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Author Topic: Love in the Fast Lane (multipairing) 24/11/2012 [Will be revamped/continued]  (Read 161883 times)

Offline AFLynx

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Re: Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 14b - Two Words] UPDATE! 9/18
« Reply #320 on: September 23, 2011, 09:22:22 AM »
haruhi16: gomen ne, haruhi-chan... :mon surr: work has been a pain this week and I don't have much time to update. I've already started writing a few paragraphs for the next chapter and I'm hoping that I'll get to write later when I get home.  :kneelbow:

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Re: Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 14b - Two Words] UPDATE! 9/18
« Reply #321 on: September 24, 2011, 04:31:47 AM »
aww it's okay, i'll wait! Take your time! i'll keep checking! :D

Offline AFLynx

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Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 15 - Enter the Diva] UPDATE! 9/27
« Reply #322 on: September 26, 2011, 08:48:14 PM »

Chapter 15 – Enter the Diva

For Local and International News:
Vyacheslav Slava Mikhailov, a member of the Russian brotherhood Solntsevskaya Bratva was arrested this morning by a private intelligence agency together with the Tokyo Police Department for illegal firearms smuggling. Both departments are continuously investigating which group is responsible for the transactions with the Russian…


Smoke wafted from Tanako Masanori’s gun as he stared at the TV short circuited from the bullet that penetrated the screen. He frowned, not just because the operation has been a failure, but also it has brought the media’s attention at the same time.

“Those girls have been costing us to lose millions!” Masanori gritted his teeth, slamming his pistol on the table beside him.He looked at the now destroyed TV and smirked, “One of these days, they will pay what they owe to us.” He mumbled, pushing one of his men out of his way as he exited their group’s hideout.


At the AKB48 Headquarters’ Race Track...

Every member of the Pit Crew bustled about at the race track to have a practice race for an upcoming competition. Sayaka, the Crew Chief, decided that it’s Miichan’s turn to be the driver for the event. Takamina and Haruna, who are standing at the Pit Stop together with Sayaka and Sae, looked on as Miichan maneuvered through the entire race course.

“Miichan, try to drift more at every bend of the track. You’re speed is inconsistent when approaching each bend.” Sayaka piped in her headset.

“Remember that we are not just evaluating your progress as one of the drivers, we are also testing the endurance of the car. Uuchii and Ayarin just recently developed the design of the car and the engine so we need to test it now.” Sae added, mentioning the names of the mechanical and industrial engineers of the team as she scribbled notes on her clipboard.

“Copy that.” Miichan answered as she continued to race through the track.

“Miichan will do fine in the competition. I’m pretty sure that our engineers did a great job in their handiwork.” Takamina said, looking at Miichan’s car zoomed past to its last lap.

Haruna was about to answer her cousin when her cellphone blared inside her pocket. She excused herself to take the call and stepped a few meters away from the crew. After a few minutes, she jogged back beside Takamina. “Takamina, Grandpa wants us to come to the agency.” Haruna whispered.

“Eh? When?” Takamina asked. Haruna waited for Miichan to park the car beside the Pit Stop and dragged both Takamina and Miichan to a secluded area.

“Miss me much?” Miichan mumbled, still wearing her helmet. She took of the said gear and slightly shook her hair, waiting for Haruna to respond.

“Just a bit” Haruna teased, “ Anyway, like what I’ve said to Takamina, Grandpa wants us to come to the agency. Today.” 

“Today?!” Takamina and Miichan yelled, earning curious looks from the team.

Haruna sighed, “Yes, today… weren’t you two even listening? Anyway, Grandpa said that it’s been a while since he last saw us and would like to hear about our mission.”

“I bet he’s just simply telling us that he misses us.” Miichan smirked.

“I guess we just have to tell Sayaka-chan that we’ll be out for a couple of hours today.” Takamina said. The three cousins walked purposely to where Sayaka is currently checking the condition of the race car.

“Ano, Sayaka-chan… is it okay for us to leave work for a couple of hours?” Haruna asked.

“Whatever for?” Sayaka asked as she opened the car’s hood.

“We’ll you see… our Grandpa asked us to visit him while he’s in town. It’s been years since we last saw him.” Miichan said giving Sayaka her best puppy-dog eyes.

Sayaka blinked, “Haha, alright Gachapin. You three can take the morning off,” she winked then went back to checking the car.

“Gachapin?! That was my best puppy-dog eyes!” Miichan huffed.

“Too bad it resembled too much of Gachapin…” Sayaka sweatdropped. “Anyway, get out of here before I change my mind. Oh, don’t forget to tell some members of the Flag Girls too… I don’t want to be at the listening end of their inquiries about your whereabouts.” Sayaka winked.

“Wakatta.” Takamina said, giving a small salute to Sayaka as they left the race track.


At Mariko’s office…

Mariko tapped her fountain pen on top of her desk as she reviewed the stack of papers in front her. Mou~ I think this will be a long day. Why am I even questioning that? It IS gonna be a long day, she inwardly complained. A faint knock on her office door interrupted her musings and asked for the person on the other side of the door to come it.

“Mariko, busy much?” Miichan asked, peeking through the door.

Mariko smiled, “Yes, it is always a busy day for me.” Mariko replied, continuing to read some papers and writing some notes to some while Miichan walked forward towards her desk.

“Ohayo, Mariko.” Miichan softly said as she cupped Mariko’s cheek and placed a delicately kiss on her soft cheek. She stopped a short distance from Mariko’s face when she noticed the other girl staring at her. “What’s wrong?” she finally asked.

“I don’t think that you greeted me a proper greeting Miichan.” Mariko whispered, placing her hand on the other girl’s neck. She pulled Miichan again and kissed her on the lips which Miichan reciprocated with delight. “There, that’s much better. Good morning to you too, Miichan. To what do I owe you of this visit this early morning?” Mariko asked, as she resumed writing.

Miichan stretched her arms and plopped down on the couch near Mariko’s desk. “Well, I just want to inform you that I’ll be out for the entire morning. I’ll be back after lunch or so.” Miichan said in a matter-of-fact tone as she slouched further on the soft cushion.

Mariko stopped writing then stared at Miichan, “Where are you going? Do you have a date that I don’t know about?” She inquired, resting her chin on her hand.

Miichan smirked, “You could say that.” She answered, resting her head on the couch as she closed her eyes. Miichan waited for Mariko’s response, knowing that the other girl would react to what she said. She continued to pretend to doze off and heard a clicking of heels towards her direction. Her eyes snapped open when Mariko sat on her lap.

“Is that a joke? Because if it is, it is really a bad one. I thought we’re already dating…” Mariko pouted.

“We are dating Mariko, though we have to go on a second date first.”

“I mean, EXCLUSIVELY dating?” Mariko asked, stressing the word to emphasize her point.

Miichan gave out a small laugh, “Okay, I was joking. I’ll be out with Takamina and Haruna to visit my Grandfather. And to ease your doubt, yes we are exclusively dating. I thought I already came across when I greeted you this morning.” Miichan said, placing her hands on Mariko’s waist.

“Oh I see, so what time will you go to out then?”

Miichan looked at her watch, “In about fifteen minutes, why do you ask?”

Mariko smiled seductively at Miichan. She stood up in front of her then slowly traced her hands on the other girl’s legs until she settled back on her lap, straddling Miichan’s hips. “Well then, I have an idea what we could do in fifteen minutes…” Mariko whispered suggestively as she lowered her head on Miichan’s.

Miichan drew lazy circles on Mariko’s back, trying not to moan in pleasure at the closeness of their bodies, “I think I like the idea already.” Miichan answered, pulling Mariko closer to her as they kiss.


At the Garage…

Haruna entered the garage then looked around. Yuko’s not in the studio… I wonder where she is… she thought.


Haruna turned towards the screaming came from. Yuko was screaming on top of her lungs as she ran towards Haruna.

Oh God, here it comes! Haruna thought as she closed her eyes waiting for the inevitable. When the expected launching of Yuko towards her did not come, she opened an eye and saw Yuko standing in front of her giving her a devilish smile.


Yuko shouted on top of her lungs again as she finally launched herself on Haruna’s body, locking her legs behind the other girl’s back. Ack! I thought she wouldn’t do that! Haruna inwardly thought, walking towards the nearest table to put down the squirrel girl. As Haruna was about to let go, Yuko frowned and kept her legs locked behind Haruna’s back. “What do you think you’re doing?” Yuko asked, raising an eyebrow.

What’s with Yuko today?  “I can’t really talk to you that well if we’re too close to each other.” Haruna whined.

Yuko pouted then let go of her arms around Haruna’s neck, still keeping her legs behind the other girl’s back.  “Fine. Oh! NyanNyan, I have something for you!” Yuko excitedly said, as she reached something from her pocket. Haruna merely huffed at their awkward position. Yuko took Haruna’s hand and placed the object inside her palm.

Haruna picked the object between her thumb and index finger as she leveled it on her face? “What’s this?” she asked.

Yuko rolled her eyes from Haruna’s bout of air-headedness, “Isn’t it obvious NyanNyan? It’s a phone strap! I have one just like that, but with a letter O instead.” Yuko smiled. Haruna smiled as she inspected the said phone strap. It is a smallcloth checkered teddy bear with little black button eyes, and a letter K stitched on its belly. Haruna lowered her gaze, the phone strap still resting in her palm.

“Dou shita no? Don’t you like it? I can have it replaced… or buy you a new one that you will like…” Yuko stammered as she noticed Haruna’s forlorn look.

Haruna shook her head as she looked at Yuko. “No, I really like it. It’s just that, I haven’t given you something that you can always carry. I don’t expect you to bring the mint plant with you everyday.” Haruna answered.

NyanNyan kawaii… Yuko inwardly gushed. “I really don’t mind that NyanNyan. I just want you to bring something with you to remember me by.” She further explained.

Haruna smiled at Yuko’s thoughtfulness, “Thank you Yuko. Ah, I almost forgot! Takamina, Miichan and I will be out until after lunch to visit my Grandpa. Don’t miss me too much.” Haruna teased.

Yuko smiled at Haruna’s teasing. After that meeting-with-NyanNyan-on-the-street-kind-of-fate, Yuko observed that Haruna has been more at ease with her and teased back whenever she seemed fit. “Okay, give me a chuu~~ so that I won’t miss you that much.” Yuko batted her eyelashes.

Haruna laughed, “Okay then, but first you have to let go of me. I promise I won’t run away.” She answered.

Yuko hesitantly let go of her legs on Haruna’s waist as she sat still on the table. “Now close your eyes…” Haruna instructed.

Yuko giggled at the thought that finally, she would get her “chuu~” from her NyanNyan. “Alright, I’m waiting!” Yuko said excitedly, pouting her lips as she closed her eyes.

Haruna waited for a couple of seconds and was amused that Yuko kept on pouting her lips at her with eyes closed. Immediately, she clamped a hand on Yuko’s mouth then kissed the back of her own hand, giving out a resounding smack then let go of the other girl.

“I’ll see you later after lunch Yuko!” Haruna winked as she walked out of the garage.

Yuko blinked in disbelief at Haruna’s teasing, “Mou NyanNyan! Get back here and give me a proper kiss!” she yelled at Haruna’s retreating form.


At the AKB Flag Girl’s Dressing Room…

The Flag Girls team is leisurely lounging inside their dressing room. Everyone is chatting amiably while enjoying the strawberry shortcake that Mayuyu bought from their favorite hangout, the Berry Parlour. Sitting in front of her designated booth with a piece of cake and a cup of tea at her table, Atsuko smiled a delicate smile as she scribbled something on her notepad.

Without even looking behind her and the mirror in front of her, she felt a very warm presence. “Ohayo, Ta-Ka-Mi-Na~” Atsuko whispered, still writing on her notepad.

Takamina raised her eyebrows in amusement and in surprise, placing her hand on Atusko’s shoulder. “Ohayo, Acchan. Wow… that is kinda creepy…” Takamina mused.

Atsuko grabbed Takamina’s hand then pulled her close to her back, making Takamina lean towards her with Takamina’s face just a few inches beside her face. “Creepy? What do you mean Takamina?” Atsuko asked, batting her eyelashes at Takamina’s reflection in the mirror.

Takamina blushed at their awkward position where Atsuko held her in her place. “Ah… well… it is creepy that you know that I’m right behind you when you weren’t even looking at the mirror.” She answered honestly.

Atsuko giggled then finally let go of Takamina. “There’s nothing creepy about it really. I just… know that you’re there…” Atsuko whispered. Trying to hide her blush, her eyes darted on her table looking for something that would change the subject. “Ah! Takamina, you should try this cake, it’s delicious.” Atsuko offered, pointing at her cake.

Takamina eyed the cake that Atsuko has obviously been eating before she came in the room. Grabbing the dessert spoon on the plate, she took a small piece and took a bite. “Hmm… Umai!” Takamina exclaimed, helping herself for another spoonful of the treat.

Tomochin, who is currently seated beside Atsuko while eating her cake, glanced sideways at the two and smirked devilishly. “You know Takamina, that’s the spoon that Atsuko is using right now.” Tomochin said, making Tomo-mi, who is sitting beside her giggle.

Takamina’s eyes widened in surprise as she heard Tomochin. Blushing furiously, she took a huge swallow on the cake, choking a bit as she almost swallowed it at the wrong pipe. Atsuko gasped at Takamina’s misfortune and patted her back, “Mou Tomochin. It’s not nice to tease Takamina while eating.” She pouted at the girl who is still smirking beside her.

Tomochin smiled innocently at Atsuko, “I didn’t say anything wrong Atsuko-chan,” Tomochin said then looked at Tomo-mi, “Ne~~~?

Tomo-mi giggled and simply answered, “Chiyuu~~~!

Atsuko shook her head at their friends’ playfulness, “Here Takamina, have some tea.” Atsuko said, offering her cup to Takamina.

Takamina took the cup and took a long sip. “Ma~~ isn’t that your cup, Atsuko-chan? Oh and look! Takamina sipped directly to where you last drank from it! Waa~~ indirect kiss!” Mayuyu teased, dramatically holding her spoon on her chest.

Hearing Mayuyu’s teasing, Takamina, again, choked. “Ah!!! Hot! Hot! Hot!” Takamina crunched her face as she felt the hot liquid going down her throat. “Mou! Why is everyone ganging up on me?!” she pouted, making everyone in the dressing room laugh.

Atsuko smiled, “Nevermind them. Here, have a seat.” She said, dragging a nearby chair beside her. Takamina sighed then seated at the offered chair. When Takamina finally got comfortable, Atsuko stood up and sat on Takamina’s lap then continued writing on her notepad as she leaned on to Takamina’s back.

“Ano… Acchan… why are you sitting on my lap?” Takamina asked, unconsciously wrapping her arms on Atsuko’s waist for balance.

*cough* clueless Takamina *cough*” Rena piped in, faking a cough.

“Well, I like to sit on my Takachair, thank you very much.” Atsuko said. Takamina rolled her eyes.

“Ne, what are you writing anyway?” Takamina asked, glancing at the other girl’s shoulder to take a better look on the notepad.

“I write as a hobby whenever I have the time Takamina. I seem to have the inspiration at the moment so I might as well put it in writing.” Atsuko answered, glancing at an orange lily on her table. One of the staff members handed it to her when she got in the studio, telling her that it came from her secret admirer.

“Can I read it?”

Atsuko pressed her notepad on her chest. “I’ll finish this first before I’ll let you read it.”

Takamina blinked then sighed in resignation, “Anyway, I have something to tell you Acchan.”

Atsuko put down her notepad and pen on her table. She casually draped an arm over Takamina’s shoulder then adjusted herself so that she could sit on her lap sideways. “Ano… I’m gonna visit my Grandpa together with Haruna and Miichan so… I won’t be here until after lunch. I just want you to know that…” Takamina continued.

Atsuko smiled, gently tracing her other hand on Takamina’s face. “That’s so sweet of you…” she whispered, placing a kiss on Takamina’s cheek. “Hope you’ll all enjoy your day with your Grandpa then.” She continued as she stood up and sat back on her chair.

Blushing, Takamina placed her hand to where Atsuko kissed her then stood up as well. “Thanks. Well, Atsuko hime-sama, I’ll see you after lunch. Ja.” Takamina said, waving  goodbye as she went out the door.

“Ooooo~~~ Atsuko hime-sama… Is Takamina treating you like a princess now? And wait… did you just gave Takamina a kiss?” Tomo-mi winked at Atsuko, everyone joined in with the teasing then began gathering at Atsuko’s table.

Atsuko sighed, Oh God… Now that Takamina left, I bet I’ll be the target of everyone’s teasing. Takamina! Come back here! She whined inwardly.


At the Tokyo Special Operatives Agency

Midori stood patiently outside the main doors of the agency. As soon as the gates of the agency finally opened, 3 motorcycles zoomed past the guards. Midori rolled her eyes up to the heavens as the motorcycles stopped directly in front of her.

Acting in sync, Takamina, Haruna and Miichan removed their helmets and got off their motorcycles.

They make stepping off the bike look like some choreography in an action movie. Midori thought.

“Midori-sensei, you’re waiting on us now? We’re supposed to meet Grandpa not you, you know.” Miichan joked as the three cousins stepped in front of Midori.

“Good morning to you too, Miichan.” Midori smirked, “I heard from the grapevine that you’ll be coming for a visit, so I decided to escort you to the Chief’s office.” She added.

“Grapevine?” Haruna asked.

“We know our way to the Chief’s office, Midori-sensei. There’s no need for you to escort us. We know what kind of schedule that you keep.” Takamina said politely.

“I’m pretty sure you NEED an escort. The grapevine that I’m talking about is waiting for you three to come in the lobby.” Midori amusingly said as she turned to look at the windows by the main doors.

The three cousins followed Midori’s gaze and their eyes widened in surprise, “A-Ano, Midori-sensei… why are there a lot of agents crowding the lobby?” Takamina stammered.

Midori smirked, stretching her arms above her head, “Since you’ve been quite popular in the racing circuit, you’ve made every agents in your age group your fangirls… or whatever you call them nowadays. Even the graduating class of the academy suddenly came to visit their beloved sempais… if you know what I mean. C’mon you three, let’s go and face the music.”

As Midori opened the big double doors, deafening squeals suddenly greeted them like a rolling tidal wave. Seeing that the three cousins stayed rooted to where they are standing, Midori shrugged her shoulders and motioned for the three cousins to come inside the building.

Uh-oh… Takamina, Haruna and Miichan gulped.


The three cousins, together with Midori squeezed themselves in between the crowd of agents as they made their way towards the lobby. Midori parted a path for the four of them to come in as the three cousins tried to say hi to all the agents squealing at them. Miichan acted cool especially in front of their kouhais. Haruna casually smiled at the crowd, frantically shoving Miichan to keep moving. Takamina on the other hand, fell behind as she was assaulted with hugs that Haruna has to grab her by the scruff of her shirt to pull her out of the crowd.

Takamina slammed her palm on the elevator button as they finally managed to get away from the excited crowd. “Mou! It’s about time you guys helped out!” she shouted to some senior agents who finally blocked the crowd from attacking them further into the elevators.

“I think they find it amusing…” Miichan mumbled, looking at the senior agents who are snickering because of their antics.

“Everyone knows that things gets exciting whenever you three are in the agency.” Midori smirked. The elevator finally made a ding! sound and open it’s doors. “Well then, let’s go up. I won’t be accompanying you to the Chief’s office. Youko will have a fit if she heard that I wasn’t able to finish my work for the day.”

The three cousins nodded, “Thank you for being our escort then.” Haruna teased as they went in the elevator.


At the Chief’s Office…

Hisao Takahashi snickered when he saw the disheveled looks of his grandchildren, “You’ve gathered quite a large crowd downstairs. Either you became popular or it just runs in the family.” Hisao teased, motioning the three cousins to sit.

“Mou!” Takamina, Haruna and Miichan pouted as they plopped on the couch.

Hisao stood up from his leather chair then sat on a seat adjacent to where the cousins are sitting. “Anyway, I would like to congratulate the three of you for apprehending Vyacheslav Mikhailov. We’ve already taken him in to custody of the Russian Police Department.”

“It’s too bad we weren’t able to get that slimeball Jun-what’s-his-name.” Haruna pouted, “He used a helicopter to escape!”

“I’ve read that in Midori’s report.Hopefully, we’ll be able to gather enough evidence and identify the Yamamoto brothers who are the masterminds of these organized crimes that has been happening. Though their company is well known, they rarely go out in public.” Hisao answered. “Tell me, how are you fairing with the AKB48 team?”

The three cousins blushed at the same time, “Ano… we consider the team as our friends Grandpa…” Takamina whispered. Hisao laughed merrily earning him curious looks.

“That’s not what I’ve heard from Akimoto. It seems that his nieces are beginning to like the three new drivers…” Takamina, Haruna and Miichan stared at him incredulously, blushing at the same time. “Don’t worry it’s not a bad thing. Akimoto is really relieved that you three are part of his team. He is confident that you won’t let anything bad happen to everyone.”

“We’ll make sure to protect everyone Grandpa.” Miichan answered honestly, thinking of Mariko and the rest of the team.

“We’ll always be there when we are needed.” Haruna added, remembering her promise to Yuko.

“Everyone is relying on us, so we’ll do our best.” Takamina pumped her fist, imagining Atsuko’s brilliant smile.

“Very good. That’s the best answer that I want to hear from you. Just remember, in order to protect and to serve other people, you should also be careful in everything that you do. Our job is not just about risking our lives, but to make sure to stay alive as well. When you’re hurt or worse, get killed, it’s not just you who are in pain. Your family, friends and loved ones will feel the agony even more than you did.” Hisao reminded.

“Wakatta.” The three nodded their heads in response.

Hisao smiled, My grandchildren will be the best agents that this agency will ever have in their generation. “Now that that’s settled, I’m hungry. Would you like to have lunch in the cafeteria? We can continue our talk while eating...” He suggested.

“NO!!!” The three cousins answered in panic. Hisao raised an eyebrow curiously. He knows that the girls loved the food in the cafeteria and it took him by surprise to get such panicky reaction.

“What we mean Grandpa is that… wedontreallywanttogothroughthecrowddownstairsagain…” Miichan muttered.

Hisao laughed at how Miichan answered, “Good thing I still have good hearing to be able to understand that. Don’t worry, I’ll put on my “Chief Mode” look. That’ll keep them from coming to us within a two mile radius.” He winked as he hugged the girls, making their way out his office.


An hour of conversation, hearty lunch, and two desserts later, the three cousins hugged their Grandpa to go back to the AKB Headquarters. Takamina, Haruna and Miichan were able to go out of the building with ease with the help of Hisao and his consistent “Chief Mode” look.

As the three cousins arrived at the headquarters, they noticed that the garage doors are closed, a large note taped on one of them.

“Takamina, Haruna and Miichan: Go to the studio when you get back – Sayaka.” Haruna read.

“I wonder what’s up in the studio…” Miichan whispered as they made their way towards at the said location.

Once they arrived, the Pit Crew huddled with the Flag Girls and the engineers from the Tech Lab. Everyone were whispering to each other excitedly, like the three of them, it seems that all of them don’t have an idea of what’s going on. Mariko, who is standing at the middle of the team saw them and waved for them to come closer. Her two other sisters hurried towards Haruna and Takamina’s side while Miichan moved a bit forward to stand closer to Mariko.

“Finally! You three are just in time!” Mariko smiled, specifically to Miichan. “As some of you know, I had a meeting at the Tokyo TV station just recently and I have good news. A manager of a well known recording artist asked us to be a part of her music video.” Mariko continued.

This news elicited excited squeals mostly from the Flag Girls but nevertheless, everyone was hyped up for the opportunity given to the team. Mariko laughed at everyone’s energy then motioned for everyone to quiet down.

“Minna, I would like to introduce to you to Sarukawa Keiji, president of the Monkey Pro. He’s the one who is responsible in producing the music video.” Mariko informed the team, pointing at a middle aged man wearing glasses beside him. Everyone bowed politely in greeting.

“Thank you for accepting our request Shinoda-san. We’re very happy for this collaboration with your team. I hope that we will work together harmoniously.” Sarukawa said.

“Ano, Sarukawa-shachou, where is she by the way?” Mariko asked.

Keiji looked at his watch, “She should be here by now…” He answered. Suddenly, a starfire pearl Lexus LS 2011 parked in front of the studio. “Ah! Right on time!” He bellowed.

Everyone glanced at the car as the chauffeur opened the passenger door. A slender foot that is enclosed in a Jimmy Choo white peep-toe slingbacks stepped out, then a woman of early 20’s wearing a white ruffled silk-satin halterneck dress accented with a multi-chain necklace, finally got out of the car.  She flicked her hair as she clutched her D&G bag, purposely walking towards the large group.

“Wow… isn’t that…” Myao whispered, hiding her excitement as she realized who the woman is.

The said woman finally stopped right in front of everybody then removed her Gucci sunglasses.

“R-Ray?” Haruna gasped excitedly.

“Majide?!” Takamina exclaimed.

To be continued...

Sorry for the very long time it took me to update  :mon wind: Work has been a pain and I've been revising this chapter for days  :mon ko: Anyway, I just introduced additional characters in my fic (Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuun!!!  :mon freeze: ) We'll see what will happen in the next chapter!  :mon geek:

Hope everyone will like this update! Thanks for reading! Do write me a feedback if you have the chance!  :mon sweat:  :mon bye:

Offline blughise

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Re: Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 15 - Enter the Diva] UPDATE! 9/27
« Reply #323 on: September 26, 2011, 09:14:03 PM »

Takamina in trouble!!!!

Acchan better move fast, a rival.......your biggest rival has just appeared!!!!

With Ray's appearance,it'll spice things up and it'll add more drama!!!!  :lol: :lol: :lol:

I hope Atsuko would finally realize how much Takamina loved her and finally be together!!!!

please update soon AFLynx!!! XD XD XD

I so can't wait for the next chapter :grin:
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 10:32:06 PM by blughise »

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Re: Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 15 - Enter the Diva] UPDATE! 9/27
« Reply #324 on: September 26, 2011, 10:07:42 PM »
Oh Ray. Thing will become spicy hehehe


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Re: Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 15 - Enter the Diva] UPDATE! 9/27
« Reply #325 on: September 26, 2011, 11:01:51 PM »
MariMii is H.O.T......  :mon crazyinlove:   and KojiYu is so sweet~~~  :mon lovelaff:  GAH!!! Too much cuteness..  :mon dance:

WHAT!!! Ray is appearing???  :mon spit:   NOOO~~ This means troubles ahead...  :mon geek:

Owh!!! Owh!!! Takamina and Acchan should be together already!!!!  :tantrum:

I want the next chapter!!! ARGH!!!!  :mon tantrum2:  Please update soon...  :mon surr:

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Re: Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 15 - Enter the Diva] UPDATE! 9/27
« Reply #326 on: September 26, 2011, 11:29:06 PM »
I just stop by to let you know that I really love how everything go so fluently :wub:
it's as if I'm watching a movie :-D

about ur updated
Mariko know how to spend those fifteen minutes alone with her Miichan :on love:
Teaser Kojima's something new to me, I really ike it & wish to see more of this side of her
AtsuMina moment in the dressing room are so sweet :inlove: + the indirects kissu~~ kyaaahhh :wub:
lol they were a bit famous in the agengcy befor but now they're become celebrities in their agency and have to walk pass abig crowd of fangirl XD
 the cousins know Ray and
especialy did Takamina had some relation (?) with the Diva?!?!/ know her?!?!
We wanna see a jealous Atsuko again and
I hope she will claim Takamina and show to the Diva that she's only her property ^_~ :hehehe: :mon love:

can't wait to read more what will happen...update when you can...keep yoir great work
*go back to the shadow until I will have some free time again Y_Y*
Like I didn't hear it, like I couldn't hear it.... I shouldn't have heard your love in the first place

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Re: Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 15 - Enter the Diva] UPDATE! 9/27
« Reply #327 on: September 27, 2011, 01:21:01 AM »
MariMii is H.O.T......  :mon crazyinlove:   and KojiYu is so sweet~~~  :mon lovelaff:  GAH!!! Too much cuteness..  :mon dance:

WHAT!!! Ray is appearing???  :mon spit:   NOOO~~ This means troubles ahead...  :mon geek:

Owh!!! Owh!!! Takamina and Acchan should be together already!!!!  :tantrum:

I want the next chapter!!! ARGH!!!!  :mon tantrum2:  Please update soon...  :mon surr:

i feel the same as daaaad~  :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic:

here come the love rival~ and i bet yuko love rival will soon appear  :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

but make it atsuminaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~  :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic:

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Re: Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 15 - Enter the Diva] UPDATE! 9/27
« Reply #328 on: September 27, 2011, 04:11:22 AM »
MariMii couple is always so smexy.. and kojiyuu and atsumina couple are soooo cute  :wub: :wub:

and wait.. RAY?! :shocked  :shocked

oh i sense a disaster will be on the next chapter.  :P

please update soon!  :bow:

please update after two or three days, don't let us wait for one week  :( .  I love your story so please  :bow:

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Re: Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 15 - Enter the Diva] UPDATE! 9/27
« Reply #329 on: September 27, 2011, 06:29:22 AM »
ohhh snap! I sense a LOT of drama coming up with the appearance of the charismatic songstress Ray  :hehehe: wow so now it's a AKB48/Mendol mix-up  :glasses: Seriously, how do you write such an awesome story?  :nya: Thanks for the update and hope you update again soon!  :onioncheer:

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Re: Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 15 - Enter the Diva] UPDATE! 9/27
« Reply #330 on: September 27, 2011, 12:06:21 PM »
blughise: as always, you're the first to comment  :hee: (just noticed it lately lol) Yes, with Ray in the picture... er, I mean in the fic, she'll definitely add spice and drama to the story! Thanks for reading!

kahem: you said it.  :mon geek:  lol thanks for reading!

Flean: there... there... calm down  :monk gboy: lol I'll try to work on it as soon as possible. I'm actually in a pinch because of a typhoon here in the Philippines... im using the remaining battery life of my laptop since there's no electricity.  :mon cweepy: So I'm gonna write the update first in the old fashioned way then transfer it in my laptop  :nervous thanks for reading!

dream_catcher: lol i know the title is gonna be a hint!  :lol: I'll have to make you wonder some more until the next update then  :hee: thanks for reading!

YumePouk:  :monk gboy: thank you for saying that it's like you're watching a movie. :mon love:
lol I just find Mariko sexy that I imagine that she CAN be a seductress lol as for Haruna/Yuko - yes it is something new, but possible to happen  XD for Takaachan pairing - I'm just in the mood to somehow tease Takamina  :wahaha:
Since the three cousins have arrested a member of a famous gang, I imagined that they are gonna be famous in the agency and came up with those scenes  :lol:
I won't discuss anything about Ray  :mon speechless: lol
thank you for reading!  :luvluv2: dont lurk in the shadows too much lol

sorakamiya: this is gonna be the first and last spoiler for the next chapter: it IS gonna be more Atsumina centric but the other pairs will be in it too of course.  :whistle: thanks for reading sora!

haruhi16:  :mon sweat: I'll try to update it as soon as I can. Thank you for being patient in waiting for my updates.  :mon love:

JPopLover: lol I just write down whatever comes into mind... though it is hard at times.  :mon emo: i'm happy whenever what i imagine would turn out great once i finish it. and of course with everyone's encouragement, i try my best.  :mon determined: there are times that i also take into consideration some suggestions (like the staring contest... it was supposed to be MariMii only  :nervous) Thank you for reading~  :luvluv2:

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Re: Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 15 - Enter the Diva] UPDATE! 9/27
« Reply #331 on: September 27, 2011, 12:29:55 PM »
I woke up this morning and read this on my phone, and finally realize I forgot to come back and leave a nice long comment so here I am back here again just for this  :twothumbs

Awesome and Amazing! Definitely not boring like you said, you lies! haha. A lot of drama, a lot of fluffs and a very hot MariMii!!!!! Those two are on FIRE~! Totally love their interaction and scenes, forever entertaining.

Yuko + Haruna, they are starting to come together very nicely, love how Yuko waited until Haruna open her eyes before she finished her jump and glomp.

Acchan and Takamina =.= too slow!! They should be together already, Takamina it's time to pick up the speed, Acchan sat on you, kissed you and all and still you are lagging behind. It's like you are getting left behind by Miichan and Haruna in the love department while you are still stuck in stage 1.
NOw that Ray also appeared, things will become difficult (i'm guessing) she doesn't just appear for fun, I'm sure there is a story/ plan to place her into the story during this time. I also have a feeling something is going to happen with them and the girls because of their dangerous missions. Why else would grandfather make an appearance to remind them right? Given that the bad guys know what they look like, and they are on the team and getting a lot of notice from their fans and media I suppose for doing so well in their races........

ANyways ranting on because I miss being here, so trying to extend my stay but unfortunately time to go back to the books.

THanks for the update. !

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Re: Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 15 - Enter the Diva] UPDATE! 9/27
« Reply #332 on: September 27, 2011, 10:08:27 PM »
As much as I like Takamina leading the score for now, I kinda liked how it's a tie before and love's eyes, huh?  :grin:
Official or not, MariMii is getting better and better  :deco:
“Takamina! You forgot your kiss from me!”
Totally laughing at that, Acchan you tease. Sometimes I feel bad for Takamina with all the teasing Acchan's done
It does feel creepy somehow how Acchan was able to tell Takamina's presence behind her 0_o
Finally the tease got the taste of being teased by the others  XD
So maybe with the appearance of Ray will be the push she needed to be more serious on Takamina before the girl gets snatched by the rivals (I count Hotaru in  :lol:). That is if Ray's going to fall for Takamina...though it would be funny if Ray's after Acchan instead lol
Either way I hope AtsuMina make a progress soon!

TakaSemaru  :heart:

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Re: Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 15 - Enter the Diva] UPDATE! 9/27
« Reply #333 on: September 28, 2011, 03:35:19 AM »
Yay. I always love reading your updates. Taka and her obliviousness is quite amusing lol. But omg Ray, I did not expect thaaaat. I shipped Kai/Nami and Ray in Mendol and I'm quite excited to see what her role in this fic will be. Looking forward to the next chapter ^^

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Re: Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 15 - Enter the Diva] UPDATE! 9/27
« Reply #334 on: September 28, 2011, 04:38:01 AM »
Why else would grandfather make an appearance to remind them right?
well, I just thought that it's been a while since Grandpa was written in the previous chapters so... I included him in this chapter  :mon sweat: but yeah, I also thought that it would be nice if someone would give an advice to the three cousins.  :glasses:

pretend_2besome1: lol yeah it'll be funny if Ray falls for Acchan...  :nervous  I am still rooting for our Atsumina pairing though  :onioncheer:

takasica: I love Kai/Nami x Ray pairing in Mendol too  XD I just added Ray into the mix so that it will be complicated for everyone  :on freeze: I'll try my best to make it more interesting for everyone. thanks for reading!

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Re: Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 15 - Enter the Diva] UPDATE! 9/27
« Reply #335 on: September 28, 2011, 07:02:48 AM »
you are in trouble takaboy.... a stalker is coming now... acchan use your tactics for win takamina`s heart right now..

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Re: Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 15 - Enter the Diva] UPDATE! 9/27
« Reply #336 on: September 28, 2011, 10:52:25 AM »
Manage to keep track this awesome fic of yours  :twothumbs
I seriously like the way MariMii tease with each other  :inlove:
can wait for the next update n OMG RAY  :shocked ~~

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Re: Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 15 - Enter the Diva] UPDATE! 9/27
« Reply #337 on: September 28, 2011, 12:11:33 PM »
Haruko: lol now she's Takaboy... I wonder what will happen (still clueless since I'm still writing the next chapter lol  :nervous)

CrimsonGrxy: Hi Crimson!  :luvluv2: thank you for reading my fic! I'll try to work on the next chap as soon as I can!

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Re: Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 15 - Enter the Diva] UPDATE! 9/27
« Reply #338 on: September 29, 2011, 06:14:47 AM »
Someone's gonna be in a mess after this....i think 2 ppl will be in a mess......
Atsuko in a angry mess.....Takamina is in a triangular mess
and Ray will be a pest to Takamina.....
so much fun =)

Haruna and Yuko are so cute together in this fic <3

Miichan and Mariko is just super hot.......

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Re: Love in the Fast Lane [CHAPTER 15 - Enter the Diva] UPDATE! 9/27
« Reply #339 on: September 29, 2011, 08:05:58 PM »
yourstruly:  :lol: lol I like your perception on what's gonna happen in the future chapters. yes, it's so much fun... though if there are 2 ppl in a mess, there's only 1 person who caused it... and that is me lol  :grin: thanks for reading!

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