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Author Topic: Love in the Fast Lane (multipairing) 24/11/2012 [Will be revamped/continued]  (Read 161470 times)


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you reply my comment!!!  XD   its okay if you didn't, I'm not good in replying comments anyway..  :lol:

Takamina & Drift just AWESOME!!!!  :on GJ:

Yeay... for new characters... cant wait for the next update!!!!  :mon inluv:

Offline AAAice

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Ahh, I quickly changed my song to Tokyo Drift!

'I wonder if you know,
How they live in Tokyo,
If you seen it, then you mean it, then you know you have to go.
Fast and Furious~

Gee, reading your fic makes me wanna continue my game in Need For Speed. Drag, Drift and Sprint racing is the best!

I'm having a big Prediction again about who is the two person on the bleachers. xD
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

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I'm glad I can finally post here
And new characters... It's smelled love heheheh

Offline AFLynx

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Hi Minna! :mon hi: Thank you for taking the time to post your comments here. I really love reading about your comments, it does inspire an aspiring writer like me :mon cute:

immortal_K: I want the three of them to have kakkoii moments, but honestly among the three of them, Takamina is my favorite so definitely I'm gonna be a bit biased when it comes to here scenes... just a bit of course since I like Haruna and Miichan too.

Flean: I am currently writing the next chapter right now, and yes, I'll definitely introduce more characters in the next chapter  :mon study:  :mon worklate: I am hoping that I can post it by tomorrow or if I'm lucky, later in the evening.

AAAice: actually, I was imagining that song while writing for that chapter!  :mon rockstar: oooh, do share with us your predictions about the girls on the bleachers :mon misch:

kahem:  It was a relief to me as well! Yup, definitely love will be in the air in the upcoming chapters  :mon lovelaff:

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no3b's!!!!! <3 So hard not to love them  :inlove:

I like reading AAAice's predictions, they are always so interesting, and even if its not the case, they could very well become ideas for another story  :twothumbs

Offline AFLynx

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immortal_K: they are the first members of AKB48 that I knew when I first watched Mendol. That's when I got curious about AKB48. Honestly, I'm still getting to know most of the members except those who are always visible.

If AAAice's predictions in my story is correct, then all I can say is: "Great minds think alike!" :wahaha: j/k! Everyone in this forum are great!  :on GJ: That's why I got inspired to write a story and post it here.  :hee:

Offline immortal_K

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AFLynx: If AAAice's predictions aren't correct then even better since we don't think alike that means more variety of fics with random plots right? haha Yea I actually started to listen to no3b before I even know about AKB48, and the learning curve to their group is never ending....

I feel like I lurk around here too much  :lol: can't help it work is boring, especially when most people are sleeping right now, the immortal is bored.........*RAWR*

Offline AFLynx

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Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 3 - MEET & GREET]
« Reply #47 on: July 16, 2011, 10:15:30 AM »


After being announced as winners, Takamina, Haruna and Miichan finally had the chance to relax.

“Ha~~ taking a hot bath sure is refreshing!” Takamina sighed, drying her hair as she sat on her bed inside their shared bedroom.

“I’ve already sent an update to Grandpa informing him that we made it to the team.” Miichan said, still using their laptop while sitting comfortably on a bean bag.

“One of the organizers told me that we are to report at the General Manager’s office in three days time. Then the General Manager will then give us an orientation thereafter.” Haruna informed them as she furiously pushed the buttons on the controller of their PlayStation.

“Well then, let’s just take advantage of the remaining days that we are on break before we investigate for our mission.” Miichan said as she stretched out her arms.


After three days, the cousins finally went to the AKB48 Racing Team Headquarters. As they entered the Gen. Manager’s office, Mariko is currently
looking outside the window. When she finally noticed the cousins, she smiled and walked towards her desk.

“Konnichiwa everyone! Welcome to the AKB48 headquarters. I am Mariko Shinoda, General Manager of the team.” Mariko greeted.

“Good afternoon, Mariko-san.” The three replied and made their individual introductions as well.

“Please call me Mariko; I basically consider the team as a family so no need for formalities. Anyway, congratulations on winning the tournament. You definitely wowed the crowd for every category! I already have your contracts for joining the team. If you don’t have any further questions, please sign at the appropriate space provided then I’ll introduce you to everyone.” Mariko said. Miichan consistently stared at her every move as Mariko handed the contracts and moved around the office, which Takamina noticed.

“Oi, Miichan, it’s rude to stare you know. “ Takamina whispered as she nudged her cousin.

“Ah! Gomen!” Miichan whispered back, covering her face with her contract.


After the contract signing, Mariko gave them a nickel tour of the AKB48 garage.

"Wa~~ Sugio!" Miichan said looking at the wide area in front of her. A couple stock cars and bikes were parked at the middle of the garage. Spare parts and tires are neatly displayed near the west wall, beside it are the working tables where the Crew Chief is currently talking to one of the mechanics. Sayaka Akimoto noticed them and walked towards them.

"Yo, Mariko-chan! I see that you've brought me our new drivers." Sayaka said. "I am Sayaka Akimoto, Crew Chief of the team. This is Sae Miyazawa, my assistant and the head mechanic." Sayaka introduced and Sae bowed in greeting which the cousins bowed as well.

"Nice meeting you all. Just one quick question: do you know how to repair a car... or to change its' tire at least?" Sae asked.

"Hai. We tinker with our cars every now and then to keep it in top condition." Takamina replied.

"Wonderful! I'd hate to see our drivers be clueless when their cars breaks down on them. You three won't have to worry because I'll also teach you a thing or two." Sae grinned.

"That'll be awesome! Please take care of us!" Haruna exclaimed.

Sayaka then called the Pit Crew members that are in the garage, each moving forward and formed a horizontal line in front of them.

"Hi everyone, I'm Rei Kitahara, the Tire Passer." Rei bowed.

"Good afternoon, I'm Rina Chikano, the Inside Front Tire Changer." Rina waved.

"I'm Jurina Matsui, the "Dead Man". Jurina introduced.

"Eh?! You're already dead?!" Miichan yelled, which made everyone laugh and causing her to blush.

"Hahahaha! I never expected that kind of reaction." Jurina laughed. "I am responsible for operating the levers of the fuel tank that allows the fuel to flow through the hose into the car. My positioned is named as sucj because if a fuel problem occurs, I can "dead" stop the fuel by releasing the levers." She further explained.

"Oh... so that's why you're called as such. Something new I learned today." Miichan laughed, scratching her head.

"Good afternoon, I'm Rino Sashihara, the Fueler."

"Hi, I'm Moeno Nito, Starting Tire Passer."

"Yui Yokoyama here, Inside Rear Tire Changer."

"I'm Mika Komori, the Fire Extinguisher. My position is quite self-explanatory." Mika joked earning giggles.

"I'm Kana Kobayashi, the Jack Man."

"Hello, Asuka Kuramochi here, the Outside Rear Tire Changer."

"Last but not the least, my name is Aki Takajo, the Outside Front Tire Changer." Aki winked.

"Now that you've met the entire Pit Crew, we'll show you our Tech Lab. Okay everyone, back to work!" Sayaka clapped, hearing collective groans and jokes from the team.


Mariko, Sayaka and Sae guided the three new drivers to their Tech Lab. Takamina, Haruna and Miichan are again in awe as they entered the equally large laboratory. Various engineers are busy in their stations, testing different engines and some are busy in researching about different types of fuel, while there are some who are making technical drawings of cars and bikes.

"Wow, your team sure invests in technology and research as well." Miichan observed.

Mariko paused and turned to look at her then smiled. "My uncle, Yasushi Akimoto believes in taking care of the team. He makes sure that everyone has what is needed. He also believes in honing the abilities of each member by continuous reseacher and providing the latest technology available. The team won't be the best all-female race team in the country without his support." She explained.

"He~~ he's your uncle? Is this a family business or something?" Haruna inquired which made Mariko giggle.

"You could say that... well, let's meet our engineers then." Mariko said and resumed her walking, meeting the engineers at the middle of the lab.

"Make sure we note that down, minna. It's part of our mission to protect Akimoto-san and the team, especially those who are very dear to him." Takamina whispered, Haruna and Miichan nodded in response.

"Hi everyone, I'm Mayumi Ushida, the head Mechanical Engineer."

"Nice to meet you all, my name is Ayaka Umeda, Chemical Engineer."

"I'm Ayaka Kikuchi, the Industrial Engineer of the team." After the greetings, Takamina, Haruna and Miichan introduced themselves as well and bowed.

"I know it's overwhelming to meet them all at once. We don't expect you to memorize their names today. But you'll all get to know them as time goes by." Mariko teased then glanced at her watch. "Crap, I'm late for the photoshoot. Sayaka... Sae... thank you for accompanying us."

"No problem. We're glad to have you in our team - Takamina, Haruna, Miichan." Sayaka smiled.

"Okay. C'mon girls, I'll introduce you to the last group of the team. I bet they are still in the studio." Mariko said, walking ahead.

"Studio?!" Takamina, Haruna and Miichan asked keeping up with Mariko's pace leaving the Tech Lab.


The group finally exited the garage and entered the equally large studio beside it. Various equipments were in different places, both for photo and video sessions. Different doors lead to various rooms: the stock room, changing room, make-up room and the wardrobe room. At the end of the vast area, a large backdrop is placed where a group of girls are currently posing in front of a photographer. Music can also be heard in the speakers installed around the studio while cameras flashed to the beat of the music.

"Finally, this studio is where the Flag Girls do their photoshoot, in which I am also a member. We are responsible for the marketing campaigns for the team. We sometimes carry the checkered flags during the races tat we host, but most of the time, we are the morale boosters for the team." Mariko said. "You three will also be asked to be photographed every now and then."

"Cool! We get to pose in front of the camera!" Miichan said excitedly.

The photographer finally stood up, signalling the end of the photo session. "All right girls, that's the last shoot, you call all take a break. Mariko, there you are! We've been waiting for you. I am Amina Sato, the head photographer." Amina said, then the Flag Girls began gathering around them.

Mariko introduced the Flag Girls one by one. "Takamina... Haruna... Miichan, meet Rena Matsui, Mayu Watanabe, Miho Miyazaki, Chisato Nakata and Natsumi Matsubara." Mariko said, pointing at the girls as she each said their names. "Two of our members are currently overseas taking a vacation leave. By the way Mika-chan, where are my sisters?" she asked.

"We're here onee-chan!" the smallest of the two yelled as they made their way to the group.

"Sisters?! This IS really some kind of a family business!" Takamina said surprised.

"I am Minami Minegishi, you can all call me Miichan." Miichan bowed to the girls.

"Haruna Kojima here. You can... call me... Haruna...?" Haruna slowly introduced herself, looking at the smallest sister who is currently circling around her, looking at her from head to toe as if like a lionness on a prowl.

"Haruna eh... you're the one who won the second race! You're way cuter up close! I'm Yuko Oshima, captain of the Flag Girls. You can call me Yuko... and I'll call you NyanNyan~~!" Yuko squealed as she pounced on Haruna.

"Eh?! NyanNyan?!" Haruna exclaimed, struggling from Yuko's tight embrace. She looked at her cousins seeking help, but they seemed not to mind Yuko.

"Hai! NyanNyan! You're my NyanNyan from now on!" Yuko proclaimed who continues to snuggle against Haruna's arm. Haruna sighed and just stood in place as a sign of defeat.

"Don't mind my sister. She just takes ownership if she sees something that she likes... or in this case, someone that she likes. I am Atsuko Maeda, the Ace of the Flag Girls." Atsuko said, looking only at Takamina in the group.

Takamina blushed at Atsuko's staring. She then finally realized that it's her turn to introduce herself. "N-Nice to meet you. I'm Minami Takahashi, everyone calls me Takamina." Takamina bowed deeply in an attempt to hide her blush.

"Ma~~ looks like things will really be interesting from now on don't you think, Ta-Ka-Mi-Na?" Atsuko said, giving her a mysterious smile.

Takamina looked at Atsuko questioningly. "Interesting? What does she mean by that?" she thought.

To be continued...

Quick Note:
I didn't give the same surnames for Mariko, Yuko and Atsuko for this story considering that they are sisters. I might just forget that as I write the upcoming chapters that's why :bigdeal:

Finally, I was able to introduce you to the team! I hope your favorite AKB48 member is included. :hee: Will work on the next chapter after posting this. Thank you all for your support! I will wait for your feedbacks minna!  :luvluv2:

« Last Edit: July 16, 2011, 05:38:37 PM by AFLynx »

Offline immortal_K

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Re: Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 3 - MEET & GREET] update
« Reply #48 on: July 16, 2011, 10:27:24 AM »
YAY! Update! One of the best thing that happen all night ^.^d

THey finally meet the team and Yuko is already all over Haruna keke, hmm I wonder what Acchan mean by interesting?

THanks for the update!

Offline AAAice

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Re: Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 3 - MEET & GREET] update
« Reply #49 on: July 16, 2011, 11:14:25 AM »
Weee. I'm right. Yuko and Acchan on the bleachers three days ago? xD

Yeah, you've mentioned one of my favorite girl... Mika Komori!!!

Yuko, she'll never change. Acchan hmm, interesting. :]]


UPDATE UPDATE!  :shakeit:
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

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Re: Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 3 - MEET & GREET] update
« Reply #50 on: July 16, 2011, 12:06:30 PM »
Hahaha almost all the AKB are here ^^

Offline virgo_shaka

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Re: Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 3 - MEET & GREET] update
« Reply #51 on: July 16, 2011, 12:27:21 PM »
Mika Komori got two jobs then. As a Fire Extinguisher and Head Photographer. :)

Offline AFLynx

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Re: Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 3 - MEET & GREET] update
« Reply #52 on: July 16, 2011, 05:50:35 PM »
immortal_K: haha, I wonder about that too... Acchan is being her mysterious self I guess.  :bigdeal:

AAAice: yes you are right!  :on GJ: we all love Yuko as she is, I think it's part of her charm.

kahem:I intended in this story to have most of the girls have a part even if it's just introducing themselves. I'm planning to give them all the chance to have a dialogue every now and then. And besides, I haven't mentioned the other two Flag Girls... they are on vacation after all.  :glasses:

virgo|_shaka: Thank you for that feedback!  :kneelbow: I really am grateful! I really like it when someone points out my errors in my writing. For me it's some kind of support to make me do my best. :hee: I changed the photographer to Amina Sato so as not to confuse everyone further. While writing this story, I just left the introductions blank first then searched for all the members of the team then type the names on the blanks... thus creating redundancy and error on my part  :dizzy: Again, thank you!  :luvluv2:

« Last Edit: March 31, 2012, 11:13:02 PM by AFLynx »


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Re: Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 3 - MEET & GREET] update
« Reply #53 on: July 16, 2011, 06:33:14 PM »
wah... many new chara...  XD   who's on the vacation leave?? can't wait...

"Ma~~ looks like things will really be interesting from now on don't you think, Ta-Ka-Mi-Na?" Atsuko said, giving her a mysterious smile.
gah!!! more interesting things!!!!  :mon inluv:

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Re: Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 3 - MEET & GREET] update
« Reply #54 on: July 17, 2011, 07:40:43 AM »
@Flean: hehe, I'm  not telling as of this time. I'm  thinking they will go back to work after 2 chapters or so. Thanks for the comment!

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Re: Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 3 - MEET & GREET] update
« Reply #55 on: July 19, 2011, 05:23:04 AM »
Great fic XD
Can't wait for next chapter  :cathappy:
No ordinary ninja.

Offline AFLynx

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Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 4 - FIRST ENCOUNTER] update
« Reply #56 on: July 19, 2011, 07:48:02 AM »


After a few days of working in the AKB48 garage, Takamina, Haruna and Miichan became accustomed on how things are done and became fast friends with all the members including those who are not directly working in the garage.

Back in the apartment…

“We have an e-mail from Grandpa. He received a lead that there are some drug dealings that has been happening in one of the motorcycle events here in Tokyo.” Takamina informed her cousins as she read the e-mail.

“That’s so vague! There are different types of motorcycle events all around Tokyo. It could be anywhere at any time!” Miichan complained while eating breakfast.

“We’ll just have to take our chances. We just need to investigate during our scheduled events – we could work from there.” Haruna suggested.

“You’re right Haruna. We just have to be observant in our every race. We also have to make sure that the team is safe from harm as well.” Takamina said as she closed her laptop. “Anyway, we have to get going… Time for us to go back to the garage.”


Since there are no scheduled races for the team as of this time, Takamina, Haruna and Miichan are given some tasks to help out the team.  For today, Haruna is checking the inventory of the tires and engines, Miichan is doing an oil change in one of the bikes and Takamina is busy checking the axle boots under one of the cars. Everyone suddenly looked in surprise on the garage entrance where they suddenly heard someone running and squealing:

“NyanNyaaaaaaan~~!” Yuko screamed, tackling Haruna, bumping both of them to the tire rack where Haruna is doing inventory.

“How many times do I have to tell you I’m not your NyanNya – ah heck, never mind.” Haruna blushed and sighed. Yuko on the other hand, took it as a sign of victory. “Anyway Yuko, what are you doing here? Don’t you have a photoshoot or something like that?” She teased with a straight face.

“Mou~~ NyanNyan, I came to see you of course! And we  always hang out in the garage when there’s nothing to do.” Yuko smiled at Haruna. “Say, has anyone of you seen Mariko onee-chan?”

“She’s in her office, talking to Sayaka-chan.” Miichan informed them wiping off the grease on her hands.

“And how, if I may ask, know about her whereabouts?” Haruna asked, smiling mischievously.

“E-Eh?! We-Well,  she e-mailed me this morning, that’s why.” Miichan stuttered, wringing the now dirty towel in the process. “She did give us her contact details, remember Haruna?”

“Nope, she didn’t give it to me and I don’t think Takamina got her number either.” Haruna continued with her teasing.

“Ara, it seemed you’re a special one for Mariko onee-chan then.” Yuko teased, giving Miichan a full-faced blush.

Meanwhile, Takamina is still busy working under a car when a pair of feet wearing high heels stopped beside the car she is working on.


Takamina frowned trying to recognize the voice. “A-Atsuko-san?!” she finally thought, jerking up on impulse, forgetting that she is still under a car.


“Owww~~~” Takamina groaned, wheeling the palette that she is lying on out of the car.

“Takamina, are you alright?!” Atsuko asked worriedly as she helped Takamina to stand up.

“Y-Yeah, I’m okay. I think I just got a bump on my head, that’s all.” Takamina whispered, rubbing the soft spot on her forehead.

“Let me see…” Atsuko said as she leaned towards Takamina, touching the bump that slowly forming on her forehead. “Don’t worry;  your head is still intact.” Without warning, she placed a gentle kiss on Takamina’s forehead. “There, that should do the trick.” Atsuko smiled.

“A-Atsuko-san?!” Takamina exclaimed trying to hide her blush.

“Mou, you don’t have to be so formal. After all, I’m calling you by your nickname Takamina.” Atsuko teased.

“Well, if you insist. But calling you Atsuko-chan sounds like it’s a long nickname. So… is it okay if I and my cousins call you Acchan?” Takamina sheepishly grinned.

Atsuko was taken aback by Takamina’s request that she was not able to hide her surprise, causing her cheeks to turn pink. “How did you know…  only my sisters call me Acchan… Did they tell on you?” Atsuko asked.

“Iie, I just thought it suits you… it is a cute nickname after all.” Takamina smiled.

“Okay, you can call me that since you’re being adorkable today.” Atsuko teased, pinching Takamina’s cheek then started walking towards the studio.

“Ow! Hey, is that even a word?” Takamina yelled at Atsuko’s retreating form. Atsuko then turned, walking backwards.

“Now it is since I used it in a sentence. I’ll see you  later!” Atsuko waved, then turned again jogging to the  garage exit.


After Sayaka returned from Mariko’s office, she asked the cousins to have a short meeting with her in her own office.

“I received an invitation for us to join a motorcycle event tomorrow night in Chiba. It’s a Drag Race and each of you will get to have one pass.” Sayaka said.

Takamina, Haruna and Miichan looked at each other and nodded. “This is our chance.”  They all thought.

“As much as we rely on Aki-P’s funds for the team, we also have to earn our keep to maintain the group. The bets that we collect will be allocated equally for the Pit Crew, Tech Lab and for the Flag Girls. You will also be given a commission for your hard work.” Sayaka smiled.

“Yosh! You can count on us Chief!” Miichan exclaimed, pumping her fist.

The day of the motorcycle event finally arrived. Various teams can be seen scattered around the area and spectators were continuously placing bets on their favored teams for every pass as shown on every screens in the area. Takamina, Haruna and Miichan are roaming around the event, scanning the area and communicated with each other using a device inside their ear.

“Haruna… Miichan… do you see anything suspicious?” Takamina whispered amidst the noise the motorcucles and crowd cheers, knowing that their device is loud enough for her to be heard by her cousins.

“Not yet where I’m at… How about you Miichan?” Haruna asked, checking the fit of her boots while looking around her.

Miichan continued walking on her are and spotted a group of men whispering on the far side where the event is currently taking place. She then moved on one of the screens as if looking at the event details. On her peripheral vision, she saw a man open up a briefcase containing bundles of money while the other one opened up a bag containing plastic bags filled with what seems like cocaine. Being high-trained agents, Miichan was able to get the gist of the conversation of the men thru lip reading.

“Target spotted. A group of ugly men that we’re gonna deal with are drug dealers alright. Transactions will take place in the empty lot nearby after the event.” Miichan reported and walked smoothly back to where the AKB48 team are assembled.

“Good work! Haruna, let’s go back as well.” Takamina replied.

“Copy that.” Haruna said and both cousins also made their way to the team.


“There you are! I thought you three already ditched us before the race even started.” Sae waved to the approaching cousins.

“Sorry about that, we just checked what kind of bikes the other competitors have.” Takamina replied, making up an excuse.

“Enough about that. You three will take your pass after another so don’t go wandering further. Haruna, you’re the first to go.” Sayaka said pointing at her designated bike.

“NyanNyaaaaaaan~~!” Yuko yelled on top of her lungs running towards Haruna.

“O God… is this some kind of déjà vu?” Haruna thought as she wore her helmet. Yuko hugged her then clasped her hands on either sides of Haruna’s helmet, as if telling her to look at her.

“Do your best, okay?” Yuko sweetly smiled.  After a couple of seconds, Haruna nodded in reply and drove her bike to the starting point.

At the go signal, Haruna cranked the accelerator of the bike, taking the lead of the pass. She maintained at high speed until she crossed the finish line, leaving her opponent a few meters behind her.

“Yatta! Look at my NyanNyan go!” Yuko jumped in delight while shaking the lights off of Sae.


After all the excitement and giving Haruna their congratulations, Sayaka informed the team that Takamina’s next.

Takamina immediately wore her helmet and rode her bike. Before she was able to start her engine, Atsuko approached her and kissed her helmet, leaving a lipstick mark on her visor.

“For luck.” Atsuko simply said. Takamina gave her an OK sign and made her way to the starting line.

“Hehehe… I don’t think Takamina will wipe off that lipstick mark on her helmet.” Miichan whispered in their communicator.

“I bet she will have it framed.” Haruna said, adding her two cents’ worth.

“Shut up.” Takamina said as she listened to her cousin’s giggling.

As soon as Takamina saw the signal light turned green, she cranked the clutch creating noise from the bike and zoomed from the starting line. Just as she approached the finish line, she  did a roll-on power wheelie by lifting the front of the bike a few meters from the finish line until she crossed it. The team and the crowd cheered for her victory and display of showmanship.

“Ara, is she trying to impress someone?” Mariko said as she glanced at Atsuko beside her.

“I wonder about that too. Do you have any idea who might that be, Acchan?” Yuko teased, poking at Atsuko’s pink cheeks.


As Miichan prepare for her turn, she glanced at the opposing team’s side to see who she’s gonna be against with.

“Shimatta!” She thought. “Takamina… Haruna… I’ll be competing with the ugly men’s driver.” Miichan whispered in her communicator.

“Understood. We’ll monitor their every move.” Haruna replied as Takamina made her way back to the team. Takamina nodded at her direction confirming about Miichan’s update.

Miichan checked her outfit and then began rummaging in her equipment bag. “Now where is my…” her thoughts were cut off as Mariko approached her with the thing she is looking for.

“I bet you’re looking for this. Win this race, for the team.” For me. Mariko said as she handed the helmet.

Miichan winked in response and wore her helmet.


At the starting point…

Miichan stared at her opponent, then cranked the clutch that made her opponent look at her.

“You’re going down!” she thought, giving him thumbs down. She was given the finger as a reply.

“Stop taunting him Miichan! They might get suspicious.” Haruna whispered in the communicator.

“Let’s see if he can use that finger again once we deal with them.” Miichan replied as she waited for the go signal.

Miichan was able to finish the race with ease, not giving her opponent a chance to catch up with her since the signal light turned green. When she got back to the team, the cousins saw Miichan’s opponent get back to where the ugly men were standing and pointed at her. Suddenly the opponent’s group gathered their things and made their way out of the event.

“Man, I’m hungry… well everyone, let’s celebrate! Let’s all have dinner together!” Sayaka exclaimed earning cheers from the entire team.

“Sayaka-chan, you go on ahead with the team... I ah… just saw one of our friends in the crowd and we would like to say hi.” Haruna blurted as an excuse while Miichan and Takamina went on ahead and followed the drug dealers.

“Okaaaay… I’ll just text you which restaurant we’re in. C’mon girls, let’s go.” Sayaka replied. Maruko, Atsuko and Yuko looked at the cousin’s retreating forms, curious to what they are up to.


At the nearby empty lot…

“Jun, it’s a shame that you lost in the race… worst thing about that is you lost to a girl.” A middle aged man wearing a suit and dark sunglasses said making the other men laugh.

Jun, which Miichan’s opponent, sneered. “It won’t happen again boss… when I get another chance.

The boss hmphed then waved his hand. “If you get another chance. Take charge of the deal then report back to the warehouse.” He said as he stepped inside a black sedan together with some of the men then drove off.

Just as Jun was about to hand the bag to their customer when Takamina, Haruna and Miichan arrived calmly at the scene. The men  instantaneously looked at them, smiling.

“Well, well… look at what we have here. Do you wanna play, little kitties?” one of the goons taunted. The cousins weren’t amused at him and one by one they flashed their badges in front of the men.

“The kitties that wanna play happens to be Special Operatives Agents. You’re all under arrest for Drug Trafficking.” Takamina said.

Jun recognized Miichan by her suit and growled. “Let’s see if you can handle this besides racing.” He said, motioning for his men to attack. Jun’s customer ordered his men to attack as well, running towards a nearby car.

The brawl finally began. Amidst the attacking men and punches and kicks delivered by the cousins, Haruna ran to the customer who’s trying to get away and grabbed him from behind as he opened his car. Just as he swung a left hook at her direction, she dodged the punch and delivered an uppercut to his jaw, rendering him unconscious. She handcuffed him on the steering wheel and grabbed the keys inside to make sure he doesn’t escape and moved on to the other men running towards her.

“This is not good.” Jun angrily thought as he sees the other men drop down like flies from the cousins’ moves. He rode his bike together with his men and began circling the three to trap them.

Takamina, Haruna and Miichan are back to back, looking at the men as they brandished baseball bats and steel pipes as weapons. One of the men swung his bat at Takamina which she easily blocked and retaliated by swinging her arm towards his neck, effectively lifting him from the bike, knocking him unconscious to the ground. Miichan grabbed the bat and swung it to another biker’s back, making him swerve and collide to the other bikers. The fight continued until Jun and two of his remaining men decided to abandon the empty lot and ran into a nearby alley.

“Mou! Who says an agent’s job is easy? All these crooks do is run!” Haruna complained as they chased after the remaining men.

As Jun and his men is near the end of the alley, a van stopped in front of them and let them in the vehicle. The cousins immediately stopped when some of the men inside the van brought out high-caliber guns out the windows and pointed at them.

“Uh-oh!” Takamina, Haruna and Miichan thought as they ducked to nearby crates and garbage cans when the men started showering bullets at their direction. The van immediately sped up when the cousins began to hide.

“That was close. Is everyone okay?” Takamina panted, looking at her cousins. Haruna nodded and Miichan immediately called the agency via mobile phone to arrest the men they left at the empty lot.


After a few minutes, a squad of TSOA agents finally arrived at the scene, taking the criminals into custody. Hisao Takahashi also arrived as well.

“Good job girls! Though three of them escaped, you were able to gather the evidence.” Hisao said, pointing at the briefcase filled with money and the bag of cocaine.

“Thanks Grandpa! We’ll try to investigate further on whom they are working with.” Haruna said.

“Wonderful.  We’ll update you as well whenever we receive something from the intel. You girls should head back to wherever your team is so as not to make them worry.” Hisao said as the rest of the squad drove off the empty lot. The cousins nodded in reply and headed to where they left their bikes.


Meanwhile, Jun called his immediately boss about the incident during the transaction. The dark suited man frowned as the call ended, gripping hard on his mobile phone.

“That idiot!” he thought then furiously punched numbers on his phone.

“Good evening sir, Masanori speaking.” He said as someone answered his call. “It seems that some are finally taking steps to stop our business deals… Hai… we’ll deal with them once we get to know who they are.”

To be continued...

 :on_hot: writing about the action scene is a bit hard for me... Gomen ne everyone if this seemed long. I want everyone to read the action scene as I imagined it.

Again, thank you for reading my fic! I'm already writing the draft of the next chapter... Spoiler alert: will introduce another member of the team (but not the ones who are on vacation... they are still having fun wherever they are.)  :glasses: :wahaha:


Offline kaizoku_gal

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Re: Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 4 - FIRST ENCOUNTER] update
« Reply #57 on: July 19, 2011, 07:56:38 AM »
Just got the time to sit down and read this fic properly. LOL my brain doesnt process action story as well as other kind of stories  :lol:

But good job!  :twothumbs

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Re: Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 4 - FIRST ENCOUNTER] update
« Reply #58 on: July 19, 2011, 08:11:55 AM »
the longer the better... LOL.. :lol:    love Takamina being adorkable~~  XD

more action!!!! yeah!!! :mon zoom:

Offline immortal_K

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Re: Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 4 - FIRST ENCOUNTER] update
« Reply #59 on: July 19, 2011, 08:18:25 AM »
LOL I sure Takamina will frame her helmet now keke

They are so kick ass! too bad 3 of them got away, they cheated! used guns LOL
YAY for ACTION! :twothumbs

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