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Author Topic: G.C.Y.K collection ~ #15 ANGEL AND DEVIL : 5 ~  (Read 39555 times)

Offline arisa03

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Re: G.C.Y.K collection ~ No. 12 ~ BY YOUR SIDE
« Reply #40 on: March 14, 2012, 05:22:56 PM »
Feel better soon Cai-san! ;A;!!! Being sad is so... mean OTL. forever making people cry over here too. OTL. ;______________;
Like I’m the most calm... Like, it must definitely be because, Like when we enter, I’ll be hurrying. But Because Junjun is older, I can calm down? I don’t really know, Like I just absolutely want her there beside me. Whenever we go abroad, if Junjun is absolutely not beside me, I absolutely won’t go. Something like that. -- Tanaka Reina about Junjun.

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: G.C.Y.K collection ~ No. 12 ~ BY YOUR SIDE
« Reply #41 on: March 14, 2012, 05:27:28 PM »
GAH THATS SO EMO BUT SO LOVELY :cry: damn u mixed emotions!!! D:

cai you forever write great stuff ;3; it sucks that ai had to help risa like that but she knew that that was the only way ;3; the little flash backs were ubber adorable, seing young takagaki is forever cute, and that 1st kiss is surely one way to throw risa back into the hospital^^;
overall it was a lovely and bittersweet oneshot ;3; and i hope you cheer up soon as well. if you ever want anyone to talk to dont hesitate to pm me or anything, im sure everyone else here is willing to help cheer you up too :deco:
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: G.C.Y.K collection ~ No. 12 ~ BY YOUR SIDE
« Reply #42 on: March 14, 2012, 05:58:50 PM »
I once read about a young couple very similar to this story. The girl was stricken with a bad heart that could only be cured through a transplant and her boyfriend loved her very much. One day, the otherwise healthy young man declared that she would live because he would give her his heart. Within the next few weeks, her dropped dead of an aneurism. His parents, who had never met his girlfriend, became aware of his wishes and decided to have him tested for compatibility. Turns out, the lovers were a perfect match and she had the life saving procedure done.

This is much more emo though, still very romantic.

Offline mochi.rini

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Re: G.C.Y.K collection ~ No. 12 ~ BY YOUR SIDE
« Reply #43 on: March 14, 2012, 10:07:27 PM »
Awww sad TakaGaki! Dx  Still...I loved it!~ <3  I've been feeling a little blue too as of recently, so writing angsty fanfictions have helped me a lot too (though TakaGaki has to suffer XD)

I hope you get to feeling better Cai!~  :deco:  I'm here for you too if you ever need a friend!~ ^_^
« Last Edit: March 14, 2012, 10:23:42 PM by mochi.rini »
Hi~iiya!~  (>^_^)>
I support T a k a G a k i
Tumblr/blog \(^ - ^)/

Offline caiyunki

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Re: G.C.Y.K collection ~ No. 12 ~ BY YOUR SIDE
« Reply #44 on: April 08, 2012, 03:42:29 PM »
Our Story : One Wish

Risa sat on the usual bench, all relaxed, with her weight rested all on the backrest of the bench. She looked up onto the night sky and gazed upon the million of stars that are above her, illuminating the night sky warmly with the faint light they emitted out of them. Ah . . . She's late again . . . Risa reflected quietly in her mind. She has been waiting for the past half an hour and the person she's meeting up with was still yet to appear before her. She brought her wrist right before her vision as she checked the time. Ah. . . It's still not the meeting time yet. . . I guess It's just that I am way too early. . . Risa realised. She sighed lightly, being dissatisfied about her impatient personality. I wonder what time will she be reaching. . . I wonder what is she doing now? She should be coming straight from her overtime from work, isn't she?  Chain of thoughts continued to filled Risa's mind as time slowly glided past. As the waiting continued, memories from the past began to fill her thoughts too.

Since the time I begin to have memories, she's already there. . . Always by my side. . . When was that? When I was four? How many years ago were that? 19 years ago? or even longer. . Since she always blurt out things that I too don't remember. . . Which means we met way before I had any memories, isn't that so? Risa smiled lightly as she focused her vision on one single bright star amongst the starry night sky. Right before her eyes, Her smile appeared, bringing yet another wide smile to Risa's face. Since young, she had always been shielding me from any bullies, protecting me from them, doing silly things to make me stop crying. That's her. . . Though I never understand why, but I always feel a sense of security when she's with me, just like a big old sister who will protect her younger siblings and side with her no matter what happens. But . . .  but . . . she's not an older sister to me. . . never. . . she was something else. . . And I had only to realise it when . . . But . . . It's impossible, isn't that so ? But . . .

Risa halted her thoughts and sighed deeply again. It's seems like something had happened. Her eyes no longer smile like they used to do. . . There are always worries in them. Though she don't say them out, I can feel it. But I'm always embarrass to take the front and ask her about it. . .Growing up . . .it really makes one change, isn't that so?  Risa asked herself. Probably that's what everyone was saying. This is the price of growing up. . . Risa frowned. But . . . but. . . there is this one wish that I wish I will be able to do.  . . Risa narrowed her eyes determining at the star.

I want to protect her. . . taking her place she did for me when I was younger. . . protecting her from the reality of the adult world. . . I want to protect her. . . I want to protect her smile. . .  That's my one wish. . . to protect her. . 


One more hour before the meeting time. . . Ai noted mentally in her mind as she brought her phone up to her face and checked the time. The sky was already all dyed black by the time she walked out from her workplace. She had been working at a boutique ever since her graduation from the arts college, with her eyes set to be the world famous fashion designer. But it seems like everything was going to the opposite way. She sighed lightly as she was led out of the street and into the train station, where she would travel miles to meet her friend.

That little brat. . . She had grown up so much, isn't that so? Ai smiled bitterly. And so unknowingly, she's going onto her last year of college. . . How fast time had flew. . . The little brat who use to tag along behind me had grown up to be such a fine women. . . Ai smiled lightly as memories of the young girl flashed across her mind. And so unknowingly. . . so unknowingly. . . I know this is wrong. . . But. . . I just can't help but to . . .

Even though she was the younger one, she never act like she was one too. . . She never acted like her age too, when she was young. She was something else. . . Like an old lady living in a body of an adolescent. That's why. . . That's why I always like to bully her. . . So that she will have the chance to react like her own age. . . But she never realised. I guess. . .that's just her. . . And slowly. . . It became so much a habit. Because of that, I have to protect her. She's too innocent. . . she never doubts people's word. . . Just like an innocent child. . . Ai thought sadly in her mind.

But . . . She has grown up. . . growing up had trained her to be wary about her surroundings. She's even mature than what she was when she was young, though more wary. Just like an old man this time round. Ai giggled lightly before sighing again. So. . .  I guess she no longer needs me by her side to protect her anymore. . . Maybe. . . there will be this day, where she will meet someone important in her life, where that someone will take over my position in keeping her safe, keeping her smile. . .

If I can have one wish, I really hope that she will find someone who truly loves her and treasure her like I do. . . That's one wish. . . But deep down inside there's not the honest wish of mine. . . Ai bit her lower lips. The announcement of the train entering into the station where she was alighting caught her slight attention. She stood up from her seat and went towards the door. From the glass panel of the door, she could sight the starry night sky up high above.

If I can have one wish. .  .I wish . . . I will have the courage to tell her. . . that. . . I don't just to be an older sister figure in her life. . . I want to be someone more. . . I  . . . I want to be that someone who will love and treasure her, like she's the only gem in the universe. . . That's my one wish. . .

 Hi all!!! Really thanks for all the encouragement you had gave!! It made me feel much better than before, from the bottom of my heart, it's really a Huge thanks to all you gals and guys (I'm not going to generalise. . . But my guts are telling me all of you who commented fall within the former :) heheh )

And now, it's a new series of one shot I am going to write. (I guess that's what I can afford to give this week. . . short one shots.)
Like I had said, this is going to be a series of one shots. (calculating to be 4 or 5)
since they are short, I am just going to keep it over here rather than opening up a new thread, so. . .

it's going to a light one, even though this first shot may sound heavy, it's going to be light one, i promise. Lots of fluff :)


de wa, until the next chapter then ^.^

« Last Edit: May 29, 2012, 03:47:45 PM by caiyunki »

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: G.C.Y.K collection ~ No. 13 ~ OUR STORY : ONE WISH
« Reply #45 on: April 08, 2012, 04:05:53 PM »
Aww, just a one shot series? Wait, I'm not complaining about that, just that you left Strawberry Penguin on such a note, lol. But more Takagaki is good!! So, yes, more Takagaki!

Offline risa_ai

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Re: G.C.Y.K collection ~ No. 13 ~ OUR STORY : ONE WISH
« Reply #46 on: April 09, 2012, 11:52:37 AM »
Very healthy, this fluff. XD YIPEE~! There's gonna be fluffy goodness this week!

Offline caiyunki

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Re: G.C.Y.K collection ~ No. 13 ~ OUR STORY : ONE WISH
« Reply #47 on: April 12, 2012, 04:17:16 PM »
Our Story : One Memo(ry)

Back then. . .She was still so young. . . I bet she don't remember this. . . But. . . That. . .  made this memory even more precious. . . to me. . . I faintly remember that day . . .

"Why are you crying so loudly?" A four year old Ai pouted, making her cheeks puffy as her lips are pressed together tightly. It was her second day of kindergarten schooling at the little countryside kindergarten right at the corner, barely 5 minutes away from where she had lived. With that in mind, her parents had allow the young child to make her own way in the kindergarten. She had just bided goodbye to her parents and was about to walk towards the kindergarten, only to be halted in her intentions as she heard a loud wailing echoing from her neighbours front yard.

"Ai-chan!!" The two year old Risa cried out loud as she supported herself by grabbing onto the gate that sealed the front yard from the outside, looking outside. "Ai-chan!!" The young child cried again.

Having had no choice, little Ai tottered over to the gate. As Ai reached over the young child, Risa immediately reached her little hands towards Ai's small wrist, pulling Ai towards her direction, an indication from the two year old that she had wanted Ai to play with her.

"I can't play now, Risa-chan. . . " Little Ai simply replied. "I have to go to the kindergarten today. . ." Little Ai tried to explain to the two year old, who was going to turn 3 year old when the autumn comes. Being young at age and had limited ability to speak, Risa shook her head stubbornly to Ai's explanation. "I really can't. . . I will play with Risa-chan when I come back from kindergarten, okay?" The slightly older child tried to hoax.

However, it seemed like it had not work in anyway. The young child continued to grab onto Ai with all the might she had, refusing allow Ai to go. Instead, Risa started to wail even louder this time round.

"Why are you crying? It's not like I am not going to come back . . " Ai tried to hoax again.

Risa continued to shake her head stubbornly before mumbling a simple one word through her trembling lips. "Together." She wanted to be with Ai. She did not wanted to be left alone. Being the only child of the Niigaki family at that time, Ai was her only companion to play. Though there was Ai's younger sister around the neighbourhood as well, it was obvious that Risa was attracted to the older Ai as her playmate companion as compared to Ai's younger sister, who was of the same age as Risa herself.

"Eh?" Little Ai stuttered.

Risa began to shake Ai's hands lightly, tugging her hands lightly as she continued whimpering. "Together. . ." Little Risa whined in a really soft voice.

Ai pouted lightly, unsure about what she should do. She knew she was going to be late if she was not going to leave at that any moment. So, she reached her hands for the latch and unlock the gate. Risa rushed out of the front yard and headed straight into Ai. "Ai-chan." The crying had stopped had a wide smile had returned to the younger's face.

"Let's go?" Ai reached her little hand for Risa's little ones and held onto them tightly.

Risa nodded her head lightly as she lightly giggled. Wobbling unsteadily in her steps, little Risa tried to keep her speed up with the older Ai, who was rushing all forward towards the kindergarten 5 minutes walk away. To the young Risa, that was her happiest moment in that day, and the rest of the school year. . . because . . .

And of course, I was being told off gently by my kindergarten teacher on that day . . .

"Ai-chan . . .No one brings their little sister to school with them. . . She's too young to understand what we are doing. . . Don't bring her around the next time, Okay?"

That was what sensei had told me that day . . . When I returned back home that afternoon, kaa-chan and baa-chan were all running around the neighbourhood. . . Because they thought Risa had ran off by herself. . . And. . .the four year old me. . . was harshly reprimanded by tou-san . . . And Risa, was never ever allowed to follow me to the kindergarten anymore. . . 


"Risa-chan!" The six year old Ai, with her red Randoseru across her shoulder, stopped before the Niigaki mansion and shouted out loud. "Time to go to kindergarten! I will walk you there!" Ai continued shouting. It was late June, just weeks before the start of the summer holidays and Ai had already started her curriculum in the elementary school for nearly 3 months.

"Ah, Ai-chan!" Risa's mama called out as she walked out of the main door and unlock the gate of the front yard, with a rather reluctant Risa following behind her with her hand grabbing at the edge of her mama's clothes.

"Let's go?" Ai reached for Risa's hand immediately, and pulled the younger girl with her, away from Risa mama and towards the direction of the kindergarten - the same kindergarten Ai had graduated from 4 months ago. "What's wrong?" Ai asked, when she realised the younger girl was not in her usual self.

"Risa don't want to go to school . . " Risa mumbled quietly under her breath.

"Eh? Why?" Ai asked curiously, not stopping her motion as the two continued to advance towards the kindergarten.

"Risa don't want to go to school . . . " Risa repeated herself again.

"Risa-chan, you are weird." Ai concluded, successfully getting the younger girl to look up at her. Her thick eyebrow furrowed deeply, totally not understanding what Ai had meant.

She had always mention that. . . I'm weird. . . But I never ever remember what had happened which had made her to say that. . .

Ai did not even bother to explain herself. When they approached near the kindergarten vicinity, Risa finally explained to Ai the reason for her unwillingness to go to school. "Risa wants to go to the same school as Ai-chan. . .Risa doesn't want to be alone . . . Risa wants to carry the same Randoseru as Ai-chan, and goes to the same school Ai-chan is going. . . "

But this, I remembered. . . I don't know why. . . But I just enjoy following her around, behind her back. It made me feel safe and happy whenever I'm with her, even as a four year old . . .

"Just like I say. . . Risa-chan, you are weird. . ." Ai giggled lightly, before pushing the younger girl towards the entrance of the kindergarten roughly, causing the younger and shorter girl to fall forward onto her knees. "I will see you back home after my lessons, Risa-chan!" Ai bided goodbye, not bothered by the fact that she had pushed Risa down onto the ground, and ran away towards the other direction, where her elementary school was located.

"Itai . . " Little Risa whined to herself when she landed on to the ground. . ."Ai-chan did it again . . ." She continued mumbling. . .

And. . . I wonder why . . . Even though she was always so rough. . .  I still enjoys to stay by her side. . .Though her violent tendencies, I still enjoy her accompany. . .  I had never told her that. . . And I wonder, if she still remembers all these little moments where she bullied me. . . But to me . . .This is a memory, that I will never forget. . .

Second shot!
Hopefully this is cute enough. . hehehe

@ rndmnwierd : I'm sorry for the late update for SP !!! I had an horrible week the week before (with 4 assignments to deal with) that I only had time for a short one shot and tons of horrible week ahead of me in this semester :( Since the assignments are all done, i guess, I will try to update SP and Devolution over this weekend, before preparing for war time again. . .

@ risa_ai : hope that you will like this fluff too then :)

SP WILL BE UPDATED (WITHIN 24 hrs. . (hopefully =X )

de wa, until the next time then :)
« Last Edit: May 29, 2012, 03:49:59 PM by caiyunki »

Offline alwaysYou

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Re: G.C.Y.K collection ~ No. 13 ~ OUR STORY : ONE MEMO(RY)
« Reply #48 on: April 12, 2012, 04:37:39 PM »
so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...hahhahhahaha
i totally love little AiGaki..
Love it love it..hahahahahha :lol:

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: G.C.Y.K collection ~ No. 13 ~ OUR STORY : ONE MEMO(RY)
« Reply #49 on: April 12, 2012, 06:58:46 PM »
Aw, I understand. I barely have time to write anything anymore, so its impressive that you're still churning stuff out semi regularly.

I so love little Takagaki, they're so cute! And Risa loved Ai even back then, even if neither really realized.

Also, yay! SP update soon!

Offline risa_ai

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Re: G.C.Y.K collection ~ No. 13 ~ OUR STORY : ONE MEMO(RY)
« Reply #50 on: April 13, 2012, 12:44:30 AM »
Where me find more? Why you no gimme tons of updates? Me want fluff! xD

Offline caiyunki

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Re: G.C.Y.K collection ~ No. 13 ~ OUR STORY : ONE MEMO(RY)
« Reply #51 on: April 21, 2012, 04:39:55 PM »
Our Story : One Time

She's always such a scary cat, being afraid of every single thing... She's even afraid about going back into an empty house that is pitch dark. That's how afraid she is. Though that, she always like to explore around, ending up giving her little heart a poor scare of her life. . .

"Nee minna, look there !! " The male class representative of Ai's class shouted out to the whole class as he pointed his fingers towards the outside of them classroom. The attention of the class was directed to the window on the direction of the corridor. There many saw a young child, hidden behind the walls standing the below the window. It was obvious to them that the little was trying to stand on her toes to pull herself tall enough to peek through the window.

"Baka. . ." Ai muttered silently under her breath as she turned away from the window.

"What did you say?" Aya, Ai's neighbour in the classroom asked as she heard Ai mumbling.

"Nothing." Ai lied as she directed her attention back to the corridor beyond the window. Eh? Where had that baka gone to? Ai thought silently in her mind when she realised the figure the class saw previously was no longer there.

"Nee, chibi-chan what are you doing over here in the year 3 classroom?" Ai heard the voice of the male class representative echoing from the front of the classroom. Turning her head back to the front, Ai saw Risa, with her little hands grabbing onto the rims of her skirt nervously, being surrounded by the boys of her class.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Why are you looking into our classroom? Are you searching for anyone in particular?"

"What's your name?"

"Who are you looking for?"

Endless questions was bombarded to the freaked out 6 year old. Risa looked around her surroundings, with her eyes looking like an absolutely petrified puppy in unfamiliar surroundings. The grip on the rim of her skirt tightens as the questions continued to come. She bit onto her lower lips, a little habit she had learnt from her little eye candy since the day she has memories. Her vision began to blur and little droplets of tears began to make their way down her puffy cheeks.

"Why are you crying? There's no need to cry!"

"Yuusuke! See! You had made her cried!"

"It's not me! She just started crying out of the sudden!"

The commotions continued, with Risa beginning to sob lightly at the commotion all around her. All of the sudden, Ai slammed her palm heavily on her table as she stood up abruptly, causing her chair to fall back with a loud thud. "Stop it!" Ai shouted loudly in a serious tone way too unexpected of a 8 year old. Without saying anything much, Ai stomped her way up to the front and pulled the crying Risa out of the classroom and down to the corridor and into the washroom by the stairway.

"What are you doing in my classroom?" Ai pouted as she realised her grip from the younger girl's wrist.

"Risa - Risa wants to see Ai-chan. . ." Risa managed to articulate through her sobbing, making Ai shaking her head lightly at the answer she had received.

"Baka." Ai commented as she used her thumb to wipe away the trails of tears away from Risa's cheek.

"Risa hasn't seen Ai-chan since the morning. . . And thought that Risa can catch a glimpse of Ai-chan during lunch time. . ." Risa continued as she pouted her lips into ones Donald Duck has.

"Stop crying."

"Risa's not crying anymore."


Risa pressed her lips tightly and continued pouting when the request for her to smile came. It was difficult for her to smile, especially straight after such a great nervous breakdown.

"Stop pouting. I'm going to hang my school back on your lips if you continue doing that." Ai threatened.

That threatening managed to crack Risa up, making the younger girl to crack into fits of soft giggling. "Ai-chan's a big bully!" Risa cajoled in a sweet voice.

Ai smile gently at Risa's little change of mood. She was truly glad that the younger girl was finally smiling again. "You came out during lunchtime? Your homeroom teacher knew?" Ai continued asking.

Risa shook her head almost unnoticeably, fearing that Ai will reprimand her if she knew she had ran out of her homeroom without the homeroom teacher's acknowledgement. Ai understood that very well. Instead of reprimanding Risa, she pinched Risa's cheeks. "Naughty girl!" Ai teased.

"Pain, Ai-chan! It's hurts!"


" Watch where you are going! You are coming straight into me, Brat!"

Risa jumped up in surprise. She was rushing her way to the school fields where she was meeting Ai-chan to walk their way back home. So much to the fact that she was colliding to everyone before her, including this delinquent looking senior standing right before her right now.

"I'm - I'm sorry. . .I  - I - I - didn't see you. . . I - I - I was in a rush. . ." Risa stuttered in fear. "I'm really sorry." Risa bowed apologetically and took a step back, intending to get away and advance ahead to her destination, only to be stopped by a strong grip by her collar.

"You little brat, you think you can get away with a simple sorry?"

"I - I really didn't mean it. . I -" Risa halted and shimmered in fear, closing her eyes, when she saw the uprising hand of the senior coming straight towards her direction. Before she felt the hit, she felt herself being pulled away by a familiar warmth around her wrist.

"What are you doing?" Came the familiar voice. Risa hugged forward for Ai's waist instinctively the moment she heard her voice before her, hiding her face into Ai's protective back. "Aren't you a little ashamed of yourself? And, nobody can bully Risa-chan. No one can." 

"Who are you?" The senior demanded.

"Takahashi Ai, class 5-2"

"5-2? Younger than me? I'm your senior! So where's your respect?"

"You don't deserve any." Ai argued as she stared sternly at the senior. "What respect should I have for a senior who does nothing except for bullying his junior." Ai challenged. "Nothing."

"You brat!" The hand raised again and down it went, landing a heavy blow on Ai's upper jaw.

"Ai-chan?!" Risa looked pulled herself away from Ai's back when she heard blow.

The teacher came before everything nasty. Ai declined the offer to the infirmary. With the senior being brought into the principal office, Ai turned around and saw Risa in tears. "Why are you crying? Are you hurt anywhere?" Ai began to ask when she saw the beans in tears.

Risa shook her head immediately in response. "Ai-chan. . ." Risa pouted in tears.

Ai frowned. She did not like to see Risa crying. She never liked Risa's tears.

"Ai-chan, is it painful?" Risa asked with tears as she attempted to touch the side of the cheek where she was beaten, only to find tinge of blood at the side of Ai's lip. "Ai-chan, you're bleeding!" Risa panicked.

"It's nothing." Ai pulled herself away.


"For real. You should stop crying too." Risa nodded her head but the tears did not stop. "If you don't stop crying, I am going to make you carry my bag until the end of the school year." Ai threatened with her usual mischievous smile.


"5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1, deal. You are carrying it!" Ai shoved her randoseru into Risa's arm and ran forward. "Come on! You are so slow, Risa-chan!" Ai shouted ahead, urging Risa to hurry up.

"Nobody can bully Risa-chan. No one can. " Up till this day, I still remembers this line so clearly. And She had made it so true. She had kept her promise. She had protected me all this while. . . Though she should have added this back then. . . "Except for me. . " That's because. . . She is the biggest bully in my life. . .

@ alwaysYou : Yupps. Young AiGaki is <3 <3 <3

@ rndmnwierd : Well. . .It's not impressive. . . .:( I wish I can write at the same speed for my assignments as I did for these fics though . . :(  heheh. Little aigaki us always all win. I like it too :) it's fun to write little aigaki.

@ risa_ai : Even though i should understand your first sentence, I don't :X sorry!! heeheh I'm current;y really pressed for time for college assignments, so . .PS!!

Alright, this should be what I can give for this week. No SP or Devolution for this week. Assignments are killing me and I'm stocking up my caffeine supply! Okay I digress. But yupps, until the next time then ^.^

Mata ne!
« Last Edit: May 29, 2012, 03:52:12 PM by caiyunki »

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: G.C.Y.K collection ~ No. 13 ~ OUR STORY : ONE TIME
« Reply #52 on: April 21, 2012, 08:44:12 PM »
Little AiGaki bullying relationship. Aw, Ai's always done it out of love lol.

As always, can't wait for the next one.

Offline risa_ai

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Re: G.C.Y.K collection ~ No. 13 ~ OUR STORY : ONE TIME
« Reply #53 on: April 22, 2012, 01:14:52 AM »
So freakin' dorable! Risa's just... A.DPJPMPJPDM!!
P.s the picture of u, i'll post it when I have the chance to~!
« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 03:52:34 PM by risa_ai »

Offline alwaysYou

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Re: G.C.Y.K collection ~ No. 13 ~ OUR STORY : ONE TIME
« Reply #54 on: April 22, 2012, 02:54:27 PM »
so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub:
i love how 6 years old risa looking for aichan..XD..

and seriously, aichan is the biggest bullier in risa life..XD..

Offline caiyunki

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Re: G.C.Y.K collection ~ No. 13 ~ OUR STORY : ONE TIME
« Reply #55 on: April 25, 2012, 06:56:43 AM »
Our Story : One Kiss


  I don't know exactly when had it happened. I don't know exactly when my feelings for her had changed. It should be during my third year of middle high school. . . From being a mere younger sister. . . Into a feeling that . . . I know I shouldn't be having. . . She's just like my younger sister. . . Or what people thought she is to me. . . That's why, I had . . .


"Ai-chan! Let's go home together!" Risa shouted out loud, towards the familiar figure right before her. Ai hesitantly turned over and saw Risa, in her famous pigtails, running towards her at full speed. "Let's go?" Risa cued when she got beside Ai. She took a step forward while Ai stayed still. When Risa realised Ai was not following, she stopped and turned back. "What's wrong?" Risa tilted her head slightly and asked.

"I - I - "Ai stuttered.


A slight grin came upon Ai's face when she heard a familiar voice calling out her name. "Yukina?' Ai turned away from the eye contact she had with Risa and diverted her attention towards her caller.

"You went off so quickly! You left your - " Yukina huffed as she reached her hand into her sling bag. Before she could even finish her sentence, she was silenced by Ai and pulled away by her, back towards the direction where the taller girl had came from.

"I was waiting for you, Yukina." Ai interrupted. She turned back briefly to Risa and apologised. "Risa-chan, gomen ne. I have some club issues to discuss with Yukina, so I don't think we can go home together. . . I will see you back home?" Ai continued, as a forced smile made its way slowly onto Ai's face. Without waiting any response from Risa, Ai turned away and continued her dragging of Yukina forward and into the building.

A wave of unexplainable sadness washed upon Risa as she watched the two figures retreated away from her. "Ai? Yukina?" Risa mumbled. "Why are they on first name basis without honorifics ?" Risa continued mumbling. She stomped her way around and stamped heavily while making her way out of the campus ground. It's been ages ever since I took the trip home with Ai-chan. . . Risa pouted. Why weren't Ai-chan and Kinoshita-senpai using honorifics when they address each other? Are they really that close to drop it? Risa continued in her mind.


Honestly. . . I wish she could do this to me to me too. . . But . . . up till this day. . . She still uses -chan on me. . . I wonder why? It's been 24 years ever since we knew each other. . . It's way more than the mere 2 years she and Kinoshita-senpai had back then . . .


"Hadn't we finished the discussion, Ai?" Yukina blank asked when Ai stopped pulling her forward and came to a complete stop.

"Yah. . ." Ai replied quietly.

"Then why did you pull me back then?" Yukina asked rather bluntly.

"It's just . . ." Ai halted her sentence.

"Whatever. By the way, the reason for me to call you back just now is to pass this to you." Yukina pulled the document for her bag and handed it over to Ai. "Your entrance exam application."

"Ah, Thank you. . " Ai took over the documents from Yukina.

"You always act weird around Niigaki-san. .  ." Yukina continued, bring Ai into silence again. Sensing the unwillingness to talk from Ai, Yukina continued again, "If you don't wish to talk, it's alright." Yukina smiled gently and firmly, sending a wave of calmness to Ai. "I'm making my move first. . ."

"Bye bye . . ."


"Ai, go over to Yuni-san's house and get Risa over? It's time for dinner!" Ai's mother ordered, sending the rather reluctant daughter over to Risa's house to get the younger girl over for dinner. When Ai reached over to the mansion, she went straight into the bean's room, only to find the younger lying on her stomach on her bed, lips muffled into the soft pillow and humming into a quiet tune.

"Risa-chan, time for dinner." Ai called out, bringing Risa's attention to her. Without waiting for Risa, Ai began to make her way back to her own house. Before she could go far, she was stopped by Risa, but an address the younger girl had never ever used before.

"Ai" Risa blunted out without knowing as she shot up to her knees.

Ai tried to calm racing heart down. She did not want her fluster to be noticed by Risa. Taking a deep breath in, Ai turned around.

"What's up with that address, Risa-chan?" Ai forced a rather big smile on her face, hoping that that smile would mask the blushing that caused growing heat on her cheeks.

"I was just thinking. . . " Risa fell into moments of silence before picking up where she had left off. "I was just thinking. . . how is it like to call someone without honorific." Risa answered honestly. "Nee, Ai-chan. . . We had knew each other for years, isn't that so? Shouldn't it be normal if we just call each other by our first name?" Risa continued without noticing the fact that she had switched back to her usual calling.

"What are you talking about, Risa-chan?" Ai walked about and started to pinch on Risa's cheeks. "It always had been Risa-chan. . . And Risa-chan for life?" Ai tried to giggled. Expecting the younger girl to yelp in pain from her actions, she was surprised that the younger had her eyes narrowed, looking blankly at her. "Not painful?" Ai pulled her hands back as she surprised.

Risa rubbed her cheeks lightly as she looked at Ai with her puppy eyes, shaking her head almost unnoticeably. "Why?" The question was asked. Risa pouted, pressing her lips out like a pair of duck lips. "It's all because of Ai-chan. .  ." Risa mumbled under her breath.

"Why is it because of me?" Ai asked, looking as clueless as she could at the claim.

"You have always been pinching it so much that I had lost my sensory neurons on my cheeks. . . " Risa continued mumbling, causing Ai to burst into a huge fit of laughter.

"Really? Then maybe I should change my actions then. . .Something like this. . " As Ai finished, she swiped her hand over the top of Risa's head, slapping a moderate strength smack on the top of the younger's head.

"Pain - " Risa looked up at Ai' face, with no signs of guilt of inflicting the pain on her, yet only with a rather playful smile. "I'm hungry, Let's go!"


The reason for me. . . refusing to call her just only by her first name. . . was because. . . I know. . . My heart will falter more if I do so. . . I can't . . . But I still do . . .


"Ai-san?" Risa heard a male voice calling out the name she was so familiar with across the street, making her to look out of her room window rather curiously. There she saw, a relatively tall and skinny male, standing outside the Takahashi Residence, in the familiar uniform of her middle high school. A senior? Risa wondered silently in her mind. Isn't Ai-chan going for the entrance exam for high school exam today?

Just as Risa thought in her mind, a rather flustered Ai rushed out of her house, with her long black hair raining behind after her, in a huge mess.

"Ah, Kenji-kun, sorry for the wait." Risa barely heard through the closed windows.

"Your hair is in a mess." The vague conversation continued, with Kenji reaching his hand for Ai's hair and pulled it behind Ai's ears.

"Ah, Thank you. " Ai thanked shyly, looking away from Kenji's gaze.

Risa, who had been watching the whole scene, was obviously up on her fires. Her hand clenched into a fist, tightly by her side as she felt an unexplainable sourness and clenching of her heart in her left chest. Her lips pouted as she felt her eyes moistened. That's why . . .

"Ai-chan! Which high school are you intending to go into? Risa too wants to get into the same high school Ai-chan is going into. . ." Risa wrapped her right arm around Ai's left as she cling onto Ai, who was focusing on her books before her.

Ai placed her pen down before turning over to Risa, with a little mischievous grin at the side of her lips. "I'm not telling you!" Ai stuck her tongue out at Risa as she scrunched her face."

"Meanie!" Risa whined.

"Bleh. . "

"Can Risa accompany Ai-chan to your entrance exam tomorrow?"

"Eh? No." Ai rejected the offer immediately, sending Risa straight into her puppy eyes mode.

"Please?" Risa begged again.


"Eh, Ai-chan is bullying me again!" Risa continued.

"That's always, isn't that so?" Ai chided playfully, sending Risa into total silence. Risa released her grip on Ai's arm and had her tension going into valley low. Sensing the sudden change of Risa's mood, Ai added on quickly "I will tell Risa-chan when I got accepted by the school. . . "

"But why Risa can't go with you?"

"No means no. " Ai patted Risa's forehead gently.


That's why. . . Risa sighed deeply. Ai-chan is seeing someone now. . . And she didn't want me to know it. . . Risa concluded in her mind. Slopping herself back onto her bed, Risa pulled her blanket up to her face and pressed it down, before letting out a muffled scream.



"Risa-chan, can you help me to get Ai back? Yui refused to do so." Ai's mama walked into the living, where Risa were seated on the couch and watching the television casually.

"Eh?" Risa stuttered. She didn't want to go. Ever since she witness Ai and Kenji together outside the Takahashi Residence, she had been trying all her best to avoid the former by all means, not knowing what was her reason for her actions. "I - "

" Ai told me that she's going over to the park for a while, and it's been an hour. It looks like it's going to rain soon and Ai had not brought any umbrella with her. " Ai's mama continued explaining, giving Risa no chances to reject the idea. With the Umbrella shoved into her hands, Risa was guided towards the door. "Arigatou ne, Risa-chan." With that, Ai's mama returned back to the kitchen, where Risa's mama was in, and continued with their preparation of the night's dinner.

When she took the first step out, small droplets, light rain began to descend. Risa opened the umbrella and brought it up above her head. Instead of rushing her way to the park, Risa took baby steps, still contemplating whether should she go. Since the rain had started, it's normal for any to just run back to shelter, isn't that so? That was exactly what Risa thought too. Therefore, a part of her heart was telling her that there was no such need to advance toward the park to pick Ai up.

Though the intention, Risa still made her way to the park, all drenched though. During the mist of her journey to the park, she saw an old lady, struggling her way to keep herself out of the rain. Therefore, the younger girl had decided to donate her umbrella to the old lady, saying that it would be fine for her to be in the rain as compared to the old lady herself and ran away before the old lady could reject the offer.

When she reached the park, there she saw, a lonely figure, seated at the swing, legs off the ground, allowing the lightly inertia to bring the figure back and forth lightly. The rain was already pouring down at that moment, and the figure had made no intention to leave the rain. Risa rushed up immediately and stopped behind the figure. Quietly, she called out. "Ai-chan."

Ai scrambled off the swing immediately and turned around, surprised to hear Risa standing behind her.

"Let's go? The rain is getting heavier and heavier." Risa urged and turned around, making her way towards the direction of their house.

However, Ai was not following. Instead, she stayed still at her position as she watched Risa's drenched figure retreated. Ai felt a painful clench within her left chest, as she watched Risa's retreating figure. When Risa realised Ai was not following, she turned back and returned back to Ai's side. Pulling her hands above her forehead to prevent the rain water from getting into her eyes, blurring her vision, Risa asked, "Why aren't you moving? You are going to catch a cold of you don't move. And it's going to be the opening ceremony of your high school soon too. You won't want to be sick on that day, don't you?" Risa rattled.

"You are finally talking to me. . ." Ai blurt out, causing Risa to sink into her guilt.

"That - " Risa was silenced off by the intensity Ai had in her stare. Ai closed herself in really close, reducing all distance between their body. The only distance they had was the palm width distance right between their forehead - from the palms held on Risa's forehead. They could literally feel the breath of each other at their distance. "I - " Risa felt herself silenced again. There was something in Ai's glare that Risa could not explain. Though the cold rain was running down of their drenched bodies, Risa felt a growing heat on her cheeks. Before she knew it, Risa felt a pair of warm lips on hers.


And we kissed. . . I didn't know what had came over me that day. . . I could no longer hold back my feelings anymore. The rain made me lose my mind. . . And . . .we kissed. . . It was my first kiss. . . And I know it was hers as well. . . .Thought that. . .I know. . . I -

hehehe. and i did it again :)

heheh. next shot should be the last of this series already, i guess, so :) heheh

de wa, unitl the next time then^.^

thanks for the comments!! I can feel the love for little AiGaki from them . .
Little AiGaki is the most adorable thing on earth :X heheh

PS:The six year old incident is an event that happened to me irl . . SO. . .hehehe
« Last Edit: May 29, 2012, 03:53:09 PM by caiyunki »

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Re: G.C.Y.K collection ~ No. 13 ~ OUR STORY : ONE KISS
« Reply #56 on: April 25, 2012, 12:03:42 PM »
 XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD SWEET~! I need a dentist.......  :P :P

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: G.C.Y.K collection ~ No. 13 ~ OUR STORY : ONE KISS
« Reply #57 on: April 25, 2012, 06:06:23 PM »
gah~ your killing me here~! so much cuteness!!!! :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: and wow something like this happened to you for reals?! my life is forever uninteresting lol i cant wait for the last bit of this!
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: G.C.Y.K collection ~ No. 13 ~ OUR STORY : ONE KISS
« Reply #58 on: April 25, 2012, 07:28:48 PM »
OMG! So much love in this chapter. And at the end! :wub: :wub: :inlove: :inlove: :w00t: :w00t: Want more!!

Offline arisa03

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Re: G.C.Y.K collection ~ No. 13 ~ OUR STORY : ONE KISS
« Reply #59 on: April 26, 2012, 10:59:03 AM »
Finally becoming adults eh? (finally I remembered to comment OTL.) That was so adorable ; A ; Go Ai-chan! (Go Risa! realize your feelings too!) ; A ; become adults and fall in love eh? hoho~ hoho~ Update soon~! Strawberry penguin too!
Like I’m the most calm... Like, it must definitely be because, Like when we enter, I’ll be hurrying. But Because Junjun is older, I can calm down? I don’t really know, Like I just absolutely want her there beside me. Whenever we go abroad, if Junjun is absolutely not beside me, I absolutely won’t go. Something like that. -- Tanaka Reina about Junjun.

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