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Author Topic: Moe's OS Collection 『あつみなの絆は永遠』 The Officer I Fell In Love 140104  (Read 81243 times)

Offline sorakamiya

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Re: Moe's One~Shot Collection (Just By One Click!) Update Aug 10th
« Reply #20 on: August 10, 2011, 05:39:50 AM »
 :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: thats really greaaaaat~

in fact i'm a great fan of atsumina fanfict so please write more about them  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

waiting for your next update ~  :grin: :grin: :grin:

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Re: Moe's One~Shot Collection (Just By One Click!) Update Aug 10th
« Reply #21 on: August 10, 2011, 10:18:02 AM »
ehehe   :luvluv1:

at least she didn't get any nosebleed XD!!!

that last part was  :luvluv2:

no problem  they are all great   :grin:
Still shipping them early pairs. 1st generation ftw!

Editing in progress ~ T's and J's
SRO(Their Journey)

Offline blughise

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Re: Moe's One~Shot Collection (Just By One Click!) Update Aug 10th
« Reply #22 on: August 10, 2011, 01:30:49 PM »
pervert takamina photographer :lol: Well Acchan is to blame for it XD
I really like it
hope you write more atsumina fics

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Re: Moe's One~Shot Collection (Just By One Click!) Update Aug 10th
« Reply #23 on: August 10, 2011, 03:25:39 PM »
Don't apologize for the pairing. Takacchan is my favorite ^^
It's great shy Takamina is so cute!!!!

Offline moekare

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Re: Moe's One~Shot Collection (The Unforgettable Valentine) Update Aug 11th
« Reply #24 on: August 10, 2011, 08:30:46 PM »
Thank you minna-sama  :bow: :bow:

Special thanks to my little brother, he had given me inspiration to write, :farofflook: :farofflook:

Something around me is really helping a lot to make a story  :kekeke:

Btw here it is, my fic...  :sweat:

Please enjoy!!  :thumbup

Forgive my poor english  :shy2:

The Unforgettable Valentine

Today is raining.... I am staying at home and watching my tv....

I am thinking what I should make for her since valentine's day will be coming in some days.... Does she like handmade chocolate? How if she doesn't like it?
I never do something like this before.... I don't have any experience in it... Maybe I should ask the other members about it.

I reach my handphone not far from me and dialing a number...


"Moshi-moshi, Miichan...."

"Ah Acchan, what is it?"

"Sorry for disturbing you at this time..."

"Ah no problem... So what would you like to tell me then?"

"Ehm... Have you made a chocolate before?"

"Chocolate?" long pause from her until she begins to talk again...
"Yea I've once..."

"Please Miichan, could you please teach me how? I'd like to make one...."

"Eee.... It's so rare Acchan do such a thing..." Miichan's teasing me....
"Do you have someone you like? Okay, I will hide it from aki-p..."

I bite my lower lip,. how should I answer her question?

"No Miichan... I don't have any..."

"Ah! Don't tell me...." okay another pause...


"You will give a chocolate to Sato Takeru on valentine's day?"

Eeh?? Takeru-kun??? H-how come??

"Of course not! Mou~ Just answer my question, would you like to help me or not???"

"Anything for you, Acchan..." I can hear she chuckles.

"Okay... Thanks Miichan... You are the best!" PIP.

Huff......... I have to go shopping tomorrow... Yosh!! I reach my magazine on the table and I read the recipe corner... Looking for chocolate's one... Hmm.... They are look delicious.... So many recipes of chocolates, yea don't doubt it since in some days valentine's day will be coming.....

Will she like my chocolate? Can she understand my feeling through it? I remember someone says that giving chocolate in valentines day means your symbol of your love to your boyfriend/girlfriend. It can also be meant a love to your friend, but what I feel right now is not love for a friend, but more than it.... It's really frustrating sometime I think about that... I can't hold this feeling again, I have to say it out so she can know.... I never can't feel relieved whenever this feeling toward her still can't be said... I know I hate losing to someone, but if its you, I can say yes... As long as it will make you happy, I can do everything for you... Just for you.....

Today we have special practice for Team A's stage.... Akip just told us we will perform in valentine's day... It will be divided 3 shows... The first show is morning, afternoon, and evening. Team A will perform in the morning while another teams will be performing as arranged....

Team A had been practicing since morning until now (4pm)... All members are exhausted and need to rest...

"Well minna... I will give you time to rest...." the captain shouts... Everybody starts to sit and half sleep on the floor... I walk slowly to the corner and rest my back before the wall.... My glance is on her... I can't switch my eyes on you... The way you walk, the way you shout, the way you dance, the way you laugh, the way you stand, I love it all.... I smile as I see you tell a joke to other members... I love the way you are...

"Can you please not see her like that?"

I surprise when Mariko sits next to me...

"Mariko?" What did she mean by those statements? How is my looking to her?? Fierce?? Odd??

"I heard from Miichan you will make a chocolate...."

Tsk... Miichan.... You told something that necessary. Huff...

"She told me you will make one, but don't know for who... She guessed it is for Sato Takeru..." she chuckles...

"Aaa....maybe I can guess for who it is actually..." she smiles at me........ My cheeks is pink, blush... Mariko is great, she even can tell it from my looking....

" know huh?"

"You are so easy to be guessed Acchan.... I know you are a great actress, but when it is about your honest feeling, you can't lie...."

"But I don't know if she will like it or not...."

"I bet she will.......... You two are close to each other, right? You are even from the same junior high school..... Trust me Acchan, she will love it..... Moreover its from your deep heart..."

I smile...... I can feel each words from Mariko.... Alright... I have to do it. I will show her I am serious, I will show her my seriousness....

We finish our practice at 6pm.... I have changed my cloth and ready to leave.... But I want to have a little chat with her before leaving... I decide to wait for her in front of building.... She sure takes so long... But then she appears. Finally.

"Minami...." I say as I approach her.... She replies me as she also says "Hi" and waves at me.

"Why are you still here? The practice has already finished since half hour ago right?"

"I am waiting for you, Minami..." She nods....

We stay quite for some minutes, then I am the one who begin to talk.

"Seems we never go out lately..." she keeps listening to me. "I am sorry Minami, if I am too busy...."

"Ah. No... it is not your fault Atsuko...." I smile and I hold her hand.........

"I miss the time where we can spend our time together...." now I am looking at her serious. I hope she can ready what inside my mind now like Mariko just did before...

"Me too, Atsuko. But we don't have any choice... It's all about work.. So many jobs come to you now. I know your dream is being great actress, and now you come closer to your dream..."

"Minami, are you mad?" I just can feel that she is mad at me..... I don't know, I feel complicated now...

"Mad? No."

"Don't lie to me... I am sorry Minami...." Although she said she was not mad, but I just want to say sorry...
I know I have been so busy, no time for her..... I hope what just she said was not a lie. I hope she is not mad.

"Why did you apologize Atsuko? Nothing to worry...."

"But I feel.....You are being cold to me....."

"That is just your feeling, Atsuko." I try to trust her as I smile at her...

"Wanna go home together?" I ask. She nods... I am standing right in front of her...

"Ehm.... Minami......" she keeps listening. "May I.....hold your hand?" I have put my full effort on it. I hope she won't reject it.

"Fine." then she holds my hand.

DEG! DEG! DEG! Her warm hands... Warm hands of her I like it. I miss this time when I go home together with her. In the train also we keep holding hands. Blush... I blush in all the time.

She walks me home first since we have to pass my house first....

"Are you okay walking alone, Minami?"

"It's fine."

"Be careful......."

"I will... Good night Atsuko."

"Good night Minami..." she gives me her last smile as she walks away...

Minami, I know you must be mad at me..... I know it. Just now you replied my words in short way... It sounds cold and I am sad Minami.... I cried, but inside of my heart.... I can show you my tears.........

Today I will have lesson with Miichan.... My mom had already bought me the ingredients yesterday, and Miichan had just arrived...

"Yosh! Your ingredients are completed!" she says after she checks all of the ingredients.

We start making chocolate from the 1 step... Miichan teaches me so detail! Sugoi~

"Nee Miichan... Have you made chocolate for someone? You do great..."

"Yes... For Mariko..."

"Ah? Really? You are so in love with her then....." I chuckle.... She just replies it with a smile... I can see Miichan really loves Mariko. Ehm.... She will definitely do anything just for Mariko... Somehow I envy them both... It would be nice if both of us can be like them.... So happy.

For some hours learning from Miichan, finally I have done some chocolates. I taste it, uhm... yummy~ so sweet!
I think Minami will like it too....

"Miichan it is great! Thanks!!"

"Ah no need Acchan...."

We are eating our hand made chocolate together. Yosh... The day before valentine, I will make one for Minami...

Today is our performance day....  I have made some chocolates for Minami... I hope she will like it... I save it inside my bag..
Now I am preparing for our team performance.

We are performing in theater.... Everybody comes and looks so full with love.... I am glad we have to perform now...

After 3 hours, our performance has finished... Next will be handshaking with fans....

So many people are coming and bringing cute presents to us. I have received some too from my fans. Chocolates, accessories, and other cute things. Seems every members get present also....

We go back to the dressing room and some members are wishing "happy valentine's day", hugging, and so on...
Yosh... I will hand this chocolate to Minami after this... And then, I see Harugon and Shiichan walk toward Minami...

"Takamina-san!" shout Harugon.

"Wow... what is it?" asked her.

"Ehm... This is my first cookies, I'll give it to you!"

Minami seems so surprised. I think she never thinks that she will get some from other members.

"Oh... Thank you..." she says as she takes the cookies.

"Me too... I hope you like it..." Shiichan gives Minami another cookies.

"Oh arigatoo!! You are so kind!" she takes it as well....

"Now I want a kiss from our beloved captain..." asked Harugon.

"Yeah! Yeah! Me too!!" Shiichan adds as she holds Minami's arm.

I narrowed my eyes.... Are they serious asking for a kiss? I feel my blood is boiling... Should I do something to prevent that happened?? I have not ever once felt Minami's kiss! How dare they ask before me...

"Eh? kisu?? Why its too sudden?"

"Because Takamina looks like a cool boy, I adore you.... Hehe..." said Harugon with spoiled voice...

"Give us a kiss, give us a s kiss!" Add Shiichan.

Please don't Minami.... Don't....

"Okay...okay... Just for once okay?" They nod as Minami kisses them on cheek.

I turn back... I don't want to see that view.... How hurt my chest is... I put my hand in front my chest.... Minami, how could you do this to me?

I have to think again, should I hand this chocolate to her after what I just saw?? Considering she was so cold to me back then, I think I won't hand it... Maybe she will throw it away.... I know it's impossible. My feeling to her is impossible......

Everybody has back to their houses or their next destination. Mariko will watch Miichan's performance after this.... I will just go home then.... Suddenly the rain is falling... I don't even bring an umbrella.......... I am so wet, but I don't care... I just walk as long as I can.... I just let the rain damps me, I need my head to be cooling and rest of my body as well..... Then I arrive to the place which is not in my house's area, but I know where it is. In front of Minami's house. How do I get here? I am confused... My feet had led me here... I look up to the 2nd floor... I don't think she is at home now... Maybe she is still in theater to watch the other team's performances because I left first.....Now I am all alone.... I look down and start sobbing....

Minami, I miss you.... Why you punish me like this? I am so lonely without you around.................

And then I feel an umbrella is up above of my head. I can't feel the cold rain anymore.... I slowly raise my head and see Minami is in front of me....


"Why are you here? And.....wet?"

"I don't know.... Sorry, I am leaving now....." when I turn back, her hand grabs my arm.

"The rain is still falling, you will catch a flu... Now come to my house..." she takes me in to her house.

I sit on the long couch in her living room.... She brings me her towel and clothes to change...... Now I am not feeling wet anymore, but I am still feeling cold.

"Would you like something to drink?" ask Minami... I am shaking my head...

She just nods. Again, we pause so long... I can't hold it anymore, I have to know if she's mad at me or not.

"Minami.....Please, answer me honestly. Are you mad at me?"


"Are you sure? I feel you are different now... I want my Minami back...."

"I feel fine..."

"Minami please!!" I hug her.... I am sobbing on her shoulder...... "I am sorry Minami.... I am sorry...."


"Please don't punish me like this.... It's suffering...."

"Atsuko, please don't cry...."

Then she strokes my wet hair... "I am sorry...."

"Sorry about what?" I ask....

"Sorry for being cold...." After hearing she says that I release my hug and looking into her eyes..

"Did I do anything wrong Minami? Please tell me...." She just looks down and sigh...........

"I know I am so egoist.....But I feel so lonely Atsuko....."

Lonely?? Why? is it because of my last drama so I was not fully attention to her?

"I know you were doing your best in acting, but..... we didn't even have time for us.... Sorry I lied to you before..."

Minami, you are not the one who have to apologize. It's all my faults, I can't manage my time to spend the day with you... I reach my bag and take the chocolate out...

" for you. I made it myself." she takes it.

"You made it?" I can see her happiness smile on her face. I nod and she opens the box. Chocolates with ribbon on it. She looks surprised now...

"My trade mark is on it. Hehe..." She chuckles. "Thanks Atsuko...." I am happy when I see that face. My old Minami is back... Thanks god.

" also made one for him right?" --> tension down

For him? Him? Who?

"What do you mean?"

"I heard from Miichan you made one for Takeru Sato, your partner in your last drama..."

Miichan, I need to slap you right now..

"No Minami! I only made one, and it's only for you!" Blush.........

"Eh? Really?? ---> tension up

"You look so happy Minami...." I try to tease her... She rubs her neck.

"Yea, I thought you would give him as well... But I am happy you only give it to me...." oh god! Guess I can't keep it from her... My true feeling....

She eats my chocolate and its so tasty!

"It's good! So sweet... I love it...." she keeps eating it, and after she finished, there are some of it on his lips......

"Ah...." I point to her lips.



"Eh???" she tries to clean it but there's still some on her lips... I move closer and I kiss her. Looks like she is surprised, but she lets me to do that....

"Let me clean it for you, Minami...." Then I kiss her again, lick the rest of chocolate on her lips.... Her lips are so sweet... I can taste my chocolate through it, and it makes me feel wanting to eat her lips coz its so tasty.... Then I end up my kiss... Attach my forehead to hers... And I put my hands around her neck.

"Nee Minami.... I want to tell you this long before.... I love you..... I love you more than a friend, Minami....." I close my eyes, waiting her answer.... I have prepared myself if I got rejected by her, at least I have told her what I felt toward her this whole time.

"Atsuko...." I can hear her simple word, calling my name.. I still closing my eyes then Minami kisses it....

After that I slowly open my eyes...


"I love you too, and more than a friend....."

A smile appears on my face and I hug her.

"I love you so much Minami..... I love you...." she strokes my hair as she says "I love you too Atsuko... You are so important to me..."

And then we are kissing each other on lips, deeper, deeper, and deeper..... I feel my body is hot as she gives her warmness to me... She pushes me down slowly, keep kissing me on my lips... Then it moves to my forehead, and my lips again....
Minami's lips are pretty soft, I love it.... And then her hands traveling inside of the cloth, right on my stomach... Then it moves upper.........upper.......

I suddenly break the kiss...


"Why Atsuko? I'd really want to do that........... It can help you feel warmer though......."

"But Minami....I....."

"Don't say anything, Atsuko...."

She kisses me again, she seals my lips with hers and I can't say anything... I could feel Minami's fingers inside my cloth... They are so small, soft, and every touching is very addicted....... I want her right now.... I pull Minami closer to me, then she starts kissing me wildly......roughly. My hand is on her T-shirt and willing to unbutton it...... While she is kissing me and her hand is inside, I have done unbutton her T-shirt until 4th button............. Then I move my hand inside as well and try to feel her body...... Her skin is really soft.......... And after kissing for so long, we then end the kiss....

"You know Atsuko, I am very happy right now....."

"So am I, Minami..... I never feel this happy before... Thank you...." I smile at her....

And then Minami gives her short kiss on my lips................


:panic: :panic:

Sorry I can't continue writing after that "inside cloth" moment  :badluck: :badluck: I am still a kid  :wigglypanda:

Since everybody likes Takacchan/Atsumina, I will make so many fics about them...  :luvluv1:

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Offline blughise

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Re: Moe's One~Shot Collections (The Unforgettable Valentine) Update Aug 11th
« Reply #25 on: August 10, 2011, 09:24:33 PM »
so nice and sweet!!! :heart:  :wub: :heart:
You can't still write sweet Atsumina moments without adding the Sex part XD
Im looking forward to your next Atsumina fic XD

Offline sorakamiya

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Re: Moe's One~Shot Collections (The Unforgettable Valentine) Update Aug 11th
« Reply #26 on: August 11, 2011, 01:18:53 AM »
 :shocked :shocked :shockedwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

this goooooooooooood i like iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

please write atsumina more  :yep: :yep: :yep: for "that" scene maybe u have to PM it if u make it  :grin: :grin:

*morning time with your fanfict will be the greatest breakfast that i ever had  :grin: :grin:

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Re: Moe's One~Shot Collections (The Unforgettable Valentine) Update Aug 11th
« Reply #27 on: August 11, 2011, 04:26:29 AM »
you`re a bad person.. your cut the story in the best moment... jajaj joke!! don`t worry I have enought imagination to continue in m mind the story... I like atsumina fics :D thanx a lot!!


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Re: Moe's One~Shot Collections (The Unforgettable Valentine) Update Aug 11th
« Reply #28 on: August 11, 2011, 05:26:31 AM »
hahaha.. nice2... I almost die because of the AtsuMina moment... you really are killing me... :twothumbs :twothumbs

more AtsuMina.. :bow: :bow:

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Re: Moe's One~Shot Collections (The Unforgettable Valentine) Update Aug 11th
« Reply #29 on: August 11, 2011, 09:31:27 AM »
Chocolate kiss!!!! ^^

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Re: Moe's One~Shot Collections (The Unforgettable Valentine) Update Aug 11th
« Reply #30 on: August 11, 2011, 11:15:50 AM »
love it...!  :D
yes is kinda weird writting those scenes..!  :doh: i totally get the feeling..! XD
i love your fanfic :heart:
please update soon..!  :twothumbs

Offline moekare

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Re: Moe's One~Shot Collections (To Tell You The Truth) Update Aug 12th
« Reply #31 on: August 12, 2011, 08:25:11 AM »
Thanks minna  :bow: :bow:

Bleh... I don't think my other fic is good, maybe I won't continue it   :on hobo:
anyway here is my new fict  :thumbup :peace:

As requested, I will write more about AtsuMina  :grin: :on asmo:
Hope you enjoy it!  :thumbup
Forgive my bad english  :mon nap:


To Tell You The Truth

Today we are recording AKBINGO! for next week and this is my first time joining ‘Muchaburi Dodge Ball’ this year… I like this game… I feel we are closer to members in each part of it. I am in red team along with Yuko, Kojiharu, Miichan, Saechan, and Yukirin. And in team white are Mariko, Mayuyu, Tomochin, Shiichan, Sayaka, and….you. Honestly I don’t want to be in red team, I want to be in the same team, together with you… But it has been arranged, and I couldn’t do anything to change it…

“Before we start our game, let us introduce our new member, Maeda Atsuko!!” Everyone laughs.

“Sata-san… What do you mean by our new member?” I ask him…

“This is your first time in this game this year, right?”

“Yes that’s right…”

“So that you are new member here….” Kiyoto-san continued.

“Chotto matte! Chotto matte! I have become AKB member for almost 6 years….”

“Is it?” A quick response from Kiyoto…

“Hidoi!!” I shout at him as Yuko cheers me up…

Then the game is started. Sasuga, Yuko can have the first ball, now the ball is on me… Ah the first punishment is “Detemono Ryoori” and I have to avoid the ball coz I hate this punishment, and everybody does.

I don’t know to whom I will throw the ball… I put my glance on you, seems you don’t want too… Okay, I won’t throw the ball to you, then  I decide to throw it to Mariko, then Mariko can catch the ball nicely… She throws the ball to the Sae, and she can catch it. Then she passes it to Yuko, and quickly she throws the ball to you… The ball is in full speed and you can’t avoid it…

“Takahashi Minami, out!!” Shout Sata-san…

“No….no….” she looks down, pretend having a sad face…

“I think you like this punishment, you always be hit by the ball while the punishment is detemono…” said Kiyoto…

“Yea~ Takamina likes it!” Yuko shouts at her as she laughs and proud that she could hit Takamina…

Then Sata-san gives a plate in front of Minami….. and quickly open it.


“Kyaaaa~” I hear everybody screams. I widen my eyes… It is a bug and looks so gross!! Is it a food? Can it be said as a food?? Sata-san and Kiyoto-san just laughs when they hear our screaming.

I look at Minami, I think she can’t eat these things…

“This is not even a food!” I try to give a statement.

“Pardon, Maeda?” said Sata-san.

“How come you call this a food?” I said as I rub my arms… Feeling disgusting.

“This is detemono, right?”

“Acchan feels pity for her beloved Takamina…” Yuko adds. Then I push Yuko slowly…

“Ah… naruhodo nee…” said Kiyoto…. (naruhodo nee : So that how it is)

“Chigau, chigau…” I am shaking my head………..

Well that is not my real feeling…. It’s right I pity Minami, but I don’t want to be exposed here…. And beloved Takamina? Un…. My beloved Minami….

“Okay…okay! I will eat this food… Itadakimasu!” Then Minami eats that bug and


“How Takahashi?” asked Sata-san…

“I want to puke….” everybody laughs again….

Are you okay Minami? I look at her and I bite my lower lips… I can’t do anything for her…. I wish I could replace my place for her sake, I don’t mind. As long as Minami is not suffering because of that food…..

The game has finished and our time is the winner… Now it’s time to break. I see Minami sits on the long bench (the usual place to watch the game). I walk to her as I sit beside of her.

“Hey, Minami….”

“Hey, Atsuko….”
“How are you feeling?”

“What do you mean? I’m fine…”

“No, err… I mean after eating that bugs… Are you okay?”

“Oh… nah. I am okay. It was tasty…”

“Eh? Tasty?”

“It’s stomach was so sweet…”

I just tilt my head to the right… Is it true Minami likes eating that? Before I can give my reply, she has stood up and walked to Miichan…. She seems telling a joke to her but Miichan doesn’t laugh…

“Nee Takamina, what are you talking about? I don’t understand….” that was Miichan said. As usual Minami shows her fail face… Hehe…. She’s so pretty funny. Without ever realizing it, I always smile and chuckles every time it relates to Minami, her fail joke, her face’s expression, everything about her. Hmpfh… I hold my laugh as I see her and Miichan have a small wrestling. There’s also Yuko is shouting at them,

”Go Takamina! Go Miichan!!” she shouts.

“It’s so rare you are alone, Acchan….”someone sits beside me and watches the fight between Minami and Miichan together with me….

I just can smile to her statement…

“What happened with you and Takamina?”

I am shaking my head…

“I don’t know Tomochin… She has acted like that when my first time appearing on AKB’s show….”

Yep right…. When I appeared on AKB’s show, naruhodo~ Minami was so rare talking to me…..She joined Miichan and Kojiharu’s talk and she answered what I just asked her… It felt little bit lonely…. Though she always asks me about my meal, have I had my breakfast or lunch yet? Should she buy me something to eat and so on…. She really cared to me back then…

Tomochin puts her hand on my shoulder…

“Don’t worry, I know Takamina is not someone who likes to ignore other…. She’s kind and very great captain….I respect her….” I smile to Tomochin.
The 2nd recording will be started in some minutes for next 2 weeks. I will be in red team, together with Minami…

Detail :

Red Team : Maeda Atsuko, Takahashi Minami, Itano Tomomi, Watanabe Mayu, Nakagawa Haruka, and Kojima Haruna.

White Team : Oshima Yuko, Matsubara Natsumi, Shinoda Mariko, Komori Mika, Miyazawa Sae, and Kashiwagi Yuki.

“The first punishment is…………..Hazukashi Meiku….” shouts Sata.

Argh!! I don’t like this punishment…. We let Kiyoto draws something on our face? Meh….. No!

Yuko has the first ball, yeah always…. I know she wants to throw the ball to Kojiharu, but Kojiharu can dodge properly, then the balls in Minami’s hand and throw the ball to the Yukirin, and DAK! She has been hit.

“Kashiwagi, auto!!!” shouts Sata…

Yukirin sits on the chair and Kiyoto is ready to make up her…

“Please make me as beautiful bride, Kiyoto-san….” ask Yukirin.

“Even you beg me, I won’t…” then Yukirin shows her over reaction…

“Please welcome, our beautiful bride! Dozo!” then Yukirin turns back as everybody starts to laugh! They laugh so hard! (Please imagine when Mariko was made up as Q-chan)

Then we continue to play…. And red team has only me and Minami, where white team has Yuko, Sae, and Mariko.

The punishment is………..Inaba Gohan.

Hoeekk…. I hate it very much! How come he mixed rice with banana??? He’s totally crazy…. His oshimen is not here right now..

“Start!” the ball is on me, I throw it to Sae and she catches it nicely… Then she throws it on me, it’s slow so I can dodge. Now the ball is on Komorin (She has out so she stood in back).. Yabai! She’s in front of me right now and she starts moving her hand I guess I can’t dodge it…. (Slow motion) The ball has been thrown, come closer, closer, and DAK!!

“Takahashi, auto!!!”


“How stupid you, you are far away from Komori but you run to in front of Maeda…” Sata shouts at Minami.

“She wants to protect Acchan….” Yuko adds…

“No! No! I just want to catch the ball, but I failed….”

“Baaka!” Sata shouts as he laughs.

“Guess we have sweet couple here….” Kiyoto adds and everybody laughs.

I look at Minami… She’s sitting there and waiting for AD Inaba-san to give her the food. Why Minami? Why did you sacrifice yourself? I don’t mind if I was hit and took this punishment… As long as you don’t need to eat any of disgusting food anymore…

Inaba opens the food, and there are rice and jam….

“Eee?????” Minami shows her usual expression…

“Euh…” That’s on my mind.

“We mix the jam with rice and it will be sweeter and little bit salty…” said Inaba.

“Is it delicious?” ask Minami.

“Very delicious…”

Everybody waves their hands and it signs of “not agree”

Then Inaba mixes the jam with rice in the bowl… Everybody stares at those and feel disgust… I hope Minami will be okay…. I have to thank her after this….

Minami eats the food and can’t continue…. It’s suck!

“Uaaa…. nani kore~” she pouts.

“What’s wrong Takahashi?” ask Sata…

“How come rice is mixed up with jam?! It’s not delicious!”

“That’s Inaba-gohan….” add Inaba…..

>> Dressing room<<

Today’s recording has finished… I see Minami holds her stomach and sit not far from where I stand. I walk closer.

“Are you okay, Minami?” I sit beside her. She just nods…

“I don’t think so… You are sweat. Something wrong with your stomach?” I touch her stomach. Then she moves my hand as she says, “I am okay….”

“What are you going to do after this?”


“Okay, let’s go home….” I hold her hands.

“No… I’m fine!” she moves my hand again.

Minami…. I just stare at her… She looks so suffering and hurts… Wish I can do something for her…. But she rejected me just now…

“Hey, what’s wrong with you two?” Yuko then appears with Kojiharu.

“Looks like Minami isn’t feeling well….” I answer.

“No, I am fine.” Yuko and Kojiharu look to their leader.

“I think Acchan is right. You are sweaty.” add Yuko.

“Yea Yuko is right.…. Are you sick Takamina?” ask Kojiharu.

“No guys… I am fine, don’t worry.” she says and still puts her hands on her stomach.

“Are you sure?” ask Yuko to make sure Minami is fine. She nods.

“Well I have to hurry, since me and Nyan nyan will have photoshoot…. Hmm…. everybody has back also, it’s only two of you… Well Acchan, please take care of Takamina….”

“I will….” I smile to her as she holds Nyan Nyan hands and leaves from there.

It’s only the two of us here….

“Just go home already….” she says.

“And how about you?”

“I am going to stay….”

“Why? I know Minami you are not feeling well today…”

“I said I am fine, Atsuko! Just go home….”

“I won’t…. Yuko asked me to take care of you… and I said yes.”

“Don’t trouble yourself because of Yuko…”

“No! Do you think I will ignore you right now? You are my best friend Minami, and I won’t leave you…..”

“Don’t you have anything to do after this?”

“No, I am free…. Okay, let’s go home.” I stand up as I grab her hand and she pulls her hand.

“Please, just go home….”

“Why Minami? Why?”

Long pause between me and her.

“Why do you change Minami? It’s not Minami that I know…..” I said and my eyes are teary. She looks up and gets me crying there…


“You were cold to me, not only today…. I don’t know if I have made you felt angry… But please, could you just tell me if something happened? I don’t want to sacrifice our bond….” I cover my face with my hands and I start sobbing…. Tears start falling…

Minami stands up and wipes my tears….

“I love you Minami…” I cover my mouth as I still sob.

“I love Minami not as a friend….”

“Atsuko….” she sounds surprised.

“Minami….I hope we can still be good friend after this……But….I know it’s impossible, you will probably hate me…..”

I have ruined our relationship… But I didn’t regret it… Nothing I can regret.

Minami kisses my forehead and turn me to look at me.



“How could I hate you, Atsuko….”

“So Minami, you won’t hate me after what I told you?” She is shaking her head.

“No. Why I should hate the girl I love?” she smiles.

The girl I love? She means she loves me too??

“Minami, do you mean…..” she nods.

“I am sorry Atsuko… I was being cold to you…. I just wanted to avoid you…”

“Why Minami? I thought you hate me…..” Minami wipes my tears. And I can feel it stop falling.

“I had realized my feeling for you it’s special….Not a feeling for best friend, but….more. Then I didn’t want to ruin our friendship because of this feeling I have… So I decided to avoid you, and not talk too often coz I don’t want my feeling develops….”

Minami baka!!

Then I hug her… Hug her tighter………..

“Please, do not ever do this again! Don’t avoid me Minami….It’s hurt and….I am so lonely without you....”

Minami hugs me back.

“I’m sorry Atsuko… I also feel hurt when I don’t talk to you as usual. Though I really want o talk to you…” after long hugging, I release it…..

“I am happy when I know you love me too, Minami….”

“Me too…. I think you don’t feel the same, coz you are getting along with everyone very well and I……hold myself.”

“But you are so important to me….” I kiss Minami on lips.

“Please from now, don’t leave me again…The only one I need is Minami….” she smiles as she pulls my head slowly to her and our lips are pressed to each other.

“I won’t Atsuko.” she kisses me again, pushes me so hard until my back touches the rough wall….She keeps pushing me but her kiss is soft and slow…. I put my hand around her neck and feels the kissing…. Her hand moves to my back and unzip my dress.
(Note : Acchan is wearing white dress).

“Wa---wait Minami….” I say as I end the kiss.

“What is it?” she answers me with soft tone.

“We---we can’t do it here….”

“Hmm….alright then. Though I really want to feel your soft skin, Atsuko…. Seems like I have to hold myself.” she pulls her hand….

I raise her chin and make her see me. I give my short kiss on her lips and smile to her.

“Minami, I want you right now… I also want to feel your body as well…. But we can’t do it here….” I say as I touch her lips....

“When Atsuko? I can’t hold it anymore….”

“Soon…” I smile and I kiss her again…

Then she puts her hand around my waist as the kiss is going deeper. I suck her upper lip and under one. Seems she enjoys it too…. I repeat it again and again as our kiss turns so passionately…. Her tongue is exploring inside my mouth and accidentally I bite it.

“Itai!” she covers her mouth.

“Aah!! So--- I’m sorry Minami!” I sound so panick and I hold her shoulder as she still covers her mouth.

“No….I am okay.”

“Are you sure? Sorry….”

“It’s alright Atsuko….” she smiles. “Hehe… I am happy you bite it.”

“Eh? You are happy?”

“Yes. I can feel the taste of your kissing! Haha… I won’t forget it.”


We stare to each other…

“Shall we continue?” I blush and I nod…

“But don’t bite it again, okay?”

“Mou~Minami!” she chuckles and she moves closer to me and kisses me again….

“Kissing you feels so addictive …” said her. I smile and pull her again to kiss me…..

Our kiss then turns to hot one like before… I could feel her warm hug and soft lips press my lips. Not long after she begins to enter her tongue again, and explore inside my mouth…I can hold my self for not biting it again… I follow the way it moves and feel the taste of it…… I enjoy it and like it very much…. Then I do the same as her, my tongue is inside of her mouth and exploring it, and then as our tongues meet inside we are twisting it.  I feel this sensation and it feels so good… She then sucks my lips try to feel the taste of it…. Then she kisses my chin, moves down until she reaches my neck… She licks it and then leaves a mark there, she continues traveling her lips again and kisses my right shoulder. She looks up and smiles as she sees my faces then kisses my lips again….. I feel hot, it’s not because the atmosphere around us, but the way she kisses me feels my body in hot temperature.

She puts her hand around my neck and pulls me to kiss her….. I feel want to eat her right now, her lips are so tasty, I can’t stop myself for not sucking it…. But then I end up biting her again…. I bite her lips.


“Ah!!! I am sorry Minami…….”

“Can you stop doing that, Atsuko?”

“I am sorry Minami, I can’t hold myself…. Really sorry….”

“But thanks you have bitten me….”


“Because……I…..I actually want to….undress you.”


“Hehe… but yeah… since you have bitten me, I think the mood won’t come again….”

“What is that Minami? You are such a pervert….” I giggle.

Then I leave a short kiss on her lips.

 :mon bleed2: :mon blood:
How is it?  :grin: :grin:
Sorry guys, I give up with "that" scene  :mon surr:
As usual leave comment  :mon roll:
« Last Edit: August 12, 2011, 08:49:35 AM by moekare »

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Offline khryz0421

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Re: Moe's One~Shot Collections (To Tell You The Truth) Update Aug 12th
« Reply #32 on: August 12, 2011, 09:32:17 AM »
ahyahhahaXD acchan always bites minami! ahahaXD

 nice fic!  :luvluv1:  last part made me  :mon blood: :mon blood: :mon blood: :mon blood:

 i want more of "that"!  :mon crazyinlove: :mon crazyinlove: :mon crazyinlove:

 you're good!

Offline sorakamiya

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Re: Moe's One~Shot Collections (To Tell You The Truth) Update Aug 12th
« Reply #33 on: August 12, 2011, 11:27:21 AM »
wuooooooooooo :w00t: :w00t: another great story  :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup

i waaaaant next shooot.... atsuminaaaa~  :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

Offline immortal_K

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Re: Moe's One~Shot Collections (To Tell You The Truth) Update Aug 12th
« Reply #34 on: August 12, 2011, 12:08:07 PM »
YAY I finally caught up to all your updates! Been so busy I never found time to read until now  :twothumbs

Please write more  :luvluv1:

Offline kahem

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Re: Moe's One~Shot Collections (To Tell You The Truth) Update Aug 12th
« Reply #35 on: August 12, 2011, 12:39:55 PM »
I'm so blushing xD and Takamina is the pervert one nice ;)

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Re: Moe's One~Shot Collections (To Tell You The Truth) Update Aug 12th
« Reply #36 on: August 12, 2011, 02:06:25 PM »



Looking forward to your next atsumina fic XD

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Re: Moe's One~Shot Collections (To Tell You The Truth) Update Aug 12th
« Reply #37 on: August 12, 2011, 02:49:09 PM »
AtsuMina is really a cute couple!  :mon determined:
Rice mixed with jam?! It so so not delicious! :mon barf:
And Takamina is such a pervert here!  :mon lmao:

LOL :grin: :grin: :grin:
One-shots: SKE48 fic - Silent Understanding (Matsui Rena/Furukawa Airi) [2015.05.15]
Twitter: SKE48 fic - Silent Understanding (Matsui Rena/Furukawa Airi) [2015.05.15]
SKE48 fic - Silent Understanding (Matsui Rena/Furukawa Airi) [2015.05.15]

Offline kazuski

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Re: Moe's One~Shot Collections (To Tell You The Truth) Update Aug 12th
« Reply #38 on: August 12, 2011, 04:09:11 PM »
why?  :( you mean the tomochin x acchan one?  :O
but i like it  :cry:, i'm waiting for the next chap, i want my atsumina in that fic  :banghead:

anyway, about this one  8)
i can't really say anything bc I'M BLEEDING TO DEATH!  :on bleed:

Offline Haruko

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Re: Moe's One~Shot Collections (To Tell You The Truth) Update Aug 12th
« Reply #39 on: August 13, 2011, 06:51:11 AM »
the hot scenes gorgeous :D,, do more but kojiyuu please

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