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Author Topic: RAPPAPA: Lost and Find - 3.1 ~ Aug 4  (Read 104888 times)

Offline kahem

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 5 (Sept 15)
« Reply #180 on: September 16, 2011, 07:06:23 PM »
So badass I like it!

Offline cmze

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 5 (Sept 15)
« Reply #181 on: September 17, 2011, 05:53:40 AM »
the embrace part melted my heart..! :heart
but i wanted more i guess i have to wait..! XD
take that spoil brat :shakeit:
rena x yuki..! :wub:
cool chapter! :thumbsup
please update soon.. :bow:

Offline immortal_K

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 5 (Sept 15)
« Reply #182 on: September 22, 2011, 07:38:20 AM »
blughise: Thanks Blu for being here and commenting on all my updates, it really helps motivate me to continue. LOL as smart as always, you know whats coming up haha

ShibuyaDokiDoki: MEEP~ thanks for leaving a comment Pengu

RenaChii: Glad you like it and thanks for the comment

caghaunt: Thanks for the comment, I know what you mean, sometimes I read on my phone and start laughing while everyone around gives me weird looks. Nori will hide from now on haha.

kahem: Badass is the best! especially if it is Geki X Black! Thanks for leaving me a comment.

cmze: I just couldn't resist adding in Geki X Black/ Rena X Yuki moments bwahahahaha. Thank you for leaving me a comment.

Thanks everyone for reading the story and leaving thank you and comments, it really helps motivate me to continue to write. I've been very busy with trying to scramble to finish my assignments before I fail and managing work at the same time. I hope  to have the next chapter up shortly maybe tonight if not tomorrow for sure.

Sorry for being MIA but I anticipate that this will continue until I finish my final......

Offline immortal_K

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 5 (Sept 15)
« Reply #183 on: September 22, 2011, 11:36:57 AM »
Thank you for all your comments and support, here is the long waited update for Black in White. I hope you enjoyed your stay and your precious time didn't go wasted.

RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 6

After their stop at the school they decided to stop by at Rena's favorite ramen restaurant for lunch. Their peaceful stride was disturbed by the commotion and rattles coming from under the bridge. Curious to know the source of the noise they went to investigate only to find Shibuya and Dance surrounded by a big mob of armed girls. Bats and pipes glittered under the sun, reflecting beams of light in all directions. From afar they can see Shibuya standing there in the middle with her head held up high, not a single ounce of fear can be seen from the fashion queen. At her side Dance stood there with determination, she might not be a great fighter but she refuse to give in, she cannot show signs of weakness now, not when Shibuya is present.

Yuki and Rena stood there watching as the fight begin, even though they can see the skills of the pair, they are no match for the number of yankee girls that surround them, it is a fight between flesh and metal. Making up their mind, Yuki and Rena decided to grace these girls with their presence teaching them a lesson about respect. Only cowards would arm themselves with weapons and outnumber their opponent because they are afraid to lose. It is no difference from those low life gangsters who ambushed Yuki the other night.

“AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA, what a bunch of cowards,” Rena said as she made herself known to the group of yankee girls in front of her.

“This is none of your business get lost!” One of the girls in grey school uniform said while waving the metal pipe she held in one of her hand.

“Our path is ours to determined, but your faith has been decided." Yuki spoke with a chilling voice from behind the group, the girls quickly turned around looking for the second intruder.

"Your coward display has anger the gods. Prepare yourself for the wrath of my shadow, as you will be judge in front of Hades.” Yuki's voice travelled to the girls again, and finally they found her standing beside a giggling Rena.

"Who are you?"

"How dare you interfere with us!" said the fat and ugly yankee girl's. Her uniform modified to show much unwanted skin. In most cases people will think more skin the better but in her case, she might as well cover herself head to toe and even the face to save people’s stomachs.

Yuki and Rena glanced around at the girls that surround them and tried very hard not to laugh at their ugly makeup and their fashion. Their hair are a mess, dye in all sorts of colors that only make one want to barf after looking at them. Their thick makeup did not help to cover up their ugly face, and for those that could've been consider average looks worst exponentially because of the thick layer of powder plastered on their face like coffee stains on a carpet.   

 Shibuya gathered herself and looked over surprise to see the two girls here during school hours, she looked them over and raised an eyebrow to their choice of clothing. She never thought the ones to come to her rescue will be these two prestige school girls but they seem different, much more deadly and intimidating.

"Don't let them get away!" one of the Yabakune girl shouted as the rest begin to attack again, swinging their pipes and rods at their four targets.

It didn't take long for the ground to be littered with bodies as Yuki, Rena and Shibuya quickly took down the girls, while Dance cheered them on at the side, occasionally kicking a girl or two that block her view of the fight.

"I'm hungry, you two up for some ramen? My treat," Shibuya said after taking care of the last one standing. She wanted to thank the two for helping her but pride prevented her from saying it directly so she chooses a different way to show her gratitude. She didn’t wait for the two to reply before turning and started to walk away from the scene.

"Thank you," Dance said with a bow before moving to follow Shibuya. Rena and Yuki glanced at each other before following the two departing figures, they were originally on their way to get some ramen before they got sidetracked.


The band of four end up taking Rena’s suggestion and are now seated at the same spicy ramen restaurant. Originally Shibuya had plans for a different place but after getting hidden signals from Dance and remembering the food quality of the restaurant their first met, Yuki and Rena decided to intervene. With some easy convincing Shibuya decided to go with Rena’s idea, although the laughing, giggling and nail biting played a big part in the overall decision.

Once seated Shibuya finally asked the question that has been bugging her since she saw the two girls, "shouldn't you two be in class right now?"

"We got kicked out of school," Rena answered calmly as if it didn't matter to her, while looking through the familiar menu in her hand.

Unexpected by the sudden answer Shibuya accidently knocked her cup of water off the table, but before she can even react Yuki already had the cup placed in the exact same spot, not spilling a single drop of water. Shibuya looked up at Yuki with disbelief, she didn't even see the girl move but sure enough her cup of water is back on the table like she never knocked if off in the first place. Even though she saw Yuki in action a little while ago she still can't believe someone can move so fast.

"How?" was all she can manage to say as she stared at the two mysterious girls seated across from her.

"The speed or being kicked out?" Yuki asked with a smirk that Shibuya would never expect to see from the same girl she met just weeks ago.

"Both," Shibuya now replied all serious.

Looking at the girls in front of them, Rena and Yuki took turn repeating the events that happened in the last couple days. Originally they had planned to not tell anyone of their story but for some reason they felt a connection to Shibuya, something that tells them they can be trusted.

"Haha!" Shibuya started laughing after she heard what they did to the spoiled brat at their previous school.

"I would never think it was you two that downed all those gang members, the police reported it as a gang brawl related to territorial issues, and that Nori brat too! I would love to see her face now," Shibuya said still laughing while Yuki and Rena just sat there confused.

"That Nori girl tried to throw money at Shibuya-san, to make her do all the dirty work and Shibuya refused. Since then Nori has been sending us trouble every once in a while, like the group of girl that came bursting into the ramen place." Dance explained.

When their orders finally came, Yuki and Rena dig into their noodles while Shibuya and Dance looked at them like they are crazy, their soup base is bright red screaming out deadly to anyone that dares try.

"So what are you two going to do now?"

"I don't know, but I doubt we can get into any decent school after what we did to the headmaster, he will for sure write bad recommendations on our school records." Yuki paused to answer.

"How about joining my school?" Shibuya asked.

"You go to school?" Rena asked surprised.

"I go to Majisuka Gakuen, the famous yankee school. Attendance is optional, violence is mandatory." Shibuya said with a grin.

"I don't know..." Yuki said with doubts.

"If you two can beat up those gang members then I'm sure you will do fine," Shibuya said.

"You think so?" Rena asked again uncertain.

"Positive, but first you need new names,"

"New names?" Yuki and Rena asked in unison.

"Of course, you didn't think our name is Shibuya and Dance right?"

"Well no, but what is your real name anyways?" Yuki asked curious.

"Itano Tomomi,"

"Yagami Kumi,"

"So what should we name you two?"

"Black" Rena said while pointing over to Yuki.

"Gekikara" Yuki replied while pointing back at Rena.

"I guess that is settled, let's go see the principle after we finish our food," Shibuya suggested, excited to have the two join her at Majisuka, she can feel their potential so strong that it might even surpass her own. Together they can definitely make history at Majijo.

Offline karomuwi

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 6 (22/09)
« Reply #184 on: September 22, 2011, 01:34:15 PM »
The birth of the four heavenly queens!!! HOORAY~! Totally love the plot! I mean! Awesome! Though... Can I make a request? It's alright if you can't write it. Can you please make Shibuya with Kasai and Yuki with Nezumi? Making it all much more unexpected? Plus Sae with Sayaka? That would totally be awesome!, it's your choice ^^ PLEASE UPDATE!
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

Offline immortal_K

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 6 (22/09)
« Reply #185 on: September 22, 2011, 02:29:44 PM »
karomuwi Thanks for reading and leaving me a comment, I was just reading your story on my phone when I saw your comment here. As for the request, this is a prequel to MG which is in the same series as the 2 sequel Supreme and Undercover, so the pairings are already decided. Shibuya will be with Kasai (not MG Kabuki sister) and Black is with Sae (not MG Gakuran)

I have other plans for eventually bringing in all of the MG characters into the stories bwahahahahahahahah.........

As for your pairing request, I could see if I can add it to my list of future projects for OS's or maybe even another MG story.....


Offline caghaunt

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 6 (22/09)
« Reply #186 on: September 22, 2011, 03:16:54 PM »
Yeah! Then I started to try to laugh like Gekikara. And it works, they stopped staring at me.
Shibuya is really surprised when she know Yuki and Rena ability, eh? As expected.
Yaa-hoo! So this story will be TomoTomo and SaeYuki! I'll request one, WMATSUI. Not Center. But Jurina.

P.s: I recently had been try an instant noodles named Gekikara Ramen. And it's not very spicy. I think it should be named Chuukara Ramen. Heheh.
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Twitter: SKE48 fic - Silent Understanding (Matsui Rena/Furukawa Airi) [2015.05.15]
SKE48 fic - Silent Understanding (Matsui Rena/Furukawa Airi) [2015.05.15]

Offline immortal_K

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 6 (22/09)
« Reply #187 on: September 22, 2011, 04:01:17 PM »
caghaunt: LOL this story is a prequel to MG1 and my Rappapa series Supreme and Undercover. The pairs are already decided  :lol: and Yes Gekikara does get Jurina (not MG Center) haha
Yea I went out for spicy Hotpot with friends and that wasn't spicy enough either...... definitely not Gekikara!

dream_catcher: Thanks for liking the story and leaving me a comment.

Offline caghaunt

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 6 (22/09)
« Reply #188 on: September 22, 2011, 04:52:49 PM »
U yeah! So.. After Black and Geki come to Majijo, they'll meet Torigoya and Yuko, yes?
I think Rena and Yuki's liking for spicy food has been rubbed on me. I'm not a big fans of spicy food before.
One-shots: SKE48 fic - Silent Understanding (Matsui Rena/Furukawa Airi) [2015.05.15]
Twitter: SKE48 fic - Silent Understanding (Matsui Rena/Furukawa Airi) [2015.05.15]
SKE48 fic - Silent Understanding (Matsui Rena/Furukawa Airi) [2015.05.15]

Offline immortal_K

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 6 (22/09)
« Reply #189 on: September 22, 2011, 05:15:56 PM »
U yeah! So.. After Black and Geki come to Majijo, they'll meet Torigoya and Yuko, yes?
I think Rena and Yuki's liking for spicy food has been rubbed on me. I'm not a big fans of spicy food before.

Yup, trying to think up a prequel for them and the rest too, so everyone gets a little bit of something that the original MG was missing. Haven't figured it out yet but I'm sure something will come.

I've always liked spicy food, and Rena and Yuki just made me love it even more!

Offline kahem

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 6 (22/09)
« Reply #190 on: September 22, 2011, 06:35:26 PM »
Yeah finally they will join Rappappa

Offline RenaChii

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 6 (22/09)
« Reply #191 on: September 22, 2011, 10:29:07 PM »
Finally they will join Rappappa~  :cow:

Please update soon~  XD

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 6 (22/09)
« Reply #192 on: September 22, 2011, 11:00:36 PM »

Offline blughise

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 6 (22/09)
« Reply #193 on: September 23, 2011, 02:46:14 AM »
AWESOME as always Kirachan!!!!! XD :heart: XD

Black and Geki combi are unbeatable!!!! XD

one last chapter and this awesome fic is done! since you only write chapters upto the 7th chapter, to give yourself a limit.......

I want Geki's past next Kira!!!

update when you can XD :heart: XD

Offline cmze

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 6 (22/09)
« Reply #194 on: September 23, 2011, 03:08:07 AM »
what?what? now black and gekikara...! :grin:
Omg! i'm so happy!  :D
i want to know what's next soooooooo baaaaaaaaad..!  :w00t:
please update soon!  :cow:

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 6 (22/09)
« Reply #195 on: September 24, 2011, 07:29:00 AM »
Great way to start a morning I say! Hahahahahaha!

But damn, you reminded me this is a SaeYuki.... I'm not very into that couple to be honest. But well, anyway, we get WMatsui so... \o/

More please! :D

Offline haruhi16

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 6 (22/09)
« Reply #196 on: October 25, 2011, 01:21:25 PM »
awww please Kira i want MOREEEEEEEEEEE  :heart:


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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 6 (22/09)
« Reply #197 on: January 20, 2012, 03:27:30 AM »
I started today, caught up now, and now I'm a happy ducky :3

Update soon~ :heart:
That which does not kill you, makes you stronger.

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 6 (22/09)
« Reply #198 on: February 06, 2012, 05:10:19 AM »
UPDATE SOON PLZ  :stunned:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Offline immortal_K

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Re: RAPPAPA: Black IN White - 6 (22/09)
« Reply #199 on: March 08, 2012, 08:37:00 AM »
It's alive! After a long... long ... long wait the ice has now melted and Rappapa is officially revived!  :twothumbs
So to officially mark the return of this story, I started with a side story at the end of Black IN White... just a little playing around with my favorite characters in Majisuka  :wub: I am happy to announce that I will start writing the next part of the story shortly. Probable after I update Impulse first and for those of you that haven't notice I just started digging my own grave. I now have a few ongoing stories that I will need to update so don't be surprise if this joins Impulse for monthly updates  :twisted:

Special thanks to hard working BETA POMMIE! LOL It's really a hard task to beta my work.  :bow: :bow:
So to be nice, I decided I will start writing what you've been waiting for since agesssss ago, but I will need your help with naming the next part of the story  :twothumbs
"Look Pommie! my updates are now much longer compare to the short little ones I started with,"  :P

*Note = Black IN White is a Prequel to Majisuka and comes before Supreme and Undercover  XD*

RAPPAPA: Black IN White, Side story 1

“Gekikara, where are you? Please come home...” I prayed as I touched the cross hanging from my neck.

It’s been a few days since she ran off into the night. I thought she would be back by morning, but I was wrong. This is all my fault and now I can only sit here alone, regretting the choices that I made.

She took me in and gave me a place to stay. She comforted me when I needed someone the most. She was always there for me.

And before I knew it, my heart started to respond to those warm touches and gentle hugs that she only gives when we’re alone. No one would normally think to put Gekikara in the same sentence as gentle and kind, but I know better. The first time she disappeared at night, I woke up missing her warmth, so I went looking, and caught her politely greeting the elderly who visit the park for their morning walks.
The part of her she hides from everyone, the mysterious girl that suddenly appeared in my life, the one that I know nothing about... Rena.

“Rena... what happened to you in the past?” I checked out the window once again, a habit that I have developed since she left.

I feel so frustrated sitting here alone in this empty apartment. I just want her to come home. I haven’t been able to sleep. It isn’t the same without her here to hold me, to chase away those nightmares that visit me regularly. I finally understand that I want to be with her, but if I have to choose between friendship and love, I would rather just have her by my side.


I made a mistake...

A few days ago, in that half lit tunnel...

I knew I was starting to develop an attraction, a crush for Rena. I tried to hold myself back but I made a big mistake in letting my guard down. She was so irresistible at that moment, and that was all it took for me to surrender to my emotions.


It has been a few months since we transferred into Majisuka, but I’m still having trouble adjusting to the new environment. Is it still considered a school when books aren’t a part of the curriculum? I just can’t change my old habits of carrying a book in my bag. I was always the perfect student at the top of my class, a proper princess that volunteers at the library after school. Such delinquent acts was never a focus in my life. When I was told attendance is optional and class is just another time for eat, sleep and play, I find it hard to accept. I feel so vulnerable as I became one of the most sought out targets among my peers, my survival only thanks to Gekikara.

Shibuya wasn’t kidding when she said violence was mandatory, but Rena was able to adapt to the new circumstances without losing her step. It was almost like she was born ready and had been waiting for her these dummies to put her skills to the test. Just like the first time we met, and every time after, Gekikara was there to watch over me with those strong arms that shield me from harm, to protect me from those girls looking for trouble.


“AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ne Okotteiru?”

The familiar laugh made it’s way through the air as Gekikara admired her handy work. The taste of iron stained her lips as she bit her nails, listening to the moans and grunts of the trash on the ground. Satisfied with her performance, Gekikara turned around to see me with my back against the wall, wearing an altered version of the school’s uniform. I saw her frown while trying to burn the long material with her glare. I remember she once mentioned that it’s a shame to hide my legs behind such boring material after comparing her uniform to mine. I’m not sure what she was thinking, but I definitely can’t complain about her slanted skirt, leaving her soft milky skin exposed for all to see. It’s a pity that Shibuya told her to match it with long boots that covered her legs, but I don’t mind. That luxury I have when we are behind the walls of our home.

“Are you okay?” Gekikara asked, “You seem to attract this sort of trash.” She added while walking towards me, kicking away a pair of hands that tried to reach out from under a pile of bodies as she closed the distance.

Embarrassed by the sudden invasion of my personal circle, I tried to look away, hoping to find something else to focus on. But I couldn’t stop myself from stealing quick glances at the beautiful sight in front of me. It didn’t matter that blood was splattered all over her uniform and covered her hands.
Angels can be just as beautiful in red.

I was trapped with the wall behind me, and no where to run. My heart started to pound heavily on my chest wall, while heat started to rise up my body. I could feel myself slowly turning red, even though it probably wasn’t all that visible from outside. I felt a set of eyes following my every movement, like a hunter watching their prey for the perfect time to strike. I finally looked up to find Gekikara watching me while biting her nails, a magnificent grin on her face andher head tilted at an angle. I believe that’s her thinking pose... Those curious eyes monitored my every movement, like a child wondering what is hidden behind the curtains.

“Th...anks,” I stuttered, the suddenly attention was making me nervous.

But to make it worse, Gekikara decided to lean closer, until I felt her warm breath on my already hot skin. If anyone else was around, they would’ve told me maybe Red was a better name for me instead of Black.

My first mistake was trying to look away. My second was choosing to look down. My eyes never wandered any lower after they discovered and focused on those inviting lips. When those exact lips formed the rare pout that I had begged during the nights for her to show me, I knew she was displeased with my silence and lack of response. I’m infected and the disease is far too advance to be saved. I have diagnosed myself with hopelessness.

And when that tongue of hers peeked out to lick the blood left on her lips, the last of my strings were snapped, overflowing with new emotions and urges. I want... no, I need to taste them.
My hunger took over.

Without any warning, my hands reached out, pulling her close and sealing her lips before she could protest. I let myself taste the iron as I licked the specks of blood from her soft lips.

But as suddenly as it started, Gekikara quickly pushed away, shocking me with the flash of panic and fear that flooded into her eyes. This is the first time I’ve seen these emotions on the fearless girl who just took out a mob of gangsters alone. Not even the flash of cold blades could cause her to blink an eye.

“Rena?” I asked softy, afraid to speak any louder. My hands reached out for her but never made contact as Gekikara turned and ran out of my sight. When my mind finally caught up to the situation, she was already gone.


"Zutto mae kara, kizukazu ni suki ni natta....."

I woke up to the ring of my phone, the light vibration in my palms reminded me that I have been waiting for this call.

“Did you find her?” I asked immediately, forgoing any greetings. I’m sure Shibuya will understand. If Dance ever disappeared, I’m sure she would be just as concerned.

“She’s at the park,”

“The park? Which one?” I asked, picking myself off the floor, I headed straight for the door, still waiting for a more define location but the answer never came.

‘Did she just hang up on me?’ I paused for a second to glare holes at my phone hoping that some of the negative energy would be transferred to the caller at the other end.

‘Park.... WHAT PARK?!?!?! STUPID SHIBUYA!’ My mind screamed, shouted and flipped as I ran out into the night to ‘The Park’.

“Wait... that’s it! Why didn’t I think of it sooner?” I did a 180º turn and ran in the opposite direction towards the park where I first met Gekikara. It slipped from my mind after I stopped visiting that location... I didn’t want to bring back unwanted memories.

Those words were still fresh wounds in my head.


*3rd person view*

As Yuki neared the water fountain, she could see a crowd of thugs in a very familiar attire. It’s the same group of gangsters from that time, but why are they here? She came here to find Rena, not a rendezvous of stupid mob heads. A slight shift in bodies standing in the circle, and she got a clear view of what attracted the crowd.

“Look at those eyes! Haha, let see how much longer you can keep it up!” Shinjiro smirked as he signaled for his men to lift the beaten girl closer. He lifted his leg to kick her square in the stomach, to get revenge for the humiliation they suffered that night. Gekikara flew back into the cement from the force of the kick, but she refused to satisfy them with a cry of pain.

“I told you to hold tight!” he shouted at the two who were supposed to be holding the girl, frustrated that he can’t even break her. She is suppose to be on her hands and knees, pleading with tears for them to let her go, so why isn’t she doing it?! He moved forward to kick her again while she wass still on the ground.


“AHHH!” Shouts of pain echoed among the crowd as bodies got thrown aside, opening a path for the grand entrance of the missing half of the pair.

“Oh, look who’s here. I really missed having your body under mine, your silky smooth skin.” Shinjiro laughed, sporting a perverted smirk.

He took a look around at the men he brought with him tonight, and felt confident that they could deal with the two girls, since one of them is already down.
“You won’t be able to get awa-” he stopped mid sentence as the girl disappeared from where she was just seconds ago.

“Gekikara, are you okay?” Yuki asked while crouching over the fallen girl, checking her to make sure she isn’t in any immediate danger.

“Black?” The word came out weakly, but the owner appeared to be quickly recovering from the earlier abuse at the presence of her shadow.

“Come on, let’s show them how it’s done properly.” Yuki stood up and held out her hand for Gekikara to take.

They stood back to back gauging their opponents, preparing themselves for what is to come. This battle will be more difficult seeing that they have a greater number of enemies, but soon all that would be swept away by darkness and chaos. After a quick stretch of her muscles, Gekikara graced the men with her voice.
But it wasn’t what Shinjiro had in mind.

“AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Tasty.” Gekikara licked the blood off of her lips as she smirked at them.


It didn’t take us long to take down those bastards, but it wasn’t without a price as I rubbed my sore knuckles. I would be surprised if I didn’t develop any bruises tomorrow. I was so occupied with relieving the numbness that I didn’t notice you until your hands were on mine, stopping me from what I was doing. Your soft hands worked on mine with precise pressure, massaging them with delicate touches.

I was frozen on the spot, my nerves all jumbled up confused, lost and surprised but her actions. I didn’t know how to react.

“Reaction queen.” I heard you whisper in my ear, giggling at my priceless expression of shock and surprise magnified by 100%. I really missed your presence.

My brain visited the clouds as my memory failed to recall the blacked out gaps. Thinking back again and again, I couldn’t remember how we made it to the hills. Were we holding hands the whole way? I can’t remember if it was you or me that led us there, but the next memory for me was us lying on the grass glazing at the stars.

It was a lovely night, with the gentle breezes rustling leaves, and the clear skies covered with speckles of light. We laid there enjoying the moment of silence, no words were exchanged between us as you held onto my hand. I was afraid to move, afraid that it might scare you away. I was afraid you would let me go but I knew from the looks in your eyes. I already understand.

I turned over to admire you under the moonlight, so peaceful with one arm supporting your head as you laid on the grass with one leg propped up comfortably. With your eyes closed, I couldn’t tell if you had fallen asleep, but I guess you felt my shift because you lips curved into a smile.

Making up my mind, I sat up and leaned over until I hovered above you, our hands still connected when I reached over to support myself. I moved slowly, praying that you won’t push me away, before our lips connected once again. I immediately noticed a familiar copper taste, but this time it held a tinge of sweetness. And even though I felt the slight return of a kiss you put behind your lips, I already knew. The passion is there but the sparks are missing.

I kept my eyes closed when I broke the kiss, coming apart only for a second before leaning in until our foreheads touched. I felt your shallow breath on my skin as you waited in silence, giving me time to gather my thoughts.

“Sorry.” I heard you whisper after you knew I was ready.

I opened my eyes and slowly withdrew, our eyes sending messages between us. After seeing that we both understood, I sat up with a smile to match yours.
We have come to a conclusion.

“Let’s go home.” I said, sighing into the air. The weight on my chest has now been lifted as everything had been resolved.

We walked side by side.
At least, I know I will always hold a special spot in your heart just as you hold a piece of mine.

“Yuki, I want ramen... with melon pan,” You said casually when your stomach growled like a beast, disturbing the peace.

“..... we only have ramen at home...” I answered, still wondering about your taste for that odd combination. I don’t think I can ever get use to it.


The next morning, the two were greeted with a sight of bodies littered across the field. Looking closely, they were all students of Majisuka, beaten by a group of thirty unknown girls from one of their rival schools. It seems that they missed a lot after skipping school for a few days and now they are being raided?

“Hey look, isn’t that the famous princess bookworm and her pet?”

“I heard Maji was so desperate that they started accepting weaklings like her?”

“Why don’t you just go back to your goodie school and be the teacher’s slut.”

“You should join the rest of your classmates.”

Taunts were thrown at the two girls as they watched the group in grey uniforms think hard to come up with more provoking words. Sometimes they wondered, why these girls bothered trying to think, when in the end, they only result in using their fists anyways. It just makes them look like idiots pausing in between insults to think.

“Gekikara, I think I need to work out some of my stress.” Yuki spoke up only for Gekikara to hear. “I was rejected last night you know, for the first time ever.”

“It must’ve hurt.” Gekikara replied with a smile.

She watched Yuki reach into her bag to pull out her signature textbook and with the speed of light that book was whipped across the field into the face of the ugliest girl in grey. Pages scattered into the air as the binding broke under the intense pressure of it’s impact.

“May you rest well in the hands of the shadows, darkness has arrived and there is nowhere for you to run.” Yuki- no, Black lifted her hand to touch the cross hanging around her neck. “I am Black, remember that name.” 

“HAHAHAHAHAHAAA, Ne Okotteiru?” Gekikara asked from the side before joining Black in the field to avenge their fallen school mates.

“Hey don’t go and have fun without me!” Shibuya shouted, sporting a smile as she ran out from the school building. Dance had just told her that Black and Gekikara returned.


“Yuko-san.” Sado finally spoke up as she watched the scene play out below.

“Mieta.” Torigoya said playfully with her head slightly tilted to the side grinning, both hands tucked in the pockets of her signature jacket while her eyes focused on their leader.

“Let’s go.” Out of habit, Yuko’s hands went to comb through her hair. She has finally found their missing pieces of the puzzle. Rappapa will finally be complete.


Thanks for reading everyone!
Thanks again to HashirePomeranian for doing the beta and fixing my poor engrish.
And too all those that left me comments  :bow: :bow: you are my motivation to keep going.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2012, 11:50:43 AM by immortal_K »

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