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Author Topic: RAPPAPA: Lost and Find - 3.1 ~ Aug 4  (Read 105339 times)

Offline kahem

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 3 (Sept 2)
« Reply #160 on: September 05, 2011, 08:51:53 AM »
Black/Gekikara FTW!!!!!!

Offline immortal_K

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 3 (Sept 2)
« Reply #161 on: September 11, 2011, 03:00:06 AM »
Hi all, it's been a while... and a very long week for me and now with everything settled I suddenly feel relieved. What is left will be a slow process but I know everything will work out. So before I go get some well needed snooze, I decided to leave everyone a little something.  :) The next update of Black IN white, sorry for the long wait, it will probably still take a while before my life gets back on track but I will definitely continue to write because I already miss doing it.

As usually please forgive any mistakes you see (pretend you don't see them please  XD), I hope this doesn't disappoint your expectations   :twothumbs. Let me know if you come across anything that needs to be fixed.

RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 4

Next morning Rena and Yuki met up as planned before heading to school, they decided to be extra precaution as the events of the previous night is still fresh in their minds. Those gangsters weren't there by chances, someone wants them gone, those photo's are proof itself.

They were able to cover up most of the bruises with makeup but the fresh cuts are still visible in addition to their slight limping it doesn't take a genius to figure out hidden picture. As they made their way into the school ground, some students already notice the difference and words began to spread. No one knew what happened and when they asked the girls politely avoided the questioning with a kind glare. Their day went by without much trouble, most of the students learned early enough to avoid the two since they scared off the first few noisy classmates that tried to approach them.

When the day finally came to an end, they slowly made their way out of the school. Yuki just wanted to go home for some well needed rest, her body still hurts from all the bruises she received last night and she is sure Rena feels exactly the same.

On their way out of the school ground they were stopped by a group led by Nori, the granddaughter of the school's headmaster, the rich spoil brat that likes to bully other students. Looking to her right they see a group of guys with Yasuo in front, they usually trails Nori like loyal dogs on leashes. To Nori’s right  her few ugly female followers  can be seen ready to kiss the ground she walks on.

“Oh, so you still decided to come to school, don’t you have any shame?” Nori said with a smirk.

“What are you talking about?” Rena questioned her eyes narrowed sensing evil intention from the girl in front of them.

“Still pretending are we, I’m sure the school is interested in what their princess Yuki do after school,”

“You!” Rena said in anger, her teeth clenched down and her fist turning white from her tight grip.

*Beep* *beep* *Beep* *beep*

The sound of message received can be heard throughout the school grounds, students can be seen checking their phones then looking up and whispering while pointing at Yuki. Yuki quickly checked her phone, clicking to open up the message she froze upon seeing the contents. Her phone fell from her now limp hands, then suddenly  she lift her hands to her ears  trying to block out the sound of whispering from the students. Her world  starts to spin and her visions becomes a blur, the sound becomes compressed, and distorted. Looking up she can only see the students pointing and whispering, their calculating eyes focused on her every movement. Her mind tries to fill in the missing pieces, the words that come out of those moving lips of the forming the crowd, Yuki begin to shatter.

“No, No….Noo” was the only thing Rena can hear Yuki whispering while she frantically tried to escape the given attention.

Rena quickly picked up Yuki’s phone to see a photo of Yuki being pinned down on the bench last night by the gang leader his hands on her bare stomach. Just seeing the photo makes Rena’s blood boil, she lifted her head and glared at the smirking Nori and her group of lackeys. The ones that caught her eyes took a step back from the change. Yasuo, who doesn’t know the smell of death, decided to impress his spoiled princess , he walked up to the distressed Yuki and placed his arm around her shoulders.

“You know if you are looking for a good time, there are many other ways,” Yasuo said to the now still Yuki. He couldn’t see her eyes but was curious why she suddenly stopped moving.

“YOU take your filthy hands off her!” Rena said calmly, while the aura around her begins to change. A shiver suddenly ran down the spines of those present.

Their commotion already causing a crowd to form, the students are curious about the photo with some wondering if it was real while others want to take a closer look at Yuki, pointing and whispering as the drama ran on.

“What are you going to do? Beg us?” Nori said as she laugh, causing the girls beside her to join in.

Rena caught Yuki’s hand slowly moves up towards the offending arm draped over her shoulder. Rena notice the change in Yuki’s stance and surrounding atmosphere, the feel of darkness is back. She know Yuki will be alright. So without a second thought Rena ran forward and grabbed Nori by her collar and slapped her.

“This one is for Yuki” *Slap*

“for bullying Yuki” *Slap*

“for being jealous” *Slap*

“for the smirk” *Slap*

“for being a bitch” *Slap*

“for being ugly” *Slap*

“for sending those men’s after us” *Slap*

“for sending the photo” *Slap*

“for hurting Yuki,” *Slap*

“This one is for laughing at YUKI” *SLAP* *SLAP* *SLAP*

“WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!” a fist came flying towards Rena but she made no attempts to dodge it, taking the hit Rena was forced to take a couple steps back dropping Nori to the ground.

“NORI-SAMA!” the girls screeched, running over to help the bruise and battered Nori, her cheeks swollen red with tints of purple already showing, her lips cut and battered with blood matted half dried on her face. If you look closely you might be able to recognize the face.

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHA! Ne Okotte iru?” Rena let loose her signature laugh sending chills to everyone present.

Rena’s wild eyes stare straight at the guy who threw the punch as she lifted her blood stained hands and with her thumb she smudged the bit of blood seeping from her cracked lips. Rena’s smile grew wider as she glanced at blood on her hand, she turned to the girls surrounding Nori.

"AHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHA!!!"  send out another set of insane laughter. Rena slowly advance towards the girls when she heard a blood curling scream from behind, her smile stretched side to side, already knowing the cause without turning around.

Everyone turned to find a screaming Yasuo, who is now kneeling beside Yuki. His loud scream becames a silent scream as the pain running down his raised arm becomes too great for him withstand. His once ideal arm now twisted and mingled into an obvious unnatural position, even those watching can't help but shudder like they can feel the pain. Yuki stood there in the exact same spot with one hand holding his arm high above its owners head, her hair covered her eyes blocking them from plain sight. Her now chilling voice spoke a sentence of judgment for those present.

“The seed of yesterday results in the fruit of today, for father you have witness the exposed rotten cores, today they will be removed under your watch”

Yuki toss the mingled arm aside and kicked Yasuo away to clear her path towards the rest of his followers. With lighting speed she disappeared from their sight only to reappear behind the group and proceed to take down these trashes that is waiting in line to be disposed of. The guys dropped like flies, they start to freak out from the turn of events. As preys they  are not only being hunted but they can’t even see their hunter.

Rena on the other hand made her way through the group of girls at the side of Nori, making sure to leave as much visible bruises and cuts on their hands and faces. Some begged to be spared, hoping their ‘precious’ face can be saved, while others hope to avoid the pain but Rena thought otherwise. These girls that hurt Yuki cannot be spared. If left unpunished for their crime they will just keep hurting others. Occasionally Rena would stop and crouch beside one of the fallen girls, after sending them a wicked smile Rena would using their blood to draw on their barely recognizable face.

Time seem to stop when Rena and Yuki’s eyes met after they took down their offenders, the gathered crowd held their breaths afraid that any slight movement will trigger the two to break loose into action again. They watched the two stand there meters apart, exchanging messages between them as they communicated to each other through eye contact.

Rena broke the silences with a light giggle, she turned around and walked towards the fallen Nori and crouched over her body, using her blood covered hands, she left a joker smile on Nori’s face with her blood then with a forceful motion she yanked off the girl’s necklace.

At the same time Yuki swiftly made her way to the still trembling Yasuo, using a kick to flip him on his back, she crouched down with her knee pushing down on his chest as she slapped him hard before reaching out to snatch the chain he had on his neck.

Everyone watched the two slowly make their ways towards each other, meeting there at the middle. A smile plastered over the normally shy Rena where as the usual bright smile on Yuki now hidden from sight and replaced by an impassive expression. Rena made the first move to lifted Yuki’s free hand and placed down the bloody cross she obtained just seconds ago from Nori. Rena stared up into Yuki’s eyes, searching for an answer before she spoke out.

“Black” Rena said with a chuckle, her now emptied hand made her way to her lips wanting to taste the dripping blood when she nibble on her nails.

Rena let out a disappointed grunt when her hand was stopped by Yuki’s, after Yuki retracted her hand Rena saw a necklace placed neatly on her palms. She lifted the clean object up with two fingers so she can take a good look, turning towards Yuki she gave her a nod in approval of her choice of reward.

“Gekikara” Yuki whispered into the wind that carried the word towards Rena and those around them.
“Haahahahahhahaha” Rena once again flared up her signature laugh as she secured the necklace around her neck with Yuki mirroring her actions.

Once the necklace are secured the two turned to walk out of the school yard leaving the bodies littered on the ground, the crowd quickly dispersed when the show came to an end. No one bother to take a second glanced at the fallen Nori and her followers, seems like most of them hold grudges against those poor crippled bodies. They had all once been a victim to her harassments and bullying.

OMG what have I done to Yuki!!!!!!!! AHHHHH *runs around in circles  :panic:*

edit: I added another reason for Rena to slap that girl "for being ugly" (Shi-chan gave me this reason why there should be another slap)
« Last Edit: September 11, 2011, 07:22:43 AM by immortal_K »

Offline BlackRockAnon

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 4 (Sept 10)
« Reply #162 on: September 11, 2011, 03:31:46 AM »
My friend, you have done justice.


Totally love this! I'm looking forward to your next chapter as always! xD

Offline Kid_Alpha

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 4 (Sept 10)
« Reply #163 on: September 11, 2011, 03:58:31 AM »
That was awesome.

Ahhh Geki and Black are a fearsome duo. D:

Offline ShibuyaDokiDoki

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 4 (Sept 10)
« Reply #164 on: September 11, 2011, 04:26:21 AM »

Offline RenaChii

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 4 (Sept 10)
« Reply #165 on: September 11, 2011, 11:36:48 AM »

Offline virgo_shaka

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 4 (Sept 10)
« Reply #166 on: September 11, 2011, 04:28:49 PM »
The birth of renown BLACK GEKIKARA  :mon zoom: :mon zoom: :mon zoom:

Offline blughise

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 4 (Sept 10)
« Reply #167 on: September 11, 2011, 07:08:38 PM »
KIRA!!!!!!! THIS IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! :twothumbs


Offline aoi_sora

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 4 (Sept 10)
« Reply #168 on: September 12, 2011, 07:58:53 AM »
i'll say this again...
I MISSED A LOT!!!!!!!  :frustrated:

i love this!!! BLACK and GEKIKARA combi is the best!!!!  :mon slapself:

that ugly girl needs to DIE!!!!!!  :mon zoom:




 :on voodoo:

update soon!

Offline kahem

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 4 (Sept 10)
« Reply #169 on: September 12, 2011, 08:26:35 AM »
Seriously in the drama it should have a scene like that

Offline cmze

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 4 (Sept 10)
« Reply #170 on: September 13, 2011, 01:14:12 AM »
i'm in love..!  :heart:
Rena x Yuki..!  :wub:
wow those two are really kick ass girls.! :D
the fight was great..THANK YOU VERY MUCH..! :cow:
please update soon..!  :bow:

Offline immortal_K

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 4 (Sept 10)
« Reply #171 on: September 13, 2011, 10:25:17 AM »
BlackRockAnon I just can't get enough of my favorite duo so had to dedicate a full prequel for them hahaha

Kid_Alpha Yup never get on their bad side or you rather wish you were dead bwahahahahab  :twisted:

ShibuyaDokiDoki MEEEP!!!!~~~ Doki! Doki!  :heart:

RenaChii Thanks for liking the story  :thumbsup

virgo_shaka Thanks gramps, glad you like it. Can't have Geki + Black without intense action.  :lol:

blughise Thanks Blu, I HATE SPOILED RICH GIRLY GIRL Too!!!! thats why and some how I decided slaps to the face is better serving then being beaten up bwahahahahahah

aoi_sora Nooo that ugly girl can't die, she needs to live and suffer!!! with her UGLY face!!!

kahem Yes I wish the drama had a scene like this, it would be awesome!

cmze Totally KICK ASS combo! The birth of the cross and ROCK bwahahahahahahahah

Thank you everyone for reading my stories, I hope you all enjoy your stay and precious time has not been wasted  :thumbsup

Offline immortal_K

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 4 (Sept 10)
« Reply #172 on: September 15, 2011, 09:38:22 PM »
YAY another update! Sorry for the wait, I've been busy so my stories are taking longer and longer to update keke :P
As usually please forgive any mistakes you see (pretend you don't see them please  :lol:), I hope this doesn't disappoint your expectations  XD. Let me know if you come across anything that needs to be fixed. <--- this line feels familiar keke

RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 5

That night Yuki stayed over at Rena’s.

When they first reached the front door of Yuki’s home, they heard her parent’s arguing through those thick hollow wooden doors.



Their screams and shouts resonance loudly towards Yuki, her once calmed heart began to pulsate again, her hands begin to shake while her visions start to blur as each and every single word left an impact in her heart. She didn’t realize she was crying until Rena hugged her from behind, she felt the girl spin her around and wiped away those pains gently with her thumbs. When Yuki finally calmed down she was already sitting in the living room of Rena’s apartment with a bowl of hearty spicy ramen in front of her. She looked around the living room looking for any trace of Rena but she is nowhere to be found.

Just as Yuki started to debate if she should look for Rena a growl from her stomach reminded her that she hasn’t eaten much all day. Quickly picking up the chopsticks, Yuki devour the delicious bowl of ramen. When she placed the empty bowl back on the table, Rena emerged from one of the rooms wearing a pair of shorts and a large loose t-shirt with a towel in her hands drying her still wet hair.

“Welcome back Yuki,” Rena joked, “I set out some clothes for you, go take a shower. You stink.” Rena said sniffing the air and pretending to be offended by a horrible smell.

Yuki looked at Rena slightly shocked by what Rena just did but at the same time she is glad Rena did it to lighten up the mood. “Thank you, Rena.” Yuki said as she found her way to the bathroom.

Rena proceed to clean the dishes when she heard the water running, once everything is cleaned she took out one of her precious melon pans to snack on while she waited for Yuki on the couch. When Yuki finally came out of the bathroom, Rena motioned her over. Directing Yuki to sit on the floor in front of her and she took the towel from Yuki and proceeded to help the girl dry her hair.

“You can stay here as long as you want,” Rena said breaking the silence.

“I don’t want to be a bother…” Yuki said softly with her head down.

“Yuki, you are never a bother.” Rena said using her hand to lift Yuki’s chin up and pulled the girl back slightly while she leaned over so she can look Yuki in the eyes to put her point across.

“What about your parents?” Yuki asked.

Rena dropped her hold on Yuki’s chin and sat back up, resuming her task of drying the girl’s wet hair, silence once again filled the room. “They left me,”

Yuki didn’t ask any more questions, she just sat there enjoying Rena’s company as Rena continue to dry her hair. Slowly Yuki leaned backwards until her back rested comfortably on the girls legs. Yuki sat there thinking about the events of the last two days.

“Rena,” she said softly, “what are we going to do now? The headmaster will suspend us… no he will kick us out after what we did to his granddaughter.” Yuki hugged her knees to her chest rocking herself a bit afraid of what awaits them tomorrow.

Rena placed the towel down on the couch as she knelt down behind Yuki and wrapped her arms around the rocking girl, pulling her into an embrace. "Everything will be okay," Rena told her.

Yuki allowed herself to melt into Rena's embrace, her head resting over Rena's chest listening to the soft lullaby of the gentle heartbeat. They stayed in that position for a while neither wanting to move away from the tender cuddle that washes away their troubles and anxiety.

When Rena noticed Yuki starting to fall asleep on her, she helped Yuki to the bedroom with plans to let the girl have her bed for the night. Rena sat at the edge of the bed watching over Yuki, until she is sure the girl is peacefully asleep, before moving to get up off the bed and head over to her awaiting couch. To her surprise a pair of arms snaked their way around her waist as she was getting up causing her to fall backwards onto the bed. She felt Yuki’s warm steady breath on her back causing her to shiver from the contact.

"Can you stay with me tonight? I'm scared..." Yuki whispered with her face still hidden from view.

Turning around Rena used her free hand to brush Yuki’s hair to a side so she can see the girl’s hidden face. Taking one glance at the delicate girl in front of her Rena can only nod agreeing to stay. Yuki waited until Rena got comfortable under the covers before snuggling up to the comforting warmth, satisfied with the protective arms around her, Yuki slowly drifted off to sleep.

When Rena finally opens her eyes to the intruding sunlight, she found herself alone in bed, her bedmate of the night now missing. She gradually sat herself up on the bed, lifting her arms up to stretch out her stiff muscles while letting out a tired yawn trying to rid her mind of the remaining sleepiness. Once awaken mind finally register the invading aroma that slowly filling the air informing her that breakfast will soon be served, she can easily guess the location of her missing guest.

Rena wondered if Yuki managed a decent sleep last night, seeing how her own sleep was disturbed by the thrashing Yuki, obviously bothered by nightmares, she heard Yuki repeatedly mumble words that she can’t precisely make out. Rena can accurately assume it is due to the traumatic events in the past couple days, being surrounded by a gang of grown men with dirty intentions and evil ugly spoil brats and her lackeys. This is one shadow that Yuki will have to step out of on her own, but that doesn’t mean Rena will just sit and watch.


After breakfast, the two leisurely head to school with their uniforms in hand, just moments ago they received a call from the schools secretary with some very informing information. They have officially been dropped by the school and they are to return their uniforms immediately.

Yuki borrowed from Rena a pair of black ripped jeans, then matched it with a black t-shirt that has the words ‘Terrified’ across the front. She added a few metal chains to the side of her jeans to add some extra touch to her choice of clothing. Rena notice a change in Yuki after the night, it appears that Yuki has start to adapt to their current situation. Yuki’s now calm exterior and impassive expressions calls on a terrifying shadow that looms the path she walks. Rena watchs Yuki place the cross over her neck letting it comfortably hang loose in the front for all to see, it symbolizes a new beginning the key to Yuki’s new life. 

Rena on the other hand wore a pair of washed ripped jeans with a purposely cut up white t-shirt over a black tank top. The white t-shirt had a hot red-orange flamed kanji “Kara” written in the back. She also had a few chains attached to the side of her jeans to add attitude to her overall appearance. Rena had her hair tied up on one side displaying the two small scars located at the upper left corner of her eyes, one above and one below her eye brows. Secured around her neck is the ‘Rock’ necklace Yuki had given her yesterday along with a name that she can certainly get use to.

Once they reached the school, they headed directly to the school's office, not bothering to knock. They kicked the door open and leisurely stroll to a stop in front of the headmaster.

"What do you to think you are doing?" He screamed at the two surprised by their sudden appearance.

"I know I was right to dispel you two from this school," He continued to ramble, "I should've done it long ago when Nori asked me to."

Yuki and Rena turned to look at each other before nodding and in sync they lifted their legs to kick the desk hard knocking it over and successfully trapping their headmaster under the desk. His mistake was mentioning his granddaughter in front of the now dangerous duo. They walked over and kicked at him a couple of times causing him to yell out in pain. From the outside a couple of the secretary glanced into the room to see what was going on but then went back to their desk pretending to see and hear nothing as they diligently continue their paperwork with a smile on their face.

When they finally got tired of stepping on the almost lifeless body the two finally walked out of the room and pass their uniforms to one of the secretary. As they retreat they heard a couple "Good luck" and "take care" from the secretaries, their voice half drowned out by the moaning and grunting headmaster asking for help.

Before leaving the two decided to pay their favorite classmate a last visit, they stopped outside the classroom making sure the girl is in there before executing their plan. Rena started her chilling laugh causing everyone inside to freeze, then Yuki forcefully kicked the door open.

"Kashiwagi! Matsui! What are you two doing here I was informed that....." the teacher froze in half sentence as Yuki walked in and gave him a deadly glare that promise pain if he spoke another word.

The students stopped what they are doing, afraid that any sudden movement will cause unwanted attention from the two girls standing in from of the class. The news has been spreading all morning of what happen yesterday but most of their friends and students refused to believe the two can cause that much damage, but now they might have to reconsider that thought. The deadly aura emitting from Yuki and the chaotic sensation from Rena is almost unimaginable, if anyone told them that these were their star students no one would ever believe them.

"Haahahaaahahahaha" Rena continue to laugh as she held her neck and half dragged her feet over to the sitting Nori, surrounded by her followers. Their faces still sporting the bruises, cuts and swollen cheeks from yesterday.
Stopping in front of the girl, Rena leaned over and asked, "Ne okotte iru?"

Seeing how Nori started to shiver, Rena smiled as she started to bite her nails while she watching Nori closely. Yuki suddenly appeared beside Rena and glared at Nori while she lifted her hand. The fear instated into the spoiled brat caused her to fall off her chair with her arms up to protect herself from what looks to be another slap. As Nori hit the ground her body appears to have lost a hold on her bladder function as a pool start to form under the girl.

Satisfy with the girls respond Yuki lowered her arm and turned to walk out of the classroom passing through the crowded hallways. Rena quickly followed Yuki out after smirking at the fallen girl, the curious students in the hallways immediately opened a path for the pair to leave the building.

Wow we are already at chapter 5 =O

Offline Kid_Alpha

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 5 (Sept 15)
« Reply #173 on: September 15, 2011, 11:04:04 PM »
Why so short? ;3;

YukiRena duo for the win~!

I like how you mention Rena's scars, they were a rather attractive feature. /shrugs

Offline BlackRockAnon

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 5 (Sept 15)
« Reply #174 on: September 16, 2011, 12:01:13 AM »
And they became badass.

I LOVE YOU KIRA! No homo. B-]

Absolutely an awesome chapter! By the way, I think I've seen a picture of Yukirin wearing almost the same thing. She was, of course, with Nezumi Mayuyu though.

What an excellent way to start my day!  :twothumbs

Offline immortal_K

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 5 (Sept 15)
« Reply #175 on: September 16, 2011, 12:09:51 AM »
Why so short? ;3;

YukiRena duo for the win~!

I like how you mention Rena's scars, they were a rather attractive feature. /shrugs

Yes those lovely scars, can't have her covering them all  :twothumbs Sorry for the short chapter  :P keke

And they became badass.

I LOVE YOU KIRA! No homo. B-]

Absolutely an awesome chapter! By the way, I think I've seen a picture of Yukirin wearing almost the same thing. She was, of course, with Nezumi Mayuyu though.

What an excellent way to start my day!  :twothumbs

Thanks BlackRockAnon, you are right on lol Yukirin did where that shirt for perf and was with Nezumi but this time she gets GEKI!!!!!!!! bwahahaha

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 5 (Sept 15)
« Reply #176 on: September 16, 2011, 01:01:35 AM »
TOTALLY BADASSS!!!! Now I know where that Nori bitch got her bitchy attitude!!! That Principal totally deserve that!!! And that Nori bitch totally peed herself :twisted: GEKI AND BLACK COMBI ROCK :twothumbs
I'm sensing this is going to end soon

update soon Kira

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 5 (Sept 15)
« Reply #177 on: September 16, 2011, 02:56:29 AM »
Rena's scars... *drools*



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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 5 (Sept 15)
« Reply #178 on: September 16, 2011, 11:51:46 AM »
LOVE it~  :wub:

Please update soon~  :twothumbs

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 5 (Sept 15)
« Reply #179 on: September 16, 2011, 03:43:34 PM »
Hello, Kira-san. After so long time I became a silent reader, I finally could give you my comment.
I like it when Black side of Yukirin appeared.
I read this story in my class. When I started grinning like crazy my friends are staring at me as if I'm a weird person.
That Nori will never be able to show herself off in front of Black and Geki again.
One-shots: SKE48 fic - Silent Understanding (Matsui Rena/Furukawa Airi) [2015.05.15]
Twitter: SKE48 fic - Silent Understanding (Matsui Rena/Furukawa Airi) [2015.05.15]
SKE48 fic - Silent Understanding (Matsui Rena/Furukawa Airi) [2015.05.15]

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