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Author Topic: Hunted (Tentative Title) [Chapter 2 Part 1]  (Read 7819 times)

Offline SharkAttack

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Hunted (Tentative Title) [Chapter 2 Part 1]
« on: July 26, 2011, 07:45:20 AM »
Hi! I'm new to this forum, but I had spent some time lurking in this fanfiction section, and I decided to post one of my own. This is my first time writing fanfction. Ever.

The idea for this fic had been floating around in my head for about a month now, and I finally found the will to sit down and write it.
As a precursor, this fic will revolve around the central theme of vampires/hunters, and there will be numerous pairings, although there will only be one or two "focus" pairings. The title is also tentative, because I'm not entirely sure exactly where I'm headed with the story, yet. Also, just warning you guys now, but I am a painfully slow writer, because I can't help but mull over every single sentence I write and edit it, but I hope I can make up for the lack of quantity with quality.

Anyways, sorry for prattling, but I hope you enjoy the story!


Hunted (Tentative Title)


She stood at the edge of the cliff, watching the mass of nondescript bodies drag themselves forward beneath her. The ground was barely visible under their numbers. Dark smoke was already rising in the horizon, visible even against the night sky, and the sound of clashing metal accompanied with shouts reached her sensitive ears. She frowned disapprovingly and turned to the shorter girl beside her.

   “Must you test it this way? I’m afraid they will not forgive you for this.” She knew her fear was not unfounded, and she had already begged the other girl not to go too far. The Order was not to be laughed at.

   Unfortunately, the small girl only grinned devilishly, showing off her sharp fangs. “It took me nearly a century to gather enough energy to reach the sixth stage.” Her grin quickly morphed into a determined expression. “If they want to come, let them.” Energy radiated off her small body in waves, blurring her outline slightly, bending the moonlight in peculiar ways.

   “Even so, could you not have waited until a full moon?” She could not keep the worry out of her voice. It was hard to tell what the other girl was thinking, sometimes.

   That smile was plastered on her face again. “You’re no fun, you know? Besides, I don’t think I can make this last until the next full moon. I wonder what they’re going to do now...?” She looked pensively towards the horizon.

   “This isn’t a game. I’m worried about you.” She looked fondly down at the girl.

   “I know.” Their eyes met, and she moved to take the taller girl’s hand in hers. She leaned forward and placed a lingering kiss on the corner of her mouth, before turning away quickly, maintaining her grip on the tall girl’s hand. The movement seemed strangely shy.

   Before she could react to the sudden gesture, a large explosion sounded in the distance, followed by a continuous, piercing sound that rang in their ears, causing her to wince in pain. They were forced to let go of their hands and she covered her ears as she watched the other girl squint her eyes and peer off into the distance to locate the source. She seemed to see something, her eyes widening.

   Without warning, she waved her hand quickly in front of the taller girl’s face, and she felt a weird feeling wash over her body. “Stay here.” She sprang off the cliff, the cloak trailing behind her morphing into dark wings that carried her swiftly away, until she was a speck in the distance within seconds.

   “Wait!” She tried to go after her, but she found that her feet were not moving. She looked down to realize that energy binds were placed on her feet, weaved with a complicated spell that would take more time than she had to undo. She reached out a hand, and was shocked to find that it stopped short in front of her. A shield? “Wha-?” At that instant, she saw a flash in the direction the girl had disappeared in, and both her voice and her vision failed her as the world was washed in a blanket of white.


Derp. A lot shorter than I thought, but meh.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2011, 07:15:30 PM by SharkAttack »


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Re: Hunted (Tentative Title)
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2011, 09:58:32 AM »
I've been waiting for vampire fic!!!! :w00t:

please~~ update soon!!!! i wanna chap 1!!! XD

Offline blughise

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Re: Hunted (Tentative Title)
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2011, 03:41:10 PM »
That looks like Mariko-sama and Miichan? Write more please XD

Offline kaizoku_gal

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Re: Hunted (Tentative Title)
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2011, 03:46:31 PM »
prologue seems interesting! Do continue!  :)

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Re: Hunted (Tentative Title)
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2011, 05:34:30 PM »
I've been waiting for vampire fic!!!! :w00t:
me too daddy.. hope it's really a vampire fic  :)
looking forward for next chap..  :thumbsup
hope it's takacchan..  :)

Offline kahem

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Re: Hunted (Tentative Title)
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2011, 09:07:17 PM »
It sounds mysterious^^ I'm curious about the pairing

Offline SharkAttack

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Re: Hunted (Tentative Title) [Chapter 1, Part 1]
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2011, 08:12:16 PM »
Thank you for reading, everyone!


     Chapter 1, Part 1

   Matsui Rena started awake, drenched with sweat from a dream she could barely even remember. She breathed heavily as she took in her surroundings to remind herself where she was. She sat on a small bed, draped with dark red cloths, and the single blanket had been thrown aside during her sleeping fit. The bed was set in the back of a dark, stone room with a large, red carpet placed in the middle of it. The moonlight was bright tonight, and a single stained-glass window threw a washed-out kaleidoscope of colors on the cold floor. Various wood furniture carved from oak were arranged tastefully in the room.

   Rena rose carefully from the bed and headed to a small, tin basin of water placed  on the side table nearby, in case something like this happened. She soaked a hand towel in the cold water and wiped her face and neck with it, calming herself. It wasn’t uncommon for her to wake up like this, but her seniors had assured her that it was normal amongst younger vampires. It was true that it had become less frequent recently.

   There was a soft knock on the heavy wooden door in the corner of the room.

   “Who is it?” Rena inquired.

   “It’s me, Anna,” a voice replied.

   Ishida Anna, one of Yuko’s Children. No matter how much Rena wanted to refuse, Yuko kept insisting that she have some of her Children assist her until she was ready to sire her own.

   “Ah, what is it?” Of course, Rena pretty much already knew the answer.

   “Ah!” Anna squeaked, “Miss Yuko told me to check up on you.”

   Rena sighed, rubbing her temples with her fingers. “I’m fine, Anna, thank you.”

   There was a quiet shuffle beyond the door. It was likely she was hesitating. Rena smiled and continued, jokingly, “Also, could you please tell Yuko that I think she is working all of you too hard?”

   “E-eh?” Anna stuttered, seemingly uncertain, but eventually she gave in. “Y-yes!” The sound of hurrying feet could be heard, fading away as Anna left.

   Rena shook her head slightly, still smiling. After cleaning her face, she went to the wardrobe in the room and pulled off her nightshift. She changed into what she normally wore: a white, long-sleeved dress shirt under a black vest, and a pleated black skirt and large belt, with shorts underneath. Last, she threw on the long cloak that most of the other inhabitants of this building are almost never seen without, including herself. She then opened the door and walked out into the hallway.


   As Rena wandered the halls of the large mansion, she noticed that it was strangely empty. Usually she would see a couple others randomly milling about or running errands around this time. Before she could think more about it, her stomach made a small rumbling noise, and she frowned, realizing that she would probably have to hunt tonight. It still felt slightly strange preying on something she used to be not too long ago, even though she was fairly accustomed to death by now.

   That reminded her that she had not seen her Master around lately, even though she could normally be seen lurking in the shadows, watching over the growing number of residents.

   Abruptly, she felt a pair of hands encircle her body and pat her chest, interrupting her train of thought. “Aa~aa, looks like you’re as flat as ever here. I was kinda hoping you’d grow a little more,” a disappointed voice behind her sounded out. Her eyes widened and she quickly spun around, breaking contact.

   Oshima Yuko stood in front of her, laughing loudly at the embarrassed look on her face.

   “Wha-?” Rena crossed her arms over chest. “I-I can’t help it you know. I-it’s not like any of us can grow anyway,” she pointed out sheepishly.

   Yuko just continued laughing until tears began to form in the corners of her eyes. She wiped them away quickly with her sleeves before they could run down and sting her cheeks. “Haha! Aw, man. It’s not everyday that I get some skinship with Matsui Rena! You’re definitely spaced out today, aren’t you?” she exclaimed.

   “I was just wondering where everyone was, that’s all,” Rena explained.

   “Hhmmm... Well, most of the others have gone out early to scout out the city. Can never be too careful since the Order moved in two months ago. Luckily, we haven’t had any deaths yet, although some of our pawns were pulverized. We shouldn’t underestimate them,” Yuko said.

   Rena definitely remembered that the Order was around the city now. She involuntarily shivered as she thought back to a month ago when she was caught unawares whilst wandering the city, and received a large ash arrow directly in her side. She managed to fight back and left her own mark on one of the Order’s members, but she could barely manage to get out of bed for a couple of days after that. Not to mention, she was severely reprimanded by her Master for being so careless. She was lucky that it did not pierce her heart, or she would have been out longer, perhaps even died.
   “Has our Master gone with them?” Rena asked.

   “Yuki? Yeah, I think so. She probably won’t be back until later,” Yuko speculated. “Anyway, I’m going to help bring in some humans for the initiates. You wanna come? It’s about time you learned how as well.” She grinned at Rena. “Then you wouldn’t have to reject my poor, cute Children anymore when you have your own.”

   “Alright, I’ll go with you,” Rena said. She could probably eat while they were carrying out their task as well. “But I haven’t really found anyone I want to turn, yet.” Their Master had made it a general rule that if they wanted to sire new vampires, she must approve first. Otherwise, rogue vampires might be created, which would be detrimental to their small “society.”

   Rena, herself, was very young for a vampire. She had been turned only four and a half years ago, and she had just weaned off feeding on her Master’s energy to survive and been initiated, although their Connection was still there. It will probably be another year before she will completely break it.

   Yuko, on the other hand, was her senior, and was probably the oldest next to their Master. She did not know the exact number, but Yuko had likely been a vampire for a good 90 years now. However, they were both sired by the same person. As for their Master’s age, she had no idea.

   “We’re not going to pick random people, are we?” Rena furrowed her eyebrows.

   Yuko let out a short laugh. “Of course not! I knew you wouldn’t like it if we did, so I chose someone specific,” she explained. “Come on, I’ll tell you when we get there.” She walked past Rena and headed towards the main hall. Rena followed her, hoping inwardly that they did not meet any unfortunate circumstances...


Unfortunately, I have to be away from home for two weeks, but I'll try to squeeze in another part tomorrow night before I leave.  :(

Offline blughise

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Re: Hunted (Tentative Title)
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2011, 08:28:50 PM »
WAHHH....YES PLEASE DO....................I WANT TO KNOW MORE!!!!!!!!  XD
HAVE FUN WITH YOUR TRIP.................

Offline kahem

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Re: Hunted (Tentative Title)
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2011, 08:29:27 PM »
Vampire Rena I want to see it!!!

Offline anoni2

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Re: Hunted (Tentative Title)
« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2011, 08:30:25 PM »
vampires!!!! :mon bat:

pls have a good time XD!!
Still shipping them early pairs. 1st generation ftw!

Editing in progress ~ T's and J's
SRO(Their Journey)


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Re: Hunted (Tentative Title)
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2011, 01:22:07 AM »
Interesting...  :twothumbs :twothumbs

take your time... i wanna know more~~  XD

Offline SharkAttack

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Re: Hunted (Tentative Title)
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2011, 09:07:07 AM »
Urrkk... Sorry... I was busier than I thought the last two days, and I didn't have time to write the next part.  :banghead:
I promise I'll update it as soon as I get back!!

Offline immortal_K

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Re: Hunted (Tentative Title)
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2011, 09:12:04 AM »
Urrkk... Sorry... I was busier than I thought the last two days, and I didn't have time to write the next part.  :banghead:
I promise I'll update it as soon as I get back!!

No worries, please update when you are able to  :hee:

I just notice I never left a comment, since I usually on my phone and that thing doesn't make commenting easy.
Thank you! Vampire RENA  :luvluv1:

Will wait patiently  :on drink:

Offline SharkAttack

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Hunted (Tentative Title) [Chapter 1 Part 2]
« Reply #13 on: August 18, 2011, 02:03:08 AM »
Gaah. Sorry for the super long wait, everyone. Thank you for the comments!


     Chapter 1 Part 2

        Rena and Yuko walked out of the mahogany double doors of the large mansion. The building was located on the outskirts of the city, and behind it, loomed a heavily forested area. The mansion was surrounded by an extensive ward, designed to keep curious eyes and wandering feet away. If a normal human walked into the ward, their vision would become clouded, and no matter how far they walk they would become lost and eventually end up back on the outside of the ward. It was a very high level spell, inscribed in stones surrounding the area. All the seniors who had reached Stage Three and above had poured their energy into making it, while their Master provided the spell.

   They shook their cloaks, which contain various enchantments, changing them into black wings. Yuko took off into the night sky, Rena following close behind.

   They landed in an affluent part of the city, near the middle.

   “Let’s walk from here,” Yuko said. Their cloaks enveloping their bodies once again, they headed towards their destination. There were rarely any people in the streets at this time, especially in this section of the city, but even if there were, they did not worry. There was another reason their cloaks were important to them. Several enchantments were placed on each cloak, and one of them allowed them to remain inconspicuous among normal humans. Only if someone specifically focused on them, would they be noticed. They need only be careful not to attract attention.

   Eventually, they reached a large estate near the end of the street they were on.

   “We’re here,” Yuko revealed.

   Rena stared incredulously at the building before them. “Who lives here?” she asked.

   “According to my research, the guy who lives makes money through the Black Market. A pretty filthy existence if you ask me. No wife, no kids. No one will miss him.” Yuko grinned at Rena, looking quite proud of herself.

   “Ok... How do we get it?” Rena inquired.

   Motioning Rena to follow her, Yuko said “Follow me.”

   A tall iron gate surrounded the villa, but they easily jumped over it without missing a beat. They headed to the side of the building, lined with windows. Snooping around, Yuko looked through each of the windows carefully before choosing one.

   “Eh, let’s just go through this one, it’s locked, but you know this spell, don’t you?” Yuko asked. She then proceeded to put her hands on the window and closed her eyes. Rena watched as Yuko dissolved into a black mist and seeped through the tiny gap between the window and the window sill. Ah, a Misting spell.

   Following suit, Rena placed her own hands on the window and closed her eyes, concentrating. She pictured her self evaporating into mist while channeling her magic, and instinctively held her breath, although that was unnecessary. She felt her body become lighter, as if her body had ceased existence. When she opened her eyes again, she was inside, but her vision swam for a minute, incredibly disorientated, as she shook off the effects of the spell. It was only the second time she used it, and she wasn’t quite used to it yet.

   Immediately after getting her bearings, a repulsive smell suddenly hit the both of them like a sledgehammer. Rena’s throat clenched and her stomach churned.

   “Oh God!” exclaimed Yuko, instantly pressing her cloak to her nose, Rena doing the same. “Is that... garlic?” Yuko pointed to one of the doorways in the room, where an obvious string of garlic was hanging. She threw a warding spell over the both of them before continuing, “What the hell!? Did they know we were coming? We better be careful... Unfortunately, we don’t have enough time to search the rooms together, so we’re going to have to split up. Here’s a picture of the guy we’re looking for.” Yuko presented Rena with a small sepia-colored photograph, a grim, middle-aged man pictured in the center. “If you find him, contact me with your cloak before trying anything. Find anyone else, you can have them. There are probably servants around the house. You haven’t eaten for awhile right?” She reached over and patted Rena’s stomach, chuckling.

   Rena nodded shyly, at least glad that the smell of garlic was gone from her senses for the time being. She looked towards the doorway to the left, and noticed a small wooden cross nailed above the frame. She stared at it quizzically, tilting her head to one side. She did always think it was strange that holy symbols were supposed to harm them, and keep them away, but the few times she had encountered one, she had not felt the burning flames of retribution, in fact, she had felt no pain at all. She decided to ask Yuko.

   “Eh?” Yuko looked at Rena strangely, before realizing something. “Ah, pfft, I forgot that you’re still pretty new to this. The crosses and holy symbols thing was entirely invented by humans in praise of their God and their belief that his signs would protect them from evil; AKA us.” She pointed to herself and grinned. “The rumor spread pretty quickly, even among vampires, and eventually, those that didn’t know better began to believe it themselves, and they became afraid of humans who hold them. So, I guess it’s true in some weird, roundabout way,” Yuko explained, scratching her head.

   “Anyway, enough with the questions. See ya later!” Yuko threw a quick salute and headed to the door at the right. Rena stared after her, but shrugged and went in the opposite direction, through the door with the cross.

   As Rena explored the house, she moved using the shadows, avoiding light from the windows, just in case someone decided to come out for a late night snack, or something of the like. This way, sit would take time for them to notice her, and she would have a chance to react.

   Each room was furbished lavishly, with furniture carved from rich mahogany, exotic carpets, most likely imported from a faraway country. In one room, the walls were decorated with a collection of relics and native tools crafted from crabapple and iron. Rena scoffed inwardly as she remembered that this wealth was acquired using dirty means.

   Rena had underestimated the number of rooms in the mansion, and she lost count of the rooms she had been through so far. She eventually reached the main stairway, similar to their own home, but it was furnished with bright colors that they would never see in theirs.

   At the top of the stairs stood double doors framed with ivory carvings. Above it was a gold plate, and imprinted on it was Library, in fancy black lettering. Their own place had a large library to help cope with the boredom that accompanied eternal life, and their collection had grown over the years, but Rena was curious. She placed her hand on one of the gilded handles, and gently pulled it open just enough for her to slip through. She closed it quietly behind her as she stared into the room.

   Rows of bookshelves entered her vision, but strangely, there were not many books in the shelves. Disappointed, Rena walked up to one of shelves, running her fingers over the spines of the few books that were there. Leti, Sheldrake, Balzac; it was then that she realized the books were all composed of titles banned by the Order. Most likely, this was more of a storage space for books sold in the black market to avoid the eyes of authorities. She even spotted a whole section dedicated to vampires and other supernatural folklore... Perhaps the reason the garlic and crosses were around was that the owner of this place was overly superstitious. She decided to take note of the library and perhaps come back here later... Especially since she was sure their owner wouldn’t need them anymore.

   She then remembered her task, and looked for a different way out of the library. Spotting a small door on one side of the room, she headed towards it. She pressed her ear to it before deciding to push it open slowly. She found herself in the middle of a long hallway, with large windows at each each end of the hall. Two more doors sat on the side of the hallway opposite from her, near the windows.

   Suddenly, a high-pitched scream echoed throughout the house, followed by a loud crash. Rena jumped, frightened. Yuko?! Alarmed, she bolted towards the door to the right and threw it open, hoping to find a quick way downstairs to where she heard the disturbance.

   Instead, all she found in front of her was a young girl, standing in front of the now opened door, staring at her, bewildered, like a deer in headlights.

   All Rena could register about the her was the metal plate strapped to her body like armor, with a large golden cross emblazoned across the chest, holding an exceptionally hefty gun, before the girl shrieked and panicked. Unfortunately for Rena, the girl’s response to her sudden intrusion was to fire her gun randomly in her direction with her eyes closed.

   Rena cursed under her breath, and clumsily threw up a shield as quickly as she could. Unsurprisingly, the bullets ripped straight through the sloppy barrier. She hissed in pain as a bullet, blessed with holy water, found its target and lodged itself in her shoulder, another in her leg, causing her to drop to one knee as a burning convulsion shot up her side.

   The next thing she knew, she was staring down the shaft a gun. Damn. She closed her eyes, waiting for a round of bullets to be emptied on her face...

   Nothing happened. ?? Rena opened her eyes to see the girl holding the gun to her face, but she seemed frozen, and she only stared at her with a wondrous expression, wide-eyed, the gun trembling slightly in her hands.

   Rena had no time to think about what was going on. Taking the chance, she desperately lurched towards the window, ignoring the pain as much as she could, and hurtled through the glass.

   As her feet hit the cobblestone floor, she heard shouts coming from the window she leapt from, and she stumbled towards a grove of trees near the back of the building just as additional shots hit the ground behind her.

   She leaned heavily against a tree as when she decided she was far enough. What was that all about? She knew she had to find Yuko.

   She grabbed the end of her cloak in her fist and shook, a piece detaching smoothly from the cloth. She sat down against the tree and focused her consciousness onto the material gripped in her hand. Closing her eyes, she threw it high into the air, where it took flight in the shape of a bat.

   When she opened her eyes again, she was staring at herself from above the alcove of trees, and she flapped her wings, turning towards the mansion.

   Circling the building, she heard more gunshots and shouts, and pinpointed the sources. Heading towards the first floor, several windows were broken from gunfire and other miscellaneous objects that were now lying outside.

   Landing on a windowsill, Rena peered inside the room that most of the noise was coming from. Her tiny, black eyes widened as she gazed in at the chaotic scene within.

   Yuko was clinging onto the back of a tall woman with long brown hair, who was cursing and shrieking as Yuko’s hands wandered in inappropriate places. In one hand, the woman was holding what looked like a semi-automatic pistol, occasionally firing off a bullet nowhere near hitting its intended target. Her other hand was occupied with trying to pry the small vampire off her back. Unfortunately for her, she was none too flexible. The room was littered with broken pieces of vases and china, and in one side of the room, a whole shelf of expensive-looking silverware had tilted over onto the ground, resulting in the crash that Rena had heard earlier.

   Rena’s large ears picked up sounds of more shouting and hurrying footsteps heading here from the hallways. It was about to become a huge problem if they stayed here any longer.

   “Yuko!” Rena squealed. Yuko immediately looked over in her direction, surprised.

   “Rena? Uwa-!” Yuko barely had time to squeeze out a word before the woman got hold of her arm and began pulling on it.

   “Yuko! We have to get out of here, now! There are others coming!” Rena yelled out in a panicky voice.

   It was then that one of the doors in the back of the room burst open, another woman coming in, but this time, she was carrying a large crossbow slung across her shoulder. “What the hell is going on!?” the woman shouted, and dashed towards the two  still struggling in the room.

   “Oh, shit!” Yuko cursed, and just as the woman with the crossbow reached them, she managed to wrench away and leapt into the air, almost knocking the brown-haired woman to the ground. As she leapt, her cloak twirled around her until she was no longer visible. For a split second, she seemed to cease to exist, but then she exploded into a swarm of bats that zigzagged towards the window.
   Rena’s vision blurred for a second as the swarm charged towards her. She was swept up in the wave and tumbled out into the sky as more gunshots were heard.

   “Where’s your body?” Rena heard Yuko’s voice collectively around her, and flew towards the spot where she left her body. Thankfully, she was just the way she left herself, as weird as that sounds.

   Landing on her hand, she closed her eyes and felt her consciousness shift again. Back in her own body, she groaned as the dull, burning pain in her arm and leg attacked her nerves once again. She returned the bat to her cloak and watched as the cluster of bats gathered to create Yuko’s form once again.

   Yuko ran to her side. “You’re hurt,” she stated, concerned. “We gotta get those bullets out, come on.” She helped Rena to her feet, and flew off, leaving the chaos behind them. Looks like she would have to go hungry for now...


Not much proofreading going on, but oh well.

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Re: Hunted (Tentative Title)
« Reply #14 on: August 18, 2011, 03:31:36 AM »
i like it !!!
i've been waiting for a vampire fanfic
can't wait for the next update please continue

Offline blughise

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Re: Hunted (Tentative Title)
« Reply #15 on: August 18, 2011, 03:52:48 AM »
who cares about proofreading it's still AWESOME!!! :twothumbs
Yuko, as always a pervert even when she's a vampire!!!
I swear that girl she's groping is Kojiharu!!!
and The girl who shots randomly at Rena is of course Jurina!!!

Please update soon!!!!

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Re: Hunted (Tentative Title)
« Reply #16 on: August 18, 2011, 07:22:09 AM »
Thank you!!

I feel Wmatsui and Kojiyuu  :twothumbs

Oh NO don't tell me the girls are vampire hunters, how can they resist Rena and Yuko LOL

I think its good the way it is, the details really help me imagine the scenes.

I wonder who is the last one that came in with a crossbow?

Please update soon,

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Re: Hunted (Tentative Title)
« Reply #17 on: August 18, 2011, 08:02:04 AM »
   Ooh, a vampire story! I have a feeling from the prologue and the first chapter that the Master was Yuko at first but if it's "Yuki" could it be Yukirin? And if the girl she was with (and binded) was taller than her, could it be Sae?
   Poor Rena, being shot. I wanna guess the girl who shot her was Jurina for now. And the girl Yuko was harassing, as Kojima.

   Waaah, there's so much mystery, I'm excited to see what happens next. Keep up the great work =D

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Re: Hunted (Tentative Title)
« Reply #18 on: August 22, 2011, 05:46:16 AM »
Thanks for reading, guys!! Anyways, I'm working on the next chapter now. It'll be from the hunters' point of view, FYI.

Also, I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but how do you change the thread topic name to indicate an update?  :?

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Re: Hunted (Tentative Title)
« Reply #19 on: August 22, 2011, 01:54:57 PM »
This fic is an adventure!! :D Yeah, I so like this!
This whole vampire thing, you have good knowledge of it looking from the details in the story.  :twothumbs
Well, still waiting for other mysteries to be revealed yet. Definitely waiting for next chapter...

By the way, if you want to change the thread topic name, you can click 'Modify' on the very first post in this thread. Then you can just simply change the topic name and save the edit.
My fanfic thread      : The Book of My Single Shots | Current update: IKEMEN GAKUEN Troubles [MINOR UPDATE 03/12]
Contributing a bit in : [script?] saku-chan's Drabbles | Completed: #33 - #40 - #89 - #213 - #214

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