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Author Topic: For the sake of Our Love [Chapter Three] [6/26]  (Read 7860 times)

Offline Altrox

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For the sake of Our Love [Chapter Three] [6/26]
« on: June 19, 2011, 10:34:39 AM »
Atsumina/KojiYuu/ ++

Chapter One

A large grey van opened its doors to reveal three of Japan’s most popular young actresses. Fans and non fans alike stopped to stare at the girls as they exited the vehicle in seeming slow motion, the wind stroking their hair in the most flattering way possible.

They entered the tall, professional building with oozing with much more confidence than they actually felt…

“Ah all this is making me kind of nervous,” Miichan said as they walked through the large hallways.

The two girls with at her sides surveyed her with disbelieving looks.

“Why would you be nervous? You’re never nervous. Not for photoshoots, not for filming, not when you’re making fun of people…”

“Yeah ok, maybe not nervous,” Miichan agreed. “Maybe just hungry.”

Her eyes turned wide with happiness as they entered the designated meeting hall which happened to be a large photo studio equipped with a handy catering table.

Atsuko let out a sigh and thought to share another with Yuko when she noticed the girl’s previously relaxed demeanor change to one charged with excitement. She followed the look directly to a gorgeous, tall girl with almost reddy, long brown hair flowing down her back. However, she was more interested in the shorter, and in her opinion much cuter girl who was currently choosing a katsudon set from the table.

The two girls were dressed in similar matching outfits with their hair professionally perfected so Atsuko could only assume the shoot setup was for them. She let her eyes take in the rest of the room while the girl next to her positively drooled over the only thing she could see.

The young actress thought to prod her remaining counterpart but contented herself with an eyeroll and a small smile instead. ‘You’re not exactly looking at her hair are you, Yuko?,’ she thought to herself.

Their eyes met for a moment and as if in answer to her silent question the shorter girl flashed a smirk. ‘Your eyes aren’t so innocent either Acchan,’ Yuko thought before skipping off towards her new found prey.


The hairs on Haruna’s neck suddenly received a tingling feeling as her head shot up in interest startling the girl idly choosing things from the catering table.

“What? What is it? Why do you look like a meerkat?,” Takamina asked as she pushed the food about to jump off to a more central location on her plate.

“I have no idea,” Haruna replied. “It felt like my body received some sort of warning sign against…”

Her sentence was interrupted by the arrival of a very friendly chipmunk who wasted no time in attaching herself directly onto the surprised girl.

“… this! What is this? Get it off!”

“Don’t worry! It’s not like I’m a crazy person!,” the excited girl replied. “Really, I’m not. I’m nice! I even came here with my friends. The cold looking hot girl over there is Atsuko and the excessively interesting girl next to your friend is Miichan!”

Takamina, not knowing exactly what to do … or why a girl was currently tightly attached to her friend just took to standing still. Unfortunately for her, even that was an unacceptable option.

“Can you move a bit?,” Miichan asked as she decided to completely ignore the Yuko induced happenings. “You’re standing in the way of the food and my plate.” After all… food was involved and she was just really really hungry.

“Uh… right, sorry,” Takamina replied as her eyes wandered over to ‘Atsuko’ and was met with a bland look and … slightly smiling eyes.

Miichan saw the glance and once she’d finally had enough of raiding the table, took the time to shoot a smirk at her unknowing Minami partner.

“You have impeccable taste,” Miichan said with a laugh. She ambled closer and gave the staring girl a few nudges on the arm.

Takamina just cleared her throat a few times and hoped she wasn’t blushing… too much.

“I have no idea what you mean,” she said which made Miichan all the more amused.

“You know, I kind of like you,” she started. “You look interesting and you don’t freak out so easily...”

“Freak out Takamina! This girl is still on me!,” Haruna got out as Yuko smiled up at her. “Seriously Takamina, I want you to start freaking out right now!”

“But you smell good! And I don’t want to be just ‘this girl’ to you. Call me Yuko! Or honey… or baby… I’ll call you Nyan Nyan.”

 “But I’m not just going to give you my wife. You’re gonna have to work a little harder than that,” Miichan finished nonchalantly.

Shaking herself and feeling a little sorry for getting distracted during Haruna’s time of need… and more than a little embarrassed for being caught staring at a stranger Takamina asked a different sort of a favour instead.

“Ahem. Instead of … your wife, could you just get your friend to get off my friend before somebody gets hurt?”

Miichan looked over at the source of the girl’s sweat-drops.

 “Yuko’s just playing I’m sure she would never hurt your friend,” she replied honestly.

“You smell nice!,” Yuko continued as she nuzzled into the taller girl’s chest.

“That’s not what I meant,” Takamina said. “This is about to get dangerous.”

Seconds later, Haruna explained Takamina’s words with her actions.

“That’s it! I warned you enough times you pervert!,” She said with finality before she released a few blows directly onto Yuko’s head.

“Oh. I see what you mean now,” Miichan said.

“Haruna stop it you’re going to give her a concussion!”

“No I’m not! She’s suffered from one before which caused her to become a crazy, clinging-to-strangers, pervert!”

“I’m sure everything’s going to be fine,” Miichan said as she munched on whatever took her fancy.

Takamina had no time to be surprised by Miichan’s continued calm demeanor and was about to shoot off to rescue… she didn’t know who exactly… but was suddenly stopped by a hand on her shoulder.

“I’d suggest leaving them as they are,” the girl said as she attacked Takamina’s senses with her soft voice, gentle hand and wafting perfume.

“Ah Atsuko, you’ve finally decided to stop posing over there all on your own,” Miichan mused aloud. “I think this girl’s name is Takamina because that’s what her friend has been yelling at her this entire time. She seems nice. I think she wants to marry you.”

“H-hey!,” the shorter girl scoffed before she passed out due to embarrassment and other feelings. “I… when did I say that?!”

“Hmm? So you wouldn’t ever want to marry me then?,” Atsuko asked with her head tilted cutely to the side.

“I… didn’t say that either,” Takamina replied shyly. “Anyway, I have to separate those two before they kill each other.”

Atsuko moved her hand off the girl’s shoulder and grabbed her arm instead.

“Don’t worry about it. Besides, Yuko bites if you try to take her chew toys away.”

“Chew toys...,” Takamina echoed with a frown before Haruna’s words reached her.

“Takamina! It’s got my ear!”


“Alright alright, I think that’s about enough,” a voice said to interrupt them causing both Takamina’s and Haruna’s heads to shoot up in shock.


“Mari-chan? You’re… what are you doing here?”

The flashy model threw a bright smile at the younger girls.

“Has everyone met before? There seems to be much more closeness between you all than I’d originally anticipated,” she said with amusement as she looked at how closely Haruna and Takamina were attached to her guests.

 She signaled for a staff member to herd them all into a comfortable lounge room and was even more amused to find that the actresses felt no need to surrender their prizes even as they all sat down together.


“So, who wants coffee? Tea?,” the older girl asked politely as the others merely stared at her.

“Onee-chan aren’t you supposed to be filming overseas? What are you doing here?,” Takamina asked even as she was completely aware of the pretty girl nonchalantly attached to her arm causing a very nice soft something to press against her.

“Yeah!,” Miichan interrupted as she finally took her death grip off the plate of food she was holding just to excitedly point at the new comer.

“Aren’t you the super famous, super popular, super tall… wait you’re Takamina’s sister, why is she so short? … super expensive model slash actress, no last name, just known as ‘Mariko’ … Mariko?!”

“Miichan you’re right!,” Yuko said as she pointed… though she refused to release her grip on the Haruna she was holding. “You’re Mariko! You’re the Mariko.”

“Guys that’s enough,” Atsuko said calmly. “I think we’ve properly established her name is Mariko.”

Standing, she gave a smile and a very polite bow. “Forgive us for failing to introduce ourselves sooner. My name is Maeda Atsuko and I’m an up and coming actress.

These are my co workers from the same entertainment company and my very close friends Minegishi Minami and Oshima Yuko.”

“Kojima Yuko!,” the girl corrected.

“Be quiet pervert, how did you even know my last name?!”

“Do you really want me to be quiet or do you want me to proclaim our love?”

“What do you mean ‘our’?!”

“Aha! You don’t deny the love!”

Mariko nodded at Atsuko with a smile as she, along with the others seemed to choose to ignore the more rowdy members of the group.

“That was a very polite introduction Maeda-san, though I would say with the list of credits attached to your name you are much more than an ‘up and coming actress.’”

Miichan nodded as she watched her friend sit back down to comfortably capture Takamina’s arm once more.

“She’s only pretending to be humble because she wants to marry your sister.”

“Is that so?,” Mariko asked with a raised eyebrow as she turned her look to the shortest girl in the room as Miichan continued to nod.

“Uh huh. You should also know that earlier today your sister tried to marry her. Look at how close they’re sitting. Look at what your sister’s arm is touching.”

“Hey I’m the one being touched!,” Takamina said in her defense.

“Oh you don’t like it?,” the actress teased with a pretend pout.

“Oh get a room!”

“Miichan!,” Atsuko stage whispered as she too tried to control her blush in front of a senpai she respected.

“At least everyone seems to be getting along nicely,” Mariko said with a small laugh.

“Onee-chan, what exactly have you got planned for us this time?,” Takamina asked with a sigh, hoping to get things officially moving before suggestions of marriage continued to come forward.

“At least introduce yourself first,” her sister suggested amusedly.

“Ah… of course…”

“I know right, she’s been such an airhead since she got engaged,” Miichan added.

“I’m Takahashi Minami, leader of the stage and screen idol group ‘Team A’ and this is our Ace, Kojima Haruna.”

“Huh. Now I know why you looked so familiar! You guys are considered to be the chart toppers these days.”

“I’m so proud of you Nyanyan!”

“You don’t even know me!,” Haruna complained.

“Is that a hint to say we should go faster? Nyannyan give me a chu!”

“Now that we’re introduced, let’s get down to business shall we?,” Mariko said as she threw a wink over to the stressed out ‘Nyanyan.’

“Ok!,” Yuko agreed all too easily.

“Reword that Mari-chan! Reword it I swear or I will never ever be able to marry somebody normal!”


Moments later with everyone still ignoring the slowly becoming “official” couple (since Haruna was running out of energy), Mariko had the staff members distribute scripts to the girls sitting before her.

To everyone’s relative relief and Haruna’s honest surprise, having the paper hit her hands was the one thing that immediately caused Yuko’s hands to stop roaming over her.

Similarly, Atsuko’s eyes seemed glued to the page and even Miichan seemed to have calmed down considerably.

Mariko nodded, extremely pleased with her choice of cast members. ‘These are the professionals we need to take this as far as it can go,’ she thought to herself.

The three actresses looked up once they’d finished scanning the premise.

“A drama pilot?,” Atsuko questioned. “I like it. It seems interesting.”

“And different to anything we’ve done before,” Yuko agreed as Miichan merely nodded, as she went back to scanning the pages.

 “But… does our management know about this?,” Atsuko questioned uneasily, though she hoped it didn’t show too much.

The way the three of them had been called out without representation seemed a little odd, as was the fact that neither Takamina or Haruna seemed to have any of their company agents in the vicinity to accompany them either. ‘Exactly who are we supposed to be working for?,’ Atsuko wondered.

“You think this is some sort of head hunting scheme?,” Mariko replied with a laugh. “Relax. I’m sorry it’s my fault for getting ahead of myself. I should have explained better. What we’re here to discuss is an independently funded project. My goal isn’t to make something household name popular nor is it to line anyone’s pockets. We’re going to make this into something that goes so much further than that. We’re going to make people feel.”

“But our management…”

“Your Company President is a very close friend of mine,” Mariko declared confidently.

Atsuko nodded immediately. That definitely seemed feasible. President Meetan definitely had a soft spot for the pretty girls.

“And even if she wasn’t I would have fought for you three to be in this project anyway. It’s not enough to say that this is merely important to me. So I want to work with the best. Please take your time scanning the script, I’ve just flown in today so I could use a little fresh air.”

With that, the older girl flashed another of her award winning smiles and walked out of the room leaving the others to read through their scripts.


Takamina got up and jogged after her, struggling to keep up with the girl’s quickened pace.

Mariko led her up to the roof before finally stopping to face her sister. The practiced bright smiles were stripped from them as they stared at each other as family members rather than popular members of the entertainment industry.

“Onee-chan… what is this about?,” Minami began gently. “Why are you back in the country? What are your intentions with this project?”

Mariko took a deep breath to steady herself.

“I’ve decided to claim my inheritance. The project is my new life goal,” Mariko replied directly, knowing nothing else would be acceptable to her sibling.

Minami might seem friendly and easy going but when things got serious, straight ahead was the only direction the girl knew how to go.

“Why now?,” Takamina asked, failing to remain silent even as she hoped her sister would finally reveal the truth about why she was acting the way she was.
Mariko said nothing, looking straight into Takamina’s eyes as the younger girl continued.

“When our parents died you swore in anger that you didn’t need their money for anything, that you’d live without any scars from our past. Isn’t that why you decided to further your career overseas as well as at home?”

The intense frustration in the younger girl’s voice shook her core but Mariko knew she needed to get through to her sister, for the sake of everything they had lost or hoped to gain in the future.

“I’m tired of living just for myself,” the older girl admitted with a strained smile. “You’re the last of my adorable sisters Minami. I want you to be able to understand that I want this as much for you as I do for them.”

“What does this have to do with our sisters? Why shouldn’t I believe that this whole thing isn’t just another tool to further our careers? That’s all we’ve cared about isn’t it? All this time… without even stopping… not even when they… when we lost them.”

“As sad as it is to admit it was our work that saved us from not being at that accident. Our work made it so that we could never be there for them then. Let our work cement their lives. Let our work be the very thing that lets us be there for them now.”


Haruna picked up her script once more as the three actresses seriously read through theirs. Her hand touched the front cover of the page and her eyes widened.

Though the title remained undecided the names of the writers were clearly printed in bold black letters.

Her finger traced over the familiar characters for ‘Takahashi’ and she sniffed as the following characters were blurred as they were stroked by her teardrops.

Yuko looked up immediately and letting her own script fall to the table and wrapped her arms tightly around the taller girl.

Miichan and Atsuko looked at each other worriedly wondering what exactly this interesting new project was going to bring into their lives.

The three had known each other for the longest time and though Yuko had an eye for the pretty members of their sex the girl rarely showed such true interest. Now in front of their very eyes it even seemed that Yuko was about to shed tears of her own as she tried to comfort a girl she’d just met.

Atsuko looked down at the script still in her hands as Mariko’s words echoed in her ears.

‘We’re going to make people feel.’

When Takamina returned to the room, her older sister a step behind flanking her side, she was nothing but serious.

The other girls wondered if she was about to tell them to scrap the entire idea when she suddenly flashed the brightest smile, her eyes flashing with more intensity than any of them had ever seen.

Miichan and Yuko were surprised, wondering how the very same girl who looked so very… normal… earlier was able to command such an aura now.

Haruna wiped her tears and gave a silent nod towards her friend, in silent support of whatever Takamina had to announce or ask of her.

Atsuko stared silently, not knowing what else to do, as she found herself touched to her core.

 Whoever this ‘Takamina’ girl really was… whether she was that shy innocent person who sat so close to her before or whether she was really the true leader type standing before her now… Atsuko was determined to get closer to her than anyone else.

Takamina pushed a new stack of papers before the group.

Without needing to check, the young professionals knew what they were looking at written contracts.

“My name is Takahashi Minami, I’m the leader of the idol group Team A. I’m a singer and a dancer and an actress and an MC… but before all that… maybe… now that it’s after all that, I want to work for the sisters I love.”

Takamina breathed in deeply before surprising everyone with a 90 degree bow.

“… for their sake… I am in your care.”

Even before Haruna could step forward, as she was just about to in support of her friend, Atsuko had already moved to capture Takamina’s eyes as she straightened.
“Just show me where to sign,” she said.

A special moment seemed to be cemented between the two girls as they stared at each other and saw a similar courage and determination emanating from each other.

“Tch, just wanting to look cool in front of your new wife,” Miichan said as she poked her tongue out at the girl. “Get out of the way Atsuko I’ve got a pen and stamp too and I’m not afraid to use it!,” she finished as she grabbed one of the offered contracts and hunted for that all important dotted line.

“Yeah Acchan what the heck!,” Yuko said as she jumped up and down. “I wanted to look cool in front of my Nyannyan! Lend me your pen Miichan. Quickly! Lend it, we have to beat Acchan while she’s still distracted with the staring!”

“Stupid,” Haruna said even though the look she was giving Yuko was now one of gratefulness instead of annoyance. “I know how to lend you a pen too.”


Three of Japan’s most popular young actresses stepped out of the tall, professional looking building.

A large grey van opened its doors and waited for them to quickly enter in order to avoid the public gaze.

But for the first time, the trio lingered before stepping in. They looked up and though they couldn’t see for sure, they could feel three pairs of eyes watching them silently. Not as fans, not as non fans, but as new found friends.

Promising they’d meet again soon to chase after the new dream they’d decided upon together.

== == // == ==

Thank you for reading this first part :)

« Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 11:17:56 AM by Altrox »

Offline eSsIe21

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Re: For the sake of Our Love
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2011, 11:03:43 AM »
.wow!!!~,, kojima and yuko/acchan and takamina didn't know at first!!~..., nice one!!~~

.. and there's marikuu!~~............, love the story!~ :ding: :luvluv1:

.please continue!~ :kneelbow:


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Re: For the sake of Our Love
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2011, 11:15:13 AM »
another takacchan fic~~ yeay!!  :mon star:

nice one!!  :on GJ:

Offline Arakawa

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Re: For the sake of Our Love
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2011, 11:15:54 AM »
This is really well written :)

All the pairings I love haha
Keep up the great work!

Offline nyaha00

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Re: For the sake of Our Love
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2011, 11:30:45 AM »
 :shocked a new fic yay!!

 :lol: squirrel attacked again....

atsumina gooo...Miichan is a shikshin  XD

Offline ShibuyaDokiDoki

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Re: For the sake of Our Love
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2011, 12:50:05 PM »
Wow... this story is already quite interesting even though its the first chapter!

I look forward to more... please do continue!  :kneelbow:

Offline crazywota

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Re: For the sake of Our Love
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2011, 02:04:21 PM »
Interesting. kojiyuu/atsumina  :heart:

i'll be waiting for more. please continue.

Offline kahem

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Re: For the sake of Our Love
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2011, 02:48:28 PM »
I like Acchan and Yuko on predator mode heheheh

Offline Altrox

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Re: For the sake of Our Love
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2011, 04:01:28 PM »
Chapter Two

From her newly reclaimed penthouse apartment, Mariko surveyed the waking city below her.

Sipping gently from her freshly brewed coffee she hoped the smell alone would be enough to wake her still slumbering little sister.

Though they were close, it really had been years since they had even slept in the same city, let alone the same apartment.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for you as much as I should have been,” Mariko whispered as she turned back to her view.

“It’s never too late,” said a voice from behind her.

Mariko smiled and nodded as she turned to watch Takamina opt for a less caffeinated drink.

“Morning onee-chan,” the younger girl greeted as she joined her sister next to the window. “So what have you got planned for us today?”

“I’m glad you asked,” Mariko replied as she let her shining smile settle upon her lips once more. “How are your formal greeting skills?”

Takamina’s eyes narrowed suspiciously.

“Not any worse than they’ve always been. Why?”

“Because you and I should really spend some time paying a visit to the in-laws.”

“Onee-chan! I’ve already told you! Atsuko and I don’t have that kind of a relationship!”

Mariko let her eyebrow rise the slightest bit before she gracefully continued to sip from her coffee cup.

“I don’t remember mentioning any names,” she replied, happily noting the blush on the younger girl's face.

“I… That’s,” Minami mumbled out. “Don’t make me blush so early in the morning!”

“Are you sure that blushing is because of me?,” Mariko questioned innocently.


“Alright alright. So I do have something planned for you today but your cutely pink face is anything to go by I’m sure you’ll end up thanking me soon enough.”

“What exactly do you want me to do?”


“Are you sure this is a good idea?,” Miichan asked as she was half dragged along the streets by an excited chipmunk.

“Of course it is!,” Yuko replied, stopping just to throw a fist into the air. “When have I ever turned away from true love?”

“When have you ever been in love?,” Miichan asked as she was once again pulled along.

“This is the first time and I am not turning away! Answer my question with ‘never’ Miichan! Do it! Do it now!”

“Ok ok… get off! Man I really hope we’re not off to do something illegal. No wonder Atsuko said what she said! You’re impossible!

30mins previously…

“Acchan! Miichan! You have to help me today! I’m on my way to the Team A theatre to proclaim my love for NyanNyan and her work-family so I want mine to be there with me!”

Miichan made a show of attempting to run away while Atsuko looked up from what she was reading nonchalantly.

“No,” the girl said with a small smile before she went back to her novel.


“Support me Miichan! Support my love!,” Yuko said loudly as the two entered the Team A theater.
“Alright, alright! I’ll support your whatever it is! But don’t make Haruna angry alright? If you do anything to make Atsuko’s wife possibly upset with you and us by association she will hurt us very much. Do you understand?”

“Ok! Let’s go so I can proclaim my love.”

Miichan sighed as she ran after her friend. ‘She really really does not understand,’ she thought. ‘The go-to actresses of every single popular drama for the last three seasons and here we are sneaking around… as if she’s even going to be able to…”

“Miichan I’ve found her!”

“Your stalker instincts are starting to freak me out,” Miichan replied worriedly though she was thoroughly amused by the Team A member’s reaction.

Though she and Yuko still remained hidden, Haruna seemed to immediately sense something was wrong as her eyes started to dart around the room.

‘Must be her self-preservation instinct kicking in,’ Miichan thought before she felt an elbow collide with her arm.

“She’s mine Miichan! Stop staring at her so intently!”

“I’m only watching her freak out because you’re in the vicinity!”

“What? She can sense me? I told you it was true love!,” Yuko screamed loud enough to gain the attention of the nearby Team A members.

Most were rather impressed with the actress seeing as she was considered to be extremely talented and popular… to the extent that no one really wondered why she was at that moment in mid-air, lips pouted in impending kiss formation and about to collide with their half terrified, half angry looking Ace.

“Yuko I swear…,” Haruna got out before she was tackled to the ground and the nuzzle attack began.

“Hello everyone!,” Miichan greeted in a much too relaxed fashion as she too entered Team A’s dressing room. “How are you today? Such fine weather we’re having right? Though you probably can’t tell since you’re all distractedly looking at a famous actress attack your Ace. Is Takamina around? She might be able to help out if she happens to be in ‘leader mode.’"

“Shut your mouth Miichan! Shut it right now and don’t mention her name!,” Haruna said in a panic. “Oh my God, too late, you’re screwed.”

“You know Takamina-san?!,” a high pitched voice let out before Miichan was immediately grabbed.

 “What is your relationship with Takamina-san?!,” the same voice demanded.

“I… what?... Friends with her wife?...”

“Her… wife? NOOOOOOO!!!!,” the girl growled out as she forced Miichan to the ground.

“Mocchi! Get off her right now!,” Haruna yelled.

“Wow you’re strong! And nice moves! What are you some sort of wrestling fan or something?!,” Miichan wondered when the air had re-entered her lungs and she was able to look up from the floor.

“Miichan… once I finish killing this idiot on top of me and that idiot on top of you I swear you and I are going to have words! Where the hell is that Captain idiot when I need her?!”


At that moment, the Captain in question was pacing in front of the top entertainment agency’s building.

Usually confident and serious about both work and regular life situations Takamina wondered why she was finding it so difficult to just enter the building.

Deep down of course, she knew that she could face any executive easily enough. It was in her blood. The real reason she was stalling was that she also knew that in that building was someone who made her feel… as to what feeling it was… she wasn’t sure exactly.

“Aargh!,” Takamina frowned as the frustrated sound left her throat. Fighting the urge to mess up her set hairstyle she took three deep breaths before striding confidently into the building. “Just one step at a time Minami,” she said to herself. “Straight ahead, just one step at a time.”

She walked towards the impressive reception area, gave her name and entered the elevator they pointed her towards.

Waiting a few seconds until it stopped, Minami checked her reflection happy to see that she still seemed to be oozing with practiced confidence.

However, that all but disappeared as soon as the elevator doors opened and she stepped out to come face to face with a dressed down Atsuko who’s shifty eyes and restless body language made her seem so different from the girl Minami met just the day before.

As soon as their eyes met, Atsuko’s expression changed from one of stressed out annoyance to one marked with a trademark cute smile.

“Hi…,” Minami got out before she found herself suddenly attached to the girl and flying down the hallway at full speed.

“Come on, I know a place!,” Atsuko said as she pulled them into the stairwell.

After running up a few flights of stairs the girl stopped causing Takamina to tilt her head at her.

“Place… you …. know… is stairwell?,” she got out between breaths.

Atsuko smiled despite herself. “Hold on… I want to catch… my breath too,” she said.

Takamina nodded and sat down on a step motioning for Atsuko to sit down beside her. She found it odd that though she was worried about meeting the girl again, now that they were in such close vicinity … she felt that she couldn’t be more comfortable. Even in their current situation.

Previously looking down the stairs in front of them, Takamina found her eyes being drawn towards the girl sitting beside her. Deciding not to fight the movement, she turned her head and was surprised to meet Atsuko’s eyes smiling at her own.

She suddenly shot up to her feet in surprise and almost lost her balance causing Atsuko to grab and pull her close.

So instead of falling down the stairs of doom, Takamina found herself hovering above Atsuko with her arms on either side of girl lying on her back.

Atsuko stared up at her, her brow still furrowed in worry, her lip slightly quivering.

Takamina tried to bring herself back up and into a seated position when she was suddenly stopped from moving.

“Don’t,” Atsuko said softly as she wrapped her arms around Takamina’s neck. “Don’t ever make me worry like that again.”

Though confused and feeling guilty she stressed Atsuko out so much, she settled her weight gently on top of the girl, her head nestled at the nape of Atsuko’s neck. She felt gentle fingers stroke her hair and listened to Atsuko’s heartbeat as their breathing settled into a soft, slow, matching rhythm.

They stayed like that for a while, each girl turning a strange and unexpected series of events into a perfect moment for the other just by being there.

Atsuko continued to run her fingers through Takamina’s hair.

‘Is this person I’m holding in my arms still a stranger to me?,’ Atsuko asked herself even though deep down she knew the answer.

Unlike Yuko and Miichan she wasn’t exactly an outwardly friendly person.

In fact her close friendship with the two girls could definitely be attributed more to their personalities than hers. They took the time to get to know her. They made the effort to be engaging and insistent so she’d take a genuine interest in them. They were the ones who refused to be put off by her cold demeanor.

But with the girl she held at that moment, everything was suddenly different.

‘All you did was stand in front of me,’ Atsuko thought as the girl’s breath tickled her neck. ‘Why do I suddenly want to promise to never let you fall?’

As Atsuko let her thoughts gently run through her psyche she was disappointed to feel Takamina slowly move off her… though the lingering warmth still remained.

“Thank you for catching me when I needed you,” Takamina said shyly. She was attempting to fix her hair when her hands were stopped by Atsuko who worked to replace Takamina’s chosen style as best she could.

“Does that mean you don’t need me anymore?,” she asked with a playful pout, only to be surprised by Takamina’s serious answer.

“I don’t know for sure. But… I don’t think that’s the case.”

Atsuko could do nothing but nod at the girl before her.

Takamina really was a small girl. She seemed so shy, almost scared at times. But the more Atsuko looked into those eyes, the more she felt their intensity, the more she wanted to bathe in their light.

Noticing that Atsuko didn’t plan on saying anything anytime soon, Takamina felt the need to express her gratitude once more.

“I… really do want to thank you for catching me. So if there’s anything I can do for you,” she began when she once again felt Atsuko’s warm presence invade her senses as the girl stepped into her comfort zone.

Takamina was surprised at herself for not stepping back. It was as if Atsuko was had an open invitation to stand so close.

“If there’s anything I can do for you…,” Takamina continued softly, her head about to tilt down to look down at her feet only to be stopped by a finger at her chin.

“All I want… is for you to look at me,” Atsuko replied, noticing Takamina’s eyes widen slightly in question. “I’m sorry I can’t tell you why. Maybe… it’s because I don’t even know myself. But maybe we’ll end up finding out together. Is that ok?”

“I’ll look at you,” Takamina replied. “But not because you asked me to.”

“Then why?”

“Because my eyes want to see you too.”

Atsuko stepped even closer until there was almost no space between them, the moment surprising them both when Takamina didn’t step back and instead, almost defiantly looked into Atsuko’s matching dark brown pools which searched her own.

“In that case,” Atsuko whispered, her breath stroking Takamina’s lips. “I can ask you for another favour.”

“Name it,” the shorter whispered back as she held Atsuko’s gaze.

Takamina ran a tongue along her bottom lip, unintentionally stirring up feelings Atsuko was unprepared for.

The girl stared longingly at that tongue, fighting as her control seemed to be slipping away. She was almost prepared to lose it all when Takamina’s mouth turned up at the corner into an almost, almost teasing smirk.

The actress settled back into herself as her pride disallowed her from relinquishing the moment.

“I’ll name it when I’m good and ready,” she said, leaving Takamina to stare after her as she once again ran up the stairs.

When they reached the final flight and came face to face with the door that led out onto the roof, Atsuko hesitated for a moment.

“What you don’t want to show me your special place anymore?,” Takamina teased when she’d caught up to the girl.

“Before I do,” Atsuko replied. “I’d like to ask you a question.”

Takamina remained silent and allowed Atsuko to word her next statement without distraction.

“Your sisters… what were their names?”

Takamina paused for a moment before answering.

“You read the script didn’t you?,” she asked softly. “You saw their names written as clearly as any other word.”

“Mariko-san wanted their work to make people feel. So I wanted to be introduced by you.”

“I’m sorry you misunderstood. But my sisters are gone,” Takamina said as she fought tears.

Atsuko nodded as she mirrored the other girl’s look.

“I’m sorry if I’m not being clear. I heard about what happened to your family. But when I read their script… the first person their work touched was me.”

For the umpteenth time that day, the girl standing in front of her made Takamina’s head spin with emotion.

“I wanted you to introduce me to that feeling alive in you,” Atsuko finished.

“Why would you even have to ask me to look?,” Takamina asked. “I don’t think I can take my eyes off of you anymore.”

Taking Takamina’s hand, wordlessly Atsuko turned the door handle causing the entering sunlight to sparkle in the unshed tears in both their eyes.

“Let me show you my world,” Atsuko said as they stepped through the door.

“Your world?,” a sexy voice asked. “You ran away from the managers I sent to ask you meet with me for an important project and I know you love to hide from them here.”

If she wasn’t Maeda Atsuko, the girl’s jaw would have dropped at that point.

The reaction of course, would have been caused by none other than their company President Meetan and Takamina’s older sister. The two were sitting at a rather elegantly set up white table on pristine white chairs, conveniently located under a large white umbrella. The bright orange of the juice the two were currently sipping on was a stark contrast to the setting otherwise pure setting.

Takamina let her fingers press against her temples as new stresses entered her head.

“Onee-chan? You were already here? I thought you sent me to speak to President Meetan to offer our greetings and intentions as partners.

“Come sit down Takamina,” Mariko said, the usual amusement playing in her eyes. “I did send you for that purpose but I never said I wasn’t going to be here myself. And speaking of partners… you seem to be rather comfortably attached to yours.”

“You’re cute, a perfect match for our Atsuko if I do say so myself,” Meetan said as she looked the short girl up and down and gestured to a seat opposite her. “Really, come sit down and let’s talk.”

“Oh my God is this a marriage meeting?,” Takamina asked, unable to move from her spot due to all the suspicious thoughts caused by the older girl’s actions.

The two merely laughed at her.

“I don’t think usually necessary to introduce people who already seem to be dating.”

Takamina immediately let go of Atsuko’s hand but instead of becoming disappointed, the actress merely smiled encouragingly at the once again blushing girl and made no issue about slipping her hand back to where she wanted it to be.

“Ah we’re… are you related to my sister?,” Takamina asked Meetan while she finally pulled Atsuko to the seats.

They sat down, hands still intertwined much to the amusement of the two older girls.

Mariko poured juice for the two new comers and winked Atsuko as she handed her the glass. “I’m more interested in your relationship to mine,” she said. “But that’s a conversation for another time. We really should be talking business.”

“I agree,” Meetan said with a nod. “Why don’t you tell them what we have planned?”

Going with her usual tactic of straightforward and clear as was usually necessary when dealing with her younger sister, Mariko looked Takamina directly in the eye.

“We want you to star,” she said simply.

Takamina almost scoffed, and would have if she didn’t have so much respect for the people sitting before her.

“There’s no way you can be serious. You have three of the best for this project and you want me? Impossible.”

“This wasn’t a decision I made easily, you should know that,” Mariko replied. “Actually… it wasn’t a decision I made at all. You’re my little sister, I have no doubts when it comes to your talent but what you said about Atsuko, Yuko and Miichan before is true. They’re currently the best and I believe they will be for a long time.”

“But we want you,” Meetan finished.

“Why?,” Takamina asked only to be surprised to find Atsuko’s previously silent voice was the one to answer her.

“Because the part is yours,” Atsuko said.

Takamina sighed, unsure as to why three people with very respectable opinions in the industry seemed to be thinking along the same strange lines.

 “I stayed up all night reading the pilot script,” Atsuko continued as she read the disbelief written all over Takamina’s face. “And I know that part belongs to you.”

“As an actress, as someone who knows the person who’s suggesting this is my older sister, this doesn’t bother you?”

“Why should it? The other lead belongs to me,” Atsuko answered with an almost arrogant confidence.

Meetan laughed out loud while Mariko contented herself with a smile as both leaned back in their seats.

“Indeed it does,” Mariko agreed before turning to Meetan. “Your Atsuko certainly is something.”

“Don’t say ‘your’ so easily anymore Mariko. Someone sitting here might become upset and we’ll never get her to agree to play the lead.”

“You don’t have to worry,” Takamina said, once again serious. “I’ll do it. I’ll play the lead.”

Mariko’s eyebrows shot up immediately and her eyes settled not on her sister, but on the one holding her hand. “Because you believe in her that much?”

Takamina shook her head slowly as if trying to figure her own thoughts out. “Because,” she began as she turned her head to face the actress. “Because I think… I feel that she believes in me.”

In a building nearby…

“I don’t believe you!,” Mocchi yelled for the millionth time.

“I don’t care!,” Haruna yelled back. “I don’t care if you believe me or not. I don’t care if you believe this idiot’s friend over me or not.”

“I resent that,” Miichan said with a frown. “I have a name. And ‘that idiot’ really likes you so…”

“She’s sitting on my lap, with her face where it shouldn’t be and she won’t get off.”

“Nyannyan I love you. I don’t know why the tall, pretty wrestling girl is talking about Takamina needing to get a divorce so she can marry her instead but I don’t care… let’s plan OUR wedding instead."

“As I was saying,” Miichan continued. “I have a name… and ‘that idiot’ … is actually a pretty serious idiot so… continue with what you were saying.”

“Why do I have to deal with this all by myself?,” Haruna almost cried out with anguish in her voice. “If Takamina is off having romantic adventures somewhere I will be very very displeased.”

“I don’t believe you!,” Mocchi yelled again.

“Geez! Ok that’s it. I have to get rid of you. Go away. Go away! I don’t want you Takamina-stressing all over me right now. I already told you that she isn’t married to anyone and you don’t need to get all stalker crazy but do you listen to me? No. Instead, you sit there being all creepy!”

Mocchi sniffled, her emotions finally threatening to overwhelm her.

Deep down she was a nice girl. A really nice and kind and thoughtful girl.

Even Haruna knew that so she felt a little guilty for the yelling but… even deeper down than that… Mocchi was just hella crazy when it came to loving their Captain. Drunk phone calls at night crazy. Buying the same perfume as her and spraying it pillows crazy. Climbing trees and watching through windows crazy.

Haruna shivered as she thought of more Mocchi moments.

“Where the heck is Akicha? Or Ami? Somebody get me Ami!”

The two girls arrived immediately, afraid to face the wrath of their easily angered Ace.

They left very soon after having the still sniffling Mocchi thrown at them by Haruna and once again proved that beautiful girls could be smart by thoughtfully deciding to leave wordlessly.

They were indeed very careful not to ask why their Ace was next to a famous actress with a very confident smirk or why another very famous actress was currently clinging to her and nuzzling into her ample chest area.

Haruna knew that asking Yuko anything would just lead to more proposals of marriage or heading to hotel rooms so she turned her annoyed look at Miichan instead.

“Don’t you two have to be somewhere?,” she asked.

“Don’t we all have to be somewhere?,” Miichan replied casually. “Your phone has been ringing with missed calls for a while and Mariko has been txt spamming me for the last half an hour saying something about catching Atsuko and Takamina trying to date on some roof.”

“What in the hell?,” Haruna asked as she face palmed once more at the sound of that familiar high pitched voice.

“I don’t believe you!,” Mocchi yelled from nearby.

== == // == ==

Thank you for reading ^^ Quick update goes out especially to those who left comments.

See you next time :)


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Re: For the sake of Our Love [Chapter Two] [6/20]
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2011, 05:01:12 PM »
Chapter 2 already??  :on woohoo: you're fast!!!  :on GJ:

looking forward for the next chap~  :on lol:

Offline AAAice

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Re: For the sake of Our Love [Chapter Two] [6/20]
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2011, 05:28:50 PM »
Mocchi's "I don't believe you!" line at the last. :]]]
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

Offline ShibuyaDokiDoki

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Re: For the sake of Our Love [Chapter Two] [6/20]
« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2011, 11:51:01 PM »
LOLOL the last line...  :on lol:

fast update!!! wooot! :onioncheer:

thank you!!! please continue~! :on GJ:

Offline bou-j525

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Re: For the sake of Our Love [Chapter Two] [6/20]
« Reply #12 on: June 20, 2011, 04:05:43 AM »
That was fast O_O I wanted to read chap 1 now, and then I saw you had updated already  :shocked
But hey I like your fic ^^ So keep going...and if you're fast, it's even better  :P  :grin:

Offline Arakawa

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Re: For the sake of Our Love [Chapter Two] [6/20]
« Reply #13 on: June 20, 2011, 11:19:49 AM »
You write really fast...

Thanks :)
Hoping for more kojiyuu developement

Looking forward to the next ch

Offline kahem

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Re: For the sake of Our Love [Chapter Two] [6/20]
« Reply #14 on: June 20, 2011, 03:05:51 PM »
Ahahahah I like this story, it made me laugh so much ^^

Offline TakahashiJ

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Re: For the sake of Our Love [Chapter Two] [6/20]
« Reply #15 on: June 22, 2011, 07:47:12 PM »
Hahaha. This is so funny.
Fast update as well. Love it :)

Offline pretend_2besome1

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Re: For the sake of Our Love [Chapter Two] [6/20]
« Reply #16 on: June 22, 2011, 08:49:13 PM »
This is nice. I really like that Mariko is Takamina's sister here
AtsuMina  :wub:  I'm really liking their moments here, please do proceed with the marriage  :D --> is biased
While KojiYuu is  :lol:  as usual
Mochi's quite the extreme Takamina fangirl  XD

TakaSemaru  :heart:

Offline YumePouk

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Re: For the sake of Our Love [Chapter Two] [6/20]
« Reply #17 on: June 23, 2011, 06:19:48 PM »
I just stop by to let you know
I really like your fic, I will coment less
Coz of my busy schedule of Exams.

Your idea about the play it's good
But I wonder what was the accident....
I want to know What will happen?
Like I didn't hear it, like I couldn't hear it.... I shouldn't have heard your love in the first place

Offline Altrox

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Re: For the sake of Our Love [Chapter Two] [6/20]
« Reply #18 on: June 26, 2011, 11:17:23 AM »
Thank you so much to those saying 'thanks' and those who take the time to leave a comment! I really appreciate the effort!

I hope you enjoy this next chapter :)

Chapter Three
“Well, now that we have that settled why don’t we get straight to the more interesting parts?,” Meetan asked the younger girls sitting before her.
Mariko leaned forward resting both elbows on the table and placed her chin comfortably on clasped hands. She smirked slightly as she looked her sister up and down.
“I think we may have already missed those parts,” she said mock knowingly.

Meetan replied by feigning shock and playfully hitting Atsuko on her arm.

Atsuko was about to set forth on a blush filled round of denial but found herself distracted by Takamina reaching over and rubbing where Meetan’s hand had grazed.
“Are you alright Atsuko? Did it hurt?,” Takamina asked as she ran her hand up and down Atsuko’s arm. “Here let me rub it for you, it’ll feel better soon I promise.”

The actress didn’t answer, instead feeling her breathing quicken just a tiny bit and her heart skip that familiar beat whenever she found herself physically connected to the shorter girl.

Staring at Takamina’s hand touching her, Atsuko wondered once more what the person in front of her really meant to her deep inside. Being drawn so strongly to a person she barely knew was starting to frustrate her but never mind wanting to stay away, she didn’t even know if she had the ability.

In a decisive move, Atsuko stopped the Captain’s hand from its worried stroking and held it comfortably in her own.

“I’m fine Minami, but thank you for worrying about me,” Atsuko said as she smiled and earned herself another cute blush.

“Oh… I … wasn’t really t-that worried you know just,” Takamina tried to say before she gave up and trailed off.

“Well well…” the President said as she nodded approvingly at the unexpected show of affection. “I suppose I should stop teasing before this entire project gets put on hold in favour of wedding planning.”

“I agree,” replied Mariko with a laugh. “It’s only fun when they fight it. I don’t even know how I feel about this touchy feely business.”

“Personally I’d like to watch… though I don’t think they’ll play those games in front of us,” Meetan answered.

Takamina’s embarrassment finally got the best of her and the girl shot up to her feet, not noticing when Atsuko looked at her empty hand and frowned as she immediately missed the warm contact.

She looked at her smiling sister who did nothing but raise a nonchalant eyebrow.

“Onee-chan stop having so much fun! She’s laughing at us!,” Takamina yelled only to follow it up with a whispered; “And… I think she’s talking about perverted things.”

“I don’t see why you feel the need to turn so pink over it Minami, after all the one who’ll be doing those perverted things is you,” Meetan whispered back with a few winks added just for good measure.

“Onee-chan! Make her stop! Now I know she’s talking about perverted things because she said ‘perverted things’ right in her sentence! Why am I the only one who has to deal with these things?”


Little did Takamina know that somewhere in the same city, a very good friend was having very similar thoughts...

“Yuko! How many times do I have to tell you to get off me?”

“But Nyannyan!,” Yuko tried to get in as she pouted at the taller girl. “I’m just trying to have skinship with you! Skinship!”

For the millionth time that day Haruna found herself massaging her temples with her fingers.

“Nyannyan why won’t you hold my hand?,” the squirrel said as her attack continued.

“How am I supposed to hold either of your hands when both are busy trying to grope me?,” Haruna replied.

“Maybe if you held one and let me grope with the other…”


“I can multi-task well Nyannyan!”

“Back to your kind of normal already? How long do you two plan to keep this up?,” Miichan asked.

Haruna motioned towards the girl and hoped she’d be able to enlist her help in trying to control the crazy that had accumulated around her.

“See! Look, even your friend is getting creeped out by your behavior.”

Unfortunately she soon found out she shouldn’t have gotten her hopes so high with Miichan having arrived with Yuko after all.

“I’m not really… I just wanted to know how long you’re planning on keeping it up so I’m better able to suggest dating spots for you later. You know, just to see how serious you are about each other,” the smirking girl replied.

“Date her yourself!,” Haruna retorted as her annoyance grew.

“Funnily enough I always find myself the planning type rather than the actually dating type.”

“Why am I the only one who has to deal with these things?,” she asked herself.

Taking advantage of the girl while she stood still, Yuko nuzzled even closer.

“I’ll help you deal with anything Nyannyan,” she said.

The line was delivered in such a serious tone that Haruna had to stop her massaging just to look questioningly at the girl.

They stared at each other for a while with the still smirking Miichan looking on from close by.

“So the chase is really on,” she said happily. “But who’s the cat and who’s the mouse?”

“Takamina-san is the mouse!,” Mocchi said from right underneath Miichan’s ear.

“Too close! Way too close, what the heck are you doing so close?,” Miichan said, words firing out of her mouth in rapid succession.

“Sorry,” a nervous Ami said to the much more famous actress as she attempted to hold Mocchi back from Miichan’s ears. “She really loves Takamina-san with all her hear but… she kind of loves earlobes in a more general sense.”

Hearing Haruna growling from nearby, Ami devoted a little more of her efforts to Mocchi controlling and steered the girl away towards some unsuspecting younger members.

Her teammate however had the difficult job actually had to talk to their Ace.

“Umm, Kojiharu-san?,” Akicha began as she approached the older girl carefully. “We should really start with practice…”

Haruna breathed in deeply to make sure she wouldn’t accidentally blow up on the girl and gave Akicha a thankful nod. Without Takamina around, she needed to take responsibility for practice and that meant not letting it go to pieces just because a certain actress was…

Haruna suddenly felt a considerable lack of weight dangling on her and surveyed the area in a panic.

‘If she’s not causing trouble for me whilst being on me, she must be causing trouble for me somewhere else!,’ she thought.

Spotting Miichan in ‘facepalm formation’ in the corner, Haruna followed the girl’s gaze towards the centre mic on stage where a happy squirrel was poised to speak.

‘Oh geez,’ inner Haruna said.

“AHEM AHEM!,” the actress said into the mic. “Hello members of Team A! Let’s all get into formation shall we? It’s time to start practice!”

Noticing that most of the members merely stared at her, most still with that same air of shocked admiration, Yuko felt the need to open with something different.

“In case you were all wondering, it’s ok for me to be here right now even though I’m not a member because I’m dating one!”

A series of shocked murmurs ran through the girls. Dating was very much frowned upon. Dating people in the industry was very very very much frowned upon. Dating people in the industry so openly… well… the members wondered if frowns could go that deep.

“What are you saying squirrel get off that stage!,” Haruna yelled when she’d semi-regained control of her vocal chords.

“And there she is everyone!,” Yuko said as she welcomed the angry Haruna to the stage. “Your Ace and my beautiful Nyannyan, Kojima Haruna!”

“They know who I am Yuko!,” Haruna said wondering if the annoyed tone in her voice would soon become permanent. “They are in Team A, this is the Team A theatre and this is a time to be Team A serious so those who cannot sing and cannot dance should just get the heck off the stage!

The smile was wiped clean off Yuko’s face as she looked into Haruna’s eyes. She recognized the shine of emotion but couldn’t quite guess which ones the girl was feeling strongest.

Haruna on the other hand, though outwardly defiant suddenly felt herself becoming weak and oddly drawn to the girl now that Yuko’s aura had changed so drastically. She frowned and tried to shake the feeling off but the more she tried the closer she felt to understanding Yuko.

‘None of this makes any sense at all,’ she argued in her head.

Miichan pushed herself off the wall she was leaning on and looked on in interest. She’d seen that look in Yuko’s eyes only once before.

It was when she’d first laid eyes on the ‘Best Young Actress of the Year’ award that their respected senpai had won years ago. That very moment Yuko had decided she wanted to one day be bestowed the same honour and the very next year she got her prize.

“What exactly are you aiming for now Yuko?,” Miichan asked.

To her surprise it was a serious Mocchi who answered her.

“The one standing in front of her,” she said. “They’re in love’s simplest moment, just standing together before everything gets complicated.”
Miichan turned her eyes on the girl and nodded in agreement.

“You know you’re a beautiful girl. But I think you’re stunning when you wear those serious eyes. I hope one day you’ll lay them upon someone who can see only you.”

“I’m honestly touched,” replied Mocchi. “But somehow I think I shouldn’t be, sweet words come easily to an actress such as yourself.”
Miichan replaced her smirk as she once again turned her attention towards the stage.

“Our talent runs deeper than just sweet words,” she finished as Yuko took that one step closer to the mic.

Knowing something was about to happen, Haruna also stepped closer, wanting to make her life just that little bit easier should she have to knock the thing off the stage should Yuko decide to say something ridiculously embarrassing.

Because most of her thoughts were similarly inclined, she was almost shocked to realize Yuko had something completely different planned as soon as she heard the beautiful unaccompanied voice stroke her ears.



When Meetan and Mariko had finally had enough of teasing their now tomato coloured counterparts, the older girls decided to give them a break in what could be called a rather strange way… by finally giving them work to do.

“Your scripts,” Mariko stated simply as she handed Atsuko and Takamina a thin collection of pages.

The younger girls looked down at their hands before both turning quizzical looks towards their elders. Takamina wondered if this was a current industry norm but had her suspicions confirmed as soon as she heard Atsuko’s voice.

“You’re giving it to us by scenes?,” Atsuko questioned. “Why? Wouldn’t it be easier to…”

She would have continued but a look and a slight headshake from Meetan stopped her immediately. The President was still her devil may care expressions but something seemed different with her aura.

“You’re already a talented actress Atsuko,” Mariko replied as she looked into the silent girl’s eyes. “You wouldn’t be here if I didn’t believe that. But I don’t want this to be just a regular project or just a regular character to you. I want you to live it, devote yourself to it. So much so that when your work is presented to audiences they’ll breathe the essence of your emotion.”

Atsuko was able to hold Mariko’s gaze even though she was extremely taken aback by the surprising intensity of her reply. Takamina beside her remained quiet, also taking in her sister’s words and both girls tried to grip their pages a little lighter, knowing that nothing could protect them from their damp palms.

“I’m not trying to intimidate either of you,” Mariko continued as she tried to offer a friendlier smile. “But I think it’s better to state all of this now, while we’re standing
at the beginning.”

The four stared at each other for a long moment before Meetan clapped her hands with finality and replaced the grin on her face.

“Now now, I’m sure you two would like to get back to playing love birds during your alone time so why don’t you go off and read the work of two very talented writers.”

Takamina was hit with another surge of emotion as her younger sisters were mentioned. ‘She’s right,’ the Captain thought. ‘This is their work. But if I can do this right… we can make it ours too… together.’

She let her eyes fall on the increasingly determined Atsuko who let her expression convey her reply to both Meetan and Mariko who continued from where her sentence left off.

“Accept their words. Pour in as much of yourself into this that you’ll be proud… and you’ll right to scream out that their pens bled onto paper just so they could offer these characters to you and you could offer them to the world.”

In response Takamina gave a respectful bow to both older girls, wordlessly took Atsuko’s hand and walked her through the roof door.


As soon as she heard it close, Meetan greeted Mariko with one of her rather rare serious expressions.

“When I agreed to this project, I agreed with all my heart. We both know that sincerity is lacking in our profession but you…your intentions touched me like no other.” she began before giving off a hesitant sigh. “But are you really sure you can ask this of your sister?”

“This is the only way it can be. I’m asking this of her because I trust that she can make it through. I trust that they can make it through.”
Meetan nodded though a little apprehension was still apparent.

“We’ve both been in this business for a very long time Mariko but even we can’t anticipate everything. We can’t even anticipate half of what tomorrow can throw at us.”

“Such is life. All we have to do is learn how to live through it together.”


Atsuko, still feeling a little uncertain in her own head let Takamina lead her down the stairs and into the nearest elevator.
As soon as the door re-opened however, she surprised the shorter girl by sprinting straight out of the building. Though she wanted to scream after her, Takamina found her lungs didn’t have the capacity. It already took every ounce of oxygen and stamina she had to even be able to keep up with the girl.

“Atsuko! Where… what… why are we always running?,” she asked when Atsuko had finally stopped at a nearby park.

Her legs burning, the shorter girl collapsed on one of the nearby benches, Atsuko dropping right next to her so that their arms were touching.
If it was anyone else Minami would have probably pushed them away for fear of additional body heat, but once again she found herself comforted by Atsuko.

“Let’s stop,” Atsuko replied simply.

“Yes… let’s… so much running,” Takamina said, still trying to catch her breath.

Atsuko remained silent for a while when she felt Takamina’s arm nudge her own.

 “If you need an exercise partner you could just tell me honestly,” Takamina said when she’d finally gotten comfortable on the seat, her playful words not betraying the worry she actually felt.

 “Let’s not run anymore Minami.”

“Huh?,” the confused Captain questioned. “I’m not the one who’s running… well I guess I am… but only when I’m running after you,” she added cutely.

“This project… what your sister is asking of all of us is much more than I’ve ever given to anything, to anyone in my whole life.”
Takamina nodded.

Though she hadn’t known Atsuko for that long she at least knew that the girl had enough pride to make admitting any kind of weakness uncomfortable for her. But here she was, leaning her weight slightly on Takamina, admitting to feeling unprepared and maybe even a little scared.


Takamina was unsure of how to word her reply. There was just so much emotion she wanted to convey that she didn’t know how to offer it all without writing an essay… or some sort of ballad.

The two looked over at each other slowly, once again finding their eyes and lips so close together.

“I can do this,” Takamina whispered. “If it’s with you, then I can do this.”

Atsuko blinked in reply, taking her turn to answer with unsure, nervous silence as Takamina continued.

“I’m not sure what I can really give you,” she said while making a grab for Atsuko’s hand, holding it in both of her own. “So let me offer you everything ok? So with everything in you and with everything in me… maybe you can do this too?”

Atsuko nodded as she blinked back tears.

“Maybe we can do this together,” she replied.

And each mirrored the other’s smile.

At the Team A theater

For the first time since their debut, Team A, arguably the current most popular idol group in Japan had their practice started by someone who wasn’t even a member.

After ushering the girls on stage, spinning a rousing speech about letting love be a motivation, Miichan excused herself in order to give the oddly shocked Haruna and the even more oddly shy squirrel time on their own.

Planning on heading over to the nearest gyoza establishment, the girl had her happy humming interrupted by her ringing cell phone.


 “Where are you?,” the voice asked without even bothering to send over a greeting.

Miichan clenched her jaw and tried to ignore the instant annoyance she felt as soon as the line reached her ears.

“Hopefully very far away from you,” she replied with her annoyance growing as she heard a carefree laugh accompany the reply.

That’s not a very nice thing to say to an old--“
“If you dare say friend I will find out exactly where you are just so I can kick your ass. Friends don’t do what you did to us. Enemies would think twice…”

“Don’t take things so personally Miichan and you don’t need to ‘find out’. I’ll let you know exactly where I am since I’m bored waiting for my new co-actress to arrive. I think you still hang out with her actually…"

Miichan shut her phone and shook her head to clear the barrage of unwanted thoughts running through it.

“There’s no way,” she said to herself. “There’s no way she’d go there.”

Slapping herself lightly a few times for preparation’s sake she turned away from her happy food plans and headed off in the opposite direction.

At the park….

Takamina nodded and brought her script in front of her eyes.

“I think it’s time to see what this is all about don’t you think?”

“Yeah. I think it is,” Atsuko replied as she too looked at hers. “How about a blind read through?,” she asked. “Since we’re in this together after all.”

Minami agreed easily, the familiar blush returning to her cheeks.

Together the two girls read about the characters they were to play. The scene paints a beautiful friendship between two friends and though no love was mentioned explicitly, Atsuko secretly hoped there would be a little development as the project moved forward.

The two girls comfortably read through their parts, enjoying each other’s company just as ‘Nami’ and her ‘Acchan’ did in the piece. However, as it reached a close the writers’ words suddenly began adding a darker hue into the picture.

 Nami sat her friend down silently and cupped her cheek smiling as Acchan nuzzled into the familiar hand. Though after seeing Nami’s eyes shining with tears, Acchan couldn’t help but mirror the look exactly in her own.

“Acchan… there’s something I have to tell you,” Nami began hesitantly though they each knew what was about to happen.

“Don’t go,” Acchan whispered, her voice dripping with both pain and a glimmer of hope. “I’ll do anything so just don’t go. Stay here with me.”

“I’m not the one who really gets to be with you,” Nami whispered as she stood up and distanced herself.

“What are you talking about?,” Acchan asked in a panic, feeling Nami drifting so far away from her in every way. “Who else could there be… you and I are best friends!”

Nami laughed painfully to herself.

“I know.”

“Then don’t go! Please!”

“When I can… I’ll come back. I promise.”


Takamina flipped her pages over, willing for something to be there. Something… it could have been anything but instead all she found was the bright white of the sweat dampened piece of paper. She was about to continue express her frustration to Atsuko but saw that the girl was silently holding her cell phone.

‘She must have gotten a message,’ Takamina thought. ‘Good. I thought that vibrating sound from earlier was my brain threatening to explode.’
While waiting for Atsuko to send a reply and get back to discussing the project with her, Takamina was suddenly surprised when the girl stood up and collected her things.

“I have to go,” Atsuko said absentmindedly.

“What?,” Takamina replied as she failed to think of any other reply.

“I’ll…,” Atsuko began, still hesitantly. “I’ll come back… when I can,” she said before jogging away, her bag cradled in her arms.

At a nearby café…

 As soon as she reached her destination, Atsuko found herself narrowing her eyes at a sexily made up girl with the corners of her mouth upturned in a natural smirk.
“So, I hear you have a new project lined up,” the girl started, her playfully sparkling eyes revealing none of her true intentions.

“I didn’t realize your ears were as busy as your mouth,” Atsuko replied icily.

 “When it’s my business, I like to know what’s going on,” the girl said.

Atsuko sighed and watched the girl twirl her hair around her finger comfortably.

“You haven’t changed at all. But not everything will go so easily for you this time. I’m no longer a person you can hurt,” she said, keeping her emotions tightly in check.

Unfortunately the task was getting more and more difficult to bear with the girl before her doing nothing except let her smirk grow as she flicked her hair over her shoulder casually.

“Are you reacting this way because you still have feelings for me?”

“How dare you?!,” Atsuko asked through clenched teeth. “All I’m saying is that you have no right to even pretend to have an interest in my business! It has nothing to do with you!”

As Atsuko assumed would happen, the girl soon grew bored and played her hand early. She watched as a white envelope was pushed towards her on the table.
“This states otherwise. You might be happily under new management but you’re still obligated to fulfill your signed contracts. That said, let me just say how happy I am to be working with you again… Acchan.”

“Why? Why would you do this now?,” Atsuko asked knowing exactly what that contract would ask her to give… what it would ask her to give up.
“I think it’s in my best interest to have someone of your… popularity starring with me in my next movie. It’s just business Acchan.”

“Just as it’s always been with you Tomochin.”

“Don’t be too harsh with your words,” Tomo replied as she leaned on the table and edged her face slowly towards Atsuko. “Do you know why I asked about feelings?”
“I don’t care why you do the things you do. I’ve long since figured out that you are someone I will never understand.”

“Even if that’s the case… the love I feel has still grown stronger.”

To both their surprise the emotion filled line was answered with a sharp slapping sound.

Tomo said nothing of the pain but couldn’t help bringing her fingers up to her slightly bleeding lip.

“So have I,” Atsuko said.

Miichan walked in just in time to witness the critical moment and moved deftly to stand right by Atsuko’s side.

“What took you so long? You missed most of it,” Tomo said as she continued to dab at her lip.

“Apparently not the best part,” Miichan countered, her eyes narrowing as Tomo still managed to reply with a laugh.

 “She’s a lot feistier than I remember.”

“You can’t just walk all over her like you did before. Now she’s got her eyes on someone more than a million times better than you.”

Miichan grabbed Atsuko’s hand and made to pull her out of the café knowing that the other girl’s presence was almost poison to her friend.

Seconds before they were out the door, a familiar voice stopped them both.

“Atsuko! If not as your friend, then let me at least warn you as a… long time acquaintance? Work colleague?”

“I’d actually prefer not to have ties with you at all.”

“Even so, I’d still like to be the one to let you know… you’re not the only one with their eyes on that girl.”

Tomo slides the white envelope towards Atsuko’s edge of the table.

“Don’t forget your contract.”


 Takamina stayed slumped on her seat at the park as the world around her slowly but surely grew darker as day faded and night came to take it’s place.
She sighed as she looked towards the distant path Atsuko had walked down and wondered aloud to herself.

“How can anything begin with a goodbye?”


Thanks again for your time guys!

Let me know what you think   :yep:

Offline Arakawa

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Re: For the sake of Our Love [Chapter Three] [6/26]
« Reply #19 on: June 26, 2011, 01:01:02 PM »
Thanks for the update!

Since I'm super uncreative, I can't really offer suggestions regarding the plot, but I love what you've written :)

It's also written really well. Thanks again

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