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Author Topic: Untitled fanfic (KojiYuu, AtsuMina, MaYuki) CH.58 7/09/2012  (Read 87508 times)

Offline cmze

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starts with kojima looking at the clouds in the sky after reharsal..
yuko, mariko,takamina watch her and they look each other an start running after kojima like a race..
kojima saw them and though "these girls"what's wrong with them?
yuko scream while falling do you wanna grab something to eat with me..!
and takamina and with me
and mariko also  with me
yuko thought madly leave alone my nyan nyan mmm..!
a tell herself you can handle this.!
so don't be stupid and coward ...!
i'm no t stupid ando coward you are..!
hey girl you're talking with yourself so you're stupid..!:P
shut up she ses loudly...!
kojima mariko and takamina ask are you ok?
yeah let's go grab something to eat hahaha..!
later at the  restaurant yuko takamina and  mariko starts fighting for who sits right next to nyan nyan
yuko thinks again " you're not going to this to me again bitches.. she's mine..!
and they start to play stone paper and scissors..!
but nyan nyan got a call from her mother and told her to go home so she apologize but the girls didn't pay her attention so she left..!
yuko wins ..!
takamina and mariko :(
but they look around
where's kojima?
a think she left said takamina and start loughing lol
also mariko..!
an yuko thinks again mmm i wanted to be with her and she just left ahhh :(..!
yuko bought some desert for home and left the restaurant and the girls..!
 she said good night..!
and sneak around looking for the bus to go to nyan nyan's house..!
then she was at nyan nyan's place knock the door
tock tock then kojima show up and yuko give her the desert kojima was happy with the desert..!!
and let yuko in them yuko relize there's no one home and asked did you lied to us.!!
kojima uh?
no my parents call me to come home because they wanted to go  to this event they had :)
kojima start to play with her psp
yuko talk with herself "i hate that psp "
noooo she's not gonna pay me attetion.!
i think you should stay till tomorrow says kojima
it's very dangerous out there and it's late
ahh kojima san it's worried about me said yuko she's so adorable.!
they go upstairs to give some pjs to yuko
and kojima starts changing to pjs too
and yuko stare kojima while she's changing
yuko blushes and think she's so beautiful..!
i'm so in love with her i wish i could tell her with out fooling around..!
yuko kiss her back and tell her that she never seen someone that beautiful
 kojima blushes
put her shirt on and lay an her bed face down and yuko felt ignored :(
yuko puts on kojima
and puts her fingers underneath kojima's shirt
and starts to press kojima
yuko says to herself now is the time you need to tell her
her other self respond no..what if you ruin this uh?
so herselves  starts to fight and she said loudly
kojima haruna i love since the first moment i saw you..!!
everything is quiet..!
yuko thinks
she's shock i know
or maybe she doesn't want to answer me back
maybe now she hates me
her silence says it all
tears  come out
yuko says to her herselves shut up
and don't cry big girls don't cry ..!
kojima felt water on her shoulders
what's wrong with you with a  waking up voice
are you crying..!
kojima reach yuko's face why are you in tears
while cleaning it up..!
nothing says yuko i'm glad you're my friend and hug her
kojima i'm glad too
my perv squirrel and start loughing..!
 tomorrow  i'll put the next episode
sorry my english comment..!!
« Last Edit: October 24, 2017, 01:01:47 PM by sophcaro »


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Re: KOJIYUU FANFiC please read it...!<3
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2011, 05:50:36 PM »
Haruna was sleeping??? when Yuko confess~  :mon exhaust:

looking forward for next update~~  :w00t:

Offline nyaha00

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Re: KOJIYUU FANFiC please read it...!<3
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2011, 05:57:57 PM »
Haruna sleeping  :rofl:

Better luck next time Yuko

waiting for the next  :D

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Re: KOJIYUU FANFiC please read it...!<3
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2011, 06:00:45 PM »
 Yee a Kojiyu fic.

Aww this is so cute.

you're not going to this to me again bitches
Go Yuko!  :shakeit:

Takamina and Mariko go back to Acchan and Miichan!
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

Offline cmze

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Re: KOJIYUU FANFiC please read it...!<3
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2011, 08:51:00 PM »
did you like it...?
owesome..!! :) i want to put another one now but i don't know how


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Re: KOJIYUU FANFiC please read it...!<3
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2011, 09:05:12 PM »
just reply to the topic...  :D

Offline cmze

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Re: KOJIYUU FANFiC please read it...!<3
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2011, 11:35:32 PM »
the next day ...!
kojima wakes up and relize that she cant't move
why i can't move?
then she hears a big snoreee
mmm now i remember she look to her right  and saw yuko grabing her all over 
she though" this girl will never change" and smile
then  yuko woke up and saw haruna 
has the face like" keep your hands off"
yuko said "i'm sorry" with a guilty face :(
hauna ask her are you okay? 
this is not you ...!
uh? yuko mention 
what are you talking about nyan nyan?
nyan nyan answer you never apologize for being a perv..!
and now you're doing it..!
nyan nyan got up from bed and went to the bathroom
yuko thinks wow she's totally right but if i act like a fool she would never take me seriusly :(
and got up from bed too and found a letter from kojima's family saying we went to your aunt house we know you have reharsal so we let you sleep be back tomorrow love you..!
kojima san is going to be alone i gotta do something  and now she's alone i can spend more time with her  and went to the kitchen and start making breakfast and though i'll make nyan nyan waffles and i make sure she's not alone yep yep then she will relize that i'm the one for her..!
  i'm owesome this plan won't  fail hahahaha
why are you loughing so loud said kojima
ahh nothing hahaha 
i made breakfast now i remember i gotta pee.! said yuko as runs fast to the bathroom :P
kojima mmm crazy girl and start eating..!
mmm what would i do withou her..! 
die in boringness maybe hmm
then haruna grabs some waffles and put in some container ..!
yuko stars to screams loudly it's late 
it's late they gonna kill us let's gooooo
then they got to the reharsal 
mariko and takamina relize that yuko was wearing the same clothes as yesterday and that she came up with nyan nyan  
nooo said mariko loudly  she slept at her house :(
mariko grabs nyan nyan hand and take with her and the others girls takimina also reach them 
so haruna told them that yuko  went at her house last night and stayed the night 
takamina and mariko look at yuko with a intensive face 
and say you sneaky squirrel..!
yuko hides behind kashiwagi 
it's time for lunch 
haruna was talking  with mariko yuko thinks why she always trying to get her apart from me..?and then she starts  touching her belly and complaining about food 
haruna says yeah i forgot.!!
maruko said what?
haruna went to grab her bag from the locker and got out with the girls and look for yuko then she reaches yuko's arm and say here..!
and yuko ask 
what it's this?
just eat it..!said kojima left with the others
and yuko talk with herself and said kojima san save me some waffles omg i'm so happy  take that mariko and takamina hahahaha..!:) 
mariko and takamina were defenietly jealous and keep on reharsal 
i'll the put the other later sorry my english  hihihi:)

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Re: KOJIYUU FANFiC please read it...!<3
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2011, 11:55:40 PM »
Waaa that was so sweet of Haruna for not forgetting Yuko's food. (Even though she almost forgot it)

Yes Yuko, if you act like a fool your Nyan Nyan would never take you seriously.  :shakeit:
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

Offline cmze

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Re: KOJIYUU FANFiC please read it...!<3
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2011, 01:24:13 AM »
the girls are in akbingo set playing games..!
in the next game girls has to fight with plastic swords..!
so who has to fight to mariko who has won all the fights says the host..!
let's spin the roulette who might be next?
the roulette say oshima yuko..!
ok say yuko but i'm really dumb :|
what do you say to yuko?- mariko
this gonna fun 
ok ready set go
they start fighting 
yuko like always fooling around say akbingo girls mariko is going to smacker and she doesn't really care..!hahaha
what is she doing?
takamina says trying to get nyan nyan attetion
yuko make silly faces while fighting 
hey...! look kojima is laughing really loud she's having fun with it...!
mariko saw kojima laughing for yuko's nonsense so she feel stupid because she's playing this game to impress kojima who's looking at yuko 
so mariko gets really mad saying who you think you are?and beats her really hard on yuko's leg and fall and starts crying the show went to comercials
yuko are you okay? 
everybody is worried and asking how is she? 
mariko apologize but yuko didn't listen
people on set  take her  to the hospital..!
haruna also went to the hospital 
when they got there the doctor said that she broke her leg and she has to rest..! and everyone should go home
mariko feel really bad and try to get to her room but when she enter in yuko's room haruna was there watching her while she's sleeping and her psp was off on the table..!
mariko thinks she let her psp just to see her sleep :( 
i wonder if she'll do the same for me..!
and left the room really sad and in tears
 why i beat her? she wonder 
and run to her house ..!
next day on akbingo set she said that's she feels really bad for what she did 
then the program end and haruna ask mariko 
why you beat her like that? 
what make you do something like that?
mariko answer i i just just felt jealous she  shout 
she's always around you and doing something to make you  smile and you smile 
why you're not the same person when you're with her? mariko ask haruna while she  runs to her house leaving haruna with that question
haruna thinks about that all the way to the hospital when she enters the room watch yuko laughing like nothing happen and complaining for the hospital food and tv 
nyan nyan you're here said yuko 
i saw akbingo today mariko is really sorry could you take me tomorrow to akbingo set??please please please... 
noo you need  to rest..!
OMG she's taking care of me again yuko thinks nyan nyan look so pretty when she's worried..!
but i need you to take me..! i'm going one way or another 
said yuko 
whatever haruna said i don't even know why i'm here
see you.. 
nyan nyan wait..!
yuko fall from the bed nyan nyan comes back because she heard something falling open the door
and saw yuko on the floor 
haruna quickly moves to help her 
why did you has to move??
are you crazy uh?
you're can't do this kind of things..!
 i didn't want you to go said yuko
yo gotta be more careful because...!
said haruna loudly
because what? nyan nyan..!
nothing said nyan nyan 
forget it yuko 
ok but don't leave me again 
fine i won't go don't do stupid things..!said haruna
next day yuko and haruna are going to akbingo set but yuko can't use her crutches very well so she's slower on the stairs because the elvator is repairing 
kojima say stop it..!
we're not going to get there at this speed
sorry kojima san 
mmm got it
hop on me said kojima
no said yuko i'm fine 
you hop on me all the time now you can't said kojima
it's just nothing..!! do it then said haruna
ok i'll hop on you 
then they start going upstairs 
yuko talks with herself  nyan nyan smell really good all the time ahh 
she's carrying me ahh..!!
these are one of the best moments that i had 
the rides it's over we're here said kojima 
thanks kojima san said yuko 
i'll put the next later i gotta go  sorry my english:)

Offline cmze

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Re: KOJIYUU FANFiC please read it...!<3
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2011, 05:40:18 AM »

hello girls..! how are you? yuko said 
yuko chan what are you doing here? you should be resting..! 
the same thing that i told her haruna said 
haruna san don't be mad  
i need to do something where's mariko ?
mmm she's in the changing room 
ok i'll see you 
yuko went to the changing room and found a sad mariko
hi say yuko
mariko what are yo doing here?
well i wanted to see you..!
i know why you beat me ..!.
you know ?
i'm not blind :P
but it seems she's blind when it's about to us..! 
don't you think?
yeah kojima san can't be a little bit blind sometimes..!
yuko listen i never wanted this to happen i  i was stupid and jealous..!
it's okay 
we need to figure this out..! 
and the only way is palying all for all
do you agree? 
yes answer mariko 
these are the rules:
when one of us is with her the other can interfere unless she wants ok
and she is gonna look for us noy us for her 
and no more beating pleasee...!
ok ..! mariko says 
this is it.!
good luck 
good luck you too yuko chan 
thank you mariko san 
now i gotta go 
remember the rules :) 
this is  shorter because it's a friendly one 
then game on..!
sorry for my english
« Last Edit: June 25, 2011, 07:40:54 AM by cmze »

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Re: KOJIYUU FANFiC please read it...!<3
« Reply #10 on: June 25, 2011, 10:48:50 AM »
it's a new day 
time to wake up..!
mmm it's gonna be a long day i can imagine 
first yuko and her nonsenses then mariko with her weird jealousy ahhh
don't wanna wake up..!
mmm better i  get goin 
or i'll be late 
kojima gets to the set but something is different 
kojima doesn't understant 
takahashi says good morning  
good morning takahashi 
mmm where's everybody? 
in the reharsal room 
ooh right i forgot...!
let's go 
i wonder why she's not here waiting as usual? kojima thought 
while enter in the reharsal room nothing happen no race no hug no nothing 
she saw yuko but yuko didn't react as always 
kojima comes closer to yuko and ask everything is okay right?
yuko answer yeah why shouldn't be? 
yuko talking with herself is she missing me?
yes my nyan nyan is missing me..!
and i miss her too is so difficult not talking to her..!
ahh i wanna grab her so bad..!
ackward silence between yuko and kojima 
so i'll better leave you alone kojima said
yuko inside no no don't go
why you don't want  stay a little bit longer?:(
ok yuko said 
hope you get better bye kojima said 
ohh i'm so dumb now she's gone ahh..!at this speed never gonna tell her how i feel
kojima thinks why she's acting so weird?
 unbeliveble while aproaching to mariko ..!
hi mariko can we talk? 
yeah sure but first i'm sorry about the other day said mariko about the jelousy thing i'm sorry really sorry..!
no it's okay :) said kojima
i wanted to tell you that maybe we can go grab something i don't want to talk very much here 
so what you say coming with me?
yeah yeah totally ..! said an excited mariko 
ok see you 
the reharsal end and mariko and kojima went for something to eat they were having a good time 
mariko was really happy but they weren't the only who had plan go for something to after reharsal yukirin,takamina,acchan,sae and YUKO also went there 
yukirin saw mariko and wave also mariko wave back..!
they went to mariko's table to say hi..!
yuko wasn't very exciting..!
she say hi kojima san hi mariko san i think i gotta go..!
mariko say yeah i think you should? 
and the girls no why? we just got here ! 
i kinda lost my apetite said yuko sad..!
yuko talking with herself  OMG :'( my nyan nyan is in a romantic dinner with mariko san 
don't cry big girls don't cry..!
this hurts..! what you want me to do?
ahh you little girl 
shut up stupid granny..!
don't call granny..!
you're the granny..!
STOP..! yuko say to her selves 
i gotta go yuko said yuko 
wait said kojima why you don't sit with us theres one empty chair right next to mine..!
you can't go it's cold outside you're alone and i'm gonna be worried 
we can take you home after dinner please kojima said 
while she stands up from her chair 
don't worried i'll be fine..! 
why don't you understant? it's dangerous out there..!
and i don't care  if you don't care about yourself because   I DO..! kojima said yelling at yuko while grabbing her arm..!
acchan tried to calm things  down..!
 guys everyone is watching 
i don't care..!! said mad kojima
you want  to go so bad then let's go..! 
kojima grabbes yuko's arm took her outside without saying good bye 
girls at the restaurant 
i have never seen haruna mad like that it's crazy...!
just when it's about yuko said acchan 
mariko says to herself she's just being a good friend she just -- 
don't be sad she's just worried as a good friend she said thar 5 minutes ago..!
she just care about her  like a lilttle  sister she doesn't mean anything more than that..! 
meanwhile yuko and kojima were walking to the subway yuko was totally mad at kojima for yelling her but obviusly was a fake madness she was happy that nyan nyan cares very much about her and she was walking three steps foward with a big smile and imagine pervert things about her and kojima..! 
kojima stops walking 
yuko asks what's wrong? why you stop walking? 
I'M SORRY said kojima 
yuko is in silence because she's imagine more things with her nyan nyan 
haruna  thinks that she is really mad that's why she doesn't answer ..!
kojima reach yuko and hug her and say i'm sorry again..!
yuko turns red and start thinking she's hugging me i can't resist
she smells really good as always..!
their faces got close 
i' m gonna kiss nyan nyan yuko thinks  and...
cellphone ring...!
aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh...!! stupid cellphoneeeeeeeee..! yuko screams inside..!
was kojima cellphone she saw that is mariko so pick up and talk to her ..!
haruna keeps walking like nothing happen 
they get on the train a kojima leaves yuko in her house 
kojima is leaving and
yuko shout  it's okay  i wasn't really mad and i'll wait for you no matter how long it takes 
kojima turns back and gives her a kiss on her cheek 
good night yuko chan
good night MY NYAN NYAN..!
i'll put the next one later ok byeee sorry for  my english..!:P


Offline cmze

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Re: KOJIYUU FANFiC please read it...!<3
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2011, 02:48:11 PM »
am i doing sonething wrong..!
i mean you guy left me you're thanks and i appreciate that
but you guy don't comment..!
you don't like what i've done lately??
please let me know...!:(

Offline nyaha00

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Re: KOJIYUU FANFiC please read it...!<3
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2011, 02:54:13 PM »
lol u so damn fast that i can't comment! hahaha

but hey it's going great ^_^v

keep it up!!!  XD

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Re: KOJIYUU FANFiC please read it...!<3
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2011, 03:16:49 PM »
Mariko should give up Kojiharu is Yuko's ^^
And lol Yuko talk to herself is funny

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Re: KOJIYUU FANFiC please read it...!<3
« Reply #14 on: June 25, 2011, 07:41:57 PM »
hahaha i though i was doing sonething bad with the chapters   :nervous
i gotta a question i can't focus and no onelse becacuse i don't know who has crush on mariko?
if somebody could tell that would be great :cathappy:
i'm susch of good mood that i'm going to right more right now..!
even though my granny it's coming for dinner and i't's my granny and i love her but she's a pin in the ass
btw i'm i ecuador heres almost afternoon

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Re: KOJIYUU FANFiC please read it...!<3
« Reply #15 on: June 25, 2011, 07:55:01 PM »
Haruna! Hi and Thank You for carrying Korisu! :]]


- I actually read the chapters earlier and I seemed to forgot to comment after. Sorry. Hey, I heart your fic!
LOL and goodluck on your Grandma! :]
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

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Re: KOJIYUU FANFiC please read it...!<3
« Reply #16 on: June 25, 2011, 09:19:22 PM »
yeah she's really nice..! :sweatdrop:
you guys put me in a good mood..! :D
 thank for the luck  :lol:

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Re: KOJIYUU FANFiC please read it...!<3
« Reply #17 on: June 25, 2011, 09:20:09 PM »

it's saturday after an exauting weeek 
kojiharu is still in bed it's 1 o'clock while yuko is shopping still with crutches  waiting for kojiharu to call..!
yuko thinks why she doesn't call me..! :(
i mean if call i'm gonna be a cheater i told mariko that you can't call kojiharu that's one of the rules right?
but just a little call 
mariko doesn't have to found out..!
yeah maybe 
don't be a coward 
mmm no i gotta wait that she call me i made a promise...! (not knowing that mariko was the one that call yesterday)
ahh you stupid baby..!
who you calling baby..!
ahh all the yuko's inside are really stupid 
yuko keeps walking with the crutches and saw some girls shopping too (aachan,mayu,yukirin,sae,takamina,miichan)
hey girls  while she's trying to run with crutches and all the bags  ..!
hey yuko don't do that you can fall..!
yuko falls on someone and also grabs her breasts...!
 one shirt that yuko bought fall on the face of the other girl..!
everything was a chaos..!
everything is spread all over the floor 
the girls run and ask them are you ok? 
yuko say  i'm fine while the other girl don't even say a word..!
 yuko realize that she's grabbing her breasts an  apologize for everything i'm sorry  I'M SO DUMB ahh..!
the other girl answer I KNOW and start laughing and take off the shirt from her face..!
kojima san.!!
kojima was laughing and all the girls start laughing 
yuko you're really dumb sometimes..!
 kojima answer it's part of her charm..! yuko thinks aww
they get up and start picking up all the yuko's things 
kojima see a beutiful necklace with a watch with a sign of some initials KHxOY what's that mean(kiojima harunaxoshima yuko) she thinks that the necklace is for someone else she pick it up gives to yuko who says this is yours..!
uh? kojima says  
yeah it's yours yuko says take it this is not the way  that i want you to have it..! 
if you give me this beatiful necklace some other way that wouldn't  be you and won't be special..! said kojima
yuko inside ( score yuko 2 mariko 1) yeah and start laughing loudly hahahahah 
she's laughing alone again say the girls yeah that's she must be thinking  in some pervertion said kojima let's go i'm hungry
 me too..!
yuko still talking with herselves..! ah kojima san is so beatiful abn her felt really good  ahh when i confess i'll be able to grab her all over yeah..!
yuko we're leaving said the girls moving like ten steps forward 
ahh wait for me kojima san..!
then they were in a restaurant inside the mall and saw mariko and her family ..!
 these are you're partners mariko's mom ask 
yes they're are said a sad mariko..!
i got an idea why  don't you  sit with us? said mariko's mom
yeah sure..!said the girls
mariko excuse herself to the bathroom and kojima also excuse and went to the bathroom 
yuko say impolitely i gotta pee too..!
sorry my bad...!
in the bathroom  mariko why you invite them all?
 i didn't they were here al'ready here said kojima
why you didn't avoid them? you knew this dinner was really important to me when i called you (yuko was behind door and heard since the start of the conversation
mariko call her that bitch lie to meee..!)
mariko sees something shinning in kojima's neck so mariko come closer to kojima and grab the necklace
what's is this?   said mariko a necklace answer kojima..!
yuko inside don't touch her bitch the necklace is mine and also kojima...!
 its pretty  this gave you yuko right?mariko said 
yes how you know?kojima answer
it's obvius it means kojima haruna x oshima yuko..! yelled mariko 
as she is leaving the bathroom 
yuko see her coming so she get in men's bathroom..!
mariko mad told her parents that it was time to go 
let's go i'm not feeling good..!
 ok let's go 
nice to meet  you girls see you 
and thr girls wonder where are yuko and kojima?
kojima get out of ladies room thinking while yuko get out of mem room making a big confussion the girls saw yuko and start  laughing and telling YUKO YOU FOOL..!!
that's the men's room
i'll post next later byeee 

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Re: KOJIYUU FANFiC please read it...!<3
« Reply #18 on: June 25, 2011, 09:23:20 PM »
Yuko went to the Guy's rest room that's...  :hiakhiakhiak:


Offline AAAice

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Re: KOJIYUU FANFiC please read it...!<3
« Reply #19 on: June 25, 2011, 09:36:19 PM »
The necklace.  :heart:

Sooo is it me or Mariko invited Kojima to eat with her parents? Sorry my brain is drained.

LOL at Yuko going inside the Men's toilet. -.-
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

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