makes the both of them happy. She banters with the other members but always out of the corner of her eyes she sees a familiar shadow.
They’re both hesitant, but when the members bring up the both of them they just laugh it off pretending that everything was fine. This was for the best; both of them try to argue. It’s just an excuse, they both know this. She avoids the girl, even Shiori can tell but the others pretend not to see, and it really wasn't any of their business.

She moves on, as classes get more hectic with her trying to catch up she simply runs out of time to think of the other girl. She runs out of time to remember the vague goodbye the two had.

“Do you have anything to tell me?”

Vague, too vague for Kumi to understand. Was she trying to get an answer, to what? A confession? She long concludes that even though the both of them are said to be idiots she would never truly understand what it was that Kizaki Yuria wants from her. Whenever it seemed like she was getting close to an answer the girl pushes away, and eventually her heart couldn't take it. She ran away, she tries to stop those lingering glances and eventually she resorted to leaving.

Somewhere along the lines of forgetting, Kumi comes to terms with herself. She likes Kizaki Yuria, and she realizes the glaringly obvious motivation behind her graduation. She laughs it off though as Yuria’s round face slowly disappears to the back of her mind. Occasionally she finds herself reminded but she shakes it off.

She looks back a year from her graduation, as a fan comes up to her sheepishly asking how she has been. It was a familiar face, so she’s not annoyed or surprised. She answers honestly, “It’s wonderful to be free.” They look at her in confusion but all she does is smile before quickly bidding them goodbye and rushing towards the girl that had been waiting for her.

Their hands entwine and Kumi remembers how she once wished for her and Yuria’s relationship to be something like this. She smiles before leaving the childish dream behind, her and Yuria could have never been.

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Re: [Oneshots] Wimbleton [Kimoto Kanon] (Feb 10)
« Reply #114 on: May 01, 2013, 06:29:19 AM »
Graduation - Yagami Kumi/Kizaki Yuria

Kizaki Yuria Version

She stares at the girls standing in front of her; one figure stands out in her tunnel vision as if something was pulling her in. She wished that she could just rush up and take the familiar figure into her arms but she had promised herself that she would resist. It would be the best, they had both agreed at least subtly that whatever they had shouldn’t and wouldn’t continue.

She doesn’t think much into her feelings, perhaps that was for the best but the pangs she feels in her chest as she approaches the figure back stage hurts. Words spew out of her mouth; she doesn’t even know what she’s doing.

“Do you have anything to say to me?”

The girl falters and she tries to laugh it off, she laughs in response but uncomfortable emptiness fills the air. It was suffocating, and she doesn’t like this feeling at all. Days pass and she feels empty without the other girl coming up to hug her, sometimes she finds herself staring at the doors to the practice room wondering if she would come for visit.

She can feel Yukko looking at her with pity and when the other girl tries to pull her into a comforting hug she can’t help but wonder why she feels heartbroken. She doesn’t understand why it was that Kumi’s graduation felt so painful, she was a good friend and that would be all that they could ever be. She couldn’t possibly hope for more, the two of them couldn’t risk for such a thing.

That had been their excuse as things soon turned uncomfortably awkward and not long after she finds that the other girl has announced their graduation. She didn’t know how to feel and even in the aftermath she’s still confused.

She still performs on the same stage that the other girl did and it feels suffocating having to dance with a person that is not her. Every stage she is reminded that the other girl won’t return, that it’s her now. She’s okay with all of this; it’s when the girl comes back with Shiorin in tow that it hurts. She shows this smile that Yuria has always loved as she greets ever member but her. She knows that she’s at fault, she allowed for this to happen.

   Yuria entertains the idea of graduating and running into Kumi’s arms but scoffs it off. The other girl was probably moving on, it had been months since her last visit. She wonders if maybe it was wrong for her to let go of Kumi that night, that maybe if the two had been honest she would be happy right now. Yet instead here she is spending another night pondering why she hadn’t pushed her feelings aside just because of the rules.

   She knows that she just wasn’t brave enough, and that she was pretending to not understand. That’s why she doesn’t speak up when she sees Kumi holding hands with another girl.

Yuria just sighs and blames herself for losing someone that she loved. She can’t do anything else but wish that the girl would be happy and maybe one day she’d be able to move on and find happiness for herself. Yet until then, she continues wondering if there was a reason to stand on the stage without the other girl.

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Re: [Oneshots] Graduation [Yagami Kumi/Kizaki Yuria] (April 30)
« Reply #115 on: May 03, 2013, 02:46:10 AM »
should I comment?
yeah~ so wonderful~~
wimbleton was interesting~
I just read it for the 2nd time today~~~
and then I realized..... omg Kumi and Yuria and Non means...... YuriKumiNon...... nantene~
And the graduation thingy....
yeah...... super deep.......
dies due to overload of emotions that I cannot describe when it comes to graduation....

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Re: [Oneshots] Graduation [Yagami Kumi/Kizaki Yuria] (April 30)
« Reply #116 on: May 30, 2013, 08:46:28 AM »
The other/orig version of the fic i submitted into contest48.
To be honest I liked this version more but it didn't make the length requirement so i had to submit the other version  :cry:
I'll post the other one up here later after i do some editing (maybe)

Stalker - Anai Chihiro Version

A few weeks into the term you notice a girl watching you. You feel a little shy and look away. She’s pretty you think to yourself, too pretty to be looking a plain and normal me. You see her massaging her sore neck and think in a moment of ego that it’s because she keeps straining herself to look at you.

The next time you get on the bus, you chose the seat across from her. You get used to her eyes watching you; in fact you enjoy all of this attention from her. Still you think to yourself that she’s too pretty to be watching you for any particular reason.

You find yourself taking a later bus to school; your morning lab had been cancelled. You sit in the same spot but you feel like there’s something missing. You look across from you and you don’t see her head resting against the barrier, weakly fighting against her sleepiness rather you see an empty seat. You were unable to sleep that ride, too busy fidgeting and hoping in your mind that she would get on the bus the next stop. You decide to always take your usual bus even if things were to get cancelled.

The term is almost ending and you’ve gotten a lot busier, and leave school later than usual. You find that right across your usual seat was her, but this time there was an equally as pretty girl taking up her attention. You sigh; thinking that there would be no way you could compete against her.

It was the last day of classes; you dress up nicely hoping that you would finally be able to muster up courage to talk to her. You take your normal seat, but she doesn’t, instead she quietly takes the seat next to you. You don’t get to sleep at all that trip, between your thumping heart and her head dropping dangerously close to your shoulder. It was far too much for you to bear.

You are a little despaired at exam period and the break going by without sight of her. You’ve mulled over what you think about the pretty girl that you’ve never even talked to. You only know that the two of you were the same age and that she was in business. You only know this because of the textbooks you’ve seen your friends carry. Through these days, you think you’ve finally come to some sort of understanding.

The new term you’ve been awaiting starts, you get disappointed when a whole week goes by and you don’t see her in her usual seat. You give up and conclude that the girl had a different schedule than you. For the first time in a while you feel saddened, you wouldn’t be seeing her in the mornings and you knew that she was the one reason why everyday seemed bright.

Your schedule changes and you find yourself going to school at a much earlier time. The bus is empty when you sleepily get on and you were about to doze off when you feel another figure beside you. It was her, you could tell by the scent of berries. You try to fight off all these happy, fluffy feelings that consume you. You think that maybe math in the mornings wouldn’t be that bad of a thing.

You find her mumbling to you a hello one morning before plopping her tired body beside you. She was dozing and probably sick you concluded before shifting your body so that her head would rest on your shoulder. You bite back the grin you have when she wakes up and stutters out an apology at the position she was in.

The two of you now mumble hellos every morning. You think that its wonderful progress by you can’t help but want more. You don’t even know the girl’s name and you were sure that pretty girl, as flattering as it may be was not what you wanted to call your crush.
You see her Valentine’s morning, mumble your hellos, but today was a little different. She lingers in front of you as if she had something to say instead of sitting down beside you. Before the two of you split up and head to class she mumbles out “Happy Valentines, I’m Natsu” and hands you a bag of cookies. It was nothing fancy and most likely homemade but you feel yourself swooning.

You feel a little closer to her and you melt every morning when she now greets you by your name and with a smile. You decide that you loved her smile, because no matter how tired you were it would brighten your day. Yet still you wish there was just a little more between the two of you.

It’s White Day and you hold the chocolates that you made yesterday nervously. You board the bus and your heart drops when you see your usual seat had been taken. Disappointed, you move to another seat – her old seat. You’re surprised when she still chooses to sit beside you but you’re more surprised by the smiles that she gives when you hand her the chocolates. You wanted to see that smile once again.

The term is near the end and the two of you have begun to talk more, complaining about school and tests. You’re happy to see her so energetic with you but you’re more overjoyed when she walks onto the bus tired. That is because you know she will rest her head on your shoulder and fall asleep.

The last day of the term approaches and you don’t want it. The summer break was long, and she had already told you that she wouldn’t be doing summer courses unlike you. You don’t look forward to the long bus rides without her company. Before the both of you leave the bus together for the last time you finally bring up the courage to ask for her number, which she gives with a different smile than usual.

You find yourself staring at her number during the summer wondering if you should call. You miss having her beside you, and it feels lonely having an empty seat or a stranger. You spend most of the time hoping that maybe one of these days you’ll walk onto the bus and she’d be there. Yet you still can’t find the courage to text or phone her up and ask how she was doing.

It was a nice summer morning when you see a familiar figure sitting in her seat. She smiles and greets you happily. You wonder if perhaps your long, painful and annoy prayers have been heard.

“You never contacted me, so I thought I would need to take another bus ride.”

You smile, look down at your phone and send that text that you’ve been so hesitant about.

She smiles back, the same smile she had given you when you gave her chocolates on White Day.

“Why of course Chihiro, I’d be honored to date you.”

The new term starts and you’re delighted to restart your bus rides with her. You made sure to take the earlier bus to be with her, but you won’t tell her that. You smile as she takes the seat beside you and entwine your hands together. Your heart feels like it was in overdrive, but the smile she gives you completely melts you away. You are glad that everything turned out the way that it did.
This tradition continues until the two of you graduate, and still on the last day of classes the two of you hold hands, smile at each other and joke about how much of a creep you must have seemed to the other.

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Re: [Oneshots] Stalker [Matsuoka Natsumi/Anai Chihiro] (May 29)
« Reply #117 on: May 30, 2013, 06:34:18 PM »
Hmm this is one of those I find it interesting but... it seems off to me (My opinion)

Ponkotsu Captain hehe
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: [Oneshots] Stalker [Matsuoka Natsumi/Anai Chihiro] (May 29)
« Reply #118 on: May 30, 2013, 10:32:39 PM »
Aww, Ponkotsu baby Cap'n!  :nya:

This made me smile like an idiot  :on lol:

People may think I have a problem in my brain or something  :on lol: but, they may think whatever they wanna cause I'll sit here and fangirl all day and all night!  :wriggly:

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Re: [Oneshots] Stalker [Matsuoka Natsumi/Anai Chihiro] (May 29)
« Reply #119 on: June 02, 2013, 07:16:15 AM »
Did I mention editing??? well i didn't.

Stalker - Matsuoka Natsumi Version

She stared at the girl that sat in front of her, it was becoming a bad habit – staring. Yet she couldn’t take her still sleepy eyes off of the girl, perhaps she had been mesmerized by her features. It had started at the beginning of the term when she had first noticed the girl; her first thought was that she was a little plain. What attracted her then were not her features, but her voice - it was pretty, she didn’t really know how to describe it but it just felt nice to her ears, almost comforting. For a while it seems that she would unknowingly just notice her little movements, it probably helped that the girl had taken a liking for the seat across from her.

She probably sounded more than a little creepy, actually more like extremely creepy but it’s not like she wanted it to be like this. She would just find her eyes falling onto her, it’s not like she meant to notice the way she brushes her hair or how she would sometimes pout in her sleep.

She really did seem like a creep.

She didn’t know when it was that everything changed, when she was given this false hope. Perhaps it had started when the girl had moved from her usual seat near the end of the bus to the one right across from her. She thought that just maybe, she had seen her looking, or at least pitied her sore neck. Whatever it was, she didn’t really care what mattered was that it was slightly less creepy to be looking at someone across from you than the one at the back of the bus. Still a little creepy though, she would sigh to herself.

This is what she had been demoted to, some sort of creepy stalker. Ah university sure did bring out the best of me she would mutter sarcastically. She blamed it on all the studying that it had taken her to get there though, surely that had something to do with her new obsession of the plain girl that sat across from her.

It continues, and the longer this continues the more paranoid she was getting. This obsession, as her friends would joke about was getting the best of her. She didn’t even know what it was that was attracting her eyes towards this girl. It was to the extent where she would slump down in her seat in disappointment if she didn’t see the girl across from her. This was her daily half an hour of happiness, just to see the girl in the morning. She was sure that was the only reason why she would bother to go to class at all. 

She doesn’t usually get to see her at the end of her school days, she were sure that the girl’s classes ended earlier than her 5’oclock economics class. She would sigh and curse, surely if she saw her at the end of the day her fatigue would fade away. She was right though, seeing her at the end of the day wiped away all her fatigue. It only happened once, and that’s what disappointed her. She remembers Madoka animatedly talking to her, but she was forever staring at the girl out of the corner of her eye. The things that caught her eyes were the stares that the girl was giving Madoka. She pouted hoping that girl didn’t actually find Madoka more interesting than her.

After what seemed like hours of daydreaming about the other girl, which she would scream from because it seemed oh so creepy when she thought back about it. She had decided she’d finally bring up the courage to talk to the girl, or at least try seeing as how awkward she becomes in the other girl’s presence. She was hopeless, and she was sure every other person that has seen her stare would agree.

It was the last day of classes and the first thing she notices when she steps on to the bus was how the girl seemed different than usual. She shrugged it off and was about to open her mouth to greet the other girl when alarms blasted in her head and she freaked out. Throwing herself into the seat as quickly as possible she tries to hide her blushing face behind her backpack. She’s warm, she would think to herself the whole bus ride. She was so comfortingly warm that she unknowingly falls asleep, missing the chance to awkwardly stare at her for half the bus ride.

Between exams and long bus rides without her, she finds herself getting frustrated. It was awfully foolish for her to be harbouring such a crush on the girl that merely sat in front of her every morning for the last 2 almost 3 months. She didn’t even know what to do; even burying her head in the books wouldn’t remove the girl’s face from her mind. Surely she was going insane; at least that’s what her grades at the end of the exams tell her. Too distracted she thinks before throwing her notes away hoping that they would never come back to haunt her.

She started the new term, thinking that she had already hypnotized herself out of thinking about the girl. The first day back and she had already ruined her self-hypnosis. She grabs her usual seat and stares at the empty seat in front of her; she would admit it had been a little disappointing. Although it would only a little though, she was trying to forget her stupid crush on the girl. A week passes and she still boards the bus in despair, hopeless really she concludes.

She finds herself lacking sleep, having all these whats or if’s running through her head. Fed up, she decides to get to school earlier and see if she can take her mind off of things. She had already given up on seeing the girl, but alas something up there in the sky had other plans for her. The bus was rather early so there were only a few people scattered through, however she sees a very familiar figure trying not to fall asleep. She’s delighted, and she can feel a dumb smile and blush crawling up her face. She almost trips and prays that nobody saw it. That blush doesn’t leave her face after she gently sits down beside the girl, hoping that she wouldn’t be awoken.

The silly smile she sees in the reflection of her phone helps her decide that she would take this bus every morning. She thought she was going to be content with this, or at least she still hoped that this silly crush would go away. She never thought of even speaking to the girl, so surely she didn’t know what her dizzy sick mind had decided when it mumbled something to her – may a hello, she really doesn’t remember. Surely she didn’t know what had taken over her when she woke up and almost snuggled into the figure beside her. Or why in the world her head was resting on the girl’s shoulder, she usually had better sleep posture than that. She blamed it all on the sleep as she embarrassedly apologized to the other girl, only to be stunned by the face she had.

For the first time in a while she started questioning her tastes in a girl, because the girl she thought was plain and suddenly seemed to be so much better in her eyes. Beauty is subjective; she could remember some random professor she wasn’t paying attention to say.  She could only think of one thing, that half smile she had was stunning.

Things change between the two of them; she was bent on making them change even more. She wouldn’t be satisfied with just hellos and polite smiles. Granted that she wish they would take things way more, but she would bury those thoughts shrugging them off as mere delusions.  She was bent on at least becoming her friend though, it was only then that she noticed didn’t know anything about the girl. Well… to be correct she didn’t know anything that couldn’t be gathered by having stared at her every morning for almost half a year. It would be an understatement to say that she actually knew a fair share about the other girl. Her name though, was something that had escaped her. Which she concluded was dumb because she even knew all the subjects that the girl was taking – she would see the girl pouting at her textbooks early in the morning before giving up and sleeping.

She puts her plan into motion, not really her plan but Madoka’s. Madoka was fed up with her filling her mailbox whenever she couldn’t control her dumb feelings for the other girl, which was every morning. Needless to say, Madoka wasn’t enjoying waking up every morning at 7o’clock to such mails. The girl even tried to help her – a pitiful mess of a baker bake some cookies for her crush. In all honesty she would conclude the only thing that Madoka hasn’t done for her is push her into the girl’s arms and confess on her behalf. If she kept on mailing Madoka though, maybe she’d do her confession for her.

Her heart beats faster than usual, hands sweating as she fights off the urge to hide in some corner. Valentine’s Day had never been her thing; usually she got things not the other way around. She stalls a little in front of the girl, unable to bring up courage. It was only after spending the whole bus ride in despair and self monologues that she borderline shoves the bag of cookies in the other girl’s arms.

“Happy Valentine’s, I’m Natsu.”

Not the type of confession she was aiming for, or Madoka who broke out into laughter after hearing about it. Good enough, she concludes before waiting for the next morning to come.

 Excited and maybe a little worried she steps onto the bus the next morning. She tries so hard to wipe away the foolish grin on her face when the girl greets her by her name. Surely this was the improvement that she had been looking for, although she really wouldn’t mind if the other girl confessed undying love for her too. She introduces herself and finally after half a year of stalking, she finally knows the other girl’s name. Not bad for something she thought wouldn’t have a good ending, not bad at all she thinks to herself while still trying to wipe away her grin.

She starts looking forward to every morning just a little more because every morning she would hear her greeting her by her name. What more could she possibly want, after all it was the girl’s voice that had attracted her in the first place. It was certainly better than trying to strain her ears and listen to the girl thank the bus driver while the other students rushed off the bus towards their busy day.

She didn’t even remember that it was White Day until the girl turned around with this shy and utterly adorable smile and handed her chocolates. A thank you gift, she hears the other girl says but she’s too busy smiling like an idiot to reply properly. She thinks she might actually be in love with the girl, something that she had been avoiding this whole time. Surely there was a difference between love and my fondness towards the girl; she would try to convince herself. However the chocolates, they destroyed any hope that she had of convincing herself. And thus, Madoka’s claim that she was some sort of lovesick stalker came to be verified.

Before she even knew it the two of them had become closer, and it took all her efforts not to come off as some sort of creepy lovesick stalker. She knew she probably seemed a little dumb to the people around them as she hanged onto every word that came out of the girl’s mouth. She really couldn’t help it her voice was just very attractive, she would mutter to herself as an excuse. She comes to understand the girl more and more, beyond that mere plain girl description that she had given the girl during their first meeting. She was glad that she had noticed the girl, that as every day passes and as more words flow between the two of them those feelings don’t fade.

She wakes up to another reason now, not to stare at the girl from in front of her, and not to secretly glance at the girl from beside her. She wakes up every morning excited to greet the girl, to talk about another meaningless topic in hopes that the two would get closer. However there are just some mornings when she’s just about dead tired from studying that she passes out the moment she sits down. She looks forwards to those too, because she finds herself waking up on the girl’s shoulder. All those annoying heartbeats were worth it, to be so close to the other girl who would often times be resting their head on hers. All that’s missing would be hand holding, she concludes while staring at the other girl’s hands. Maybe someday, she wishes.

The long awaited end of term has come and while others may be celebrating, she sulks. She wonders if maybe she should have taken a summer course too, perhaps the same one as the girl but chemistry in the summer really didn’t sound that appealing. She didn’t want that bus ride to end, she wished that maybe there was just a little more time left between the two of them. Somehow it just felt all too painful, to know that it was most likely going to end just at that. Her day brightens, still as it always does as the other girl steps on the bus. She tries her best to stay awake, and enjoy what felt like the last moments. However, she didn’t expect the other girl to ask for her phone number, something that she herself had been too shy to do. She gives it to her, with a delighted grin. Surely there was hope for them to continue, into whatever it was that it would become.

She stumbles through her usual summer routine bored, saddened and occasionally she sleepily gets up in the morning and changes only to realize that she didn’t need to go to school. Only to realize that she could only see the girl in her dreams now and even then they were vague and sparse.  She bundles herself up in her covers and stares at her cell phone wondering just when the girl would phone or even text her. The days continue and her hope slowly dwindles, perhaps she was just too gullible. She had hoped, believed that perhaps maybe the other girl would share the same feelings. She finds herself, wailing to Madoka every morning to distract herself after all she had memorized the girl’s summer schedule too.

Madoka throws her out into a pit of sharks, at least that’s what she keeps on threatening. Apparently she would come to realize Madoka didn’t enjoy being woken up at 7am in the summer. She fumbles and stutters whenever Madoka tells her to meet up with the girl – to have initiative. She really just couldn’t bring herself to face the girl, what if she had been merely forgotten, placed aside. It would break her heart, granted that somewhere along the time she had handed it to the girl. She wasn’t even in control of her own feelings anymore, as if they were missing, off riding on that very bus next to the girl.

She knows that she doesn't have the courage to go and see the girl; she doesn't even have the courage to stop staring at her phone and just text to girl. That was how insecure she was, she was after all just some creepy stalker. To her it was already a blessing to have spent the last term sitting beside, slowly getting to know the other girl and somehow along the line have her previously denied feelings become so much more. She should have predicted how much it would hurt, she should have shirked away but instead she allowed to herself to be fooled into the comfort of fantasy.

A month passes by and slowly, ever so slowly she stops constantly checking her phone but the memories, the thoughts they don't disappear. She stops talking to Madoka about the girl, and she tries her best to forget the girl was only one bus trip away. Things get worst though, she dreams of being on the bus with the other girl. She dreams that she confesses and the other girl rejects her, and laughs.

She feels a little insecure, her dreams have been repeating as if to show her all the things that she fears. She doesn't know how to stop them, they just keep on happening. It isn't until Madoka pulls her aside, noticing how horrible she looked with her panda eyes. It isn't until she breaks down in Madoka's arms that they finally realized the extent of her crush. They talk for a bit, and she gets a little more confidence from the normally cool girl. Never had she really imagined that it would have to be Madoka that gives her love advice.

She's really thankful for the other girl, after all it was her who spent a year listening to her ramble, her who gets waken up at 7am to text messages filled with incomprehensible words, and it's her who shoves her on the bus one week later saying that if she doesn't settle this she would finally fulfill that threat of throwing her into a shark pit.

She fidgets, she doesn't see the girl getting on the bus and she can feel her heart drop. It didn't matter since she knew the where the girl had class but she felt that meeting on the bus with her was something special, that if anything she wanted to meet the girl again here. That maybe if she finally brought up the courage to tell her how she feels, it should be in the same setting where they met, became friends and she hopelessly fell for the other girl.

Her dejection goes away when she sees the other girl get on a few stops later. She can feel a very familiar dumb smile crawling up her face but she doesn't even bother to mask her joy when the girl takes her usual seat. She wanted to slap herself at the answer she gives the other girl who wonders why she's on the bus.

"You never contacted me so I thought I would need to take another bus ride."

Dumb pick up lines, surely she failed that class too. She bites her lips nervously as the girl looks away to her phone, and her heart feels like its dropping. She too, looks away at her phone trying to mask her embarrassment when she gets a mail from a number she has memorized by heart - her's. Her head whips up, trying to fight off the urge to pull the shy girl beside her into a hug. The dumb grin she gets whenever she thinks about her comes back, and she doesn't care anymore

"Why of course Chihiro, I'd be honored to date you."

She's always wondered what people meant when they said they're on cloud nine, she thinks she understands know.
All that it took was a little, maybe violent push from Madoka to get to this. If she had know she would have taken that first step earlier and had not missed the time the two could have spent together. They would not have had to spend half their summer wondering when the other would take the initiative to phone. But she doesn't really mind, after all it was the ending that mattered the most.

The term starts up again and her long awaited bus rides come back. Every morning, she would wake up in excitement for the bus ride. She feels her heart stop every morning when she is greeted by the other girl's smile. This was a good habit she concludes before entwining their fingers together and feeling the other girl rest her head on her shoulder. She smiles to herself because she knows the other girl doesn't have early morning class, she knows that the girl tries to hide that fact but she doesn't point it out. It was the thought that mattered after all; she after all loved the bus rides just as much as the girl. She laughs when other people ask why they don't take the other bus which is faster. Why would she sacrifice the time that she has with her girlfriend to get to school faster, she concludes before calling them insane.

The two of them step on the bus for their last day of school, hands entwined. They speak of everything that the bus has brought them and their time spent on the bus awkwardly glancing at each other. Surely they would miss their early morning bus rides that had become a tradition, but they looked forward to bidding their school lives goodbye. Their future beyond was vague but what matter to the two was that they would be holding each other's hand and facing whatever was brought forth together.

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