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Author Topic: Can someone Lock this thread? Please.  (Read 6147 times)

Offline AAAice

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Can someone Lock this thread? Please.
« on: June 19, 2011, 10:10:14 PM »
Why Can’t I Have You?


The tall, sweaty girl laid on the floor, trying to catch her breathe from having an intense dance rehearsal for tomorrows event. Though only two of them are in the dance studio as most of the members went home already to rest or went somewhere else to party or something. But the two of them stayed because the tall girl is having problems with the routine so the short girl has to instruct the girl.

“Ahh. This is bad. I don’t think I can perfect the routine til tomorrow.” She squinted her eyes from frustration.

Suddenly,  someone sat on the top of her stomach. “Nehh, I have to loosen you up a little bit.” She said while brushing her thumb on the taller girl’s lips.

“Eh? You can’t loosen my body just by brushing my lips using your thumb.” The girl laying on the floor bit her lip.


The short girl got up and went to grab something from the other girl’s bag. She came back holding a red lipstick on her hand.

“Since when did you know I have a red lipstick on my bag?”

“Since the day I laid my eyes on you.” The short girl gave her a warm smile, showing a little hint of dimples.

She felt tingles on her body the moment she heard her reply. Although, the short girl always says this kind of confession to her.

Yet, the short girl sat back again on her stomach and applied the lipstick on the other girl.

She wanted to bit her lower lip. Staring at her calm face while putting the lipstick on makes the taller girl want to grab her face and kiss her fully on the mouth.

 Once finished the short girl connected her nose to the other girl. Without thinking, the taller girl licked her lower lip.

“Kiss me until my lipstick’s gone.” The taller girl said in a husky tone.

“Stop pla-“

The tall girl interrupted her by pulling her aggresively on the nape and started giving her a hungry kisses.

Playing. Moaning. Heavy panting. From the middle of the dance floor to the mirror. From the mirror back to the floor.

“We are still warming up right?”

The short girl didn’t respond.

“NYAN NYAN!!!” She shouted instead.


“NYAN NYAN!!!” She shouted again.

She also wanted to shout back but she can’t open her mouth. Instead, she opened her eyes and saw the same girl from her fantasy, her face are inches away from hers with a pout that was about to touch her lips.

She sat back up and tugged the short girl’s head. Headbutt.

“KYAAAAA!!!!!!!” She screamed high-pitched making the people in the room set their attention to her.

The short girl was rubbing her bottom with her hand while her other hand was rubbing her forehead and looked at her Nyan Nyan with a sad puppy look wanting to be comforted by Nyan Nyan.

“Yuko!!! What the hell is wrong with you inching your face like that?!”

“My Haruna is moaning and I know you were dreaming about me. Probably, I must be groping your chest  or doing a skinship in your dream so I have to wake you up and I don't want my character in your dream to be the first one to experience and we can continue your dream later. Ne?” Yuko said while smiling like a perverted man.

Haruna gasped and flicked Yuko’s ear.

“ITAI!!!” Yuko cried in pain and jumped into Haruna.

“ERGH! YUKO STOP!” being with me. I’m having a dream that can kill me. I don’t want to die dreaming you and me doing that. Haruna said the rest in her mind.


On the corner where a girl was looking at the pair clenched her phone. She can’t stand seeing the Haruna and Yuko pair. Every time she sees them her heart dies in jealousy.

“I’m jealous of you. You always have her attention in every simple thing you do.” She whispered to herself.

If only I can shout at her and say ‘Why are you hiding your love?!


“You should stop worrying about them. Sometimes, I think you like Haruna and you are jealous.” The pouting girl said.

“Eh?! Acchan, are you serious? Like? Haruna? No way!” The other girl blushed even though she really is not interested in Haruna.

“If not. Kiss me. Kiss me Minami.” Atsuko pouts again, moving closer to the wide-eyed Takamina.

She thought that Atsuko and Yuko are similar. They are both straightforward. Somewhat pervert.


Takamina was about to close her eyes when Atsuko giggled.

“Just. Kidding.” Atsuko stuck out her tongue and winked at Takamina.

“As if I will kiss you back!” Takamina spat back. Hoping Atsuko would not notice the red blush appearing on her cheeks.

“Ehh. Why did you close your eyes then?”

“I did not! Why would you even know that my eyes are close if yours are close as well?”

“I know you love me.” Acchan couldn’t help the cuteness that Takamina is giving her. So she kissed Takamina near the lips instead.

Maeda Atsuko is worst than Yuko. Takamina said in her mind.


The other girl ‘tsked’ when she looked at Haruna and Yuko. She doesn’t like being the second option whenever the first option is not around. She feels like she’s always being used.

“Just leave her already if you don’t want to be with her.”

Would you notice me if I act like her towards you?

A's note: Gee, i'm still not use on writing fics using idols as characters. This is my very first fanfic story (even though I've been writing lots of stories in the past). Still have to adjust on writing stories again.  The dream is not hot, I know (blaming my friend for not being here when I needed him the most). Hope this entertained you a little. :]
« Last Edit: July 07, 2011, 04:28:38 PM by BarrieV »
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

Offline bou-j525

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Re: Why Can't I Have You? [1]
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2011, 03:53:11 AM »
Actually, it looks interesting. Keep writing  :grin:
LOL at Haruna dreaming of Yuko and her doing perv things XD

Offline crazywota

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Re: Why Can't I Have You? [1]
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2011, 06:43:25 AM »
I really like it. Haruna being naughty at her dream  :lol:

Please do continue  :bow:

Offline nyaha00

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Re: Why Can't I Have You? [1]
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2011, 08:32:04 AM »
hahahha Haruna dreaming something pervy  XD

ah Acchan worst than Yuko ..can't believe it @_@

Offline yukofan

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Re: Why Can't I Have You? [1]
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2011, 11:23:24 AM »
love haruna's dream  :w00t:

please continue the fanfic  :thumbsup

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Offline kahem

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Re: Why Can't I Have You? [1]
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2011, 02:33:13 PM »
Haruna is her true self in her dream ^^ I like it

Offline AAAice

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Re: Why Can't I Have You? [1]
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2011, 12:46:10 AM »

Haruna was sitting alone in the dressing room waiting until her one hour break to finish. Out of her boredom she logged on to her Twitter account, she was about to tweet as something caught her eyes on the homepage. Reading that line are like an arrow that stabbed her heart.

‘Leave the person if you don’t want to be with them. You are only hurting that person.’

Mariko’s tweet is right. Haruna knew that she has to distance herself from Yuko but she can’t. She can’t throw Yuko away only because she doesn’t want to, deep down Haruna doesn’t want to let go Yuko because she cares for her.

“I only care for her, she’s a friend, that’s all. Nothing special.” Haruna nodded on her speech as she knew it is the only reason why she can’t leave Yuko. Yet, there is a part of her that isn’t satisfied on her speech.

“Who is nothing special?” A familiar voice said.

Haruna jolted from her surprise and dropped her phone on the ground.

“Mariko.” Haruna said while Mariko picked up the phone and stared on the screen.

“Leave the person if you don’t want to be with them. You are only hurting that person.” Mariko read the line from her tweet.

“You really don’t have to say it loud.” Haruna glared at Mariko as she snatched her phone from Mariko’s hand.

Mariko snickered, she can tell from Haruna’s face that she is affected on her tweet. She knew her plan to make Haruna realize that she have to leave Yuko.

“Why so grumpy Nyan Nyan? Want me to skinship you to take your stress out?” Mariko attempted to imitate Yuko’s voice.

Not cute at all Mariko. She thought to herself and wanting to facepalm by copying her rival’s action – Yuko.

Haruna rolled her eyes to Mariko’s behaviour. Why does it have to be Yuko on everyone’s mouth whenever they talk to me.   

“I’m jealous.”

The atmosphere around the room became awkward and suffocating. Mariko’s sudden confession that she is jealous made Haruna become more confuse. Somehow, Haruna knows that she and Mariko are close but she doesn’t have a slight clue that Mariko could be jealous or… in love?

“J-jealous? What are you talking about?”

Haruna pretended to tilted her head on the side, making her look like she has no clue at all. Her nape began to sweat, heartbeat is pounding fast. Not knowing what to say or what to do. Why can’t she do what she always do to Yuko – shaking her off so she can’t cling or dug her face on her chest.

“You are always with Yuko even though you don’t like her. Yuko this Yuko that, everyone always see the two of you as a couple even the wotas outside worships the… the… Kojiyuu. I don’t want to be the second option whenever Yuko is not around. I want to be the first option... always first. Tell me Kojima Haruna, is it too hard to leave Yuko? Or you don’t want to lose Yuko? Because you love her?”

Tears are running down on Mariko’s cheeks. She doesn’t want Haruna to see her crying, crying gains sympathy to people. Mariko does not need sympathy to Haruna. That speech isn’t really the speech she wanted to say to Haruna. Anger and jealousy blocked her real speech for Haruna.

Maybe this is better. That was probably what my heart wanted to say to you. Most of it hasn’t been said yet.

Haruna was too stunned to say something. She just want to faint or better to let the ground swallow her so Mariko and Yuko won’t have any difficulties towards her anymore.

The silence around the room are shouting ‘Yes.’ to Mariko’s ear.

“Silence means yes.” Mariko said before storming off the dressing room. Leaving the still stunned Haruna.

Silence means yes.


Meanwhile, a certain lost squirrel are looking for her beautiful precious acorn. Yet, trapped in a predator that keeps following her.

“Yuko, can you stop looking for her? You won’t find her anyway. This hide and seek makes me want to eat you from being hungry.” The predator whined to the lost squirrel.

“Miichan, I didn’t ask you to tag along. Go. Go eat. I’ll go look for my Nyan Nyan.” Yuko gestured her little hands as a ‘shoo’ to Miichan.

Miichan has been following her since yesterday. She never follow her like this in the past.

Suddenly, Miichan snaked her arms around the short girl’s shoulder and nibbled her ear. “She’s hiding. You won’t find her.”

Yuko is getting irritated to Miichan’s actions. Her small hands can’t remove the other girl’s arms in her shoulder. “I love Nyan Nyan. I’ll do what it takes to find her in her silly hiding spot.”

With that sentence, the clinging Miichan unwrapped her arms on Yuko’s.

“Mou, can you at least pay attention to my effort?” Miichan said but noticed that the squirrel was already gone looking for her freakin’ beautiful tsundere acorn.

Miichan sighed with disbelief.

“Itai!!!” Miichan fell on the ground the moment someone bumped into her.

Mariko. Her eyes are wet from tears. It is unreal to Miichan to see Mariko crying.


She didn’t say anything, instead she bowed her head as to say sorry and walked off in a fast pace.


“Augh, hush baby, mama will eat now.” Miichan said to her belly while clutching to it.

Too bad mama didn’t get the chance to eat the squirrel.

A's Note: I'm getting there, still really need to find my power again to write properly. If Miichan was hungry, then I'm sleepy. Sorry if there is nothing important on this chapter. The future chapter will has its important thingies. :]] Also sorry if I made spelling errors or grammar. Too lazy to double check it.

Thanks everyone who commented and who gave thanks. Can't reply for now. Have to sleep, you guys don't have any idea on how much headaches i had when writing this chapter. xD
« Last Edit: June 21, 2011, 12:51:39 AM by AAAice »
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

Offline nyaha00

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Re: Why Can't I Have You? [2]
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2011, 12:54:26 AM »
Soo...Mariko and Miichan r the 2nd option..i'm so sad but..

good update  :twothumbs

Offline TakahashiJ

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Re: Why Can't I Have You? [2]
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2011, 04:04:46 PM »
Mariko after Haruna
Miichan after yuko
Will it be a mariko + miichan and haruna+yuko
Thanks for update! Look forward to mroe.

Offline kahem

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Re: Why Can't I Have You? [2]
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2011, 05:26:14 PM »
I'm on Yuko side lol

Offline cmze

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Re: Why Can't I Have You? [2]
« Reply #10 on: June 25, 2011, 08:16:40 AM »
this is fun jeep writting..! :thumbup

Offline yukofan

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Re: Why Can't I Have You? [2]
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2011, 08:38:55 AM »
Quote from: AAAice
Yuko this Yuko that, everyone always see the two of you as a couple even the wotas outside worships the… the… Kojiyuu.

that's right..
i'm not a wota (just a casual fan of akb  :grin: ), but i worship kojiyuu  :bow:

visit my tumblr :

Offline cmze

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Re: Why Can't I Have You? [2]
« Reply #12 on: July 07, 2011, 11:54:01 AM »
i lost inspiration and wait doesn't make it better...!:(
nice fic btw...  :)

Offline AAAice

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Re: Why Can't I Have You? [2]
« Reply #13 on: July 07, 2011, 12:19:40 PM »
CMZE! Girl, read my other fic called I'm With You this thread is a little mess up.
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

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