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Author Topic: Love is You (AtsuMina fanfic) - COMPLETED  (Read 27758 times)

Offline moekare

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Love is You (AtsuMina fanfic) - COMPLETED
« on: August 02, 2011, 07:15:02 AM »
Hello all............ I read all of your fics and they are all great! :farofflook: I feel like I want to make one, and of course it is about my fav pairing, AtsuMina  :shy2: :shy2:
But I wonder if my fic is good or not   :mon cry:
and I am sorry if my english is not good..  :mon pick:
Please enjoy  :mon whimper:

Chapter 1

‘That Atsuko, just don’t get too close to her. She’s too perfect and I don’t think she needs a friend too.’

‘Why does she always be the center? Is she that good? I don’t think so.’

‘Atsuko again? Why do we always have her as the top news?’

‘Euh… I don’t ever once think about to be her friend.’

‘Just leave her alone.’

Well. I have been used to something like that. Everyday, everytime, same topics even new topics, I always be the main topic here. From that day when Akip announced I was the center girl, every girls started to ignore my existence. Pretend not seeing me. Pretend I am not there, practicing with them. But I’ve been used to it. I keep practicing myself, I’ll do my best. I don’t want to make fans disappointed with my performance. So that I am not gonna lose to something like this. I am not weak.

But she is different. She is so different… She cares with me. If I am making a mistake in dancing, she always helps me. She also gives me some advices as well, and she doesn’t mind to accompany me practice until late at night. She is good person.

“Acchan…..” Yeah. She is the only one who calls me ‘Acchan’. I am happy.
“Yes?” I turn around and put my towel back into my bag.
“Do you have free time after this?”she asked.
“Yes I do. Hmm… Asking for a date?” I am giggling.
“Ow… how come you know?”
“Just guessing.” I smile.
“Nice guessing there…”she smiles. “…would you like to have dinner with me? I am very hungry right now.” said her.
“Fine.” Uwa! I am happy she asks me to go out with her tonight for dinner!
“Okay… I’ll be waiting for you in the front building.” She walked away and left me alone. I smile. Happy! Ouu… Why my heart is beating so fast? I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate with my dancing practice. Yosh~ I continue my practice and finish right at 7 pm. I went to dressing room and changed my cloth. Then I walked outside and she’s already there. Waiting for me… She looked at me and she gave me her bright smile. I smiled and approached her.

“Ready to go now?” She asked.
“Yep. What are we going to have tonight?” We started walking.
“Hmm… whatever you want.”
“No way. You asked me to accompany you coz you were hungry, but why I am the one who have to decide what we are going to eat?”
“Haha… you are funny!”
“What is funny?” Yea~ I am confused here.
“Never mind.” Still smiling.
“So?”she repeated.
“What are we going to have tonight?”
“Like I said… Whatever you want Acchan…” She shaked my head then ran away.
“Marichaaaaaaaaan……..!!” I chased her, but couldn’t reach her. She is good runner. Fiuhh…. Its tiring enough.

Yes. She is Mariko Shinoda, but I call her Marichan. She’s the oldest member of AKB48, she’s tall, pretty, and funny. I love her characters. She always makes me smile whenever I feel bad and frustrated. She always be beside me and cheer me up. I can’t imagine my life when she is not around, coz I need her. I need her so much. I can’t be alone here, and I don’t want to be alone.

In the morning…

I wake up at 6 am in the morning. I have photo shoot today and have to be ready at 8 am. When I reach my handphone, there’s email. Quickly I open it.

Hello princess good morning.
Have you woken up? Not yet (^_^)
Haha… Do your best for today
photoshooting okay?


I am happy I receive her message now… It is like my energy to run my day. And then I reply it.

(>.<) I just woke up you know.
I am going to prepare now.
Thanks Marichan. Have a nice day.


I decide to walk to the studio, since its not so far from my house.

“Good morning.” I greet the staffs there.
“Good morning Acchan…” I heard everybody replies it. I smile and I walk to the chair and put my bag on the table.
“Please change your cloth now. We are going to start the photo shooting.”
“Alright.” I am heading to the dressing room and change my cloth. Well, the cloth is very beautiful. It’s a wedding dress. Ow I love it very much. So beautiful. I go out and have my hair fixed.
“Where is she?” asked one staff.
“She is still not coming.” Answer the other one.
“What? This is her first time to come late!!”
Eh? So I am not alone now? Hmm… I wonder with whom I will do photo shoot today.

“I am sorry I come late!” A sound comes from the entrance. Here she is.
“You are late! Quickly change your cloth now!” She nodded and quickly heading to the dressing room and she changed her dress just like mine. She sits beside me and has her hair fixed.
Hmm… I think I know her. I can’t see her face clearly. Maybe she heard it, then she looked at me. Okay. Surprised.
“Atsuko?”said her.
“W-why are you here?” Asked her.
“Photo shooting of course.” I said it coldly.
“Oh… right..” She hit her forehead slowly. “…so you are my partner today huh?!” She smiled. But I just stay quite. I don’t look at her, I read fashion magazine there and try to not talk with her.
“Ow… You hate to talk?”
“Not really.”
“So why you don’t answer?”
“I feel I don’t need to.” Silent.
“You are weird.”
“Yeah… everyone knows it.”
“Ehmm…..” She tries to find another topic. “…you know why I come late? Well on the way here, I met obachan. She carried a super big box on her back and then I helped her to carry it. I wondered what was inside coz it was so heavy!  After arriving in front of her house, she asked me if I wanted to know what was inside of the box. I said yes, then she opened it, and you know what was inside of the box?? It was just an ordinary rock that she took from somewhere near gas station! She said this rock could change her life and became rich! Uwahahahahahah!!!! Do you believe that? Hahaha” She laughed so hard for some seconds, and I didn’t give her any response. I keep reading the magazine and looks like she’s frustrated. I heard she sighed.

“Don’t you ever smile for once?” Asked her.
“I don’t know.”
“How come you don’t know?”
“I don’t know.”
“Why do you keep saying ‘I don’t know’?”
“Could you please be quite? I am reading here. Tsk…” I higher my tone.
“Okay…okay. Sorry.” Said her with small voice.

The photo shooting is ready to be started. I have to work with this girl, Takahashi Minami. I call her Minami. She is Team A’s captain. Well… She is responsible, a very good person. She is friendly and all members like her. We are in the same team, but we are so rare to talk to each other. She is busy with her dancing practice and other things. She never comes late, I know she’s diligent person, she is very discipline. Actually when she told me about why she came late, I listened to her story. I was impressed. She is kind person same with Marichan. One thing that I don’t like about her. She is really annoying.

how how how??  :mon whimper: :mon whimper:
I need your comment guys!   :hee:
« Last Edit: October 24, 2017, 02:47:01 PM by sophcaro »

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Re: Love is You (AtsuMina Fics)
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2011, 08:00:06 AM »
atsumari first??  :shocked:
but you will make it for atsumina right?
please continue~ :mon inluv:

Offline khryz0421

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Re: Love is You (AtsuMina Fics)
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2011, 08:46:12 AM »
atsumari? noooooooooooo!  :thumbdown:marichan is only for miichan! and atsuko is only for minami!

she said minami is annoying? am i seeing it right?  :shocked :shocked

please continue!  :thumbsup

Offline moekare

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Re: Love is You (AtsuMina Fics)
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2011, 09:06:41 AM »
Thank you for your comments guys  :nya: :nya:
Oo... calm down. Atsumari is just the beginning.   :tama-heart: you have to follow my fic so that you know what will happen next!  :wahaha: :wahaha:
next chapter will be great!!   :on GJ:
I am still working for it guys.... so please wait!  :mon dance: :mon dance:

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Re: Love is You (AtsuMina Fics)
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2011, 09:17:43 AM »
This is AtsuMina right???  :dunno:

Takamina is annoying?? this gonna be interesting...  :glasses:

please update soon...  :hee:

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Re: Love is You (AtsuMina Fics)
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2011, 09:20:59 AM »
We'll be waiting for your next update!  :on GJ:

Offline sorakamiya

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Re: Love is You (AtsuMina Fics)
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2011, 09:28:16 AM »
 :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked something in teresting here~

hurry updateeeeee~  :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup

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Re: Love is You (AtsuMina Fics)
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2011, 10:16:55 AM »
Wooww a good fic! Atsumari? where's the Atsumina kekeke, waiting for your update :roll:

Offline crazywota

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Re: Love is You (AtsuMina Fics)
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2011, 10:37:45 AM »
MoeKare is here  :cow: :cow:  this is _jakkechan btw!!  XD

and your story is Interesting. I'll be waiting for your future updates!!

Offline moekare

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Re: Love is You (AtsuMina Fics)
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2011, 11:42:45 AM »
@crazywota : I know its you.  :ptam-shy: I am glad you enjoy reading my fics  :hee:

Hee?? Where is AtsuMina ??  :err:  Hmm.... ok guys I don't want to expose it here  :stuffed: read and you will find.  :wahaha:

Btw thank you so much for commenting guys. Here I finished making the 2nd chapter  :sweat:. I hope you enjoy it  :thumbsup


Chapter 2

Today’s photo shoot has finished. I change my cloth and have to go to practice now. I send Marichan message.

Marichan, I’ve done my photo shoot
for today. I am heading to theater now.


When I am about to walk, someone grab my hand.
“A~tsuko.” I know this voice. I turn back and get this little captain there. What is she doing?
“Let go.” I swing my hand.
“Wow… Easy, easy! I am not doing anything.”
“Why are you grabbing my hand?”
“I know you are going to theater now. Why we don’t go together? It is better than going alone.” She said.
“No thanks.”
“Why? I am going to the theater too…”
“I said thanks. I am going alone, and you are going alone as well.” I start walking. I heard some foot steps. She’s following me.
“Didn’t I tell you I am going alone?”
“Yes you did.”
“So why did you keep following me?”
“I didn’t follow you Atsuko.”
“So what are you doing then? You walked behind me and you say you are not following me… Then what is that?” Okay. She is really annoying.
“I am going to theater as well and this is the only way to get there.” oh my head’s spinning.
“Whatever! Don’t follow me!” I run away. She looks confused and starts walking again.
“Why should I follow you? Hmm…”


Today we have intensive practice until….late at night. We will have our concert in 3 weeks. So we have to be seriously in practicing, no joking. I am sweat, from head through my body then legs. Honestly speaking, I am very tired. I have danced for some hours without resting but I keep dancing in order to make it perfect. I feel that my foots can’t move well. It hurts. I can’t move freely because of it. Ugh… I also see Marichan is doing her best in dancing. She looks amazing. With her sweat on her body, she looks sexy. Wait! What am I thinking?! Okay, practice, practice, and practice!! Then my eyes come to that little captain. She is also good in dancing. She’s fast and her memory is amazing. She can memorize all of the steps and apply it perfectly. I know she’s tired, I can see it but she still keeps dancing with full energy. It is not only her who does that, but everyone does. But I don’t understand why she is the only one who looks shining? I am shaking my head. What am I thinking about? I am in the middle of practice!!

‘Look at her. She is really annoying. Can you see that how she looks Takamina in that way? What the hell she wants? Does she think she is the best here?’

Okay, here it comes again. But I try to ignore them, even though it’s hurt me much. I just keep dancing and don’t want to be looked as a loser. They don’t know how much I try my best to learn, I don’t even once seeing someone as rival or I am better than them. Because I know, I can’t do anything, and I don’t have any special ability. I don’t even know why that person chose me as the center? Was he blind?

“Well guys. It seems like we’ve not taken any rest yet. Okay, I will give you some times to rest.” said the leader. Everyone starts to spread away. They are all tired and don’t want to miss this precious time. I walk away and sit on the corner. Alone. I see Marichan went with some members, Kojima and Minegishi. Huff… She didn’t greet me even once from the beginning of our practice. I know we are all here don’t have any time to talk but I need her right now. I miss my Marichan. I close my eyes try to remember the time we spent together. At least this could make me feel relax. I smile when I remembered that funny time. When I opened my eyes, I am surprised I see this person right in front of my eyes!

“What are you doing?! You surprised me!” I said with high tone.
“O-ouh…sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
“And then….you are too close!” I push her away. She sits right in front of me.
“Are you sleeping?” asked her.
“None of your business.”
“Hmm….  You should take some rests. I think you should go home now.”
“What do you mean? And why should I? I am fine!” I don’t understand why she asked me to go home.
“I don’t think so. You can still practice tomorrow morning. Today I’ll let you go home and rest.”
“You are so annoying! I said, I am going to stay!” She stays quite and she looks at me. I can tell her eyes show me a care. Somehow I feel she really concerns about me. I look at her but I am not showing my friendly face. She is really annoying.

“Why do you always push yourself so hard? I know you are not okay. You must take a rest. You have to follow my order, I am the one who take responsibility here.” She said with a firm voice. I look away and rub my foot.
“See? Your foot.” DEG! I look at her. Why she knows? “I know your foot is in pain. I noticed it in the middle of our practice.” She moves closer.

“Wh-what are you going to do?” I still confuse. This person, why this person really concern about me that much? Everybody hates me. Why she….why is she so gentle to me? That little captain rubs my foot. She does it gently. I can feel her warm hands touch my skin.

“Your foot is spraining. You have to rest and don’t move so often or it will be more severe.” said her still rubbing my foot. Quickly I pull my foot from her.
“How rude! I don’t even ask you to touch my foot!” said me in high tone. She sighs.

“Well…. I am sorry if I annoy you so much. But I don’t mean to, I do it coz I care. Our concert will be started in some days forward, and I just don’t want you to have any single pain on your body.” DEG! DEG! Arrgghh! What is it? Why my heart is beating so fast? This little captain, I hate her so much!

“Don’t talk anymore!” I get up and walk away. I leave that little captain alone. Who are you by the way? Why do you so concern about me? This is my foot, and the pain, it’s me who feel it. Why should she waste her time just to take care of me? Don’t try to be kind in front of me! I know I can do nothing and everyone praises you every time. I feel embarrass since I am the center girl not her. Why it is not her as the center? So that everybody won’t hate me like what they do know.

After some minutes the practice continue. She directly comes to the front and lead the dance. I am in the middle and my sprain feels hurt even more. Ugh, what should I do? I can’t move with my foot right now. I see Marichan, she’s looking at me. She smiles. Oh finally! Okay, I give her my best smile since we have not greeted each other from the beginning. I see her whisper, “ganbatte” I laugh and smile again. “Thank you. You too.”. She smiles and she turns her gaze. She concentrates and waits for the little captain’s command. Yosh! I feel better now! Thanks Marichan, your smile is enough to me. I will not lose to this small pain I have.

Here it goes. The little captain starts clapping her hands and that is the sign our practice will begin. She starts dancing and all members follow her. I can’t move freely since my foot is in pain. But I try to not give up, I have to not feel the pain. I have to move and show Marichan I can do something! I won’t give up!

And then…. ‘BRUK!’ I fall. I hold my foot and I am moaning in pain. Everybody looks at me. It is the end. I have ruined our practice today.

‘Geezz… what is she doing? Does she look for attention? She should not be here at first. She is just a burden.’

Okay. I heard it again. Ugh, don’t they even know I am really in a pain? Guys, I don’t do it in a purpose. Please, just for once you trust me guys. I am about to cry but someone holds me.

“Are you okay?” I heard this gentle voice. “…you should just go home for resting. Should I walk you home?” she added. I stay quite. I stare at Marichan, and I can she is really worry about me. I shake my head.

“You can’t continue practice with this pain. Okay, I will walk you home now. No more ‘No’.” she said. She helps me get up and embrace me. She helps me take my bag and leave the room.

“Sorry Marichan… I...I’ve ruined your practice.” I said as we sit on the couch.
“No problem. I can continue at home instead.” Ah, since she is good in dancing, I think there should be no problem then. I nod slowly.

“Would you like me to make you a cup of tea?”
“Ah, don’t need. I have to go back to theater now.” You will go now? Please don’t go Marichan. I want you to stay.
“B-but… You’ve just arrived. At least let me make you something to drink.”
“It’s fine Acchan. You should take much rest, okay? I am going now.” She gets up and head to the door. She smiles at me, and then she closes the door. Right. I am alone now.

When I get up and walk to the kitchen, I kinda remind something. Ah, that little captain. Right after I fell, I saw her. Her look was so flat. She didn’t even come to me and helped me up. What was that? Didn’t she just say she cared me? She didn’t want me to have any single pain, right? Well, she was just the same as the other. She just wasted her time and energy to tell something that bullshit. She was totally a liar. Chotto! Why do I keep thinking about her? Did I want her to help me? No! Never! Marichan is enough, I don’t need the other.

Tomorrow morning….

Yes. I feel better now. Hup…hup…hup! I jump for some seconds to make sure my foot is okay. And I ready to go to theater!

“Good morning…” Marichan comes and puts her bag on the table. Everybody replies her greeting. I smile at her as she looks at me. She smiles also, then she approaches me and sit beside me.
“How is your foot?” asked her.
“It’s better now. Thank you.”
“Yokatta…” She smiles again. Alright, my energy bar is getting full! Thanks Marichan you have given me your courage.

“If you still in pain, just don’t push yourself too hard. We don’t have much time for the concert, and if you get injury you will need much time to recover it.” I nod. Then she walks away and talks to the other members. Yosh, I don’t want to trouble Marichan and the other. I have to do my best today and show them I am alright!

Hm? I see the little captain there, alone. When she walks to the front (to start practice) our eyes meet each other. She stops walking. I look at her coldly, I feel little peevish about yesterday. She didn’t even help me at that time. She looks down and avoids me. Then she starts walking again. Huh? What is that just now? How dare she avoid me like that? Without any words? Ugh, Okay then! You succeed to make me hate you more! I get up and ready to start practice.

“Minna otsukaresama deshita!” the leader bows her head. Everybody does the same. And then they all spread away and go home. I walk to the table and take my bag. Then I go to the dressing room and change my cloth. I wonder where is Marichan? I start looking for her and still can’t be found. After some minutes I heard voice from a room. It’s Marichan’s voice. She is talking with…..errr… who is it? I can’t see her face clearly. It is just the two of them, I wonder what they are talking about.


How?  :on freeze: :on freeze:
If it is not good, I......  :mon cry:

Note : Wak! Didn't I write too much AtsuMari?  :tantrum:


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Re: Love is You (AtsuMina Fics)
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2011, 12:02:21 PM »
Don't tell me that Mariko is a bad person and will talk bad things about Atsuko to her back?

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Re: Love is You (AtsuMina Fics)
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2011, 12:30:26 PM »
Oh, I smell something bad will happen between Mariko and Atsuko sooner/later.

And no, you didn't wrote too much Atsumari. Actually more Takacchan scene in here. (I guess.)

Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

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Re: Love is You (AtsuMina Fics)
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2011, 12:38:03 PM »
Nooooooo, u doing fine really..... :D

I wanna the next chapter.... Yeeeeaaaaay..... Its really getting interesting. Please continuuuuuueeee~ :)

Offline moekare

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Re: Love is You (AtsuMina Fics)
« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2011, 12:44:06 PM »
Thanks for your comments  :heart:

 :wahaha: :wahaha:
please don't be mad if I ruin everything  :on gay:

@freyatn :  :mon huh2:
@AAAice : Fiuh... glad to hear it  :mon inluv:
@sorakamiya-san : Thank you.....  :mon fyeah: :mon fyeah:

Okay, I will do my best to write the next chapter!  :mon yeah: :mon yeah:

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Re: Love is You (AtsuMina Fics)
« Reply #14 on: August 02, 2011, 01:20:52 PM »
Hey moekare XD

things are getting more and more interesting :)
I wonder who Mariko-sama is talking? maybe Takamina?
Update soon

« Last Edit: August 02, 2011, 01:34:47 PM by blughise »


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Re: Love is You (AtsuMina Fics)
« Reply #15 on: August 02, 2011, 01:21:28 PM »
Where did I've seen you before moekara-san...  :dunno:

anyway... your story is really making me curious~~  :hehehe:

update soon~~  :cow:

Offline Ninjatigerdemon

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Re: Love is You (AtsuMina Fics)
« Reply #16 on: August 02, 2011, 03:02:30 PM »
You're  story is interesting
Poor acchan she has to suffer
Can't wait for next chapter Update soon
No ordinary ninja.

Offline khryz0421

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Re: Love is You (AtsuMina Fics)
« Reply #17 on: August 02, 2011, 04:39:22 PM »
updateeeeeeeeeeeee!  :inlove:  why is  taka avoiding acchan?  :cry: :cry: why? :cry:

 i  need  an  update  again!  :thumbsup please  update soon!

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Re: Love is You (AtsuMina Fics)
« Reply #18 on: August 03, 2011, 04:04:13 AM »
Acchan, did you inherit tsundere powers from haruna? LOL. xDDDDD And now Takaminya--na is avoiding you. What is this ;___; I hope you update soon! :3
Like I’m the most calm... Like, it must definitely be because, Like when we enter, I’ll be hurrying. But Because Junjun is older, I can calm down? I don’t really know, Like I just absolutely want her there beside me. Whenever we go abroad, if Junjun is absolutely not beside me, I absolutely won’t go. Something like that. -- Tanaka Reina about Junjun.

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Re: Love is You (AtsuMina Fics) Update : Chapter 3
« Reply #19 on: August 03, 2011, 01:03:24 PM »
@blughise : Hello! Haha.. I decide to write one  :on GJ: Please please enjoy my fics  :bow:
@flean : wow... did we meet somewhere?  :shy2:
@Ninjatigerdemon : thank you!  :on lol: I'll try my best to update it as soon as posibble  :thumbsup
@khryz0421 & arisa03 : Hmm.. I don't know why  :wahaha:

Yosh guys here I am now... sorry for taking so long  :mon innocent: Here is the 3rd chapter. Hope you guys will enjoy it  :mon dance:
Sorry for my bad english  :mon whimper:


Chapter 3

Who is the person? I am curious…. I move closer to the door and then….


I have to hide coz I heard voices are approaching me. I hide myself behind the trash bin. It is quite big so I can hide my body behind it. Well, they are Oshima and Kojima. Hmm…. recently they always go home together. I wonder what relationship they have. Sometime I saw them were hugging each other and ^#&%. And now they are holding hands, that Oshima seems so happy. Well, forget it. I have to know with whom Marichan talks inside that room. When I am about to walk, someone calls me. I turn around quickly.
“Could you please to not even once make me surprise!” I said. She is frozen.
“I surprised you? Ow… sorry.” she covered her mouth. “Should I call you once again? So you won’t be surprised?”
“No! Just what is it?” I shout to her as I pull her away. Here we are. Far away from the room. I hope Marichan didn’t hear my shouting. Tsk…
“Ow… you sure are strong. Look, my arms gotten red.” She holds her arms.
“So, why were you calling me?” I ignore that ‘red arm’ part.
“Oh….ehm… what were you doing there? Hmm…. Hiding behind trash bin? Were you playing hide and seek?”
“Just answer my question!” My eyes widen.
“Okay, okay… Sorry. Well…ehm… Can we have something to drink outside?” asked her. I take long breathe. This is my first time meeting someone like her. Okay, be patient.

“I am busy.” I coldly answer.

“Why? What are you going to do? Didn’t we just finish our practice?”

“I said no! Can you leave me alone? I am feeling dizzy!” I rub my head. Then that little captain quickly put her hand on my forehead.

“Are you sick?” asked her with her soft voice. She is so gentle to me. I can feel it from her hands. It is so warm. “Come with me.” she grabs my hand and forces me to follow her. I say I don’t want to go but she is still forcing me. I can’t against her strength. I know she is smaller than me, but she is too strong. I can do nothing except following her.

Okay here we are. At café near theater. She said she would treat me ice cream. We sit on the corner.

“You have to enjoy your time, enjoy the meal, enjoy the ice cream. So that you will feel fresh, that’s why you feel dizzy. You never go out and having conversation like this lately.”

Yap, she’s right. Since our practice for concert I rarely go with Marichan together like before. Ah! Speaking of her, I still don’t know with whom she was in that room?! It is because this annoying person who forcibly take me here. I have to go back now! I get up and want to go back to theater.

“Hey where are you going?” asked her as she also gets up.

“Not your business.”

“Can you at least finish your ice cream? We have not even started our conversation yet.” she sounds disappointed.

“What would you like to talk to me? We are not even friends, aren’t we? I am Maeda Atsuko, the girl without something special, I can do nothing, I am such a fail, not like you! You are good in dancing, you are always being praised by everybody around you, you are leader, you are captain, no one can be like you, you are just too perfect! Why do you waste your time to talk with me? Okay, maybe I am the ace, but no one likes me!! Everybody hates me! Now, just leave me alone!! Do your own business and don’t ever involve in my life again!” when I am about to leave, she holds my hand.

“Just…. LET ME GO!!” I shout to her.

“ATSUKO!!” she shouts me back. I stay quite. “…you are wrong Atsuko.” she lower her tone. I look at her. I am about to cry now. I can’t hold it anymore. Then, I could feel my tears fall. I look down, I don’t want her to see me crying. She approaches me and then she says,

“You are wrong Atsuko. I am not that perfect, I am not that good. I still lack of something. And I still…can’t be a good leader.” I just cry, can not give any response.

“You….you are talented. You surely can do something, Atsuko. Your dancing, your singing, it’s even better than me. I am sad when you said that you were such a fail, and could not do anything. You are totally wrong Atsuko.” I look at her. She smiles.

”Remember yesterday when your foot sprained? You still did your best to dance, you tried to not feel the pain, you kept dancing, didn’t you? What you will call yourself then? A fail? No. It is not a fail. You are doing great. That is your own victory Atsuko. You are such a true idol. I don’t know if I can do the same like what you did. That is awesome you know.” She smiles and strokes my hair. I can feel my tears stop falling. I feel relieve after hearing it.

“W-why are you so kind to me?” I asked as I didn’t see her face. I still look down.

“Is that a question?” she chuckled.

“I don’t know.”

“Haha… Yeah, I am such kind person, right? I don’t know why everybody keeps saying that, though I feel normal.” After hearing that, somehow I don’t want her to say ‘I am kind to anyone’. At that time I just want her to be kind just to me. Just me.

“Yeah since entering AKB we don’t even talk once, though we are in same team.” said her. Well, she’s right. After what everybody thinks about me, I assume all of them are like that except Marichan…

“Hey, please sit.” then I follow what her asks me to do. I sit back.

“How is your foot?” she asked.

“It’s better.” I eat my ice cream. Ehm… delicious.

“When I asked you to go home, why you stayed? And after Mariko-sama told you to, then you easily did it? I don’t get it.” she looks at me so sharp. Looking for a good answer. I feel awkward.

“Y-yeah.. I was falling at that time, I-I didn’t have any choice! So I decided to go home.” she sighs.

“Huff… you know, at that time I wanted to help you, but I don’t want to make you angry. So I think its better if I didn’t make any movement.” so it was like that. I am feeling more relieve now.. I think she was lying, saying she cared but actually it was all lie. But I am happy that she is saying the truth.

“How come I will be mad?” I chuckle.

“Wah!” she looks surprised. I look at her as I eat my ice cream. “Hm?”

“This is the first time I see you smile. Hehe…” she laughs.

“Oh really? I am gonna miss it then…”

“Eh? Why? You don’t want to smile again? or laugh?”

“Kind of….” she finishes her last piece. “…aaaaa!! It is so delicious!” I smile again, and then I see her, she smiles too.

“Why are you smiling?” I asked
“No. Just…. I am happy when I see your happy face.” she still looks at me and I know my face blushed at the same time. Waa… what I am gonna do?! What is it feeling? Shouldn’t I hate her already? Why…..why I sit here eating ice cream together with this annoying person? Uwaa…!

“….ya know, you look cuter when you smile. I like it.” DEG! I don’t know how to react! She is really straight forward! I feel like wanting to hide my face inside of my bag now!

“W-what are you talking about? Don’t talk about nonsense!” I can’t control my tone. Maybe she knows that I am nervous.

“What? I didn’t talk about nonsense. That is the truth.” oh please stop right now! I don’t want to hear anything from you or I am gonna melted here right now!

“H-hey its hot here! I want to walk outside.” I get up and walk as fast as I can.

“Hoi, wait for me!” she gets up and runs towards me.

“Didn’t you just finish your ice cream? How could you feel hot?”

“So-so what? I just feel hot… Am I wrong?” I walk even faster. She tries to walk beside me.

“Could you walk slower? I want to walk together with you…” she tries to have the same step as mine.

“No way!” I run and leave her behind.

“Hey! Why are you running? You said it’s hot, didn’t you? Hoi!!” she chases after me. I turn back and laugh when I see she runs to me. I keep running as fast as possible so that she can’t reach me. Well that is fun. That is my first time I feel joy. Thanks Minami.

Day by day I pass in theater, practicing for our upcoming concert, and it is the day after tomorrow. Everybody does their best even in practicing. They are sure if they are serious in practicing, their performance will be much better. I do the same. I don’t want to lose here. I don’t want to make fans disappointed, Marichan, and…..Minami. I will show them I could do something, I am not weak, I am not a loser. I am Maeda Atsuko, AKB’s ace and this is what an ace should do right? Even though everybody never looks at me and pretend I am not around, I don’t care. That is not a reason for me to give up, I am strong and I want to be stronger, more and more than this.

We finished our practice so late, and everybody seems tired. They take their bags and then head straightly to the exit. I also take my bag and change my cloth. I see Marichan, I greet her.

“Marichan.” I said as I approach her. She turns back and smiles.
“Oh, hi Acchan…”
“Ehm…. You’re going home now?” asked me. She nods. “Yeah, of course. Why? Do you have something to ask me or what?”

“Ehm….ano…” Actually I want to ask about last day when I heard her voice in a room with someone. I really want to know about it, with whom and what they talked about.

“Marichan…. About last-” I’ve not done my words yet then Minegishi approaches her.

“Mariko, you are so slow. What are you doing?” she holds her hands. DEG! What is she doing with my Marichan? She holds her hands? What? I see their hands are holding each other, I feel my heart ache. I don’t know what to do. Minegishi looks at me with…. hate looking.

“Nee, Why do you talk with that perfect-center-girl, Mariko?” She stays quite.

“I have been waiting for you, but you are too long. I think you have something to do with Takamina, so I decide to look for you, but…. you are wasting your time with her.” I can’t look at them both. I look away as my heart is so hurt. I can’t take any of these kind of words.

“Miichan...” whispered Marichan. I know she is feeling uneasy by her saying something bad about me.

“Okay, we are going now.” said her to Minegishi. Then Marichan looks at me. “I am sorry Acchan. I have to go. We continue it later, okay?” They are leaving now, I heard Minegishi said, ‘What? Acchan? Since when you call her like that?’ ‘Fine, just walk’ Marichan said.

I just only can see her leave with other girl. Marichan… I miss you. I miss you when you walk me home. We never go out since this intensive practice that we have. Once I see you with other girls, I feel a pain in my chest. I can’t cry here! I must hold it! I am not weak! She is Marichan. She is kind to anyone, it doesn’t mean they have special relationship or what. Okay! No more tears.

“Why are you still here?” I heard a voice from my back. I turn back.

“Oh, It’s you…” I heard my voice is… weak.

“Let’s go home. Tomorrow morning we have rehearsal for our concert. We must go bed early.” the leader said.

“It is almost 12 am and you said it is early?”

“Wahaa…” she rubs her neck “… okay forget it. Let’s go home together.”

That is my first time I go home with somebody else beside Marichan. On the way home we take mostly same direction, so we walk together and she always tells me the joke, but actually it is a fail joke. But I enjoy it. Looking at her telling me the story still with full energy, I envy her. I want to be someone like her, but I can’t. I don’t have any courage. and also I guess I and Marichan are slowly getting a part. I know she can’t talk to me so easily if the members are around. Maybe she feels uneasy with me if the situation is like that. I am sad when that is true. It means that she wants to talk with me if there is not somebody around. I am alone since very beginning. I don’t have friends, even one.

“From now on, everyday I will walk you home.” said Minami. I look at her. Somehow I feel she could read my mind.

“Huh?” I am raising my eyebrow, confused.

”Isn’t it clear? Everyday I will walk you home like what we do now.” She smiles.

“W-why… It’s so sudden?”

“Sudden? Hmm….. I want to for a long time ago, but at that time you always go home with Mariko-sama.” I still look at her. What did she say just now? She wants to walk me home everyday? Can I trust her? I trust Marichan, but she breaks it. And now this little captain, can I trust her? Or she maybe is just the same with Marichan?

“Don’t trouble yourself. I am not a kid anymore, I can go home myself.”

“Why? I think it will be more interesting if we are going home together? We take same direction, and you won’t be bored when you go home just by yourself. Trust me, two is better than alone.” she keeps talking. I lose my energy to argue with her. Okay, I agree.

“Do what you like.”

“Yatta~” she is so happy with my simple-short words. And then she holds my hand.

DEG! DEG! DEG! My heart is beating so fast, and I blush at the same time.

“Is it okay if I do this to you every time we go home?” she looks at me. I look away, I can’t show her my face gotten pink like peach. I nod. Right after that I feel she holds my hand tightly, like she doesn’t want to lose me.


How????  :mon curtain: :mon curtain:
I don't know whether it is good or not...  :mon chilly:
and I am sorry if it is not good  :mon pray2:

I need your comment guys....  :mon lovelaff:
and I'll do my best to write the next chap  :mon study: :mon study:
« Last Edit: August 03, 2011, 01:43:14 PM by moekare »

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