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Author Topic: Future Love - chapter 14-3 (Multipairing) 02/10/2011  (Read 56307 times)

Offline AAAice

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Re: Future Love [SP Chapter] - Takacchan's Night
« Reply #40 on: July 05, 2011, 12:47:57 PM »
A's note: This is my first time okay? xDDD

Special Chapter – Takacchan’s Night

After the performance of the girls, Takamina hurriedly went to her and Atsuko’s room and prepare their futon. Yet, Takamina doesn’t want to share a futon with Atsuko. She decided to sleep somewhere around the room so she will keep herself away from Atsuko.

“What are you doing?” Atsuko asked once she entered the room seeing Takamina carrying two pillows and setting it at the corner of the room.

Takamina struggle to find her words for a second. “I’m going to sleep over here.” She then continue to position her pillow and blanket.

“What is wrong with you?” Atsuko gave her a pissed off look.

“What do you mean ‘What is wrong with you?’” Takamina bitterly response.

The raging aura between the two girls are increasing. Takamina is getting annoyed at Atsuko’s demanding look. Atsuko is furious on Takamina’s action towards her as if she is a plague or something.

“This. You keep ignoring me and neglecting me.” Atsuko hissed. She is trying to control herself from shouting.

“I am talking to you now! Can’t you see?!” Takamina spat back. Nerves is becoming visible on her.

Atsuko was about to open her mouth but Takamina interrupted her by stomping her foot on the wooden floor. Atsuko winced a little.

“Allow it! I’m going outside to see if the girls are already on their rooms.” Takamina angrily stomp her way across the room but stopped on her track when she heard Atsuko.


Takamina was stung by Atsuko’s words. She then remembers how Atsuko even told her that she is the best president and she will support her no matter what.

Takamina’s patience snapped.


Atsuko’s face fell after what Takamina said to her. Tears are dripping on the floor as Atsuko couldn’t help but be affected by Takamina’s words. It is Takamina who told her those hateful words afterall.

Atsuko stormed out the room leaving Takamina alone.

The small girl dropped on her knees on the floor. Seeing Atsuko running away from her made her miserable, she felt so incomplete without Atsuko.

I am nothing without Atsuko on my side.’ Tears started to drip on Takamina’s eyes and the throbbing in her heart is going wild.

Takamina knew she went overboard on her words. She didn’t mean all those things she said to Atsuko. All of it is not even true.

I did prove to her that I am not a good leader.

Takamina slapped herself hard on the face and went outside the room to look for Atsuko.

Atsuko gripped her shirt tightly. The sore in her heart was eating her whole. She couldn’t take Takamina’s words at all. Atsuko keep blaming herself that it is her fault for making Takamina snap like that and spat those words to her.

She slumped on the bench nearby on the balcony and covered he face in her hands as she cannot control the fast dripping in her eyes.

Atsuko feel so isolated. She can her faint laughter around the place while she is here alone… crying in pain.

It must be a sign to let go Takamina.’ She told herself.

Loving Takamina is difficult. I am always having a hard time. Reaching Takamina is tough.

I guess giving up on her is the key to make Takamina happy.

“Atsuko.” A soft voice called her name.

Atsuko slowly looked up to the person who is panting a little. The person’s face is full of sadness and a hint of anxious plastered on the girl’s face. The girl in front of her is also crying.

“Minami.” Atsuko whimpered. Takamina running over here to see her made Atsuko feel happy yet at the same time heartbroken as she will let go her love to Takamina.

Atsuko stood up and took a few step towards Takamina.

The small girl reach out her hands to Atsuko’s face and wipe away the sad tears in her eyes.

“I’m sorry.” Takamina attempted to give Atsuko a big smile but a smile small only appear and still brushing Atsuko’s cheeks.

“I’m sorry.” Atsuko repeated Takamina’s words and broke down in to tears again.

A smile and relief showed on Takamina’s face.

“I’m ignoring you because I am not comfortable whenever we are… alone.” Takamina stared at Atsuko’s eyes.

Atsuko looked straight in to Takamina’s eyes too.

“Take your time to be comfortable. I’m willing to wait for you no matter how long it takes.” Atsuko cupped Takamina’s face and give a warm promising smile.

Takamina slid her hands on to Atsuko’s nape. Staring at the girl she can’t live without had her the urge to… kiss Atsuko.

Takamina pulled Atsuko’s face on to hers and pressed her lips effortless to the other girl’s lips. Atsuko inhaled sharply on Takamina’s dominant kiss.

Being the person in-charge on the kisses, Takamina is waiting for Atsuko to respond on her kisses. Atsuko slowly closed her eyes and tingles went through her body when Takamina bit Atsuko’s lower lip and started to play it with using her tongue. Atsuko wanted to collapse on the floor as her body began to frail and goosebumps in her skin are making her to shiver. Takamina’s arousing breathe made Atsuko to want for more. Atsuko then gave an entrance for Takamina to slip her tongue inside her. The two tongues are fighting over dominance with more force. Takamina’s tongue won the battle.

Atsuko couldn’t help but moan on Takamina’s power. “You… are… a powerful... leader.” She said in between moan.

The small girl slowly slide her hand at the back of Atsuko and glide her hand inside Atsuko’s shirt and started rubbing the soft skin. The other girl winced on Takamina’s touch.

“And… you… are… just… my loyal… follower.” Takamina said between kisses.

While kissing, Takamina is pushing Atsuko towards the wall so she can lean against it. Atsuko tripped on something making the two to fall on the fake grass; Takamina landed at the top of Atsuko. Staring at each other while heavy breathes and the pounding on their heart can only be hear.

Both of them laugh.

“We are clumsy.” Takamina stated in a husky voice.

“We are clumsy.” Atsuko repeated and wrapped her arms around Takamina.

Takamina and Atsuko started giving delicate kisses.

“You took your time very fast.” Atsuko giggled after parting away from Takamina.

“I’m not yet comfortable.” Takamina also giggled and bit Atsuko’s lower lip again.

“Hmm. Take your time again. I’ll be waiting.”

It is now Atsuko’s turn to sweep her tongue on Takamina’s lips and took the liberty to be dominant around this time.

Wooo. I know the 'Scene' is lame and not hot. Tell me if there is errors in this chapter cause I'm embarrass to myself to check. :]]

Sorry if it is short. The future pairings will be short as well. Well I'm not sure how short.
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.


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Re: Future Love [SP Chapter] - Takacchan's Night
« Reply #41 on: July 05, 2011, 01:02:49 PM »

My heart almost cannot take it...hahaha TAKACCHAN MOMENT~~~


Offline AAAice

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Re: Future Love [SP Chapter] - Their Night.
« Reply #42 on: July 05, 2011, 10:05:07 PM »
A's note: Haha this will be the last special chapter.

Special Chapter - Their Night.

(Kojiyuu's Night)

After the performance, Oshima Yuko gave Minegishi Minami a good night kiss. Miichan told her to be careful around Haruna’s wandering eyes as she keeps eyeing her in the hot tub ealier. Yuko chuckled on her girlfriend’s warning.

Yuko was chanting the song’s lyrics they performed earlier while walking her way through her and Haruna’s room. She entered the room and stop singing when she saw Haruna inside who is laying on the futon with her back facing Yuko.

Haruna who heard the bang of the door become frozen on her position. She is afraid that Yuko might do something to her because Miichan might have said a ridiculous things for Yuko to hate Haruna.

The small girl shrugs and went to grab her pajamas on her luggage. After changing, Yuko lay flatly on the futon.

The awkward silence around the room irritates Yuko’s ears. Haruna is becoming sweaty and starting have a cramps on her position but she knew she can’t turn on the other side because Yuko will see her face.

Yuko turn her gaze on Haruna’s back. She is wearing a white lace PJ cami which her back is overly expose and her legs are very flawless and it made it even more flawless as the light illuminates her skin.

The chest of Yuko was going up and down. She felt excitement and wanting to touch Haruna’s skin.

Damn. I wonder what the front look like.’ She then bit her lower lip to control herself.

I’m sorry Miichan for getting distracted to Haruna.’ She shook her head aggressively for being her pervert-self.

Looking at the back of Haruna. Yuko saw a scar at the back of Haruna’s shoulder as if someone had scratched it.

Yuko went to Haruna’s side quietly and touch the scar.

Haruna gasped at Yuko’s sudden presence.

“Koko nani?” Yuko asked, still tapping the scar lightly.

Haruna didn’t respond. She doesn’t want any trouble again. Yuko shrugs and turned the lights off.

The silence inside the room irritate Yuko’s ears one more time.

Haruna felt relieve that Yuko close the lights off. The silence really killed her, her saliva was choking her for not talking at least.

I hear you crying, crying out the pain buried in your heart.
I’m standing here waiting, waiting for you to share your pain.
Talk to me, talk to me, am I not trustworthy enough?
Answer me, answer me, are you really that hurt?
I’m standing here waiting, waiting for you to share your pain.

Yuko chanted her made-up song as she is trying to find her sleep.

Haruna thinks Yuko is singing a song for her as it relates their current situation right now. She then looked at the her side to see Yuko but the dark vision is blocking her eyes yet she only see Yuko’s back.

The pounding of the tall girl’s chest is increasing.

Is she really a nice person like everyone in Akiba is saying?’ Haruna pouted in the dark, still looking at Yuko’s back.

“Yosha. I’m done composing my new song. Goodnight Oshima Yuko. Goodnight Otousan. Goodnight Miichan. Goodnight Kamisama. Goodnight to those people who are about to sleep.” Yuko said and went to sleep.

Haruna frowned from the fact Yuko only sang her own composition.

Tsk. I thought it was really for me.

The two finally fallen asleep.

The small girl is a little bit unique when it comes to sleeping. Yuko ended up to be curled up close next to Haruna.

Haruna felt someone’s presence next to her so she slid her arms around Yuko’s waist and pulled her close to her which made Yuko’s body pressed on Haruna’s. Haruna cuddled to the small body next to her.

30 minutes had pass.

While sleeping, Yuko rolled up and ended on top of Haruna’s body.

She then nuzzled on Haruna’s neck and whispered. “You smell nice.” And continue nuzzling on her neck.

Haruna who is also sleeping and heared Yuko’s opinion, she then place her hand on Yuko’s head and kiss her forehead.

“Thank you.” A smile appear on sleeping Haruna. She then hugged Yuko tightly.

The warmth is baking a smile to each other.


(Saeyaka’s Night)

The two tall girls were giggling their way in to the room they’d been assigned. The performance earlier lifted up the spirits inside them.

Sae opened the sliding door on their room which it reveals a little balcony and sat on the edge of the wood. Sayaka followed Sae too and stare at the clear sky.

“You do know I can’t lose you right?” Sayaka blurted out. Still looking at the wide sky.

Sae looked at Sayaka with astonishment. Sayaka has been saying straightforward things to her lately. Sae then blush on Sayaka’s words.

It is now Sae’s time to say something back to Sayaka. “Yeah. You are my first love and they say first love never ends. Too bad you rejected me before.” She smiled.

The two looked at each other straight in to the eyes. Sharing the unforgotten memory they had 14 months ago.


Sae watched Sayaka playing soccer. The smooth moves she does made her heart pump a little. The strong face she has is flawless that not a single girl can ever compete with. Her personality beats everyone’s personality.

‘Right now is the right time.’ Sae sighed wishing everything will be alright after.

The tall girl went to Sayaka who is drinking her drink.

“Sa-sayaka?” Sae stutter on her words.

Sayaka looked at her with fierce eyes but if you look closely her eyes are tired.

Sae clenched her fist and hurriedly lower her head.

“I love you Akimoto Sayaka! Can you be my girlfriend?” Sae squinted her eyes hoping Sayaka will accept her confession.

The girl she confess to didn’t say a word to her. Sayaka was too stunned to say anything.

“Gomen. I’m busy with soccer and I don’t want to lose the opportunity to become a great player. I don’t want to be in a silly relationship right now.” Sayaka said to Sae with a expressionless face and continue playing soccer.

(End of Flashback)

“I was soooo broken that day.” Sae glared at Sayaka.

“Shut up.”

“I hated soccer because of that. But… hating soccer wouldn’t lead me to anything.”


“Akimoto Sayaka is the reason why I become interested in soccer.” Sae warmly smiled at Sayaka. The other girl smiled back.

They were staring at each other. The aura between the two is making their faces to get closer and closer.

Sae closed her eyes. Sayaka closed her eyes.

Two people and a single long kiss builds a strong bond between the two.


(Mayuki’s Night)

Yukirin realizes that her partner Watanabe Mayu disappear after she finishes watching the performance of the girls. To her fear, Yukirin quickly went to their room and found Mayuyu sitting on the futon reading a manga.

Mayu looked up and see Yukirin panting a little. Mayu smiled, she then stood up and walk over Yukirin.

“Hmm.” Mayu gave Yukirin a playful moan after giving her a peck on the lips.

“I was looking for you.” Yukirin said after recovering from Mayu’s kiss.

Mayu shrugs. “I know. You can also find me in your heart.” She winked.

Mayu gotten the half of Yuki’s heart by giving her a quick stolen pecks on the lips whenever Yukirin is off guard.

Yukirin lay on the futon. Mayu wickedly smile when she saw Yukirin laying flat on the futon. She then sat on Yukirin’s stomach and give her a kiss. Mayu was about to pull up but Yukirin grabbed Mayuyu’s nape and kiss her passionately.

Making out for about 2 minutes, the small girl parted away from Yukirin. Mayu stood up and took the white towel on the table and started to get naked as she wrap the towel around her.

The small girl open the sliding door which it reveals a mini hot tub on the balcony, she then gets in to the tub.

Yukirin was dazing off for a little while and realizes Mayu is not with her anymore. She sat up and saw Mayu’s clothes on the floor and a steam is going inside the room.

Yukirin then grabbed the towel and started stripping off and went to the tub.

The moist in Mayu’s face are dripping on her chin and the red tint in her cheeks makes Yukirin’s body to heat up and couldn’t stop but stare at the girl across her.

Mayu notices Yukirin’s eyes are glued on hers.

“Do I have to ask you if I can undress you?” She asked in alluring voice and gave Yukirin an inviting lip bite.

Yukirin bit her lower lip too, wanting for more from Watanabe Mayu.

Mayu didn’t wait for Yukirin’s answer. “I already know the answer. Your body is screaming for me.”

She then went in front of Yuki. Mayu places her lips on the girl’s neck, giving Yuki a wet kisses. Mayu’s lips are going down, as she’s at the bottom of the neck she stuck her tongue out and lick slowly towards Yuki’s clavicle.

Yuki’s pleaure are increasing. She moaned on the alluring move of the other girl. Yuki then grip Mayu’s shoulder, her nails are piercing in to Mayu’s skin.

“Yes… please.” Yuki said in between her moan as she answered Mayu’s question.

The other girl looked at Yuki and grinned.

“My mother taught me to be gentle and don’t make someone to have a hard time.” Mayu said as she stare at Yuki.

Yuki protest. “Stop teasing.”

Mayu only give her a long kiss and left the tub. As soon as she get inside Mayu knew Yukirin is still laying her eyes on her. Mayu smirked.

Watanabe Mayu dropped the towel around her, exposing her naked back on Kashiwagi Yuki’s eyes.

'I told you I have my own spotlight tonight.'

Okay enough with this special chapter, i've been giving you guys a tease(LOL JK). Now with the real stuffs on the next chapter. :]

SORRY IF THERE IS NO WMATSUI it's just too hard without Jurina even though I want to do a night on them two talking to the phone :[ I PROMISE I WILL GIVE YOU GUYS A TEASE ON WMATSUI SOON! Hehe.

Now off to write my other Fic a chapter.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2011, 10:15:32 PM by AAAice »
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

Offline virgo_shaka

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Re: Future Love [SP Chapter] - Their Night.
« Reply #43 on: July 05, 2011, 11:23:58 PM »
Mayuki's scene is so... so... Excuse me for a moment   :on bleed: :on bleed: :on bleed:

Offline ShibuyaDokiDoki

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Re: Future Love [SP Chapter] - Their Night.
« Reply #44 on: July 05, 2011, 11:51:27 PM »
Oh... oh my... MaYuki... oh my....... *flails* *dies*

WMATSUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~!!!!!!!!!!!!! can't wait xD

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Re: Future Love [SP Chapter] - Their Night.
« Reply #45 on: July 06, 2011, 12:56:34 AM »
mada mada! my nose still ok! >_<

Offline RenaChii

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Re: Future Love [SP Chapter] - Their Night.
« Reply #46 on: July 06, 2011, 07:47:58 AM »
OMG~!!!!  :banghead: MaYuki scene is killing me~!!  :mon lovelaff:   :on bleed:

Want more~  :mon mischief:

Please update soon~!!  :mon fyeah:

Offline Arakawa

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Re: Future Love [SP Chapter] - Their Night.
« Reply #47 on: July 06, 2011, 10:38:46 AM »
Don't understand how you can be motivated to write for both your fics everyday xD

Thanks for updating!
Moar kojiyuu plzzz :)

Offline AAAice

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Re: Future Love [5] - Friday After School.
« Reply #48 on: July 06, 2011, 10:49:56 AM »
^ I don't know myself either. Whenever I go and stare on Word Doc. I got pumped up. Haha.

Haha ayt guys thanks for liking my mini hot scene for MaYuki.


Sae and Sayaka’s friendship stays the same. They had decided to continue their best friend relationship so there will be no conflicts on their time and so they won’t causes trouble to each other. Yet, Sae confess to Sayaka that she has a thing for Kashiwagi Yuki. Sayaka will still support her friend no matter what.

“Yo. Look at her.” Sae pouted her lips and points it on Yuko’s direction.

Oshima Yuko has been spacing off lately. The second day of their trip become weird when Yuko is quiet and always look uncomfortable.

Sayaka chuckled. “Maybe Miichan and her done it already that is why she’s quiet.” Although Sayaka thought that didn’t came out so well in her mouth.


“SUSH!” Sayaka slapped Sae’s mouth.

“Oh there’s Yuki!” Sayaka said as she saw Yuki walking with Mayu.

“Mou~ Why is she always with Mayu?” Sae is becoming jealous towards Mayu. The two of them seems to be close after the trip.

“I don’t—“ Sayaka was trailed off by Sae.

“Yuki!” Sae called out and quickly went to Yukirin’s side. Mayu rolled her eyes when Sae appears.

“Since tomorrow is Saturday, do you want to go out with me? You know… chill?” Sae asked in a cool way.

Yukirin was a bit turned-off on Sae’s cool action but she agreed with the offer.

“YES!!!” Sae pumped a fist in the air and grab Yuki’s hand.

“Thank you!” She then gave Yuki her famous smile.

Mayu then remove her grip on Yuki’s hand and walk away. She is furious to Yuki as she doesn’t even think that Sae is a ladies man and gets every girls by just smiling at them.

“YOU FOOL!!!” Mayuyu shouted on the open window.

“Jealous?” A girl from behind asked. Mayu turned around and saw Ota Aika smiling.

Mayu’s face lifts up. It’s really been a long time since Ota Aika showed up to her. Mayu then ran over her best friend and give her a big hug.

“I miss you! I miss you! I miss you! I miss you Lovetan” She exclaimed.

Lovetan giggled. “Hey, hey. I was gone only for a month.” She said to her best friend and patted Mayu’s head.

Mayu nuzzle her face on to Lovetan. “But still!!! I was lonely!” She cried out.

“Eh? Souieba, who is the fool?” Lovetan asked as she recall what Mayu was shouting earlier.

“Mayu?!” A girl called out. It was Kashiwagi Yuki’s voice.

Mayu parted away from her bestfriend’s hug and turn her gaze to Kashiwagi Yuki but look away after as she cannot stand seeing Yuki’s dumb face.

“Lets go Lovetan.” She grab Lovetan’s hand and walk away from Yuki.

Lovetan who is confuse earlier, now got an idea why Mayu was shouting.

Her future love.’ She smirked.

Kashiwagi Yuki ran towards Watanabe Mayu and face her. Mayu looked away.

“I was looking for you.” She said.

Mayu scoffed. “So? I didn’t ask you to look for me.” She shrugs and drag Lovetan away from Yukirin.

“You are suppose to say. ‘You can also find me in your heart.’” Yuki said but Watanabe Mayu let her pride block her and walk away.

“Yuki!” Sae called out. She then ran towards the girl who is crying.

Yuki quickly grab Sae’s waist to pull in for a hug and start sobbing. Sae placed her hand at the back of Yuki and stroke Yuki's back to calm the girl.

“Sshhh. What happened?” She asked. Whimpers are the only answer she heard.

Sae then cupped Yuki’s face and stare at it for awhile. In her eyes, Yuki is the most beautiful girl she met even if her face is a mess due to crying.

Yuki looked up on Sae’s eyes. Sae then place her lips on Yuki’s wet lips.

The eye of Yuki increased from the shock she encounter. The person she adores kissed her. The kiss is far different from Watanabe Mayu’s kiss. She didn’t feel any electricity at all.

It’s probably due to shockness.’ She thought.

Yuki slowly closed her eyes and respond on Sae’s invitation.

Two person was staring at Yuki and Sae’s passionate kiss. It hurts to see them together. The two then put their hand on their chest as it is throbbing in pain.

I am jealous.’ The two said to themselves.


After school, Matsui Jurina and Matsui Rena went out to the school zone. Every student in Akiba can go out the school building every Friday and weekends.

Matsui Jurina was very happy when Rena accepted her offer to go out with her today after school. It is her first time to ask someone to go out with her alone.

I want her to enjoy this date with me.’ Jurina said to herself.

The two girls went to the park. Rena thinks Jurina is a different girl as most girls from her old school wanted to waste their time on the arcade or in shopping malls. Jurina is unique.

“Adorable~!” Jurina cry out, pampering a puppy who is also strolling with its owner.

Rena couldn’t help but smile on Jurina’s attitude. Rena likes it when a person is kind towards animals. She too kneel down and stroke the puppy’s soft fur.

“If you were a boy, you will be a perfect boyfriend.” Said the old lady who has a warm smile on her face to Rena.

“Eh?” Rena gave her a unsure look and smile back at the old lady. “Hehe. Thank you.”

Jurina stood up and hug the old lady. “She is the perfect girl!” Jurina said to the lady who giggle on Jurina’s sentence.

“Silly girl.” The old lady said while smiling and continue strolling in the park with her puppy.

“She said we are perfect couple!” Jurina said to Rena and cling to the girl’s arm.

“Eh? She said I’m a perfect boyfriend not couple.” Rena stick her tongue out to Jurina, feeling proud that someone sees her as a perfect person.

“That’s still the same! I’m a perfect girlfriend and you are my perfect boyfriend.” Jurina pouted.

Rena’s heart was pounding fast.

Does it mean she wanted me to become her… boyfriend?

Rena looked at Jurina who is looking at her smiling widely but her smile faded.

“You don’t want me to become your girlfriend?” She set her eyes on the floor. Her voice was a little hurt.

“O-of course I do!” Rena quickly said as she feels guilty that she made Jurina sad.

Jurina’s face lifted up the moment she heard what Rena told her.

“Are we couples now?!” She asked excitedly. Jumping up and down while holding Rena’s hand.

Rena was taken aback on Jurina’s question. She doesn’t know what to respond to the girl. Rena know she doesn’t mean they will start going out now. She only said that because she wanted Jurina to be her girlfriend is she was a boy.

“Jur—“ Rena was trailed off when Jurina interrupted her.

“I love you Matsui Rena!” She then cling her arm around Rena’s shoulder and pull her in to kiss her.

Rena kept her eyes wide open. She doesn’t want to kiss Jurina back as she doesn’t feel any special towards her.

I’m sorry Jurina.

I’m trap on this new relationship you declare.


Haruna was looking for Yukirin and Rena after class, but the two quickly disappear on her sight. She didn’t bother to look for them and walk her way through the dorm.

She was stop on her track when she saw Shinoda Mariko walking forward to her. Mariko was smiling at her and gesturing her to wait for her where she is standing now.

Haruna’s heart are beating a little fast. Whenever she see Mariko on campus, Haruna’s heart is starting to get a little crazy.

“Kojiharu is smiling. I’m happy.” Mariko tapped Haruna’s forehead using her index finger.

“Hai.” Haruna smiled to Mariko. “Kojiharu?” She then ask. It is her first time to be called Kojiharu.

“It’s a nickname I made just for you. I hope Kojiharu won’t get mad.” Mariko blushes.

Haruna shook her head. “Thank you Mariko-senpai.”

Mariko gasped and slap Haruna’s forehead in a gentle way. “Senpai? Ouch. Making me feel really old huh?” Mariko giggled. Haruna giggled too.

“Marichan.” She then said to Haruna.

“Marichan-senpai.” Haruna joked and giggle. Mariko giggle on Haruna’s lame joke too.

“So you really are happy now huh?”

Haruna nodded. She did had a great dream on her first day on the trip. Yuko covered Haruna using her blanket throughout the bus ride. Yuko was cuddled up with her, and then told her she smell nice and continue nuzzling on her neck. Haruna is embarrass to herself that she kissed Yuko on the forehead.

Turns out… the dream is real.

Even though Yuko is becoming weird and awkward lately, Haruna doesn’t care. At least she felt Yuko’s kindness even just for a couple of hours. Sadly, Yuko and Haruna was sleeping when that happens.

Why didn’t she get mad at me?’ Haruna thought.

“I did have a great dream that’s all.” She then said to Mariko.

“Ehh. Did you dreamed about me is that why?” Mariko flirted.

Haruna jerked up and blushes on Mariko’s flirting.

“I’m only joking. But I’m hoping I was the person who made you had a good dream.” Mariko smiled at Haruna.

Mariko looked on her watch and hurriedly said goodbye to Haruna.

“I’m late on my group meeting. Take care my Kojiharu.”

Haruna’s body unexpectedly drag her to Mariko and hug the other tall girl behind.

“I want to see you again Marichan.” Haruna said, feeling embarrass that she has to do such thing to Mariko.

Mariko hold Haruna’s hand and turn around.

“I’ll come around and look for you okay?” Mariko kissed Haruna’s forehead the same as last time.


“Minami!!!” Atsuko called Takamina’s name and happily went to the president who is doing some paper works.

Takamina was startle on Atsuko’s sudden existence. “At-atsuko.”

It’s been a few days now when she made a move on Atsuko by doing a rough play. Takamina is happy that she confronted Atsuko like that, it shows that she is can be with Atsuko alone without being uncomfortable yet, she is still a little shy around Atsuko. She is also happy to have Atsuko as her girlfriend.

“Why are you stuttering?” Atsuko pouted and sat on Takamina’s lap.

“I was startle on your beauty.” She smiled and rest her head on Atsuko.

“Aww. I love you Minami.” Atsuko placed her chin on top of Takamina’s head.

“I lo-love you too Atsuko.” Takamina stroked Atsuko’s hand.

“Are you nearly finish?” Atsuko asked as she stood up.

Takamina nodded. “Yeah. One left. Why?” She then started writing on the paper she has.

“Uhmm… Er… We haven’t got a real date yet, so I was hoping if… we can go out today?” Atsuko closed her eyes and open the other one, a little afraid to see Takamina’s reaction.

Takamina didn’t lay a single glance at Atsuko. “Sure.” She said plainly.

Atsuko pouted a little. Takamina is being her old President-self again.

As soon as Takamina finishes her work. The two went to the theme park near Akiba.

Having fun as a real couple is the best moments in their life. Yet, some people give them dirty looks as they see them as lesbians while some give them warm looks to see a happy best friends having fun on their little world.

“Is it finish? Is it finish?” Atsuko asked Takamina like a little kid. Takamina didn’t let Atsuko to look on what she is doing as she wanted it to be a surprise for her girlfriend.

“Not yet. Nearly.” Takamina finishes the last bit she has to stick on the bear she is making.

The two couples are in a store where you can create your own bear.

“Okay. Here goes.” Takamina placed the bear behind her back so Atsuko won’t see it.

“You ready?” She asked the excited Atsuko.

“I am ready since you started making the bear.”

“Ta~da~!” Takamina showed the cute little bear.

The bear is a mixture of Takamina and Atsuko’s features. It has a ribbon on its neck and there is a writing on the tummy of the bear.

Miichan loves Acchan.
Takamina loves Atsuko.
I love you Maeda Atsuko.
Thank you for having my heart.

A lump started to form on Atsuko’s throat. Tears are falling on her eyes at it drips on the bear Takamina gave her. She never feel so happy like this before.

She looked at Takamina who is having a tear also.

“I love you Atsuko.” Takamina said and buried her face on Atsuko’s chest.

Atsuko started to sob hardly.

“I love you too Minami.”

The two parted away from the hug and kissed the bear together.

“Takahashi Minami?” A girl called Takamina’s name who is standing across Atsuko and Takamina.


Miichan place a kiss on Yuko’s lips but the small girl isn’t responding at all. Miichan got tired on Yuko’s new attitude. She has been dazing off since the second day of their trip. Yuko barely talk and set her attention to Miichan.

Minegishi is sensing there is something happen between Yuko and Haruna. Haruna might have done something to Yuko which made her soul be out of Earth.

“Yuko!” Miichan shouted in front of Yuko’s face. Yuko only give her a little smile.

“I… love you.” Yuko mumbled, not really sure on what she is saying.

“I love you too.” Miichan hugged the out of the world girl.

“What is going on?” Miichan asked.

“Did Haruna do something to you on our trip?”

“Ha… Haruna?” Yuko dumbly said who is still preoccupied.

“Did she?!” Miichan’s nerves are getting irritated now. She wants to get to the bottom of this situation Yuko is putting her into.

Yuko didn’t answer, her trance is really far away.

“My god Yuko! Answer me!” Miichan shoved Yuko hard.

Yuko winced and snapped back. She didn’t like what Miichan had done to her just now.


A hard slap went across Yuko’s face.

“HOW FCKING COULD YOU?!” Miichan spat back on Yuko.

Her heart was already racing in pain. Tears keeps falling on her eyes. How could Yuko do something and did not tell her earlier the reason why she is spacing out.


“I DO NOT!!! I TOLD YOU NOTHING HAPPEN BETWEEN US!” Yuko shouted back as she tried to convince again that nothing really happen.

Yuko slump on the ground while brushing the cheek where Miichan slapped. She then started sobbing. The slap really got her.

“I do not.” She repeated.

Miichan kneeled down and hugged Yuko tightly. The two of them shared their pain and sobs.

“Thank you for telling me.” Miichan grasp her arms firmly to Yuko.

Kojima Haruna.’ Miichan warned inside her.

For some reason I am giggling over Takacchan's scene. :D

« Last Edit: July 06, 2011, 10:56:35 AM by AAAice »
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

Offline nyaha00

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Re: Future Love [5] - Friday After School.
« Reply #49 on: July 06, 2011, 10:57:33 AM »
lol things getting better and worst  XD

harunyan watch out for miichan  :panic:


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Re: Future Love [5] - Friday After School.
« Reply #50 on: July 06, 2011, 11:04:16 AM »
“Takahashi Minami?” A girl called Takamina’s name who is standing across Atsuko and Takamina.

who is the girl!!!!!  :grr:

Offline RenaChii

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Re: Future Love [5] - Friday After School.
« Reply #51 on: July 06, 2011, 01:53:28 PM »
it's make me confused sometime~  XD

please update soon~  :cathappy:

Offline AAAice

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Re: Future Love [5] - Friday After School.
« Reply #52 on: July 06, 2011, 02:29:39 PM »
Sorry for making you confuse. :] I will try not to let you confuse on the next chapter.
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

Offline ShibuyaDokiDoki

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Re: Future Love [5] - Friday After School.
« Reply #53 on: July 06, 2011, 06:53:47 PM »
Yuki!!! You don't feel the spark because you belong to Mayuyu~!!! :pleeease:

So... Rena doesn't want to be with Jurina...? Unsure....?  :dizzy:

Hehehe MariHaruuuu~! 8D idl if I like KojiYuu or MariHaru in this one....  :OMG:

AtsuMinaaaaaaaaaaaa~ wae so cute?! WHO IS THAT GIRL?! WHO?! :grr:

Miichan... you shoved and slapped Yuko... you may be cute but... watch it. :shifty:

Offline cmze

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Re: Future Love [5] - Friday After School.
« Reply #54 on: July 06, 2011, 08:30:05 PM »
i got confuse with the thank u......!
AAAHHHHH.......!!!I WANT TO KNOW WHAT'S NEXT...! :thumbsup

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Re: Future Love [5] - Friday After School.
« Reply #55 on: July 06, 2011, 08:40:47 PM »

“I DO NOT!!! I TOLD YOU NOTHING HAPPEN BETWEEN US!” Yuko shouted back as she tried to convince again that nothing really happen.

Yuko slump on the ground while brushing the cheek where Miichan slapped. She then started sobbing. The slap really got her.

“I do not.” She repeated.

Miichan kneeled down and hugged Yuko tightly. The two of them shared their pain and sobs.

“Thank you for telling me.” Miichan grasp her arms firmly to Yuko.

Kojima Haruna.’ Miichan warned inside her.

How I wish that there's something happen.. 8)
But hope nothing serious going to happen to Haruna...(cross finger)

Offline Arakawa

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Re: Future Love [5] - Friday After School.
« Reply #56 on: July 07, 2011, 11:01:38 AM »
Akcdskkdsal yes yes! More miichan x haruna drama needed!

...Then kojiyuu needs to become a couple.

I'm fine with mariharu flirting :p

Offline AAAice

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Re: Future Love [6-1] - Oh No!
« Reply #57 on: July 07, 2011, 12:16:48 PM »

Takahashi Minami opened her eyes slowly as the brightness coming from the window sore her eyes. After adjusting her vision, she then turn her gaze on the side of her bed. Atsuko isn’t in her bed.

Did she came back home last night when I was asleep? Is she already awake and went downstairs?’ Takamina asked herself. She then sat up.

She didn’t found Atsuko’s figure along the mall after finishing her conversation with the girl she met. Atsuko doesn’t answer her calls, nor reply back to the messages and emails Takamina sent her.

Argh. She don’t have to be jealous over her.’ Takamina drop her fist on the bed.


Atsuko started crying after reading the line written on the bears tummy. She wanted to run to a jewelry shop and buy a ring for Takamina so she can propose and be together forever. Atsuko felt she is the luckiest girl alive to have Takahashi Minami.

She then look up and saw a proud Takamina with her joyful tears.

“I love you Atsuko.” Takamina hugged Atsuko. She then hug back to Takamina and began sobbing.

“I love you too Minami.” Atsuko croaked.

Takamina is the first one to pull away from the hug and wipe the tears in Atsuko’s eyes. Atsuko smiled and did the same too.

The two couple shared a kiss along with the bear as if they are one happy family.

A single voice came across them broke their moment.

“Takahashi Minami?” The girl asked as she is examining Takamina’s face.

Takamina jerked her head to the side and narrowed her eyes as she too examine the familiar face. Atsuko on the other hand felt jealousy increasing on her heart. Wanting to know about the girl who just called her girlfriend’s name.

“Nana… Takeuchi?” Takamina hope the last name is right. She is sure Nana is the girl. Takamina’s heart was starting to pump fast and sweat are starting to appear at the back of her nape as her body is getting hot.

“Minami!!!” Nana happily cried and hung her arms on Takamina’s shoulder.

“Nana.” Takamina hug back and tears can be seen on her eyes again.

“I miss you.” Nana nestle on Takamina’s neck.

Atsuko is controlling her anger towards the girl as she doesn’t want to be bad in the eyes of Takamina. The two have been giving ‘I miss you’ and greetings and start to have a conversation. Atsuko is waiting for Takamina set a gaze to her and introduce to the girl. Takamina forgotten Atsuko.

Atsuko stomped out of the store and went anywhere her feet drags her to. All she care about for now is to get away from Takamina and the girl. Little did she know, wet drips are falling off her eyes already while clutching the bear tightly.

“Aww. Your height is still the same. It’s so cute to bend down and… kiss you.” Nana blushed.

“What?! You are wearing heels that’s why you feel so tall and mighty.” Takamina glared at her. The two then giggled.

Nana stopped on her giggle as she remember something.

“Oh, is it me or you shared a kiss with a girl earlier?” Nana asked as she knew she saw some girl next to Takamina awhile ago.

Takamina snapped back on her track.

Atsuko is gone!

“Eh? Wha—“ She paused for a second. Takamina extends her neck to look for Atsuko around the store but her figure cannot be seen.

“Atsuko.” She whispered.

“Gomen ne Nana-chan. I have to look for—“ Takamina was interrupted as Nana kissed Takamina on the lips.

“I miss you Minami.” Nana smile while her face are still inches away from Takamina.

After giving out each other’s number and email adresses, Takamina hurriedly went out of the store and search Atsuko around the mall. Yet, no sign of the girl anywhere. She had called Atsuko’s phone but she isn’t answering the calls, and Takamina even sent her lots of messages and emails… still no answer and replies.

“Ahh Atsuko where are you?” Takamina ask herself. She is getting dizzy running around the mall looking for her girlfriend as she didn’t stop running and searching for her even though the capacity of her lungs are becoming short.

Takamina then sit heavily on the bench nearby and tried to ring Atsuko’s phone one more time.

“Atsuko probably went back to the dorm.” She said to herself after trying to call Atsuko. Takamina then rested her head on the rail of the bench and squinted her eyes.

Nana Takeuchi. Maeda Atsuko.

(End Of Flashback)

Takamina reached for her phone under the pillow and looked on the screen.

2 new messages’ She clicked it excitedly thinking it might be Atsuko.

“Nana Takeuchi.” She mumble and read the good morning greetings from Nana.

Why does my first love have to exist again?’ Takamina wonder to her self.

Takamina then lay back on the bed again.


“Hmm.” Rena who is still sleeping frowned her eyes and is trying to swing her hands on her face as someone is carressing her cheek and the weight in her stomach has gotten heavy. Someone is sitting on top of her.

Rena slowly open her eyes and a blur vision of a girl smiling close to her face made her eyes become wide open.

“Ah!” Rena squinted her eyes as it hurt due to the Jurina’s surprise. Jurina giggled.

“Morning baby.” Jurina brushed the tip of her nose to Rena’s nose.

“Ju-jurina? Why are you here?” Rena asked lightheadedly.

“You are in my room dummy.” Jurina grinned and spread her arms wide to show to Rena that she is in her room.

Last night Rena and Jurina went back to the dorm around 1AM, they had been having fun on their date as a newly couple. Due to Rena’s tired muscles she cannot take the stairs to go to the second floor, so Jurina offered her room which Kumi and Mizuki went to have a slumber party with the other SKE girls.

Ren’s body reacted fast, she suddenly sat up. The two couple’s head tugged, Rena accidentally headbutted Jurina.

“Itai.” The two said in unison. Jurina placed her palm on her forehead and Rena did the same.

“That hurts.” Whined Jurina.

Jurina then pushed Rena which made Rena laid back on the bed. Rena’s eyes become wide open on Jurina’s sudden reaction. Rena gazed at Jurina’s eyes who has a passion and excitement plastered on the eyes. Rena gulped as she knew something might happen in a second. Jurina weakly smile and pulled in to kiss Rena with so much vigor. The girl kept advancing her mouth to Rena’s. Rena who gave up on Jurina’s kisses and slowly close her eyes and gave an invitation to the waiting mouth of Jurina. Jurina then gave a moan when she had an access to Rena’s mouth.

The girl on top of Rena gasped when the moment Rena slid her long arms on Jurina’s legs and stroke it upwards in a slow motion until Rena hands got in to the back skin of Jurina.

What am I doing?! Why am I falling on her trap?! I shouldn’t be doing this! My hands isn’t stopping! Yes she did say we are couple, but this… this is going far.

The moment Rena moaned on the pleasure Jurina is giving her, she then placed her hand to cover her mouth. Jurina only giggle and continue playing around Rena’s tongue.

“Don’t you… think… we are… getting a little… farther?” Rena couldn’t properly ask because Jurina’s tongue were still inside her mouth.

Jurina shook her head. “This is what couples do.” She then grip lightly on Rena’s hair and continue on playing.

We are different!’ Rena wanted to shout but the urge in her body made her roll up which her and Jurina’s position become reverse as she is on top and Jurina is now at the bottom.

“See? You are going a little farther too.” Jurina teased as she raised an eyebrow to Rena.

‘Do I even love this girl, Matsui Jurina? I love her as a sister? Whatever feelings I have for her, I don’t want to continue this.’

Rena examined Jurina’s face. Her eyes are haggard, her mouth is hanging open as she is catching her breathe, Jurina’s mouth are so red due to smacking each other, the tint of red in her cheeks are about to burst, her face is a little sweaty.

Jurina who also looked at Rena’s little sweaty face and her chest is a little sweaty too. The girl then slid her hands inside Rena’s shirt and teasingly brush her hand on Rena’s stomach, Rena yelp as tingles in her body give her a hot feeling and slowly made upwards to Rena’s chest. Rena exclaimed to the touch of Jurina, her heart is pumping fast as she thought Jurina might unclench the piece that covers her… but Jurina only wiped the sweat in between Rena’s chest.

Jurina rose up on her elbow and put her other hand at the back of Rena’s head and pulled her in to lick the girl’s lips. Rena lick the lips of Jurina too but quickly parted away from Jurina.

“I… I lov—I have to go back to my room.” Rena quickly went her way towards the door and left Jurina’s room.

She laid her back against the wall and clutch her shirt.

I really should tell her my opinion about this relationship. That scene earlier is just…’ Rena facepalmed.


The lunchtime finally comes. The cafeteria hall is vaguely empty as some of the students went to town with their friends to have fun.

Miichan, Yuko, Sae, Sayaka and Atsuko are eating their lunch together in the table Sae had picked. Sae looked across the table which Yukirin, Rena and Haruna are eating their lunch too. She is longing to be with Yukirin but she decided to be with her later so Yuki won’t get tired of hearing Sae’s voice and annoyance.

Yuko who looked at her side to see Miichan stabbing her pork using the bread knife who is giving the back of Haruna a murderuous stare. Miichan has been furious since last night. Yuko knew she is still angry about the Haruna issue thing on their trip.

“THAT’S IT!” Miichan dropped her fist on the table as it startle them. Miichan then pushed her plate and the table and angrily stomp her way towards Haruna.

Miichan grasped at Haruna’s shoulder and turn the tall girl agrressively so she is looking at Miichan. Haruna’s eyes became bigger and frighten wash over her face. Yuko ran over the table to get to Miichan while Sae, Atsuko and Sayaka stood up to get grab Miichan.

“Btch!” Miichan raised her hand and swing it across Haruna’s cheeks for a slap. Haruna then gasped.

The sound of the slap gave most of the student in the hall turn in to their direction. The girls then circled where the fight is at and getting worried over Haruna. Some are taking pictures and recording the fight. Yuki and Rena is trying to pull Miichan away from Haruna as well, the girl is too furious to be pulled out.

Miichan then grabbed Haruna by the collar and shove her. She then took Haruna’s food and tossed it in to her face. Haruna isn’t fighting back, Miichan is very strong as she cannot pull out a scene to the girl.

“Miichan!!! Stop!!!” Yuko was placing herself in the middle of the two girls, but she has been push by Miichan.

The girl continue to assault Haruna. The slaps and pulling off hair is getting harder and harder. Haruna tried to kick Miichan but she doesn’t have enough strength to hurt the other girl.

Yuko somehow recover fast and tried to defend the tall girl by making her back as a shield. Yet, Miichan grabbed Yuko’s shirt and toss her away.

“Miichan! You are hurting her!!! STOP!!!” Yuko cried out but Miichan is too busy and angry to hear her. Again, she was pulled away when she tried to defend Haruna one more time.

As to Miichan, her vision became black due to her anger.

“Miichan! Yamero!” Takamina who also interfere the scene has been pushed away by Miichan.

“Please… yamete!” Haruna pleaded while she is using her arms as a shield. Her arms are getting whipped by Miichan’s hand which red scars are appearing on Haruna’s skin. She couldn't stop sobbing. Haruna keep shouting for Miichan to stop but it always gets worst to Miichan.

“ARRRGGGHHH!!!!” Miichan shouted and slapped Haruna hard to the face.

“YOU ARE HURTING HER!!!” Yuko grabbed Miichan by the waist and pull her away from Haruna. To her shame, she was too small and Miichan quickly walk over to Haruna.

Miichan pulled Haruna’s hair but stopped on her track when a loud voice strucked her.

“GET OFF HER!!!” A girl walking her way through the crowd made Miichan to stop.

“Ma-ma-mari-ko-ko.” Haruna cannot speak properly, her voice is croaked. She felt relieve Mariko is here to protect her.

Mariko then went over Haruna and hug her. Mariko quickly pull away and look down on Miichan with a look that can kill someone.

Yuko went beside Haruna and wipe the tears away. She pressed her little hands on Haruna’s hand. Looking at her with a warm worried eyes, Haruna doesn’t want to let go Yuko’s hand but she has to as it will make the situation get worst again. Yuko notices that Haruna pulled her hands away quickly, she knew the weak girl is scared. Yuko only cares about Haruna’s current situation and won’t give a damn if Miichan will get mad again. She pressed her forehead to Haruna and kiss the tip of her nose. Yuko then pulled away and look at Haruna’s hand and look up again to stare at her face and mouthed some words.

The water in Haruna’s eyes are blocking her vision. Yuko mouthed something to Haruna but she didn’t see it clearly. Yuko then stood up and went to Mariko’s side, glaring at her girlfriend with so much hatred on Yuko’s eyes. 

Mariko took a hold on Miichan’s collar.

“You can hurt anyone else not Kojima Haruna! I will crush your reputation and yourself if you freakin’ lay a hand on Kojima Haruna! You and your bullshitness should walk its way outside Akiba Academy!” Mariko spat all her words to Miichan. Mariko’s tone of voice scared the innerself of Miichan.

Mariko pushed her hands away from Miichan’s collar. Miichan almost trip over, she turned around to walk away but stop midway when she felt someone’s hand gripped on her arms.

Yuko turned Minegishi Minami around and slap her hard. Yuko’s eyes are stabbing every pieces in Miichan’s body. She never saw Oshima Yuko with that look.

Yuko then walk her way from the crowd. She then stop halfway and loudly said.

“It looks like Oshima Yuko has become Minegishi Minami’s nightmare. We. Are. Over.”


Haruna hide herself at the back of the school’s gym after Mariko help her to stand in the cafeteria earlier. Mariko insisted to come with her in the infirmary, Haruna turned down Mariko’s help. All she wants right now is to be alone. She keeps punching herself because of her weakness. Her face and skin in the arms has a red scars due to Miichan's slaps and her hair is a little mess from Miichan pulling Haruna's hair.

“Haruna is weak. Haruna is dumb. Kojima Haruna is nothing.” She whimper.

She cried for a minute until someone wrapped an arm around her. Shinoda Mariko.

“Didn’t I tell you before that I’ll come around and look for you?” Mariko asked, earning a nod from Haruna.

“Here I am. I found Kojima Haruna. I found my Kojiharu.” Mariko’s soft voice soothed Haruna on her sobbing.

“Thank you.” Haruna hugged back.


The girl staring at Shinoda Mariko and Kojima Haruna become sad while standing far away from them, her jealousy begin to creep up inside her. Thinking she should be the one who is hugging and taking care of Haruna right now. If only Shinoda Mariko didn’t found her at first.

“This is my karma for stealing that girl’s heart.” The girl is too furious to say the girl’s name she despise.

The girl sighed, she placed the first aid kit and water bottle in her hand on the ground. She left Mariko and Haruna alone.

Next up... SaeYuki's date!!! :]]

To WMatsui worshipper (Most importantly to ShibuyaDokiDoki) their TEASE! And sorry if the scene is a little average. :] Rena is just too... what?

To Takacchan worshipper, sorry I have to make an appearance to Nana Takeuchi because the pair is just too perfect, it's kinda hard for me without doing anything like problems and all. So it is better with Nana Takeuchi around. Hey don't you know I was thinking to make Eguchi Aimi as the name of Nana at first?

To MariHaru worshipper (If any) I love Mariko! :]] Uhm... they're just perfect more than Kojiyuu? Joke. The pair is sweet.

To Kojiyuu worshipper (Arakawa who looks like a big Kojiyuu Wota), I'll get them married without going to the stages of being a couple in the fic. Joke. :]] I love Yuko defending Haruna and that sweet little scene I made.  :bleed eyes:

To CatFight worshipper, sorry if the fight between Haruna and Miichan is not cool/good. I have to make Haruna weak in the scene(as you can see she is really weak in this fic) and Miichan to take over the fight. :]
« Last Edit: July 07, 2011, 01:01:30 PM by AAAice »
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.


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Re: Future Love [6-1] - Oh No.
« Reply #58 on: July 07, 2011, 12:40:26 PM »
I love this chapter~~ :twothumbs :twothumbs

With all the drama, this story getting interesting... :yep:

Takamina!!!!  How could've you forgotten Atsuko, when she is right next to you!!! :angry:

Offline nyaha00

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Re: Future Love [6-1] - Oh No.
« Reply #59 on: July 07, 2011, 12:46:24 PM »
I agree with Flean!!!!Takamina  :banghead:

ahhh poor haruna >_<

Rena....tell her b4it gets worst :d

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